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4R: Geodes and Fast Formed Crystals - Fast formed crystals are really a subtype of resonate forms but defining crystals is a bit subjective. For example fractal dendrites are a two dimensional crystal unable to form a third dimension because it is being formed too fast. Septarian, hexagon, circles, spheres, triangles, cones, etc. all crystal types. Nevertheless am forced to make a new category to expand on the phenomena. The phenomena circle prevails however; is just no escaping that. You will find phenomena leading to or overlapping others. So let's get started with a good specimen example.  

Shock Fossil >>

Circle/Septarian Wave >>>>

Square Wave >

Step Wave >>>>

< Hexagon Wave

< Hexagon Wave

Hexagon Wave >

Chevron Wave >

Specimen collected in Middle, TN. USA by Michela Payne

Of special note is the Chevron Wave is a second generation or iteration form on the edge of the step wave. It is similar to a second iteration fractal. It appears the hexagon wave is also a connected iteration. In addition you have incomplete forms, not pure harmonics and harmonics in conflict. The fast formed crystal is the same as the recent fast formed at room temperature diamonds. 

In their current study recently published in Small, the team of researchers led by Professor Dougal G. McCulloch reported the formation of nanocrystalline diamond and lonsdaleite — a less common form of carbon with a hexagonal crystal structure — at room temperature using a pressure of 80 GPa. This is a substantial improvement seeing as most procedures require temperatures of roughly 1400 °C.

The “twist” comes from how the pressure was applied. Glassy carbon was used as the precursor material, and was compressed in diamond anvil cells at room temperature. “Glassy carbon is a non‐crystalline form of carbon, which, like graphite, is predominantly sp2 bonded, but unlike graphite, contains randomly stacked and oriented layers to form an opaque, isotropic material,” they said.

The fast formed diamonds are produced at 90GPa using random particles and shifting mechanism with is the same as harmonic resonance and impact pulverization to small random particles. 
Now lets consider harmonic branching. 
A second iteration fractal Amethyst own by Sara Turner White. It still has it's shock particle storm finish of iron mist. The iron mist was caused by the impact bolide vaporization as is the Amethyst violet indigo color. Amethyst is often a twinned crystal caused by the strong off harmonic with multi frequency resonance. It is one of the oldest gemstone types. 
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As I pointed out above a fractal is a crystal in two dimensions. Resonate structures like crystals can develop quickly and make a fractal iteration in the third dimension as shown above and below. 
A ballistic study showing the second iteration shatter cone fractal. 
Another cross illustrative form. It has multiple dendrite fractals on it's surface and iron impact splatter (Splatterform) and multi mineral expression but isolated. The isolation also occurs because of the forming harmonics. Strong pure harmonics are isolating by material resonance. 
This principle is a new area of medical research.  "A new review published in Advanced Science ("High Frequency Sonoprocessing: A New Field of Cavitation-Free Acoustic Materials Synthesis, Processing and Manipulation") reveals the bizarre effects of these sound waves on materials and cells, such as molecules that seem to spontaneously order themselves after being hit with the sonic equivalent of a semi-trailer."
A large meteor bolide hitting earth causes an explosion. That is what is taught. It causes multiple explosions, a shock cascade. Impact bolides are not uniform and neither is the surface they hit. I call this the shock chaotic chain reaction.
Shown above is an impact spheroid.
It has a particle "constellationing" surface.
The transition from the surface is banded by harmonic isolation and is solid crystal quartz.
Additionally it has fractal iron inclusions which is just the resonate energy expressing it's self in dissipation. Did I mention that phenomena will circle around to other phenomena?  This specimen is a cusp of geode and impact spheroid. The iron resonating to the exterior made possible a more smooth sphere. Geodes are typically a rough exterior surface. 
Same thing but this one made a gemstone crystal by harmonic isolation.

Attenuation voids like geodes do not allow resonance to concentrate around a center of mass. 


Hexagon Wave >

< Square Wave

Shock made geode, a fast formed multi wave structure. It has isolated the iron and has constellationing particle on that. The constellationing is making angular forms which is a shock crystal structure. 
Chevron, triangle wave resolving it's self as an energy dissipation like a fractal. For impact chaos this is a rather clear strong harmonic. The nano minerals are present which were formed by the great pulverization of impact. 
But it is easier to see in two dimensions the classic cone in cone triangle wave. A shatter cone crystal form. 
Same wave expressed in different material. 
Ice Ribbons and Selenite. Non harmonic fast forms

The Big Bang Expansion Crystal


Uncertain radial harmonic. Conflict in shock chaos and organizing wave forms. 


Another uncertain wave harmonic. While it has established banding separation it is unable to make crisp triangle wave cone in cone structure. A lack of energy. 

Macro forms as crystals. Never mind the sub structure, a macro form is a crystal. This picture was taken of a dry lake bed in California. It is a shock structure, it has shock changed linear and angular constellationing. But most important is the starburst design. Now lets look at Vesignieite. 

Striation confusion and the blast breakage

It also sometimes makes the starburst pattern. As with other crystal forms it is the shock harmonic that is the driving force of the structure. The material adapts to the wave form if it can.  Did it come out from a point or go into a point? Merlin Crystal. I am thinking implosion signature. The harmonic circle went in on it's self and burst back out without it's complete circle harmonic anymore. 
Specimen collected by Desiree Lackie of Grand Canyon, AZ. 
It is a fast formed crystal in a harmonic frequency shift. 
Think of the problem of reverb and loud music. The place is still resonating the last note when the next one comes. That is what is going on here. 
Derivative expansion harmonic crystal - Fractal relative confined form in this small specimen I picked up here at Lake Logan, TN. This phenomena is related to the popular Magnetic Resonance Imaging but more precision and effectiveness. You can see the mathematical model of it below and  read a good article about it at:

Here we have a satellite image of a cloud formation called Von Karman Vortices. Notice here that we are seeing the same harmonic progressions as we do in impactites and meteorites. Cavitation type septarian forms and the familiar constellationing shock Turing patterns with circles and high linearity. 


Particle constellationing from Impact Shock Storm. 

Staurolite is a reddish brown to black, mostly opaque, nesosilicate mineral with a white streak. It crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system, has a Mohs hardness of 7 to 7.5 and the chemical formula: Fe2+2Al9O6(SiO4)4(O,OH)2. Magnesiumzinc and manganese substitute in the iron site and trivalent iron can substitute for aluminium.


Banding Step Waves >>>>

Staurolite often occurs twinned in a characteristic cross-shape, called cruciform penetration twinning.[5] In handsamples, macroscopically visible staurolite crystals are of prismatic shape. The mineral often forms porphyroblasts.

In thin sections staurolite is commonly twinned and shows lower first order birefringence similar to quartz, with the twinning displaying optical continuity. It can be identified in metamorphic rocks by its swiss cheese appearance (with poikilitic quartz) and often mantled porphyroblastic character.The name is derived from the Greek, stauros for cross and lithos for stone in reference to the common twinning.

OK, all that was from Waki. So what we can take away is it's another widely spread occurance unusual mineral mix with TWINNED crystal sequence. The Twinned sequence is a second iteration waveform. These are fast formed impact made crystals. 


Only impact can make this much transition in so small an area. The chaos with the impact breccia (bottom) the particle storm being sorted, then comes the triangle wave making fast formed crystals. 


Ken Collier collected this multi harmonic agate. It has banding harmonic and circle harmonic as well as an iteration perpendicular harmonic. 


Shock Septarian Cinder from the Springfield, Illinois Impact Structure - Large vesicles are from the extreme heat as well as the botryoidal bubbles. The particle patterns not usually present on a cinder as this is a cusp form are from the shock particle storm blasted outward from the impact explosion. The druzy nature of the quartz is another heat effect, fast formed crystals. The iron is an evaporative mist from the meteor bolide it's self when it exploded, which comes back down and makes a coating on specimens. Specimen collected by Josh Constant.

Physics waves and particles. The construction of light and atomic particles has been a consideration of the nature of waves and particles at atomic and subatomic levels. However right in front of your eyes is this same interaction which has never been pondered. That is till now. Take a look at the twining triangle wave in the overlapping harmonic. Great that was a shock wave that settled into the triangle wave form making these beautiful amethyst crystals found in Peru. The surface has grouping of the shock particle storm with the common particle gathering and connecting via shock viscous pressure melt. Ahh, but the crystals themselves show the same, a particle combining and melt. It is another overlapping physics in the visible realm.

Super Amazing Aquamarine Cluster from Nagar Valley Northern area of Pakistan.

Photo Copyright

Shaheen Miners


Columnar Basalt Ireland. This harmonic form is evident in the earth crust breaking impacts with the magma release but not in any modern volcanic eruptions as it is a harmonic figure created by shock wave. 


Impression fossil Florida and twinning crystals. Golden Calcite, although it is clearly orange. Shell, crystal. Florida is thought to have several big craters. The depression area of the Okeechobee lake is a good example. In fact all depressions on earth are suspect crater forms. Just so you know. So why do I think this is a fast formed crystal? Twinning is an iterative form. Therefore not a slow process i.e. it has to be harmonic constructed. Also even though it is not understood the fossil process is a form that suggest an event since a slow process would allow for simple decay. Many fossils are metal transfers like impactites with the same signature minerals. So at the right distance you get this shock transfer of clam to crystal fossil. Cool huh? 

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Magnesite rhombohedrons considered to be an ultra mafic crystal but found at Appleton, TN creek. Could be Gehlenite an uncommon aluminum silicate. As there are no mafic rocks in Middle, TN this is an impact product. 


Second specimen from Appleton, TN a geode type. 

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Pseudo cubic square crystals in geodes. Concentric gradient harmonic resonance change to produce a change in crystal habit. Lake Logan, TN. 


Quartz explosion matrix with voids. A cinder type geode. Lawrence County, TN. This is from the Frankewing, TN Impact. A lateral impact spray from Lincoln County, across Giles County to drop out in Lawrence County. Is a zone of geodes and types. 


Suspect surface grounding effect. These surface types seem to be associated with fulgurite type grounding effects. They were deposited in a moving ash particle storm, generating charge.  


South Dakota, solid geode. Geodes are really a type of impact spheroid. This one illustrates the non expansive bubble crystal but a solid. Impact explosions have high variability.

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Geode from Lawrence County, TN with the "Chiclet Effect." A coating over square crystal. Triangle coning wave transition. 


Ever notice how similar craters and shock geodes are? 


Energy drop to a tube/cylinder circle wave. 


Florescent polyhedral agate with a fractal energy iterative core. The fractal tree is the lowest shelf of the harmonic collapse. Unlike the electron shelf you see geometric change. 

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Alas, the symphony of four sided waves. 


The offset. That is a sequence formed while it was still able to stay together. This is a fast formed impact crystal. Josie Marie specimen. 


This is a fast formed crystal structure like a geode, notice it is roundish. But this is a rare shock agate type. An iterative wave harmonic. While the triangle wave form is the familiar "shattercone" type; this is another type of triangle wave in its second and third levels of expression. You can tell that by the precise turns/angles and the repeating of that pattern fractal. 


Here it is the yen & yang fractal triangle spiral >>

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Diamond wave. The power of these wave energies is demonstrated by the ability to resonate the minerals into bands. 

This polyhedroid agate is the coning wave (shatter cone) in it's pure form. The striated rounded cones are a low energy form. Sadly this flash card mentality will have geologist standing in large earth impact craters and never realizing that the impact shock wave is a harmonic with patterns like looking at an oscilloscope.


Shown left and righ are polyhedroid agates. They are the same phenomena, just singles of the above multiple specimen. 


Energy drop to the circle wave. 

The bugle and the iterative wave harmonic - A bugle unlike a trumpet only plays one note. You can play many songs with one note. That is because it can shift octaves. This is the same phenomena as when a pure wave shifts and makes the same figure but on a different scale. It is a wave quanta as the harmonic must shift in the same wave form and does not go through the notes between. 


Impact Glass. The location band is consistent with an impact umbrella. Also note the impact related "not clear" look, a fast formed micro crystal. cryptocrystalline varieties (aggregates of crystals visible only under high magnification). The cryptocrystalline varieties are either translucent or mostly opaque, while the transparent varieties tend to be macrocrystalline.  Also note you see constellationing patterning on the surfaces. 

Muhammed Abdelrahman


LDG libian desert glass golden tektite


With a lateral impact you have an elongated debris field. This specimen was another 15 miles west of the geode debris. It is less formed. 


The mathematical physics of crystal twinning, and resonate behaviors. 


Raindrops are shaped by speed, pressure, density of water etc. and so are crystals. 


Shock resonate round impactite sphere from Lake Superior. You can imagine this as the alternate geode. No expansion cavity. Fast formed with high shock and resonance. Big earth impact. It is in a state of fast crypto crystallization and was expelled in the shock chaos explosion. It is rounded as a melt expression like a drop.  Even though it is old and weathered I suspect it was always egg shaped. 


Beyond Geometry - These surfaces have shock particle storm signature. That provenance association would make them shock made. 


Iran - Now take a look at the iron i. e. conductor, a charged crystal effect. You see this with septarians etc in impact events. 


Botryoidal as a fast formed crystal. Specimen collected by Clayton Black in Southern Arizona, USA. 

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Energy Chaos Crystallization - Specimen collected by Tarik Ham in Morocco. This charged energy metamorphic is conductors and non conductors resolving energy grounding consolidation which makes chaos crystals. You of course see the lightning tree fractals but the bits are not breccia. They are fast formed crystals that cannot establish compacted alignment. One side has an energy disintegrating splatterform. A secondary arrival. Impact is a sequence event.


Shock made psedo morphic cubic with residual energy marks. Impact shock resonance tends to concentrate around the center of mass. Most often it would form circles but this wave form was a square wave pure harmonic. The marks are imprints of a conductive mineral like iron that isolated simi conductor style like a carnelian agate. This is not a mineral based crystal formation. You can see the circles and the square side by side. Is a harmonic/energy formation only.

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Cubic Crystal Geode - This rare phenomena occurs in a small range of the Howell, TN Impact blast westward. It is an edge effect. These geodes are a type of impact sphere formed from the impact debris material including minerals from the bolide which was about six miles diameter. The plasma type nodule is thrown outward and cools into crystals according to time and minerals.


Micro meteorite collected by Jon Larssen the micro meteorite guy "Project Stardust." He has some really cool books. Micro resonate perpendicular attenuation, but you also have a triangle wave surrounding which is understandable with two triangles making the cubic. The pseudo crystal forms are developmental taken over by these wave functions therefor fast formed. The ladder structures are the perpendicular attenuation, just not as powerful as the larger structure arms. A really nice specimen. 


Reymundo Lewis  · 12h  · 

Dot’s Plume (N. Cady Mountains)

Fast forming and different melt temperatures. The lower melt just liquifies. Another melted substance will form a sphere as a rejection/isolation phenomena. Up from that metals will try to make pseudo crystals, fast formed crystals. You are also seeing breccia in this specimen. A rare type of shock agate. 

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Rough Octahedron Natural Brown Diamond 9.31 ct. Notice the cone in cone triangle waveform which pervades this specimen. And see how it is a layered progression of them.


"Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation. All things have a frequency and a vibration." – Nikola Tesla

The shatter cone is a sine wave imprint as a structure and can be formed in most materials. You see pseudo morphs of wave imprints in shock made phenomena. The mineral itself has a state of arrangement that the shock will shift it into under the right circumstance however the wave energy itself is an independent operator in the forming equation. 


Notice how the granular crystal habit Turing Patterns are the foundation matrix for the overall crystal habit. Topaz specimen from Aftab Minerals. 


Mineral and Fossil Identification Station  · 

Peggy Gardner  · July 3 at 10:02 AM  · 

Last crystal I've never seen before researched this week:

Libethenite from Vilavicosa ( Portugal)

Libethenite is a rare copper phosphate hydroxide mineral. It forms striking, dark green orthorhombic crystals. It was discovered in 1823 in ĽubietováSlovakia and is named after the German name of that locality (Libethen).[2][3] Libethenite has also been found in the Miguel Vacas MineConceiçãoVila ViçosaÉvora DistrictPortugal, and in Tier des CarrièresCahaiVielsaimStavelot MassifLuxembourg ProvinceBelgium.[3]

This is a fast formed impact crystal.  An iterative branching triangle wave harmonic. Notice the truncations, unable to complete the form. Surface copper is an impact blast deposit. 

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Peggy GardnerMineral and Fossil Identification Station


Natural Green Quartz Crystal Cluster Mineral Specimen from Inner Mongolia, size is listed was 11 carats or 20mm 10mm 9mm

Each shingle/plate you see is crystal growing.

Note the shifting psudo crystal cubics and offset triangle in the top. 

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The Crater. 


Lee Isham

Shock agate with: overlapping resonate expansion and an inability to isolate the softer mercury and sulfur as they were too soft for this high a power of energy.

Agate Collectors Worldwide  · 

Jeff Abbas  · July 16 at 1:19 PM  · 

There are three sides of this Lake Superior tube agate offering some dandy microscopic photos. This is the first of the three faces.

Stay tuned, I'll have another face done in the morning.


I really like this specimen. It is an impact nodule. The quartz is so rapidly made it is in a non specific pseudo crystal fast form type. It also has nano minerals from the high energy pulverization process but silica is often the earth surface material like sand. The outside represents the impact storm environment. While the cleavage patterns are somewhat glass like it has fractals in flow configuration which represents the fast form process an energy signature.

Facebook Rock Collectors Group Aug. 1, 2022

Christie Owens Watts  ·  

Can someone please tell me what kind this is? It’s completely see thru, looks like glass on inside but looks like rock on the outside. Am I crazy, is this even a rock or a round pice of glass that has some kinda something on it that looks like a rock?


More organized example, is able to complete more crystal. 


Second order iterative or powerful waveform in a dual frequency harmonic in two connected minerals. This is a high shock effect making morphic crystals.

Aftab Minerals Aug. 6, 2022. 


Project Stardust - Jon Larsen & Jan Braly Kihle is with Jon Larsen and Jan Braly Kihle.

Aug. 10,2022· 

If the Egyptians had continued to increase the size of their pyramids, we might have ended up with a planet like this?

Micrometeorite (~0.25 mm) is a pale porphyritic type with relatively large pyramidal olivine (forsterite) crystal on the surface. The stone was found on the roof of an industrial building.

The nature of the crystal fast forms - The circle harmonic changing to a square, a void cubic. Very high shock resonance slides these crystal patterns into place with pressure and vibration. Impact pressures range to vaporization.


Minnesota Rocks Minerals And Fossils

Mike Zeien  Aug. 10, 2022

Lee Isham

That is a good find. Impact cinder with crystal fast forms a pseudomorph/polymorph random. The surface has a heat effect called patina. Why are the green crystals in the middle? The energy event was too high as this is an edge survivor of the large earth impact. What is the green mineral? Hard to say, olivine is my first guess as a pseudomorph fast form attempting to form the orthorhombic. All the Minnesota cratering is very large thus very high energy.


A metal geode expansion. This was material from the impacting bolide itself. Type 3 with no earth mix, a type of impact sphere like the more common iron ones. 


Kelly Marston  · August 30, 2022 · 

I went Selenite hunting at the Great Salt Lake. I found this very symmetrical crystal with inclusions that look like a four leaf clover. I guess it’s my lucky stone!

Geode/Agate/Jasper - I like this specimen. It is an impact nodule demonstrating the cusp of three types. Geodes are hollow expansion impact nodules and note the small size of these crystals. It was a fast cool and/or limited quartz refined. Opposite of Liesegang banding as the wide bands are in the center and get smaller outward. The energy of the Liesegang process makes tight rings getting wider as the process dissipates energy. Non resonate melt ring center form that is secondary heat effect as this is a resonate product. May 12, 2023. 
Buffalo Gap National Grasslands in South Dakota. Owen Botts. 
Teardrop expansion impactite, rare. June 2, 2023. 
Gilchrist Andrew

Collected from Redtop mountain WA. Jasper the rabbit found his home after crossing many rivers and roads inside the eye.

Rare impact double geometrics! See the triangle wave enclosed in the hexagon. 
June 12, 2023. 
Kelly Graham  ·   · 

i got two record keepers in a gem mining bucket today so excited!!!

Round impactite spheroid, cobalt, silica. Azurite will move to green as it oxidizes since it is a copper base. Aug. 28, 2023. 
Specimen from, Cami Whittaker Terra Jewell  
Geodes are just impact sphere expansions. Oct. 12, 2023. 
Koekohe Beach on the east coast of the South Island, New Zealand. 
Tubular geode. This rare linear form is made by super velocities during formation thus greatly elongating it. Oct. 16, 2023. Guy Blankenship, Mt. Home, TX, USA.
Non symmetric expansion. Oct. 25, 2023. 
 The Geologist

Camilla Gammelgaard  ·   · 

Hi! My grandmother found this exceptional rock on a Faroe beach. Does anyone have any idea how it might have been formed?

Oblate impact sphere with secondary radial fast formed proto crystals. Impact spheres pass through explosion layers. The core is the impact surface. This is the opposite of an impact made geode. April 22, 2024. 

Steven Cole

So this round item has crystals coming out of the center to a point it looks like son have been worn off in the inside seems to be somewhat magnetic it doesn't seem to be real strong but when I put a magnet on it it kind of sticks so it's pretty rusted out I have no idea what this is found it laying in the desert out in the middle

Charged effect, look at that rib structure in the veins, but why do they branch perpendicular? But is not perpendicular it is a Y type branch, very balance splitting behavior. June 3, 2024. 
Looks like it even wanted to sheer perpendicular. It has the classic small to large crystal progression. June 3, 2024. 
Geology of North Carolina

Gary Isaac  ·   · 

At first glance I thought I was looking at a turtle. What is it? Found location is Winston Salem on bank of Salem Creek

Square crystal geode. This is a refining effect where the high heat has separated the minerals. From the Mammoth Impact. July 9, 2024. 

Mark Everson  ·   · 

Two sides of this very thick V-type (glass). This was cleaned twice in the ultrasound- 10 seconds first, then a second time for 30 seconds... trying to loosen and remove the obvious particles. Not sure if they can be removed--- worn?

Keokuk Iowa type square crystal geode. Elanine Selene specimen. July 9, 2024. 
That is a round impactite spheroid. It has also been hit by other debris in the impact explosion. It has a very unusual feature of some melt coming out of one of the smaller impact holes. See attached magnification. July 13, 2024. 

Rebecca Morse  ·   · 

I would love to know something about this I thought it was a crystal when I found it in 2009 at about a mile if that from the bear River in evenston WY. Anybody know what this could be

Fast formed surface geode with carnelian crystals. Part of the explosion dynamics. July 13, 2024. 
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The Bear River Crater. Impactor came in from the North/Northeast. July 13, 2024. 
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That is a hundred mile diamater crater. July 13, 2024. 
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The Bear River Crater in Profile. July 13, 2024. 
Impact sphere/nodule with fast formed linear crystals. Aug. 18, 2024. 
Vicki Bat specimen. 
Impactite, popcorn agate/geode with rare crystal variant. Impact explosion made milky quartz, iron, quartz expansion nodule. The crystals form as it cools. The iron is from the impacting meteor/bolide. Crystal variant magnification attached. Aug. 21, 2024. 

Rockhounding WYOMING

Scott Potter  ·   · 

Thanks for the add! Geode of some sort? Found on BLM land in Wapiti,  just a little ways off a trail heading back to the mountains. Four Bear Trail .

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Lee Isham

Impact geometric, circle to hexagon resonance figure. The rare crystal variant is a shock resonate feature. The expanding wave form circle gets back resonance and makes the hexagon. Some impact craters even have this shape. This is the process that creates columnar basalt in combination with these bubble expansions pushing against each other. Aug. 21, 2024. 


Keokuk Iowa Type Crystal Variants - 

Magda Ricardo

What is this and how do I clean it?

Mohave Desert AZ


Rare Tektite in almost transition to losing its ring. Geodes are impact spheres but so are the round tektites. A geode will have an expansion middle core where the crystals form. A tektite is in the variant drop shapes of high velocity flight. That is not to say geodes are not also subject to flight shaping. Sept. 22, 2024. Specimen was written up in this article. 

Meteorite Times magazine. 

Figure 2: A flanged button arrested by the cold of dark flight moments before it lost its ring.

All specimens are from the author’s private collection. The detached ring weighs 0.9 grams.

Norm Lehrman

Norm Lehrman is a recently retired exploration geologist with over 45 years experience. His career involved fieldwork in over 35 countries on every continent except Antarctica. While stationed in Australia, Norm and his wife, Cookie, became interested in collecting Australites, which ultimately led to a generalized passion for tektites, impactites, meteorites and related materials. In 1999 they founded the Tektite Source business ( which has evolved into one of the world's premier providers of tektite and impactite specimens. Norm has retired to a ranch near Spokane, Washington, where they continue to serve tektite aficionados worldwide.


Twinned Pyrite Elba Island (ref: B33-05)

0,00 €  

This item is sold

Beautiful complex twinned pyrite crystal group with the faces of the cube (red), octahedron (triangles in green), pentagonododecahedron (turquoise) and diploid (blue). Old specimen perfectly floater extracted before the 60's.

Size : 2,1 x 1,5 x 1,5 cm
Provenance : Falcacci stope, Rio Marina, Île d'Elbe, Livorno, Toscane, Italy

Added : 09/2019

Now let's look at the magnification. You can see tiny impact spheres and a crater from a larger sphere hit. Sept. 25, 2024. 

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What makes a crystal a crystal? A crystal habit is the arrangement of the mineral into a form fitting shape. This is dependent however on environmental conditions. In the above example, (Stone Seekers

David Brown  ·   · 

A few of our finds from last few weeks... Found in the Willamette Valley .. Lane co. Oregon usa) it is a shock agate with cone crystal habit. Left side top and bottom you can see the reflecting waves. This is a bounce harmonic resonating the internalized shock. These banding waves are minerals fitting the environmental conditions. Banding is the best fit form in this high energy condition. The minerals are separating based on their resonate harmonic attenuation, that is the physics of this condition crystal habit. The same is true for the coning. First let me state that everything about sediment based cone theory is wrong. There has never been (or ever will be) an observation of this proposed thesis in observed raw mud in the history of geologic study. The best you can find is the many variants of ice as a crystal habit. These are also environment dependent shapes that illustrate the variability of what defines a crystal. 


The block of ice shown above went through several conditions as it formed these many habits, including coning. Ice is unique as it expands when frozen so does not make a good example for the sediment based cone mud structure theory. 
In the Oregon example above it has coning. 

< Fractal type coning lip. 

Mineral isolation cone >>>>>>>>>>

Branching from circle harmonic cones

The fractal coning lip is the response to the high energy shock making triangle shape forms based on the triangle wave which is imprinting it. The mineral composition is forced into this habit. The isolation cone has attenuated out minerals to form the white cone which develops a bigger crystal based on its mineral type and the wave fitting energy. Finally, the branching from a circle harmonic is a step/quanta energy shift. Circle to fractal is what you see with ball lighting. As the energy level changes the fractal will shift to a ball. I have been just five feet away from ball lightning plasma in a thunderstorm. The circle and fractal cone area of this specimen are all in the habit based on the impact harmonic shock physics applied. Sept. 26, 2024.  

Impact made cone in cone crystal fast form. The iron is from the impacting bolide making this a type 2 impactite made of what was likely sand providing the quartz and iron from the meteor/bolide. The cone in cone wave pattern is a familiar sight you see on oscilloscopes, the sign wave pattern. It is a more balanced form of shatter coning. It also contains a gap where a slow cool was possible and made the traditional crystal habit. The cone in cone habit is possible only due to the high heat and pressure in the form of the triangle wave propagated in the impact. Sept. 26, 2024. 

Lake Superior Oddball Agates

Bobbi Kuschel  ·   · 

EUP. I think it’s a skip.

Yesterday's Technology Engagement Center conference on Is Rutherford County an Impact Crater and weird rock contest. Top prize, The Citrine Cone. A near crystalizing fast form shatter cone sine wave type freeform. Sept. 29, 2024. 


Central crystal fast form, resonate alteration. The center of mass absorbs resonance. Sept. 29, 2024. 

Stone Seekers

Hiker White  ·   · 


Uppermost Missouri near Keokuk, IA. The crystal in the middle is what I've seen called "Pagoda Calcite". The rest of the geode is quartz sprinkled with pyrite and another one I couldn't identify.


Another fast form crystal variant type. Sept. 29, 2024. 

Paul Wicklund

August 20  · Nunnelly, TN  · 

I believe these are geodes

— at Piney River (Middle Tennessee).


Barrel Calcite crystal fast form in Keokuk, Iowa geode. When magnified the barrel crystal has a bricking crystal construction habit. Oct. 2, 2024. 

Midwest Geodes

Haley Eastman  ·   · 

Found during Keokuk Geode Fest in the Fox River. Was wondering if anyone had an idea of what the crystal is?

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The trace iron which is from the meteor/bolide itself fills the forming impressions to show the bricking construction which is conformal. This crystal is resonate made with the shock lines showing the central gathering that slid the calcite into its most economical form in the environment of high heat and shock pressure. This resulted in a contraction of the central body into the crystal inside the geode presenting the space. Do geodes contain a trace atmosphere of the impact forming event? Oct. 2, 2024. 

Shock made crystals and proto banding. Wetumpka, AL. Impact Crater. This is an unconsolidated banding. The iron is from the impacting bolide. The quartz is made from the surface sands. It was formed too fast to make the standard crystal. Oct. 14, 2024. 
This is an interesting impact expansion. While it did not make the geode crystals it is essentially the same process. It does have a crossing shock wave imprinting as well as resonate banding. Did the crossing shock set up the resonance? Seems likely, notice how the wave imprints are so close together this was a high frequency. Oct. 28, 2024. Robert Pratt specimen. 

Impactite, chert, almost crypto crystalline, contains tiny crinoid stem cast, stretching expansion section with geode type crystallization, not drusy type. This is a linear type geode formed in high velocity. The cleavage pattern also has a triangle coning/fractal cusp form. USGS magnetic map attached with a few of the craters of this area circled. Nov. 27, 2024. 

Crystal Graves Brown

Hi, I need an ID please

Northwest arkansas

I found this near a creek. The outline is lined in crystals, it's hard to make out in pictures.



Shock agate/geode, quartz and calcite with a tiny iron impalement. The iron is from the impacting meteor/bolide. Rare. So why not a sedimentary concretion? See the reverse concave banding? That is a harmonic reflection, a bounce back ripple like pond waves hitting the shore. Nov. 29, 2024. 
WYOMING Rockhounder

Logan Tomer  

Found this in my river rock this fall. Any idea what it is?

Also what are the lines in it?

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Impactite, botryoidal/bubbling iron from the meteor/bolide. These fast forms are in layering because it is trying to form crystals but is cooling too quickly. It is a type of round impactite spheroid. Dec. 21, 2024. 

Variations of gold crystals. These were all formed in different environmental conditions. They are all impactites. In an impact the high energy separates minerals. These were cast out as drops but all in some variant of pressure and heat and gasses as well as time. Jan. 8, 2025. 
Besides having gassing holes Red Trinite is a quasi crystal. Jan. 8, 2025. The first representations of perfect quasicrystalline patterns can be found in several early Islamic works of art and architecture such as the Gunbad-i-Kabud tomb tower, the Darb-e Imam shrine and the Al-Attarine Madrasa.[14][15] On July 16, 1945, in Alamogordo, New Mexico, the Trinity nuclear bomb test produced icosahedral quasicrystals. They went unnoticed at the time of the test but were later identified in samples of red trinitite, a glass-like substance formed from fused sand and copper transmission lines. Identified in 2021, they are the oldest known anthropogenic quasicrystals.
Petal crystals, Jan. 8, 2025. 
Rose calcite grows on the Quartz matrix.From Yaogangxian mine,Hunan province, China

Photo Copyright Momochen_mineral

Impact spheres/geode cojoined, crater shown below. Lampasas River, TX. Jan. 26, 2025. 
Amber Joy

Y’all check out this limestone rock with calcite crystal inside. It’s the only thing I’ve found so far that glows under UV.

Is this considered a geode

Found in Lampasas river Tx

Gravity low craters were either not dense or punched into the crust. Jan. 26, 2025. 


Keokuk Iowa type crystal variant geode. Also found in TN, IL, AZ. It is a type of impact nodule/sphere. They make geodes from the fast expansion and the core hollow section has time to cool and make crystals however altered.

1 Feb. 2025. 
North & South Carolina Rockhounds

Kathy Cooper 

Can anyone give me insight as to what I found by our little river this morning? Geode?

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