Now notice this one shared on facebook from central Illinois likely from this impact https://impactcraters.us/des_plaines_illinois
has the same Eiffel Tower branching pattern. That suggest it is an electromagnetic or harmonic energy pattern with high heat. They both also have a secondary crackle glaze which the raised conductor follows.

2H - Negative Refraction (The Pagoda Pi Forms) - Wave alteration by positive and negative refraction. Every material has an alteration to wave passing through it. Some will cause a back wave negative. Branching stems can from from attenuation of the wave as it resolves all it's energy.
Shock traveling through any media will make an electrostatic charge due to the collision of particles. This is another complicating environmental effect like EMP from energized events. The many energies of a singular event are recorded in this strange specimen. It appears to have a hot iron insert and an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) mosaic pattern. Since nuclear explosions cause an electromagnetic pulse and impact explosions are orders of magnitude larger an energy of it's type could make patterns in the blast zone. It was found 25 miles downrange of the impact touch down point, but still in the crater. Surface rock in this zone such as this are considered to be Mississippian Fort Payne Chert. The presence of manganese and iron and all this energy is out of place with the period sedimentary theme. Impact bolides with high metal content upon explosion form a "shock chaos cloud"
https://www.hillbillyu.com/kinetic-impact-explosion-crater So much movement of magnetic material acts as a generator building a lighting like ungrounded charge. Additionally as recorded in the "Great Dust Bowl" of the 1930's a static charge from all that particle movement would cause static electricity sparks to jump six feet and phones were inoperative. Impact particle collision cloud would also produce static electricity.
The electromagnetic waveform is associated with these specimens as an overlapping series of septarian arcs. It has aligned the magnetic particles into these wave forms. Emitted in this form during the explosion event specimens record it. A higher developed energy would emit a fractal. The septarian shape is a closed fractal. https://www.hillbillyu.com/shock-septerian-crater-impacthttps://www.hillbillyu.com/shock-septerian The EMP hackle is the fast formed crystal form of it's energy expression and is quite rare in it's undeveloped form. The developed form is a Septarian Dragon's Egg. The fractal version is called a dendrite. https://www.hillbillyu.com/fast-formed-fractal-dendrite

A rock collector slices open a shocked "geode" and there it is the Greek letter pi tilted to the right along with am iron inclusion void to the for right. The core of this small stone carried an energy charge. Also notice the white particles forming lines and constellationing designs.
The specimen below is neat. Found in southern Utah it is from the Barringer Crater (Meteor Crater, AZ)? It is both a round impactite and an energy pattern. Notice how it has separated and insulated the iron.

Check out the specimen below found in Romania, heat or electrical burn? Like a dissipating surface current.

Distributing wave - The harmonic resonance wants to gather around the center of mass but in this case you have a high mass off center inclusion. So it is taking it apart in waves with arcs similar to the EMP pagoda type but more of a radial Septarian.

Volcano eruption in Colima, México. Photo by @tapiro Particles and electric charge phenomena. This is also the case with impact particle storms only much greater in scale.
The specimens below were found near where impact cinders were also found in Midlothian, TX. Hackle could be associated with venting.

leucosomes on back side of rock.

The horizontal white vein inclusion is called a leucosome.
Shock and the turbulent electromagnetic field.
Scientists create mini-supernova shock waves on Earth
Chelsea Gohd
Wall Street's party is over. Coronavirus fears are back
Embattled Ohio health director resigns
Scientists create mini-supernova shock waves on Earth
Researchers have created a miniature version of supernova shock waves in a lab here on Earth to solve a long-standing cosmic mystery.
© Provided by Live Science In this image, computer simulations show the turbulent structure of the magnetic field in two shock waves moving away from each other. (Image credit: Frederico Fiuza/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
When stars die and explode in supernovas, they create shock waves that emanate across the surrounding plasma. These powerful shock waves blast out cosmic rays, or highly energetic particles, out into the universe. The waves act almost like particle accelerators, pushing these particles out so fast that they approach the speed of light. However, scientists have yet to fully understand exactly how and why the shock waves accelerate these particles.
"These are fascinating systems, but because they are so far away it's hard to study them," Frederico Fiuza, a senior staff scientist at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, who led the new study, said in a statement.
Related: Supernova Photos: Great Images of Star Explosions
So, to better study these cosmic shock waves, scientists brought them to Earth. Well, not literally, but researchers have created a scaled-down version of supernova remnants. "We are not trying to make supernova remnants in the lab, but we can learn more about the physics of astrophysical shocks there and validate models," Fiuza said in the statement.
Fiuza and his colleagues worked to create a fast, diffuse shock wave that could mimic the shocks that follow a supernova. The scientists worked at the National Ignition Facility, a Department of Energy facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. At this facility, the researchers shot powerful lasers at carbon sheets to create two plasma flows, targeted at each other. When the plasma flows collided, they created a shock wave "in conditions similar to a supernova remnant shock," according to the statement. The scientists observed the experiment using both optical and X-ray technology.
© Provided by Live Science Chandra's newly released image of Tycho supernova remnant reveals the dynamics of the stellar explosion that produced this deep-sky object in vivid detail. Image released July 22, 2014. (Image credit: NASA/CXC/SAO)
By studying a miniature analog of the cosmic phenomenon here on Earth, the researchers verified that the shock was capable of accelerating electrons to nearly the speed of light. However, the mystery of exactly how these electrons reached such speeds remains, which prompted the scientists to turn to computer modeling.
"We can't see the details of how particles get their energy even in the experiments, let alone in astrophysical observations, and this is where the simulations really come into play," Anna Grassi, a co-author on the new research also at SLAC, said in the same statement.
Now, while the cosmic mystery of the shock wave accelerated particles remains, computer models created by Grassi revealed one possible solution. According to these models, Grassi developed, turbulent electromagnetic fields within the shock wave could accelerate electrons to the speeds observed.
Fiuza, Grassi and their colleagues will continue to investigate the X-rays emitted by the accelerated electrons and hone their computer simulations, according to the statement. Other future research will study positively charged protons, in addition to the electrons studied in this work, blasted by the shock wave.
This work was published June 8 2020 in the journal Nature Physics.
The specimen below found at Harms, TN inside the crater has a heat stress or electromagnetic pulse pattern and is peppered with a mineral that bleeds violet or a surface stain.

Notice the deep red inside the lines. The hackle effect seems to be related to conductivity. Thermal, electrical, magnetic or waveform combination.

Coning structure but look at that accompanying arc wave! Waynesboro, TN
Superconductivity found in meteorites
James Wampler, Mark Thiemens, Shaobo Cheng, Yimei Zhu, and Ivan K. Schuller
PNAS first published March 23, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1918056117
Contributed by Mark Thiemens, January 16, 2020 (sent for review October 18, 2019; reviewed by Zachary Fisk, Laura H. Greene, and Munir Humayun)
In this paper, we report the presence of superconducting material in two meteorites. We further characterize these phases as alloys of lead, tin, and indium. These findings could impact our understanding of several astronomical environments. Superconducting particles in cold environments could affect planetary formation, shape and origin of magnetic fields, dynamo effects, motion of charged particles, and other processes.

Shock mottling and the Septerian effect. This bolder is highly shocked for a bolder. SW crater floor. It is in the process of forming the Septerian effect internally. One of the things specific to impact versus volcanic effect is the speed of formation. You can find examples of processes at almost any stage of forming even across a specimen itself. The hackle effect is related to the internal mottling Septerian effect but is a surface effect. It can be produced both heat mosaic or electrical/magnetic. Surface charge properties are specific to impacts, especially those with high metal content bolides.

I keep seeing forms in the impact specimens like this wave which deposited the iron particles in the creases.
An interdigital transducer (IDT) is a device that consists of two interlocking comb-shaped arrays of metallic electrodes (in the fashion of a zipper). These metallic electrodes are deposited on the surface of a piezoelectric substrate, such as quartz or lithium niobate, to form a periodic structure.
IDTs primary function is to convert electric signals to surface acoustic waves (SAW) by generating periodically distributed mechanical forces via piezoelectric effect (an input transducer). The same principle is applied to the conversion of SAW back to electric signals (an output transducer). These processes of generation and reception of SAW can be used in different types of SAW signal processing devices, such as band pass filters, delay lines, resonators, sensors, etc. IDT was first proposed by Richard M. White and Voltmer in 1965.

Septarian but similar to the pi/pagoda form. Astraeus hygrometricus, commonly known as the hygroscopic earthstar, the barometer earthstar, or the false earthstar, is a species of fungus in the family Diplocystaceae.

Back side shown below. Could be associated with venting as well.

Specimen above courtesy of Toby Ericksen is from a to be determined crater in New Mexico south of Albuquerque. Once again is associated with venting. A fine hackle repelling pattern as if charged and venting at the same time. The direction of energy seems to start at the bottom and expand and was very hot which must have vaporized the voids which caused thermal cooling. Unlike rocks I see here in New Mexico I am not sure if a sea rushed back in to quenching even a kind of tempering. Does not appear so.

This is new. I think this is EMP attenuation around an iron inclusion from the Manson, Iowa impact.

This specimen from the Michigan Impact shows organization of the iron in a cell structure consistent with an electrical charge i.e. conductor insulator but fading as the iron is just the mist from the impact vaporized meteor. You can see the Michigan Impact Structure below as shown by it's karst shadow. Chicxulub has a similar karst signature.
Cell structure charge dissipation >

From Morocco collected by Mohamed Bouzelfen. The EMP pi pagoda figure expressed as an arc fractal. This is an iterative wave form branching in arcs. This is also the compressive "crash4orm." That is the reverse of the wave iteration branching.

Specimen from East Tennessee Collected by Mark Callahan Turing Pattern side.
Here is another aspect of the high heat. It has a fold under retraction including the pattern. In some places the black melts into the cracks.

Other side is moving to the accelerating wave pattern.

Several types of patterns found in the BZ-AOT system. Jumping waves are shown as a snapshot (a) and a space-time plot (b) across the white line shown in (a). Turing patterns are represented by three different types of structures: ‘‘black spots’’, ‘‘labyrinth’’, and ‘‘white spots’’. Standing waves are exhibited as two anti -phase snapshots. Localized structures are ‘‘oscillon’’, ‘‘chemical memory’’, and ‘‘localized waves’’ (arrows show direction of wave propagation).
Cross-diffusion and pattern formation in reaction–diffusion systems
Mar 2009
Shown below is the "Dragon's Egg Septarian" development form with the conductive iron pockets being separated and a simi fractal septarian cusp. Is also a creek find from the same Romanian rock collector as the specimen above.
Shown above is Cherokee Art, specimen was collected in Greene County very northeast TN which is Cherokee country. That is what the specimen really is. But take a look at the Zebra rocks below.

This is from an article at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-14541-3?fbclid=IwAR2bbWdRn7dEycNVWM1F_rYXfljyxVysRYDgv7gc-cQywQE1l4qfFPq5AQ0

Specimen shown above is a fulgurite, a lightning made figure or structure. I think it hit a high in iron impactite. It also has a particle constellationing in white particles in the branching fractal figure. It was found at, Lake Isabella, Kernville, Cove District, Kern County, California. It is for sale from Mineralogical Research Co.

About five miles south of Lawrenceburg specimen of Brassfield Chert? Fractal Septarian with points - This design is rare and the first I have found. Notice the swirl points it has. This is an energy signature. Notice the Fulgurite Egg shaped specimen on the web for sale at Mineralogical Research Co is the same type pattern as a lightning strike. Close up shown below.

This would be the only impact made specimen of its type I know of. This would be unlikely with a typical impact or volcano as the lightning for them is usually high up. It has organized a moving nano particle cloud of ash and iron into a ground plate fractal picture of an energy dissipation event. Shown below is a specimen from a Romanian collector with the open point energy dissipation figure in the more typical dragon's egg impactite. Also because this is a material transfer not a burn it is like the Septarian Thunder Egg form impactite not like the fulgurite burn form. Unique. More like a tattoo using ink than branding using burn on skin.

This one has been highly charged. It has a septarian surface associated with heat mosaic cracking but is more a signature of lightning like surface effects with the unenclosed thorn type fractal spur. https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/481/3/2858/5088376

Meteorite with Fractal Spur a charged energy surface effect.

Moving ash cloud particle grounding effect. Often only on one side. Same with geode below which also has square crystals inside.

Christopher Joseph's rock and Steinmetz - Steinmetz constructed a tower to study lightning and also developed the theories of electrical axial generation. If you take a good look at this specimen close up you will see it is also making axial fractal coning from a thin iron conducting charged line. In this way you can see the iterative attenuation nature of charged shock. A rare and remarkable specimen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz

Energy dissipation - You often see figures in rocks I explain as "energy dissipation." Shock as a wave form like electricity does not instantly stop. In WW1 The Germans were tapping the British trench telegraphs by picking up the grounding currents. They would even turn theirs off every other hour to get clear signals.
Tesla even knew you could transmit electricity through the air and ground, and made it his great work to attempt it. https://www.gchq.gov.uk/information/communications-security-in-1916-the-la-boisselle-find

Another misidentified fulgurite. This has the charged divided black insert simi conductor you see in so many Septarians. And of course it is located next to two impactites. It has an iterative branching perpendicular energy. A second order fractal has to stay longer to do that, unlikely with lightning. A charged insert effect. A charged material is slowed down in charge discharge as compared to pure energy.

This insert left a crack as it was mostly charge. It was however able to iterate branches. Specimen collected from Wayne County, TN. It is from the lateral ash and vaporized iron cloud as it moved west from the Frankewing, TN Impact. As the impact occurred at around 54 miles per second latterly from east to west, the shock wind was Mach 150 behind the explosion moving west.

Charged cell loops and points are both ways to dissipate energy. The charged cell loop a Septarian is a type of fractal. Fractals are energy dissipation signatures.

Gunflint Lake, on the border of MN and Canada. Collected by Tony Dincau
This specimen has energy running from right to left. It is a charged energy which is branching off the black forms. Dense banding harmonic, agate like. Is the quartz insert a low energy lighting from the ash and nano iron moving dust cloud? Probably.
Ball Lighting Dissipation >>>
Ball Lighting Dissipation >>>
Now this is where the phenomena study pays off. This is identified as a lighting strike fulgurite on the internet. It is a charged impactite form. The material is deposited, it was a charged plasma insert. Also the rock is a shock metamorphic. And look at the bubble ends. Ball lighting makes this effect. I have seen ball lightning up close about five feet away as it traveled along the foundation of my house, the concrete footer. It moved as a glowing plasma and was an oblong sphere, and then disappeared.
The moving energy plasma tunneling.

Ball Lighting Dissipation >>>
Ball Lighting Dissipation >>>

Ball Lighting Dissipation >>>
Impactite with charged tunneling. Slow lightning. Impact creates an ash and nano iron mist cloud moving which generates a cloud particle charge like volcanoes do. Of great interest is a micro chain coral type figure branching off from the energy finger. Can you see it? Collected by Dimitri Milakis When I worked in the world's largest research lab basic science phenomena was classified 6.1. Below that is phenomena still being shaped as a concept. So slow lighting is 6.0. A cloud of charged nano composite mist could make a "ball lighting." Or in this case a blob with charged tunnels.
This is a weaponable physics. It is the charged plasma equal to the fuel air bomb. An EMP envelopment.
The geometry of energy dissipation = A moving fractal tree is branching to unload energy as it is grounding. Well this energy can be dispensed to the point of not being in a final grounding but having to form a sphere to equalize it's energy pressure form. A plasma bubble. The plasma bubble is still seeking ground and moves. The bubble is likely to be oblong as it has a gravity pull shaping. But alas it will pop, just like a soap bubble.


Ball lightning is associated with electrical wave energy but is just the same as shock wave energy. The tree fractal and ball will make a quanta shift back and forth. It is a geometric energy form state. This is a picture of a crater on Mars.

So what do you find when you turn over a rock? This specimen from Lake Logan, TN is a high shock small mega clast with a curious shrinking bulge arc phenomena. I will have to name that pancaking. Anyway what is real important is the energy bubbles, a chain of them. This is of the chain coral type which is really ball lightning phenomena. Take a close up look.

Better photograph here. It is not in a ball lightning configuration except that it makes a swelling tube like figure. The real ball lightning dissipation is much smaller. 100mm macro lens shows it to the left. Those little balls are the energy in final ending. It has even made a fan appearance of grounding out.

Waynesboro, TN Energized particle storm. The ash and nano iron is in hurricane turbulent motion. It discharges the iron particles onto surfaces. The is the same phenomena as your electric plug transferring metal across the gap when pulled out.
Shock pressure, the bubble effect and retransfer into pure energy is different in different media. In a shock storm cloud or water versus air. Article below describes the effect in water.
Finite-Amplitude Waves
L. Bjørnø, in Applied Underwater Acoustics, 2017
13.3.3 Other Sources of High-Intensity Sound
Other sources of high-intensity signals are, for instance, air guns, in particular for seismic investigations, electrical discharges over a spark gap, and boomers. These signal sources are given a brief exposition in this section.
An air gun is a mechanical device which releases a high-pressure air bubble under water. Similar to the gas bubble after a chemical explosive detonation, the released air bubble expands and contracts in cycles. During the cycles it emits pressure waves as sources of seismic waves used in reflection seismology in the layers below the seafloor.
The air gun consists of one to several tens of pneumatic chambers, which can form an array that is pressurized with compressed air at pressures normally ranging from 14 to 21 MPa. Air guns are submerged in the seawater and are normally towed behind a vessel at a depth of about 6 m. The air gun is fired by an electrical signal which triggers a solenoid valve, which releases air into a fire chamber causing a piston to move. The piston movement allows air to escape from the main storage chamber into the water, producing a high-pressure air bubble. The release of large bubbles gives low-frequency signals, while small bubbles lead to more high-frequency signals. The pressure variation in the water due to the air bubble pulsation is called the air gun signature. The released air bubble is nearly spherical, and its expansion due to the air pressure exceeding the hydrostatic pressure produces a signal with a shocklike front, but not a shock front like the one found by explosive detonation. Similar to the gas bubble from a chemical explosive detonation, the air bubble is exposed to the same mechanism and may go through many expansion/contraction cycles, where it emits pressure waves into the environment. The bubble oscillation amplitude is damped with the increasing number of cycles and the oscillation period is not constant from one cycle to the next. This nonharmonic motion is due to energy transmission into the water at each cycle. The first cycle produces the highest pressure amplitude in the primary wave, frequently exceeding 250 dB rel 1 μPa at 1 m.
Even the largest single air gun will frequently not produce enough energy to permit the seismic signal to penetrate and produce return signals from deeper layers about 5 km below the seafloor. Single air guns produce pressure pulses which oscillate through several cycles, and each cycle produces pressure signals whose reflected signals oscillate through the same cycles as the source signal. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to separate the primary from the secondary peaks in the return signal from the layers in the seabed. What is needed is a single, well-defined pressure spike from the air gun. The amplitude deficiency and the problems caused by the bubble oscillations can be solved by use of arrays of air guns.
Air gun arrays can contain up to several tens of individual air guns with different size compressed air chambers. The aim is to create the optimum pressure in the initial shocklike pressure wave with minimum bubble reverberation after the initial wave. The multigun array produces increased amplitude due to the increased number of guns. Since different volume air guns produce bubbles with different oscillation periods, an air gun array can be built where the bubble pulses peaks after the primary pulse cancel each other due to being out of phase.
Since the air gun array is towed near the sea surface, the reflection of the bubble pulse pressure signals in the surface, the so-called Lloyd's mirror effect, discussed in Chapter 2, gives rise to a pulse with a negative peak. When the guns and their bubbles have different volumes, the bubble peaks occur at different times. It is possible to tune the array by choosing air gun volumes such that a bubble pulse is canceled by the negative pulse from a smaller air gun. Since the air gun array is towed in the same depth, the negative pulse arrival time is the same in all air gun signatures.
The signature of an air gun array depends on the individual air guns and the stability of the air gun array geometry. Also the synchronization of the repeatability of firing time for the individual air guns will influence the array signature. The time synchronization is normally computer controlled within a time window of 100 μs. The stability of the array geometry involves maintaining of the distance between the individual air guns and keeping their tow depth constant. The tow ship turning and the sea state will influence the stability of the geometry. The sea state, i.e., waves on the surface, will also influence the magnitude of the negative pulse peak produced by the reflection at the sea surface.
When one air gun in an array is fired, its signature may influence the signature of subsequently fired air guns if the distance between the two air guns is small. The first air gun's pressure pulses will change the hydrostatic pressure around the next air gun to be fired. If the air guns are less than 1 m from each other, their bubbles may coalesce into one single bubble. Air guns forming a cluster without the coalescence between the bubbles may produce a much stronger peak pressure during their interaction than tuned air gun arrays.
The high pressure amplitudes and the low-frequency contents of the air gun array signals are so loud that they may disturb, injure, or kill marine life. The impacts of the signals may include temporary or permanent hearing loss, habitat abandonment, disruption of mating and feeding, and even beach stranding and marine mammals deaths. Air gun blasts may also kill eggs and larvae and scare fish from important habitat and thus harm commercial fisheries. The potential damage to life in the sea caused by seismic air gun blasting repeated every 10 s, frequently for 24 h a day, and through weeks at a time, is discussed in Chapter 12 on bio and fishery acoustics.
Electrical discharges over a spark gap establish an electrical spark channel in the water. The time for the spark channel formation is dependent on the voltage gradient over the spark gap and may last from a few to about 100 μs, see Bjørnø [65]. When the conducting path between the electrodes in the spark gap has been established, a considerable rise in the electric current through the spark gap takes place and a fast transfer of a substantial amount of energy to the small volume of water will occur, which causes a rapidly rising temperature followed by a fast expansion of the spark channel. This expansion causes a high transient pressure in the water around the spark channel and a shock wave formation. By changing the capacity C {unit: F} of the condenser bank, voltage Vo {unit: V} over the spark gap, electric circuit induction L {unit: H}, or the spark gap length â„“ {unit: m}, the discharge energy and duration can be controlled. It can be shown empirically [65] that the peak pressure Pm {unit: Pa}, the impulse I {unit: Ns/m2}, and energy flux density E {unit: J/m2} are given by:
where R {unit: m} is the distance from the spark gap center to the field point. Since the pressure in the spark channel can be assumed to be directly proportional to the discharged energy in the water spark gap, it is possible to establish a scaling law similar to the pressure variation produced by a chemical explosive detonation. â„“Vo2 represents the energy contained in the spark gap on a par with the amount of chemical explosive in kg in Eq. (13.16). The 1/R dependence of pressure amplitude given in Eq. (13.19) is due to the longer time to establish the spark channel compared to the interaction time between the explosive detonation wave and the surrounding water. High-intensity signals from electrical discharges show a very high degree of reproducibility.
The boomer may produce pressure amplitudes above 7·107 Pa. The high-intensity pressure waves can be produced by the discharge of a condenser bank through a flat coil with a flat copper membrane situated, insulated from the coil, above the flat coil and in contact with the water. The discharge will produce eddy currents in the copper membrane which cause the membrane to be pushed away from the coil due to self-induction in the membrane. When the membrane is pushed away from the coil, a pressure wave is established in the water above the membrane.
Shock resonance kinetic energy conversion to charged form. Also notice the dark flow in the center dark circle going from top to bottom.

14 Jan. 2022 Tonga Volcano Eruption. Intense lightning activity was recorded during the eruption phase. The Vaisala National Lightning Detection Network detected the lightning in the form of radio waves. Several hundred to thousand flashes of lightning were recorded by the system during the two weeks prior to the eruption. From 14 to 15 January 2022, tens of thousands of lightning flashes occurred.[31] Between 05:00 and 06:00 UTC on 15 January 2022, 200,000 flashes were recorded.
Ash as a nano particle in turbulence is 100 times more powerful as a lightning producer.

Ball lightning is also amplified by particle conductance.
Scientists accidentally capture ball lightning
Posted by: News Jan 22, 2014 in Press Releases, Science Leave a comment
Stories of mysterious lightning balls appearing during storms go back hundreds of years. Mostly people just chalked this up to “yeah, and I’ve seen a UFO too, bro”; but now, for the first time ever, Chinese scientists have actually observed ball lightning in the wild.
Ball lightning has been one of the most mysterious natural phenomena for centuries, partly because it is so rare and transient and therefore hard to investigate. But a fortuitous observation during field experiments in China to study ordinary lightning, reported in Physical Review Letters, has now provided what seems to be the first measurement of the emission spectrum of ball lightning. The data suggest that the glowing ball was composed of elements from soil, consistent with one popular theory.
Ball lightning typically appears during thunderstorms as a glow, ranging from the size of a golf ball to several meters across, which floats in the air for between one second and tens of seconds. There are many historical reports of such “fireballs” injuring or even killing people and setting buildings alight, and they have sometimes been given supernatural explanations.
Scientific theories of ball lightning abound, with varying degrees of plausibility. Glowing plasma balls have been created artificially by passing intense microwaves through air [1] or by underwater electrical discharges [2]. But such laboratory experiments may not bear any relation to ball lightning formation in the natural environment—about which very little is known, since there has been almost no solid data.
One popular theory is that ball lightning is caused when lightning striking the ground vaporizes some of the silicate minerals in soil. Carbon in the soil strips the silicates of oxygen through chemical reactions, creating a gas of energetic silicon atoms. These then recombine to form nanoparticles or filaments which, while still floating in air, react with oxygen, releasing heat and emitting the glow [3]. If that’s so, one should expect to see atomic emission lines of silicon and other soil elements in the spectrum.
That is what Ping Yuan and co-workers from Northwest Normal University in Lanzhou, China, now report. They had set up spectrometers on the remote Qinghai Plateau of northwest China to investigate ordinary lightning, which is frequent in this region. During one late-evening thunderstorm in July 2012, they saw ball lightning appear just after a lightning strike about 900 meters from their apparatus and were able to record a spectrum and high-speed video footage of the ball.
The recorded glow was about 5 meters across—the actual size of the ball was much smaller—and it changed from white to reddish during the second or so that it lasted. Although the darkness prevented the researchers from estimating the ball’s altitude, they saw it drift horizontally for about 10 meters and ascend about 3 meters. Yuan says that this is the first time ball lightning has been seen to be created by a cloud-to-ground lightning strike.
The researchers found that the spectrum contained several emission lines from silicon, iron, and calcium—all elements expected to be abundant in soil. One would also expect aluminum to be present, given its abundance in soil minerals. But the researchers couldn’t confirm that, as there are no emission lines of neutral aluminum atoms within the spectral range of their instrument (wavelengths of 400–1000 nanometers). The team also used their video data to plot the ball lightning’s intensity and apparent diameter as they varied in time, down to the millisecond time-scale.
“I think that this is a unique observation that is probably of ball lightning, or one type of ball lightning,” says lightning specialist Martin Uman of the University of Florida in Gainesville. “There have been many research programs that routinely video or photograph natural and triggered lightning,” he says, “but none, as far as I am aware, has stumbled on a ball lightning.”
“This one certainly seems to be made of dirt,” says Uman, but he says the data don’t reveal any hints as to which ball lightning theory is correct. Such observations might ultimately suggest how to create ball lightning artificially, says Uman, and Yuan agrees. “We are planning to simulate the observational conditions and reproduce it in the laboratory,” says Yuan.
Press Releases/Canadajournal

Cooper Top, Franklin County, TN. Thin iron deposition in the classic lightning fractal.

Crossing Fan Waves. SW Franklin County, TN from the Howell, TN Impact. This is a variation on the Pi Pagoda phenomena. This is a grounding plane with radial branching bifurcation fractal phenomena (RBBFP.) It was in a shock chaos cloud of micro conductive material swirling an electrical generator effect which grounds on larger blast bits while in motion in the blast explosion umbrella. I have not seen this snowflake type before. Please note the use and or misuse of the term RBBFP is restricted and no electrons were harmed in the making of this picture.

Pi/Pagoda wave fractal variant. Sadly Ray Forage believes this to be an earthquake tectonic phenomena, which it could be but I count three to five minerals in so small a space which is counter tectonic. Also the idea that you have these fractal originating as inclusions is difficult to explain tectonically. That would be a much higher energy signature of refinement.
Ray Forage · 11h ·
Breccia of Arzo in Ticino, Switzerland. Violent earthquakes, which occurred some 200 million years ago, made chunks of the freshly solidified limestone platforms break off at the bottom of the ocean between the primeval continents of Europe and Africa. The clefts and crevasses of the gray rock filled with the red and yellow deep-sea mud. The veins of white limestone cristallized in the rock’s fine fissures (width of view is around 1.5 m) Credit Photo Bernhard Edmaier #breccia #oceanfloor

Mylissa Barnes, Arkansas Rocks and Minerals (Facebook Group) Nov. 24, 2022. ·
Does anyone know what this is?
Imprinted electromagnetic field gradient from large earth impact generated electrical storm. Of course your specimen is rare, however I have a rock near where I am sitting that is an imprinted electromagnetic impact fulgurite from the Howell, TN Impact. You can see a picture of your specimens form in this scientific article. https://knowledge.electrochem.org/.../art-m01-magnetic.htm

Fig. 3. Surface waves are generated by the interaction of an electric field with a nonuniform (gradient) magnetic field.
The secondary field would be the shock waves produced in a large earth impact.

Shock Agate, arc wave, very rare. This is a level of resonance disorder of the circle wave form.
Rayce Reed
Nov. 30, 2022
I think this may be some type of agate. This material is totally different than any of the rocks I have found thus far. It is very smooth. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.

High power resonate partitioning, with milky quartz narrow coning and elemental pi/pagoda wave development. It is associated with the stag type Septarian. Dec. 21, 2023.
Michigan Rockhounds
Roger Werly · ·
I have had this rock for years and have never been able to identify it.  I would appreciate it if someone could identify it for me.

Wave form periodic, multiple triangle wave balance with energy communication connecting. Dec. 31, 2023.
Meg Jamieson
I am hoping you can help. Could this possibly be a stone that was etched into or carved? There are a few photos, and one that has what looks like a deliberate scraping or cut. Found in Northern Lower Michigan, near Traverse City, private land with permission, a few layers down after some building required excavation.

The Pi wave as a bricking form. Obviously a radial conformal resonate and charged physics. The quartz is a conductor and he matrix looks to be ash/clay/bentonite. Feb. 12, 2024.
Madre De Pavos · ·
I found this along the edge of a recently-constructed gravel road (Central Alberta, Canada). I picked it up thinking that it was treadmarks from a boot or shoe that had been pressed into the mud, but it turns out that all of the cracks are filled with crystallized (quartz-like) matter. Is this some kind of fossilized turtle shell? I can't think of anything else that would explain the pattern? Sorry, I'm like a noob's noob. No rockhound experience whatsoever.

Picasso Jasper - This is not crossing shock lines this is charged behavior a wild crazy noise of conductive wave forms. Notice the way the lines can bend shape conformal. Feb. 12, 2024.
Lisa Fox
I've had this strange stone since I was little. Can you tell me anything about it?

Electro/Shock harmonic coordination, rhythmic branching. Stability forms like these are generally of lower power. Ball lighting is an example as the power drops too low to fractal tree branch. These pi, ball, and rhythmic figures are in a stable dissipative state. Not a fulgurite notice the impact impalement circles. So why not a fossil like Spanish moss which makes this form? If you look closely there is a tiny black fiber following the crack like the raise figures. Additional more random type figures are more confirmative of an energy made figure than a fossil. The raised figures do not all make joints but some have a slight crossover. Spanish moss would not be an easy fossil to make. May 10, 2024.
Frank Wiese ·
Hi, just in the Field. Lower Muschelkalk, Anisian, near Göttingen. The branching something. Any ID?
Thanks, Frank

Impact made flint. Has a pi pagoda wave section. These shear planes show the internal composition origin energy. Oct. 18, 2024.
Gary Johnson · ·
Large obsidian point from outside of Flagstaff, Arizona, c.3,500-2000 BP. Although found at a Sinagua site (1200-1300 CE), this piece is older. According to a couple experts on the subject, this earlier point was most likely picked up by a Sinaguan and brought to the site and was perhaps used for ceremonial purposes. Very large earlier pieces such as this are sometimes found at Sinaguan sites in context with female burials. JUST REVIEWED MY NOTES: It has been suggested that the type could possibly be SAN PEDRO or ELKO.

Now we are going to get into just how interesting and rare this specimen is. First on the left side you can see some really good points coming off the trunk. This branching is the same thing you see with lighting. Energy moves or expresses its form based on brackets of power or charge. The trunk will branch as this becomes unstable so as to force change or shift to these leads. A steady power would just continue with a trunk. In the upper right you can see pi/pagoda figures forming this is a very rare phenomenon. It is a combination of forces. One the one hand you have fractal conductive branching and on the other you have type 17 right hand rule bricking. (see page: 4R: Shock Lines & Impact Bricking | mysite). The cusp of these forces produces the bow shape with the right hand rule type making the parallel pillars. This is a very complex variant of rejection patterns and constellationing. Oct. 25, 2024. Scott Johnson specimen.

Arcing dendrite, Brownian limited aggregation producing the pagoda pi surface arc and columns random. This is also a tektite so we can see inside it. Dec. 16, 2024.
We were at San Simeon a few weeks back and could not believe it when I found this. I have been wanting to take a trip to Northern California just for finds like this but I was blessed at 1 of my favorite beaches. When I saw it the sun was shining through it and I thought it was some kind of sea weed with the bulb at the end. When I picked it up I almost screamed this was the best find so far of an agate in the area I frequently visit

Both resonate banding and energy charged figures. Dec. 16, 2024. Same specimen as above.

Very rare impactite. This surface is called the Pi/Pagoda wave from, Eclipse Wave, see picture below. Not a shock circle which are more common, just arcs. Having said all that, it is likely a fossil shell assemblage effect. Feb. 3, 2025.
Rockhounding For Beginners - The Original
Kayla Carothers · February 1 at 5:22 PM ·
Any ideas? It has this pattern all around. Central Alabama.

More right angle branching. You can see the energy electro machining etch at three places but truncates and tapers off the other legs. Surface has splatter. Feb. 10, 2025.
Ashley Anzar specimen.

Central shock circle and arc waves. Feb. 16, 2025.
Rock'N Oregon
Here's another awesome Jasper from Tillamook County (not Blue Mountain Jasper). The dark orbs are also translucent with the slabs at 5/16" thick.

Right angle encasement with plasma holes. Rare example. The top curves are interesting. Why did it go from right angles to curves? Feb. 19, 2025. Upper Borden Creek in the Sipsey Wilderness. Lindsay Madison specimen.

That is not a fossil. It is a very rare type of impactite (a rock made from an earth impact). It is an overlapping harmonic imprint. It has the triangle wave shape coming from the bottom and an over lapping circle wave form. It is an outstanding find.
Linda Twigg
Hi all. I know absolutely nothing about fossils, not even sure if this is one. Can anyone help?. Found on Traeth Tresaith, Ceredigion.

UK Ceredigion Crater. March 7, 2025.

Fossils versus physics can be tricky. Notice how the arms are not evenly spaced. See how you have that new appendage coming from the corner of the rock. This is a chert impactite with a rare high charged effect. The hole is a likely plasma hole burn. I hope you don't mind if I use your pictures this is an instructive example scientifically. March 12, 2025.
Tanya Cochran
I believe my mother found this in southern Missouri. Curious if anyone has any insight on this piece. Saw a picture in a school science book of an extinct species that looked very similar. I can't remember the name.