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Enhanced user experience column - Phenomena Prosaic

The Kronickles of Ketchup Boy. 
At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. "
Geology approach: I want to know an accepted answer; I want to know the truth, popular, or correct?
"If correct, one would be enough." Albert Einstein in response to the article One hundred Scientist Against Einstein. If you have an institutionalized brain this site will do you no good as this is reasoning for the best explanation. 

Hillbilly Universe - The advocate for the Howell, TN Impact Structure (About me is under the Home pull down menu)

States and World Crater Maps (under the Background pull down menu.)

Science and Disaster Theory/Crater Comics & Gallery of Ancient Modern Rock Art

Crash4orms - Phenomena Encyclopedia of impact forensic physics (this pull down menu is quite large and explains impactite physics.)


Enhanced user experience column - Phenomena Poetry

Disclaimer: Hillbilly Universe is not related to Bill Lee governor of Tennessee. We is Hill Bill Lee, don't you see? 

The crater spreading fan shape almost an oval stretches from Pulaski to Petersburg, Howell is just an exposed breccia pipe. Crater naming convention is to choose a town near center and that would be Frankewing, TN located on the Interstate 65 exit 64 HW going to Pulaski or Fayetteville. Surface craters are a nominal effect and blast fragments are found several crater diameters as well as blast disturbance under the crater for 15 miles deep.

Scientific name

  Collide clyde  trade mark

Colide Clyde Page 1.png
Poems and geat stories, or just your story about the insecurity of night. 
Or whatever the fright, sleep light? 
Yes, I am he who dawn patrols. I arrive before the new day, anyway. 
Have a world nocturnal, dawn breaks eternal. Say what you will, or don't say. 
My dawn will break anyway. 
In company with God, expect a heart felt blessing. 
So I am listening to my dad drone on while texting and suddenly realize it is quite. Droning stopped. I look up and notice  my dad slumped in his chair, I stair. Asleep? Eyes open. I speak no response, only fair as I was not listening either. Shake no wake. 
Close eyes is not alive, did not thrive, today it seems. 
Life's gleam dream replay. 
Alexia I ask replay the last ten minutes you were recording for subversive purpose. No wonder I was somewhere else that prattle on in the cosmic zone is still just a drone. 
Is now a fire here or at least a local fire unit response in rural Tennessee. Local first response gets all there where is nobody there, mon frair. 
Alas he wakes, retrograde metabolism just linger between here and there, somewhere. Guess is like texting for the very old. 
So I get some video cameras to watch the old geezer on my iphone to see if he is ok. This is what I saw. As long as he is creatively engaged he does just fine. For New Year's day  he made this. 
Collide Clyde holder of the World Land Speed record, 52 miles per second. 
Proprietary research, trademark and logo 
TN meteor craters.jpg

Geostrata across TN flows young to old from left to right. 

TennGeoMap - Large.jpg

This one is news

Given how unexpected it was

what is the buzz? 

Rain all night and at light

a curious blue or grey

says a new day. 

Well, for so it is. 

Time between 

The flight

of daylight


It is butt rub spice cooked bacon, curry pepper potato soup shrimp, over dirty rice with celery.
Then he topped all that off with hot bread pudding with raisins, walnuts, pecans, chocolate with a dollop of ice cream. 

As you can see only Middle, TN records the earth impacts. West is a sediment plain and East is Mountains. However there is one in West and two in East. 

Silurian Blasted Strata - Notice the crater form Silurian strata extending around Lewis County. Lets give it a name. How about ... the Lewis County Crater? Kinda catchy don't you think? The center of that Silurian Arc above Nashville would be NW Cannon County, however the Brassfield strata is distributed all the way up to north KY. It was made by the Middle, TN Impact. The Lawrence County impact arc is from the Frankewing, TN Impact. Surface iron is found all over parts of Middle, TN.  As a geology professor told me is no mafic (volcanic) rock in middle, TN. So where does all that iron come from? 
TennSilurianDevonia - Large.jpg
The though beam experiment - Beyond the video surveillance; I am conducting the thought beam intrusion. This capture of all waves allows me to make a picture of thoughts going on in my dad's head. 
This is what he is thinking. Information is a dimension. It underlies the multi universe postulation. Amazon and the internet are black holes. God is the source emitter of information. People can move toward or away, is a choice. A preference for light or dark. Is binary. Also has event horizon like a Rothko painting. 
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Travel in the dimension of thought. It is space. It has an internal dimension of purpose. To find attraction. 
I forgot and left the device on while my dad was dreaming and he is attached to God's data streaming but does not get good reception here, only one half bar. Pity. 

Library Justice League   L. J. L. 

Product enforcement by the Library Justice League
Superheros wanted 
the  Library Justice League a.k.a. The League of Library Justice
seeks qualified enforcers of overdue book fines. This exciting occupation could be you. Do you see yourself as a superhero?  Come join in. 
(The Library  Justice League is an equal stopertunity employer)  
Free map they used to give away at TN Welcome Centers. Do your own mapping. The geostrata map makers could not get the big picture and mapped the Howell Imapact as a mile around Howell. 

Let me give you some background on "official craters." Official craters are a political process not a scientific one. Tennessee's two official craters were certified by what I call the "out of town big shots," Roddy and Shoemaker. They certified small craters i.e. easier. You can read the history of the Howell Impact Structure at:

There are no serious crater finders/scientist connected with the political process. My crater phenomena page is the most advanced on the web with 75,000 plus hits. The second-best site on the web is the German Ries crater group, also a Shoemaker certified crater.

You can see the pathetic Canadian official certifying group at:

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Meteor over Beijing, China Jan. 30, 2020. Notice the four shock waves. A traveling explosion, just like the Frankewing, TN impact. 

The conversation in thought. Creative thought is allowed inside the thinking zone. 

Share of it or don't is a planet of plenty to roam.

Hegel a new experience infinite. 

Yes or no? 

Give or get? Good or evil? Can you tell? 

Why create you? 

Universe shape.png
System Approach. Study the evidence and let that lead you. Have the courage to contemplate new ideas. Grow with the new ideas. Don't rely on popularity. 
The crater is a hit from the north east into what was a sea with shores on the east and west (Highland Rim). The yellow area is an imprint of meteor marbled limestone. Surrounding the yellow is a deeply gouged laterally blasted limestone (Blast Crevasse). The center circle is sandstone and sand mixed limestone (a flow back into the crater). The red line is a blasted and meteor marbled stone with ragged tops a foot high. The three brown concentric arcs are faults it made stopping. Howell and Petersburg, TN have high shock effect relics, as does the whole crater floor. The shock intensity increases towards Petersburg. Howell has part of the breccia pipe that runs under craters exposed and high shock shatter coning. I have traced the iron chert breccia pipe almost to the second fault line. About a 25 mile diameter crater, but surface crater ridges are deceiving. The impact blast is very directional in this low hitting impact.  It is the only very large metal bolide to hit earth at this steep angle and into a sea. Middle, TN is a crater debris field from various impacts and you can follow two thin iron deposits in the lower middle TN strata corresponding to the larger basin forming impact and the subsequent Frankewing, TN Impact. 
Middle TN is a large meteor bolide debris field. It is actually pock marked like the moon. Since the earth is the only known self healing planet you can see these impacts like a doctor or forensic scientist on geology maps like a doctor would look at an x ray. The map below is the suspect many impacts of Middle TN.  The reason I label 11 as one hit is it was a split apart binary impact Flynn Creek and Dycus. 13 may be tectonic. The western and northern Highland Rim has been mined for centuries; you can see why. 
Overall Middle, TN itself illustrates why the Frankewing, TN Impact is unique on the planet. 
* It is a rare highly oblique impact coming in from east thereby adjusting the earth's rotation making a day longer. 
* It is large and relatively recent
* It has a high metal content
* It hit in a crater rim or basin
* The surface was water, mud & sand then rock
* It is a tilted bowl with the breccia lens breaking surface at Howell
* It made a radioactive carrier wave of material affecting all of Middle, TN (that is why you have radon now)

Think beyond mechanics. Cause and purpose is evident. What are the odds you live on the only self healing planet, that supports life and is incidentally peppered with minerals top down where they can be extracted easy?  

Wanted - Overdue books, rewarding career collecting, be a book bounty hunter. 


The universe and meteor shape. The joke in physics is "assume a sphere."  Of course they know  that is unlikely, or do they? 

What exist outside the universe? Does time exist as you perceive it does? Is God bound to any constraint universe and how and with what purpose could it be explained to created constrained creatures. At Christmas do you thank the gift giver or take apart the toy to see how it works? 

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Very powerful bisected shock cone wave signature in less compressible strata below crater. There is a line of iron stretching in this line through Arkansas and into Texas. Did this impactor skip off to be one of the planets? Inquiring minds want to know. 
Research economics - The amount of Geo-astro physics to investigate in Middle, TN is the most cost effective of options. Yet it has largely been ignored since the 1960's. 

One day at 4 and 14. Driving around and investigating the geology of Middle, TN is just my kind of field trip. While I continue to consider the Frankewing, TN impact structure the most interesting on the planet, I drove over to look at the 4 and 14 areas. 4 is highly invested with iron in chert breccia and in my view an impact structure. 14 does not show any indications of impact. The fault is likely an edge fault of the big central basin buster crater.  2 is a crater or a phase of the passing of 1 in a "living" planet that recycles it's crust. 2, 12, and 15 and even 14 as a group and one crater. As strange as it may seem, faults are not used much as crater marks for identification. Little wonder so few are identified with such a limited tool set, again like doctors before x-rays and MRI's. Good field work by some MTSU grad students has identified the larger basin faults shown as 1. As you can see with the exception of the easy craters i.e. Well's creek and the somewhat harder Flynn creek, craters are fading. The German Crater Scientist contend that earth craters only last 10 to 30 million years. This is just an excuse for failure. In the case of Middle, TN formed by a crater that could be longer since the landform would be resurfaced to a hard lower strata.  


Where is Tennessee? Well Tennessee is on a latitude like North Africa. 

Middle, TN with the classic big crater central uplift form rebounding impact.


By the lake
In Tennessee
Most winters alone
here at home
No more to roam
Life's tome. 
Heaven is home.


Frost, it looks like snow


well, what do you know? 

Like the Magi Wise Men Kings, Sir Issac Newton calculated when Christ was coming .... again. 2060 ish. 

Then he invented calculus and physics which you can use to estimate impact strength of large object hitting earth. 

Notice how the central uplift crater and this map show the same center. 
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The large basin plain appears to be a very large impact. The center crater looks like a central uplift crater but is the Murfreesboro, TN Crater. 
High heat surface explosion runs from east to west. An iron/quartz flow runs past Lawrenceburg. Impact point is NE quad of crater, very strange crater. 
Squaring and tearing - An oval from NE to SW looks more like a rectangle today. Richland creek and the Elk river have maintained an inner crater floor oval since it was the lowest path. They join and break through the wall below Elkton, TN.   

Cores showing the Frankewing, TN Impact 120 miles away at Celina, TN! The dark Chattanooga Shale has the iron in it form the impacting bolide in the form of black iron oxide. Fe3O4

Basin Buster >>>>

State of TN geology publications shown to the left. The wiping event "Unconformity" left a layer of bentonite. In the pre impact world of geology this was explained as a North Carolina volcanic eruption, however you can clearly see in the geology map of the Carters formation a crater signature. Volcano's are not wiping events; they are depositing events. So what does the ash contain? Leverrierite, soda orthoclase, quartz, apatite, zircon, and mica. The exotic minerals are also found in the Barringer crater in Arizona.  Below is a picture of this ash as found inside the Frankewing, TN crater, a later  crater. 

The ash layer at Lake Logan, TN. This was locally a burn bigger than the ash layer near Chicxulub. 
The gravity anomaly map and the oval crater. Notice the diagonal aligns perfectly with the arc faults and the crater as shown from space with the knowledge that the bolide dug in and exploded as a moving explosion making the crater walls a downshift. Only one of it's type. 

Earth moving 18 miles per second >>>>

<< Meteor bolide moving 34 miles per second

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This is the new USGS map of the moon. Very few craters make more than one ring. Here we have a three ring crater at an offset angle as it came in from the right. A rule of thumb is that the impacting object is one tenth the diameter of the crater. 

So the differential in crater effect is taken up in speed and density. The crater rings are an overtaking of the shock push in the transferring material like a sonic boom. I call this one the moon boom. It is very old. 

Lewis County Crater >>>>>>>

Crater variations. Just like the Howell/Frankewing, TN Crater is not a circle other variations can happen like these multiple side by side variants on Mars. 

Latitude: -10.0721

Longitude: 100.266

Orbit Number: 26781

Captured: 2007-12-28 02:17

Posted to Web: Mon, 2008-04-28

Instrument: VIS

Image Width: 1024 pixels (18 km)

Image Height: 3648 pixels (64 km)

Vertical Resolution: 0.017587 km/pixel

Horizontal Resolution: 0.017715 km/pixel


Saturday Aug. 13, 2022 the connected Stevenson, Hazel Green earthquakes - The ring around the Howell Impact Structure has a deeply penetrated shock wave faulting. An impact tectonic deeply situated from so powerful an impact. It is also relatively recent by geologcal standards. You can also see the underground crater shock in the other surrounding locals but the connected event line of Hazelgreen and Stevenson is significant as it means this has a common cause. 

The under crater is a bowl with the edge rubble sides most prone to shift. The deepest part of this rubble would be about 15 or so miles under crater touch down point at Petersburg, TN.  As the earth has about a million craters these under craters connect. 

List of Earthquake Incidents for Pulaski, TN

Total Number of Earthquakes in Pulaski, TN within 30 miles. All distances and depths in the table are measured in miles.



























The outer fault arc. These quakes are occurring in or near the earth crust break from the impact. 
Richland creek is following the inside of the surface crater wall. 
The under crater is a very large bowl going down perhaps 15 miles or more below its center.  This was a powerful impact. 


Recommended Reading. 


Plate Tectonic Theory Today. 
What would you expect when you put a meteorologist in charge, a theory that resembles weather currents. Put a dentist in charge and get a new bridge theory, or cavities by erosion, oh, wait we already have those.
What is wrong with theroy: 
Circulating sub crust convection currents i.e. a weather system. Things the weather system model fails to explain: 1. Why the super continent in the first place. 2. Why the breaks where they occur. 3. Why the movement in the directions they occur. 4. Why this process is not represented on other planets. 5. What is the effect of other known forces like gravity, centrifugal force, and large earth impacts. 6. Why are there so many inter continent faults and earthquake zones. 7. The presence of surface minerals with no known surface breaks. 8. The half century long rejection of this model including Einstein BTW. 9. Shifts in Earth tilt and magnetic poles. 10. Plate collision cannot produce arcs which so many are. All such mechanical processes to produce arcs require a shoe ram. 11. The energy of original core heat. 12. Accounting for the million plus impacts expected as Mars would predict. 13. Cyclic temperature cycles. 14. Preponderance of basins. 15. Planetary spin directions. 16. Dispersion of rare earth elements. 17. Preponderance of cone shape to mountains. Collisions of lateral plates will not make this majority effect. Only an up motion will. 18. High percentage of nano materials. It takes high energy to make nano materials not present in any conventional models associated with tectonic theory. 19. The effects of original accretion. Was the earth one mass or many. Where are those seams and depressions? 20. The lack of association with plates and satellite gravity maps (ESA). 21. The high amount of less dense strata observed under heavy strata, impossible for the tectonic model. 22. The lack of correlation with differential continent densities. 23. Twisting spiral peaks as observed in mountains in Germany. 24. Pillar basalt. The history of science would predict that this model is soon to be abandoned for a better thesis. Does anybody know the names of the scientist in the peer reviewed article "100 scientist against Einstein?" Rejecting a bad model sooner is much less embarrassing and is why everything is called a theory today. All defunct models were once popular.


The Basin Buster Impact which made the Highland Rims as crater walls. The Lewis/Perry county crater left side. The oblique Howell, TN Impact Structure, bottom left. 
The Howell, TN Impact Structure is an oval crater with two central uplifts, very rare. The Basin Buster Crater of Middle, TN is old and large with the Murfreesboro Crater almost in its center, also rare. The Jacksboro to Rockwood Crater is a soft bolide that broke apart on impact as opposed to the pure type 3 exploding impact. Douglast lake crater shown right is an exploding type 3. West TN has several craters but is a little more difficult to see them topographically. 

Sedimentary, and Erosion/Dissolution (The Dental Theory) + Plate Tectonics versus Impact Tectonics secondary sedimentary/erosion theory. West TN basin a large earth impact which also explains the New Madrid deep instability (Cambrian strata). Highland Rims, a large type 3 exploding impact which even records a central uplift in the lower strata. Short Mountain, the remnant of previous crater wall not removed by the Murfreesboro Impact. Appalachian folds, a large earth impact from a NC centered crater which also still has an earthquake center. Theory also explains the Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) of mineral erratics, as surface impact debris. Now if this were a courtroom it would be your turn to explain TN geology. On cross examination you will get questions like:

  1. Have you ever identified the exposed Earth core opening that produced MVT? Wouldn't a sea that toxic prohibited life, so why do you find fossils in it?

  2. Why would Short Mountain only be left standing from erosion, what made a mountain there in the first place?

  3. Why tectonic stress at New Madrid? What plate boundaries?

  4. What explanation do you have for "unconformities?"

  5. If Mars has over 600,000 craters of a mile diameter or more and Earth is twice as large, isn't it more likely Impact Tectonics is the true causal mechanism? June3, 2023. 

The Howell, TN Impact Structure is the most interesting type. 

The circle shown left is the Covington, TN Crater. A deeper explosion crater with no central uplift retarc. 

The Howell, TN Impact Structure is the only known "Fan Crater" with two uplifts. Uplifts are the rebounding of rubble. The rebounding of rubble is a Rubble mound (retarc) formed by the WhetstoneSulky explosion. When the material above the explosion is solid rock, then a mound may be formed by broken rock that has a greater volume. This type of mound has been called "retarc", "crater" spelled backwards. Picture 4 is the famous Rubble mound (retarc) formed by the Whetstone Sulky explosion by buried nuclear bomb testing. A Retarc is the "central uplift" phenomena some craters have and some don't it depends on how far the bolide penetrated before exploding.

The Howell, TN Impact Structure is big, recent (Mississippian) and likely a cosmic speed (30 + miles per second) impact by a dense high iron bolide. It is also radioactive. It is the most interesting known crater. In the case of the Howell Impact Structure this occurred twice. The first on the right side was from the initial explosion and the second was a reflected shock up angle. The crater excavated down into the Ordovician strata. The three fan shaped fault arcs are a record of this low angle impact but are not uncommon. Arc faults show up often in the earthquake record as you can see at the New Madrid Fault Complex (see picture 5). The difference is that the Howell Impact Structure is a recent surface explosion, and the earthquake arc faults are older and deeper. July 5, 2023. 

USGS TN Magnetic Howell Structure Triangle.png
The USGS magnetic anomaly map showing the triangle fan shape of the Howell, TN Impact Structure. The impact splatter is found outside the fan crater as well. The iron dispersion is over represented on magnetic maps. April 17, 2024. 
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