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Illinoi, Indiana & Ohio Impact Craters 

Canton Crater
Springfield Crater

Healed Impact Craters disturbed by fracking the shale an impact ash layer. By this disturbance the crater has to resolve again the impact crater. As the crater walls are a bunch of rubble and often can be seen as karst areas like the Chicxulub karst crater wall circle the rubble must reform itself. 


Springfield Impact >>

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Wayne A Larson

@Wayne A Larson

Studied Solar energy and electrical at Sauk Valley Community College

Vugs with direction - This is a type of cindering but unlike the typical cinder it has a direction flow. Silica perhaps some trace calcium and iron. This was instant made from the large NW Central Illinois Impact Crater. 


SE portion of Hamilton County, OH. This is the Silurian Impact Extinction Event Crater Floor with the ash pile up. Shock agates also found here. 


This is a shock made impactite or some strange old concrete bubble. The matrix is a small particle composition which is blast pulverized material in the large bolide impact. It was a plasma when hit by a projectile causing a bubble bulge. This type of example is rare and I would consider valuable. Specimen collected in North Central Ohio River by: Ty Woody Johnson 


Coning flow directionality with heat mosaic and shock residual waveforms. The matrix also has the nano iron from the impacting bolide as well as the granular particle matrix which is a pulverized impact material. It is heavy because it is a shock metamorphic may or may not have a tempering clink when struck probably not as it is the wrong acoustic shape. 


Levi Johnston  · September 11 at 11:27 PM  · 

Found in Central Illinois. This is petrified wood right? I love the detail in it, pictures don't do justice but it is a bit glittery looking and the veins on the back side and side appear to have crystals. What do you all think?

Chasing multiple harmonics, a relic from the Canton Crater. Impact sludge/silt shock hardened.  It has harmonic: 
shock wave impressions
granular particle circles
Holmes county, near Millersburg, Ohio. Found in a Creek. Observation: gravel approximately three to four feet below ground level.
Oct. 6, 2022

Dry Dredgers

Chet Harris 


Limestone Impact Sphere - Hard metamorphic range shock limestone with cooling mosaic cracks, fractal to septarian in layers which caused delamination. The coal was pushed up by the impact blast an organic material compression to the crater edge area. Limestone impact spheres are part of the center of the impact as it blast out the deep limestone layers and makes them liquid to form drops like hailstones. There are two major craters in Illinois, top and bottom.

Martha Stodolny  · 

  · Dec. 5, 2022

The cracks are crystal/silver and shiny. Weighs about 3-5lbs. Found in Illinois


Impactite, flange forming sphere with high rotation and polymorphic iron crystal, core evaporation. As these impact ejecta relics can travel great distances and you are at the confluence of some big and small craters I do not know the crater source.


May May  · 16, Feb. 2023 New Castle, Indiana. USA

Any help with ID? Looks like petrified wood on one side and dookie on the other

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Springfield Crater Complex Structure

Impact Tectonics are the Earth's crust resolving impact stresses over time. 

Basin equals crater
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Mega Clast/Impact Sphere, Huron, Ohio. Reformed limestone blast melted into round shape and ejected from a crater, most suspect is the Canton Crater. 

Chad Jones

 Feb. 27, 2023

Trying to find out what these are any help is appreciated

Slag or impact splatterform? If it is slag it will have some provenance of dumping or an industrial site near. I rather think it is a splatterform, quartz olivine melt. It also has a round bead present as in more melt type attachment.
rock identification group

Zach Marnell  · April 21, 2023

Found these 2.stones today any ideas ?.. northern Ohio border area

Impactite, sine wave propagation. Melt in crevasses. Sine wave or triangle wave is what makes "shatter cones." This is an edge effect. Waves are energy in motion. In the center of an Earth Impact is chaos of shock waves. Waves however will overtake each other with distance and finally settle down to something like this. Your location is at the edge of two large craters 100 mile plus type.
May 15, 2023. 

Harrison Harry  · 5h  · 

Not sure about this one. Central Illinois

Impact breccia. Crude impact cement binder matrix. Impact makes ash a nano particle used in early cement. The specimen also has iron which is from the impacting bolide. The blast bits breccia are impact scatter. The Illinois Basin is an old impact crater complete with wiping event unconformity. Nov. 12, 2023. 
Jake Linze  · · 

Hi friends! Any insight into what this is?

Google wasn't much help, found in southern Illinois USA

Round Impactite Spheroid, Peoria, IL mid-state crater. Nov. 24, 2023. 
Scott Bloom  ·   · 

12 inch diameter VERY round rock found in kickapoo creek in peoria IL. Is this just considered a nodule? Very heavy. Not flaky and no visible layering. Not shiny like hematite. It has a few bumps here and there. Ideas on formation and composition quite welcome.

Peoria IL Crater.png
Cojoined Impact Spheres - this occurs when the impact explosion blast material is in close proximity. Nov. 24, 2023. 
Scott Bloom  ·   · 

Found in kickapoo creek in peoria Illinois. Looks like two rocks smashed together. It looks this way all around. Kind of looks melted but I'm guessing it is not. Any thoughts on what it might be called (besides weird rock) NOT magnetic.

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Another look at Ohio Impact Craters. 
Shawnee National Forest, this is iron splatter in sandstone from a big earth impact. The swirl pattern is not organized like impact spheres or boxwork. Jan. 9, 2024. 
Hiking with Shawn. 
Expansion boxwork forming, this is still not an organized type. Jan. 9, 2024. Hiking with Shawn. 
Circles is a more organized form. Resonance attenuation is the likely mechanism. Jan. 9, 2024. Shawnee National Forest, Hiking with Shawn. 
Intrusion wedge with harmonics including the sign wave "Tiger's Eye" type higher energy form. Jan. 9, 2024. Shawnee National Forest, Hiking with Shawn. 
Oblate impact sphere with ridge. Ridge specimens are not that common. Most of central Indiana is taken up by a big crater complex. Impact spheres are liquified droplets ejected in the up splash of these larger impacts. The Barringer Crater in AZ only made fragment shards it takes a bigger impact to make impact spheres. The surface appears to have a coating of black iron oxide. Really big impacts make a plasma sphere like H bombs and this mist rains down coating the specimens or as they pass through it. March 8, 2024. 
Shawn Simoneaux  

Any idea what kind of rock this is? Found in Central Indiana

Indiana Central Crater Compalx.png
Blast Crevassing. See the fractal flow patterns, that is an energy signature. April 30, 2024. 

Travel With Me


Rock House in Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

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Crater basin shown above where Hocking Hills State Park is located. April 30, 2024. 
Impact sphere with impalement and coated with the iron from the impacting meteor/bolide. The banding appears to be a mosaic splitting from the high heat. The core is the impacted limestone turned to calcite as a liquid drop and ejected through the impact storm where it got the meteor iron coating. Yes It appears to have undergone abrasion in the river. Behold the North Central Ohio Crater as seen on the geology anomaly map. June 15, 2024. 

Matthew Brown  ·   · 

Found in the Sandusky River near Bucyrus, Ohio.

It's incredibly heavy for its size. A section of it looks to be worn unnaturally, maybe from grinding?

I was thinking it's an iron oxide concretion. I'm unsure because I was unable to find any other examples quite like it.

Thanks in advance for any knowledge you can provide.

North Central Ohio Crater.png
Shatter cones and variants. The stream has excavated down to the "shock floor." The pink is the impact iron mist that bond to impactites (a plasma late stage fallout.) Coning is a shock wave form set up as a sine wave, however this shock floor has variants with concave cones and cross striations. While the NW and SW state has some big old craters as shown on the geology anomaly mapping the central state is radioactive. Like meteorites the large earth impacts vary in meteor/bolide minerals. Even though later geological events alter the original crater like a glacier flow these minerals are embedded throughout the original crater area. You can still see this large crater on the uranium map. June 25, 2024. 

Jennifer Harrison  ·   · 

Found a stream full of Cone-in-cone Formations today!! Columbus, Ohio

Central Ohio Uranium Crater.png

Shatter cone variant, fractal coning. Sept. 11, 2024. Jess Day  ·   · Found in Hocking Hills, OH

Impact mega clast with impact sphere impalement and thin plane insertion. Of special note is one of the thin plane insertions crosses the boulder and sphere indicating it was last in the process. Oct. 2, 2024. 

Kimberly Smith  ·   · 

Can anyone tell me what kind of rock this is..Macy Indiana

Thin plane insertion can go all the way through as shown here. It is a hyper velocity jet of spray that is ejected in the impact explosion a type of plasma. Oct. 2, 2024. 


Macy Indiana. 

Big Indiana.png

Big Central Indiana Impact. You can see it on the negative gravity depression it made. This would indicate that it went all the way through the Earth's Crust, a Crusta Confractus. Smaller impact that made a gravity high exploding on the surface. Based on the sizes the big impact would be Silurian or older and the small impact would be Devonian.   Oct. 2, 2024. 

Impact nodule with thin jet spray and pelting. Oct. 10, 2024. 

Kathy Bond  ·   · 


And ideas found in a field east Central indiana


Melt sheet structure from impact. The specimen is not concentric i. e. not fossil plant. Attached is a lower shock pressure example from the Wetumpka, AL crater wall. Oct. 15, 2024. 

Pam Snyder-Shipley  ·   · 

Now this big fella my son found 5 or more years ago in the same place mine were found

It's very large and heavy

Any ideas?

Found Plainville IL


Plainville, IL. 

Plainville Crater.png

Crater edge runs across Plainville, IL.


Lee Isham

Top contributor

Of fractals, fossils and physics. If this were a fossil, it is not recognized. It does have fractals, the tree like branching structures. It does have impalements or a type of radial branching fossil perhaps. I like difficult rocks like this one. I am still of the opinion it is a type of impact made structure but just because we have not seen anything like it before am keeping an open mind. Magnification attached. Oct. 16, 2024. 


Impactite nodule in transition to crystal formation while cooling. Quartz/Chalcedony/Carnelian/Citrine, no probably calcite. The little iron filaments I have been studying for years now. It has shock circles and surface wave sheet wave forms. Nov. 26, 2024. 
Ryan SchorfheideRockhounding For Beginners - The Original

This one got me stumped. Southern Illinois Washington County. 

Troy Copeland with impact breccia mega clast, Cassville, Indiana. Removed from overburden using a backhoe and D8 dozer. Dec. 29, 2024. 
That is a shock circle. Shock this powerful sets up a resonance that attenuates the minerals separating them. This local zone is grounding or dissipating the energy. This was once bedrock, the iron is from the impacting bolide/meteor. The effect overall is called meteor mottling. Dec. 29, 2024.  Troy Copeland specimen. 
Stephanie Wurdinger

The "ring" is a reaction rim, formed by heat. The rock is a vocanic pyroclastic flow.

Lee Isham

Stephanie Wurdinger thank you for that intelligent comment. Let me point out the advantage of modern impact theory. First it is able to identify craters with the geology mapping whereas no volcanoes are present. Second it is able to associate iron with the metamorphic and the non metamorphic inclusion. Finally it is able to associate fiber crystals to the event. I recommend a new book by David Buthman on Amazon "Impact Crater Tectonics" if you would like to read up on it.

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Fiber crystal phenomena associated with impact shown above as white threads. While you can have Pele Hair with volcanoes this is not that fragile surface type, it is imbedded in the metamorphic rock. Dec. 31, 2024. 
Iron from the impacting meteor/bolide. Dec. 29, 2024. Troy Copeland specimen. 
Crater Confluence North Central Indiana.png
Cassville, Indiana is located at the confluence of four big craters each powerful enough to blast this bedrock out as a mega clast. Dec. 29, 2024. Note: while the large ring may be overstated the negative magnetic area surrounding the ring could mean it is a multi-ring impact, or impact into an older larger crater as you have pushed out large masses of iron around the negative void area. 

Identification of Rocks & Minerals - NO sales! NO spam!

Brian Thurston  · 12h  · 

Any ideas what’s going on with this rock? Was tilled up from a farm field in Ohio. Rather big, as you can see small limestone gravel under it. Appears to have several other rocks in it.

Aubrey Whymark

Top contributor

While Ohio does not feature any active volcanoes today, our state did go through ages of periodic volcanic activity during the Precambrian, Ordovician, and Devonian Periods from about 4.5 billion to about 360 million years ago. “During the Ordovician Period, about 454 million years ago, Ohio experienced the effects of some of the largest volcanic eruptions in the history of Earth,” says staff geologist Greg Schumacher. “The sun over Ohio would have disappeared behind huge clouds of volcanic ash that likely covered most of Earth’s surface. Thick blankets of ash buried the land surface and accumulated over the sea floor, smothering untold billions of organisms. Yet no major extinction events are associated with this volcanic activity. Source:

Lee Isham

Aubrey Whymark Modern impact theory. The ash would be impact ash which would be confused as volcanic. The associated time would be large impacts as impact size decreases with time. The physics of breaking and fusing limestone is beyond any volcanic process. The presence of honeycomb structures in iron and the limestone are also beyond volcanic physics. Fractal honeycomb motion from right to left. That is a shock made structure of high energy. It is a type of fractal/Septarian only the narrow nature of it is very directional. 

Aubrey Whymark

Top contributor

Lee Isham What is this nonsense? I have studied impact craters (Ries and Sudbury).​

Lee Isham

Aubrey Whymark Yes, I am sure you have. First let me point out that all impacts are unique so a boilerplate of Ries and Sudbury does not encompass impact physics. Second let me quote one of the scientists from the world's biggest research lab where I worked in rejecting a proposal from scientist from the former Soviet Union, "what is your mechanism" i.e. physics. I would ask the same. Finally, while I liked your answer above it is a very dated understanding besides being vague in any mechanism/physics.

Positive and negative gravity structures of the Buckeye State.png

Positive and negative gravity craters of the Buckeye State. Dec. 31, 2024. 

Magnetic craters of the Buckeye State.png

Positive and negative magnetic craters of the Buckeye State. Dec. 31, 2024. 


Impact ash and iron. One Horse Gap area, near Herod IL. Grant Twiss Outdoor Photography Jan. 9, 2025. 


Impact ash/clay which is nano pulverized particles and iron. One Horse Gap area, near Herod IL. Grant Twiss Outdoor Photography Jan. 9, 2025. 


Two large craters still visible as topo craters. The smaller crater occurred later. Jan. 9, 2025. 


Here you can see the larger of the two craters transition into Kentucky. Jan. 9, 2025. 


The second smaller impact was a uranium negative meteor/bolide. Jan. 9, 2025. 


Eastern Ohio impact ash/shale with impact disk. Impact disk are rarer than their cousin impact spheres. They are one of the alterations shown on tektite formation charts however. Feb. 8, 2025. Picture from the Ohio Geological Society. 


Squiggles and quartzite. Was very hot and has separated the black iron oxide. The Wabash River wraps around the big Central Indiana Impact Crater a common occurrence with rivers. Feb. 24, 2025. 
Katelyn Leon White

My first cut of the year absolutely beautiful. I think I have an idea of what it is but anyone else have any ideas? Found in the wabash river in Indiana.

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The Indianapolis/Wabash Impact Structure. Likely Ordovician. Feb. 24, 2025. 

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