Filtering Through Rock - In a shocked liquid state many strange things happen. The shock blast itself carries the now vapor shock material. This gets filtered as it passes through the shocked rock. The bolder shown below is from Roy Brown Rd. just north of Howell, TN. It is with a pile of highly shocked mega clast. The cracks you see on the right side boulders are from cooling from their highly shocked liquid state. The blue edge being filtered may be trace cobalt.

The two boulders shown below are from SW of Elkton, TN along the Richland Creek crater bottom strata. The bolder below is filtering iron debris from the direction of the blast left side. In it's plasma state a mottling dispersion is going on in the interior with separation patterns likely due to the charge of the materials.
This boulder shown below has lateral flow from shock so high it melted the constituent limestone and it is forming glass like beads and circular ball inclusions. The specimens below are shocked very highly but not passing particles through. Impact particle storms are chaotic in nature. You can read about that at: https://www.hillbillyu.com/kinetic-impact-explosion-crater

You can see some beautiful light refraction on these glass beads. There are two Rogers Group quarries in the crater and this highly shocked marble limestone is sold as gravel which is a really good deal for customers.
Here is the same thing in a slightly less shocked mega clast found just north of Howell, TN on the Old Petersburg Rd. It has glass beading but the matrix has not been turned into as fine of a structure from shock melt.

Good daahy Mate - This rock from Western Australia entirely quartz with minerals it is in a banding harmonic, filtering by frequency.

Meteorite specimen with a blast that has permeated core. The blue specks are likely cobalt. The matrix is a milky quartz with a separated nano iron quartz in a rejection pattern (not mixing). May 8, 2024.
Preston Allen · ·
I opened up a beautiful, glossy crusted meteorite last night, sold to me as a likely eucrite. My experience with eucrites is much lower than other types and I would love to get feedback on what some of the other experts have to say about it.
I fully to expect to be wrong but I'm going to take a guess and say that it is a monomict eucrite, the black areas in the matrix is impact melt and I really have no idea what the little blue speckles are. I initially thought they were particles from my grinding disc but I'm not sure. Please let me know what you see. I will be sending a sample for classification.

Another blast through matrix. Size variation indicates a close in to blast location relative to impact size. May. 8, 2024.
Douglas Merson · ·
Murdochite Cu²⁺₁₂Pb⁴⁺₂O₁₅Cl₂
Blach crystals on quartz.
Bird Nest drift, Otto Mountain, Baker, Soda Mountains, Silver Lake Mining District, San Bernardino County, California, USA
Collected by Robert Walstrom.
FOV = 1.28 mm