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The above picture was taken from a wind tunnel test using gases being deformed by a high speed flow inside a balloon used for upper atmosphere NASA experiment. 
The above picture is a cave painting found in Utah of the Adobe Tribe. 
The above picture is a microscopic plate of a bacteria. 
The above picture is a reef of algal stromatolites almost 2 billion years old. . 
The above picture is a flow of cooling lava. 
William Smith who was a self taught engineer invented the strata system. A flow of sediment with similar fossils represents an age of deposits. Gravity dictates they fell in sequence. So if the right answer is algal stromatolites why is this blob not flat? Why did it not decay? Was it flash frozen in position? Why do the strata lines compress close around the top and bottom of the object?  

So how can you have geology that supposes horizontal even depositing of sediments on an earth that is not flat? This idea predates the concept of tectonics. It also predates the acceptance of earth impacts. Besides if the earth were flat all the Chinese would have fell off. 

How can you have environmental isolation and index fossils? 

How can you have a universal beginning i.e. creation but life evolves rather than is created? 

How can you have historic records of a million species disappear but none appear? 

Why is life and consciousness undefined by any material explanation?  

Time works against the construct of evolution. Order moves to disorder over time and a progress jump is only possible at it's highest state which will not last. It will not be around for the next progress jump to combine with it. Is anthropology a science or religion? Rejecting God is your right as a free agent but unwise.

Creation or Creator? 

Causeless mechanics are what is taught and thought in so called schools. William Smith the self taught geologist map circa 1815 is one of these mechanistic principles that under lies creation-less so called science today. Famous scientist thoughts about God
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The lament of William Smith. I was from a working family in an age of stratified society. While I did all the work the high society dandies who called themselves geologist stole my work and claimed it for their own even selling it while I was in debtor's prison. I did have a few true friends one of whom published giving me full credit for my contribution who used it to back his book on Biblical flood geology.  

If you consider the qualities of strata you might find the top layer to be the poorest quality. 

Right, so shells on beaches indicate? Beaches and shells. I am constantly amazed at the lack of any real science logic. The equation expanding shells into time is dimensionless. Where did the calcium and sand come from? Why would the earth collect shells on a flat plain? There is no model indicating the earth to be featureless and flat. Currents and ditches would collect the sediment shells. That is not their living environment could be far away from it. Many fossils appear to have been alive when fossilized and not decayed. That would indicate a sudden killing event in their environment. Since the contour has changed over time why would not contour be the primary cause of shell change in strata since the living creatures will collect in their specific contour life supporting environment. I estimate 100 feet of Chattanooga Shale was pushed into the Flynn Creek Crater in minutes from the Frankewing, TN impact. So how would you equate contour into time with any consistency? 
Unconformities show various wiping events eliminating any consistent construct of time. It is interesting to note that explanations presented by geologist for this  missing material do not include meteor impacts. And since that is not recognized the build up of material from the impact push wave is also not recognized. Also now there is a contour change. If a meteor hits into a sea material will return into the crater as a jumble not representing any sedimentary sequencing. 
Why did it change into what it became? So, the how is unfounded, and without a Creator you have a causeless purposeless unanswered befuddlement. These Godless examinations of the creation are desperate without logic magic thinking. It is the mathematical unknown x to solve for with an inability to ever solve what x is and you are just supposed to accept being taught that and it is not wasting your time. Is the creation something God made or causeless? If God is not your answer you have a blank as your test taking answer, always counted as a wrong answer on test. 
As a systems engineer I am satisfied that a forensic "cold case" method is the correct tool to analyse what happened in my geologic area. What I have found not only is not consistent with what has been published, it illustrates the authoritative analytical bankruptcy of it's proponents. Here is their case: After 90 years of having the case is no conclusion that anything happened at Howell, TN. Furthermore, all matter appeared out of nowhere, so they can't explain anything existing in the first place. Is a motiveless, causeless, weaponless, dateless crime scene. It may be popular to believe a nothing cause universe but not logical. 
The Gospel of John says that Christ was with God and was God in the beginning and all things were made though Him. Also that He is the Light and the darkness will not overcome. Don't let that darkness be you. 

How do silt and sand differ when going with the flow?

Scientists show grain size, not speed of water, sets silt and sand transport


December 16, 2019


Rice University


Sand and silt in rivers dramatically change their means of transport at a sharp boundary between grain sizes, regardless of how fast the river flows. A universal transport algorithm revealed the break and could help predict how sediments move.

So this study says grain size and transport define sediment layering. This is a dynamic process not ages caused by gravity in a downward only layer. 

The river may rage or gently roll, but in the end the sand and silt will have their way.

Rice University Earth scientists and their colleagues have defined a surprising breakpoint at which the grain size of riverbed sediment exercises extraordinary control over how much material will be transported downstream, nourishing deltas and coastlines.

New work led by Rice coastal geologist Jeff Nittrouer and postdoctoral researcher Hongbo Ma brings decades of experiments and field observations into focus by showing that sand and silt suddenly shift from one means of transport to another.

In short, some grains of sediment larger than about 150 microns (considered fine sand) move along the riverbed and some are suspended in the current. Finer grains are completely lifted into the flowing water and move much faster toward the mouth of a river. There, they can rapidly change the landscape and generate deltas while supplying coastlines with sediment.

The researchers were surprised to find that grain size dominates the manner of transport regardless of how fast the river is flowing, according to their report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which won this year's "Best Paper Award" from the International Association of Chinese Youth in Water Science.

"Most people look at silt and at sand and say these things are awfully close to one another," Nittrouer said. "But the reality is there are fine-scale differences between the two that offer enormous changes in the amount of material moved. We often consider the world to be a linear place, but if you change grain size by just a small fraction, you suddenly change the volume of material transported by 10- to 20-fold."

Relatively coarse material is associated with large sand dunes that make riverbeds rough and provide friction that limits the amount of energy available to move sediment, he said.

But silt and very fine sand, transported via suspension, build long, low dunes that reduce the energy consumed by friction and facilitate high sediment transport rates. "Direct suspension allows more of the flow's energy to be utilized in transporting the sedimentary material," Nittrouer said.

Sediment flux alters coastlines, deltas and the course of rivers themselves. "Our capability to predict how fine-grained sediment moves in different environments has been very limited," Ma said. "We basically set out to simplify the entire system."

He said previous algorithms provided patchwork solutions that applied to either large sand particles or silt but didn't account for what was assumed to be a gradual transition from one means of transport to the other. "We were surprised to find there's no continuous transition between them," he said. "It turns out that at a certain point, they suddenly transition to another state."

Ma built the universal transport algorithm after considering nearly 2,000 sets of sediment transport data from several decades of published research, along with his team's own observations, particularly through a National Science Foundation-backed study of China's Yellow River (aka the Huanghe River).

"Hongbo has essentially taken a large database and used it to ground a new algorithm that allows for a spectrum of grain sizes," Nittrouer said. "It lets us make predictions about how much and where sand or silt should move under the influence of given environments and boundary conditions.

"That has a lot of bearing on how we understand the movement of material on Earth, as exemplified by fine-grain rivers like the Yellow River," he said.

The Yellow River is known to send about a billion tons of sediment each year towards the sea. The Rice lab has already used its new algorithm to predict changes in the Yellow River delta, the results of which appear in a recent paper led by graduate student Andrew Moodie, also a co-author of the new study.

Nittrouer suggested the algorithm could have wide application on Earth and beyond.

"If we want to understand how much material is moving on a planet like Mars or the structure of the system that transported that material -- the channel dimensions, the bed forms in the channels -- we can use inverse modeling to determine what the transport conditions were like in the past," he said. "That ties intimately into the environmental conditions that were present within that region at some given time."

He noted the surprising boundary may reflect even larger forces at work in nature. "You can push nature for so long and then, once you cross some threshold, major shifts begin to happen," he said. "People are trying to figure out where these thresholds exist in terms of climate perturbations and climate change.

"So this is a demonstrable example of a threshold in nature, a small change that can provoke big ones," he said.

An overview of impact in the solar system from a Christian perspective: 


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Stave to death or accept you are a conscious agent. 

Free Agency     

Darwin's car

In the eons of time steel was formed this was later joined by the spontaneous mutation of a piston engine. By natural selection these improved until later producing a flying car. this is all proven in the junk yard record. 

Darwin's book: Darwin did not write the book Origon of the species rather it evolved after eons of time due to random mutations of words. The library record shows only the fittest survive and some books go extinct. According to Guinness World Records as of 1995, the Bible is the best-selling book of all time, with an estimated 5 billion copies sold and distributed. 

New phenomena from Frankewing, TN Impact.

Keep this in mind. "geologic impact structures are formed as a result of impact by these extraterrestrial bodies that are traveling through space at intercept velocities as high as 70 km/s. It is important to recognize that these impact velocities exceed the sound speed in all geologic materials. Consequently, the impact process can produce supersonic flow in geologic materials, and the formation of impact structures is based initially on the science and technology of the mechanical behavior of fluids." Page 28 Impact Geology the Basics by Dr. Lynn B. Lundberg, PhD 2016

The Frankewing, TN impact event is not like any other on the planet and consequently produced many effects never before seen. 

The approach to today's impact certification process is to find shatter cones and impact glass and it would not hurt to show crater form geology. 

This has failed at Frankewing, TN. 

Ironically if Charles Marsh Woodruff was conducting his research today it might be successful. He found crude shatter coning and diaplectic glass in 1968. The samples were lost and without them his research is not considered adequate today. 

I find the use of these crude metrics for unknown events sad. Conversely I find following the phenomenology exciting. Alas what you find with this impact structure is far beyond shatter cones and impact glass which it has, as well as crater form geology as observed on a self healing planet. 

Geologist come from all over the world to see the Well's Creek structure and hopefully collect a shatter cone but what of the marketability of some new type impact structure? The potential for science and public benefit of a new type of impact structure is high. After all we can now make shatter cones and impact glass in labs and craters from bombs. I find thin hyper-sonic insertion of elements through plasma rock much more intriguing, as well as all the other new phenomena. The Frankewing, TN Impact Structure stands conventional geologic understanding on it's head, debunking many constructs of present understanding. 

Geology is important and under rated. After all the meta physics of "old earth" and "deep time" are built on it. Sadly event based sequence as a construct is somehow supposed to fold into this long time process, which it does not fit. Impact fundamentally a top down blast with lateral dispersal geology with micro second geologic change was unknown when "deep time" was postulated and later accepted. Meteorites themselves show in space collisions. As a phenomena analyst I study event sequence free of fitting it into geologic "deep time." Whole layers of strata show evidence of being deposited in an active energy driven short period. Even absence testifies to that! Large sections of geologic unconformities are energy events. Impacts or floods make much more since than does the gradual change postulated by "deep time" for such large removals and strange high energy deposits. Three such unconformities exist in Middle Tennessee. While the Frankewing, TN Impact Structure with it's crust cracking faults is the likely later one, the Middle Tennessee basin with it's central dome is suspect as the evidence of a very large impact which would have cause the earliest unconformity. Another geologic concept shared with "deep time" enlightenment thought is materialism. Matter is all that matters? Where did matter come from? No idea? A study of impact sequence shows large and fast to small and slower. Although the impact at Frankewing, TN is relatively late, fast, hard, and low angle. These impacts should be consistent with a big bang sorting. The earth itself is self healing among planets this is rare if not unique. The earth recycles it's crust in a convection flow,which is what plate tectonics is all about. The earth heals from impacts. Impacts distribute valuable minerals top down which is easier to mine. Middle Tennessee is an example having mined iron, phosphate, lead, and zinc in the debris field of the  TN Impact Structures. What matters is more than matter because is cause that matters. 

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It is thought that physics does not exist in the early big bang and certainly the pre big bang. Well that is just mistaken. The overarching phenomena of physics is kinetic i.e. motion. All other physics are subordinate. Kinetic physics even proceeds the big bang as thought has movement. Mind exist kinetically and is outside and inside the universe. Time is event dependent and is not bound by the universe. The reports of those who visit Heaven indicate time dilation. 

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Species variation while adaptable which is all Darwin ever established is not species evolution. The DNA coding does not allow that. Historical records do indicate man causes extinction and it is clear that impacts do as well. That is not selection of the fittest just event dynamics in a complex system. Cell structure is designed, highly complex and can no more be attributed to random than a computer. The fossil record records the event, something happened to bury or fossilize a species. This is not a time made sequence but a dynamic of a complex system. The common theory that species die and fall to an ocean floor and are fossilized as a time strata event is so often contradicted by masses of juvenile fossils i.e. a sudden event.  Impact is constantly resorting the strata as to make event more evident than any layering by slow deposit impossible without sorting out the entire event sequence. 

DNA mutation - After almost a century of study of radiation effects there has been no recorded positive mutation. Like a computer hitting it will only make it worse will never cause an improvement. 

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Species variation and Darwin - Adaptation is it survival of the fittest or a harmony of a finely tuned environment? So one species varies to eat bugs and nuts. If that were not harmony the bug and nuts would have also adapted countermeasures within their species variation. The Darwin conflict model led to WW2's "master race." Any particular variant is still species rooted. No attempts at breeding a human master race have ever been successful. There has never been an example of species morphing into another. The genomes controlling beaks are in the finches. Adaptable planned encoding.


Found in China, the five eyed shrimp of the Cambrian half billion year old period. Said to be the mission link because it was so multi featured. Genetic encoding is very diverse as being understood in modern times but not self evolving, diverse encoded. A Swiss Army knife does not mean knives self evolve into tool boxes. 


The super hole bored into the earth's crust. They found fossils/shock vein fractals and One of the main things scientists learned from the Kola Superdeep Borehole is that granite doesn't turn into basalt at great depths as we previously thought. They found no evidence of this transition happening at 4.3 miles below the Earth's surface. This discovery indicates that shock impact accretion made the majority of earth rocks. Volcanic earth tectonic processes are themselves the crust resolving earth impact breaks as a self healing planet. 


Lemurs are native to Madagascar. Primates, divided into 8 families and consisting of 15 genera and around 100 existing species. Ranging in size from the 30 g (1.1 oz) Madame Berthe's mouse lemur, the world's smallest primate,[29] to the recently extinct 160–200 kg (350–440 lb) Archaeoindris fontoynonti.

So 60 million years you can have this much diversity but all are Lemurs. Clearly the genetic code is adaptable but always stays as it's primary family.

There are no fossil lemurs. Fossils are a statistical narrow range good for the study of sudden burial events.

What we know is a low geographic diversity and high adaptability of the world 60 million years ago. So all these 60 million year human fossils would be man variants but not any evolutionary jump from anything else. Were just present in low numbers.


Older isolation than Madagascar is Australia. However while containing the largest group of marsupials they are not unique to Australia. Like Madagascar the diversity is great but always marsupials. Deep time does not make species transfer, just allows for the great diversity found in the genome. Like Madagascar it would be a low density world when Australia was isolated.


Bracketing (German: Einklammerung; also called phenomenological reduction, transcendental reduction or phenomenological epoché) is the preliminary step in the philosophical movement of phenomenology describing an act of suspending judgment about the natural world to instead focus on analysis of experience. Its earliest conception can be traced back to Immanuel Kant who argued that the only reality that one can know is the one each individual experiences in their mind (or Phenomena).  Edmund Husserl, building on Kant’s ideas, first proposed bracketing in 1913, to help better understand another’s phenomena. 

Now let's consider evolution versus simple bracketing or a gate mechanism. If you constrain a species into a gate or bracket it has the species rich DNA to adapt or conform and even conform back when bracket is released. This does not constitute an ability to transform into a non coded species beyond the DNA coded adaptability. How much adaptability does DNA have? It is the most advanced code ever written. By contrast Somalia is a good example of "survival of the fittest." Everything that can be accomplished by a gun has occurred there. It does not advance but is destructive as a function. 


Beyond the concept of evolution is learning coding the dream of Artificial Intelligence. While God certainly can and does manage His creation in real time the sophistication of His coding allows for direction. Unlike mutation it holds together as a complete synthesis of its teleology. So how does this direction diversion activate? Fitness or survivor? I am not an advocate of survival of the fit. The many impacts on earth can only be survival of the survivors. Is impact teleology? Yes. The universe is fine tunned and expansive in physical constructs as is life. 


The list of fine tuning of the universe phenomena to support life on earth just keeps getting longer and longer. 


Another Breakthrough for Team Studying Our Solar System’s Protective Bubble

Astrophysicists on BU’s NASA-funded SHIELD team reach another milestone on their quest to understand the heliosphere

DECEMBER 3, 2021


A multi-institutional team of astrophysicists headquartered at Boston University, led by BU astrophysicist Merav Opher, has made a breakthrough discovery in our understanding of the cosmic forces that shape the protective bubble surrounding our solar system—a bubble that shelters life on Earth and is known by space researchers as the heliosphere.

Merav Opher. Photo by Cydney Scott

Astrophysicists believe the heliosphere protects the planets within our solar system from powerful radiation emanating from supernovas, the final explosions of dying stars throughout the universe. They believe the heliosphere extends far beyond our solar system, but despite the massive buffer against cosmic radiation that the heliosphere provides Earth’s life-forms, no one really knows the shape of the heliosphere—or, for that matter, the size of it. 

“How is this relevant for society? The bubble that surrounds us, produced by the sun, offers protection from galactic cosmic rays, and the shape of it can affect how those rays get into the heliosphere,” says James Drake, an astrophysicist at the University of Maryland who collaborates with Opher. “There’s lots of theories, but of course, the way that galactic cosmic rays can get in can be impacted by the structure of the heliosphere—does it have wrinkles and folds and that sort of thing?”

Opher’s team has constructed some of the most compelling computer simulations of the heliosphere, based on models built on observable data and theoretical astrophysics. At BU, in the Center for Space Physics, Opher, a College of Arts & Sciences professor of astronomy, leads a NASA DRIVE (Diversity, Realize, Integrate, Venture, Educate) Science Center that’s supported by $1.3 million in NASA funding. That team, made up of experts Opher recruited from 11 other universities and research institutes, develops predictive models of the heliosphere in an effort the team calls SHIELD (Solar-wind with Hydrogen Ion Exchange and Large-scale Dynamics). 

Since BU’S NASA DRIVE Science Center first received funding in 2019, Opher’s SHIELD team has hunted for answers to several puzzling questions: What is the overall structure of the heliosphere? How do its ionized particles evolve and affect heliospheric processes? How does the heliosphere interact and influence the interstellar medium, the matter and radiation that exists between stars? And how do cosmic rays get filtered by, or transported through, the heliosphere? 

“SHIELD combines theory, modeling, and observations to build comprehensive models,” Opher says. “All these different components work together to help understand the puzzles of the heliosphere.”

And now a paper published by Opher and collaborators in Astrophysical Journal reveals that neutral hydrogen particles streaming from outside our solar system most likely play a crucial role in the way our heliosphere takes shape.

In their latest study, Opher’s team wanted to understand why heliospheric jets—blooming columns of energy and matter that are similar to other types of cosmic jets found throughout the universe—become unstable. “Why do stars and black holes—and our own sun—eject unstable jets?” Opher says. “We see these jets projecting as irregular columns, and [astrophysicists] have been wondering for years why these shapes present instabilities.”

Is this what the heliosphere looks like? BU-led research suggests so. The size and shape of the magnetic “force field” that protects our solar system from deadly cosmic rays has long been debated by astrophysicists. Image courtesy of Merav Opher, et. al

Similarly, SHIELD models predict that the heliosphere, traveling in tandem with our sun and encompassing our solar system, doesn’t appear to be stable. Other models of the heliosphere developed by other astrophysicists tend to depict the heliosphere as having a comet-like shape, with a jet—or a “tail”—streaming behind in its wake. In contrast, Opher’s model suggests the heliosphere is shaped more like a croissant or even a donut.

The reason for that? Neutral hydrogen particles, so-called because they have equal amounts of positive and negative charge that net no charge at all.

“They come streaming through the solar system,” Opher says. Using a computational model like a recipe to test the effect of ‘neutrals’ on the shape of the heliosphere, she “took one ingredient out of the cake—the neutrals—and noticed that the jets coming from the sun, shaping the heliosphere, become super stable. When I put them back in, things start bending, the center axis starts wiggling, and that means that something inside the heliospheric jets is becoming very unstable.”

Instability like that would theoretically cause disturbance in the solar winds and jets emanating from our sun, causing the heliosphere to split its shape—into a croissant-like form. Although astrophysicists haven’t yet developed ways to observe the actual shape of the heliosphere, Opher’s model suggests the presence of neutrals slamming into our solar system would make it impossible for the heliosphere to flow uniformly like a shooting comet. And one thing is for sure—neutrals are definitely pelting their way through space.

Drake, a coauthor on the new study, says Opher’s model “offers the first clear explanation for why the shape of the heliosphere breaks up in the northern and southern areas, which could impact our understanding of how galactic cosmic rays come into Earth and the near-Earth environment.” That could affect the threat that radiation poses to life on Earth and also for astronauts in space or future pioneers attempting to travel to Mars or other planets.

“The universe is not quiet,” Opher says. “Our BU model doesn’t try to cut out the chaos, which has allowed me to pinpoint the cause [of the heliosphere’s instability]…. The neutral hydrogen particles.”

Specifically, the presence of the neutrals colliding with the heliosphere triggers a phenomenon well known by physicists, called the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, which occurs when two materials of different densities collide, with the lighter material pushing against the heavier material. It’s what happens when oil is suspended above water, and when heavier fluids or materials are suspended above lighter fluids. Gravity plays a role and gives rise to some wildly irregular shapes. In the case of the cosmic jets, the drag between the neutral hydrogen particles and charged ions creates a similar effect as gravity. The “fingers” seen in the famous Horsehead Nebula, for example, are caused by the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. 

“This finding is a really major breakthrough, it’s really set us in a direction of discovering why our model gets its distinct croissant-shaped heliosphere and why other models don’t,” Opher says.


How would a plant know what a hummingbird looks like? 


It is little known that Charles Darwin considered altruism a high evolutionary development. His half cousin on the other hand is the seed of the "master race."

Cousins: Charles Darwin, Sir Francis Galton and the birth of eugenics

Nicholas W. Gillham

First published: 24 August 2009

Citations: 2







Sir Francis Galton, scientist, African Explorer and statistician, was a key figure in statistical history. He was the man who devised the statistical concepts of regression and correlation. He was also Charles Darwin's cousin. And, inspired by his reading of Darwin, he was the founder of eugenics: the “science” of improving the human race through selective breeding. Nicholas Gillham tells of a darker side to statistics and heredity.

In December 1910, shortly before his death at the age of 89, Sir Francis Galton finished Kantsaywhere, a novel describing his notion of a eugenic utopia. Sir Algernon Methuen, the publisher, had earlier encouraged Galton to write his autobiography so it was logical for Galton to turn to Methuen requesting that he publish Kantsaywhere. Methuen was not taken with the manuscript and rejected it. Nevertheless, parts of Galton's novel appeared posthumously in the magisterial four-volume biography published by his acolyte, the great statistician Karl Pearson1.

In the pages of Galton's novel, the eugenic charms of Kantsaywhere were revealed through the journal of the late I. Donoghue, a professor of vital statistics. Apparently, a Mr Neverwas made Kantsaywhere possible by leaving his property to the colony provided that the income “be employed in improving the stock of the place, especially the human breed”1. A council governed Kantsaywhere, but the Eugenics College of Kantsaywhere determined the fate of its people based on a test establishing the heritable physical and mental gifts of each inhabitant. Those failing the test were segregated into labour colonies, where propagation—having children—was a crime, or else were encouraged to emigrate. Others taking the test might pass with the equivalent of an ordinary degree or with honours. Donoghue's friend Augusta Allfancy passed with flying colours and was made a Probationer.

Subsequently, she attended a round of parties to ensure that she met an appropriate male Probationer. The purpose, of course, was that between them they would enrich the human stock with many children of superior intellect and physique. Galton, always conscious of the importance of numbers, felt that the ideal age for somebody like Augusta Allfancy to form a reproductive alliance was 22. This would permit the production of four generations of superior people per century, assuming her progeny and their progeny married at the same age. Those who passed the first examination but not the honours examination could engage in limited propagation.

Although Kantsaywhere represented Galton's ideal eugenic community, the eugenics movement he did so much to unleash led to anything but utopias. Its main legacy would be a record of involuntary sterilisation of supposedly “feebleminded” individuals in the USA, the Canadian Province of Alberta, the Scandinavian countries and, of course, Nazi Germany. Eugenics also resulted in racial discrimination. An example is the Immigration Act of 1924 in the USA, which greatly restricted immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe from entering that country.

How was it that Sir Francis Galton came to initiate the eugenics movement? The defining moment came after Galton read his cousin Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species2.

Darwin and Galton

Darwin and Galton were grandsons of the Birmingham doctor Erasmus Darwin (Figure 1) by different wives. Darwin's father Robert was the son of Erasmus Darwin's first wife, Mary Howard, who died when she was only 30. His mother was Susannah Wedgwood, the daughter of Josiah Wedgwood—a good friend of Erasmus Darwin's. The remarkable connection between the Wedgwood and Darwin families continued into the next generation since Charles Darwin married Emma Wedgwood, the daughter of Josiah Wedgwood's son Josiah II.

Figure 1

Open in figure viewerPowerPoint

Cousins. Top: Erasmus Darwin from a print after a painting by Rawlinson of Derby (volume I)1; bottom left: Charles Darwin, aged 511; bottom right: Francis Galton, aged about 501

Several years after his first wife's death, Erasmus Darwin married Elizabeth Collier Sacheveral-Pole, the widow of an elderly colonel. Their daughter, Violetta, married Samuel Tertius Galton. Francis Galton, the youngest of their eight children, was born in 1822, 13 years after his cousin Charles Darwin. The Galtons were Quaker businessmen. The Society of Friends eventually disowned the family because they ran a lucrative gun foundry. The Darwins and Galtons were wealthy so neither Charles Darwin nor Francis Galton ever had to work for a living.

Like Charles Darwin before him it appeared that Francis Galton was headed for a medical career. After graduating from King Edward's School in Birmingham, Galton apprenticed to the General Hospital in that city, subsequently moving to King's College in London in 1839 to study medicine. Darwin and his wife Emma were living nearby in Gower Street, in rented accommodation whose gaudy colours led them to name it Macaw Cottage. Darwin, who had hated his medical studies at Edinburgh, had been sent by his despairing father to Cambridge to study for an ordinary degree in arts and sciences in preparation for a clerical career. Instead, John Stevens Henslow, the Professor of Botany, befriended Darwin and his future career became clear.

It would not be incorrect to describe Galton as a polymath. Besides his explorations and his statistical work, in meteorology he discovered the anti-cyclone and he originated the “arch, loop and whorl” system of classifying fingerprints—a system adopted by Scotland Yard in 1901 and still in use today.

His urge to quantify was perhaps extreme. He published in 1872, in the Fortnightly Review, a statistical enquiry into whether praying worked or not: “The efficacy of prayer seems to me a simple, as it is a perfectly appropriate and legitimate, subject of scientific inquiry. [The] decision will lie based upon data more or less justly handled …”. His method was to compare the lifespans of those whose health and long lives were most frequently prayed for, which he reckoned to be clergymen and monarchs. Clergymen, he found, lived no longer than anyone else and “sovereigns are literally the shortest lived of all who have the advantage of affluence. The prayer ‘Long Live the King’ has therefore no efficacy.”

He developed a “beauty-map” of the British Isles based on how many pretty women he encountered (London had the highest score, Aberdeen the lowest). He wished to record (for science) the steatopygia, or large buttocks, of women of tribes he encountered in southern Africa. A particularly pronounced example was displayed by the wife of a mission worker. Delicacy forbade that he should measure her directly but he did have his surveying instruments with him. He therefore stood at a distance and used his sextant. He mapped the dimensions of interest using trigonometry and logs.

Darwin had just returned from the Beagle voyage when, in 1837, he met his cousin in London. He advised Galton to interrupt his medical studies to attend Cambridge where rigorous mathematical training would enable him to be an even better physician.

Galton went up to Cambridge, studied hard for the Tripos honours degree in mathematics, had something akin to a nervous breakdown and subsequently graduated with an ordinary degree. He never returned to medicine. (His interests, however, remained broad: see Box.)

Hereditary talent and character

After Cambridge, Galton drifted for several years, but in 1850 he organised, planned and paid for his own African expedition. He originally meant to venture north from South Africa across the Kalahari Desert to Lake Ngami, discovered by David Livingstone, but Sir Harry Smith, Governor of the Cape Colony, dissuaded him because he would have to traverse territory north of the Orange River where the Boers were restive. So Galton's expedition sailed west around the Cape of Good Hope to what is now Namibia. He landed at Walvis Bay and proceeded inland via a string of Rhenish mission stations. There were adventures galore before Galton's expedition turned north into unexplored territory. He discovered a new and sophisticated tribe, the Ovampo, and also the great Etosha saltpan. Despite adventure, risk and hardship it was a scientific expedition rather than a gung-ho one. All along the way Galton made careful measurements of latitude, longitude and altitude—and much else beside.

Galton returned to England in 1852, was awarded the Founder's Medal by the Royal Geographical Society, completed his book Tropical South Africa3 and courted and married Louisa Butler, the daughter of a former headmaster of Harrow.

In 1855 he published the Art of Travel4, a kind of field guide to making one's way successfully in the bush. This enormously popular book went through eight editions between 1855 and 1893 and was reprinted in 2001. Galton was also very active in the Royal Geographical Society, focusing particularly on the discovery of the African Great Lakes by explorers like Burton, Speke, Grant, Livingstone and Baker.

But the publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species in 1859 changed the direction of his life. It so profoundly affected Galton that it “made a marked epoch in my own mental development, as it did in human thought generally”5. To show how natural selection worked, Darwin often used examples of artificial selection such as the great number of pigeon varieties that breeders had selected. Such examples must have caught Galton's eye as he embarked on his quest to improve the human race. In 1865 he published “Hereditary Talent and Character”, a two-part paper in Macmillan's Magazine6. By choosing Macmillan's, Galton was courting a wide audience: this was one of the many highbrow Victorian magazines that serialised novels, published poetry and included learned articles by educators, scientists and the like. Galton's method in his paper was to establish pedigrees of men of accomplishment. The expectation was that if “talent and character” were inherited, a father of distinction was likely to have an accomplished son.

Encouraged by his results, Galton greatly expanded his analysis in Hereditary Genius7. There he grouped eminent men by profession—judges, military commanders, Lord Chancellors and the like. Much to his satisfaction, he found that if fathers were gifted, sons were more likely to be talented than were more distant relatives. In his view this established the primacy of heredity. He dismissed the obvious objection that an eminent father was more likely to find a suitable position for his son than one less fortunate. That is, environment might be important too.

Darwin effusively praised Hereditary Genius. He wrote to Galton: “I have only read 50 pages of your book (to Judges), but I must exhale myself, else something will go wrong with my inside. I do not think I ever in all of my life read anything more interesting and original—and how well and clearly you put every point!”5.

Theories of inheritance

Darwin needed heritable variations on which natural selection could act. To address this problem, he elaborated his theory of “Pangenesis” in the second volume of Variation in Animals and Plants under Domestication8. Darwin hypothesised that particles he called gemmules were gathered from all over the body into the sexual organs for distribution to the progeny. To create the variation for selection to work on, gemmules had to be modifiable in some way. Darwin imagined two mechanisms. First, gemmules were injuriously affected by changed conditions so that they did not aggregate properly. The second mechanism supposed that alterations in environmental conditions could cause changes in gemmules, a notion akin to acquired characteristics, something that bothered Galton a great deal.

It seemed logical that, in animals at least, the gemmules might be transported to the sex organs from the various parts of the body via the bloodstream. Anxious to test his cousin's hypothesis, Galton decided to use pure-breeding rabbits called silver-greys as recipients for blood from donors having different characteristics. One or both parents were transfused. They were bred to see whether they produced progeny with any of the unique characteristics of the blood donor. Galton kept Darwin informed of the progress of his ultimately unsuccessful experiments. But Galton seems not to have informed Darwin when he published his results in the Proceedings of the Royal Society in 18719. Galton added insult to injury by proclaiming that he had invalidated Darwin's theory of pangenesis.

Darwin was uncharacteristically piqued. He made that clear in a letter to Galton, who apologised profusely. Darwin also wrote a letter to Nature pointing out that organisms lacking blood such as protozoa and plants must also transmit gemmules1. But Darwin admitted graciously that when Galton had suggested the experiments it seemed reasonable that gemmules might be transmitted through the blood. For his part, Galton apologised publicly in Nature1.

Darwin also postulated another class of gemmules to explain reversion, the reappearance of a characteristic seen in an earlier generation. These gemmules were usually dormant but when they multiplied reversion occurred. Galton liked this distinction and incorporated the notion into his own theory of inheritance. However, his papers on the subject were so difficult that, after torturing himself with one, Darwin wrote to his cousin that he had read his “essay with much curiosity and interest, but you probably have no idea how excessively difficult it is to understand”. To greatly oversimplify, Galton hypothesised the existence of hereditary elements that were initially unstructured but subsequently differentiated into what we would call the germline (latent elements) or soma (patent elements). Galton had elaborated a form of the germline theory normally credited to the German biologist August Weismann, a fact that Weismann acknowledged in a letter to Galton in 1889.

In constructing their theories of inheritance neither Darwin nor Galton seemed aware of Mendel's definitive 1865 paper “Studies on Plant Hybridization”10. It would not be “rediscovered” until 1900.

Dilemma: natural selection collides with regression to the mean

Much of Galton's research in the last few decades of the 19th century proceeded along two general lines of inquiry: personal and psychological identification and the elaboration of statistical methods for analysing heritable traits, particularly in humans. The latter of these two pursuits is most relevant to us here.

During the time of writing Hereditary Genius Galton became intrigued with the work of Adolphe Quetelet, the Belgian Astronomer Royal, who first fitted the normal distribution to human data using published chest measurements for 5738 Scottish soldiers. But Galton wanted to ask a different question. Was this distribution heritable? Would soldiers with small chest sizes produce progeny with small chest sizes and those with large chests have children endowed similarly?

Initially, Galton lacked appropriate human data to ask this question so he turned to sweet peas instead because they had little tendency to cross-fertilise. Galton found that seed sizes were distributed normally but, when he examined the seeds obtained from progeny plants, the progeny grown from small seeds produced plants with seeds closer to the mean of the distribution. The same was true of progeny obtained from large seeds. Galton now developed two important statistical concepts. He had discovered what he first called reversion to the mean, subsequently referred to as regression to the mean. He also plotted the diameter of parental against progeny seeds and thus constructed the first regression line and, from its slope, calculated the first regression coefficient (Figure 2).

Figure 2

Open in figure viewerPowerPoint

The first regression line1

Sweet peas are not human beings. Galton obtained the human data he so desperately wanted when he set up an anthropometric laboratory in connection with the International Health Exhibition held in South Kensington in the summer of 1884. Subjects paraded through the laboratory. They were measured and tested for various physical parameters (e.g. strength of pull) using devices invented by Galton. He again showed, by examining heights of parents and children, that regression to the mean was operative. By comparing such parameters as arm length with height, Galton discovered that they were correlated and calculated the first correlation coefficients.

Darwin's vision of evolution would be thwarted by regression to the mean

Regression to the mean posed a dilemma for Galton. How was natural selection going to work if traits under selection were always regressing to the mean? In what is arguably his most important book, Natural Inheritance11, Galton came up with a solution. Evolution had to occur by discontinuous changes that could not revert to the mean. Darwin's vision of evolution by tiny incremental steps would be thwarted by regression to the mean. The changes that drove evolution must be discontinuous ones.

The young British biologist William Bateson had collected lots of examples of discontinuous variation, which he gathered together in a large book, Materials for the Study of Evolution12. Bateson welcomed Galton's argument that evolution must occur in jumps. Similarly, Galton waxed enthusiastic about Bateson's book in an article entitled “Discontinuity in Evolution” published in 1894 in the journal Mind13.

Darwin, who had died in 1882, could not rebut this new model of evolution, but Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-discoverer of evolutionary theory, was still very much alive. He took Bateson and Galton to task in a spirited two-part article in the Fortnightly Review14, another fine and high-minded Victorian periodical. He pointed out that when one parameter, say the size of an animal species, was represented by a normal distribution the power of natural selection was so strong that it could cause the replacement of this distribution by another distributing itself around a new mean.

Galton had actually anticipated this possibility in failed experiments with the Purple Thorn Moth where he planned to select for long-winged and short-winged moths. Medium-winged moths would serve as the control. At the sixth generation he would select for medium-winged moths in both the experimental lines until the long- and short-winged moths disappeared15. Furthermore, despite being the man who discovered it, Galton never seemed overly worried about regression to the mean when he was considering genetic improvement of human beings through selective breeding.

The First International Congress of Eugenics

The First International Congress of Eugenics was held in London in 1912, a year after Galton's death. By this time Mendelian genetics was firmly in the ascendancy. Major Leonard Darwin, the next to last of Darwin's five surviving sons, was president of the Congress. Paper after paper gave examples of the dire consequences of permitting the unfit to breed. These “unfit”, of course, were people who were, in general, much poorer and less able to care for themselves than the distinguished participants in the Congress. But not all were convinced. Arthur Balfour, the former Prime Minister, who had been asked to speak at the inaugural banquet, introduced a dissonant note. Balfour warned the Congress participants against steaming ahead too rapidly with their eugenic crusade since there was much still to be learned about heredity. Then he brilliantly exposed a paradox in eugenic thinking: “We say that the fit survive. But all that means is that those who survive are fit.”16. The perennial eugenic worry that “the biologically fit are diminishing in number through the diminution in birth rate” must be wrong by the “doctrine of natural selection” as he conceived it. If families of the professional class were “so small that it is impossible for them to keep up their numbers, they are biologically unfit for this very reason”. Later on J. A. Lindsay, reviewing the Congress, caught Balfour's meaning precisely: “Mr. Balfour, as the principal guest at the inaugural banquet of the Eugenics International Congress, inverted the part of the prophet Balaam. Invited to bless, he remained to curse.”17. Of course, the participants in the Congress paid no heed.

It is an interesting irony that Great Britain, the birthplace of eugenics, unlike some other countries, never passed any eugenic legislation related to involuntary sterilisation or immigration. The only legislation related to eugenics that ever passed in the UK was the Mental Deficiency and Lunacy Act (1913). It permitted segregation of those perceived to be mentally deficient—which eugenicists regarded as at least impeding if not eliminating propagation of the “unfit”. Josiah Clement Wedgwood, the liberal MP from Newcastle-under-Lyme, and a cousin of Leonard Darwin's, strenuously opposed passage of the Act. It is said that he delivered 150 speeches and offered 120 amendments to the Act over the course of 2 days, while subsisting on barley water and chocolate, before his voice finally deserted him.

Elsewhere Galton's legacy was much darker. Eugenic beliefs put into political practice turned many years of the 20th century to nightmare.

The Reptile Report

August 1 at 6:00 PM  · 

Amazing reptile eyes! Photo compilation by Welsh Morphology Photography. TRR is made possible by Pangea Reptile

The evidence today of forensic science - Fundamental differentiation in similar species. This would indicate original differentiation. A specific design. Uniqueness. Point introduction. Design mastery. 


They did not create but are in a transforming sequence of energy to matter. 

'Scientist create matter from nothing. Scientists create matter from nothing in groundbreaking experiment - BGR


Center for Science & Culture

Sept. 22, 2022

In 2010, University College London biochemist Nick Lane stated the primordial soup theory “doesn’t hold water” and is “past its expiration date.”

A Mystery: Prebiotic Synthesis of Simple Organic Monomers

Walter Bradley

Casey Luskin

September 21, 2022, 6:52 AM​

Image credit: anokarina, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

Editor’s note: We are delighted to present a series by Walter Bradley and Casey Luskin on the question, “Did Life First Arise by Purely Natural Means?” This is the third entry in the series, a modified excerpt from the recent book The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions About Life and the CosmosFind the full series so far here.

The Miller-Urey experiments were conducted in 1952–19531 and were celebrated as a great breakthrough in the search for a chemical pathway from gases assumed to be present in the early Earth’s atmosphere to chemical reactions that produced amino acids, the building blocks for protein molecules. This experiment (see the apparatus depicted below), and other similar experiments, have produced additional simple monomers — certain building blocks of life. 

Image credit: GYassineMrabetTalk, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Critiques of Miller-Urey

Subsequently, careful critiques of the Miller-Urey experiments and similar experiments created great doubt about their significance, though they are still taught in some high school textbooks as if they were scientifically sound. The atmosphere used in their experiments assumed a very energy-rich primordial atmosphere of methane, ammonia, and hydrogen, none of which would have been chemically stable in an early-Earth atmosphere. Studies of the early Earth’s atmosphere by NASA during the 1980s confirmed that the mix of atmospheric gases used in the groundbreaking Miller-Urey experiments was wrong. The journal Science summed up the discoveries in 1980 by noting, “No geological or geochemical evidence collected in the last thirty years favors an energy rich, strongly reducing primitive atmosphere (i.e., hydrogen, ammonia, methane, with no oxygen). Only the success of the Miller laboratory experiments recommends it.”2 Later articles put it equally bluntly — in 1995, Science stated that “the early atmosphere looked nothing like the Miller-Urey situation.”3 Again in 2008, an article in Science reported, “Geoscientists today doubt that the primitive atmosphere had the highly reducing composition Miller used.”4

Atmosphere of the Early Earth

There are good reasons to understand why the Earth’s early atmosphere did not contain high concentrations of methane, ammonia, or other reducing gases. Earth’s early atmosphere is thought to have been produced by outgassing from volcanoes, and the composition of those volcanic gases is related to the chemical properties of the Earth’s inner mantle and core. Geochemical studies have found that the chemical properties of the Earth’s interior would have been very similar in the past as they are today.5 But today, volcanic gases do not contain methane or ammonia, and are not generally reducing. Instead, an atmosphere dominated by carbon dioxide is preferred, but this poses a problem for prebiotic synthesis experiments, as prominent origin of life theorist David Deamer observed: “Carbon dioxide does not support the rich array of synthetic pathways leading to possible monomers, so the question arose again: what was the primary source of organic carbon compounds?”6

Another problem with Miller-Urey type prebiotic synthesis experiments is that when amino acids are synthesized from energy-rich gases, a racemic mixture of amino acids is created with 50 percent L-amino acids and 50 percent D-amino acids, sometimes called left-handed and right-handed. Proteins molecules created in living systems must have 100 percent L-amino acids. If there are any D-amino acids in the chain, it would prevent the chain of amino acids from folding up into the proper three-dimensional protein structures associated with this amino acid string, preventing it from performing its function. 

More Problems with Miller-Urey

There are many additional problems with Miller-Urey-type research that seeks to identify plausible chemical pathways for the synthesis of proteins, DNA, and RNA molecules — the molecules of life. So drastic is the evidence against prebiotic synthesis of life’s building blocks that in 1990, the Space Studies Board of the National Research Council recommended a “reexamination of biological monomer synthesis under primitive Earthlike environments, as revealed in current models of the early Earth.”7 Because of these difficulties, many leading theorists have abandoned the Miller-Urey experiment and the “primordial soup” model it is claimed to support. In 2010, University College London biochemist Nick Lane stated the primordial soup theory “doesn’t hold water” and is “past its expiration date.”8 Instead, he proposes that life arose in undersea hydrothermal vents where water circulates through hot volcanic rock at the bottom of the ocean. But both the hydrothermal vent and primordial soup hypotheses face another major problem.

Next, “Forming Polymers: A Problem for the Origin of Life.”


  1. Stanley L. Miller, “A Production of Amino Acids Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions,” Science 117 (May 15, 1953), 528-529.

  2. Richard A. Kerr, “Origin of Life: New Ingredients Suggested,” Science 210 (October 3, 1980), 42-43.

  3. Jon Cohen, “Novel Center Seeks to Add Spark to Origins of Life,” Science 270: 1925-1926 (December 22, 1995).

  4. Adam P. Johnson, “The Miller Volcanic Spark Discharge Experiment,” Science 322 (October 17, 2008), 404.

  5. Kevin Zahnle, Laura Schaefer, and Bruce Fegley, “Earth’s Earliest Atmospheres,” Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 2(10), a004895 (October 2010) (“Geochemical evidence in Earth’s oldest igneous rocks indicates that the redox state of the Earth’s mantle has not changed over the past 3.8 Gyr”); Dante Canil, “Vanadian in peridotites, mantle redox and tectonic environments: Archean to present,” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 195:75-90 (2002).

  6. David W. Deamer, “The First Living Systems: a Bioenergetic Perspective,” Microbiology & Molecular Biology Reviews 61:239 (1997).

  7. National Research Council Space Studies Board, The Search for Life’s Origins (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1990).

  8. Deborah Kelley, “Is It Time to Throw Out ‘Primordial Soup’ Theory?,” NPR (February 7, 2010).



I redacted the "young Earth evidence, as for any non historical record, I use the event driven approach to replace "clock time." The evidence of this fact has more to do with specific coding instruction and complexity. What it does not address is the concept of "adaptive coding" the self learning code. The opposite of the random idea presented in the early speculative evolution theory. 
So is the Earth young? It is younger than the Universe. It is very Cinderella specific for us which is highly improbable as a random event. The "Teleology" Universe is another coding type set up by coded physics just to house the complex life which makes the total complexity even greater.  

Working in the world's largest research center I became aware of what is rejected as science. We would get proposals from all over the world. These proposals would be looked at by the subject matter experts. This response I never forgot, "what is your physical mechanism for what you propose." Without a physics that would cause what is proposed it is not research that will be funded for investigation. Darwinism mutation is just such a proposal. With a great deal of research conducted it is known that a mutation has to be a survivor before survival of the fittest fine tunes it. So you are left with a gap in the mechanism of this process. All test of the mutation system show it to be statistically incapable of making the survivor mutation by random action. 
As a universe physics the bombardment of the earth with large impacts to smaller would have eliminated life in a non-specific way. This process I call "survival of the survivors" which is a statistical physics. Which leads to another often non physics evolution proposition. We are here so it must work. That is really a teleological statement of directed causality. Nov. 23, 2023. 

So let's take up another concept that is a scientific problem for having a mechanism explained by physics, The Big Bang beginning. 
Evolution assumes a material structure formed by action of existing energy mechanisms. The accepted model of the universe is that it came into existence without that. So the idea that life, and the Cinderella planet we live on just happened is not without precedence as a scientific acceptable explanation. The idea that science must explain what exist is always problematic. That is why nothing much is called a law but a theory anymore because it is so much less embarrassing when found wrong. Really the scientific answer to the universe creation is an outside force, it is the logical conclusion.  

Genetic completion, fixing or pause as evolution is an assumption and really counter to the theory as presented. In fact, the theory suggests that a multitude of forms would exist all the time in competition. Darwin was an acolyte of deep time. But, we know that is limited and even if it were infinite it is counter to chaos which is the state of everything without outside direction. So why are chimps and apes and man similar? Functionally they fit as designed. Nov. 24, 2023. 
So in your experience have you ever seen a positive mutation? Has anyone? Would deep or even infinite time produce it? What we do see is order to disorder unless causal intervention. First rule of biology is life comes from life. Order comes from order. Random will produce more random. Jan. 16, 2024. 

There are a whopping 10 to the 79,000,000,000 different ways of combining just the proteins in a relatively simple unicellular yeast. The number only grows exponentially larger when biologists attempt to calculate the number of possible ways of combining all the proteins and all the other large molecular components necessary for that one-celled organism, including the DNA and RNA molecules, ribosomes, lipids, and glycolipid molecules, and others. The number of possible combinations of these cellular components (called the "interactome") vastly exceeds the number of elementary particles in the universe (10 to the 80) and even the number of events since the big bang. (10 to the 139).

Thus, even if the evolutionary process started not with elementary particles or even with sugars, phosphates, nucleotide bases, and amino acid, but instead with all the functional proteins (or even with all other macromolecular components) necessary to sustain a one celled organism, a trial and error process could not plausibly "search" the correspondingly vast space of possible combinations and have a realistic chance of finding one of the few special combinations consistent with the living state.

Return of the God Hypothesis page 290

Dr. Stephen Meyer

But that is not all. The idea suggested by evolutionist is that the first combination holds in place waiting for the next. This would not be the case as evolution is a changing system theory. All the parameters would have to occur simultaneously. What we actually observe is fixed forms and only negative mutations as order to disorder is a fundamental of science. Darwin thought time was unlimited which is now disproven. Feb. 1, 2024. 


The fossil record - Is no scientific explanation for life. The first rule of biology as observed is "life comes from life." But what does the fossil record show? Mass origons and mass extinctions. It would be more logical to construct a "gardener" theory based on the fossil record. 


Robustness - That would be the scientific conclusion for this data. Combine that with all the parameters of science that have to be in place for life to exist and you have a teleological construct. Gardening. Feb. 1, 2024. 

Extinction what does it mean? Surely the proto humans would have been more robust than the chimp. Survival of the fittest would make the proto humans dominant. As a scientific observation Survival of the survivors is the most accurate observation. As for the why of the survivors the only sure observation is when modern man arrives the mega species are killed off. That is the one true directional extinction. As far as competition the bones of an extinct tiger were found with Java Man so able to kill a tiger but neither survived? Just weird. Also able to produce art. Did Java man die off? See below. 
So here is what you are taught as science. 
taung (1).jpg
Talgai Man 13.5 thousand years ago, Australian Aboriginal Man. Not a missing link a surviving man. What is evolution theory but eugenics, the rich people looking for some justification to kill off the rest of us and claim they are the master race. Feb. 9, 2024. 
Richard Charles Lewontin (March 29, 1929 – July 4, 2021 ) was an American evolutionary biologist, mathematician, geneticist, and social commentator. A leader in developing the mathematical basis of population genetics and evolutionary theory, he applied techniques from molecular biology, ...

Unravelling life’s origin: five key breakthroughs from the past five years

Published: May 2, 2024 11:47am EDT


  1. Seán Jordan

    Associate professor, Dublin City University

  2. Louise Gillet de Chalonge

    PhD Student in Astrobiology, Dublin City University

Disclosure statement

Seán Jordan receives funding from European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 1101114969) and from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI Pathway award 22/PATH-S/10692). He is affiliated with the Origin of Life Early-career Network (OoLEN).

Louise Gillet de Chalonge receives funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 1101114969). She is affiliated with the Origin of Life Early-career Network (OoLEN).



Dublin City University provides funding as a member of The Conversation UK.

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There is still so much we don’t understand about the origin of life on Earth.

The definition of life itself is a source of debate among scientists, but most researchers agree on the fundamental ingredients of a living cell. Water, energy, and a few essential elements are the prerequisites for cells to emerge. However, the exact details of how this happens remain a mystery.

Lee Isham

Top contributor

First rule of biology "life comes from life."

  • ​

Ray Forage




Lee Isham How did the first life emerge if there was no other life form in existence?​



Lee Isham

Top contributor

Ray Forage Beyond biology. Biology simple states the obvious foundational principle. Same with physics at some point you move beyond physics to metaphysics. Soul and mind, you can read exhaustively about that. Our universe is based on movement like a song and seems to cease to exist if not moving. However, it is easy to conceive of pause or rest and still exist. Another biology axiom is defining death as not moving. And that brings us back to your question. If the soul is a nonmoving existence but alive, then the spark of life is in that form. The cavoite is the experience of the near-death reports. Their bodies can even be still functioning as the auto functions like breathing and leave their bodies. Or dead and return. More interesting reading. Materialism after a century of vigorous efforts has never been able to unravel even mind. But worse for materialism is the acceptance that the universe was created "ex nihilo." So clearly materialism does not have the whole picture or all the answers. I am pretty sure they don't even understand the universal physics foundation of movement.


Common sense - Now I find it hard to believe in upward accidents. I mean Murphy's rule is quite to the contrary, you will have downward accidents, expect that. No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. I mean that is all just common sense. But what about the statistical accident with unlimited time? Well, first there is not unlimited time. To quote the Matrix, everything that has a beginning has an end. Next evolution the idea that survival will force up change is bogus. We still have what is called primitive species, no change. The fossil record is full of sudden explosion and mostly extinction. Mostly extinction is what we observe as common sense. It is the sudden explosion of species that is uncommon and frankly not survival pressure which would be slow. Mutation has never been observed to produce up change unless you are studying virus or bacteria which is covered in the new science of Genomic imprinting is an inheritance process independent of the classical Mendelian inheritance. It is an epigenetic process that involves DNA methylation and histone methylation without altering the genetic sequence. Now this is an already encoded mechanism i.e. an even higher design, not a random or survival pressure winnowing. Darwin was an acolyte of Hutton who is the most anti science model you can find. While standing on a crater wall he postulates that if I come back tomorrow and it is unchanged that is how all of geology is formed and time is infinite. I am sure this is worse than the Body Humors idea that humanity suffered through for almost two thousand years. But Body Humors was popular. Does popular mean correct? Flat earth was popular. And alas evolution is popular. Aug. 4, 2024. 


Conclusion-ing. While science proports to follow the evidence; I do not find that to be consistent. For example, I can go find rocks in and around the Wetumpka, AL impact crater and they will be purported to be non-impact by geologist. Rather than follow the evidence of the most reasonable conclusion they are stuck in a Paradyme of rocks made of a very narrow typology. Fundamentally all impacts are unique therefore this approach is doomed. I can go to my local state park and find Silurian surface fossil 400 + mya while the geologist date the cave to 60 mya.  Now I can consider that this conodont fossil type endured to 60 mya, but I find it invaliding that I am the one who finds the fossil in only two trips. Shown below with most closely matching Silurian type found in China. Oct. 28, 2024. 

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