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Australia, Africa & Ocean Impact Craters

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plate move since impact

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Zealandia in a cross shock basin. 

Rainbow lattice sunstone, Alice Springs, NW Territory, Australia. A crossing shock harmonic. 

Africa Impact Craters


Moroccan Crater Wall Craton. 


Impact Cinder Spheroid from mountain top at Tiddas, Moracco. 




Notice how the mining line goes vertically north to southeast through Nigeria


Lake Tele Congo


Shown to the right - Tazzarine Morocco - Wave ripples or Turning Pattern, the balls are impact spheres landing as a progressive event. The structure matrix is a granular particle form in a shock pattern habit.

Fractal Branching indicates direction of an energy flow to the right. 

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This famous crustal break is from the impacts that made the Pacific Ocean causing splitting on this side doe to planets increase n size. 

Coning fans & Constellationing at Tsingy, Madagascar. 
Look familiar? Wave forms do not care about size as amplitude is just a function of power. In the case of Madagascar it is earth forming impacts. 
Ugab Valley, Namibia.jpg

Large Crater Impact Folding, Ugab Valley, Namibia. This process is just like "mandrel bending." It requires pressure to be held on both sides of the bend or you get breaks. Notice the impact rubble between break layers. It would not support the bending pressure. Resonance makes the fine strata lines as it separates by vibration. You can also see the sorting of particle size from the shock particle storm. Shown below are the "tools" for mandrel bending which is a fast forming process of engineering all those bent tubes the world uses. 


So here is a NASA space image of the Australian Nullabor Plain. Shown below is an iron impactite from the crater. It is in a high shock melt state. 


The location band is consistent with an impact umbrella. Also note the impact related "not clear" look, a fast formed micro crystal. cryptocrystalline varieties (aggregates of crystals visible only under high magnification). The cryptocrystalline varieties are either translucent or mostly opaque, while the transparent varieties tend to be macrocrystalline.  

Muhammed Abdelrahman


LDG libian desert glass golden tektite


Congo River Column Basalt - This is a large earth impact signature. This impact broke the earth's crust "Crustus Confractus." Besides the convection nature of the earth's crust movement the crust of the Congo is resolving this impact breakage. You can have other impact in association with an earth crust breaking impact and these make a more complex resolving physics. It is similar to body dent repair on a car. A single dent is easy to fix but the more complex the folded metal the worse it is to repair. 


Sadly this picture is from a group of European geologist who claim this is not shattercones. Since the earth's surface has about 25,000 surface impacts and geologist have identified fewer than 250 you can be sure they are stumbling through craters all over the world and never realizing it. These are a higher energy fractal type cinder from an impact. This was close. The resonate blast energy was too strong to make coning although the fractal trees have something of a cone shape. Oasis Bahariya (Black Desert) Gilf Kebir, Egypt. 


How can you do pressure bending with voids? It must be a plasma. This as a unit would have to be a plasma. How could any tectonic activity do that? The process is too slow as you would have cooling. 

Karijini National Park, Australia - Little to no volcanic evidence in Western Australia. Lots of banded iron in Australia. Why is it banded? Not because of a bio stromatolite.  This is a large impact record. Let's take a look. 


Fractal, a sub energy dissipation signature >>


Large Earth impact accretions expanded the Earth's size and this is an expansion seam.  >>>>>


The 'egg carton' stromatolites at the Trendall Reserve are among the oldest known structures regarded as biogenic in origin. But it is not. These melt and fractal structures are impact formed. 


So how do you find the lowest strata? Impact, it is the poor mans drill. Multiple impacts often show the very lowest strata or relatively lower strata. 

Impactite tube form. Elongated form from shock blast as a directional plasma spheroid elongated. Thin plane insertions are present along with plasma thin plane deposits. Some tiny impact spheres including iron. Matrix is from shock particle storm in high compression and crystalized into high shock forms the geometrics circles and lines. It also has some cavitation. You usually do not see a tube impactite this complex. 

Korrina Bastion  ·   · 

  · Nov. 29, 2022

Hello and thank you for the add. I was shown this the other day and asked if I could identify it. I had clue answer as to what it could be. It was found in Western Australia around the gold fields. Has anyone seen anything like this before. I’ve had some funny answers on a different group but no ID’s

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Mining circles another way to find craters. The impact can blow the minerals from the bolide circular or in an arc depending on the angle of impact. 


Impactite, Splatterform with round spheroid impalements. These impact relics are from a large earth impact type 3 exploding. The core matrix was ejected as part of the impact surface, the meteor material melt and impact sphere hit it in flight.

Phil Evans  ·Dec. 11, 2022

I found this yesterday exposed on a cow track. Geology of the area is alluvial gravels and clays. This piece is mildly magnetic. It leaves no streak on porcelain. A very inaccurate specific gravity is 2.9 (I need a better set of scales.) There appear to be some inclusions that are slightly redder in colour. Vague suggestions of a thin surface crust inside some of the depressions. Found in South East Australia. Any thoughts?

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High mineral diversity and flow, a blast product from a mixed mineral bolide. 

Blue Mountains SE Australia, crater signature heat/shock Septarian vugs. 

Forget the little crater the eye of Africa, this is the real elephant in the room. 

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Deccan Traps

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And of course it matches the basin map. Not Chicxulub, the Deccan Traps Impact in the Indian Ocean caused the last earth extinction event. Chicxulub Impact is too small. I live in a crater of that size, there are so many of them that size, too many to single out. Extinction event crater would be much larger. 

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Up close you are in the confusion of two crossing craters which expelled minerals outward into crater walls. 

Tasmania & The Gawler, South Australia Craton

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This was a powerful earth crust breaking impact!

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While it broke the crust a Crusta Confractus (CC) the gold came from the impacting bolide. 

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Tasmania column basalt - This phenomena is a signature of earth busting impacts. A constrained vertical crystal harmonic pattern. 


Not sedimentary, a harmonic signature with fractal energy distribution on surface top shown in foreground. 


We all are STARDUST.

Ray Forage  · 17h  · 

El Sheikh Salim Eastern Desert, Egypt.
Credit: Mahmoud Felfla's comment on Geomorphological Features

Broken earth crust effect a Crusta Confractus (CC).  All those fra ctals are signatures of the original energy event. 

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This is called a "mineral shadow" of the earth impact. Gold from the proto planet bolide smashing into the crater wall as part of the explosion. 


Notice how the columns tilt to vertical from bottom to top of picture. You are looking into a crater from edge toward center.

The Damara Mountains, Namibia.


Subduction craters. A subduction crater is an oblique earth surface absorbing impact. These are also accretion type as a mass of the impacting bolide is absorbed into the earth's crust. Arc craters. 

Lee Isham

Opal quartz meteorite, or tektite? Cavitation with direction flow. While cavitation on rocks is generally regarded as a phenomena associated with meteorites; I can take you to miles of boulders with cavitation thrown 50 miles from the center of the Howell, TN Impact Structure. Like this specimen they are cavitated but not ablated. This is due to the local pressure associated with impact, a hyper pressure state of impact gasses. It has shattered during flight from heat stress. 

Karlien Clifford

October 9, 2022

This item is glassy with small thumb prints one side and smooth on other side.Very hard and gravity is 2.6.

Found in Namibia desert about 30 years back.Help to identify please.


Native copper from Java, Indonesia, specimen belongs to Siti Rosita  

This almost organized triangular matrix is an example of the mixed harmonics of its orogeny shock formation. Impact volcanics have a signature different than volcanic. This is a higher metamorphic energy. You also see these configurations in iron as same mixed harmonic expansions. 


Suevite - The one two punch of two types of large earth impacts. The larger is a type 2 earth subduction crater pushing up the Atlas Mountains. The smaller crater is a type 3 exploding crater.

rock identification group

Amin Mouhamed  ·Oct. 27,2022

Rocks that look like impact breccias any help to ID please

Outside of specimen. Coning points and various small impalements. 

Pristine shock crater floor with fractals and shock obsidian. 

Jo Henry, South Australia about 150 K south of Adelaide


Pacific Type 1 Accretion Impact

Amplified gravity mapping as seen from space. Australia is broken off by a big earth impact. Dec. 17, 2022. 

Vredefort is not a large crater but with the proper resolution you can see the subsequent smaller cratering in it. May 21, 2023. 
(a) Simplified geological map of the Vredefort area (South Africa) showing the main structures of the dome's cone and collar (modified after Lana et al. 2003). Black square shows the GGT survey area. (b–g) Real data used in this study (Dransfield & Lee 2004): G z , T xy and T uv are measured (b-c-d), whereas T zz , T zx and T zy are computed (e-f-g). A traverse of T zz data through profile PP is shown in Fig. 8, along with an E–W section of the inversion model.
Figure 6 - uploaded by Valeria Paoletti
Inversion of gravity gradient tensor data: Does it provide better resolution?


Impact delivered the riches of South Africa and upchanged the carbon into diamonds. 
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South Africa is a crater over crater complex. But so is Middle Tennessee. May 21, 2023. 
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Gold is thought to have been produced in supernova nucleosynthesis, and from the collision of neutron stars, and to have been present in the dust from which the Solar System formed.

Traditionally, gold in the universe is thought to have formed by the r-process (rapid neutron capture) in supernova nucleosynthesis, but more recently it has been suggested that gold and other elements heavier than iron may also be produced in quantity by the r-process in the collision of neutron stars.

In both cases, satellite spectrometers at first only indirectly detected the resulting gold.

However, in August 2017, the spectroscopic signatures of heavy elements, including gold, were observed by electromagnetic observatories in the GW170817 neutron star merger event, after gravitational wave detectors confirmed the event as a neutron star merger.

Current astrophysical models suggest that this single neutron star merger event generated between 3 and 13 Earth masses of gold. This amount, along with estimations of the rate of occurrence of these neutron star merger events, suggests that such mergers may produce enough gold to account for most of the abundance of this element in the universe.


Because the Earth was molten when it was formed, almost all of the gold present in the early Earth probably sank into the planetary core. Therefore, most of the gold that is in the Earth's crust and mantle has in one model thought to have been delivered to Earth later, by asteroid impacts during the Late Heavy Bombardment, about 4 billion years ago.

Gold which is reachable by humans has, in one case, been associated with a particular asteroid impact. The asteroid that formed Vredefort crater 2.020 billion years ago is often credited with seeding the Witwatersrand basin in South Africa with the richest gold deposits on earth.

However, this scenario is now questioned. The gold-bearing Witwatersrand rocks were laid down between 700 and 950 million years before the Vredefort impact.

These gold-bearing rocks had furthermore been covered by a thick layer of Ventersdorp lavas and the Transvaal Supergroup of rocks before the meteor struck, and thus the gold did not actually arrive in the asteroid/meteorite. What the Vredefort impact achieved, however, was to distort the Witwatersrand basin in such a way that the gold-bearing rocks were brought to the present erosion surface in Johannesburg, on the Witwatersrand, just inside the rim of the original 300 km (190 mi) diameter crater caused by the meteor strike. The discovery of the deposit in 1886 launched the Witwatersrand Gold Rush. Some 22% of all the gold that is ascertained to exist today on Earth has been extracted from these Witwatersrand rocks.


Not with standing the impact above, much of the rest of the gold on Earth is thought to have been incorporated into the planet since its very beginning, as planetesimals formed the planet's mantle, early in Earth's creation. In 2017, an international group of scientists, established that gold "came to the Earth's surface from the deepest regions of our planet", the mantle, evidenced by their findings at Deseado Massif in the Argentinian Patagonia.



Scientists have shown that the Earth's surface became enriched with precious metals by impacting meteorites.

The Earth's crust and mantle has considerably more gold than expected from favoured models of planetary formation.

A study from the University of Bristol looked at some of the oldest rocks on Earth, demonstrating that gold was delivered by meteorites long after their formation.

While the Earth was forming, iron sank to the centre of the planet, forming the core.

Any precious metals in the planetary mix would have gone with this iron and concentrated in the core, leaving the mantle devoid of elements such as gold, platinum, and osmium.

But this is not what we observe. In fact, the silicate mantle has up to 1,000 times more gold than anticipated.

Several reasons for this enrichment were proposed in the past, including delivery by meteorites, although until now it has not been possible to prove.

By measuring isotopes in rocks that are nearly four billion years old from Greenland, the team has managed to date the gold delivery, and to relate it to an event known as the "terminal bombardment".

Earth formed by a snowball-effect known as accretion 4.55 billion years ago. The iron core with its accompanying mixture of precious metals formed very soon after that, within just a few million years.

A final impact of a Mars sized body with the Earth formed the Moon and finalised our planet's formation. By this time all gold would be locked up in the core.

A final burst of meteorite impacts around 3.9 billion years ago is known as the "terminal bombardment" and caused the cratering that we still see on the Moon.

It was during this last impact event that the gold which we can access in the crust was delivered.

"The proportions of gold and other precious metals are difficult to measure because they concentrate into nuggets, and we need to analyse a lot of rocks to get meaningful data." said lead researcher Dr Matthias Willbold.

They have therefore developed a way of telling this remarkable story of gold's extraterrestrial origin using a completely different element - tungsten.

Tungsten acts very similarly to precious metals like gold, but importantly it comes in different forms, or isotopes.The team have looked at the proportions of the different isotopes in modern rocks and in the most ancient rocks in Greenland.

They found a small but significant difference in the proportions, indicating that the modern rocks had received a dose of tungsten, and therefore also gold, from meteorites.

The Greenland rocks showed no such enrichment, giving a date to the input of gold. This date corresponds to the time of the terminal bombardment around 3.9 billion years ago.

During this time, the Earth would have been hit with 20 billion billion tonnes of asteroid material, although "it is not clear whether this would have come in the form of many small impacts, or just two or three mega-impacts", Dr Willbold said.

The research group at the University of Bristol are the first to successfully make such high-quality measurements of tungsten in ancient rocks, but so far have only analysed samples from Greenland.

"We hope to find more," said Dr Willbold, "and look at a time sequence for one billion years after the Greenland rocks, to see how the tungsten anomaly develops."

Gold is found on the surface, while copper is found at depth ( Université de Genève, January 14, 2020)

These gold deposits lie at a depth between 1200 and 4500 metres and were created due to mountain formation. They exist in marine sediments (marine deposits) or metamorphic rock (created deep in the earth's crust by high temperature and pressure).

Gold, as well as other rare metals, can be brought to the surface by plumes of molten rock from deep within the mantle, the layer underneath Earth's crust, producing background levels of gold up to 13 times higher than elsewhere. ( Journal Geology. November 26, 2012)

Gold in the ocean is so dilute that its concentration is very small. One study found there is only about one gram of gold for every 100 million metric tons of ocean water in the Atlantic and north Pacific.


Gold is found where water flow is altered by obstacles such as boulders and logs or by watercourse contours, such as bends in river. Gold can also be found where two rivers or streams come together. It is what's called a "confluence zone."


A burst of meteorite impacts around 3.9 billion years ago delivered precious metals to Earth


Spectral lines of gold


Schematic of a NE (left) to SW (right) cross-section through the 2.020-billion-year-old Vredefort impact crater in South Africa and how it distorted the contemporary geological structures. The present erosion level is shown. Johannesburg is located where the Witwatersrand Basin (the yellow layer) is exposed at the "present surface" line, just inside the crater rim, on the left. Not to scale.


Different colors of Ag–Au–Cu alloys


Denver, Colorado, U.S.A

September 10, 2021. 12:22 p.m. Friday

Membership of:

Denver Astronomical Society

American Astronomical Society

National Geographic Society

S Austraila crater complex.png
The South Australia Crater Complex. Aug. 30, 2023. 
Double grid impact bricking a signature of explosion like planar deformation. Also some plasma impalements. Aug. 30, 2023. 
Peita Collard

Some amazing rock formations on Phillip Is ( Millowl ) Victoria, Australia.

Impact bricking and impalements. Aug. 30, 2023. 
Peita Collard photography. 
Mosaic Septarian between shock wavelength impressions. Aug. 30, 2023. 
Peita Collard photography. 
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NW Africa type 1 earth penetrating impact shock made high impact sphere concentration up splash tubes. Notice the spherical concave joints in the tubes. Sept. 4, 2023. 

Hassan Yamani  ·   · 

Basaltic columns, central plateau Morocco

Notice how column basalt does not have to be basalt. Is just any material liquified in these big earth impacts. Sept. 4, 2023. 


Hassan Yamani  ·   · 

Basaltic columns, central plateau Morocco

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The crater. Central uplift and what remains of the crater wall. This is an old crater. 
Impact blast tubes. You can even see the blast burnt surface in left side of picture 1. Blast tubes are the third iteration of 1. shock circles, 2, round impactite spheroids, 3, blast tubes. Is one of the many impact geometrics. Blast tubes are a type of column basalt form. You sometimes see column basalt in round tubes when not compressed by adjoining tubes. The directional tilt is away from the impact center. Sept. 6, 2023. 

Hassan Yamani  ·   · 

Mullion structure ? High Atlas, Morocco

Impact expansion tubes, gassing holes and high heat mosaic cracking, South Sudan. Sept. 11, 2023. 
Photograph by: Ladislav Varadzin, 2015 
Impact expansion harmonic. Part of an impact up splash with shock wavelength banding. It is crude because this wave is breaking up. Sept. 11, 2023. 
Anne Denham  

Hi from Australia. I have not been able to find anything in my research on this rock formation. It was taken at Cow Bay in Northern Queensland.

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Cow Bay Impact Crater, North Queensland, Australia. Sept. 11, 2023. 

Lee Isham

Impact geometric, triangle wave form, a variant of shatter coning. Notice the tilt. That is an angle away from impact center. This location is between two big old craters. This is a somewhat two dimensional triangle wave form. You usually see this as a peak its three dimensional form. I have found this in the crater where I live but smaller by a third or quarter. These waves are proportional to the impact shock wave that produces them so one of those big craters made this as my crater is smaller. The spacing between rows is the harmonic density of the shock waves the triangle is its type. Like the ocean wave spacing is often not even. A peculiar impact imprint. Sept. 14, 2023. 
Kevin Decosta  ·  

Unusual formation in Kanangra Boyd national park NSW Australia.

Can't see the forest or the trees. That is the failed system of geology and crater finding or even of the physics. What this map shows is partial finds of craters or small craters located in a sea of big craters. The physical forms of big and small craters differ greatly so big effects largely go unnoticed. To work this properly you would establish the big craters on the canvas then the small. Sept. 16, 2023. 

Asteroid crater 520km in diameter buried deep in southeast Australia, scientists say

By Andrew Glikson, UNSW Sydney • August 16, 2023

Impact bricking. This is a grid wave phenomenon. Sept. 28, 2023. 
Resonate decay physics writ large. You usually only see this with small agates. This roadside cut shows the rebounding resonate arcs and the decay to wispy fractals. This is a shift in physics whereby the wave energy jumps from the circle to the fractal as it is no longer able to maintain that level of energy form. It is the same phenomenon as ball lighting. Oct. 5, 2023. 
Paul Razz  · 

Roadside cutting, Otago Peninsular, New Zealand. I have no idea what this is but the area does have a significant volcanic history.

Big impact overlap. The Bounty Trough is the center of a large Earth penetrating type 1 impact. North NZ is from another to the west. This pair could have even been part of the same proto planet impacting as a pair. Oct. 5, 2023. 
Impact boxwork and cindering. Although you can still see a remnant inter cell resonance form, this is a higher shock energy which is vaporizing it. The boxwork pattern is a crossing geometric from the explosion shock waves imprinting. A large earth impact is a large progressive kinetic explosion and as such it does not have a single radiating shock wave pattern but many which cross to form geometrics. Pictures 1, & 2, show resonate partitioning on the left side but illustrate that resonance will concentrate in the center of mass which is being vaporized. Pick your crater of causality (see attached). Oct. 9, 2023. 
Steve Bennett  ·

Can someone explain these formations. They are at Artillery beach on the Great Ocean Road, Victoria Australia

Septarian mosaic heat made surface from impact. Oct. 21, 2023. 
Karen Michael

Hi All. Stony Creek, Ulladulla in New South Wales, Australia we enjoyed this area at lowish tide. The creek is at the mouth to the ocean.

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13 Bathymetric image from Geoscience Australia showing a three-dimensional view of the South Tasman Rise (submarine plateau, lower left) located off the south coast of Tasmania (southeast Australia), and part of the Tasmantid Seamount chain. The continental shelf (in red and yellow) drops dramatically to abyssal depths of 3,000–4,000 m (in green and blue). 
Oct. 22, 2023. 
Oblate impact sphere, progressive build, nano pulverized iron. Impact spheres this size come from larger impacts. This one would come from a crater of several hundred kilometers. The progressive build is due to the progressive nature of impacts which like hail stones can have multiple layers built up. The nano iron is from the impacting bolide. The oblate egg shape is due to the movement velocity during formation. Ejected material from impacts can be expelled at twice the velocity of the incoming bolide. Oct. 27, 2023. 
Tony Visser  ·   · 

Any ideas? Found on the border of Kenya and Tanzania. Dinosaur egg??

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The Tanzania Oblate Crater. Was it formed as an oval or did it get squashed between the Congo Basin Crater and the Deccan Traps Crater? Oct. 27, 2023. 

Lee Isham

Top contributor

Impact cavitation expelled boulders. I have seen this with the Howell, TN Impact Structure. You can see the Seychelles crater on the attached. Nov 2017

Bradley Peters

James Day

Geodynamical models of mantle plumes often invoke initial, high volume plume 'head' magmatism, followed by lower volume plume 'tails'. However, geochemical links between plume heads, represented by flood basalts such as the Deccan Traps, and plume tails, represented by ocean islands such as La Réunion, are ambiguous, challenging this classical view...

Robert Grandcourt  ·   · 

Granite bolder on Mahe Island in the Seychelles, Indian Ocean. Wondering how it got there and stayed.

Sayshells Crater.png

Lee Isham

Top contributor

Circular geologic features are not possible due to tectonic plates except of very large scale. You can do this experiment yourself on a ball with foil or stiff paper. Try pushing it around and see the crinkle forms you make. The ball acts as a secondary form which will allow for some circular type features at large scale i.e. thousands of miles. Impact however is physically disposed to make circular features. Nov. 3, 2023. 


Lee Isham

Top contributor

Cavitation Spalling from Howell, TN Impact Structure. Location White's Gap SW Franklin County, TN. Spalling can also occur as an effect of cavitation, where fluids are subjected to localized low pressures that cause vapor bubbles to form, typically in pumps, water turbines, vessel propellers, and even piping under some conditions. When such bubbles collapse, a localized high pressure can cause spalling on adjacent surfaces.

You can see craters on planets forming chain craters. This is a spalling effect from a supervelocity tangent effect, ejecta or a lateral impact. Oct. 3, 2023. 

NW Indian Ocean Crater Complex..png

Lee Isham

Top contributor

Cavitation Spalling from Howell, TN Impact Structure. Location White's Gap SW Franklin County, TN. Spalling can also occur as an effect of cavitation, where fluids are subjected to localized low pressures that cause vapor bubbles to form, typically in pumps, water turbines, vessel propellers, and even piping under some conditions. When such bubbles collapse, a localized high pressure can cause spalling on adjacent surfaces.

You can see craters on planets forming chain craters. This is a spalling effect from a supervelocity tangent effect, ejecta or a lateral impact. And now the Seychelles Crater is the central uplift of a much larger crater. Nov. 3, 2023. 

Round Impactite Spheroid. Large earth impacts expose the earth's crust as an excavation or uplift. An impact sphere is a liquid drop from the event. While the geological map shows the excavation it is very likely that rivers that form a circle is another crater which did not do so much excavation, a smaller less powerful impact. See attached. Dec. 11, 2023. 
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Crater upsplash column basalt as it runs out of energy at surface. Dec. 15, 2023. Somalia 
Crater topographic. 
uplift columns from large earth impact. Jan. 8, 2024. 
Michele Veneziano  ·   · 

basaltic flow with columnar cracking. Sal, Caboverde

And there is your crater. Jan. 8, 2024. 
Adularia, potassium feldspar with quartz and dolomite
Vredendal limestone quarry, South Africa 55 x
55 mm.
Shock made crystal twinning.  Triangle wave forced polymorph. Like a shatter cone structure. 
Shock agate from Queensland, Australia. The high energy bounce back has pulled in the concave outer edges. Jan. 15, 2024. 

Robert Ovidiu Diosteanu


Travellin on the east coast of Australia, i stumbled upon this rock up in Qld.
Just found this group  could someone explain how this might have formed and how would it be possible to form layers with such a pattern, almost hexagonal  got multiple angles if necessary 

Impact spheres and catchers. The catcher indentations are mini craters, a ballistic phenomenon. This was a relative low speed incident for an impact phenomenon. Jan. 15, 2024. 
Dirk Strydom  ·   · 

While walking in the Drakensberg range in Eastern Cape, South Africa I came apon plates of limestone with little holes in it. The round rock seems to fit. It reminded me of a game we used to play as children with marbles.

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South Africa Craters by Letter.png

Lee Isham

Johann Stassen, Ray Forage, David Buthman I call this South Africa Craters by the letter. South Africa is mineral rich. Why? Well the Raft/Plate tectonics would have you believe it is from a plate collision push up. It is however a multitude of impact craters delivering these minerals and/or making them in the case of diamonds as these extreme pressures compress carbon. The gold was also delivered. So why not plate tectonics? As I have stated many times you cannot make circles by pushing plates together. Also, Mars has over 600,000 surface craters and is half Earth's size, so Earth is covered in craters. Just like on Mars and the Moon you can see overlapping craters on Earth. You can also see partials, the remnant vestiges. Like meteorites some of them contained metals some not as no two are the same. Also, as you can see on the attached maps great distortion of craters can occur as they impact previous craters or complex landforms. As a trend the larger craters came first. Below these surface craters are larger craters that often can be determined by geology anomaly mapping. Later surface craters excavate these early craters exposing their minerals. I have lettered the craters for particular interest comments. Feb. 29, 20224. 

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 Kimberly Crater Developing Sine Wave Sequence >>>>

The Kimberly Type 2 Subduction Crater with 4 ridges - Kimberly is on the east side and is not the center of this crater. Kimberly does have however a diamond mine. The diamonds were scrunched up in this subduction low angle impact. Notice it has a sine wave sequence, rare. There are caves and a large spring as crater features as well as the gemstone mining.  Feb 29, 2024. 

Radial Coning, rare - Is a type of shatter cone. The particle grain structure is all in little circles by the way which is a type of impact geometric on the micro scale as well as the whole figure. From the Cow Bay Impact Crater shown above. March 22, 2024. 
Kylee Gray  ·   · 

Found this rock yesterday while walking through muddy ground. Couldn't believe it!

Located Airlie Beach, QLD


Specimen from SW Franklin County, TN

Impact made wave propagation. First the color of this rock is more of a shock made dolomite. The surface has melt patterning. I have found this too in SW Franklin County, TN. The wave ripple theory - I used to live at the beach and have never seen wave ripples like this. To make a rock with wave ripples would require an instant petrification as the pattern would dissolve itself. Nor is this sandstone. While not a shatter cone this is similar as you find shatter cones which are made by wave imprinting in nested patterns. You can see your crater on this map attached. April 6, 2024. 
Mitchell Welch  ·   · 

Any thoughts on whether this is fossil or rock?Seen in the Tarkine region of remote West Coast Tasmania, near Arthur River. About 12” across at its widest point.


Pattern wave theory advanced - Impact shock wave organization imprinting develops as a function of distance as too close is vaporized. I have found the triangle, sawtooth, and coning wave side by side in the Howell, TN Impact Structure. These were imprinted in a sub group of a wide banding wave which captured these waves top and bottom. Now consider the rectangle wave over printed by the triangle wave at each crest. Then you would have this type figure. See figure attached. April, 6, 2024. 


Fossil joint theory - Fossil regrowth joints are reliably aligned as before. However a break can shift alignment. 
Physics complexity of forms theory - The higher the complexity of a physics form structure the less likely it is a physics form. 
Too much information cross over. High organized complexity is indicative of DNA or design. In the case of the specimens presented it is likely they are too complex to be physics made forms. They are too consistent and complex. Note the variation of shatter coning waves side by side in the boulder. April, 7, 2024. 

Discovered in ash in the High Atlas, Mountains, Morocco, this 500 million year old Trilobite specimen has unusual detail. It is conjectured that a volcano eruption preserved it with ash however most scientist are unaware of impact ash. Photo from PHYS.ORG Take a look at the craters shown on gravity map below. July 10, 2024. 
Gravity map craters of N Africa.png
Gravity map craters of N Africa revised.png
Oops I missed one, and when it comes to large amounts of ash that one would be important too. July 10, 2024. 
Impactite. The surface is a fractal mosaic which is not common. It has direction with the trunk of the fractal being the source of the energy direction and the branching the direction of flow. Quartzite was once sand. Surface color is due to iron blasted out as a mist forming black iron oxide and some red, the mosaic splitting occurred thereafter. In magnification you can see the development of thin line quartz fractals forming fiber crystals. Fiber crystals are shredded matter like found in Hawaii called Pele Hair but your specimen is in the proto process stage of forming these thin structures. The QLD southeast crater complex is shown on the attached map with the two nested craters in the much larger older crater. The bigger two are the prime suspects as this took a whole lot of energy. July 14, 2024. 

Trevor Farr  ·   · 

Any ideas , found in the childers area qld.

Queensland coastal crater complex.png
Instant lithification wave ripple imprints. A shock wave made surface. It appears to also have been so hot it cracked as a high heat mosaic. Aug. 16, 2024. 
Kings Canyon, also known as Watarrka, is a canyon in the Northern Territory of Australia located at the western end of the George Gill Range about 321 kilometres (199 mi) southwest of Alice Springs and about 1,316 kilometres (818 mi) south of Darwin, within the Watarrka National Park.

Plasma cavitation holes with directionality. Kangaroo Island South Australia. Aug. 19, 2024. 


Impactite. The shell is a coating in the impact explosion progression. The grid pattern is crossing shock waves with molten material from the impact marked as 1 on the attached magnification. 2 is the fractal energy patterns emanating from iron inclusion, it is a charged energy effect. 3. Is impact granular common particles in a classic rejection pattern the Turing Pattern (Alan Turing, 1952).
Steve Andersen Specimen, Claremont, QLD. 

Clermont QLD Crater.png

The Claremont, QLD Crater, a gold mining area. The gold came from the impacting meteor. Aug. 20, 2024. 

OIP (1).jpg

Tanzania near Kilimanjaro, ash shale. Oct. 17, 2024. 


<< Central uplift

Well, it is obvious that I like these exaggerated relief maps. So lets discuss what is new about this one. First of all it confirms the big circle of NW Africa. This is an old crater from the period of early large bombardment. It makes the canvas for the later craters. It could be and likely is several billion years old. While this one makes a raised continent this type also forms the depression seas and oceans of the world. It just depends on the impact typology. Big slower not dense will make this continent builder type. The fast dense go right into the earth making the depression sucked in surface. You can think of them like belly button innies and outties. Next lets discuss the subduction pointed to with the arrow. See all those fractals in the surface topology on its south side. That indicates it was a slider. A low angle impact. The horizontal belt running across it indicates it may be two or a break apart on impact event. In any event it would be a crater complex and not a crater. Many smaller craters I did not circle but did the central uplift crater as it shows how few of these large craters do not have one. Central uplifts are a rebounding effect. Conditions were right for this. Consider all the things you have thrown to hit something. How many rebounded? Nov. 2 2024. 


Jebel Uweinat is a prominent mountain massif located at the border of Egypt, Libya, and Sudan, within the Sahara Desert. Dec. 19, 2024. 


Type 1 Impact Bricking, the crossing grid pattern. Jan. 9, 2025. 

Organ Pipes rock formation, Gawler Ranges National Park, South Australia

#australia #Geology #GeologyPage


Linear plasma cavitation writ large. Uluru, Australia. Jan. 16, 2025. 


View of Uluru from the ISS

NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth / Caption by Andi Hollier, Hx5 LLC, and M. Justin Wilkinson, Texas State University, Jacobs Contract at NASA-JSC -


Impact Craton. Large meteor hits breaks the crust and up flows lava. Feb. 15, 2025. 

the craton crater.png

Figure is from: Depth to the bottom of the magnetic layer, crustal thickness, and heat flow in Africa: Inferences from gravity and magnetic data




Ahmed Mohamed


Mohamed Al Deep

catch the arc.png

So if you want to match that arc on the right you end up with the same crater. Feb. 15, 2025. 

Is the impact they are calling S2 just a part of this large craton making impact? Yes. Feb. 15, 2025. 

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