This specimen found in Central Florida is identical to cores from the Chicxulub Impact Crater Rims. Is the point of explosion and makes "glass beading."
Glass Beading (shown at right) - I don't know why this effect is not reported at other impact crater sites. It is a fascinating shock metamorphic effect. I found this effect my first day of collecting samples a mile north of Howell, TN. I also found if you zoom in on this picture you can see it is becoming crystals. I thought this to be a high shock effect until I started finding specimens looking like this
Glass Beading is a related phenomena to shock formed round impactites and shock circles.
I figured out the previous rock had less energy shock than these kind which have directional melting of the quartz fossils into a stream of moving bits of matter.
The surface has an nano iron and impact surface coating with the shock storm particle stream with "constellationing." You can read about this phenomena at:
From the top it looks like this, like points.
Later I found specimens that were just melted limestone swirls without any fossil remnants.
This beautiful specimen has a coral type fossil metamorphic change. The heliolitid coral Protaraea richmondensis. Found center crater north of Petersburg, TN.
The above specimen found in Petersburg is of high shock metamorphism and showing a type of beading however notice it is retaining some of it's strata lines toward the center of mass.
The bolder below I found SW of Elkton, TN. It is on the crater floor and highly shocked. It has large and small round formed inclusions from the shock. Left side picture is of the boulder and even shows a directional flow of shock with right side facing the blast. The magnified section of glass beading is shown below right. This is about 30 miles from where I first found the phenomena of glass beading one mile north of Howell, TN. Glass beading is a shock melt effect and not a harmonic resonate effect.
Shown below is meteorite a moon impact and thrown out in space, land on earth. Unclassified Lunar feldspathic breccia 900 grms. Notice it's similarity to "glass beading."
Specimen below is another transition to beading. Notice in center a tiny beading heart.
Shown below from wiki example meteorite "chondrules." Shock beading is the phenomena. It is not limited to impactites from planetary impacts. Collisions in space can make the same effect. It is an internal sphere form. It is a surface tension phenomena like bubbles only inside other diverse melting material.
A metamorphic shock made rock, yes. A meteorite, no. If we assume that an entry will cause ablation. I think the surface is weathered not ablated. Like geology in general however if it conforms to some previous accepted composition it could be classified a meteorite. It is an impactite which is the overarching classification. It's most interesting feature is the glass beading flow. This is a new phenomena I have not seen before. Take a look at the strange lines coming from the little glass structures.
Found at river called Dzirula. Location Georgia, Shrosha ( I don't mean the state of America, its little country west of Black sea) This is a state beyond beading limestone in a shock chaos storm. This material was permeable like liquid. You usually encounter survivor specimens that experienced a plasma state. After liquid state they lose material to gassing/vaporization. Too unstable for beading.
Crossing insertions all while in a liquid/plasma state. This event at this specimen location was too exposed to the shock chaos storm to make just glass beads, is turbulent.
The slight coloration is nano minerals vaporized by the impacting bolide and blown at hyper velocity in the shock turbulence.
This little local quarried pebble shown above is in a similar state of shock and also may have contained fossils which are now highly altered.
Found in the Blue Ridge Mountains, I see shock when I magnify it i.e. Chesapeake Bay Impactite or some impact yet to be identified. That iron pattern edge around the quartz I see a lot with impactites. The quartz is in a phase of beading melt. It has multiple striation consistent with an unresolved shock harmonic. I think it's pressure is past the tectonic limit more in the 40+ GPa range with shock olivine.
If you encounter metamorphic beading limestone this is a high shock effect. This specimen is making shatterconing fractals.
High power coning waveform - These two specimens are from Wheelerton, TN in the crater bottom along the Elk River and Railroad.
Specimen collected west of Minor Hill, TN which would be the crater SW outside wall with beading. But notice the shell looks the same. Beading is shell fossils turning into blobs. I have only found beading along the crater wall areas.
Cleavage Fundamentals:
1. There must be a differential in density
2. The differential must create a plane
3. This differential can occur fast or slow it does not matter only that there is a differential
4. Crystal structure planes can occur fast or slow
5. Materials as elements are a structure that when in contact with a different structure makes for a differential plane
6. Mixing will make for a complex differential plane
7. Turing Patterns are a rejection mixing sequence form
8. Shock will alter the mixing plane differentials
9. Shock is a wave form energy as is electrical charge and will make specific forms which have edge plane surfaces. Wave pattern edge planes are unique to the wave form propagation type. They can overlap which makes simple cleavage multi dimensional and complex cleavage. While not the same as no cleavage it no longer shears on a single plane. Random no cleavage does not have shear planes.
The mystery of plane less cleavage. It is not cleavage at all. This specimen was formed as a plasma. The circular impression is from an impact sphere. The points are of undetermined process. Specimen owned by Ralph Rushton.
Ft. Payne chert pebble collected on my walk around Lake Logan, TN. It was sheared on the road by tire pressure. It has broken along a line of nano iron of a thickness of less than 1/1000 inch! (.02mm) Additionally it appears to have a nickel inclusion. This pebble was made in the Frankewing, TN Impact.
Here we have a heat expansion seem with a glass beading surface. This shock mega clast was thrown from the bottom strata of the Howell Impact Structure to North Jackson County, AL about 50 miles.
Good specimen. Cindering and beading - At first I thought this was a conglomerate with cindering. When magnified it looks more like the high heat made the beads you see i.e. melt drops. So is it an impactite or meteorite, industrial slag, or volcanic? I think the heat may surpass volcanic because the beads look to have a high silica content and lava is usually a little less than the heat required for silica to bead up. Based on where found i.e. provenance I am going with meteorite. Specimen collected by: نيازك مولاي عمر
Sparta, TN Crater, Part 9: Micro Oolitic Sphere Beading. Crater edge at HW 70S roadside quarry rock just past the Sparta HW junction going south to Spencer at inner SW crater wall. While I have encountered shock beading here at the Howell Impact Structure, this type is different. You can see that some of the beads encase tiny bits of the impact debris. The beads are not shock melted together and seem to be just compression attached. It also has a fuzzy edge, also uncommon and indicates a pseudo sphere state, still in a transition form to complete melt. This is commensurate with where it was found at the crater wall. Resolution is at 25 nanometers. This is a new orogeny theory context for Oolite phenomenon in context with the PDF border crystals. Oolite as blast spheres in compression matrix. June 21, 2023. There is Oolite in the local area. Monteagle limestone oolite distribution in northeastern Tennessee (Conference) | OSTI.GOV
Alabama Shocked Limestone from Quarry at Alabama Limestone near Russellville, AL. You can see the shells and beading in this area of the quarried stone. It is a less shocked stone than the examples I found near Howell, TN. shown above they are shock made dolomite. May 13, 2024.
Another example at Alabama Limestone, near Russellville, AL. Shells and beading. May 13, 2024.
Knapping cleavage of Alabama Limestone at quarry near Russellville, AL. Note the rough large fan distribution not like flint with its crypto crystalline structure. Is a more workable stone than the higher shock mega clast dolomite at Howell, TN. but the Rogers Group quarries love it for making hard crushed gravel. May 13, 2024.
Shock made dolomite with interior "beading" rare. I am sure you picked it up because of the surface. That is the shock storm surface with the plasma iron in a surface directional flow. The shard itself was once the impacted limestone, blasted out under very high impact shock pressure. I first saw this in the Howell, TN Impact Structure near Howell. Impact shock pressures are measured in Giga Pascals (GPa). My guess is 30 GPa or so is required for this phenomenon. I hope you don't mind if I add this to my encyclopedia. While I seldom see this phenomenon, I maintain a study of it and associated effects. June 14, 2024.
Any idea what this could be? Found in southeast Laramie county. Only one like it on my mom's property. Thank you!
Suspect crater shown above on USGS geology magnetic anomaly map with arrow. June 14, 2024.
Impactite, slate made from impact ash. It has a rare impact geometric, a hexagon flower. While the surface does resemble a cryptocrystalline flint, it has complex cleaving planes showing a complex stress structure. Flint would be heavy like glass. It also has a white coning structure with cross striation, rare. The slat flooring base you mentioned is impact ash shale. Eyelash effect from some kind of impalement while plastic which also made a ridge which leads into the hexagon flower. Oct. 3, 2024.
Dave Wall · ·
Does any one know what kind of rock this is I found it in Louisville Kentucky Ohio River upper area I'm new to this
Dave Wall
What kind of rock would that be is it rare it fills like ALLMOST plastic it super lite in weight. Iv never seen any thing like this peace round louisville ky area before it was in the water about a foot from a bank rock bed partly an sand with slat flooring type base in water it stuck way out seems to appear to have some sort of shell like looking. Fossil imprint