Large earth impact overlapping. Oct. 6, 2023.
The arc of the original impact event. While digging up a lot of ash with drill cores will present 500 million year old ash, it does not prove the ash is strictly volcanic. Volcanoes are a secondary event of impact as the earth's crust is broken and is trying to resolve that. In this article they assume a large volcano but are completely unfamiliar with impact ash.
The aluminum foil test. Quit making hats with your aluminum foil and try this simple test. Push foil sheets together and see if you can make an arc. This can only be done if you make your hand into a bending fixture moving from a point. So, what is the point here? Flat plates will never make arcs pushing together as sheets. So, what geologic event can cause massive earth crust arcs. There are no volcanic events this large that we are aware of, but we do know the earth is an accretion body and the larger impact accretions occurred earlier. Aug. 2, 2024.
The Conversation Seafloor sediment reveals previously unknown volcanic eruption 520,000 years ago in south Aegean Sea
Published: July 23, 2024 8:13am EDT
Shock agate and the banding wave. Beautiful separation so crisp, not a slow function or one without a lot of power. Shock waves are a resonate producing type and the minerals will attenuate at different frequencies. The waves are in a banded progression and so is the resulting imprinting. Aug. 2, 2024.
Rock Collecting 101
Stella Zerva · ·
Any idea? Maybe an agate?
I found it in a river in Greece
Coning structure on right side. Coning structures are shatter coning writ large. Aug. 2, 2024.
Island of #Ikaria
Seychelles beach
#greece #beach #greekislands
Impactite with iron and cobalt. It has directionality with fractals. It was very hot when made and subject to great forming force going from left to right, i.e. shock pressure. Magnification shown below. Aug. 2, 2024.
Identification of rocks & minerals.
Stratos Botsaris · ·
Hello everyone,
Could you please help me identify these two stones from central Greece, at the island of Evia?