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The Turing Pattern. 


Decoding the Turing Pattern

Photomicrograph of NdFeB showing magnetic domain boundaries. Notice the Turing Patterns. Even  fractal iterations of Turing Pattern.  Bitter patterns are a technique for imaging magnetic domains that were first observed by Francis Bitter.[9] The technique involves placing a small quantity of ferrofluid on the surface of a ferromagnetic material. The ferrofluid arranges itself along magnetic domain walls, which have higher magnetic flux than the regions of the material located within domains. A modified Bitter technique has been incorporated into a widely used device, the Large Area Domain Viewer, which is particularly useful in the examination of grain-oriented silicon steels.
Domain structure of an examplary meander domain (recorded using CMOS-MagView)
Domain structure of a shape-memory alloy (recorded using CMOS-MagView)
Domain structure of an examplary magnetic bubble domain (recorded using CMOS-MagView)

You will see all of these types as shock constellationing structures. 

5P-Isham's corollary to gravitational theory, matter attracts like matter differentially July 10, 2024. Constellationing (commonly called granular crystal habit) - The Particle Lattice Structure, a viscous pressure and elemental purity or sameness relating to the connecting/bridging of particles. (Reference: In the book Physics of Shock and Impact Volume 1: Fundamentals and dynamic failure by Dennis Grady on page 1-14 he states "More common than not, the underlying physics responsible for the viscous pressure is not known. The rate dependence associated with deformation dislocation plasticity has received considerable attention as a possible viscous mechanism.") Note: It is possible for a state interface to exist with liquid, plasma and solids and gasses in a high shock chaos storm. You can read about the shock chaos storm at: and the multi state matter at:

The least common denominator particle - The mechanism of impact sorting is a distance from impact equation whereby based on the kinetic force and materials find a balance point. Page 130 of In Search of Stardust - Amazing Micrometeorites and Their Terrestrial Impostors by Jon Larsen He quotes Michel Maurette as determining the peak size of micrometeorites is from .2 and .4 mm. 

The common denominator particle will form bridges, ladders, fractals, septarians, squares, circles triangles etc.  in it's first iterative form via connecting viscous shock pressure i.e. the particle lattice structure. It's second iterative form is accretion into larger bodies and finally a sphere. Impact is the process that starts it all over. The kinetic particle cycle. If you are seeing constellationing in a specimen you are witnessing a transition phase. It is the in-between process. Constellationing is a Turing Pattern. Turing proposed a model wherein two homogeneously distributed substances (P and S) interact to produce stable patterns during morphogenesis. These patterns would represent regional differences in the concentrations of the two substances. Their interactions would produce an ordered structure out of random chaos. Little wonder it was Turing who came up with this sequence it is a binary construct of on and off. Constellationing solves the Turing Pattern Enigma. The "common particle size" is the key. Impact will have a common particle size and sorting. Size variants distort the equation. I am currently evaluation for the concept of the "Triple Turing" an on and off secquence of three elements. Mostly I see blended on and off of the third element. A little way down on the left side of page (Turkish Specimen) you will see a multi element constellationing but is never a one, two, three propagation as the materials are not able to melt and make Turing Patterns. Once  melted the Turing Propagation is discontinued. Turing in his famous computable numbers proof used the worst case examples to demonstrate the success of his logical idea. The specimens you will see below are many different types of worst case examples and all demonstrate the Turing Pattern no matter what the material change or condition. Pseudo/Poly morph crystal, construct in the presence of alteration energy, will shift to impact geometrics.



  1. a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure. Modern astronomers divide the sky into eighty-eight constellations with defined boundaries.

  2. Constellationing - An impact particle storm fluid frozen and connecting as seen here at 1/1000 inch. This phenomena is similar to the Septarian effect but shows distinct particle end points. Try to ignore the freaky iron blossoms in the first picture below, which of course is why I took the picture then noticed the smaller particles. The shock chaos storm has sent particles through this specimen not just the iron particles which are getting larger through oxidation rusting i.e. blossoming. The smaller white particles are stable. 

  3. Constellationing particles - are common sorted kinetic size of the universe's construction building form. They vary in size with the size of the impact storm or construction phenomena. You can see specimens below from some of the earth's largest impacts and the larger size of the particles in constellation. Smallest common particle will form connecting constellation i. e. the lattice structure. Impact kinetics of a faster impact like here at the Frankewing, TN "Collide Clyde" impact will make a smaller common particle as the bolide was dense and fast. The moon has impact cratering of a common impact meteor size period. 

  4. Meta Constellationing - is the concept that a common particle construction lattice sequence could be inside the first level constellationing. 

  5. Coherence of particles by radio waves is an obscure phenomenon that is not well understood even today. Recent experiments with particle coherers seem to have confirmed the hypothesis that the particles cohere by a micro-weld phenomenon caused by radio frequency electricity flowing across the small contact area between particles.[9][3] The underlying principle of so-called "imperfect contact" coherers is also not well understood, but may involve a kind of tunneling of charge carriers across an imperfect junction between conductors. (from Wiki) This phenomena is applicable to any energy to connect alignment to bridge the most effective conductance. It is a type of crystallization. (Lee Isham Aug. 23, 2022)

The Tissant Meteorite as shown in an article in Sky & Telescope. You can see that it has a small common particle lattice.

Petrogenesis and the grainular crystal habit - Grains vary in mineral composition and can shift in the same rock. Grains can form structures. Some rocks will contain many sizes of particles. Higher shock and heat will make them collect more in forms. They are found in meteorites and impactites and volcanic rocks. A smaller uniform conglomerate but one that connects. Is more than one aspect to the grainular crystal habit. The force that made it i.e. impact, explosion and the forces modifying it i.e. heat, shock.

Shown above are smoke particles forming Turing Patterns while moving. 
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Impact and the shock storm event. This bolder is a surviving relic and the bolder sequence resembles sedimentary strata but is just a large mass in a large crater bottom. It does not show a broken up composition but more a quasi metamorphic construction. 

The second derivative process is accretion. Picture is surface of asteroid. Hayabusa (Japanese: はやぶさ, "Peregrine falcon") is a robotic spacecraft developed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to return a sample of material from a small near-Earth asteroid named 25143 Itokawa to Earth for further analysis.
Shown right at .3 mm is suspect micrometeorite under study by Jan Larsen of Project Stardust. It is a also composed of a "common particle construction lattice." It also has an iron particle inclusion section. This specimen is remarkably like an impact cinder.
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Shown above is specimen from Lake Logan, TN. It is the physics of particles. The micro dots collected by micrometeorite scientist made by impact and shock frozen collected in this specimen which seemed to have caused cleavage planes. 
This bolder strata has lichen blossoms ignore them the constellationing is smaller patterns in white. 

CLUSTERED ELLIPSOID COLLOIDS OF A LIQUID GLASS. IMAGE: RESEARCH GROUPS OF PROFESSOR ANDREAS ZUMBUSCH AND PROFESSOR MATTHIAS FUCHS. Gas/liquid states and grouping occurs. Their study takes into account a clustering effect. You can read this article at:

What drives this clumping behavior? 

The known universe contains only two varieties of elementary particles. One is the family of fermions, which includes electrons, as well as protons, neutrons, and the quarks that form them. Fermions keep to themselves: No two can exist in the same quantum state at the same time. If these particles didn’t have this property, all matter could simply collapse to a single point. It’s because of fermions that solid matter exists.

The rest of the particles in the universe are bosons, a group that includes particles like photons (the messengers of light and radiation) and gluons (which “glue” quarks together). Unlike fermions, two or more bosons can exist in the same state at the same time.

They tend to clump together. It’s because of this clumping that we have lasers, which are streams of photons all occupying the same quantum state.

Constellationing - Why do the particles coalesce? In an impact the high pressure would be packing particles in lens type focus areas. There is however a natural gravity to pull the particles which would be more important in space to make larger objects. You can see this on pictures of asteroids. Feb. 26, 2024. 

Specimen above from Catalca, Turkey. The refining explosion and breccia. Elements expelled in a meteor impact in a plasma like state with particle storm (white dots) land and cool down but have no consistent matrix, really not even what you would call a breccia. A very interesting example. I am all the more intrigued by how this specimen maintains the crystal lattice build throughout so much diversity. 
Here it is below magnified more clearly down at 1/1000 inch.

(A thousandth of an inch is a derived unit of length in a system of units using inches. Equal to ​1⁄1000 of an inch, it is normally referred to as a thou, a thousandth, or (particularly in the United States) a mil.

The plural of thou is also thou (thus one hundredth of an inch is "10 thou"), while the plural of mil is mils (thus "10 mils"). Thou is pronounced like /ˈθaʊ/, not like /ˈðaʊ/. The words are shortened forms of the English and Latin words for "thousand" (mille). The US customary mil can be confused with the millimetre, which is the standard meaning for "mil" or "mils" (plural) in British English and European engineering circles.[citation needed] This can cause problems with spoken dimensions or with those who are not familiar with alternative uses of the term. One US mil is approximately ​1⁄40 millimetre at 0.0254 mm, or 25.4 micrometres (μm).)

A possible mechanism discussion: EMP shock hackle
While the charge of a particle derived from a shock chaos storm could be electrostatic it is interesting the iron particles did not connect up as constellation lines. But some of the little white particles did not either. Chemically the viscous strain is more likely as a cause. Universally the constellationing process is linked to the septarian form.
Particle linking by resonance is part of the overall impact physics. The impact produces a disturbed matter state where the particles are in states of resonate excitement beyond their  equilibrium resonate state.  Particles in this very high heat liquid or plasma collect by common resonance progression as the matrix is in a state of resolving instability.  An article and examples appear in the Fiber Crystal section on this page of this phenomena:
While clearly very similar to the shock Septarian effect it is also different as some dots do not connect via the constellation lines. I think we are seeing a micro moment flow in time of shock melting at a pressure that did not melt the particles but almost. The melting of them would look like shock Septarian structures. But why do they connect? I can only surmise they have the same chemical valence and are joining up but ran out of time as shock is an instant process with a sudden start and stop in zones away from the thermal plasma core which is quite small compared with the chemical and nuclear type explosions. While you see constellationing in the blue and indigo areas below that is not affecting this phenomena because that coloring is at a still smaller nano level and has not affected the Turing Shape Model. Notice also that while the iron particles do not have a uniform particle sorting the uniform white particles are forming inside them with boundaries.  
In alchemy and philosophy, prima materia, materia prima or first matter (for a philosophical exposition refer to: Prime Matter), is the ubiquitous starting material required for the alchemical magnum opus and the creation of the philosopher's stone. It is the primitive formless base of all matter similar to chaos, the quintessence or aether. Esoteric alchemists describe the prima materia using simile, and compare it to concepts like the anima mundi.
In this book on Page 4 the model of the Big Bang producing an elemental particle storm that coalesced. This proto plasma universe with it's swirling depositing is similar to what I see here in the shock particle storm, a collecting of particle elements.  That would make each impact collision of formed matter a shock mini Big Bang, which has a resorting property. Resorting and distribution are fundamental to the impact causality of surface ore deposits on Earth.
On Page 13  the elements we are familiar with are produced by "shock wave collapse." This is when a star burns out and implodes so fast the shock wave destroys it. Now that sounds familiar too. Earth impacts are a shock wave ripping apart matter in an explosion. It makes a shock particle storm and reforms as shown to the left.  Page 14 shock wave compression generates new denser material it passes into. I find that all the time in the rock strata in the crater. It has been compressed and is no longer a sedimentary material as classified but metamorphic limestone.   
On page 52 it says "Only three sites in the world, located in Canada, Australia, and Africa, contain rocks exposed on the surface during Earth's early history that have remained essentially unchanged through geologic time. Some of the oldest rocks found on Earth in South Africa and Australia contain layers of tiny spherical silicate grains suspected of being debris from the oldest known meteorite impacts. The debris dates from around 3.5 billion years ago, during a time when large impacts played a much more significant role in shaping Earth's surface than later on. The impacts were also much more numerous and more powerful. 
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Web Constellationing - Specimen collected by Ali Karadaniz of Thrace, Turkey. 

Travel photographer Sarah Bethea captured this breathtaking photo last winter in Iceland of a setting sun’s golden rays entering an ice cave and turning a section of the cave’s ice amber. Notice the structural patterns are quite similar to the particle lattice forms made in rock. 
The strange "roll up circle" shown below is a moment in time of lateral flow frozen for us to see on the side of a near crater bottom bolder strata near Coldwater, TN. So the meteor hit at a very oblique angle into a sea of water, mud and sand, then rock and there was some kind of liquid flow to this strata laterally to roll up a circle hoop. The important thing for constellationing is I can tell a little difference in density in the hoop structure. That means a time in crater explosion physics for a shock wave blast to be just ahead of a mechanical rolling around of fluid/plasma. 
You are looking at strata formed in minutes not millions of years! Is composed of shock formed particles. 
The "angel fish" form shown above is an aqua dynamic construct from lateral flow and dissimilar viscosity. 
Shown magnified below the shock particle storm seems to show a chaos of directions in keeping with the successive reduction by impacts to particle size predicted by my model as described: Additionally the particle impacts could be like billiard balls hitting each other and leaving a trail of material from that impact.  
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The fossil shown below is from same location and presenting on the side of a boulder. It has iron involvement with the constellation effect. Also the shell fossil has not been destroyed just partially damaged. A lateral impact making a 60 mile crater could have two seconds at 30 miles per second but the delay effect shown above would be more than two seconds to roll up a hoop. The many effects shown below are slightly time displaced. 
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The beautiful specimen below is from Farmington, NM. It is simi priceless and has constellation lace. I believe the bolide that hit there was highly radioactive as the surrounds are full of uranium. Constellationing may be associated with particle physics in a way that jumps those little tubes around at the 1/1000 inch scale. The extreme physics of so much energy released so quickly can cause the collision of plasma storms which can launch sub atomic particles at near light speed.
Wow, check this one out. Another presented on face book for identification. The larger stripes are from the shock chaos storm, the voids are a type of cindering but the surface is constellationing. It is from the Kentland, Indiana Impact.
This one is interesting. Another facebook post this one is from California. What is so neat is the thin crystal strands are present inside the specimen not just the surface. The quartz is from where it impacted with sand it turned to quartz but the copper is from the meteor itself. Is really fascinating how the quartz and copper blend. A really nice find. 

Ladders - You will see particle level ladders and higher level ladders like these but only as a shock made construction. They can fractal as a more organized harmonic like a spiderweb. 

fractal tree branching >>


Carlos Azevedo from Portugal 

specimen, Frost Constellationing - Impact is a sequence event. The matrix of this specimen was very hot. The shock particle storm of more cloud like particles settled on this specimen and melted.

Yet another facebook id. Just beautiful. You can see the particle constellationing, breccia inside the circles, iron banding, elemental seperation, melt circles. Wow. 
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Well you would think the biggest recognized earth impact would have a bigger shock particle storm and you would be right. This specimen below is a mega clast from the Vredefort Impact. The specimen is located at Eastern Cape Beaufort West, South Africa Karoo. Also this large specimen is suspicious. The left side looks like wind prints from earth entry. This could be a break apart piece of the meteor and subsequently blasted in the main body's blast particle storm.  This bolder is also an example of two sizes of constellationing. 
Gemstone collectors like to show off their finds. This one is from Northern California. Obviously they found a pretty gemstone and as interesting as that is; it is set in a shock particle storm record. Well that is fitting because the gem it's self was a product of the impact. 
Space formed constellationing particle size. 
Earth impact formed constellationing size particles. 
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Materials and shock. Left is the hard gemstone material which was shock separated. Center is more consolidated, and right is septarian. Shock cooks like your microwave oven from the inside out. 
What a story here. It is a solid mass of shock particle storm. It was found in central Florida and is from the Chicxulub Impact or the suspect impact in the Everglades (Page 71 Asteroids, Comets, And Meteorites by Jon Erickson)  and was found by a mom and her son going out and rock collecting because they are stuck at home during the Covid 19 isolation. It is a three different color impact particle storm both red, grey and white.  
I find this one particularly interesting with the shifts between the red grey and white. The Turing Pattern is strictly an on and off of one material collecting in opposition. It can be in opposition to two materials but still uniform in it's structure to connect up as constellations. 
From La Grange, TX this specimen is doing some strange things with constellationing. I think they could even be easy to name like the ones in the sky. Overall it is an interim stage of agate formation. Specimen below is from Costa Rica. This is an impactite, a product of a large meteor impact. The colors are very likely nano copper which was vaporized in the impact and from the meteor itself.  If you magnify them you will see little white particles. These are from the shock particle storm. They are charged and melt toward each other called "Constellationing." The body of the rock itself is crypto crystalline. A metamorphic form probably from sand or the local terrain at the impact surface. It has small cleavage planes where the "Constellations" are concentrated. Of the estimated 16,000 earth impacts less than 200 have been identified and it is a lot of work to get one officially certified and no established funding for it. There may be some relationship between the specimens found and smaller particle size and the size of the impact. 
Shock banding and constellationing at same time? The structures cross the bands.
The shock particle storm universe. It includes galaxies and star contsellations. The particle dispersion is not equal and the charge can vary as some particles connect and some don't. Also the particle  material  differs. And after you consider them all the particle storm with a charge flow like a thunder storm could have a lingering cloud over a large area and come down over a long time. This is likely what is being described in the article about the Chicxulub spheres in the KY boundary ash that is spread around the world. See bottom of this page

Plato: Organicism

Organicism is the position that the universe is orderly and alive, much like an organism. According to Plato, the Demiurge creates a living and intelligent universe because life is better than non-life and intelligent life is better than mere life. It is the perfect animal.  In contrast with the Darwinian view that the emergence of life and mind are accidents of evolution, the Timaeus holds that the universe, the world, is necessarily alive and intelligent. And mortal organisms are a microcosm of the great macrocosm.

Of order and chaos: This specimen is from San Luis Valley Colorado. A sequence of events both with a delineated and amorphic structure. The fast metamorphic nature of this specimen does not support volcanic origin.  For example the thin line inclusion uniformly crosses the white banding and the dark fan wave.  
Cluster Constellationing
.New phenomena word - Binarea, a section of rock with the binary Turing Patterns.
Constellationing particle storm>>
Constellationing particle storm
Specimen below is from Italy posted by a finder from Rome. It is a "designer" black on black shock particle storm with Constellationing. Beautiful and stylish, La Petra Noir, volcanic or impact? Both make particle storms. Reaction diffusion with air as the inhibitor? Also particles and shock it's self moving causes an electromagnetic charge. 
The presence of the white particles is the only indication this could be an impact specimen. Impact is very diverse, volcanic, not so much.
Shown below is a Shattercone section from the Ries Crater in Germany. Like the Tennessee Well's Creek crater it was investigated by the famous Eugene Shoemaker. This picture is from Wiki and shows the "Constellationing" throughout. It is a particle storm turned into Shattercones. 
Again from Wiki the photo below are of Suevit from Ries crater. Suevite is a rock consisting partly of melted material, typically forming a breccia containing glass and crystal or lithic fragments, formed during an impact event. It forms part of a group of rock types and structures that are known as impactites. Constellationing is shown however the particle storm dots in the upper left inclusion are fewer. Some features appear to be masses of constellationing. The particle storm is not uniform like other impact effects the variability over a small range is an indicator of impact as it is a cascading chaos storm. 
Greenish suevite from an impact crater at Rochechouart, France shown below. Again the shock particle storm "Constellationing" is shown throughout with the possible exception of the black inclusions. The grouping of colors and strange patterns have that Picasso look. Notice the top surface has a breccia look. 
Shown right and below is Trinitite from the Nevada dessert. It was made in the first atomic bomb detonation. Although estimates of the shock force are as low as 13 GPa it has an impact particle storm inclusions and the one on the right has little to no connecting dot constellationing.  Was very hot has venting holes. Impact is a kinetic based energy form and the first atomic bomb was more of a heat producer and atomic bombs do not use all the energy available whereas all the potential energy of impact is unloaded in most large impacts as you do not find unaltered pieces of them. Particle storms which are the source of Constellationing are most frequent with impact as it is a kinetic based event. Next is volcano's making an explosion, then finally bombs. Particle storms favor impact over heat as only the shock from a bomb makes particles. Having said all that the specimen below contains iron from the bomb and scaffold, particle constellationing and linear fiber crystals or linear constellationing. This is a good example of where located in a shock particle storm causing phenomena effects. 
The above photo is a stock picture of "cobalt." It is a "splatterform" constellationing effect from the shock particle storm. You can also see other minerals and as it is a "stock photo" you really can't be sure it is cobalt because azurite looks like it and both are common to meteor composition. 
Lattice bridging >>>>
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This is Wiki's example chondrite photo by H. Raab A 700g individual of the NWA 869 meteorite. Chondrules and metal flakes can be seen on the cut and polished face of this specimen. NWA 869 is a ordinary chondrite (L4-6). Chondrites are a chaos shock particle storm shock melted together. The constellationing effect is present but not to the extent of the above examples. This is due to a distance sorting effect allowing the particle wave to sort as the pressure wave goes through.You can see the connecting strand crystals in the white inclusion to the left and top left. Meteors like this were close to the impact. Earth crater effects can have a shock particle wave travel long distances.  
Notice in this specimen the mixed and melted sizes are also present along with the constellationing size particles. The bridging lattice between particles seems to occur at the lowest common denominator particle size. This is what defines a Chondrite shown here. 
Outdoor photography and millimeter scale. This is going to produce a light diffraction and sameness to the rock and scale just near the white inclusion regarding composition "tempered acid etched steel and shocked iron/manganese allow perhaps with both having the particle lattice as a tempering effect when you magnify it. 
magnify here >>>
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"Cold rolled steel" is pressure rolled to thin over and over at 1 GPa till sold at this gauge about .2 mm. Is like a shock pressure wave which the metal in the rock has sustained. Is Constellationing a shock tempering causing a lattice crystal structure? 
From southeast middle KY. USA another meta contellationing But the larger lattice is now "free floating" but that could be caused by iron which has rusted away as this is likely from a very old impact making the central KY basin. 

Shown below: Olivine basalt from the Moon, collected by the crew of Apollo 15

Wknight94 talk - Own work

Lunar Olivine Basalt 15555 sample collected from the moon by the Apollo 15 mission, at station 9A on the rim of Hadley Rille. It was formed around 3.3 billion years ago. On display in the National Museum of Natural History.


Mars Barite shown above is a high shock meta Turing Patterns. The green forms are the larger size Turing Patterns and the white dots are the sub level particle storm. Additionally it shows evidence of Thin Plane Insertion:

So the problem here is this or is it not basalt. This is a product involved in a particle storm which comprises it's entirety. You can see it's crystal lattice structure and the particles. The current model for planet formation is accretion through impact. Notice it was collected on a crater rim.  
Pillow Basalt, Balochistan Pakistan. Notice here that no common pebble size has been made from the eruption event in this flow. The airborne type explosion tends to make a common pebble size particle. 
Just so you know, energy can make dots and lines too. Like the instant captures in rock we see with some particles connecting and some not; it is a "between state." 
Specimen below from the 2020 Tucson Gem & Mineral Show. It is between states. Constellationing a fractal dendrite construction but not crisp construction as if it ran out of energy or the material is so malleable that it cannot make crisp structures.  
Shock harmonic attenuation. Notice the particle wave wraps and conforms some to the curved surface at the bottom. The shock particle wave is coming from right to left. The shock melted many inclusions are the same as meteorite condrules. 
Constellationing attenuation >>> 
This specimen shown above is from the Thrace Crater just west of Istanbul, Turkey. It has high shock but more that that is gassing and the edges are attenuating with the harmonic resonance making linear granular crystal habit Constellationing. Also the lace Constellationing form in both quartz and iron and both. 
Example condrules from Wiki illustration picture shown with millimeter scale. They are considered the oldest form and the building material of the galaxy. However this process is a cycle of re colliding in the shock chaos cascade as forms grow by accretion and are busted up again by collision. Alas it also has constellationing. 
The Yen/Yang Spiderweb constellationing specimen. Something like lace constellationing but round balls and the thin lines in the iron obsidian glass. Did I  mention every impact is unique. 

The radial harmonic attenuation making linear constellationing. As Tesla said everything resonates. 

Constellationing organization in meteorites. Shown below is a state of between the forms usually seen and a more developed crystal forming development. It is from this article.
Same article but this example is more organized. You can still see some particle lines in divergence. 
And another with particles organizing. These meteorites are used as examples of a phenomena called Widmanstatten patterns. 
Shown below is a shock particle storm forming into a triangle. It is from Khomas Region,  Nambia the world's largest oldest impact. Malachite on Cuprite
Particle connecting chemistry.  The coning Stibnite below is an ore form of Antimony. Antimony is chemically unstable and groups with other elements easily. You can see color change smoothly in this specimen. The dots are both free and connecting. Rocks are like a picture of an energy event, showing what happened before. This is a second iteration coning fractal by the way. 
Above is what I believe to be iron from the meteor and a particle blast with venting for cooling/evaporation. 
The in between energy to connect and make lattice the beginning of a structure. It could be provided in a strong shock pulse which tends to melt matter metamorphic. Now above is Stibnite for sale on Amazon. It has the multiple coning form which may or may not be connected to a shock coning wave see It does have white uniform particles connecting up as a part of this coning process. It appears to be going around an upper inclusion body, very interesting. I think it is an impactite. Notice also the colors indicating nano minerals atomized in the impact and provided from the bolide it's self.  
Specimen shown above is a fulgurite, a lightning made figure or structure.  I think the host rock is an impactite. It has a white particle on a black matrix composition with some particle constellationing in the branching fractal figure.  The energy has made it visible particle construction as black against white. It was found at, Lake Isabella, Kernville, Cove District, Kern County, California. It is for sale from Mineralogical Research Co. 
Impactite with an iron constellationing line. Lightning  burn over it. 
Bolder above is from the north crater wall. It was so hot it gassed out those holes, i.e. evaporated. However it's particle composition bond is still evident along with the constellatioining. The particle lattice construction form is very strong. 
<<<<< Crossing Constellationing
<<<< Conductive separation 
Specimen from New Zealand. It has a new phenomena "crossing constellationing" The fractal form is from a layered event crossing the red matrix. It also indicates an EMP like change in the iron refining it more conductive. The crossing constellationing in this specimen is very similar to the thin fiber crystals shown on this page:
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Here we are in the sub millimetre world again where you find the least common particle that connects to form lattice structure. This is volcanic cinder sold by Home Depot in landscaping rock bags. You can see a small particle forming the shapes seen in impact produced constellationing structures. As this was formed while gassing/evaporating you have to wonder about "viscous pressure" as a forming principle except for heat as no external shock pressure is involved here rather an expanding pressure from out gassing. Also is something of a crystal surface I also see with impactites that were also probably very hot and cooled. 
Blue Mycean Mushroom, notice the mushroom and log have the same "constellationing" dot connecting forms almost as rocks. 
<< Do these patterns 
look familiar? There was a period of common meteor size.

So what forces reach out from one object and connect it? The sphere a ring surfact is a natural structure for a branching fractal, and look at the dots connect below. 

Above is a picture of "high dot gain" from offset printing Here we are seeing the the process of connecting constellationing. There is a particle breakup process going on but mostly toward other dots. Reaction diffusion as a state of joining valence through lattice bridges and forms including hexagons and septarians. 

dot dot Neo, the dot matrix has you. Geology system failure.  

Specimen below from Superior, AZ home of the "World's Smallest Museum." It is shown expaned from it's six inches so you can see the many states of crystal formation structures going on. I believe this to be an inner crater close in survivor of impact shock chaos explosion. It seems a multi resonate crystal directional pattern growth like twinning or planar deformation. 
Constellationing border effects shown in this specimen. It is shocked to melt state just leaving the latticing edges like a dendrite fractal.  
To the right we have a crater not a venting hole. Impact is a shock chaos storm environment. 
Crystal combination sequences. Many crystal habits with constellationing Turing patterns. 
<<< Turing Patterns on corners
Backing matrix of constellationing Turing Patterns. 
This specimen from South Indonesia, also where a lot of tectites are found has a high melt fractal flow of constellationing Turing Patterns going along with the melting it is doing. 
Energy, materials, and chaos. The specimen below was found in Illonois from unknown impact. Is hard to get an idea of any direction of the shock which was high >75 GPa. The Turing Pattern Constellationing is highly developed without any single dot particles which seems to relate to the crystal habbit. 

<< Tube Wave See more of them at:

Specimen below found at Lake Logan, TN which is in the SW crater area. It is a Turing Pattern type with non uniform particles settling as the final event in the flow back into the crater but the iron still rejects dispersion and makes Turing Patterns. A sedimentary but also chemical Turning pattern process. 

Information Thermodynamics of Turing Patterns

Gianmaria Falasco, Riccardo Rao, and Massimiliano Esposito
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 108301 – Published 4 September 2018



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We set up a rigorous thermodynamic description of reaction-diffusion systems driven out of equilibrium by time-dependent space-distributed chemostats. Building on the assumption of local equilibrium, nonequilibrium thermodynamic potentials are constructed exploiting the symmetries of the chemical network topology. It is shown that the canonical (resp. semigrand canonical) nonequilibrium free energy works as a Lyapunov function in the relaxation to equilibrium of a closed (resp. open) system, and its variation provides the minimum amount of work needed to manipulate the species concentrations. The theory is used to study analytically the Turing pattern formation in a prototypical reaction-diffusion system, the one-dimensional Brusselator model, and to classify it as a genuine thermodynamic nonequilibrium phase transition.



Section of an oval possible meteorite. The inclusions have a directional constellationing flow that form striations. Striations are often seen in shock related specimens. 
Specimen above is from the Great Lakes Area a meta Turing Pattern, with Constellationing, including linear. 

Shown above is the same phenomena but from the Thrace Crater just west of Istanbul. It is more shock metamorphic but same effect. 

Geode from Michie, TN.  This is a product of the blast spray west. It had cooling time to make the larger quartz crystals from the sand and contains some of the blast iron from the meteor from this crater centered at Frankewing, TN. What is interesting is the Constellationing patterns inside the quartz. A particle construction inside the quartz crystal form. Two crystal type processes. Also is some micrometeorite type dots of iron besides the quartz iron conflict constellationing in center. 
<<< Shock direction indicator, a tide shadow. consistent with the wave line form. 
Azourit Malachi from Indonesia. With the iron and that patterning it is a meteor impact or volcanic product. Constellationing favors impact. It generates the common particle better than a volcano or bomb. It has a strange cross between a fractal dendrite and a Turing Pattern. Kinda unique. As a concept test it seems to demonstrate a somewhat different constellationing sequence than the typical impactite. But notice no matter what the Turing Pattern binary behavior and common particle size holds constant even from this unique formation. 
Specimen above from Turkey. It is a high shock form something like a geode or round impactite with a color separating harmonic wave. But what is most interesting is like the previous specimen above from Indonesia it has the "floating fractals" too. A true fractal is a branching tree due to an energy dispersion sequence. The floating fractal has no tree trunk. It is really a type of Turing pattern in a non uniform particle base. Impact is a chaos storm; high variability is a signature effect within any particular impact. Beyond that every impact is unique. Having said that the above two specimens represent the same phenomena a form like Spanish moss, branching without a trunk structure. The above specimen does also illustrate a fractal type principle. The particle storm is not penetrating well into the interior it is a gradient reduction.  
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Impact cinder close up at 1/1000 inch or .01 mm found at Lake Logan, TN. Not only does it have fiber iron crystals but also the shock chaos particle storm in this very high heat zone relic. Perhaps it was blasted and coated on it's outward journey. Note it only has partial constellationing. Particle density is not high. Particles are quite small. Perhaps fiber crystals could be regarded as a splatter form however the particle storm seems to 
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Shock Olivine >>>

This rock was in my neighbors yard and I photographed it on my walk around the lake this morning. It is a tri layer stone but when I magnified the view I could see it was entirely constructed with Turing Pattern Constellationing. Besides that it has a lateral flow and if full of tubular crystals but they are different than the ones I see as fiber crystals. These look like Turing Pattern Constellationing made as they are the same in size and material. Or constructed of the same material with an energy that makes the fiber crystal.
Little chert pebble I picked up while walking around Lake Logan, TN.  Zoom in on it with 100mm macro lens and it has iron tubes. 
Iron Tubes >>>>>
Shown left is the Turing Pattern effect on my shower curtain. 
Shown above is a combination of phenomena and provenance. These are called chain coral but are not. It is a plasma quartz ejecta stream that is forming spheres but captured in a matrix. It does have small particle Constellationing and Turing Patterning. These are found around specific impacts as all impacts are unique these forms are a phenomena with local association based on that impact producing them. They vary. This one is a Michigan Crater Impactite. It was a large impact you can see from it's karst ring shadow much like the one at Chicxulub. 
Michigan Crater >>>>>
Another specimen from the Thrace Crater just west of Istanbul, Turkey. I like these specimens because they show Constellationing in a high shock melt matrix. It obviously contributes to the merging of particles as you see only joined lines. You also see merging Constellationing structures. Clearly Turing Patterns are a subset of Constellationing as an impact phenomena. 
Yes, I like combination and transition forms, you learn so much from them. Shown below is a Gobi Desert Agate. It clearly is forming shock circles as well as making Turing Pattern Constellationing. Note some of the dots are not connecting like the high melt specimen above in which all are. The harmonic shock resonance was strong however with this one and not in the one above. Is a conflict going on between the forming of Turing Patterns and the high shock resonance. You also notice shock causing linear constellationing. Alan Turing's model is binary and single source, whereas an impact event is a shock chaos phenomena with so many forces acting. Like Johnny Von Neumann said shock would be a difficult to model phenomena in the real world. 
Rock harmonic resonance study: 

Research Article | Open Access

Volume 2019 |Article ID 6326510 | 11 pages |

Research on the Resonance Characteristics of Rock under Harmonic Excitation

Siqi Li,1 Shenglei Tian,1 Wei Li,1 Tie Yan,1 and Fuqing Bi2

Beyound this type of drilling study is: Even though the study concludes that shape and density will affect the resonance signature the plasma shock impactite is a final resolving form going from a liquid to solid. It is a decreasing resolving of energy. As you can see in this specimen some circles of Constellationing are forming circles but not complete as this is an in between form. Also the vibration is sorting the material by density as it is resolving energy. The sequence of impact storm makes for so much diversity in specimens. As it is a chaos process many presentations are observed. In the case of the specimen shown here, the explosion has already pulverized the impact area to produce the common particle size that constituted the Constellationing structures which are wanting to form the Turing Pattern but are being acted upon to form the harmonic resonance forms. It is a multiple force construct.  



Impact beyond Jackson Pollock - If you have ever seen the documentary about the lady truck driver who found a Jackson Pollock painting at a thrift store you know the Jackson Pollock painting process is unique and can't be faked. It is because of the nature of the process and materials. The post Pollock style beauty shown above here is actually a rock produced by the earth impact at the Thrace Crater west of Istanbul, Turkey. Earth impacts are like Jackson Pollock paintings, all unique splatter paintings. It has the same high shock melt as the previous specimen but without harmonic resonance.  It is the shock particle storm  mixed debris in common particle size melting into an iron oxide matrix. For those that like Modern Art is just a bit past mid century with a red flair. It is another high shock transition. 

Fossil wood with quartz melt tubes. Malaysia Other side below. 

Speaking of pretty art here is a specimen from Arizona a petrified tree stump. It is a form between the last two. High shock which is melting the shock common particle storm granular Turing Pattern Constellationing with mixed minerals. But in this case a shock density effect where the shock gradient is doing a resonant separation of materials agate like but not so delineated. A shock fossil. The shock particle storm common particle size is what you see on the outside but the tree rings are gone and the shock particle storm also containing minerals from the meteor bolide are melted inside. 

So what makes a fossil anyway? I know you were told it takes thousands of years but that just isn't true. It takes the right situation and a meteor impact may be that. 


'Harzburgite'. It consists of olivine (fayalite and forsterite) and pyroxen. Olivine is (Mg, Fe)2 SiO4. This specimen allows me to re-calibrate volcanic particle storm size. The previous volcanic specimen shown above has large particles but these are small. Other than the provenance you could not tell it's origin, impact or volcanic. Timanfaya National Park Spain. 


Swirl Constellationing - This is a specimen from Rainbow Cave Hormuz, Iron. Is is volcanic or impact made? The island has a crater wall breccia circular geology and zircon which is also found at Meteor Crater, AZ.

Linear constellationing >>>


Swirl Constellationing - This is a specimen from Rainbow Cave Hormuz, Iron. Is is volcanic or impact made? The island has a crater wall breccia circular geology and zircon which is also found at Meteor Crater, AZ.

This is a rather rare specimen. It is impact quartz. High shock and Linear Constellationing. 

<<< Now this is interesting. Large scale particle storm harmonically aligned and then fractaling dispersion of energy. This is from an earth forming large impact. 
Here we go with a published theory of "Constellationing." Notice the section left of the coin. It is in a fractal phase similar to lighting when it is dispersing, an energy signature not a crumbling breakage or decomposition. 

The squarish fracturing is commonly seen in large garnet crystals (eg. Nordåsen 'norite', in: Maijer C, Padget P (1984): The geology of southernmost Norway (NATO ASI excursion guide, Moi/NO). Geological Survey of Norway – NGU, Special Publication (1): pp109). This is not cleavage (garnet doesn't have any), but rather en-echelon tectonic fracturing.

The dark rim is host matrix - garnet commonly alters (retrogrades) to amphibole (~hornblende) and/or chlorite.


The Wisconsin Elf's Ear Impactite. Dug up from a construction site. It is like a geofact, a rock that resembles something else. Iron melts at 2,800 degrees F. It obviously contains melted iron. That is why it warped so. What is really nice is the way it was forming a Septaritan pattern and below that level Turing Patterns. What is also so interesting about this specimen is the many types of particle constructions. 


Constellationing Septarian - Transition Form from Cook County Minnesota. At right you can see all the shock made faults in Minnesota from very large earth impacts. All those grouped dotted lines are shock faults. Cook County is on the north east shore. This specimen is very important for illustrating form progression. It has nano mineral content, iron, cobalt or copper. The white particles are small. This indicates that the rock was at a sufficient distance from a very large impact for the particles to sort by distance. It is partially resonated. The particles are aligning concentrically around resonating densities. In a higher resonate state it would form a Shock Septarian. This is part of the phenomena circle where phenomena trace back to other phenomena. 

<< Crater Center

<< Crater Center

Septarian & Fractal Constellationing - From Vancouver Island, Canada this specimen has a shock particle storm forming patterns. It is in a high shock silica iron matrix from the impact explosion. Very rare specimen. 
Fractal >>>>>
Septarian >>>>>
Fractal >>>>>
The septarian is a completed fractal series. A beautiful and rare example. 

After thinking about it, I came up with yet another name for a new phenomena. You will be so impressed. I call this streakers. It is a shock storm particle at it's end state. It will vapor into a cloud making tunnels and fog like clouds. The specimen is from Arizona. Also the fracturing mechanics is changing. As the particle slows down it makes a greater disturbance in the material. Hyper velocity is not blunt. A straw can go through a tree at high speed in a tornado. In the case of the study of impact most of these bolides hit earth at Mach 150 or 30 miles per second. The particles from that explosion are going very fast some even faster than the initial bolide from an explosion launch. The erratic nature of the particle path is also an effect of so small a particle in a non uniform media going so fast. 


Consternation Constellation - A starfish fossil? Some very strange Turing Patterns around this radial form which do not suggest radial impact as the overall form suggest. This was found on a lake bed in California. 


Compacting Constellationing - From Lake Superior Area. See how the flow of Lace Constellationing goes from right to left and collects into a compacted mass? 


Constellation Form - This is a harmonic resonance around it's mass or a Petroglyph? The energy has dissipated along it's side making a ledge with striations. You sometimes see fractals go off on one side only. Note the black constellationing patterns are grouping in the stress points. This pattern is a type of "Eyelash Effect?"


<<< Eyelash Effect

Eyelash Effect - Energy radial from a stress point harmonic. 

Catch of the day from a creek bed in North Carolina, USA. That is a shock resonate form of impactite. That is the triangle coning type wave in full expression. I have not seen one expressed just like it before. The red is iron, the green is shock olivine, the inclusions are from the shock particle storm and the bands are linear constellationing. 

Gathering Wave >>>

Gathering Wave - A banded Gathering Wave is shown above. It is collecting the shock particle storm inclusions into a linear construct. Each band is getting denser and more consolidated. Shown below it is gathering around the Septarian Forms to make borders. While the above form is a consolidating harmonic the Septarian border effect below could be thermal.  

Below is a specimen from Mt. Ida, Arkansas, USA. It is in both linear constellationing and cone in cone harmonic resonance. 


Resonate Linear Constellationing Waves - This specimen from a West Tennessee collector is the only one of it's type I have ever seen. Notice the directionality. The top is a melt! I find this sometimes but it is such a high shock effect it is rare. It represents such a close proximity to vaporization you just don't find many survivor relics. Also note the particles dripping all downward from the lines. This shock obviously was top to bottom in direction. 

Constellationing structures


While this appears to be Orange Lichen it makes no leaf structures. It does make fractals but fractals are a universal form. Look at the side view below. Notice the particles not just the orange. 


Particle alignment - Chesapeake bay impactite in particle "linear constellationing." This was an instant process construction from shock resonance.  


Specimen above from Black Hills, South Dakota, USA is in a more advanced form of linear resonance and has circular resonate structures too. 


Multi mineral resonate borders - This magnified specimen is from the Chesapeake Bay Impact and was found in SE Pennsylvania, USA. It appears to have isolated copper by resonance into borders. Also is making circles from the shock particles in white. A very high shock resonate form. It was a big impact. 

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Now this is a fun particle resonate form I call the King Tut Dance. It is a magnification of a specimen from the Chesapeake Bay Impact found in SE Pennsylvania. 


Angle Structures - This specimen collected by Ali Karadenez in Turkey. Not an elylash effect just turning angles. This is why I named the phenomena "Constellationing." 

Pattern Shift - High Resonate Conflict. Look at these direction changes. This is a high shock effect.
Fossil, crystal, or pattern shift with overlapping harmonic? I think the latter. This is what I call phase shifting where two materials are trying to occupy the same space.  An overlapping pattern shift.  Now let's look at it on a macro scale below. 

Zion National Park, Utah, USA. It is on the outskirts of the city of Springdale, 273km from Las Vegas, Nevada, and 480km from Salt Lake City, the state capital.

It may be in the desert, but the terrain is anything but fruitless. Formed after millions of years of erosion, it has exceptional rock formations, countless wild trails and unique animals are a draw for anyone wanting to be isolated and inspired. The various gorges, animal communities and cultural sites within the park are best explored in spring and autumn when the weather is not inclement and you'll see the most spectacular flowers.

Credit: #Life_and_Nature Photographer unknown.

<< Less Linear Constellationing Structures.

Scientists Created An Acoustic Tractor Beam

Faculty ArticleQuantum PhysicsScience News Feb 07, 2018

It is remarkable what can be achieved with acoustic waves. During the last two decades, scientists have demonstrated photon creation with the sonoluminescence effect, acoustic levitation and sound hologram. Acoustic vortices are another interesting effect. They have been extensively studied for their ability to trap particles and recently a team achieved the stable three-dimensional trapping of Rayleigh particles (i.e., particle with a radius smaller than the wavelength a ≪ λ).

These acoustic vortices are wave fields with a screw dislocation in the phasewave front and an amplitude null on the axis pin. These helical wavefronts can be generated using various methods among which stands out the use of phased array systems because they allow to electronically control the acoustic beam by means of the application of a given delay law to the array elements.

Acoustic researchers had been frustrated by the size limit for years, so it’s satisfying to find a way to overcome it. I think it opens the door to many new applications.


Resonance particle trap - why the common particle is collected >>>>>

Recently, a team from the University of Bristol succeeded in trapping small particles in a three-dimensional acoustics traps. Basically, they created the basis for a tractor beam. They demonstrated stable trapping inside acoustic vortices by generating sequences of short-pulsed vortices of equal helicity but opposite chirality. This produces a “virtual vortex” with an orbital angular momentum that can be tuned independently of the trapping force.

The first results were obtained for airborne acoustic vortices, but simulations suggest that the instability due to accumulation of orbital momentum also affects vortices in other media, such as water or blood. It is possible that virtual vortices will allow novel applications in particle centrifugation and manipulation of arbitrarily sized particles. Therefore, the introduction of virtual vortices will extend the current uses of acoustic levitation to allow larger objects to be manipulated and their rotation controlled.

Acoustic tractor beams have huge potential in many applications. I’m particularly excited by the idea of contactless production lines where delicate objects are assembled without touching them.

Bruce Drinkwater, Professor of Ultrasonics from the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Continue reading at:

The particles are surfing the shock waves. 

Another specimen found by Ali Karadeniz of Turkey. This one is making constellationing fractals with resonance. The resonance you can see at bottom right where the fractals are reaching back toward the center. This is a linking form in many ways. The veins you see in rocks are often collected streams of constellationing particles. But in this specimen you can still see the particles. Also it illustrates the shock gathering into fractals at the same time the rock is in resonance. Is a very close relation of the two energies in this specimen. 
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Specimen is a pebble from Lake Logan, TN. Constellationing in triangle harmonic second iteration with triangles within and square. Picture taken with 100mm macro lens and the figures are at One US mil is approximately ​1⁄40 millimetre at 0.0254 mm, or 25.4 micrometres (μm).)

Constellationing Striationing - Notice the striations are not uniform lines. They are linear developing constellationing forms. All part of the overall harmonic which was in a coning frequency. But the coning frequency is overlapping. Impact explosions are not good producers of pure harmonic frequencies. 

linear constellationing into tubes - specimen collected by Taşların Peşinde Bülent Sancar  at location north of ankara turkey. 

Turing Patterns & Harmonic Blossoming - Even an object as large as the sun will form particle patterns. The background is the Turing form but the storm is a harmonic Septarian blossom. Take a look closer. 
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Here we have some old weathered slag from an abandoned railroad near Veto, AL. It is making constellationing structures. See the circles and branching. It appears to be two materials in contact as well kinda Turing Pattern binary. 

The cinder slag specimen below is making some squaring patterns. Or at least corners. 

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Raised Turing Pattern Meteorite. This is very very rare $100,000 rare. The entry through the earth's atmosphere has burned away one of the diffusible substances. 

It amazes me how much cavitation can resemble Turing Patterns. I mean their is no congruence in the theory for this but yet it is. So this would be a new phenomena Turing Cavitation.

So what is the theory? This is a modification of sphere pressure equalization. The cavitation pressure is forming bubbles on the surface, likely an ionized plasma bubble. 


Shown below is a lot better picture. Septarian cavitation with modified Turing Patterns from surface melt. Meteorite surface ablation is altered from the matrix structure. Of course the rivulets are a melt fractal. High iron content. 


Joe Pryor specimen. Linear constellationing in a crossing plane harmonic. This is a high shock specimen. A rare transition dense metamorphic survivor. It could be a mineraloid of cobalt, iron and silica. 


This is a decorator spray paint panel I made. It contains particles to make a texture surface. So the center is closer to the spray head and the right and left are in Turing Pattern Groups but scale change to larger on the left. Notice even though the particles are arriving at speed they still do not make the specific shock linear and resonate type of geometric patterning. 


In case you are wondering Her Majesty is Victoria making this high carbon blade about 200 years old. It has a shock constellationing pattern from the type of tempering used. It makes a similar effect to high pressure shock tempering. 


SW Ireland. Look at the particle surface patterns. 


Shock advanced Turing Patterns going into shapes, circles, fractals etc. 


SE Morocco. Can you see all the time circles? It is in a shock phase of this constellationing harmonic. Small particles too. This was high shock. The quartz vein structure is an energy carrying form to unload more energy. 


Turing Patterns and Fractals on the surface melt, side by side almost. I think the Turing Pattern section was recessed a little more and therefore did not go into the fractals. 


High metamorphic silica with complex surface patterns. The surface is resolving some compositional structure physics that are beyond the Turing Pattern but I do not think it is shock altered. I think it is resolving a triple Turing type iteration. Look how it goes less complex in the pure white silica. It is an unbalanced equation. 


First lets establish the matrix is not producing this effect but is a high metamorphic what I would call slightly marbled. 


So here it is in botryoidal hematite. A fast formed crystal construct essentially an iron version of bubbles. But when it comes to the surface it is in a crystal angular surface partially Turing Pattern. In the high silica specimen above it is the third dimention that is breaking down the pattern. In this example it is in conflict with the angular crystal habit.  Ends up more Septarian than Turing. 


Contrary Constellationing - the Cave pearl center right has turing pattern constellationing. Carlsbad Caverns, NM. USA


But it is not a cave pearl yet just a rock and the cave is likely a karst shadow of a large earth impact. 


Toy Car 90 years old dug up in Maine, USA - It is in a particle decomposition. While the structure of these granular particle crystals can make circles, septarians and vaguely resemble Turing Patterns it is a reverse structure. The particle sequence will melt to a solid in the other direction so this toy was a solid and now is in a reverse metamorphic. 


Not easy to see but here we have slag in a particle grouping. Specimen found by April Edine Evans in Chattanooga, TN USA.

There are a number of impact craters in NE Kansas. I have encountered posted impactite from that region before. This is a silica, black iron oxide Fe3O5 impact spheroid (O5, a gaseous iron physics that stabilized at O4).  It has the "eyelash" effect on one side and the other shows coning architecture. Harmonic construction. Shock waves produce coning as well as shock circles. That is why the circle can appear as a raised feature. The eyelashes are a cusp phenomenon whereby the energy of the circle is more than the circle can contain. Shock made: Shock is a high resonance that like your microwave oven cooks from the inside out, the surface circle is a rare remainder energy, eyelashes are rarer still. You will never find another. June 27, 2024. 

Kim Martin Thelen  ·   · 

NE Kansas. But this came from landscaping gravel area. I first thought crinoid section, then maybe a vertebrae. And then I wondered if it was an old button! Any ideas, or is it just a cool rock?

Smaller than a US dime.


Seal top spoon, circa 1675 or so, found on my property behind my 300 year old house. Jon EamesDigging Maine

This is another reverse metamorphic in a constellationing sequence. 


200 yr old range US penny in pressure constellationing decomposition. It is showing the higher pressure shock construction areas.  This was dug up in Maine by Chelsie Potter. 


Now here we are with clouds as seen from space making Turing Patterns and the stretched fractal type you see with shock. This is a macro particle construct grouping. 


All-sky mollweide map of the CMB, created from 9 years of WMAP data

(March 21, 2013)

In June 2001, NASA launched a second CMB space mission, WMAP, to make much more precise measurements of the large scale anisotropies over the full sky. WMAP used symmetric, rapid-multi-modulated scanning, rapid switching radiometers to minimize non-sky signal noise.[52] The first results from this mission, disclosed in 2003, were detailed measurements of the angular power spectrum at a scale of less than one degree, tightly constraining various cosmological parameters. The results are broadly consistent with those expected from cosmic inflation

Now notice the constellationing explosion type signature. While the signal does join it still retains discrete points. As a phenomena this would more of a fresh signature if it were matter explosion. 

Brest cancer cells with Turing Type Bridging. 


I usually classify rocks like this as close in effects. It has too much diversity to be tectonic although highly metamorphic, granite like. While I have not discussed it before, I believe the connecting of the dots i.e. constellationing to require some greater distance which produces a high dot density and particle size sorting. As an art lover the Pollock is a good point. True explosion randomness looks like this rock. The Pollock paintings balance and while appearing random the mind sees that they have a fractal balance with the splatter consistent in size and across the canvas.


 It is a meteorite. It has directional melt flow and cavitation as well as some evaporation cindering. The white structures are constellationing oxidation. That is where the common particle granular crystallization fails to react with the ablation, due to it's nickel content.  Nickel is in stainless steel. It also has an iron burn patina. This is a color effect that shifts due to slight differences in heat. Ocean wave action moves things to the shore. It hit in the ocean. Specimen collected by: Nataraju Nizampatnam


Jason Arledge specimens.  The bottom rock is in a classic Turing Pattern albeit large. The top rock is in the constellationing phase primary also large. The middle specimen is a transition energy dissipation form. It is like columnar basalt a shock tube to geometric septarian phase. All of these are rare examples.  


Energy dissipation - You often see figures in rocks I explain as "energy dissipation." Shock as a wave form like electricity does not instantly stop. In WW1 The Germans were tapping the British trench telegraphs by picking up the grounding currents. They would even turn theirs off every other hour to get clear signals.

Tesla even knew you could transmit electricity through the air and ground, and made it his great work to attempt it.


Lace Constellationing


So here is the left side making chain cell structures. 


Galaxy cluster collision - This is considered to be the most energetic condition ever observed. But you see these patterns all the time I call shock constellationing. Read the NASA article at:


Now consider that Turing Patterns are a system stress solving based on the degree of difference of surface tension. Constellationing is particles grain size but with varying degrees of smaller particles and shock breakdown to a fluid. So this again sets up a fluid interface differential. 


Mushroom, "Chicken of the woods." Notice it has the "constellationing" pattern. 


Tazzarine Morocco - Wave ripples or Turning Pattern, the balls are impact spheres landing as a progressive event. The structure matrix is a granular particle form in a shock pattern habit.


The nature of granular crystal habit structure - This impactite has the metamorphic shock blast matrix but what is so interesting is the shock particle storm composition continued development beyond the final composition as a crystal effect. You can see this in the simi fractal tree that crosses the matrix compositions. This is a cusp of the Turing Pattern and the Fractal Tree. The cobalt drops must have arrived in a hot liquid state like a dye.  Specimen collected by: Marek Markoni


Impactite sphere catcher. The surface also is in a granular crystal structure called Turning Patterns. This is a rare example of both phenomena. Specimen collected by: Rajpoot Dahmyal  


Scoria and volcanic glass hair. The cinder vesicle construction goes down to the granular size to what is seen in the circle shock made constructions. 


Amazon Basin Impact Sphere. It was very hot and cracked. Look how well it shows the granular shock particle storm composition matrix. Makes a septarian crystal habit inside. The small iron areas ar from a mist rain after the impact. Specimen collected by David Narvaez

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Impactite near onyx metamorphic. It is an extremely good specimen illustrative of the shock particle storm with a granular particle forming fractal structure. Nevada, collected by: Charly Rich. 


Good specimen. It once had a granular crystal structure that has been altered by surface ablation. While I see this type of matrix with earth impact specimens it is less often shown from meteorites. It is likely from a planet type impact where it organized a granular particle structure (shock particle storm) and was blasted into space as a solar system capture. These captured specimens can come into the earth at lower velocities like 6 miles per second or less. That makes them survivors. It of course has a surface melt flow directional cavitation and is clearly a meteorite. Take a look at the exposed particle matrix. Specimen collected by: نيازك مولاي عمر


This is rare. Impact nodule, high metamorphic, may be a phase of silica cobalt. The indentions are a high heat effect where it has expanded and sucked back in. The circles are a granular particle crystal type I have not seen before! 

Refaat Ahmed Sayed

Studied at ‎كلية الحقوق جامعة الزقازيق

Lives in Cairo, Egypt


Micro meteorite Project Stardust Jan Larsen et all. The elongated body shows the stress of forming a new sphere. This is a good example of why I find the study of impactites more interesting than meteorites. You often find impact phenomena in the cusp of change, a snapshot of a physics that occurred in the environment. This meteorite is a liquid in the process of forming another sphere. When you have an impact explosion it will make a "common particle." The common particles will be sorted by explosion distance and "chain reaction impacts." As micro meteorites occur around a common size there is a specific scale of the common particle even in something so vast as the universe.

The Liesegang phenomenon - A short history of Liesegang rings (
"Typical Liesegang patterns: silver-chromate rings formed in a gelatine layer and two slightly anomalous linear systems

Liesegang patterns

Liesegang patterning is a special type of chemical pattern formation in which the spatial order is formed by density fluctuations of a weakly soluble salt. From analytical chemistry we know many different reactants that form a precipitate (sparingly soluble salt) when they react with each other. A good example for this behavior is the reaction of silver-nitrate (AgNO3) and potassium-dichromate (K2Cr2O7).

If one of these components is evenly distributed in a swollen gel (e.g. in gelatine), and the solution of the other diffuses into it, the spatial distribution of the slowly forming precipitate will not be continuous. A series of precipitate zones (bands or rings depending on the geometry of the experimental setup) will form according to some simple scaling laws.

The figure above shows a one and a two dimensional Liesegang pattern."

The Liesegang patterns are a type of rejection sequence pattern isolating into a wave series gradient system. The slowly formed rhythmic is the system resonance of earth or a stronger local harmonic. You can witness this phenomena in the pendulum balls experiment.  L.I. Aug. 23, 2022

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Mineral isolation in the presence of energy. Heat or shock melt agate formation. As a physics principle it is a rejection pattern (not mixing) which also involves the physical environment which could have been high shock pressure and or great heat.

Is this a type of Liesegang pattern? Could be but did not progress and has the conflicting lateral patterns. 

Scale changing and Turing Cavitation - This is a shock floor. The red is from the large earth hitting bolide iron in a pulverized nano state. This crater bottom strata is pointing toward the center of the impact blast which is coming from the lower right. Cam Muskelly this is in Hamblen county Tennessee. There are actually a few spots around cherokee lake on hillsides where this is visible.


Surface rejection patterns - Rejection patterns appear on surface because now you have two surface substances, space and sun. 

Space Spot

Incredibly detailed photograph of our Sun

: Arturo Buenrostro


This is why I use the broad generic term "rejection patterns." While this flower does have Turing Patterns it demonstrates banding and isolation patterns as well. Tree growth rings are not Turning patterns as they don't bifurcate. Fingerprints are. Tree rings are a type of rejection pattern as they identify a new season of growth after not growing. 


The Persian Carpet Flower. Wow

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Turing Pattern development near center of Whirlpool Galaxy as seen in visible and infared light. This is caused by a boundary state like a sphere formation, a rejection sequence of granular crystal development. 

OIP (3).jpg

Concentration and rejection - Turing Patterns and rejection sequence figures develop as concentration increases. This is also a social phenomena. It is the form the wagons in a circle to defend against attack. 

Plasma electric.jpg

Plasma charge figures - These forms are from the plasma energy imparting material to the broke away surface. Specimen was collected by: نيازك مولاي عمر


Notice how this Meteorite has produced Septarian Patterns. It is a meteorite because it has an ablative crust, heat mosaic crevasses and flow into the crevasses as well as a cavitation dimpling Septarian which is what I want to discuss. The Septarian like Turing Patterns (Rejection Patterns I am sticking with the "Rejection Patterns" concept. It better describes the phenomena. Binary can also be a rejection pattern like space vacuum and a substance i.e. 1 and 0. See how this is more than they realize.) is found in nature and physics. Beyond that the quanta wave is also ever present. A drop of water hitting a surface will make a wave harmonic jet no tidal force is required. The quanta wave principle may underlie both Septarian and Rejection patterns. Specimen collected by: نيازك مولاي عمر


High shock melt breccia with black/white squiggles a type of melt isolation rejection pattern.  

Saul Woolsey  · June 16 at 6:42 PM  · 

Trying to identify this rock found a few in colorado springs area but they might have been transplanted from somewhere else. shines pearlescent when wet.


A type of shock agate. This is in a transition sequence to pure melt. It is isolating the minerals by shock resonance hence the central oval. Shock tends to concentrate around a center of mass. The white designs or forms shown are what is left of its rejection sequence (Turing Patterns are a type of rejection sequence).

Rajesh Tilak

Studied at Shardashram Vidya Mandir, Dadar

Lives in Borivli, Maharashtra, India


 I thought I was not going to see anything interesting but hey here it is. This is why I use the term "rejection pattern." First let me point out that a high energy pattern that does not change through a rock is a much more rare effect. It means a consistent power not affected by this small mass. The designs you see are a crystal morph captured in a state of liquid and froze so fast no continued crystal could be formed. Also it is opposed by a second material making it form rejection patterns. Jim Kingdon specimen. 


Rejection patterns are sometimes called interference pattens like this oil on water example.


But here in the smaller detail you can see some limited Turning Pattern build. 

Interference Pattern Of Oil On Water

Interference pattern of oil on water.



by Lawrence Lawry


And of course there is the fractal like notion of a smatter piece representing the larger typical of a Jackson Pollock Splatterform. 


Now notice how similar the surface of Jupiter is to the oil water rejection patterns. Banding itself is a rejection pattern and we see it on a planet scale. 


Reverse Constellationing - The granular particle crystal habit to clump into rejection patterns like the Turning Patterns is going on in reverse here. The shock wave is imprinting this melted flow of tubes and beads outward leaving string connections as it is pulled apart.

Micro crater created by laser. 

(PDF) Laser ablation of iron: A comparison between femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses (


Keep in mind this is a low power lab experiment and the linear constructs are quickly bifurcating as tree fractals. The large energy of cratering can sustain forms for great distance.  


Another type of Rejection Pattern - Aerial photo of stone rings on Svalbard - that's mostly called Spitzbergen. Stone rings belong to those patterns on permafrost ground. Ongoing alteration between freeze and thaw can form such circular stone structures (here up to 4 m in diameter). This is yet another type of "Rejection Pattern." In this case freezing soil and the atmosphere. A rejection pattern is a non mixing physics. If you add more energy you get ..... mixing.


Take a look at the micro meteorite crossing energy shock wave merging phenomena. Some are after and not merging just overlapping. Also not how it is producing raised projections with borders, must be another rejection phenomena.

Scötte Petersön

June 29 at 8:20 AM · Instagram ·

This one was dirty and looked weathered so I threw it into the ultrasonic cleaner and it came out just beautifully clean, looks like it just fell from space.


Pseudo morphic crystallization process, an  in between fast formed moment. Very high shock gathers around the center of mass which will have the most transition. The surface as a gradient decay is the least affected but is also the point where the object interacts with the surrounding substance. This is a type of Rejection Pattern. Even if this was blast bits like breccia it has been formed and organized by the impact energy. A very nice specimen. 

Steven Whited

SPC at Minnesota National Guard

Lives in Brownton, Minnesota


NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover 

13h  · 

Rock sample #9 is in the bag! (Well, in the tube, anyway.)

My team has waited years to get up close to this river delta and see what it might say about past life on Mars. This sample may well get a one-way ticket back to Earth in the future! #SamplingMars


Mars mixed granular composite rock with constellationing granular crystal formation habit.


Turing Patterns overlay harmonic. This is a shock agate with the imprinting shock wave pattern over the rejection pattern (Turing Pattern in this case.)


Galaxy size constellationing. Southern ring nebula in different spectrums as shot by the James Webb Telescope. Can you see the joining particles into patterns?

Besides illustrating the concept of "conditional physical existence" the following article shows the fundamental of rejection patterns. A substance that wants to clump in an environment of non clumping. 

  • Physicists prove the existence of two-dimensional particles called 'anyons'


Physicists prove the existence of two-dimensional particles called 'anyons'

This year, physicists gave us an early view of a third kingdom of quasiparticles that only arise in two dimensions.

By Stephen Ornes  |  Published: Tuesday, December 22, 2020




After decades of exploration in nature’s smallest domains, physicists have finally found evidence that anyons exist. First predicted by theorists in the early 1980s, these particle-like objects only arise in realms confined to two dimensions, and then only under certain circumstances — like at temperatures near absolute zero and in the presence of a strong magnetic field.

Physicists are excited about anyons not only because their discovery confirms decades of theoretical work, but also for practical reasons. For example: Anyons are at the heart of an effort by Microsoft to build a working quantum computer.

This year brought two solid confirmations of the quasiparticles. The first arrived in April, in a paper featured on the cover of Science, from a group of researchers at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. Using an approach proposed four years ago, physicists sent an electron gas through a teeny-tiny particle collider to tease out weird behaviors — especially fractional electric charges — that only arise if anyons are around. The second confirmation came in July, when a group at Purdue University in Indiana used an experimental setup on an etched chip that screened out interactions that might obscure the anyon behavior.

MIT physicist Frank Wilczek, who predicted and named anyons in the early 1980s, credits the first paper as the discovery but says the second lets the quasiparticles shine. “It’s gorgeous work that makes the field blossom,” he says. Anyons aren’t like ordinary elementary particles; scientists will never be able to isolate one from the system where it forms. They’re quasiparticles, which means they have measurable properties like a particle — such as a location, maybe even a mass — but they’re only observable as a result of the collective behavior of other, conventional particles. (Think of the intricate geometric shapes made by group behavior in nature, such as flocks of birds flying in formation or schools of fish swimming as one.)

The known universe contains only two varieties of elementary particles. One is the family of fermions, which includes electrons, as well as protons, neutrons, and the quarks that form them. Fermions keep to themselves: No two can exist in the same quantum state at the same time. If these particles didn’t have this property, all matter could simply collapse to a single point. It’s because of fermions that solid matter exists.

The rest of the particles in the universe are bosons, a group that includes particles like photons (the messengers of light and radiation) and gluons (which “glue” quarks together). Unlike fermions, two or more bosons can exist in the same state at the same time.

They tend to clump together. It’s because of this clumping that we have lasers, which are streams of photons all occupying the same quantum state.

Anyons don’t fit into either group. What makes anyons especially exciting for physicists is they exhibit something analogous to particle memory. If a fermion orbits another fermion, its quantum state remains unchanged. Same goes for a boson.

Anyons are different. If one moves around another, their collective quantum state shifts. It might require three or even five or more revolutions before the anyons return to their original state. This slight shift in the wave acts like a kind of memory of the trip. This property makes them appealing objects for quantum computers, which depend on quantum states that are notoriously fragile and prone to errors. Anyons suggest a more robust way to store data.

Wilczek points out that anyons represent a whole “kingdom” containing many varieties with exotic behaviors that can be explored and harnessed in the future. He began thinking about them about 40 years ago in graduate school, when he became frustrated with proofs that only established the existence of two kinds of particles.

He envisioned something else, and when asked about their other properties or where to find these strange in-betweeners, half-jokingly said, “anything goes” — giving rise to the name.

Now, he says, the new studies are just the beginning. Looking forward, he sees anyons as a tool for finding exotic states of matter that, for now, remain wild ideas in physicists’ theories.




This article appeared in Discover’s annual state of science issue as “Anyons Join the Particle Party.


Biviana Juarez  · July 13 at 7:05 PM  · 

My odd find of the day was from the thrift store! Is this snowflake obsidian

Isolation energy blossom as a rejection pattern - It takes a high energy to isolate/refine elements. The overlapping indicates that this was two energies. You can see triangle coning the classic impact pattern. The more thin the triangle coning the higher the energy. 



Marzena Gatner  · 


Group expert


  · July 17 at 11:27 AM  · 

Nature scenery

The freezing mist turned this spider web into an icy decoration. Taken in the macro mode of the Ricoh GR-D camera by: fenlandsnapper

Lee Isham

Surface "rejection patterns." While a sphere itself is a rejection pattern the surface also has "constellationing." These are a sub pattern of a material attracting structure in an opposing environment first identified by Turing in the 1950's.


What would I do without Ray Forage interesting post? Ice lightning, shock waves, and rejection patterns. The fractal tree structures are ice lightning a type of energy form one of the most basic. The concentric arcs are shock wave or just wave a fundamental of quanta wave behavior. And finally, you can see a small pattern which is a rejection type where a substance is grouping in response to a foreign environment.

Ray Forage


Group expert in Geology


  · 16h  · 

There are some places that seem exotic to me, this one is in the northern hemisphere.

Arctic Landscapes - Negribreen in Svalbard. Glaciers are called breen in Norwegian, as is the Negribreen glacier situated in the Spitsbergen Archipelago, north of the Arctic Circle – an area governed by Norway. Negribreen, named after an Italian geographer Christoforo Negri, covers barely 1900 square kilometres. Its ice creeps far into the sea and is therefore defined as a tidewater glacier. Negribreen began actively surging in summer 2016, resulting in surface velocities of more than 25 metres per day.


That is a cool rock. Have you seen the blue speck on the bottom? Not your usual igneous rock. Quartz evaporation temp about 1,000 degrees F. Lava meets sand. Lava is around 2,000 degrees. The fast form crystals and spiderweb is a rejection pattern where like material forms patterns first identified by Alan Turing in 1952.

Jessica Renee Stamey  ·  

Any ideas on this rock? Found in Western Oregon near Oregon Coast for reference


This was very hot. It has separated the quartz as a melt flow. It also has a surface heat crinkle which is also in a Turing Pattern which is incidental or is it? 

Minnesota Rocks Minerals And Fossils

Gregory Moyer  · 11h  · 

North Minnesota. Found today with other petrified objects. Fossil maybe? One is wet, photo of same rock. Drys out to white.


Granular linear fan - Bottom section is dispersing energy from right to left. 

Susan Lavoie

 Aug. 2, 2022

Help please what is this in my rock so cool found in northern ontario canada


Impactite resonate nodules - This is a high energy effect. It is separating/refining by resonate energy. This energy will concentrate around the center of mass. This happened quickly so the separating is partial. Of note is a rare granular particle crystal habit of "linear constellationing." This is present in the lower shell section.

Arkansas Rocks and Minerals

Chelsey McMahan Huffman  · Aug. 19, 2022

Found several rocks with this inside. I have no idea what they are. Can anyone help me out?


Advanced Impactite Theory - Granular particle construction is a result of the pulverization of earth impact which is sorted by distance and compressed in the high pressure. Not typical of any sedimentary process. Section 1 has the geometric circle form of the high energy granular habit (crystallization). Section 2 has the linear form also high shock pressure energy. Section 3 the receiving rock has the classic Turing Pattern (Alan Turing 1952) a lower energy form showing these impalements and the receiving rocks were made in different environments. Finally, section 4 has a penetrating impalement, a shallow ballistic. But here the surface is circle geometric habit from the impalement energy.

Doris Fincher

Warrington, MO. USA Aug. 22, 2022

Im just learning so thank you all for all advice you give. What would this rock be?


So lets take a look at your crater. It came from the southwest, very powerful and blasted down to the pre-Cambrian strata! Earth impacts are called the "great excavator."

A real Airy disk created by passing a red laser beam through a 90-micrometre pinhole aperture with 27 orders of diffraction. A Diffraction Pattern. 
John Aitken, FRSFRSE LLD (18 September 1839 – 14 November 1919) was a Scottish meteorologist, physicist and marine engineer. He was one of the founders of cloud physics and aerosol science, who built the first apparatus to measure the number of dust and fog particles in the atmosphere, a koniscope.

John Aitken was the author of a number of important pioneering discoveries "On Dust, Fogs and Clouds" (the title of an 1880 article he penned).[10] As early as 1874, Aitken had concluded that when water vapour in the atmosphere condenses, it must condense on some solid particle, and thus, without the presence of dust and other aerosol particles in the air, there would be no formation of fog, clouds, or rain. In 1884, he concluded that the brilliant colours often seen in the sunset are due to the refraction of light by dust particles in the upper atmosphere.[11]

Today, his name is given by atmospheric scientists to the smallest atmospheric aerosol particles (Aitken nuclei), those with a radius less than 0.1 micrometres.[12] This size range include the newly nucleated particles whose existence Aitken demonstrated.

Micrometeorites would be contained in this particle organization. 


Bone Configuration Constellationing

Alabama Paleontological Society

Cindy Martin  · Sept. 3, 2022 · 

Hello all! Found this while wading in the creek in North East Alabama. Any ideas on what it could be?

Random cell structure with not enclosed composition therefore not bone fossil. You have to magnify it to see. So what is it? This is an impact nodule, shock altered sand/silica/iron etc melted into a rock that goes flying outward from a large earth impact. The granular particle construction matrix is the tiny pulverized "common particle" of the impact storm fused together. The holes are impalements while it was flying outward. So what impact is it from? Found on surface is likely the instant concretions called Ft. Payne chert from the Howell, TN impact. This is the critical magnification. Reference sample on right. The reference samples are not confirmed and the fossil process is a difficult transfer agency. I suspect the particle connecting signatures are as much a part of the fossilizing event as a record of the exact form. 

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Bone not a fossil human femur a blood making organ. The fossil process is more likely to be a sudden transfer catastrophe burial by the very logic that slow decay does not produce any fossils. So the most basic fossil is a shell of what it was, an impression, reconfigured in transfer particles that have a nature of the event, and all events are unique in some way. 


Howell, TN Meteor

This is the theory that solid matter comes from dying stars. As you can see the "gas giant" look prevails like Jupiter and Saturn. Next is the banding with dark layers. Dark has lost fusion. In the still bright areas also similar to planet is the flow patterns but different is the look of particle clumping the behavior of similar elements to reject dissimilar.

Astronomers Discover Clouds of Sand In The Atmosphere of A Failed Star

SPACE 05 September 2022


An artist's impression of a brown dwarf. (NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center)

New observations from the James Webb Space Telescope have given us direct confirmation that some alien worlds have clouds of rock.

The telescope has directly detected silicate clouds in the atmosphere of a brown dwarf – the first time, according to an international team of astronomers, that such a detection has been made in a planetary-mass companion outside the Solar System.


Here it is again, constellationing clumping with lots of shock linear type. 

James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) & Astronomical Discoveries

Quarks To Quasars  · 14h  · 

The Eye of God.

This image from the Spitzer Space Telescope shows infrared light coming from the well-studied Helix Nebula, Helix Nebula , NGC 7293 or God’s Eye Nebula.

It's a planetary nebula in the constellation Aquarius, about 680 light-years away. It is one of the closest to Earth and was discovered by Karl Ludwig Harding in 1824.



Jim Kingdon

post. Constellationing Complicity - High shock constellationing and the strange crossover. Constellationing is a rejection pattern so that is one substance surface rejecting another. But hey, look at this we have an entry into a binary constellationing figure of a higher density pattern and the lower density pattern. Constellationing overlapping. 


Polar Mars, rejection patterns of frozen mud with zebra surface and fractals. This is a type of cavitation from the high wind energy, the actual dunes are only the surface zebra ripples. 

HiRISE Captures Barchan Dunes Carving Beautiful Shapes on The Surface of Mars

SPACE10 September 2022


Enhanced color image (using the red-green-blue filter) shows barchan dunes in the North Pole of Mars. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona)

This interesting image from the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows a field of fascinating dunes called barchan dunes.

These dunes have formed along a cliff in Chasma Boreale, in the North Pole of Mars.

The High-Resolution Imaging Experiment, or HiRISE, is a powerful camera that takes pictures that see features as small as a desk from orbit.

The image here shows an area less than 1 kilometer (under a mile) across and MRO was about 197 kilometers above the surface when the image was taken.

HiRISE scientists say that barchan dunes are common on both Earth and Mars.

Usually, these dunes are very distinctive in shape and are important because they can tell scientists about the environment in which they formed and the direction of the winds at a particular location.

Barchans form in sandy areas where winds blow in one dominant direction. This creates a crescent-shaped sand dune. The arcs of sand that define the barchan dunes end in 'horns' that point downwind, while sand is blown into crests and slopes.


Moving bubble energy expansion physics - Unlike overpowering lightning expansion fulgurites shock made expansions can make a moving bubble physics as the shock is a more controlled directional energy. This is a mixed iron from an impacting bolide being propelled thereby bubble is lengthened. And alas you have an ending sequence specimen as well.

Nickle iron shock granular particle crystallization - Many earth impacting bolides like meteorites contain nickel iron. The bright color is indicative of this. Geometric forms are a shock energy crystal habit also with impact you can't rule out electrical energy as the impact particle storm creates an enormous amount of charge. As this is a mixed explosion material you can see the crystal structure differentiate with materials. 

Dry Dredgers

Thom Ruf  · September 19, 2022 

I found a bunch of these shiny orange crystals at St. Leon. Is this pyrite that has infilled worm tubes? Sorry, the picture doesn't do them justice. They are very reflective in the sun, with bright orange blaze.


Bio imprinting figures shown above from acoustic variants. This is a reactive physics in living tissue. Imprinting in non living physical media appears to be less adaptive as you can see from the many forms shown in this encyclopedia. 

Jain 108 Academy

Sept. 19, 2022

Research at Stanford University is finding acoustics to create new heart tissue!

This image shows the ‘cymatics’, or geometric patterns created in heart cells when applying various sounds. In bio-acoustic sound medicine, is taught that sounds are imprinting every cell and science continues to prove this ancient axiom.

Cardiologist Sean Wu, MD, PhD and Utkan Demirci, PhD, an acoustic bio-engineer use acoustics to manipulate heart cells into intricate patterns. A simple change in frequency and amplitude puts the cells in motion, guides them to a new position and holds them in place. Acoustics can create a form that resembles natural cardiac tissue. With sound they can create new tissue to replace parts of damaged hearts. Acoustics can be used in reconstructing other organ tissue and blood vessels.

Sounds are use to create and harmonize, as well as clean and release. Both principles are used in science using high precision acoustical generators. The same principles can be applied safely by individuals using non-invasive, natural harmonic sounds, such as our voices and acoustic instruments.

Here is a link to the Stanford study:

High energy fractal grounding>
Conducting/non conducting charged isolation

<< Not Fiber crystals, are dried roots. 

Explosion particle physics - according to distance a common particle will sort out of an explosion. The surface particles vary somewhat so this specimen was close to the explosion when it received the iron and quartz splatter. When magnified you will also see patterns. These are called rejection patterns with Turing Patterns being the most famous type (Alan Turing, 1952). This specimen has a modified Turing type as it is a fast form and extreme high-pressure physics.


Shock made mega clast with splatterform mosaic geometrics. Not a true mosaic but the intense heat seems to have made alterations to these figures. As you can see some of the plate capsules have fell off. During the impact explosion this bolder was launched and landed then recieved this iron splatter or could have been splattered in flight. The hollow nature of some of the tracks and the quartz inclusion indicate it was a high energy charged splatter. You can even see quartz fractals in these tracks. So why do you see the geometric shapes? Resonate energy does have the power to form shapes according to the wave type and the linear splatter and moving rock will have a dispersion that will make some geometric forms. The physics of a high charged hypervelocity conductor intersecting another object in a super high pressure is not reproducible in a laboratory.

Christy Lyle

Sept. 21, 2022

Found in bankhead forest Alabama....never seen anything like it fossilized roots?


Resonate granular crystal build from center of mass. Resonance will concentrate in the center of mass like cooking with you microwave. In the quanta energy form order a fractal tree will change into a triangle (shatter cones). The tube structure in lower right is a pulled circle. It appears to have been impaled by the crude sphere on top as a plasma hence the pulled circle. As large earth impacts create an explosion chaos this specimen is not simple and expresses many minerals and shock wave overlapping harmonics. Specimen found by: Ben Knebel

TeePee Canyon Agate, Custer County, SD USA - Polymorph crystals, high resonance impactite shock agate. The red balls pictured right side are impact spheres, a shock made particle. With high enough energy these spheres are overcoming the rejection pattern sequence and melting into a violet blend. This earth impact a type 3 exploding type is centered between Rapid City and Gillette Wyoming. It is a crater around 400 miles in diameter. 

The red particles are in a banding sequence, an essential levitation as they are surfing the resonance. Particle levitation has been produced in laboratories with high resonance. The next step would be melting into a solid band as energy increases. 


Rare shock transition agate - this specimen is making constellationing circles, you can see these forming. Constellationing - granular particle attraction and arrangements. Circle construction is an energized arrangement transition via energy added, a crystal habit. You can see it when magnified to the granular levels (a variable). Specimen via Richard Nass, Agate Central. 

Meteor marbling with dendritic constellationing clouds & fractal constellationing.  - The impact particle storm has mixed with the former native limestone from the Big MO Impact. A dendritic alignment is a representation of energy still present. The fractal presentation show direction from right to left which is how this shock metamorphic was made. Fractals will branch away from the direction of the energy. You can also see iron oxide in red which is blast fragments of the impacting bolide which was quite large around 10 miles in diameter. As it was the last geological event that could put it as late as the Devonian even Mississippian/Carboniferous. 
Oct. 10, 2022

strange find I.D., geology, archaeology, paleontology, Native Artifacts

Pam Slattery  ·   · 

Hello! I am a new collector and trying to find my way in this world of rock hounding.

We did some excavating in our back yard this summer and I found this. I thought petrified wood, but I was told in another group, not petrified wood. I'm looking to see if any of you might know. We live in Polk County, MO, that's in southwestern Missouri. Thanks!

Fractal Constellationing

Dendritic type Constellationing Clouds


This is funny, the latest fossil man discovery. This is an impact event burial complete with shock constellationing. They have dated the three people buried to different time periods and differing people, not realizing any shock distortion possibilities. There is a meteor crater nearby somewhere. 

The skull, which has been dubbed the “Yunxian Man,” was identified has having belonged to an archaic hominin known as Homo erectus , which first appeared on the earth about two million years ago.

Although the skull has not yet been completely unearthed, the parts that have been exposed, such as the frontal bone, eye sockets, left cheekbone, and temporal bone, show that the structure of the skull is more or less complete.

Although it is still unknown how Homo erectus and later Homo sapiens are related, this finding adds to our understanding how modern humans first appeared in East Asia.

The Xuetangliangzi site is well-known for the historic 1989 and 1990 finds of two hominid craniums. Scientists have dubbed the two relics, which date to between 800,000 and 1.1 million years ago, the No. 1 and No. 2 skulls of Yunxian Man.

Yunxian county was the previous name for the Yunyang district. The two fossils were discovered to be significantly distorted, though, when they were discovered.

There are no visible deformations in the current fossil, No 3. It is in excellent shape and demonstrates the traits of Homo erectus.

The third skull was located around 35 meters apart from the first two and was buried about 62 centimeters below the present ground level.

Their buried settings are comparable, as are the different kinds of other animal bones and lithic artifacts that have been discovered.

Oct. 11, 2022

Howell, TN Meteor

Hungary/Romania are part of a large crater. These are "shock circles." The granular particle structure even has chain circles, a shock made matrix composition. This is the same mechanism that makes circles in shock agates. The horizontal lines bottom left are a crossing harmonic shock wave imprinting. So why does it make triangles and cubic? This is another harmonic shock a polymorph, which is imprinting its own waveform in material that is pliable impact nano particles into crystal structure not normally associated with this material. 

Ichnology Oct. 12, 2022

David Arpad  ·   · 

It can be very special. A bioturbation structure, I guess. Late-Oligocene, (Egerian), Eger Formation, Hungary. Could you help, please?

Triangle wave form, Shatter Coning

Fractal Constellationing

Crypto crystalline shock made dark red quartz, an impact nodule with dendrite quartz rejection in the void. It has cross striation which is a high energy shock wave resonance pattern imprinting rejection isolation. Specimen below is not showing isolation rejection as well but does have the cross striation harmonic resonance pattern imprinting. The lower white section is its rejection non mixing sequence.  

Meteorite Identification

Willy Talibsao  · Oct. 13, 2022

What is my rock?


Meteorite granular particle polymorph, rough surface cavitation - more rare type. This is also a shock made very hard specimen before earth entry. The unablated surface shows it shock granular construction matrix. Even the cavitation is unable to reduce it to melt completely. Instead it is making a new type of combined "rejection pattern" surface.

Meteorites, Tektites, Impactites & Ephemera

Steve Arnold  ·Oct. 15, 2022   · 

Well after a few payments are made and the stone is paid for this 4.4 kilo absolutely beautiful stone will be coming to the squad. Thank u mark lyon.

The melt center, higher energy

Septarian Rejection Patterns. At the edge of total melt. 

"My Precious" Opal - Shock made gemstone, slow cool with high water content. It has two interesting phenomena of its orogeny construction. The first being the wispy directional fractals showing a formation energy direction. The second is the rejection form edge. It is a rarer type of rejection form in a state of pure melt center and surface rejection around the edge. A rare rock. Type 2 impactite, edge effect zone. Low resonance, high heat, slow cool. Iron was on surface. 


Bobby Nelson  · Oct. 20, 2022

Anyone know what it might be???


Planetary Landscapes

  · Oct. 21, 2022

Tupan Patera, an 80-km (50-mile) -wide volcanic crater on Jupiter's moon Io imaged by NASA's Galileo spacecraft on Oct. 15, 2001. Approximate natural-color view; color variations come from sulfur compounds in Io's lava. The crater's walls drop ~900 meters (0.56 miles). Credit data: NASA/JPL-Caltech Galileo mission. Image processing and caption: J. Major.

First of all let me point out that this volcano did not make a cone. The melt rejection macro forms are still in rejection so it is not hot enough to dissolve into a mix. Some surrounding macro constellationing with directional connecting. Some misting in lower section. A condensate. Io does not have a crust that causes pressure buildup to produce cones. Why does Io have these type of volcanic forms? Io is closest to Jupiter and has the lowest water. 


Skin cancer melanoma as a high divergent low water rejection pattern with break up forms. 


Century old interesting piece of concrete found along the Great Lakes shore. It is from the early days of strengthening concrete with iron, so it would not crack and crumble. The granular crystal habit is circles because concrete is an exothermic reaction, therefore an energy made form. 

OIP (2).jpg

Trilobyte beetle, life Constellationing, also a geometrical pattern as it has energy. 


Joshua LeCram Ritter

 Very fine needle pseudomorphs in this 68mm large “Swazi“ agate specimen from Mozambique.

Particle explosion traces and reverb - Two Swaziland Mozambique agates. Reverb is a reflective loop. In the explosion star specimen it does have reflection just much lower than the second.

These are resonate made particle forms. On the whole in the second example the outward source resonate energy is stronger as resonance propagates from the center of mass. It even was able to form a fractal cone in the upper right quadrant. 


Low pressure granular particle organization crystal habit - As energy increases (heat, pressure, charge ...) the particles will organize into geometric forms (lines, circles, fractals, .... )


Jay Buscio  · 

Oct. 27, 2022

 Anorthoclase With Clinopyroxene Ross Island, Mt. Erbus, Antarctica

Got these in trade with a guy who collected them while Station in Antarctica back in the 1980's.

Mt. Erebus, Antarctica, is a large, active, phonolitic volcano that contains an actively convecting and continuously degassing phonolite lava lake. Bombs emitted during eruptions contain strikingly large anorthoclase feldspar phenocryst. Initial crystal growth produces a spongy core, containing abundant melt inclusions (MI), followed by deposition of fine laminae that form the crystal rims. Eruptive activity at Mount Erebus is typified by small daily strombolian eruptions, some of which eject bombs onto the crater rim. Anomalously energetic explosive activity occurred in September 1984, with bombs of up to 10 m in diameter thrown over a kilometer into the air, landing several hundred meters beyond the crater rim. The phonolite bombs are highly vesicular and contain unusually large anorthoclase feldspar crystals (up to 9 cm in length), as well as clinopyroxene crystals. Both the anorthoclase and the pyroxene phenocrysts contain up to 30% MI. Three volcanic bombs were analyzed for their crystal content. The matrix glass of the bombs is extremely fragile and easily desegregated. All individual anorthoclase crystals with lengths of 0.3 to 8 cm contained in a given bomb were separated by hand from the glassy matrix. These hardy researchers, carefully hammered into pieces three phonolitic volcanic glass bombs that measured between one and two meters each, hauled them off, and carefully extracted and measured the anorthoclase crystals in them. The three bombs yielded 1076, 1808 and 1602 anorthoclase crystals that were used for their statistical and analytical studies.

The Erebus crystals are highly prized among the Antarctic community. They actually have a nice gray-green color and silky luster if you sand off the adhering black phonolitic glass. We did sample some big bombs on Erebus, but before you give us too much credit for it, I should tell you that the bombs are very expanded. The cores are hollow, and the rims are highly vesicular. A 1 meter diameter bomb probably weights no more than 50 kg. Occasionally the crystals are yellow in color. The yellow color on that one crystal is salt deposited from the volcanic plume. It contains Fe, S, and a whole host of other elements. The very small Erebus crystals can be translucent. I think that the abundance of melt inclusions in the crystals degrades their translucency.


Granular shock habit, geometrics, fractal, slight coning. Impactite from the big MO crater.


Constellationing Coning and tubular iron bits splatterform. Rare. 

What's my rock?

Lisa Brashear  · Oct. 29, 2022

New rocks showing up at the end of my stick tank I have never seen here any idea what they might be other than melted. Midlothian, TX. 

Notice the cones are all pointing the same direction. 

This specimen is a dissertation of rejection patterning. A high shock type 2 impactite containing both impact material and impacting bolide material. It is a meta form with rejection patterns at two levels. The specimen while containing linear Constellationing as a rejection pattern also has some larger "false strata" or strata larger linear striation in the top left bits.  It is a type of Splatterform with these higher shocked bits arriving on the matrix as a plasma which causes the indentations. The top left lines are a larger shock wave imprinting (false strata) or sediment lines. The extreme indention of the inclusions indicate it was very hot and has isolated around these inclusions as a cooling differentiation mosaic. While it does have a small section in upper top right side that appears to be a shallow ablation surface the overall presentation is not a meteorite. As for specific impact orogeny only a very large earth impact could have made this specimen. Primary suspect crater would be the Navada Basin Crater. Large Ordovician or Cambrian Crater.

Rocks and Minerals - identification and information

Vivian Wagner  · Dec. 9, 2022

I think this might be some sort of collection of fossils embedded in sandstone? Found outside of Pahrump, Nevada.

The connective strength of an opposition form against pressure. Take a look at this magnification. The striated ribs are the connective resistance to a very high pressure, much higher than the matrix surface connection bridges. Surviving relics like this are not vaporized so were in a zone of the impact close but not center which is the iron mist that lands on impactites.

Cell Septarian/Terrace Mosaic - very hot surface pattern. A conformal evaporative with some implied directional content. Jim Kingdon specimen. April 20, 2023
Heat made rejection patterns not resonate. While it was able to blend some nano iron the surface shows not mixing (rejection) going on.
Crypto Crystalline Wave Edge Banding - This phenomenon is wave energy sheet flow edges. While you can see some speckles of the shock chaos storm; the sheet shock wave has isolated the red iron Fe3O4 along the wave edges. Waves are energy in motion according to the type of energy and the media it is traveling through. 
Chad Myers

  ·May 9, 2023 

An eastern Colorado Clovis point, made of Alibates Dolomite. A little ear ding, but still a nice Clovis example.

As you can see on the right this energy is a type of Septarian. It will appear as on the left as the material runs out as a fractal edge. This roadside physics expression is made with sheet rain flow on an inclined surface using the flotsam debris.  
Impact expansion nodule or clast. The separation seam goes across it to the other side where it is in a state of melt/gassing expansion, looks like when you pull a thick liquid apart. But none of that is what is fascinating about this specimen. The granular crystal habit has an organized flow pattern. I have never seen this before, but have been studying granular compositions for years now. July 20, 2023. Dawn Narvaez specimen. 
Rejection patterns volcanic. No evidence of harmonics. The dot and line pattern is more of a directional indicator with the impact coming from the bottom and elongating. While this was a large earth impact the volcanic process can continue for geologic times into the future. Aug. 9, 2023. 
Becky Boxx

 Is this volcanic? Found near Mt. Baker in Washington State.

Shock forced Turing Pattern from the Rochester Crater. Excellent specimen, I hope you don't mind if I use your pictures. I will include attribution. Very rare specimen. While nature produces Turing Patterns and I strongly considered Solenosmilia variabilis the fact that it is branching in both directions and does not branch much favored a physics effect. So how did this happen? Turing patterns are a type of "rejection pattern." Rejection patterns are a rejection to mixing, here the surface is in a high heat mosaic state while undergoing a high shock pressure. A private company is modeling this which you can see at:
Aug. 31, 2023. 
Karen Mazarak  

Delaware County (Upstate) NY. USA

I had some red shale (what my landscaper guy calls it) delivered for my driveway- most pieces are small but there are some rocks in there. I found this interesting stone amongst all the others- it's the only one anything like this that I can see, in a very long driveway.

Can anyone tell me what caused these striations?

Shock agate slice. Photo Copyright Psychedelic Rocks
High shock constellationing wave patterning. Oct. 7, 2023. 
Solar rejection patterns. Oct. 17, 2023. 
Astronomy Hub

  · Incredibly detailed photograph of our Sun

: Arturo Buenrostro

Impact nodule with rejection patterning - It was very hot. The iron is being rejected i.e. not mixing. Jan. 13, 2024. 
Aaron Eubank  ·   · 

My son found this in our backyard which is basically an old riverbed. He really wants to know more about it. Any ideas? We live just outside Couer d’Alene ID.

Tube type rejection pattern. It is sealing itself off at the end of flow. Jan. 13, 2024. 
Cobalt, iron, silica impactite unable to mix in a state of rejection patterning. Swirling paint at the Hardware store to mix it, remember seeing that. So, they turn the mixer machine on and add a lot of energy and you get a new blended color. Why cobalt, iron and silica? Impacting meteors/bolides of large size often have cobalt iron and silica. Impact makes a high heat and pressure reforming this and blasting out nodules. Why not a deep cobalt blue? Is low content and made up of tiny particles. Why tiny particles? Impact pulverizes everything and will make a "common particle" sorted by distance. Now look at the attached high content cobalt specimen attached. What do you know it also contains iron and silica, but cobalt is dominant and not particle based. Jan. 16, 2024. 

Michigan Rock Hunters 💜

Frank A Sedlar  ·   · 

On my farm in Michigan what is the pink part


Pluto's orange peel surface is a rejection pattern. This large crater was liquid and the surface is rejecting space and cools to an orange peel. It also has some later craters in it but they too make the liquid to rejection orange peel pattern. Jan. 16, 2024. 

New Horizons Zooms in on Pluto’s Heart-Shaped Region

TOPICS:AstronomyNASANew HorizonsPlanetary SciencePlutoPopular

DECEMBER 11, 2015

Ozocerite (shale gel) in rejection patterning. Impact pressure distilled organic in a multi substance form. Jan. 16, 2024. 
Dot circle or Constellationing Eye Effect in both black and white, rare. Jan. 20, 2024. 
Peter Pallagi, photo, White Pocket N central AZ. From the western four state crater, post carboniferous period impact. 

Micro Tektites as particles. - This is noted on this chart as wind blown particles, but round and distributed widely. I have encountered these as impact oolites in shock made impactite. Feb. 3, 2024. 

Sparta, TN Crater, Part 9: Micro Oolitic Sphere Beading. Crater edge at HW 70S roadside quarry rock just past the Sparta HW junction going south to Spencer at inner SW crater wall. While I have encountered shock beading here at the Howell Impact Structure, this type is different. You can see that some of the beads encase tiny bits of the impact debris. The beads are not shock melted together and seem to be just compression attached. Is also a fuzzy edge, also uncommon and indicates a pseudo sphere state, still in a transition form to complete melt. This is commensurate with where it was found at the crater wall. Resolution is at 25 nanometers. This is a new phenomenon in contest with the geode type specimen. June 21, 2023. 

Lee Isham

Impact mega clast, shock white, small peppering, stippling black dots and non-fractal Septarian surface flow patterning. This is a less energy Septarian type. The surface is isolating the mineral (iron) as a rejection pattern. Septarian Puzzling surface. April 30, 2024. 

Ray DeRusse specimen.  

Quantum Constellationing, April 30 2024. 
New Scientist Magazine 


Single atoms captured morphing into quantum waves in startling image

In the 1920s, Erwin Schrödinger wrote an equation that predicts how particles-turned-waves should behave. Now, researchers are perfectly recreating those predictions in the lab

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

22 April 2024

Rejection Pattern Mosaic - Two factor physics in play here. One is the typology of rejection patterns i.e. surface not mixing with environment, like paint color added to a can of paint base. This pattern is the more classic "Turing Type Pattern." It is also the surface wrinkling as the stone cooled. It is from the lower California/Baja Impact and found by Steven Cole. 
Impact nodule/sphere expansion. The center is bubbling called botryoidal. The second layer is black iron oxide likely attenuated as a denser material closer to center of mass. It is the next layer that got me interested in it. It has a rare impact phenomenon called the eyelash effect. Circles with outward lines. This is a particle consolidation called "Constellationing" with resonance and or charged effect. Magnified image attached. June 10, 2024. 

Donna Hall  ·   · 

Found in my backyard in Kalamazoo Michigan

Cave Septarian - Mineral separation in a liquid as it principates out as you can see it is coming from the right and pooling. A circle is the strongest physics form and the geometric cells are connecting to the strong circle cells. While the flow is fractal in origin as it pools it forms the circles with connecting walls which are compressed between the circles forming the geometrics. While this is a slow made form the physics are the same as column basalt where compression caused by original circles compresses to form geometric shapes. Additionally the tendency for straight bridging implies like materials have an affinity to connect which would be Constellationing.  July 3, 2024. 

Archaeology and Ancient World  · 

Julia H  ·   · 

The Lake Castrovalva area of Lechuguilla Cave in Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico

Impactite with iron and cobalt. It has directionality with fractals. It was very hot when made and subject to great forming force going from left to right, i.e. shock pressure. Magnification shown below. Aug. 2, 2024. 
Identification of rocks & minerals.Stratos Botsaris · ·Hello everyone,Could you please help me identify these two stones from central Greece, at the island of Evia?
Impactite. It was very plastic at the time of formation and stretched to form the holes as it was an ejected drop/nodule. The iron and the clay nano particles from the impact are not able to mix and make the designs you see. These designs are one of the types of "rejection patterns." As the two minerals have different chemical charges they are not able to merge even at this temperature. Chemical charge versus electric flow. While the valence or electron shelf charge causes rejection and an inability to mix the fractal flow is electric similar to lightning. The high energy of a kinetic explosion ionizes matter as well as making a particle static charge type generator which imparts electric charge to passing nodules through the impact cloud, again like lightning. Flow by movement. The watercolor type painting effect can be movement as well. This distribution flow while stretching imparts movement. Additionally like watercolors a capillary action can also take place. Aug. 22, 2024. 

Liliana Montenegro Rebolledo  ·   · 


A friend gave me this piece is from Sweden I wonder what sort of rock is it?


Shards from an impactite, quartz flint with trace iron. It was very hot. It has linear rejection patterns and one shard has a shift showing a crossing shock line offset before cooling. While these pattens would be a high heat mosaic if only on the surface as internal shards this is a rejection pattern. Linear flow is a consequence of fast formation showing the direction of the impact stream. The host rock was able to cool but was likely brittle like over tempered steel. The cleavage planes are a consequence of the very high heat and the problem with cooling. Aug. 2, 2024. 

Doug Kesslar  ·   · 

can anybody help identify this rock. I got it from an estate so don't know where it came from. hardness 6-6.5.

Impactite, Wetumpka Crater. The surface iron and sparkle are iron from the meteor/bolide and sand from the surface impacted. Sand varies, this type of sand was present at the time of impact and can be small grain size and make nice sparkles. Lose sand particles on the surface is called drusy. When magnified you can see designs on the surface. These designs are "rejection patterns." Rejection patterns are chemical rejections i.e. non mixing. The surface was very hot and there is a mosaic nature to the iron not mixing crust. The physics beyond that is called "Constellationing" whereby the like particles/grains collect as a like attracts like physics. Magnification attached. Oct. 5, 2024. 

Jesse Adam Yawn

I found this rock and was wondering if it was a meteorite, rare stone. Or gem or crystal inside? It's pretty heavy for it's size, has some spots that sparkle like glitter on it, but doesn't react to a magnet. Found in Wetumpka Alabama.


Lee Isham

First let me say that is not a meteorite; it is an impactite a secondary product of a meteor hitting earth and exploding. The crack is a high heat mosaic form caused by cooling/heating rate. The brown skin is weathering. Weathering can be made fast or slowly and is a reaction of the surface with the environment. The most interesting feature of this specimen is the linear constellationing pattern near the center. While the particle size is too large for crypto crystallization like flint it allows for the examination of the particle crystal habits. Linear particle habits are somewhat rare. As this was internal it is not a rejection pattern; it is a shock made pattern. It is in the cusp of flow, a liquid state. Matter in a solid/liquid state is a physics of much interest and is part of the quantum area of study. Magnification attached. Nov. 12, 2024. 

Specimen by: نيازك مولاي عمر

Linear flow structure.jpg
Internal non rejection cusp state liquid/solid linear constellationing flow. Nov. 12, 2024. 

Impactite, the doughnut tektite shape. The black is a high content of the meteor iron as Fe3O4, black iron oxide. It was very hot and was still cooking off the white mineral possibly the limestone mix from where it hit. You can see this rejection pattern when magnified. Look at the many white melt/evaporation patterns. Dec. 8, 2024. 

Donold Aagard

I found this rock as is. very interesting as to what caused this.

Melt/vaporization rejection pattern in bowl. Ignore the pebble. Dec. 8, 2024. 

Oblate Impact Sphere. What is interesting about this one is the "Constellationing" on the bottom. It appears to be splatter but is a type of rejection pattern. The configurations are interesting. They seem to be creating cells. Dec. 17, 2024. 

Undergroundearth Caving

A large concretion I came across a few years back while hiking. These things are pretty neat to see but this was one of the largest I have ever come across. #Tennessee #geology

non binary.jpg

Lee Isham

Impactite, shock white, with granular rejection pattern surface, and melt surface, high shock, plasma hole. While these patterns resemble bone pores and white is a bone color that is incidental. You could call it a pseudo fossil. What is most interesting about your specimen is the non binary nature of the surface forms. Dec. 17, 2024. 

Kory Cates  

Cool rock

I found this buried in a creek bottom and it's got some cool water erosion features and fossils. Its super heavy. I'm not sure what its made of but it was too cool not to take home


Kinda at the limits of resolution here but the grains of milky white are seen over the beige. Iron plasma holes still retain the iron. Feb. 15, 2025. 
Jim Woodward

Harvested this on the Yellowstone River in Montana. My app says it might be agatized coral. What is your opinion.

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