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Crowd Sourcing Rock Identification - The Theory of Thought (How we get to a geology or physics conclusion) The genealogy of ideas. Physics and Philosophy are a pedigree system. 
Bracketing - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel


While our system of thought is not specific to Hegel, he is such an interesting polymath and coined the terms, for diagraming the tool. So what are these terms? 

Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis. So how is that bracketing? The diagram flow of this approach will start with a Thesis and then be challenged by the Antithesis. That is how the bracket gets started. A Thesis makes no bracket it just contains it's intrinsic quantity and quality. Analysis of the Thesis and Antithesis produces a Synthesis. Hegel taught that the winning Thesis now a Synthesis retains each and every challenge as part of the new theory because that is how you got to where you are. If the original Thesis beats the Antithesis, it is of course now stronger than before. So not keeping the history keeps the strength of the debate from advancing iteratively. 


Bracketing (German: Einklammerung; also called phenomenological reduction, transcendental reduction or phenomenological epoché) is the preliminary step in the philosophical movement of phenomenology describing an act of suspending judgment about the natural world to instead focus on analysis of experience. Its earliest conception can be traced back to Immanuel Kant who argued that the only reality that one can know is the one each individual experiences in their mind (or Phenomena). Edmund Husserl, building on Kant’s ideas, first proposed bracketing in 1913, to help better understand another’s phenomena.


Bracketing - A gate through which a Thesis will pass or not.



The quality and width of the Thesis and Antithesis contribute to the outcome Synthesis. So this iterative function can have more iterations because of lack of quality or quantity. You could graph it, Hegel believed things go toward foreword progress. This process requires the bracket to encompass the truth being sought. 

So let's get started with a very hard example. This way this works is you start with what you know and apply that to build up to a thesis. 


1. Particle Signature indicative of impact particle storm.
2. Green and trace red, copper and iron
3. Banded tube forms, usually a resonate made wave function from shock. 

4. polygon structures, a pseudo crystal habit. This presentation is in 2 dimensions which would indicate a fast formed structure as it did not have time to make more dimensions. 
5. Resonating around the tube structure to make indention in the polygon structure indicating an active energy.
6. Perpendicular iterations which are part of a second iteration dynamic in the tube waves. A sign of excess power in the wave. 
7. Linear banding in the tube wave forms. This is a simi conductor isolating event, a strange capacitor like electrical effect of energy dispersion. 
8. Shock agate with attenuation antenna response. This physics is a reversal of what you saw as a kid with those TV aerials on peoples roofs. In this case the forms are branching as a response to the waveform which is making it. While this is the same physics of all resonate made bodies this type is fractal which is known to be one of the best antenna designs.

 <<Trace iron smudge.

Initial Thesis - This is an impactite from a large earth impact in which the bolide contained iron and copper. It was far enough from the impact center to survive vaporization and allow for the shock waves to settle into a dispersion energy form imprinting these waves with the particles from the bolide minerals of copper with the trace iron falling as a mist from the vapor center of the impact. 

Among other world changing contributions Hegel invented the parameters of art as a vehicle of the flow of our collective improvement, which is moving foreword. In that context two very different examples of this are below. 

Hey kids 
print and color
me. I am free, but after you color me Charge $2

Colide Clyde is part of the Hillbilly Resteling Universe - HillBRU

Colide Clyde Page 1.png

Secret art gallery - Open door

IMG_1802 (2).JPG

Collide Clyde has a new garage band called Art Rock and the inclusions. This is the album cover. 


Lyrics to hit single "shattercone." 

Cone me, cone me

They aught to take a piece and clone me

Cone you and me

Baby won't you point to me.

yup, up yah bob a doo dah. 


Artfizz - This is an impactite specimen with high shock and made of silica Si and trace iron Fe in nano pulverized form from the meteor its self. The impact backloads the meteor into exploding in a plasma vapor but furnace refines materials like the silica which was a particle that melted into these shape via shock. 


Yin Yang Triangle Blossom - This is a harmonic iterative triangle wave form. It has nested expressions forming the yen yang groupings. While I have seen other specimens similar this is a more pure expression in iteration in the center. The center of mass is where resonance gathers strongest. The power of the frequency and the pureness of the wave are required to form this. Notice it was not really obstructed much by  impurity of material, that is a powerful wave harmonic. 


Tepee agate - Multi harmonic triangle wave also a square harmonic. There is a central harmonic grouping. 


Visit Jupiter in 21 - are we there yet? 


Deescalate the turning fractal portal  


Meteorite with Septarian Star Cavitation >>


Silver 400 years of mining in Peru. 

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Shock flow with cobalt. Canada. 


I've had this strange stone since I was little. Can you tell me anything about it?

Impactite, surface high heat Septarian mosaic with resonate shock circles and mineral separation. RARE. Valuable like a gemstone. the matrix shifted to higher black iron oxide during forming. Very how and cracked while cooling the surface mosaic. The shock impact that made it separated minerals by resonance which also makes circles. March 5, 2024. Amon Montgomery specimen. 


The Hillbillies have landed!

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