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crash4orms - Impact Forensic Physics - The Physics or Forms
Technical articles appear under this drop down heading. 
The articles are in categories, for organizing purpose, the actual type is too complex for any correct grouping:

Section 1: C - Context
Section 2: H - Heat & Energy Effects
Section 3: K - Shock & Kinetic Effects
Section 4: R - Resonate Effects
Section 5: P - Particle Effects
Section 6: I - Impact Physics
Section 7: E - Cosmology & Event Sequence

Introduction - There is a circular nature to truth and phenomena. You keep crossing concepts and finding intersection of ideas. 
Geology in no more the study of earth than biology is the study of a cell. The earth was formed by impact accretion. After formed was struck again by a body large enough to sling out the moon we are told. That is because so called moon rocks turn out to be the exact age of earth rocks. Isn't that peculiar?  So that makes the two bodies twins. Furthermore, impact is not a catastrophe it is a building process. It works as a stepwise cascade, a chain reaction of events. The origin explosion(s) cause a refining and reducing propagation expansion from the "Big Bang" to any impact. 
Phenomena - Interesting things I have found. Phenomena will connect with other phenomena. I call this the phenomena circle. You will notice in the many technical articles links to other phenomena pages. Impact and tectonics are related. Some mountains are crater walls. Some oceans are craters. Some major earth plate riffs are resultant of very large earth accretion impacts. Resonate shock made structures can even overlap with tectonic shock producing impact type structures to a lesser degree. 

As a technical approach I do not want to attempt to fit observations into a popular customarily accepted view that does not fit well. This was the fundamental failed approach that rejected meteor craters on the moon and earth and plate tectonics. Geology and impact science are reconstructive forensic exercises more like crash investigations, only cold cases. Best fit or most supportable conclusions is about all you can do. 
The system of sampling. Playing the what is my rock game by looking at posted pictures is a great exercise and a buildable strategy for making a forensic physics case. You are looking at a rare case when someone takes the time to post a rock after having seen a million for those first time presenters. So your sample size was just added to by a million not one rock. This is a bias sample system as people will post rocks and not boulders or strata or micro pictures. Additionally your experience of looking at a million rocks yourself provides a context for what is in a sampling population. 
There are a number of tenants of geology that are poor guidelines and certainly obsolete when investigating impact events as these guidelines were laid down before any acceptance of geologic collisions. For example take the so called geologic law of "uniformity." The present is the key to the past where past strata was laid down like it would be today. What would be uniform about strata laid down and removed as a result of an explosion larger than 500,000 big hydrogen bomb explosions? Uniformity and superposition are based on gravity being the largest force acting on sediment. Rather the evidence is the key to the past and the position and composition of strata is just more of that evidence. 

Crash4orms are a subset of impactites.


Meteor Crater & Barringer Space Museum is in Winslow, AZ.

 Notice the Barringer shock made expansion is the same as shown below. 

During the formation of Meteor Crater, Kaibab Limestone, Sandstone and shale were thrown upward from the rim

Here is the problem, geologist, forensic investigators, astro-physicist don't team well. 


Picture from Siccar Point where the idea of slow earth deposit was constructed. It is a shock made impact feature of harmonics and iron blasted on to it by the meteor. The strata above is called unconformities but are really just crater wall rubble. All made in seconds. 

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If you read the progress of geologic classification in middle, TN you will encounter how hard it was to connect strata across distance. You will also find large depths of unlike strata grouped into a named sequence. The above picture is an example. In a few feet it has so much going on. You can have 30 feet of this much going on and call it a single strata. If you find the same shells in the top and bottom that is how you would justify it being the same time period. Much work has been put into it; but is a difficult business. 
The alluvial flow in a basin does not deposit uniformly. Heavy soils drop out rapidly. Shores could be sand or marsh at the same time. Bio diversity and sediment levels would likely vary in these different environments. And then there is an explosion and tidal wave from the Frankewing, TN Impact Event. The solid strata would be impacted and a carrier of the shock waves. 
The feedback loop. Living fossils are found. So how do you date strata using them? If the theory of evolution were true why did they not evolve? Why would fossils be representative of life? Why do some fossils disappear and reappear? Does strata itself indicate time or contour? If you tilt your aquarium the gravel will make a different looking strata representing a tilting event not time. While I use event sequence instead of time being comfortable in time is to quit struggling and be at peace with God, you are loved.  

Siccar Point crater wall rubble with iron and cobalt typical of the early earth impacts.  James Hutton shown below launched geology the same way body humors launched medicine. The wrong theory dooms the present analysis. 

Researchers Catch Mysterious  Off The Co
The rare frilled shark is considered a “living fossil,” as its makeup has remained unchanged for 80 million years. Recently, researchers found one alive and thriving off the coast of Portugal, adding evidence regarding the resilience of this ancient sea creature.

Researchers aboard a Portuguese trawler picked up an unusual passenger this week. The scientists were working on a EU-led mission to find ways to reduce the number of accidental catches by commercial fishing when they came across a frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus).

Not only is this particular breed of shark an incredibly rare find (these are deepwater fish, usually living in depths between 500 and 1,000 meters), it is also one of the most archaic species on the planet. Archaeologists have found fossils of this serpent-like shark dating back 80 million years to the Cretaceous period, meaning they co-existed with the Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops.
Energy Stratigraphy - You must explain any strata that does not conform to only gravity for it's presentation. 
This specimen above is from the same highway road cut but shows a swirling sand circle along with the trace iron. I can only surmise it was a swirling water, sand and sediment along with the impact debris iron pushed all the way over to Pulaski where this specimen was found.  You cannot make sand circles top down. It is a rolling contact laterally. The sand layer is not compacted much and the rock fell apart at the sand level. So this much strata is a picture of only an instant in time and a lateral layering  by push rather than a falling sediment. 
While I own all the geologic publications of my area and adhere to the naming conventions; it is clear from a closer look the strata often tell a different story than is given in this literature. 
Geology - Cause. When I ask geologist for a specimen identification a lack of correct cause defeats them. You see a truncated thought process pervades the un science they were taught and teach. No impact science. The so called enlightenment also restricts thought to an autistic, mechanistic thinking process. Thomas Aquinas broadly focused on cause. It is beyond the scope of most geologist to contemplate cosmic impacts, a self healing earth and a flow of cause to completion and a Creator. They don't know the how, much less the why. 

Shock wave phenomenology terminology 

The veracity of any given theory get's tested in it's ability to explain. The failure of explanations given by my state geologist and university professors is how I come to be doing investigation and analysis myself. 
These two specimens were presented for identification on the same day on a facebook rock identification page. They are both impactites but have differing formation principles. 


Both specimens are interesting. The left is called a Tiger's eye and is a gemstone. The right is a type without name but so curious as to be picked up and posted for identification. It got misidentified as a tube worm fossil which is understandable. I have a whole chapter on here about shock fossils with this type of form problem.


Shock is a wave form - While geology acknowledges that it does not understand that. This problem is clearly shown with "shatter cones." You can read my detailed analysis of this principle at:

The presentation of impactites will demonstrate two shock effects that are descriptive of their formation. Whenever possible I use existing geology nomenclature and understanding. This is the published understanding of shock effects as forming principle. 

  • S1: completely unshocked (up to 5 GPa)

  • S2: very weakly shocked (5-10 GPa); uneven darkening of olivine as seen under polarized light; planar and irregular fractures (breaks in other than a natural cleavage plane.)

  • S3: weakly shocked (15-20 GPa); weak fractures in olivine seen under polarized light; dark shock veins and some melt pockets

  • S4: moderately shocked; (30-35 GPa); weak planar fracturing of olivine under polarized light; some pockets of melted material, dark interconnected shock veins

  • S5: strongly shocked (45-55 GPa); very strong planar fracturing and deformation features in olivine; alteration of plagioclase into maskelynite; formation of dark melt veins

  • S6: very strongly shocked (75-90 GPa); olivine recrystallizes, with local alteration to a mineral called ringwoodite and shock melting of plagioclase to a glass

Greater shock pressures will melt the rock, producing what is referred to as an "impact melt". These are seldom found on Earth, so they are very much sought after by collectors.

What this fails to explain is resonance as you can see with the shattercone phenomena. Resonance was one of Tesla's great investigations. He believed everything to have a resonate frequency and once almost destroyed a New York City block just by placing a thumper on a building support. Gravity is a resonance wave, attractive by alignment of frequencies.  Gravity is not one phenomena. It should be differentiated as resonate and non resonate. The resonate makes the waves on earth water and compacts soil, lithification and crystallization considered to be a gravity effect. Also all bodies are harmonic so even a galaxy can harmonize compaction. The action of gravity as a space time effect is another phenomena.


Well the shock definitions are not adequate. Take a look at the Trinite from the atomic bomb test. GPa of 13. It shows a glassy olivine that would be indicative of a much higher pressure on the shock chart so keep in mind you will need to calibrate effects yourself. 


Just as a rule of thumb you might want to consider high shock effects as described happening at lower pressures than presented. However resonant effects are more definitive. So now we are back to the original specimen examples.  


It is redundant to say shock and resonance given that shock is a wave form but everything is not going to attenuate the shock wave. This example is classic. It is making a sine wave along the center and has isolated the edges by density like as shock agates demonstrate. I could label this has low to  moderate shock with high resonance. L-MS/HR


The shock wave energy finds a material that it can resonate at it's natural frequency. So it makes the first form a line or circle. Then it still has too much energy so it branches off with a new line to absorb the extra energy until the frequency matches with the correct amount of length of material. The second branch is called a new iteration.


Low to moderate shock with low to moderate resonance L-MS/L-MR See how it did not dissolve the elements into a blob but contains isolated material that is only partially isolated. While metamorphic it is not glass like in high shock tempering. 

I hope this helps to provide a heuristic for impactite specimen identification. 


As with the Trinite shown above this specimen could have sustained very high heat. It is more melted than the specimen beside it but contains the same failure to strata band a resonating form around mass. 

An impact will produce great heat secondary to shock. Given the extreme magnitude of earth impacts this secondary effect would be  much greater than anything atomic. The biggest bomb ever exploded was the Czar Bomb at 50 Mega Ton. Outside this crater the Frankewing, TN Impact about 25 miles at Iron City, TN I have seen ash strata of 3 feet thick. That means it vaporized to ash even the rock strata because there is not enough carbon material for ash to be that thick. You can see it on the bentonite page. I estimate that the actual ash layer was 9 feet thick before compacting. 

High Shock, Very High Resonance - You so seldom see harmonic completion like this. A complete triangle wave form. 


High Shock High Resonance but it is not a single resonance. Multiple Resonance. HS,HMR. 


Moderate Shock, Moderate Resonance, High Heat. MS,MR,HH


Beginning Shock Cinder - The diverse particle composition is indicative of an impactite form not a volcanic cinder, also the particles are quite small as in pulverized. They are also beginning to melt into circles. High Shock Heat, No Resonance. HSH,NR. 


High Heat, Slow Cooling, Mixed Particles. Low to No(?) Resonance. I think this could be a tectonic made volcanic pipe metamorphic type. The only real indicator of impact is the particle infused core, the mist of iron or more likely MnCO3 Rhodochrosite which is so separated. Resonance would tend to have grouped that and it is concentrated somewhat to the outside.  It did separate the quartz outward but the particles inside remain. Would heat alone cause this stratification? As silica manganese and iron melt at lava temperatures it is possible. So now is when you ask where did this come from i.e. provenance. Living inside a large crater is such an easy provenance for me. This came from Washington State I think and that does not help. While it does not present as a typical Rhodochrosite with that silica base core matrix that cherry red color is atypical for iron and could be MnCO3. The dull orange segment may be Vanadinite is a lead chlorovanadate with the chemical formula Pb5(VO4)3Cl. All in all the diversity in such a small area argues for impactite as that is an explosion phenomena they can have. 

This is from the Island of Bali. That is north of Australia and south of Singapore. It is a good example of a very hot rock with analytical chemical banding or harmonic issues. Is it like mixing paint will separate chemically unless stirred. Likely volcanic in origin it has particles of various sizes but impact is the best producer of tiny particles and this has that. Appears to contain iron, manganese and even perhaps an opal like sheen. The holes are from gassing. The white is perhaps calcium and silica. Is not a fossil, this was a hot rock form not a fossil mineral transfer. So what is needed hare? More. I got out and investigated day after day, recording findings, reading articles in an ever increasing cascade of thought which solidified. 


Any mountain with the chevron type strata is a crater wall and that is a "shattercone." Tectonic folds and volcanic domes while the shape shifting form is expressed as mountains is limited. Subduction wants to push down as much as up. Volcanos pressure release and stop building. Volcanic mountains however do have a heat wave fractal similar to impact coning. Earth impact accretion energy is orders of magnitude beyond these two types. 

Also be aware that the tectonic plates were constructed by impact. So tectonics is a secondary product of impact. Same is true of many areas of volcanic type venting. An impact broke the crust. Impact like ballistics is of various forms. It can be a large basin maker or a punch a hole type. 

If you analyze moon mountains they are mostly crater rims. Very high. Wanna see something really cool. This is a sucked in mountain. The impacting object and the impacted moon were of too similar of size so it was absorbed, but left a mark. 


Ouch, that's going to leave a mark. 

<<< A true tangent sideswipe. They were rolling some too. 
In a volcanic event why would you have those crossing veins of quartz? 

Anza Borrego, California. Tectonic or shock made? I cannot tell but you can have a meteor hit in a tectonic range or forming range. 


Shown above is a specimen from the badlands of anza borrego, california. it has a shock assemblage of fossil shells with a nano mineral patina as well as recieving round iron impactites. additionally it has a surface fractal flow. 

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Crater forms >>>

<< Anza-Barrego

So we have specimen impactite and a crater form. The actual shape of the mountains is inconclusive as heat can make a fractal type triangular shape. Let's take a good look at a mountain with provenance. Mt. St. Helens is not a basin edge and no impactites but a know volcanic mountain. Heat fractal flow, a wave from. 


Aravalli Range, India - So if mountains can be formed by tectonic folding, why is it plastic? It would have to maintain pressure to prevent breaking, which is what we are seeing here. This is the engineering practice of mandrel bending to hold pressure on both sides. However the proximity of this strata in India to the big Himalayan impact, it could therefore be an outside crater ripple sine wave exposure. The resonate harmonic is not stopped as it leaves these figures; is part of the background frequency noise of the universe. All that static the radio telescopes hear is millions of impacts broadcasting.

Plasticity and Blasticity - Impact shock can be a blast or a blast wave with resonance. Extreme folding requires high shock melt. 

What would be required for a curved cold earth fault. Mandrel Bending. 


Another mountain micro feature indicating impact origin. 


 When magnified you can see the particle constructions near the top and bottom arrows. These forms are consistent with impact. The inclusion is consistent with impact. The color ash grey is as well. The folds would be a shock ripple when the material was plastic. Think of it as a fluid dynamics. This is turbulent flow around an inclusion body. The shock would be coming from the right. So if an impact put the inclusion there why is there still shock going on? Impact is a multi stage event and impacting bolides are not uniform, nor is the impacted material. You can overlay this diagram on the strata picture.

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So which came first the crust breaking impact crater Crusta Confractus or plate tectonics or do both conform to the events? 


Crusta Confractus >>

Crusta Confractus >>

Crusta Confractus >>

Crusta Confractus >>

Crusta Confractus >>

Crusta Confractus >>

Crusta Confractus>

Crusta Confractus>

Big Bogus Tectonic Theory - Banded ironstone is a product of impact where the iron from the meteor and the shock harmonic impart this surface strata. It is not a bacteria product. Nor is impact strata going to impart a consistent timeline as it will radial and gradient change the surrounding crust/strata. Beyond that these large impacts break the earth's curst and cause tectonic and craton forms. This shock will also cause variable magnetic set points (curie temperature variability) as it is a variable explosion energy. 

The Silurian Impact crater. The mountains are the rim. 


Mars & The Tharsis bulge - Impact accretion of a very large body and not fully integrated into the planet. It does not go far enough into the planet to leave the surface plane level. The impact backpressure pushes up large volcanoes. This is a conduit to the molten core. This is a planet pushing impact and the most likely explanation for Mars moving out from the sun more freezing the planet's water. 

Tharsis Buldge.png
Tharsis Bulge2.png

The non exploding impact with push. molten core flows around it. moves away from sun freezing a previous water world. 


Earth crust breaking impacts and gold. On the map below you can see some impacting bolides contained gold. And they align with the circular earthquake features shown above. 


Crusta Confractus>

Crusta Confractus>


impactite sphere partially embedded in surface plane


Shown above is impact broken crust of Mercury. 






Craters on Mercury, MESSENGER image. Northern volcanic plains on Mercury, part of the first global digital elevation model (DEM) of the planet. The colours have been enhanced to emphasize different types of rocks. At lower right is the 291-kilometre-wide impact basin Mendelssohn. At lower left are large wrinkle ridges, formed during lava cooling, with buried impact craters also visible. Near top, a bright orange region is the location of a volcanic vent. The MESSENGER (Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging) spacecraft orbited Mercury from March 2011 to April 2015. This image was released in May 2016.

Crusta Confractus>


NASA picture from fly by of one of Jupiter's moons. Accretion stretch marks? Abrupt texture shifts, no large craters. 

Jupiter's moon Io and crater tectonics. Notice how the volcano is on the crater wall and the heat signature is circular. Crust breaking impact a Crusta Confractus. 


The Silurian Impact Crater. 



The Shake & Break!

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Busting up Pangea. Like other small harmonic wave forms. A very large crater has a harmonic edge where the wave concentrates into a boundary. Boundaries are good break points for cleavage. 

Notice how they don't have Africa next to South America where it seems to match better. Plate tectonic theory is not even consistent. The expansion trench in the Atlantic is due to the large earth accretion impacts that made the Pacific Basin and ring of fire. 

Basin belief system? It is taught that basis are the result of sediment removal. That is anti gravity. What is the mechanism? Where did the sediment go? This is obviously magic thinking. 

Anyway basin are impact craters unless they have a mechanism for being something else. I mean you could have a subduction fold but where is that? Let's take for example Middle Tennessee. Here is what it looks like.  


It's a crater with a central uplift. 

All surface minerals not associated with a tectonic or volcanic cause are impactites. But when you get down to it since the earth it's self is a big impact accretion and the tectonics is secondary product they are just a downstream impact product. 

You could substitute metamorphic for minerals and make the same statement. 


Impact accretion zone. The Silurian Impact. It made the crust thicker but broke the crust at the New Madrid Fault. Other large impacts made Canada crust thicker. 


European Space Agency magnified anomaly map. 

This graphic shows the thickness (in kilometers) of the North American lithosphere. The blue area is about 250 km thick and composed of a 3-billion-year old craton underlain by younger lithosphere deposited as ocean floor subducted under the continent within the past billion years. The green, yellow and red areas are younger and thinner continental lithosphere added around the margins of the original craton, also by subducting sea floor. The thick broken line indicates the borders of the stable part of the continent. (Image credit: Barbara Romanowicz and Huaiyu Yuan, UC Berkeley) "We think that most of the North American continent was constructed in the Archean (eon) in several episodes, perhaps as long ago as 3 billion years, though now, with the present regime of plate tectonics, not much new continent is being formed," Romanowicz said.

Sediment and fossils

There is no sediment or fossil clock. With the earth being made of impacts you only have events and you are working as an event sequencer. That's all. It is a cold case crime seen. The clock is unimportant without a flow of events. 

Shown below is an instant event record. It is a shadow made by a person being vaporized in the Hiroshima Atomic bomb blast from the high heat. This is a location and environment event record. Billions of people lived on the planet but only a few were made into shadows. 

Shown below is magnified instant fossil that was a live brachiopod with impact explosion material transfer in the shock blast. Ft. Payne Chert/Lake Logan, TN. The Ft. Payne chert is instant made by impact and widely distributed. It only record a moment.  As the earth's surface has an estimated 25,000 craters of five miles or more diameter there is no gradual fossil record, only impact points locally. 
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A nice example of the Ordovician Cheirurid Trilobite Placoparina sedgwickii, collected from The Llanvirn series rocks of West Shropshire, England. 
So why are so many minerals present in the matrix? Why would they be delineated? So you have an unmixed sediment with too many minerals for such a small area and a living form transformed intact without decay. Does anybody ever really review geology? 

The complex context of sampling


Thomas Edison was the first to record you cannot collect a random sample with your eyes open. This is due to a pre thought process that goes on in the brain. For example a rock with a face on it is a pre programed reference. But the rock need not have an exact face on it as the brain offers a latitude in this mechanism. 

Now the average person may see millions of rocks in their lifetime and if they take the trouble to ask for identification of a specimen it is automatically a "one in a million." 

A person who has a program and often collects rock is looking for type, so ignores other important reference context rocks. This is the same construct as having a wrong thesis with bias. The typical geologist was taught nothing of earth impact so always sees a sedimentary or igneous process and of course more recently tectonics. 

Crater theory is also a bias type. Rather than note what the crater shows the poorly trained geologist will look for a Barringer Crater Arizona surface with striated shatter cones and shock Planar Deformation Feathers while being surrounded by impact phenomena. 

This is why I am not a geologist but rather a forensic physicist. A good theory model will allow for the most reasonable answers. 


Why do people often have impactites as interested rock specimens? The earth is covered in craters and the impactites are a common rock type. They appear more interesting to people who notice a "special" rock. The earth has an estimated 25,000 surface craters of 5 miles diameter or more. The craters are all unique and so the impactites will vary. This high variability makes for a rock to seem interesting and unusual. Also the impacting bolide has high metal content which cam impart colors which are attractive. 

The world karst map and crater shadows. Impact makes a debris pile up we call the nominal surface crater wall. Unless a small impact the real effects will be on multi level. The debris piles will be great for making caves as they are not uniform. 

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Why earth craters are not all circles and mountains and hills can be impact remnants. The moon has many non circular surface projections and no plate tectonics.

Impact Doubling of Mass Theory - This is a well done video. It uses the "conspiracy theory" format. It is an incomplete theory. It fails to explain why the earth would expand. And then you know all those large earth impacts were so massive as to contribute a doubling of mass. This is when I come up with some new phenomena name, LOL I may be up to 200 of them now. So let's go with the Impact Doubling of Mass theory (IDM).

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Expanding Earth Theory (EET) + Impact Accretion Theory (IAT) = EEIAT This includes Comet Water Impact Theory which is that impacts also bring water like you see in comets. So now we have EEIAT + CWT to equal EEIACWT. This video only includes the EET.

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Large Earth Accretion Impacts - These very old Pacific depressions are large earth accretions. The mass was so great it has a crater wall stretching effect. So if read carefully in Genesis 
[1:9] And God said, "Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so. 

Making basins and collecting the water in a larger body would contain what was previously shallow in depth and too small to allow for land uplift relative to all that water. This is a combined effect. 

Between the vestigial crater rims in the Pacific and the crater walls along western South America is the volcanic stretch and plate tectonic crust break Crusta Confractus. 

Impact Accretion Tectonics.jpg

Expanding Earth Through Accretion Impacts - These large protoplanet size bodies expand the earth and break the earth's crust . While this map of these large accretions is not complete it does show the circular nature of the tectonic breaks. Now this absorbing and expanding will look like plate tectonics as the curst will slide out or in according to resolving the plate stress dynamically.  Some smaller impacts do not break the earth's crust but do add a more solid thicker crust and this makes the impact crust cracks react. Notice how many of the earth's tectonic cracks are expansion type pulling away from each other. A pushing crack with only one direction would be what you would expect if the earth were always at it's present size. 


Vredefort Dome, seen from space by STS-51-I


Spiral Galaxies in collision. 

Cross banding >>>
 Fibonacci curl with nautilus cross banding >>>
Tube cone from crossing 
harmonics >>>

Art picture of the surface back wave combination. This is the same phenomena you see in rocks of high shock metamorphic imprinting. You have the counter striation wave ripple. You see this in shock strata with cross striations as a bricking effect. Cross Harminic Banding ripples as a still unresolved combination harmonic. 


The structure of this strata is an impact particle mixture with nano minerals from impact pulverization. Sulfur is a common element in meteorites. Parallel Strata lines are a common effect of impact shock wave harmonic. Geology seems to be unable to come to terms with earth as an impact accretion body.

The first emergence and persistence of continental crust on Earth during the Archaean (4 billion to 2.5 billion years ago) has important implications for plate tectonics, ocean chemistry, and biological evolution, and it happened about half a billion years earlier than previously thought, according to new research being presented at the EGU General Assembly 2021.

Once land becomes established through dynamic processes like plate tectonics, it begins to weather and add crucial minerals and nutrients to the ocean. A record of these nutrients is preserved in the ancient rock record. Previous research used strontium isotopes in marine carbonates, but these rocks are usually scarce or altered in rocks older than 3 billion years.

Now, researchers are presenting a new approach to trace the first emergence of old rocks using a different mineral: “barite.”

Barite forms from a combination of sulfate coming from ocean water mixing with barium from hydrothermal vents. Barite holds a robust record of ocean chemistry within its structure, useful for reconstructing ancient environments. “The composition of the piece of barite we pick up in the field now that has been on Earth for three and a half billion years, is exactly the same as it was when it when it actually precipitated,” says Desiree Roerdink, a geochemist at University of Bergen, Norway, and team leader of the new research. “So in essence, it is really a great recorder to look at processes on the early Earth.”

Roerdink and her team tested six different deposits on three different continents, ranging from about 3.2 billion to 3.5 billion years old. They calculated the ratio of strontium isotopes in the barite, and from there, inferred the time where the weathered continental rock made its way to the ocean and incorporated itself into the barite. Based on the data captured in the barite, they found that weathering started about 3.7 billion years ago — about 500 million years earlier than previously thought.

Recommended For You  Migrating low-frequency tremors observed at shallow subduction interface

“That is a huge time period,” Roerdink says. “It essentially has implications for the way that we think about how life evolved.” She added that scientists usually think about life starting in deep sea, hydrothermal settings, but the biosphere is complex. “We don’t really know if it is possible that life could have developed at the same time on land,” she noted, adding “but then that land has to be there.”

Lastly, the emergence of land says something about plate tectonics and the early emergence of a geodynamic Earth. “To get land, you need processes operating to form that continental crust, and form a crust that is chemically different from the oceanic crust,” Roerdink says.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by European Geosciences Union.

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Ice forming as a discontinuous iterative effect, another quanta type or even wave type of phenomena. It goes into a state of superfreeze liquid until a crystal chain reaction occurs. Now this in rock would appear to be strata laid down over long periods. 


Mars Ice Strata Vortex. A topographic conformation. I think this to be a projecting impact. The impacting bolide did not make a crater but is sticking up in the surface as a protrusion. 


Banding layers and wave sedimentary harmonics - So why would snow make layers and sine wave? Is a rhythm present. Photo by: Kevin Wirth. 

Moon gravity/magnetic impact structure - Rather than being formed from an impact with earth, the moon shows a large accretion scar as having built much of its mass. Is the same as earths major crust faults.


Soviet moon rocks show high iron content. Fe3O4 black iron oxide. 


The problem of dating earth by rocks found. Impact is the great excavator. It exposes strata far below anything you remove by even mining or drilling in vast areas. Unlike a meteorite it explodes and makes a new metamorphic of itself and the surrounds. So are you dating what was there or the impacting object from space when you date samples? Are you dating the new rock formed by the impact? Or is it what was there? The original protoplanet collisions are shown by the crustal plate divisions which would be the oldest. The later old surface impact are younger than that. The Hudson Bay impact and the Siberian Craton impact are why the pole is shifting. You can also see the lower impact pole. These have iron that makes the battery caps of earth to produce our magnetic field.

Once again this is my point about time. There is no one time for earth. It is a series of events. The last big rock to alter earth that we know of is the Barringer Crater 50,000 years ago. I use event time. Event time is relational but does not have a consistent outer imposed meter. Is more of a cantata that can change meter and like a song the flow of it is the real timing.


Impact, not volcanoes, impact can even break the crust. 


Walnut Canyon National Monument near Flagstaff. This is a crater wall structure, closer in type not the rubble type. It is expressing the billowing energy upward as a container vessel. The boulders on top are expelled and landed with iron from the bolide. 


The Universe Expansion Cone or Crater - Expanding release of energy into a form. It is contained by gravity space time boundary loop which expands to conform to the contained energy. Rapid at first in outward direction but expansive in width as the energy expands.  The shape of the universe expansion identifies its type as kinetic or partial kinetic. Without the kinetic component you would have a bowl shaped universe, not a bell. The kinetic component is the missing energy and mass called dark matter and energy. It is mass and energy contained in movement as c in the equation e-mc^2. 


While we don't tend to think of this natural functional shape as a crater or universe cone it is doing the physics of containment. It however does receive energy and will get hot i.e. molecules move faster, heat and expand in a small way. The crater is a boundary of energy and is part of that energy. 

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Kinetic craters vs chemical/nuclear surface explosion. It is little known that Von Braun ran out of explosives in WWII and wisely substituted concrete in the nosecone of the A4 (V2) missile. It was kept classified for decades as it caused more damage. That's right a ton of concrete from space will cause more damage than a ton chemical explosion. Deep damage not surface damage. Kinetic craters have this signature and the ration of kinetic object to crater is about one to ten. The chemical surface explosion makes a bowl. 


The cratering process is a liquid form. Instant unloading of all that kinetic energy makes the impacting bolide and the earth into a liquid. The upspray process will blast impactites over a very large area. They can be blasted all the way into space. This is a good example of what it would look like.


Now notice the rhythmic pulsing of the upwave cone. It degrades to a fractal expression as it comes apart on top. This is a cross wave expression that occurs with so many example specimens. They are fundamental to each other. It is an iterative second order harmonic.  


Cross banding again. This is the earths harmonic impression. 

Spiral Out

August 12, 2020  · 

Long exposure photo of burning incense stick.


Impact Volcanic - The Type 1 protoplanet accretion can "rock your world." Take for example Mare Imbrium on the Moon. Home to Mons Huygens is the Moon's tallest mountain (but not its highest point,[1] which is Selenean Summit). It is about 5,500 m (18,000 ft) high and is located in the Montes Apenninus.[1] Adjacent to the west is Mons Ampère. The Montes Apenninus were formed by the impact that created Mare Imbrium. The mountain was named after the Dutch astronomer, mathematician and physician Christiaan Huygens.

At the region of the Moon's surface exactly opposite Imbrium Basin, there is a region of chaotic terrain (the crater Van de Graaff) which is thought to have been formed when the seismic waves of the impact were focused there after travelling through the Moon's interior. Mare Imbrium is about 750 miles (1,210 km) wide.


This funny is just a question of scale. 


Trenching Fractal Stretching. 

Trenching Fractal Stretching. 

Trenching Fractal Stretching. 

Type 1 Accretion Impact

Pluto Type 1 Impact Accretion and Trenching Fractal Stretching. 
James Webb Space Telescope & Cosmology

Michael Morton  · Sept. 4, 2022 

𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫

What color is Pluto, really? It took some effort to figure out. Even given all of the images sent back to Earth when the robotic New Horizons spacecraft sped past Pluto in 2015, processing these multi-spectral frames to approximate what the human eye would see was challenging. The result featured here, released three years after the raw data was acquired by New Horizons, is the highest resolution true color image of Pluto ever taken.

Visible in the image is the light-colored, heart-shaped, Tombaugh Regio, with the unexpectedly smooth Sputnik Planitia, made of frozen nitrogen, filling its western lobe. New Horizons found the dwarf-planet to have a surprisingly complex surface composed of many regions having perceptibly different hues. In total, though, Pluto is mostly brown, with much of its muted color originating from small amounts of surface methane energized by ultraviolet light from the Sun.

Image Credit: NASA, JHU APL, SwRI, Alex Parker


The ultimate impact crevasse Valles Marineris, stretching over 4000 km long and 200 km wide, and with a dizzying depth of 10 km, it is ten times longer and five times deeper than Earth's Grand Canyon. 

This has an energy made fractal signature wall structure. As you can see the fractal tree points upward the direction of the energy flow. This is a planet break from a very large accretion impact. It made the planet stretch itself outward. 


Crater Impact Directionality - Type 3 exploding craters are thought to make circular craters. The average angle of impact is 45 degrees. You can see in this picture that craters are not all circular. An explosion does have a strong tendency to make a ball as it is a primary "rejection pattern." Kinetic impacts however are not typical explosions and are imparting an explosion as a function of the stress energy released while moving, which is a curve and not a point. But the point idea is a physics reduction anyway as chemical and nuclear explosions are not point explosions either. Dec. 2, 2022



NASA spaceship beams back really eerie images of the moon

A historic deep space mission.

By Mark Kaufman  on November 25, 2022


Tectonic ice folding pressures. Bernhard Edmaier Photography

Glacer back and forth causes a multi year complexity. While I do not agree with the Tectonic theory in total as it has no beginning causal mechanism or explanation. Why would you have the continents and floating crust? Impact accretion answers this. But along the impact made stress crust fractures you do have so called plates crashing. Tectonics is a partial theory like identifying cancer but not knowing the specific cause  and mechanisms. 


Black Sea Agate with central harmonic reflection joint. This was a powerful impact energy. While the center of mass is the collecting point for resonance the energy has reflected back to the center and met.

Impactite sequence - When a large earth impact hits earth the first impactites will be the surface material, then mixed then bolide (the large meteor) then back to mixed and finally the lowest earth crust it penetrates. Type 1 is an impactite made up of surface geology material. While this is simplistic, impact density would make the surface filled with an already 3 typology whereby the type 1 would resemble a type 2. The mixed surface and impact bolide impactite hast to be a statistical midpoint of the bell curve with type 1 and 3 being the curve outliers. Type 3 the new bolide hitting the surface material only are basically meteorites once removed by the new physics. And since impacts occur in space the distinction is only about Earth atmosphere ablation. 

Type 2 impact mound with an exploding type 3 impact on its surface. A type one impact fully penetrates the impacted body. 
Stunning view of Olympus Mons on Mars from space. The photo was captured by the Hope probe of the United Arab Emirates. April 10, 2023
Column basalt on Mars shown left. Impact volcanic event. A type one impact will penetrate the crust of the impacted body and the up bubble event will make these compressed bubble flows which can even swirl. A simple volcano does not have this level of energy and has never been observed to make column flow. Only impact can have a harmonic component to make same size bubbles in a high energy fast flow. 
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Shock made geometric expansion at Siccar Point where "deep time" was postulated. Virtual field trip to Siccar Point, Scotland - Mountain Beltway - AGU Blogosphere

Meteor Crater & Barringer Space Museum is in Winslow, AZ.


During the formation of Meteor Crater, Kaibab Limestone, Sandstone and shale were thrown upward from the rim.

Shock made expansion from the Barringer Crater. Not deep time but minutes. Deep time launched Darwin on his theory. Given that we are really seeing change in minutes the theory would best be stated  Survival of the survivors. The nature of the complex DNA code is the true adaptive program 
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Earth tilt and Antartica. Fossils in Antartica show a once warm place. Ancient maps before the so called age of discovery show a not ice bound coast! Einstein believed there to be centrifugal force changes affecting the earth's crust. May 6, 2023. 
Layers do not necessarily mean sedimentary geology. Impact harmonics can even make a uniform layering like these beach waves. This is called "False Strata." June 27, 2023. 
This wave is called "Chicama", and it became the first wave in the world protected by state law. It occurs in Peru, where the law establishes that it will not be possible to build within 1 kilometer of the wave to avoid ruining its shape.

Lee Isham

Top contributor

The plate tectonic fallacy. The Atlantic riff is better explained by the Pacific basin which in the early great bombardment period expanded the earth's size greatly. As the size of the great bombardment impacts decreased it altered the surface. Remember the earth's surface water is just a reflection of depressions. The crust is not floating but the water does. Impact is the great excavator and these Archean exposures are the result of the later great bombardments. These impacts are shown on the attachment.

John Cox

Lee Isham Interesting, can you show me the evidence that this theory is based on?

Lee Isham

Top contributor

Theories are just an attempt to best explain the evidence. If you press a paper towel representing the Earth's Crust on a sphere/globe and pull they tend to make an even break line. So the premise of the above conjectured crust break pattern requires a previous crust construction pattern to break at that boundary. Alas plate tectonics requires an unknown caused form to work. But does the floating crust theory even have merit? If you watch a glowing metal sphere cool on youtube it will make a crust but not a moving one. Contrast all that with Impact. Impact is the accepted theory of earth's formation. The early great bombardment is also the accepted theory. A proto planet receiving others will expand causing split seams. The amount of circular features on earth are not tectonic shapes. Again press some construction paper on a sphere/globe and compress shapes. Circles will not be possible. They require a circle die to construct (see bending die mechanics). Impact can break the crust and cause volcanos. Impact explains why you would have so much diversity of minerals on the surface as that would not be possible with a large mass of molten earth pushed up by tectonics, it would mass stratify as any refinement process shows. My thesis just takes the two current models and omits the plate tectonics which would only weaken the thesis. Plate tectonics like its predecessor the erosion only theory is already in decline. Case in point, when a geologist retires he can finally write a book explaining what he really believes from a lifetime working the field.

So how does knowledge of the true developmental theory of the earth by impact gain us an advantage for resource extraction? Ore deposits will often be found in fractal veins even sometimes accompanied by the impact breccia rubble. As a kinetic explosion of a non uniform body this will be an arc and not a universal circular distribution. Coal, graphite, oil and gas, diamonds are also pressure pushed outward not uniform radially and minerals and carbon products subject to the complexity of previous craters. A good example is the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico. This deposit was made earlier and compressed by the later Chicxulub Impact. While a diamond can be made by a single impact it can also be a compression of a later impact. A good method for speculative exploration would be to plot the craters based on geology anomaly mapping against known mineral deposits and project arc widths and overlapping areas. Ores like lead will identify themselves to a particular crater by age assay profile.

Take Alaska for example shown in the attached maps. The gold profile is along the arc crater wall of an ancient large crater. Raft/Plate tectonics will never make an arc like this as you can demonstrate with aluminum foil push ups at your kitchen table. It is a shadow theory of the impact tectonics like Plato's cave. Feb. 25, 2024. 

Crater overlapping.png

Crater Overlapping and/or a binary kinetic explosion. Feb. 25, 2024. 

Impact Tectonics - Why a land basin? Why raised landforms? Why ocean basins? Let's start with there is no moon or planet with Raft/Plate tectonics in the solar system but earth. Strange for a theory as any good theory would be applicable to more than one case. If you try to duplicate earth surface forms with two sheets of paper or aluminum foil pushed together you will not get circular forms. Really that is called theory failure. Picture the moon with oceans. Those big crater basins would be seas. Why is Middle TN a deep strata exposure with the Highland Rims? It is a crater(s). Each impact relative to the earth's sea level at the time means a push up or down. Middle TN once a shallow sea but relative to which impact level. March 7, 2024. 
Simple craters? Even the small Barringer Crater (Meteor Crater, AZ) is not simple it has a squarish shape. In the modeling diagram above you can see a back movement sine wave in the basement structure.  June 6, 2024. 
Crater complexity - Crater roundness? If you drop a marble into sand or shoot a bullet you expect to see a round crater from a round impactor. But, why would impacting bolides be round? 
Itokawa asteroid, ESA immage. About 1,000 km size, would make a crater the size of the Barringer crater but not as round. May 6, 2024. 
624 Hektor and its moon Skamandrios. Hektor is one of the most elongated bodies of its size in the Solar System, being approximately 403 km in its longest dimension, but averaging only around 201 km in its other dimensions, with a total volume equivalent to an approx 250 km diameter sphere,
Now this big and long impactor will make a non typical crater and also large. June 6, 2024. 
Density variation - Unlike that marble you drop in sand a make a round crater a big high velocity impactor traveling at miles per second with variable density will make a complex cratering  process. This NASA moon density map shown above is more like a common large impactor of the early earth forming period. As impact is the common forming process that tends to make drops, however large round is the common form but not round in density. The moon like earth is an accretion of many smaller impact absorptions. The multi density impactor sets up crossing shock waves which is why you see so many impactites with crossing grid patterns or just crossing patterns. You also see strata with same. June 6, 2024. 
Not only is the impactor ununiform but the surface is as well. Take for example Alabama. It has a big system of large early accretions crossing it. So the smaller later craters hit into this and it is not easy to distinguish them. June 6, 2024. 
Picture 1. The Eye of the Sahara, The Richat Structure. Concentric rings with fractals emanating. The shock energy breaking down from rings to fractals is a phenomenon of form physics. As it moves from the highest energy center the fractals increase. Picture 2 Now let's look at the landscape surrounds. There it is, surface iron from the impacting bolide. It is very similar to the Russellville, AL crater by the way. Picture 3. A whole lot of iron. This bolide must have been of high iron content. That would have made more kinetic energy when it exploded. These distances eliminates the circle hydraulic type theories, as there is too much as well. The problem with these wrong theories is they assume iron can just be on the surface of earth from some crazy reason like Mississippi Valley Type, a totally unproven theory. Picture 4. Now notice the circular rings surrounding the HESH round crater, just like the Eye of the Sahara. Also would be debris from the round. July 19, 2024. 
So why is the HESH round most similar to impact craters? Barringer (Meteor Crater, AZ) proved that these impactors explode on impact as the sudden stop unloads all that potential energy. Read the book W. G. Hoyt 1987. Coon Mountain Controversies. Meteor Crater and the Development of Impact Theory. xii + 443 pp. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

High-explosive squash head

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

High explosive squash head


Cross section of a 120 mm HESH round from the Arjun main battle tank

A high-explosive squash head (HESH), in British terminology, or a high-explosive plastic/plasticized (HEP), in American terminology,[1] is a type of explosive projectile with plastic explosive that conforms to the surface of a target before detonating, which improves the transfer of explosive energy to the target. Squash head projectiles are similar to high-explosive projectiles and are well suited to many of the same targets. However, while HESH projectiles are not armour-piercing, they can defeat armored targets by causing spall, which can injure or kill a vehicle's occupants or detonate some types of ammunition.[2]


External videos

 HESH round working principle animation on YouTube

 HESH round comparison on YouTube


HESH rounds are thin metal shells filled with plastic explosive and a delayed-action fuze at the base of the shell.[3] On impact, the inert material, followed by plastic explosive, is 'squashed' against the surface of the target and spreads out to form a disc or 'pat' of explosive. The inert material helps prevent premature detonation of the plastic explosive and sustains the impact pressure and temperature.[3][2]

Milliseconds later, the base fuze detonates the explosive, creating a shock wave that, owing to its large surface area and direct contact with the target, is transmitted through the material. In the metal armour of a tank, the compression shock wave is conducted through the armour to the point where it reaches the metal-air interface (the hollow crew compartment), where some of the energy is reflected as a tension wave, a phenomenon called impulsive loading. At the point where the compression and tension waves intersect, a high-stress zone is created in the metal, causing pieces of steel to be projected off the interior wall at high velocity.[2]


    Shell design: charge, fuze, shell



    Function of HESH-munition


This fragmentation by blast wave is known as 'scabbing' or 'spalling', with the fragments termed 'scabs or 'spall'.[4][2]

Depending upon the armour thickness, a heavy piece of target material (4 to 10 kg (8.8 to 22.0 lb) for a 120 mm (4.7 in) round used in Arjun MBT[4]) can separate out from the other end of the target with supersonic velocities. This spall is sufficient to permanently damage the essentials of a tank, igniting the ammunition or fuel storage and severely damaging the crew to achieve a "total kill" of the target. In general, the higher the armour thickness, the higher the scab weight will be.[2]

The fragmentation achieved by impulsive loading of armour block by a HESH round is more lethal than similar high explosive rounds.[4][2][clarification needed]


    Front and back side of armour block impacted by HESH rounds



    Light spalling damage caused by HESH rounds



    Heavy spalling damage caused by HESH rounds


HESH rounds are mostly fired from guns with rifled, rather than smoothbore, barrels. Rifling causes a projectile to spin, thereby allowing longer projectiles to be used, while at the same time improving accuracy. This also may make a HESH shell more effective on impact by increasing the surface area of contact for the explosive: the faster the spin, the larger the resultant contact patch. HESH shells are not specifically designed to perforate the armour of vehicles, unlike high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds, with their shaped charge jets. HESH shells rely instead on transmitting a shock wave through the solid steel armor.[2][5]

HESH ammunition has good general purpose use, being effective against most targets, though the round is generally used at relatively low velocities (generally under 800 m/s (2,600 ft/s)) because high velocity excessively disperses the pat of explosive. While only effective against tanks without spaced armour or spall liners, the round is still favoured for combat demolition purposes. The flattened high-velocity explosive pat can destroy concrete constructions much faster than a HEAT round (which is designed to penetrate armour), and without the dangerous fragmentation of a traditional high explosive (HE) fragmentation round.[3]


HESH was developed by Dennistoun Burney in the 1940s for the British war effort, originally as an anti-fortification "wallbuster" munition for use against concrete. He also led British developments in recoilless rifles as a means to deliver the shell. An early application of the HESH principle post WWII was the L9 165 mm demolition gun fitted to AVRE combat engineer vehicles.[6]

HESH was found to be surprisingly effective against metallic armour as well as concrete structures. It was widely used as a primary round in most large calibre rifled guns.



Japanese 105 mm Type B HESH shell for the Royal Ordnance L7 rifled gun in use on the Type 74 tank


US Navy technicians building a munitions disposal for HESH (HEP) shells

HESH rounds were fielded mainly by the British Army as the main explosive round of its main battle tanks during the Cold War. It was also used by other military forces, especially those that acquired the early post-World War II British 105 mm (4.1 in) Royal Ordnance L7A1 tank gun, including Germany, India, Israel, and Sweden.

Since the 1980s, HESH ammunition has increasingly lost favour as armour designs have trended towards layered composites of hard metal and heat-resistant materials. This type of armour conducts shock waves poorly. Anti-spalling devices (spall liners), made of materials such as Kevlar, are commonly fitted to the interior surface of modern armoured vehicles to minimise spalling effects.[7] Another reason for the declining use of HESH rounds is the preference of most armies using smoothbore guns due to the usage of powerful armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot, which would significantly decrease the rifled gun's barrel life.

British Challenger 1 and Challenger 2 tanks, and India's Arjun tank (which has the same rifled 120 mm (4.7 in) gun as the UK's MBTs) use HESH rounds as their primary ammunition. Amongst other ammunition types, the Stryker Mobile Gun System variant is to be equipped with a 105 mm (4.1 in) HESH round for demolition and bunker-busting purposes. Argentina's TAM medium tanks, Canada's Leopard C1 and Leopard C2 main battle tanks (all of which mount the same 105 mm (4.1 in) gun as the Centurion), the Australian Leopard AS1 main battle tank, and the Chinese VT-4 main battle tank (which mounts a 125 mm (4.9 in) smoothbore gun) all use HESH rounds.

HESH rounds are also carried by armoured engineer vehicles; they are typically intended for use against fortifications rather than armoured fighting vehicles. A 165 mm (6.5 in) HESH round is used by the United States Army for the main gun of the M728 combat engineer vehicle, an M60 tank equipped with a bulldozer blade. Similarly, the UK's Centurion AVRE was equipped with a short 165 mm (6.5 in) gun solely for a 29 kg (64 lb) HESH shell.

Picture 1 is a new post by Ray Forage, Mars square crater in crater. This is a low angle explosion much like the Howell, TN Impact structure which made a fan crater. Picture 2 bullet hole more of a hexagon, another impact geometric. Even bullets while made to be uniform do not always explode that way. And many bullets are structured to fragment. Picture 3, the famous Barringer Crater in Arizona a squarish crater. Picture 4 a squarish crater on the Moon. Picture 5 a Mars square crater. Picture 5, Bullet exits geometrics which shows the characteristics of various rounds after they fragment. While we think of an explosion ball, i.e. a chemical explosion, these are kinetic explosions. Fragmentation is a ripping apart of the projectile which was not in an original liquid state but solid matter. As the kinetic explosions progresses it does become a liquid which makes a different physics. Aug. 4, 2024. 


Crater fade, stretch marks, squaring from stretching, type 1 large impact rim.


Bullet forensics, large caliber old type, hit at a slight angle. Notice the petal forms like an impact crater will sometimes make, a fractal expansion with cuts in the crater. Dec. 27, 2024. 
East Tennessee Metal Detecting

Vincent Brennan  · 14h  · 

Need help identifying this. Found about 6 inches deep in a dry stream bed

Seems to be copper or a heavy metal

And petals, a recent slower impact likely less than ten miles per second small impact into Mars. The Septarian fractal center is an energy figure resolving a higher concentrated zone of the crater. Dec. 27, 2024. 
The 800-meter-wide (half-mile-wide) Victoria Crater in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars, photographed by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, is seen on July 18, 2009. Colors have been enhanced to make subtle differences more visible. UPI/NASA/JPL-caltech/University of Arizona | License Photo

Chain Craters on Mars a moving plasma bubble. 1 Feb, 2025. 
Researchers wanted to understand the structure of the mounds before sending a robotic explorer to the region. - ESA/TGO/CaSSIS, NASA/JPL/MSSS

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