2H-Candy & Energy Transition Forms - Living in a crater debris field is so fascinating. I am sweeping the leaves off my patio and find this specimen. I have quit asking geologist what these are because they have not seen anything like them. This one is like cooking sugar into candy. The fine grain sand is the sugar and iron and manganese the color. It also seems to have sections with tiny voids that could have been small shells, but I think more likely overshock which "deep fried" it some. The strange capillary veins are indicative of a liquid condition fractal process. Where found is SW crater floor Lake Logan near Elkton, TN in Giles County.

Fractal Patterning, a two dimensional crystal form due to fast formation energy. You can see more of these at: https://www.hillbillyu.com/fast-formed-fractal-dendrite
This is also a shape you see in "Dragon's Eggs" Septarian nodules: https://www.hillbillyu.com/shock-septerian-crater-impact
Notice the chert to iron to flint progression from outside to in. The specimens indicate shock force is compressive and metamorphic toward the center of mass, carrying the meteor mineral composition as a fluid stream. The band shown below is an actual wave of shock carrying iron. Meteors act as a refining furnace due to the high friction and ripping apart shock all the way to raw elements.

You learn a lot from a transition type. While shock compresses by knocking the space out of a substance as the rarefaction wave collapses it behind front wave some objects are perhaps lose sand and are only partially solidified by the shock wave. This wave was also carrying iron. Another transition. The unburdened wave and the particle carrying wave. If this rock were closer, or not in an explosion shadow, or made sooner in energy release it could have been an agate or jasper.
Found in creek at Lake Logan, TN not far from the above specimen the one below has a strange change of oxides. Again the center of mass seems to collect some kind of flow collecting property. The center is meteor material, it could be copper and lithium. The trace indigo color in both rocks could be cordierite. Notice the right side is assuming a dendritic fractal two dimensional crystal form.

The candy effect in chert has a lot to do with water color painting. See how the iron inclusion below radiates a red corona in what had to be a slurry or plasma. That is a resonate effect. You can see more of these at: https://www.hillbillyu.com/shock-circle-agate-gemstone

Now the corona below looks more like a shock concentration which separated the minerals. The iron stain below resembles the water color effect but that would mean both a staining and shock wave harmonic were formative. Opal type diffraction halo is a very specific mineral separation.

Rock collectors typically ignore these transition forms and just look for rocks you can sell. Impact study requires these to see the many stages of energy that were present in the event to develop a good forensic understanding.

Opal Melt Breccia from Michigan - Meteor hit water and is retained in mineral to make opal effect.

The Linn County, Iowa "Funny Face" impactite. Derek Duecker found this. The candy color is manganese. It was from the impactite itself and vaporized to be carried on the shock storm in this Rorschach's Mask.

High shock & high resonance - Multi mineral but cobalt core. the shock wave power has made this a plasma/liquid but only resonance will make those separating banding patterns. The upper flow section has Olivine in it. the white is likely silica and is iron on the outside and some inside. This specimen is rather unusual in it progression of resonant structure with differing mineral materials.
Ghost Forms - Faint and disappearing phenomena

Shock resonate edges can be crisp on one side and fade on the other. You have to remember that fade could mean particles at nano size. Note it only has the one shock resonate feature but it does conform to the resonate gathering around mass center theory.
Curling harmonic - Above in Ghost Form, below in more defined form but notice how it's edges are in Ghost form. It just has more center gathering. The Fibonacci Sequence.

Curling can be a fractal type.

Now here is a version of The Fibonacci Sequence. These impactites are from the Jaco Crater in Costa Rica.

Pakistan - Impact breccia - The early earth impacts often had a signature iron, manganese, cobalt, silica explosion content. This specimen is a "stopping sequence." The end point of a kinetic explosion, allowing the material to form a substance. These type specimens are often found in crater walls as it is an edge effect.

This is a crash4orm type. The square wave in a silica, iron, cobalt matrix in the translucent opal type. The wave pattern is what is most interesting about the specimen. It is in a multi wave variation but mostly square. This is an example of material and wave congruence. The softer high water opal silicate along with the harder nano mineral structure enable this wave to resonate it's frequency to form the structures.

Iron as indigo and violet.
This specimen silica based crypto crystalline chert would be an amethyst in pure silica quartz. Found near crater edge area near Minor Hill, TN.
Isabell Clark and the liquid/plasma candy swirls specimen. This was formed as a shock made liquid with the bolide minerals in nano/liquid inclusions as a painting wet on wet principle. Just beautiful.
Same specimen showing it's step harmonic. This is the actual imprinting of the shock wave signature wavelength.
Here is the pretty watercolor fade in the matrix. The dark line is an energy signature like lightning, the specimen shows a directional energy flow from right to left as well.

Manganese blue and magenta, not common. Impact nodule. The white is likely calcium.
Aug. 9, 2023.
Hi, l found this stone on the beach, it is magnet sensitive, l wanted to offer your comments

Slag like voids and linear white patterns. The voids are common to high energy surfaces, often due to plasma gassing bubbles or plasma impalements. The small white constructions are "constellationing." The alignment of particles in the presence of energy. The small size of these particles is indicative of the power of the impact or the distance.

Chert, manganese, drusy sand, impact resonate banding jasper. Jasper Crater. Before I moved to Cullman in November I lived in the Howell, TN Impact Structure and also found this and added a chapter to my on line impact encyclopedia called "candy." You can see that page just by searching on "candy and transition forms." The Howell, TN Structure is a very complex impact and I had five years of fun but alas I had exhausted that fun finally so moved here. So what is so great about here? The Jasper Crater, see attached. Jan. 29, 2024.
Michael Chynoweth
Can anyone possibly help.
Found this in Jefferson county
It is shale. It is the luster and luster color that has me so puzzled. At first I thought it was phyllite, but the structure does not match.
I know the area where I found this, sits on top of a coal mine which most of Jefferson county does I believe. I also know there's iron in the ground there also This shale's luster is shiny and grainy like schist. This picture very much does the rock justice. The picture is exactly how it is seen with my eyes.
Thank you for any help.

Impact spheres that appear to have manganese and Septarian surfaces. April, 22, 2024.
Carlos Contreras
Saved theses what I believe are septarian nodules from a rock grinder a few years ago. They destroyed alot of them building the new subdivisions in Central Texas. Just thought I'd share them with you.

Manganese in flow configuration. Impact liquidized. July 20, 2024.
Jenn Lonespoon
Found at Mooresburg TN, very fragile
What it this, it used to be 1 solid piece

Hawkins County, TN has two inner mountain craters. Mooresburg is the left crater. July 20, 2024.

Manganese banding a harmonic, iron stippling, and the only cobalt plasma holes I have ever seen. This boulder was located in the front area gate at location shown below. Nov. 25, 2024.