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Fuss Hollite a rare shock fossil agate

Delina, TN - Delina has an old country store that advertises it is somewhere in the middle of nowhere. As a crater hunter and principle investigator of the Howell, TN Impact Structure, I can tell you it is not. While not evident in the local land forms in Delina; it is just behind a mighty blast of shock energy beyond what even hydrogen bombs could make. The Fuss Hollow Rd. coming into Delina is where I found "Fuss Hollite" a rare type  known as a  "Shock Agate."
Delina, TN pretty much looks like a ghost town today. There are still two churches and the Old Delina Country Store. Here is an newspaper article about the country store and Delina.
You can even watch a show about Delina on youtube.
This is a short article about Delina, TN.
You can watch my video about Delina, TN on youtube at:
This is an extreme shock energy effect rock on Fuss Hollow Rd. near Delina, TN. All the space in this limestone has been compressed (now a metamorphic rock) and the quartz fossils have been turned into bits and pieces. 

Delina, TN has the dubious distinction of setting astride the Lincoln and Marshall county lines and the first fault ring made by the Howell, TN Impact. 


Geology map of the Delina, TN area. Rock in the Delina, TN area is mostly abbreviated "O" Ordovician.

Is very little Devonian rock abbreviated "M" in the area. I contend the Howell/Petersburg, TN impact was a late Devonian/early Mississippian event as the Devonian rock shows so much iron attachment and is more blasted away from the crater center.  

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