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4R-Manganese or Iron Dendrite - A fast formed fractal. 

I came across this specimen along a ridge I have worked many times before here at Lake Logan, TN. which is SW crater area. At first I thought it to be a tiny seaweed fossil or moss. It's etched adherence resist any scraping off and is very hard. The latest article I found on it's formation theory is it is formed so fast it cannot form any three dimensional structure.


This one is so pretty. Highly shocked breccia with dendrites. This is from a facebook post from a rock shop collector.  


Another facebook post, fast formed fractals forming in clusters. 

As a forensic method the support evidence must prevail for your conjecture rational. Bias is when you only select evidence that supports. A specimen that is unknown which supports is what you really want to find, like this one. 
Dendrite Sulfur! rare >>>>
The specimen above is just bizarre. You can see more of it on my quartz page but in this view it looks like it was trying to form a sulfur dendrite. 
Specimen above from Turkey found by Ali Karadiniz is an impactite fractal, also a resonate form and the fractals are constellationing. I keep encountering a circle of phenomena. Clearly all three phenomena were going on with this specimen. 

Tree agate - Shock formed with dendrites found in Mojave desert. 

Opal dendrite from Turkey. This is a shock formed round impactite which is why it does not have play of color. You can see the crust formed on outside from the shock chaos storm. 
Tree fractal from the world's largest oldest known impact. 3 Inch (76mm) Hand cut and polished
Malachite Sphere from South Africa 
Notice the agate type contrary wave form in bottom half and the septarian top form. A metamorphic instant. 
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Fractal Spider - This specimen from Lake Logan, TN is one I picked up because it had a shock circle harmonic. When photographed with 100mm macro lens down at .01mm you can see these small bits of iron making fractal harmonic branching, a phenomena of it having energy inside the concretion. This is a dusty plasma physics. A dusty plasma contains tiny charged particles of dust (typically found in space). The dust particles acquire high charges and interact with each other. A plasma that contains larger particles is called grain plasma. Under laboratory conditions, dusty plasmas are also called complex plasmas.Morfill, G. E.; Ivlev, Alexei V. (2009). "Complex plasmas: An interdisciplinary research field". Reviews of Modern Physics. 81 (4): 1353–1404. Bibcode:2009RvMP...81.1353M. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.81.1353.

autogenous electrification

The process by which net charge is built up on an object, such as an airplane, moving relative to air containing dust or ice crystals.


The electrification is produced by frictional effects (triboelectrification) accompanying contact between the object and the particulate matter.
exogenous electrification.

Lee Isham

Quantum and wave physics phenomenon. A period phenomenon can be repeating or not. The packet structure identified by Einstein made a reaction of shelf instability finding new balance with packet rebalance. It is an energy state wave physics. The more interesting packet phenomenon is lighting type tree fractal period. It is without a secondary period or time. It maintains the trunk as long as the energy for that structure is maintained and branches when not. If the energy gets even lower than branching it forms a ball. None of these quanta shifts are engrained repeating but do represent a period of power level militainment and energy dissipation. April, 25, 2024. 

Constellationing particle tree fractal shown left. 
Directional flow constellationing tree fractal from Spirit rock shop in Arizona. 31g Canyon Diablo Etched
End Slab Meteorite
So here is the best example of breaking some from two dimensional construction but not much. It also shows some tendency to not form as crisp a fractal tree due to gold's malleability. 
Branching in and of it's self is an expression of the dissipation or instability of energy. Notice the little tiny branch shown left. The stag point tapering is the ending for trunk type fractal energy. 
Single drop inclusion, the energy was in break up, has tail indicating        direction. 
This is rare, Derik Whitehead LaGrange, TX specimen has particle constellationing fractals and iron particle fractals. 
Gold fractal dendrite. Is not as crisp, gold is malleable. It does have some three dimensional quality but not much.
This was impact deposited as a gold plasma hence the fractal presentation. Although gold is the most noble of the noble metals, it still forms many diverse compounds. The oxidation state of gold in its compounds ranges from −1 to +5, but Au(I) and Au(III) dominate its chemistry. Au(I), 
Drying fractals in fresco, still mostly two dimensional surface forms. Now this is what I  call a slow fractal formation. 
Specimen below from Utah. It is a weeping willow form of fractal and makes a case for slower dispersing than the lighting type.   
Fault Fractal - If you watch this video  you can see the New Zealand Fault Fractal. The energy dispersal goes from a line to a fractal and the energy divides.

Tunneling Harmonic Section >>>

Shown above is Willow Creek Jasper a fractal from impact crater shown below located at Eagle Idaho. Iron on outside is from the meteor it's self. The matrix is shock metamorphic. The geology anomaly map is shown below. Is several small craters in the area. It kinda looks like a meteor storm hit there. 
Eagle Idaho Crater  >>>>>>>
<<<<< Crater
<<<<< Crater
<<<<< Crater

Shock Travertine Septarian Fractal Cusp - Found in a creek bed on California and Oregon border. 

<<< Un collecting harmonic

<< Shock Olivine Section

This is the fractal septarian flow. 

This is a transition harmonic, neither one thing or the other. 


Multiple Fractal Type - This is a multiple harmonic. You have the lateral wave and multiple fractal forms. A breakup of energy including the septarian shown in lower left corner. All this resonance is adapting to the material as it dissipates. North west Pilbara WA.


Direction Flow >>>

Specimen above is from Stewart Run Creek in Lancaster County, PA. It is a progressive metamorphic. Notice how the fractal runs from left to right but was bisected by the vertical groove. Also notice the iron is left side then followed by olivine. This is an impactite from the big Chesapeake Bay Crater. 


Shown above is an Impact Spheroid with fractal inclusions. It also has banding. I have been unable to classify fractals in any group but they are clearly present in conjunction with resonate banding here, but this specimen is unique in all the world. However the blue and white specimen above the "multiple fractal type" is also present with harmonic banding and that is as close to a grouping as I may get but will keep looking. 


This specimen(s) is from the Phelan, California area NW of Los Angles, CA. USA. The reason I made it so full page here is you can see so many sequences of the development of fractals from the particle combining structures. It shows both completed and in process fractal transformations. 

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Specimen from Lake Logan, TN, USA. What appeared to be a common Chert specimen magnified to .01mm shows a fractal/septarian manganese flow and inclusion with fiber crystal overlay. 

Now this is funny. This was identified on a geology web page as "Silicitized columnar basats.
Brazil, Ceara state." It has a unique fractal feature, wrapping resonate fractal boundary. This is a lining phenomena showing banding to be just another from that can translate to fractal in dispersion. Close up shown below. 
<<<< Fractal
<<<< Fractal
<<<< Fractal perpendicular banding a second iteration. 

Banding Fractal Breakup >>

Laura gambrel found this specimen in east tn. 


50x magnification of slag from 19th century Colorado mine. Fast formed fern feather fractals. skeletal pyroxene microcrystallites  


Another Feather Fractal - 

Fossil or fractal? Like fulgurites shock fractals can have a central tube from where the energy is entering. Then it fans out to disperse the energy which in the case of a shock fractal is a high energy wave form with resonate characteristics. If you don't mind I would like to add it to my on line encyclopedia of types as it is a new one.

The resonate characteristics are what separates the materials which is the form.

What constitutes something being a fractal? In the above specimen the resonate banding circle harmonic loses energy comes apart and ends as a fractal. That makes it an ending circle banding harmonic. Fractals close and are Septarians. Fractals are the expression of a dispersing energy by branching. Now take a look at the specimen below. 


Photo by: Robert M. Lavinsky • CC BY-SA 3.0

Feather Fractal


Fractal Energy Dome >

Specimen below found N Yorkshire beach by Chris Downs. 

So here we are with a specimen from Lawrenceburg, TN a crater radius west. It is dendritic which means the energy wave was still making fast forms at this distance and outside the crater wall. The crater is a poor concept for understanding impact. The Fractal Energy Dome is taken from the  70's band DEVO who wore these hats that were step domes. This is a fractal type. 


Repeating pattern petroglyph? No this is an energy signature with so much energy you can see it communicating between the horizontal lighting type fractal veins. There was a lot of energy went throgh this specimen. 

Shown above is fractal slag from Colorado, a 19th century ore mine. Notice the matte finish and color. This picture came from an excellent article:


The quartz "Energy River." You often see this in fractal energy dispersal a quartz stream nearby. This was a high energy conduit. 

Incomplete Transition Fractal - Restructuring is a high energy business. This one went broke before it could complete. But that is the point, a fractal is the energy dispersing itself.  The green is shock olivine. 


Impact meta fractal outside LasVegas Nevada. Fractal is running up also across. The center vein could be a vein from earth crust breaking effect. 


Crush fractal


What they are calling a spider web is a fractal dispersion of energy. The black hole is radiating. See how instead of sharp lines like a lightning bolt it has fuzzy dispersion from the fractal i.e. ghost sequence. Fractals themselves like to branch off of a circular resonance by the way, so is also an outward ghost sequence banding.


Impactites will often display an independent fractal tree vein. This is the deposit of a mass/motion/energy expression like a supercluster. 

This is Laniakea a galactic supercluster comprising about 100,000 galaxies. That red dot you see is the Milky Way which includes 200 to 400 billion stars including our Sun.

Credit NASA - Fractals are energy dispersal systems, branching is a radiating reduction. 


Fractal Tube Flow

Fractal Iteration


The synced up harmonics of a fractal resonate universe. 

It was therefore a “big surprise,” added Pawlowski, that satellite galaxies around Centaurus A, a galaxy located 13 million light years away, are kinematically synced into a disk-like alignment rather than the messy swam predicted by the standard cosmological model. 

Pawlowski and his colleagues, including University of Strasbourg astronomer Oliver Müller, argued that this “observational evidence suggests that something is wrong with standard cosmological simulations” in a 2018 paper in Science

Mohamed Bouzelfen

specimen Hemimorphite Fractal fractal branching an iterative harmonic. The tube wave is a type of fractal. This is because basically all the wave are in a distributive dissipation branching to resolve energy to "equilibrium." Of course there is no equilibrium as what appears to be a "steady state" is an active energy field environment.

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Fibonacci hurricane fractal with coning waves entering. 


The Northern Lights in a Fibonacci spiral.  

The Fibonacci is a prioritized warming economy. 

Fan fractal a coning type in cross pattern direction dispersions. Top side shows blocking fractal sequence. This is a rare if not unique specimen collected by Ukin Ajidin in Indonesia. 


Very rare "arc fractal" collected by Ukin Ajidin of Indonesia. 


Crash Fractal the repeating Pagoda Pattern and arc structure. Mohamed Bouzelfen  collection Morocco. 


The shock wave energy finds a material that it can resonate at it's natural frequency. So it makes the first form a line or circle. Then it still has too much energy so it branches off with a new line to absorb the extra energy until the frequency matches with the correct amount of length of material. The second branch is called a new iteration. 

This specimen has a phenomena circle. Resonate circles to fractals to circular dots. 

Circles >>>
Dots >>>
Fractal Tree Trunk >>>>>
The Fractal harmonic branches from a higher energy state "the trunk" as a fractal is an energy dissipation form. 
Cone in cone "shatter coning" sequence. The specimen is also falling apart because of "over shock" which has gassed out some of it's material leaving it brittle. 

Here we have shock circle harmonic breaking down into the next lower level which is fractals before it is exhausted as an energy. 


Like a Jackson Pollock painting uniform splatter is a fractal since it is the same as viewed in portions. This splatterform is almost gathering that much splatter which is rare. 


Fluidized stopping flow fractal. Is somewhat compressive in nature. Specimen collected by: Jim Hemenway


This is a rare impactite. I think the fractal lightning looking inclusions may be manganese. But what makes it rare is that the fractal inclusions seem to be responding to a surface energy conduction into the rock.


Collapse fractal harmonic in Bismuth. Pure crystal forms are more exception than rule in nature as so many are impactites with a multi shock frequency disturbance.  


Chopstick Lattice Agate - This is a triangle wave collapse expression. It is a multi harmonic in space and time. The loner arms are the octave shift from a larger triangle wave. As the shifts continue like packets or quanta it drops to ever smaller triangles. The yen yang form is a resonate match and rare. 


Pretty fern type fractal dendrite. It also has the branching bubble sequence. This is a directional energy release through this specimen. The center is not expressing a harmonic it is melted. Centers of mass collect the highest resonate energy. 


Afghanistan. Earth as a fractal dendrite. The top section is capped with iron which fell as a  mist from the impact center. 


This image from NASA's Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO) shows a dune field in Chasma Boreale. Never mind the NASA explanation, fractals emerging off of a linear is a shock harmonic iteration. Notice they go the same direction as fractals. The lower plain has another direction but does look swept, not fractal. While this may or may not be a dune field the presentation is septarain with open septarian. 


This is kinda profound. I think this is a wave fractal. I usually think of fractal as the disorganization of the wave which ends it's energy. But this is iterating a branch. Mary Odem found in Middle, TN USA. I think it is in a state between wave and fractal. 

Wall of Glass


Western Wayne County, TN, HW 64 road cut. Not really a wall of glass. This is ash and sand from the Frankewing, TN Impact which made the Highland Rims as crater walls. It is a large hill made in a moment and shock hardened with the fractal tree flow clearly showing a lateral construction from east to west the direction of the impact blast. 


Showing ash and iron inclusions. 


White calcium ash from incinerating the limestone where it hit. 


Jiji crater.

By Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Impact crater up shock explosion in plasma. The fractals will branch away from the trunk energy that forms them. 


Ladder fractal an iterative form. 

So how many earth mountains have you seen with fractal branching? All of them are craters. Fractal branching is yet another of the many fine tuned physics that have to be in place for life to exist. There are so many it is impossible to assume that they all just happened. 


Mars shock crater fractals with "ball lighting" chain coral signature. 


Ball lightning is associated with electrical wave energy but is just the same as shock wave energy. The tree fractal and ball will make a quanta shift back and forth. It is a geometric energy form state. 

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Harmonic organization - In the trunk of the fractal trees you see the crossing sine waves showing a double helix. As heat only goes one way another fine tuning of phenomena the DC like power is breaking up into an oscillation. This is different than ball lighting which is a balanced finale solution to pressure. Wave phenomena is the same with shock or electricity. 


Specimen from South Lewis County, TN which is an overlapping debris field of the Frankewing TN Crater and the smaller Lewis/Perry County Crater. What is so intriguing about this specimen is the fractal tree and the line disconnect to the right of it. Take a close look. 


Two dimensional crystal formation - is so fast it does not have time to make a third dimension. Why the gap and restart? A pulse wave. Why the trunk and side tree fractal branching? An iteration, power too high to be contained in the truck. These are grounding effects for energy. Dendrites are often formed in manganese, but don't have to be.


This is rare, a pelletized energy fractal in radial form. This was a charged impact sphere storm, the only one I have ever seen. 

Bill Mershon

@Bill Mershon


From New Boston, Ohio


Also rare, this is an  expression of the impact event in progress with forming dendrites. 

Mike Davlantes

@Mike Davlantes

Studied Massage Therapy at Mayfield College

Lives in Cathedral City, California


Quarried bolder Wayne County, TN. This is from one of the Middle TN impacts before the Frankewing, TN impact. It has a type of energy fractal tree I have not seen before, white on white. 


Wayne County, TN Dog Creek. A scatter fractal dendrite. 


 Why did it separate the iron? A charge related cause. This follows a crack but did the energy make the crack. 


Charged chaos. This fractal energy discharge is different. The surrounding bubble is part of the effect phenomena. It even wraps at the end of that bubble. The fractals jump and studder. It runs a long fractal. The white is actually more of an olivine green mix. This is an edge effect of the ash/iron mixed nano minerals in a turbid fast moving surface cloud discharging as it goes. Something like neon bulbs electric plasma state but with nano turbid charge. 


Picture from Astronomy News, lightning above clouds. Notice the long trunk type fractal is a more high energy type like the rock splitting fractal shown above. 

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Notice how it has a central circular point of emergence. Also see how it changes material as a progressive flow. AGATE CENTRAL Hosted By Richard Nass


Frost on glass costal Norway. Wind like shock has direction. These two dimensional fractals are just like the dendrite in rocks. 


So here we are absent wind. The elongation is a crystal pseudomorph. Dendrites are a frost type crystal. 


Comet Leonard as seen from down under 2021. It has a following fractal tree. The nose burn is thought to be from solar ablation but I doubt it. Space is not empty so this could be a combined effect. As it moves out into less occupied space it collects as an accretion. It is a cycle. 


Native Copper from Arizona. I call this type a Stutter Fractal, an imperfect energy transfer signature. While branching it is not as tree like as other types. This usually means something to do with the material context and energy. Often these pure minerals are a great distance from the center of the impact, refined in the impact energy and blasted far into the crater walls as veins. 


High energy flow fractal then transition to the tree fractal. 

Planetary Landscapes

December 25, 2021 at 9:00 AM  · 

Good Morning from Mars, Earthlings! The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's HiRISE camera captured this fresh impact crater on Mars near Sirenum Fossae. The crater is approximately 3,300 feet (1-km) wide and appears relatively recent as it has a sharp rim and well-preserved ejecta. Speechless. I wish everybody a fantastic day!

Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

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Impactite near onyx metamorphic. It is an extremely good specimen illustrative of the shock particle storm with a granular particle forming fractal structure. Nevada, collected by: Charly Rich. 


Fractal clipping - These shear cleavage patterns are the rock creation energy in micro=second offsets. You can see that the upward fractal energy was bent to the right by the cobalt/iron flow. This is a magnification the detail is around .002 mm. I found this specimen in the creek valley near my house here at Lake Logan, TN. 



Ray Forage  ·   · 

Thor's Helmet: It's not located in Asgard, and Chris Hemsworth didn’t wear this one in the movies but...

NGC 2359 is an iconic emission nebula in Canis. It is often referred to as Thor’s Helmet given the clouds shape with wing like appendages.

This is the same energy pattern I study in impactites, the circle will digress into a fractal distribution of energy.


Dendrites are a change of state energy dissipation solution due to going to solid like snowflakes. 


Not a fossil, coning structure. I know it is flow type not traditional. Tree fractal type points. The triangle harmonic can resemble this to a degree.  Specimen found by Jim Kingdon. 


Kelly Ann Roberts  collected this split branching dendrite. It would appear to have the sine wave pattern if not for the branching. 


John Olson of Seattle, WA. An unusually pure and powerful wave form on surface of this thunder egg. It exhibits line, square and triangle wave forms. Fractal branching geometry harmonic shifting  geometry is a mathematical equation that jumps to the next form as a quanta. 


Rare look at the organizing of manganese particles into dendrite. This surface energy form was too week to make the traditional fractal clearly but does show the trunk of energy. 

Chas Zachar  · 

hello! many rocks on the beach here in Cyprus


I do not think this is a tree fossil. I think it is a starburst fulgurite with ball lightning forms as well.


Heat mosaic cooling fractal. South Franklin County, TN at the end of Whites Gap Rd. This shock made mega clast was thrown 50 miles from the Howell Impact Structure as a plasma from the lower strata blasted outward. 


Aerial photo of Paria Wilderness in Utah, USA.

Some 190 million years ago, at the turn of the Triassic and Jurassic periods, the Paria Wilderness was a sandy desert devoid of vegetation, very similar to the Sahara today. Vast dunes accumulated and turned into stone over the course of the earth’s history. The weathering today has laid open their inner structure and crossbedding.

The above is the kind of stuff you read in geology. So first let me introduce "energy stratigraphy." The lowest level of energy strata is gravity accumulation and compounding. Well that is clearly not what we have here. We have a frozen moment i.e. shock made instant rock. 

Fractal Coning not crossbedding. The idea that somehow a tectonic force pushes up a pressure made strata with crush features is the idea of crossbedding. Fractals are a fast formed energy signature as is coning structures. This shifting harmonic is striated a particular level of energy like striated shattercones. The cross hatching is another harmonic caught in a freeze frame, it came after the fractal coning a progressive event that would not have a tectonic squeeze explanation. As impact is a shock chaos explosion and landscapes and bolides are not usually uniform you have a progressive shock event. This location has a pulverized mineral content indicating that the bolide was blast reduced and mixed into the surface crater build. The carbon living material was pressure reduced into oil which was found in the crater wall. Also an instant process. (From USGS Mineral Resources of the Paria-Hackberry Wilderness Study Area, Kane County, Utah By HENRY BELL III, ALFRED L BUSH, ROBERT L TURNER, and JOHN W. CADY U.S. Geological Survey S. DON BROWN, BRIAN J. HANNIGAN, and JOHN R. THOMPSON U.S. Bureau of Mines) 

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Fractal branching is specific to an energy level. It is a decay function. It is proven by attenuation experiments. A fractal length is a discrete energy dissipation event. It must degrade to a new packet quanta energy to form the next branch. A resonate wave quanta. 

Fractals as a function branch stem (origin branch length ¼ 64.0 mm) | Download Scientific Diagram ( 

Application of fractal binary tree slot to design and construct a dual band-notch CPW-ground-fed ultra-wide band antenna


Full-text available

  • Oct 2011

A compact dual band-notch ultra-wide band (UWB) antenna with a co-planar waveguide (CPW)-ground-feed is presented. A desired band-notch antenna is achieved by etching a narrowband dual resonance fractal binary tree into the radiating element of an existing UWB antenna. The new antenna reduces interference from UWB in the wireless local area network...


What would I do without Ray Forage interesting post? Ice lightning, shock waves, and rejection patterns. The fractal tree structures are ice lightning a type of energy form one of the most basic. The concentric arcs are shock wave or just wave a fundamental of quanta wave behavior. And finally, you can see a small pattern which is a rejection type where a substance is grouping in response to a foreign environment.

Ray Forage

Group expert in Geology

There are some places that seem exotic to me, this one is in the northern hemisphere.

Arctic Landscapes - Negribreen in Svalbard. Glaciers are called breen in Norwegian, as is the Negribreen glacier situated in the Spitsbergen Archipelago, north of the Arctic Circle – an area governed by Norway. Negribreen, named after an Italian geographer Christoforo Negri, covers barely 1900 square kilometres. Its ice creeps far into the sea and is therefore defined as a tidewater glacier. Negribreen began actively surging in summer 2016, resulting in surface velocities of more than 25 metres per day.


Lee Isham

This is not volcanic. A volcano could never hold this ribbon delicate structure. This is the twisting shock fractal/cone structure as seen in the German Alps.

We all are STARDUST.

Ray Forage  · 16h  · 

Mountain pasture in South Tyrol, Italy. Grasslands prosper on the black and brown rock, which is of volcanic origin and weathered. It derived from submarine volcanoes which erupted at the bottom of the Iapetus Ocean, which closed 420 million years ago.


German Alps. Why does a powerful enough energy rotate? It has an order of magnitude quanta jump from fractal to cone to spiral as an expression of power forms. The spiral is a third order shape dimension shift.  Also consider Whirlpool theory Vagn Walfrid Ekman (3 May 1874 – 9 March 1954) was a Swedish oceanographer  is based on a connected fluid with different directions of force on top and bottom creating the twisting motion which is relatable to the earth's magnetic poles. 


Fractal indeterminate branching - this is different than jasper type banding. The lines do have bifurcation its just the branching is non specific. This is a very high energy signature. Only an earth impact could make this as it is a very fast signature as well.


Sally Jay Hoefle  · Aug. 3, 2022

What the Heck is This????


Pluto Impact melt to rubble with crater arc line. Rapid cooling. Crater fault circles are a dynamic reorganization (like sonic boom). In the melt flow you can see it transition from melt to fractal septarian, then rubble. The little boulders in the melt area are fall back not new impacts from space. You can tell that because of the concurrency and they lacked the speed to make new cratering.


Shock mega clast with late stage impalements and granular particle linear fractals. These melt blobs are ejecta from a large earth impact. Impact explosions are a progressive event hence the late stage impalements. The most rare feature however is the fractals granular crystals. This is a common particle alignment energy signature.

strange find I.D., geology, archaeology, paleontology, Native Artifacts

Tony John Plescia  · Aug. 5, 2022

Dug up this strange rounded rock while gardening last year. It has these strange, round, "inclusions" spaced evenly over the surface. I assume it's natural, but not sure.


Dendritic (fractal tree) with sine wave harmonic. The groves have the fractal trunk, that is the conduit of the highest energy. The branches are the energy dissipating. The wave shape of the rock is warpage from the high power trunk energy and the wave nature of the electric energy. Fractal energy dissipation is the bottom state of this geometric energy progression. This is organized however and makes a matrix grid. In space you would encounter the same if the energy makes a grid, a wave space.  

Philip Williams  · Aug. 24, 2022

Lime stone but the v very “. ? Weather “ very ridge odd

Heading 5

This one is just too good to miss.  It belongs to, 

Todd Cunningham

From Poughkeepsie, New York

It is an impact coning strata, but not like any you have seen before. The top part was made at the same time and is called false strata, rhythmic shock wave line imprinting. You can also see in the top section the granular particle grains in crystal configuration called "constellationing." As this is a higher shock made clast the constellationing configuration is geometric as the particles are aligning in the linear and circular configuration. 

Now for the bottom section cone which developed the nonconformable as an energy shift like shockwaves going to sonic boom. The fractal branching is coning upward as a combinatory shift from lightning tree shape to cone or triangle wave. This imprinting is the way energy develops a surface which shows the pattern. 

This is a type 1 impactite consisting of almost all impact surface material although you can see a green mist which is from the earth impacting bolide but sometimes this can be just moss. 



Reymundo Lewis  · Aug. 31,2022

Cleaning up some slabs today and had to snap a picture of this stunning piece.

Blue Mountain Jasper

Now hold on to your hats with this one its going to be a thrilling ride. 

Overlapping and interacting harmonics!

Now look at the fractals developing out of the top jasper section, very linear then branch as they touch the oblate circle harmonic, then pow, the energy makes a four arc wave into the oblate circle which is being overlapped by a lateral wave in its wavelength. 

There is some interference in the oblate circle in the lower section of the arc on the left side as another energy is interacting from the left. 


Dusty Segretto  Sept. 3, 2022 

I think I just found my first nonmagnetic micrometeorite! It didn’t look like much at first, but the 20x then the 50x objective sealed the deal.

It’s a bit translucent and crystalline, with such a thin barred texture that it’s hard to tell it’s there until very close up.

This is why we check our nonmagnetic fraction!l


Two micrometeorites with splatterform fractals. 

Jesus Cejas  · Sept. 3, 2022

Hi! I share my last finding from Fuerteventura Island by now with a very nice bead to me jeje Its a BO 250 microns !


Howell, TN Meteor

Of impactite energy and resonate signatures - The quartz veins a semiconductor have a halo, that is the expansion mineral separated glow around the central fractal energy trunk. As interesting as that is this specimen also has a shock resonate sphere in the top section around a center drop isolation. That explains the blocking on the right side edge also a resonate signature. Is the only one of its exact mix type I have ever seen. 

Specimen collected by: 

Rey Ronnie Narayan

Electrician at Perigon

Based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


Instant shrimp - As evident by the fast formed fractal border this shrimp was fossilized instantly from an earth impact which provided the fractal energy the quick burial and minerals. 

Knoxville Gem and Mineral Society

John Teague  · September 8 at 8:12 PM  · 

Fossil shrimp with dendrites - Aeger sp. - Solnhofen, Germany - Upper Jurassic period 154-144 mya - Shrimp is 5.75" long , plate is 18.5" long X 13" high


Impact energy form - High energy fractal crossover - This is an impact made nodule of high energy signature. Its matrix is expressing the carrying energy seeking to ground or dissipate. The energy appears to be somewhat directional from the top but in an explosion projectiles can tend to rotate. Why does it have all those voids? Expansion, it is like a bubble so hot it was expanding, not a mosaic which is a cooling surface breaking. This was hot through and through. Could this be classified a cinder? Yes. Is this the same process that makes geodes? Yes, you can see them starting to form in the right lower quadrant but this energy is too chaotic. 

Katie Drew

Sept. 20, 2022

Can someone help me identify? Or is it a bone?


Lee Isham

Crater strata, yes this is called bricking, John MeDonogh. This is a very rare type. It has a surface patina of color but that is a nano mineral pulverization from the impacting bolide. The shock wave harmonic cut it into the brick shape a cross harmonic. The cuts in the brick are also shockwaves patterns as this is likely a crater edge effect the shock waves are settling down into pure harmonics and it is moving into a triangle wave which is the familiar "shatter cone." You can see this best on the bottom left edge of lower picture. If you magnify it you can see in the bottom picture a rare round granular particle circle large scale. This is a phenomena of shock and the granular crystal habbit. Finally the unconnected splits may be a colling mosaic but I rather think it is a ending effect of the shock wave energy, like sputtering. I need to add your specimen to my everything phenomena encyclopedia and it may seem odd to add it to my fractal dendrite page but the sputtering effect is a type of ending energy figure like a fractal, your example is just much more rare. Cacapon river in WV, this is a crater edge effect from the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure. 

Vanessa Ashcraft  ·   ·Sept. 23, 2022 

Any one know what this is


So here we have a type of bricking again on a much larger scale. It also has the sputtering out crack lines.  Left edge shows some coning fractals. Large earth impact remnant. 

The remarkable Al Naslaa rock formation, located south of Tayma oasis, Saudi Arabia. This impressive rock is split down the middle into two parts, so neatly that it seems as if it was performed with the precision of a laser beam. It measures about 6 m high and 9 m wide, and the overall shape may have been the result of wind erosion and chemical weathering. The two parts of the rock are both balanced on small pedestals and the south-east face of the rock is covered with numerous petroglyphs. - via Earth Unreal


Shock made surface with fractals and coning. Directional from bottom to top. As the energy settles down in the top you can see the horizontal banding appear. 

Planetary Landscapes

  · Sept. 23, 2022

The surface of Enceladus, imaged with Cassini's narrow-angle camera on August 11, 2008. This view shows an area about 20 km / 12.5 miles across. Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI and and the Cassini Imaging Team

Meteorite fractal flow - From right to left you see this melt river of a high iron oxide but appears to also contain some silica. Since earth entry can make a temperature of 4,500 degrees F this is certainly what happened. Found in Moracco by: Hmad Oubani


Reversing bifurcation - this is a phenomena of non reducing fractal energy. It is similar to the cone in cone structure which represents a powerful triangle wave still not weakened. In the case of these dunes the overpassing wind energy was not significantly absorbed by surface.

We all are STARDUST.

Ray Forage  · October 5, 2022

Dune studies above the Namib Desert, Namibia. Early in the morning, while the sun is still low over the Namib Desert in southwest Africa, the ripples and folds of the dunes are brought to sharp contrast, long shadows accentuate their form. The crests of this dune radiate from the centre into a star-like form, the result of the wind blowing from different directions. Credit Bernhard Edmaier. #namibdesert

Raised fractal flow. Not basalt, it is an impactite. Impact cindering top and bottom. The Moon has no tectonics or observed volcanic activity. Any earthquakes are the crust resolving old impact made stresses. Age would have been defined as when impact remade it, a relative assignment. Center section has iron oxide concentration, so where did the oxygen come from? 


Lightning as an energy fractal here is not branching showing it is still in a strong state. As it goes through a new media you are seeing a differential conductance causing the sputter look. 

Amazing Nature

  · Oct. 10, 2022

One in a million moment as lightning strikes a tree captured in unprecedented details.

Photo: Debbie Parker

Crypto crystalline shock made dark red quartz, an impact nodule with dendrite quartz rejection in the void. It has cross striation which is a high energy shock wave resonance pattern imprinting.

Meteorite Identification

Willy Talibsao  · Oct. 13, 2022

What is my rock?


"My Precious" Opal - Shock made gemstone, slow cool with high water content. It has two interesting phenomena of its orogeny construction. The first being the wispy directional fractals showing a formation energy direction. The second is the rejection form edge. It is a rarer type of rejection form in a state of pure melt center and surface rejection around the edge. A rare rock. Type 2 impactite, edge effect zone. Low resonance, high heat, slow cool. Iron was on surface. 


Bobby Nelson  · Oct. 20, 2022

Anyone know what it might be???

Lee Isham

Priceless! You have found the most phenomena demonstrating piece of shock floor I have ever seen. Unlike what is taught Hot Springs is the location of an earth penetrating impact. While not large by planet impact standards the Hot Springs Impact was very fast and relatively late. I live in another fast impact crater at Howell, TN Crater. Fast impacts are in excess of 30 miles per second. This is called a non captured speed as it is an object coming in from outside the solar system. The forms shown in your specimen are a developmental energy high shock. The energy makes fractal columns and shatter cones. The ending Septarian surface is a similar phenomena the same as column basalt which is also misunderstood as a volcanic form. Column basalt is a shock form and never observed in the history of volcanic eruptions.

Arkansas Rocks and Minerals

Sylver Grace  · Oct. 21, 2022 · 

Multiple pics with flash and without. Very heavy, found in hot springs. What is this?? I have a couple smaller ones too


Linear Constellationing


Impactite, rare. Fractal coning and a second off axis sequence. High shock surface granular crystal habit patterns. Crypto crystalline quartz/silica was a fast formation orogeny. OK, so now for the physics. Fractals a fast form energy structure/form will move to coning as energy increases. It is an energy form shift. Another shift is going on where it is doing it again off axis. Why does this occur? It is the same type of phenomenon. The energy is trying to propagate. It was too much energy for just one form so it twinned. A really nice specimen.

Kenny Olson

 Oct. 24, 2022

Also in my collection. Is it a rock or is it a bone?


A pristine shock crater floor with fractals and shock obsidian. 

What's my rock?

Jo Henry  · Oct. 30, 2022

Hi Lee Isham I come across this site and it looks like something interesting has happened here. What's your thoughts ?

Howell, TN Meteor

High pressure shatter coning with fast formed dendritic fractal surface. The larger earth impacts tend to make only high pressure shatter cones. The fractal surface is a later effect in the impact event, still a high energy signature. Not to denigrate the flute mark identification as it is correct as a flash card based system. The problem with any reference is the nature of databases to become outdated. As a phenomena a wave imprint like sand on a beach will degrade itself and not freeze in time without a subsequent high energy event to fuse it in place. The theory is without mechanism. Impact events provide high energy to freeze a wave form in place as well as produce the lightning like fractal forms. Another problem with crowd sourcing is that a specimen as rare as this is not often encountered with both high pressure shatter cones and dendrites. 


Impactite meteorite - High energy formation and high metal content looks like a nickel iron. What is interesting is the trouble it is having forming the fractal forms. This is due to the nature of a fractal. A fractal needs direction and this is an off harmonic radial formed too close to the impact for the shock waves to settle into a specific form, an off harmonic. As for magnetism, shock energy  can both magnetize and demagnetize and as this specimen was too close to the forming orogeny it is a conflicted energy harmonic of non alignment crystal structure. 

Meteorite Identification

الزمن كان جميل  · 13h  · 

Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you, for sale, the most expensive price for a gram of stone is very rare. Note: after using nitric acid, the result appeared after a second of the silver color, it became golden. Note: I grinded a gram of stone and found some gems of diamonds inside a very small stone. Note: the stone does not attract. For magnets, stone does not work. The stone knife has more than 7/35 density. Thank you for your presence.


Rare impactite - The structure is too much energy for earth entry form. It has linear constellationing, to fractal, to coning progression. As for mineral as suspect is silica and black iron oxide. I need to add it to my encyclopedia of phenomena because it has the three form progression in such a small space which represents such high energy.

Joseph Henry

Nov. 26, 2022

Hi All. Any ideas on what this might be.

Lee Isham

Ptygmatic fold versus Von Karman Vortices - The snake form is characteristic of the Ptygmatic however a Von Karman form will make wave type progressions. You can see in this specimen a Yen/Yang stop form. The magnification of the matrix shows a shock particle storm structure, and the specimen is highly metamorphic. The whole specimen was liquid at orogeny. It is an impact nodule. The figure and the matrix share common minerals, not a total isolation of the figure, which is also a property of a shock particle storm. Katie Kahill specimen. Dec. 7, 2022

An irregular lobate Ptygmatic fold also an impactite but without any vortices. 

The Von Karman wave fractal progression. 


Lee Isham

Directional impact energy - A type 1 impactite made of impact surface material. You can also see this in the foreground rock nestled just left of triangle rock. These energy forms were made as a melt plasma and the fractal branching indicates the direction of formation orogeny with trunk facing energy. Now scattered so actual direction is unclear. While similar to a fulgurite a shock made expression will be made of the impact material as a melt flow usually without making a hollow structure. Is it electrical in nature then? No, while impact does often create high electrical charge due to turbulent particles, a melt flow like this is pure shock melt. So why do you not see this at the Barringer Crater in Arizona? The Barringer Crater is small, it takes a lot more energy to produce this phenomenon. Can a sedimentary process make forms like this? Yes, you can see them in caves. Forensically, many phenomena identify themselves by provenance. While Mars has water and likely has caves look where this is found. Mars has over half a million impacts of one mile or greater, so the forensic probability of best evidence is impact. How old is it? Again, a forensic examination of this location with these specimens on the surface would indicate it is a late crater in the planet accretion, a type 3 exploding impact which on earth associate with the post Cambrian and peeking around the Silurian.

Daniel Foley

  ·   ·Dec. 10, 2022 

What processes would be responsible for formations such as these on Mars?


Second order perpendicular branching fractal - The perpendicular energy phenomena appears in many forms, we see it here as a change of conductive material branching off the iron based trunk fractal. 

Mic Mcintyre

Dec. 16, 2022 


Unusual Dendrites in facet grade opal

Oregon find

Blue Mountain opal

No filters or effects ever



Square wave on lighting main trunk.  This is a shift of energy form into one of the main sequence of oscilloscope forms. 

 This is an impactite from one of the big Oregon Craters. Yes the center is a chert type, however the outer rock is a bubbling quartz. It's most interesting feature is a second order energy tree fractal mosaic surface. Very Rare! So what is a second order tree fractal? A fractal energy form will branch when it exceeds its quanta bracket form. In other words it will keep making an energy trunk unless it has too much energy or too little energy as energy has a form that matches its quanta power state. Horizontal branching is a second order where the energy is so strong it must start a series of new sub branching each independent of the main trunk branch length structure. This energy was made in the shock chaos storm of turbulent nano particles swirling at very high speeds generating electric charge like a volcano does. A volcano will make lightning in its cloud up to 10,000 times the water vapor clouds propensity. The tube on the right is a collapsed bubble tube. The colors are nano cobalt and iron from the impacting bolide/meteor. 
rock identification group

Jena Blair  · April  17, 2023

Found digging the property I bought in southern Oregon

Close in to large Earth impact large surface tree fractal high linear branching. This was a great deal of energy. May 17, 2023. 
Cole Davis  ·   · 

A friend of mine found this neat rock and I was wondering if anyone had any idea what the ripples are from?

That is rare, like and share, who would dare to tell me what I really am? Fractal cavitation, is the only example I have ever seen. It is a type of chain cratering. Chain cratering is a plasma iterative bounce type of physics. If you have welded you have experienced this process. Welding tends to ground and stick your rod or plasma bubble. When you move it can make a chain of plasma chain cratering. While overlapping fractals is an energy signature the charge carried a dot plasma ; this was a plasma bubble bouncing just the same. Is cause by impact which makes high energy and plasma spherules. This is a type of impactite. I hope you don't mind if I add your specimen to my encyclopedia of phenomena. May 19, 2023. 
Ally Davis  ·   · 

I have had this for years. Curious what it could be and why it has holes in it. Doesn’t feel like concrete. Just wondering what the holes could be from

 Impactite energy made form, a tree fractal like lightning, with sub level dendrite. The specimen has a fiber crystal which are only made by volcanoes and earth impacts (circled number 1). The sub level dendrites are a secondary release of this charged energy (circled number 2). You can see lots of interesting information (including core samples) about this Earth impact on this page: Fiber crystals are covered on this page: Impactite fractals are covered on this page:
Rock Collectors

Bill Yellott  · June 20, 2023.  

Another cool find with my daughter yesterday, don't know what type of rock and definitely no clue what would cause these lines. We just liked the way it looked. We think we may have found a new father/daughter hobby

Resonate boundaries and fractal division. Resonate boundaries are a fractal. A fractal as expressed in energy form will continue on its trunk until the quanta form cannot maintain state. That packet of wave energy has lost the ability to remain in that power of state. The next form will be a new lower energy state with as many expressions as that state will allow. The overall function is to dissipate energy. For a resonate boundary a high energy state can resonate an entire body with a single wave function. A lower energy state will make multiple resonate boundaries. That is the boxwork state of expanding circles compressing each other into polygons. The cooling mosaic cracks are the same. They are tree fractals and will complete to a Septarian with enough energy. This is also the phenomenon of column basalt, a resonate boundary only moving in a third dimension. Shape change of state is what is observed with ball lightning, a shift from tree fractal to ball/resonate boundary fractal. July 22, 2023. 
Eddy de Wilde

 Hello Rock Hounds These photos were taken in the Chewings and Heavitree ranges, two adjacent ridges in central Australia.

Sheet lightning on underside of clouds has more branching since it is unable to ground thereby having to disperse more. Aug. 31, 2023. Chris Schmidt photographed. 
Lightning sprite fractal shifts. Up fractal, ball lightning, up fractal, up fractal plasma. What you are seeing is an energy balance form. Sprite lightning is so fast because it is not a traveling type as much as a point explosion. In this figure the down is spreading out from the center as a typical branching lighting. Toward the center it studders as ball lighting in a transition form shift. The center is the high energy trunks which is its most powerful area state. The top branching upward is something like a filament. The up fractal plasma ball mist top is another form shift into a weaker but more scattered expression of energy in dissipation. Sept. 7, 2023.
An astronomer recently captured one of the most detailed-ever shots of a rare type of upward-shooting red lightning, known as a sprite, which briefly hovered in the air like a gigantic jellyfish during a thunderstorm over central Europe.

Stanislav Kaniansky, an astronomer at the Banská Bystrica Observatory in Slovakia, snapped the sprite near his home in Látky, Slovakia, on Aug. 14, reported. The luminous, zig-zagging structure measured more than 31 miles (50 kilometres) across and lasted for just a few fractions of a second before disappearing.

Sprites, or stratospheric perturbations resulting from intense thunderstorm electrification, are created when electrical discharges from lightning shoot upward, often in addition to their normal downward trajectory. These discharges create long strands of plasma, or ionised gas, in the ionosphere — the ionised part of Earth's atmosphere that starts at around 50 miles (80 km) above Earth's surface, according to NASA.

— with Sengouga Abdelwahab.

Figure 1. 
Figure 2. 
Think beyond: Dendrites - Dendrites (those fractal tree like figures on the surface of rocks) are a charged electrical deposition, Lichtenburg Figures (see pictures). It is a physical by product of impact explosions which like volcanoes make a lot of swirling particles causing lightning. But wait, that is not all, additionally this energy can set up shock rings (see figure 2). You will also find shock rings in crater areas. So why are they so often found? Based on Mars the Earth has over a million craters of one mile diameter or greater, so the average US state has around 2,000 craters. Oct. 21, 2023. 
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\Branching bifurcation a fluidized flow pattern. The central small pebble gran impalement occurred post flow. This is a relic impactite from the Douglas Lake Crater. The Tiger Stripe pattern is also recognized as one of the many Turing Patterns. Turing (Alan Turing 1952) described mathematically a rejection pattern sequence which includes this pattern form. The bifurcation is a fractal branching showing direction of flow with the trunks facing source however the fractal tree is an energy dissipation sequence and at the state of low energy of your specimen it has branching both ways. A rejection pattern is like mixing paint you have to have more energy to combine different materials so in this state they reject. Nov. 10, 2023. 
Kevin Lauer  ·   · 

Found this outside of Gatlinburg TN along a river. What kind of rock? What cause the tiger stripes? They are indented into the rock, and are only on one side.

Douglas Lake Crater.png
The Douglas Lake Crater. Nov. 10, 2023. 
Iron dendrite fractals (tree type). The green may be olivine. The white is milky quartz. This phenomena is produced by the impact cloud particles which in this case were iron from the impacting bolide/meteor itself. Basically it goes like this: the meteor hits and breaks into a billion particles which are swirling around making a static high charge and as the blast pebble passes the iron particles attach via electro deposition. It is most likely from the Rochester Crater which made Lake Ontario. Dec. 8, 2023. 
Tina Bishop  ·   · 

Can anyone tell me about this rock from St Joseph's Island, Ontario, Canada? Many like it on the island.

Lee Isham Dec. 16, 2023

Round impactite spheroids - Earth impact spheres are one of the most fascinating to the public rocks. If I am out rock hunting and speak to a local they often mention finding them. Large impact spheres can only be produced by a large earth impact > 80 miles in diameter. Large impacts can also produce small spheres too. I hope you don't mind if I add your picture to my encyclopedia as a sphere with vein tree fractals is much more rare. The lightning type tree fractal is a record of the energy when formed. While most associated with a charged energy it is also produced by shock similar to shatter cones. Attached is a crater map showing the big craters local to this area.

Fifty Shades of Life  ·   · 

Grand Rapids. Athabasca River. Alberta Can.

Check out these massive Concretions that have come to surface on the Athabasca River at the historic class VI Grand Rapids. These natural wonders are some of the best examples of spheroid boulders found anywhere in Canada, and perhaps some of the largest on the planet. (Google Grand Rapids Athabasca River) for more information on this incredible site.

Angela Fleury Winter - Dendritic bricking, rare. Shock made lines or false strata with high energy leakage off those lines as fractals and fractal branching. Chert quartz and iron. The iron is small and from the impacting meteor/bolide. An excellent find. Jan. 12, 2024. 
Unlike Tiger Eye effect which is resonate noise unable to form a clear wave type, fractal opposition is more like alternating current an alternating wave. A resonate balance from two opposing sides. See how the branching is bi directional up and down. Feb. 9, 2024. 
Dan Miller of Springville, NY. 
Mosaic fractals - This was so hot it has a melt surface with the separated mineral in a mosaic fractal pattern multi directional. Matrix body is a quartz nodule impactite/tektite. Or it could be a  mammoth tooth fossil.  Feb. 22, 2024. 
Fairburn Agate Hunter

Tohnih Dreahd  ·   · 

For another fun edition of "found while Fairburn hunting"... I present a completely replaced bacculite segment. These (the single segments) are often referred to as "Buffalo Stones". I can't recall where exactly I found this, but chances are it was on the banks of the Cheyenne River. I haven't seen too many of these (less than 10). The best one I ever saw was a translucent green one that was found by Socks. I hope you all enjoy!

That is an impactite made from a large earth impact. The banding features are called dendritic but yours is special. Most tree fractal dendrites are made with manganese or iron when black. The center oval is a resonate banding due to the shock harmonic concentrating around the center of mass. The outer band is breaking up as it has less energy and made the tree fractal. Feb. 24, 2024. 
Alabama Rockhounds & Beyond

Amber Lynn  ·   · 

Found this really neat rock today buried in some red clay. I've never seen lines like that before.

Volcanic lightning ball shift - Trunk lightning is stable until it no longer is. Trunk forms will branch when the charge is too small or too large to contain the present trunk form. In the case shown in the picture we have ball flash lightning then a shift to a smaller lead trunk. The ball flash was an unstable form switch event. March 1, 2024. 

Volcanic Lightning: The Science Behind This Spectacular Phenomenon

Plasma drop fractals. The more energy the more linear. March 5, 2024. 

JWST ● Hubble ● NASA Missions & Astronomical Discoveries


Sunspot in incredible detail captured by the world's largest solar telescope.

(Credit: NSO/AURA/NSF)


Batteries make dendrites, the same thing you see on rocks and in the sky as lightning. It is an energy signature form. March 5, 2024. 

Veil Nebula tree fractal and bubble/sphere configuration. Expanding at 258 miles per second. March 8, 2024. 
A 4 Level Fractal - The trunk is level 1. The both side arms are level 2. The up branches are level 4. The scattered hair like drifting structures are level 4. March 11, 2024. 
Kyran Leeker


This is a Montana agate that I polished.

Fractal resonate tube wave. The bifurcation is the energy dissipating. March 11, 2024. 

Curt's Cabochons and More



Lattice Agate cabochon. Polished front and back. Angled girdle with taper to the flat back. Pictures taken dry under white LED lighting. E225

Spiral polyhedral torus - It is a fractal because it repeats the configuration. This would indicate that the galaxy is in a start stop, fast slow rotation. March 15, 2024. 

Everything Astronomy and the Universe

Ray Forage  ·   · 

Good night all. UGC12158/PGC69533.

UGC 12158 or PGC 69533 located approximately 384 million light-years (118 Mpc) away. Credit ESA/Hubble & NASA.

#goodnight #UGC12158 #PGC69533

Here is another form cusp of circle/ball to fractal but also just the stag horn points. You can see the fractal type shift along the bottom of the circle but the right just projects the points. This in not a resonate form it is electric. May 20, 2024. Cullman, AL sandstone and iron cave like cliffs along the 8-mile creek looking up at roof section. 
Impactites. The top specimen is the most interesting, it has banding fractals, rare. Chert and iron, type 2 impactite with both impact surface and bolide iron. Top specimen shows the impact storm surface. Fractals are an energy form, like lightning. Banding is a resonate form. You can see the crater on the attached map (USGS Magnetic) May 28, 2024. 
Jason Hays  ·   · 

Was in Wendover and went looking for agate but these rocks was all over the place. What is this? Kinda shiny in spots. Ty.

Arrow is pointing to Windover, Utah. 

Charged fractal dendrite, notice how it follows the iron fractal which is also going left to right as branching is a downstream energy effect. Specimen appears to have iron, cobalt, and manganese, or just iron and manganese. June 15, 2024. 


Ashley Snook  ·   · 

What's in my basalt? interested to learn why it has all these colors and designs in it!

location: latah County, Idaho

Michigan Shock Agate, what is so interesting about it is the breakup to bioreagent branching at the fringes. The harmonic in its more powerful form is able to hold the lines. June 16, 2024. 

Michigan Rockhounds

Steve Maczko  ·   · 

Found this in rock beds along our house,

Chert (black) Chalcedony (white) Red Iron (Fe3O4) Impactite with splatterform fractals, rare. See attached magnification. June 16, 2024. 

What's my rock?

Adrian Regalado  · 1h  · 

What's my rock?experts opinion needed thank you...

Fractal Clouds.jpg
Impactites. The first one is the most interesting. The second one appears to be impaled with garnets, ... boring. If you study the magnification of the first specimen in the lower left corner it has cloud fractals. This would be a shock expression of high energy dispersal or charged effect as very high energy through quartz will release energy a piezoelectric. Attached is geology anomaly map showing craters of your area. June 20, 2024. 
NE Kansas.png
Magnetic Kansas.png
Cloud Fractal.jpg
Impactite, silica, black iron oxide Fe3O4. How do I know this? Of course, meteorites and impactites have commonalities. While I study both I find impactites more interesting. Is so much more energy in the formation architecture. Your specimen exhibits such a feature. Spherical dripping a high heat melt phenomenon. While a meteorite can have such surface heat it cannot produce this because of the velocity. It could after landing but and so could an impactite. Surface flow: Meteorites have surface flow, this specimen does not show this well. It only has two rare features of surface flow, the before mentions spherical dripping and a cloud fractal. The central cloud fractal is going from left to right and the spherical dripping is going from top to bottom. The surface overall is a high heat wrinkling type mosaic. Density: High density favors impactites as the shock rarefaction and impact pressures are extreme. Magnetism: I often find impactites with high iron and no significant magnetism and rarely even test for it as NASA proved in the 1960' shock changes magnetism. Statistics: When in doubt choose impactite as they are more likely. The earth based on the moon and Mars has a surface crater of a mile diameter or greater about every fifteen miles. AI and the flashcard system: I have a master's degree in systems engineering and retired as phenomena coordinator for contracted research at the world's biggest research laboratory. Both systems require a previous image. I  use a forensic phenomenology method and magnify the specimen to analyze what energy signatures could have made it as you can tell from my analysis. This allows for the creation of the flash card and or AI heuristic. You have just proved that AI does not think. Your specimen is rarer than any meteorite. June 27, 2024. 

Joseph David Hiatt  

No air pockets, is magnetic and weighs like 10lbs.... I think it's a meteorite can anyone help? I ran it through Google Ai and it said meteorite as well


Paul M Smith Photography

June 29 at 5:54 PM  · 

Red Sprites with Lone tree. Last night over Missouri.

Fractal balance issues.jpg
Fractal balance issues - Air and moisture is less up than down making grounding more difficult. While starting out with powerful trunk energy it diffuses into a cloud fractal. Down is also problematic in this example as it shifts between ball and leader trunk fractal. Dendrites including all fractal veins in rocks will demonstrate these same issues. Of particular note is the trunk lengths before branching. Branching is the result of energy dissipation where the energy is unable to hold the power of the trunk configuration and branches to a weaker form or it has too much energy to hold the trunk configuration as it is a quanta form of energy like electrons jumping shelfs. A shift from leader to ball is also a quanta shift as the energy is unable to remain stable in the leader configuration. The medium conductance is at issue here as well. While most geologist do not consider fractals an energy form they are mistaken, it is an energy signature just like lightning. The origin of this energy is both charged and shock waveform. Impact produces both as the impact explosion cloud is an electrical generator, just like a volcanos cloud which produces lightning at thousands of times the normal cloud type. Impacts are much greater than that with a typical ten mile diameter craters producing millions of megatons of energy including plasma like we see in nuclear bomb test. Up ionization also occurs which will make many materials charged. Oxygen 4 is common to impactites but it was in many cases O5 and the shift to O4 was done with fractal veins seen in rocks or strata. In iron sandstone craters you can see iron leader fractals stretching out 20 feet or more. The iron is also charged and/or ionized and reducing to stability by conductive expression. July 1, 2024. 
Paisley branching a slow form fractal - the arcs are a type of circle progression as this formed allowing the minerals to principate and the arc like a circle is the strongest way to make that. The fractal offshoot is just extending off of the stable arc structure. July 3, 2024. 
Photo by Robbie Shone. Lake Castrovalva area of Lechuguilla cave Carlsbad Caverns. 
Now here is the arc structure base without subsequent fractal branching. July 3, 2024. 

Geomorphological Features


Fresh water collecting in the valleys between sand dunes in the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park in Brazil. A layer of rock beneath the sand prevents the rain water from dissipating during the rainy season, resulting in a broad expanse of lagoons. (credit: Julius Dadalti)

Gravity as the energy slow formed fractals at Lake Castrovalva area of Lechuguilla cave Carlsbad Caverns. Photo by July 3, 2024. 
This is an uncommon type of impact clast. It was thrown to the location and excavated by the creek as these are sometimes covered by the overburden. The iron is from the impacting meteor/bolide. The quartz vein is shot out by the molten stream of plasma material in the blast. The fine granular particle composition is called "Constellationing." It is a way impact reconstructs material a particle construction and reconfiguration. Type 2 impactite are ones that contain both the impact surface and the meteor/bolide material. The many features it has make it uncommon. The front feature is a fractal in a stopping wave flow. This is the wave ripple and the ending blobs. July 3, 2024. 

Mike Revard  ·   · 


Help identify this boulder.

I've had this boulder for around 5 years. I found it digging near a creek bed on the edge of a wetland area in ypsilanti, MI. My property is littered with what I assume are glacial boulders. Some bigger than cars. I can't say if this boulder is natural to the creek, or if it was glacial or man transfered.

I have a few ideas of what it may be. But I've never been able to confirm. So I really don't know. Can anyone identify?

My thoughts have been, Quartz, Gold Ore, Or even calcite embedded in limestone. Any feedback would be appreciated.

(Please ignore the bird doo doo)


Impactite. As impact is an explosion of non uniform materials you have blast veins from altering directions. The lower section however has a secondary fractal phenomena of perpendicular fractals. It is a high resonate/charged effect demonstrating the right hand rule of electricity, hence the 90 degrees. Magnification attached. July 5, 2024. 

Samuil Bonas

I love this one, but never knew why it's like this

perpendicular fractal .jpg

Second order fractal stag horn points are the end of the energy sequence. Perpendicular is a higher energy sequence. July 5, 2024. 

Maxi Dendrites, a geological fast form. July 7, 2024. 

Geomorphological Features



The unconsolidated pyroclastic flow and ash deposits emplaced during the June 1991 eruption of Pinatubo were remobilized by rain water as lahars for years after activity ceased. This photo shows erosion patterns in the deposits along the Maraunot River valley NW of Pinatubo on 27 November 1991. Photo by Chris Newhall, 1991 (U.S. Geological Survey).

Impactite. The surface is a fractal mosaic which is not common. It has direction with the trunk of the fractal being the source of the energy direction and the branching the direction of flow. Quartzite was once sand. Surface color is due to iron blasted out as a mist forming black iron oxide and some red, the mosaic splitting occurred thereafter. In magnification you can see the development of thin line quartz fractals forming fiber crystals. Fiber crystals are shredded matter like found in Hawaii called Pele Hair but your specimen is in the proto process stage of forming these thin structures. The QLD southeast crater complex is shown on the attached map with the two nested craters in the much larger older crater. The bigger two are the prime suspects as this took a whole lot of energy. July 14, 2024. 

Trevor Farr  ·   · 

Any ideas , found in the childers area qld.

Multiple spinning vortex type turbulence making fractals. July 15, 2024. Bill Howard specimen from upper KY. 
The central Kentucky massive crater complex as shown on the USGS magnetic anomaly map.  July 15, 2024. 
Impact nodule, black iron oxide and silica. At high temperature and pressures below 40 GPa, iron and silica react to form iron oxide and an iron–silicon alloy, with up to 5 wt% silicon. Fractal flow is caused by directionality. The molten form was subjected to shock direction force which made the teardrop shape and caused the fractal tubular branching. Attached is the USGS magnetic geology anomaly map of your area with the relevant craters. The NW Arkansas crater complex is a system of craters. These meteor/bolides obviously were high in iron as you can see from the magnetic imaging.
July 18, 2024. 


Laura Williams  ·   · 

My daughter found this in a small creek in northwest Arkansas... I'm not sure if this is a fossil, or just a really cool rock. What do you think?

NW Arkansas Craters.png

As you can see craters on earth as as common as craters on Mars or the Moon. July 18, 2024. 

Impact made coning. Harmonic nesting is present in this specimen as the energy was reaching the end of its power and made the ever-smaller multiples. The cross grid is also a switch to lower power form like the ripples reflecting against the bank of a pond after the initial stone impact circles. Fractal reflection is also a change in the energy form also consisting of back reflection made rippling. This is a rare specimen. July 18, 2024. 

Don Hoot  ·   · 

Found in a house in Ohio, not sure if it's from here or what it is. Any help is appreciated!

Rare ball lightning ending effect of charged fractal coming from right to left. Cullman, AL Crater, Michelle Drinkard specimen. Aug. 8, 2024. 


Fluidized form fractal. See right side branch out to form fractals off the circles. Is a good example of the form switch in energy going from circle to fractal. Aug. 14, 2024. 
Greg Vella
Group expert

I found this at a beach along the Sea of Okhotsk, Japan.
What do you think it is ?

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Fractal in truck energy form. The power and ground are so secure that the fractal rejoins the trunk. Aug. 14, 2024.

Impact plasma fractal cavitation expansion, Fractal Plasma Flower. Metamorphic chert. It also has striation patterns in various directions. Likely from quarry operation as the lake shore has been stabilized. Flow cavitation is also what you see as regmaglypts, thumb prints on meteorites. Flint chert is not very water reactive as the high crypto crystalline silica content is chemically stable. Cooling crack and melt healing. The crack that runs through the feature also has partial melt bonding across the crack indicating it was in a plastic state when crack occurred. Aug. 15, 2024. 

Judi Stevenson  ·   · 

Looks like a fossil of a wing?? My shoe for size comparison. Found on the shore of Milford Lake near Wakefield, KS.

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Wakefield, KS is in an Indium Negative Crater. A previous earth impact spread the Indium and the later impact not containing Indium hit making an Indium negative crater. As you can see the earth has sustained just as many impacts as the Moon or Mars you just have to be looking for them. Aug. 15, 2024. 
Rivulette Energy Form.jpg

Lee Isham

Meteorite versus impactite. Rivulet flow into cracks and energy rivulet. Flow into cracks is something that meteorites do. This one has an energy fractal rivulet. That would be an impactite. Not a common feature. Also lacking a charred ablative surface. So how dies this happen? Notice the stuttering circles in the fractal trunk, then it does a foreword and backward branching. It is in a final breakdown of the charged energy. There are two types of impactite charged energy. The first is from the chaos particle storm created by the impact kinetic blast, a generator of static charge like lighting. The second is the high heat and pressure ionization from the impact explosion. These up change and down change causes the release of ion based energy. Which is this? Cannot tell. Aug. 18, 2024. 

What's my rock?

Adrian Regalado  · 3h  · 


What's my rock ,experts opinion and comments are welcome...thank you 11/0/24 Finds...


Lee Isham

Top contributor

Impactite, energy made fractals with imparted metal from the impacting bolide/meteor. Take a look at the attached magnification. It shows fractal flow in reduction. This is the energy dissipation.

fossil information & identification

Tamara Porath  ·   · 

Found this in Lightning Creek, Clark Fork Idaho. You can see there's actually grooves in the rock where the "black" material is located. It has some reflective properties when it hits the light, bit not shiny or anything... and the last picture shows what looks like branches or the top of a leafy bush, maybe... thoughts??

Google Images said "Cladoxylopsids: An extinct group of plants related to ferns and sphenopsids," which kinda fits my thoughts in terms of possibilities.


Beautiful wispy type fractal. A variation in charge and flow. While lighting is a high energy form as it must overcome a non-conductor this is another type of resistance based energy dissipation. Aug. 20, 2024. Traven Atterberry specimen. 


Waves can be smooth or show the fractal energy progression with the higher energy being at the base and dispersing at the top. Pictures are at Nazare, Portugal the biggest waves in the world which is also the finger of an offshore crater. Aug. 21. 2024. 

Scud cloud fractals with the energy dispersing at the bottom. Aug. 21, 2024. 

These are called Scud clouds. This was recently captured in South Carolina.

photography by Zachary Lane


Lee Isham

Good picture, fractal inserts from an earth impact, they are an energy signature. Sept. 4, 2024. 

Michigan Rockhounds

Sarah Cergnul  ·   · 


Need some help identifying these please.

Shatter cone variant, fractal coning. Sept. 11, 2024. Jess Day  ·   · Found in Hocking Hills, OH


The Circle of Fractals. This is a type of energy form with central resonance. While Citrine is a poor conductor of electricity the high value of current produced in an impact as well as the shock resonance is able to isolate it. This is called 

Deschutes Jasper

  • June 19, 2023

  • Deschutes Jasper is relatively similar to Biggs Jasper and is often miss identified but don’t worry we outline multiple ways to tell the difference. Just so you know, the main difference between the two Jaspers is the picturesque landscape patterns are more detailed in Deschutes Jasper than in Biggs Jasper.

If you’re new to collecting Jaspers then you’ll want to understand the basics. First, Jasper is an opaque, fine-grained variety of Chalcedony which is comprised of microscopic Quartz crystals intermixed with various impurities. Jasper can come in any color and take on many appearances.

More often than not, varieties of Jasper get their name from the locations they’re found in.

If you spend time at a rock and mineral show you’ll see quite a few dealers selling all sorts of varieties of Jasper but they’re not all genuine Jasper. Many of them are actually Rhyolite. Among the best-known Jaspers are Bloodstone, Porcelain Jasper, Brecciated Jasper, and Picture Jasper. Deschutes Jasper falls in the Picture Jasper category.


FAQ For Deschutes Jasper

While it’s believed that Deschutes Jasper was initially discovered by Native Americans, the discovery of this picturesque stone is attributed to Hoot Elkins. The claim states that Hoot discovered Deschutes in the 1960s.

If you know anything about history then it’s very plausible this variety of Jasper was dug and used by Native Americans but our history books attribute the discovery to Mr. Elkins.

It’s been said that Hoot first discovered some ancient rock hammers in a fifteen-foot pit. As he further explored the pit, he found a massive boulder of Deschutes Jasper that showed signs that it was knapped, which means those hammers likely belonged to the Native Americans (if you don’t understand the knapping then

Deschutes Jasper is often confused with another well-known Jasper variety, Biggs Jasper. It can sometimes be difficult to tell the difference between the two but the main difference is the tight pattern exhibited in Deschutes Jasper whereas Biggs Jasper has a more landscape pattern.

You’ll also notice the quality of the polish on the cabochons because Deschutes Jasper will typically have a better overall polish which will show off the light, medium, and dark brown wavy patterns. This is the main reason why lapidary artists love working with it.


How Does Deschutes Jasper Form?

Deschutes Jasper form when fine pyroclastics or volcanic ash are cemented into a solid material from silica precipitation. This cementation process can sometimes be so aggressive that the ash, sediment, or volcanic particles are dissolved or recrystallized into microcrystalline Quartz. These particles are what give Jasper its color and opacity.

Did you know, an opaque variety of Chalcedony that can be called Jasper?

How To Identify Deschutes Jasper

Deschutes Jasper often contains Dendrite inclusions. As mentioned above, this variety of Jasper was formed as mud, derived primarily from volcanic ash that filled the crevices and later solidified. There are various ways to identify stones; you simply have to know what to look for. You can conduct multiple tests, including hardness, streak, and specific gravity. Let’s look at the details.


Hardness: 6.5 to 7

Streak: Yellow, White, Brown, and Red

Specific Gravity: 2.500-2.600

Toughness: Excellent

Zach Machac  ·   · 

Not sure what this is. Just curious


Very rare impactite. It is a lateral fractal coning (shatter cone type). Narrow triangle wave cones were made by higher energy than the traditional sine wave cones. Why does it have crossing fractals? The energy was too high. Fractal branching is energy dissipating. Low pressure sine wave type shatter cones are a low relative energy around 5 GPa. The specimen has tiny impact spheres blasted out from the impact kinetic explosion (circled left side). The right side has high energy splitting fractals, rare. Fractal energy physics. While lightning is the most familiar, this energy involves the whole body of this specimen and may be from an ionized material shift which releases energy as it shifts back down to a stable electron state for the cooled temperature. Sept. 25, 2024. 

Rita McGie  ·   · 

I found this fossil in my son and daughter-in-law’s backyard, while doing a bit of gardening. They live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

If anyone has any idea of what it might be, I would greatly appreciate it. The photos show 2 sides of the fossil. My son thinks it might be something like sand or mud ripples, but I think that it might be some kind of an aquatic creature. It’s about 4 inches in length.

My thanks in advance.


The strongest argument for new fossil type is tubular depth. This is not a surface ripple construction; it has a tapering tube construction. You can see this from where it broke and the raised nature of the figure below it. Sept. 25, 2024. Anti thesis, cone-in-cone isn’t a theory, it’s a pretty well documented sedimentary structure. Shatter cones are a completely different structure. I understand if you’re not very familiar with sedimentary geology it might seem strange. There’s lots of research on sedimentary geology if you’re interested in learning though.Synthesis, Hegelian dialectics is an interpretive method that involves the conflict between contradictory propositions (thesis and antithesis) leading to a higher level of truth (synthesis)12. It was originally used to relate specific entities or events to the absolute idea. So I am done now with these many thesis and conclude this is a fossil known or unknown. So first lets start with the sedimentary thesis. After centuries of observation no such mud structure has ever been identified in a raw un lithified state. Also as proposed the specimen presented does not conform to the typology. It is separate non axial figures with fractal surfaces. There is no such example in the sedimentary examples. Furthermore the presented specimen has clam like shapes as shown in the first magnification shown lower right. All of this points toward fossil. Physics form thesis. The presented specimen does not have a common axis therefore does not conform to any type of wave ripple physics. The tubes bend which also negates wave physics. As for my study of sedimentary cone physics, many years ago I included the first Wiki example of this in my encyclopedia chapter on shatter cones. Two weeks into my field work on the Howell, TN Impact structure I discovered that geologist in general including impact geologist do not truly understand shatter cone physics, as I found triangle, sawtooth, and cones side by side 2 miles SW of Howell, in a boulder. Shatter cones are common wave forms as seen on oscilloscopes. Sediment/erosion physics is the oldest of the geological theories and goes back to Hutton who was standing on a crater wall formation at Siccar Point when he developed this ironic hypothesis. Incidentally as a student of theory Darwin was an acolyte of Hutton and considered unlimited time to be fundamental to his thesis which we now know to be false. As a time, consideration the presented fossil would appear to be Cambrian as part of the Cambrian explosion. An early fossil type as it is similar to the recent find article I cited. Sept. 26, 2024. 


Fractal balance condition is the free to oscillate condition. Figure is from Andy Masley's 1B Physics Lectures. 

And now we come full circle as this specimen example is lined up on an axis and presents the coning with lateral fractals. It also has tiny impact spheres. And there is those shock circles in the background structure. This is a convincing impact made cone in cone shatter cone structure, which would mean there was a melt shift disfiguration of the Alberta specimen above. As a rule as complexity increases the likelihood a specimen is a physics figure decreases. These examples are pushing that limit but the two examples together complete the surity of being impact made. Note the left to right change to lateral fractal process. This is a secondary harmonic, or a fossil. Sept. 26, 2024.  

It is just a matter of scale here. The young ones look different but are easier to identify. They got large and you can see the filaments fractal out as appendages. Sept. 27, 2024.  

Silver fractal dendrite in calcite. Soft metal was easy to form as an energy expression. Sept. 30, 2024. 

Geology Wonders

6h  · 

This is one of the only silver Crystal's I've ever. A herringbone on Calcite from Morocco.

Photo The Mineral Collective

#minerals #crystals #gems

Lee Isham

Impactite, shock agate. The yoke section is the isolation of iron by the high energy resonance. This kind of wave energy is like your microwave oven and cooks from the inside center of mass outward. It also reflects against the shell, and you see some parabolas. The fractal is an electric charge that built up and flashed like lightning toward the center from the iron ring just inside the shell. The grey is cryptocrystalline flint. Oct. 3, 2024. 

Charlotte Margrett 

I found this while out walking this morning it looks a lot like a fossilised egg? Would be great to see what people think and what animal it may have been…?

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Impactite with fractal flow. This rock was made very fast in an impact explosion. The band when magnified shows the direction of flow with bifurcation away from direction of energy. Magnification attached. Oct. 14, 2024.

Patsy Watson Etheridge

Could this be a fossil in this rock? Any ideas on the Rock? Found West Alabama

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Fractal along edge of pebble at Wetumpka, AL Impact Crater. Oct. 14, 2024. 


Fractals and circles again as energy figures. Oct. 18, 2024. 


This is a micro picture of a shocked rock I collected from the Wetumpka, AL Impact Crater. Carnelian, emerald, the ghost peaks and micro fractal you can see going diagonally from bottom left to top right. In the lower right you can see pollen. How big is pollen? Glad you ask, it is from 10 to 200 nano meters which gives you the resolution scale here of say 30 microns. The fractal feature would be only a couple hundred nano meters. Oct. 21, 2024. 

Ok, this one is very rare. As you can see along the bottom it is a splatterform. It has a fractal/sheet wave pattern as well as crossing blast. The edges tend to fractal out. The top goes into one of those familiar not organized blast surfaces. Thompson Creek, Bankhead National Forest. Nov. 13, 2024. 

Charge grounding variations. Lichtenberg figures. Dec. 11, 2024. 
fractal crack deposits. It is a high heat mosaic surface deeply etched by the dendretic discharge energy. Dec. 16, 2024. 
Julia Alvarez specimen. 
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Inside same specimen. It is a shock made geode, with very high energy, crystalized from rind to core. This would be a crystal fast form as it did not have enough time to make good crystals.

Circular phenomena. When you study impact physics it is not long before you see multiple shock phenomena across a wide spectrum of specimens. In this case the high energy grounding surface fractals and the high energy crystal to the rind geode. The relationship is the high energy. Dec. 16, 2024. 

Magnification. Snowflake calcite marked as 2. Wiskers marked as 1. Let's start with snowflake calcite. This is rare. It is a type of fractal an energy signature as well as a crystal type called a dendrite, though dendrites in calcite I have not seen before. Wiskers are a physics not completely understood. They can grow in space and are found on electrical circuit boards. These Wiskers could be a type of fiber crystal. Sand or crystals? There is an add mixture of iron so the sand/crystals have been metamorphized. It is citrine although in the shade it looks like carnelian. Jan. 18, 2025. 
Tina Berkheimer 

I'm pretty sure this is petrified wood, but every hole has crystal growing. I couldn't leave this bad a. Thing in my woods. Found in Ozark county Missouri.


Constellationing, Wiskers, fractals, crystal lattice, all of the above. Jan. 18, 2025. 

Microscopic calcite dendrites in cold-water tufa: Implications for nucleation of micrite and cement

Article Sedimentology (2005) 52, 1043–1066

  • Aug 2005

Dendritic calcite forms in an active cold-water tufa system in association with extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that discontinuously coat bryophytes and cyanobacteria. Dendrites consist of 100–200 nm thick calcite fibres that form 3D lattice-like domains. In each dendrite domain, fibres have three structurally equal orientations, 


Now this is interesting, resonate outlines and fractals. Notice how it is repetitive in producing the forms as well. Jan. 20, 2025. 
Exquisite Natural Koroit Boulder Opal Specimen from Australia.

Photo Copyright Exotic Crystals LLC

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