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Idaho, USA Impact Craters

Oregon anomaly map
Washington State
Central Idaho Crater >>>
Well this is sad. If you googee that you will only find this small thing I don't even see on the above map. 

The Beaverhead crater is an impact structure spanning the U.S. states of Idaho and Montana. Estimated at 60 kilometers (37 mi) in diameter, it is one of the largest impact craters on Earth.

With an estimated age of 600 million years (Neoproterozoic), the impact's original shatter cones along the crater's perimeter provide some of the structure's only remaining visible evidence.

It is named for the Beaverhead region of southwestern Montana in which it was first discovered. Anomaly map of the structure shown below. 


Besides that they got the size wrong too. Oh well, they know about shatter cones, lol. They really don't. You can read a comprehensive explanation of shatter coning at:


Follow the money! This is a gold mining map of Idaho. While it is a common misconception that surface earth minerals are from some vague tectonic process meteor impact is much more plausible. Also a common mineral blast is indicative of a central crater. Anomaly maps can detail smaller later craters obscuring older larger impacts. 


Idaho Central Crater Theory - Big impacts make a central uplift then a low plane then rise to the crater wall. 

Karst sinkhole and cave map of US. It shows the plane void arc that runs through central Idaho. 
Impact sphere in the pulverized overfill layer of crater blast. This fine soil may or may not be ash/bentonite but you can see how fine it is. It could be a sandy loam but the color is too white and calcium bentonite is my guess. Yes, I am correct see below. As geology is oblivious to how the Earth really formed they suggest this ash is volcanic yet have not volcano capable of this much ash and can't specifically identify it. The impact however is plain to see and very large. 

The Hoodoo Series consists of very deep, poorly drained soils formed in alluvium mainly from volcanic ash. Hoodoo soils are in drainageways, on stream terraces, bottomlands and around perimeters of lakes. Slopes are 0 to 8 percent. The mean annual precipitation is about 30 inches and the mean annual temperature is about 43 degrees F.

Official Series Description - HOODOO Series - USDA

June. 9, 2024. 
 Idaho Rocks & Gems

Kurt Bjørn Elliker  ·   · 

Anyone who's up at the Succor Creek thunderegg spot will find a PILE of thundernuts. Had a great time and set aside an easy find for the next person.


Impact crater as seen from space. June 9, 2024. 

Idaho and Landsat

Fact Sheet 2022-3013

By: U.S. Geological Survey


Sorry, all you phone internet people but you really need to get a big screen and a desktop to study rocks. This is a shock agate from the Hoodoo basin. It is an impact nodule expansion with high resonate effects. On the right and left you can see the series of arcs around the feature. That is a resonate signature just frozen in time. The binder is actually suevite melt. It has a botryoidal cavity which is the material bubbling. The agate feature is a high energy wave form which stratified the minerals by resonance. The tiny crystals are fast fromed as it cooled. June 9, 2024. 

Idaho Rocks & Gems

Jay Weaver  ·   · 

Just thought you might enjoy my best Succor Creek Thunder Egg. This one has a bit of everything in it. Even better looking in person!


Succor Creek Impact Sphere pile up. June 9, 2024. 

illamette Agate & Mineral Society, Inc.  · 


Mike Freedom  ·   · 

Succor Creek photo dump. Took some photos of members looking for their treasures.


Sulfur map USA. While some states are a blur other states like Idaho show the impact craters which were negative or positive for sulfur. Sulfur is often found in meteorites and impactites. Some locations around craters will have sulfur springs. June 9, 2024. 

Charged fractal dendrite, notice how it follows the iron fractal which is also going left to right as branching is a downstream energy effect. Specimen appears to have iron, cobalt, and manganese.  June 15, 2024. 


Ashley Snook  ·   · 

What's in my basalt? interested to learn why it has all these colors and designs in it!

location: latah County, Idaho

Lee Isham

Top contributor

Impactite, energy made fractals with imparted metal from the impacting bolide/meteor. Take a look at the attached magnification. It shows fractal flow in reduction. This is the energy dissipation.

fossil information & identification

Tamara Porath  ·   · 

Found this in Lightning Creek, Clark Fork Idaho. You can see there's actually grooves in the rock where the "black" material is located. It has some reflective properties when it hits the light, bit not shiny or anything... and the last picture shows what looks like branches or the top of a leafy bush, maybe... thoughts??

Google Images said "Cladoxylopsids: An extinct group of plants related to ferns and sphenopsids," which kinda fits my thoughts in terms of possibilities.

upper Idaho.png

< Clark Fork Crater


Scotchman's Peak - Clark Fork, Idaho | Nspire Magazine 
Wave made slate with iron shown left. Impact bricking cross grid shown on slope to the right. Aug. 18, 2024. 


Cojoined impact spheres with impalements, prehnite with epidote. While these are found all over the world and are thought to be not impact in origin they are. While calcium based they have high hardness and are shock tempered. Sept. 21, 2024. 

Idaho Rocks & Gems

Charley Chuck  ·   · 

Any clue??....


Tube Agate. Notice how the central area is melted together. That is a high shock resonance effect as shock is like your microwave oven and cooks from the inside out. Oct. 27, 2024. 

Darren Johnson  ·   · 


I found this beast in Central Idaho a few days ago.


Impact nodule. It has type 1 impact bricking with offset. The offset is part of a progressive process with the first stripe (thin plane insertion) being distorted by the second. The iron is from the impacting meteor/bolide. Concave distortion is also from the offset stripe. Jan. 25, 2024. 
Melanie Johnson  

My daughter is interested in knowing more about this rock. She is tempted to break it open. It has seven points of connection. Any advice for her.

Located in north Idaho.

North Idaho.png

The impact crater. There are several impact craters in North Idaho. Just for fun let's look at what you would see from space like the other planets. I have circled one of the most obvious, a topo crater. Why call it a topo crater? Well, that is because like taking an x-ray a geology anomaly map will show the less obvious craters. Jan. 25, 2025. 
Melanie Johnson


Lee Isham she found it in that circle!
Melanie Johnson If there is a town or something recognizable near the center of the circle we should name the crater.

Melanie Johnson


Lee Isham the closest town to the center is a small town called Blanchard. We are at the dot down below, Coeur d'alene. She likely found it just to the right of there, a smidge outside the circle.

Yellowstone Crater Over Crater.png

Topo craters quite old crossing into Idaho on left. Feb. 15, 2025. 


Pattern resonance multiple harmonics. This is called pattern resonance or shock circles. Shock circle impactites are made with much higher energy than striated shatter cones. Partitioned resonance is different from central core type resonance. The higher power central core resonance makes shock agates. A lower power breakup wave resonances is expending its energy on the surface but you also have a half circle in the lower body which is a more powerful imprint actually shaping the specimen. It was in a simi plasma state at the time of formation. Source Crater? In Idaho you don't have to work to reference a crater as the whole state is essentially a crater called "Big Idaho." Feb. 16, 2025. 
Joe Blume

I’m very curious about the process that created these concentric patterns in the stone. Any ideas? From the Owyhee’s.

Big Idaho Crater.png

The Big Idaho Crater as shown in the bedrock. Feb. 16, 2025. 

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