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3K-Splatterforms, Icing & Impact Pollocktite - Jackson Pollock could fill a canvas with various applied impact splatter with a conformity that made a balanced flow of what would thought to be random. This specimen is a Splatterform and contains a quartz impact spider web like also balanced binder. Throughout my investigation of the Howell/Petersburg Impact Structure I find shock metamorphic sand into quartz mixed with the metal flow. The various colored bubble like metals are iron oxides remade from the meteor itself and exploded outward hitting this chert rock canvas. A splatter impactite, Jackson Pollocktite. When ask what was Jackson Pollock's painting message I replied "Inspiration to think beyond the ordinary." And that is why ordinary geology fails. 
Impactites are edge effects. Craters impact points are vaporized.  As a forensic investigator this specimen is like a crime scene blood splatter evaluation. Around the world most impacts are more direct hits and not into such mixed impact media, water, mud, sand and rock in this case. It produced more edge effects i.e. more information. A simple crater like the one in Arizona does not make as much diversity of specimens as I find here.
The specimen below was shared on Facebook and is quartz and iron hyper velocity insertion and shocked splatter. I call it the Mid Century Modern Rock. I want to make a lamp out of it. It is a Splatterform. 

Another look at the mid century modern rock. 


Shocking beauty. This small chert gravel is very pretty when you take a closer look. Beauty is a proof in itself of God's essence in us. It is not a Splatterform as the pigment process was more homogeneous. A Splatterform is the contact of high shock melt onto a less shocked body. 

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Splatterforms are peculiar to the impacts that produce them. This one below is also a mega clast which are shaped and sculpted by the shock particle storm. At some later point it rained down this icing which is a melted stone and iron which could even have precipitated at two different points. 
Shock melt is something few have ever seen. I see it allot, living in a crater. The specimen below was posted by a collector in TX and has the look  i.e. Meteor meets Sand. I call this rock the Neapolitan Cone.  The icing is the Vanilla section which is melting. It is not a Splatterform. It was all shocked together but materials melted differently. 
Difficult to see Copper mixed icing shown below with lichen. This boulder located at Lake Logan, TN which is in SE Giles County and the SW crater area is a localized copper rained down out of the shock chaos storm. You can read more about the shock chaos storm at:
The fossil coral below may be slightly shocked but the iron arrived on it as a blob and cooled on it. Specimen is from just over the crater wall at the AL/TN border southwest crater. The coral period was a late Devonian sequence here. The impact blasted the fossils out in the impact and the shock chaos storm splattered it. You can read more about shocked fossils at:
This little dude below was posted for identification and found in Mt. Airy, NC. It is a Splatterform and the body is slightly shocked too. It makes a good example of the common misconception that industrial slag is the cause of these feature types. Both professional and amateur geologist believe this but have never darkened the doors of a metal working factory and devoted no time to the study of same. First of all a geologist is not an industrial archaeologist, and apparently they were sleeping in 8th grade history class. The Southern States fought a war to retain their Jeffersonian Agricultural Identity. There are no significantly old metal works scattered around the South. Nor would the tailings from any said process look like this. Also the landing on specimen is shocked and has an exterior iron halo from a nano stream of iron developed in the shock chaos impact cloud. But hey, they don't know about any of that either when making their popular but wrong pronouncement.   
Found in Utah this is random splatter. Notice the chaos of the process of shock melting. Is not like the many models of impact crater  explosion based on nuclear explosions. This is faster, more chaotic and based on kinetic energy. I discuss this process at
Below you can see Utah's  Moqui Marbles left and impact splatter. Found on the side of a Mesa Wall I am glad to report it was not labeled industrial slag. Alas the real slag process is the system of geology. The Moqui Marbles are an impact hail out of the shock chaos cloud. The Splatterform is a high velocity ribbon stream from same. The chaos explosion dynamics appears to have later hit this with some marbles which are really called impact spheroids. 
Specimen below was collected by Shannon Moore on the banks of Lake Erie in Western New York State. It is a splatterform of a different type. This wrapping effect is a plasma like encounter but you see X and O a lot on impactites. It's splatterform matrix does not appear to be a resonate structure but is similar to staurolite which is. 
Shown to the right is staurolite a second iteration banding (twinning) crystal which branches perpendicular. 
Beautiful splatter form shown below is also a surface "Constellationing" effect. It may be cobalt or azurite. 
Splatterform from the Ft. Worth Area Crater. What is different here is the viscosity. Usually crater relics show a lot of plasma type effects but this is clearly (pun) liquid. Likely Iron(II,III) oxide is the chemical compound with formula Fe3O4. It occurs in nature as the mineral magnetite.

<< Banding step wave harmonic

Since iron melts at 2,000 degrees F you got to know that this was all a simi plasma that cooled. Look at how the elements blend in some places. This was all put on very hot!

The Lace Splatterform - Found in Wisconsin. Appears to be a fiber crystal construction. 

<<< Nano Iron Mist

This is a "splatterform" impactite. The black is Fe3O4 iron oxide very hot that hit it during an impact explosion. TheFe3O4 iron oxide is in a state of cindering at 5 to 6 or more thousand degrees. While earth entry can make heats up to 5,000 degrees the black does not conform to the rock matrix as it is a silica base. There is a large earth impact somewhere near the Philippines as it is a Tektite shock glass strewn field.

Every impact is different. This Splatterform is from a beach at Edinburgh. It is an explosion refined milky quartz with cobalt. The matrix is the earth it hit only reconstituted as a granular crystal construction. The nano iron mist could also be considered a type of splatter but usually not noted as such. 

Now here we have both a splatterform and thin plane hyper velocity insertion of cobalt. This one is from the Thrace Crater just west of Istanbul, Turkey. 

Layer Form - This is the sedimentary version of an impactite. Formed in seconds. The surface you see is bentonite clay ash. It is settling at the same time as the other sediment. This is from the wash back into the crater. It is the final impactite form. The bentonite ash could be calcium bentonite as it is likely the explosion vaporized even the limestone bedrock where it hit here. The strata is exposed all the way down past  the Silurian. 

I found this specimen in my yard here at Lake Logan, TN. At first I thought it could be some kind of coral. The detail is just so uniform and progressive. It is keeping up the pattern at 1/64 inch. You can also see the iron splatter on it. This is a shock harmonic septarian type pattern but I have never seen it this advanced in consistent small pattern flow. I am thinking about calling this cell expansion banding but generally it is of the septarian type that includes so much of nature. 

The Conehead Vegetable Orb - Facehugger inside. Splatterform? NO. It is a resonate form. These surface minerals are in resonance forming fractals which is a process that occurred as a unified body. 

Oyster shell fossil Splatterform - Midlothian, TX USA

Specimen above is from Ames Iowa and I would assume it to be an impactite splatterform from one of the many Iowa Impacts. But it looks like a meteorite. So which is it? I have not seen another splatterform like it before. You can see the many craters of Iowa at:


Another Neapolitan - This specimen is from the Philippians and was posted on line as a meteorite. The splatter is being mistaken for an ablative edge. I admit it is a tricky one. The white in the black is not a good indicator of ablative edges. It was so hot as to gas those pits but with ablation it would have kept the burn going and still be black under the gassing surface. This is a layerform of sequence metamorphic effects. As a rule meteorites do not have so much sequence diversity as they do not have confined space.  


Specimen collected by Raven Jade Onstott of Columbia, CA USA. This is a layered splatterform. First came the black iron oxide then the cobalt/quartz in a high heat bubbling form i.e. botroidal. 

Later stages of the impact explosion have both the splatter sequence and the hole sequence. This specimen is both. From Lake Logan, TN. 

Mohamed Bouzelfen collection- morocco. Copper Chrysocolla is a hydrated copper phyllosilicate mineral and mineraloid with formula Cu 2–xAl x{H 2–xSi 2O 5)(OH) 4•nH 2O (x<1)[1] or (Cu,Al) 2H 2Si 2O
5(OH) 4•nH 2O).[3] The structure of the mineral has been questioned, as spectrographic studies suggest material identified as chrysocolla may be a mixture of the copper hydroxide spertiniite and chalcedony.


<< Inside eyelash effect second iteration resonate structure. Rare, the only one I have ever seen. 


Petrified wood texture close up - Photo by Mark Windom

So this is why I bought the $2,500 camera. I go rock hunting yesterday and find a small specimen with a flaking carbon coating so that goes in the bag. After carrying it back the carbon has mostly flaked off, but the surface below it is checkerboard! Now that just pegs out my weird shit o meter (WSOM)! Take a look. This is a shrinkage pattern not a harmonic. 


Banding harmonic matrix with uniform splatterform coating. Rare. 

The philosophy and metaphysics of form - Materialism is what is taught at school. It has that matter is just matter. So at a physics level the extent that materialism addresses why is form. So in this specimen we have a form begging for explanation. Is it just matter or does it's form matter? See my point?

A splatterform can be as simple as two types of rock welded together as shown in this specimen from the Ft. Worth, TX area crater collected by Lisa Ford Brasher.

The "buttermilk biscuit" splatterform. Sand not highly melted either on a bit more melted (shock) surface stone with the iron in a fluidized surface. Clearly the white section landed on the bottom rock. It may have been carrying the iron already. 


this is unique. It is an impactite from some large meteor hitting earth that contained iron. They explode and splatter molten stuff everywhere. It is unique because it is a resonant splatterform. The circular form is no accident, it is a circle drop like base because it was a melted drop tossed from the explosion. After that the molten iron hit it but the shock wave was in a period wave which made the circle rim but the center is a fractal with an impact hole. Fractals are the immediate energy form just below circle waves. So the outer harmonic is a reversed stronger expression which is strange.  Specimen collected by Halle Warren


Impalement Splatterform. 


Armstrong British Columbia, Canada. High shock cinder type form with impacting disk. 


Splatterform Cinder collected by Jim Kingdom. Must have been a close in survivor or kicked outward in the blast receiving the splatter as it went. 


Flash Phase - This specimen appears to have been in contact with the plasma bubble. This is a center impact explosion effect where the nano particles like iron from the meteor exist. You usually just find highly melted phenomena this close but this appears to have been flash touched. Jim Kingdon specimen. It is also a type of splatterform but a new type


Harmonic Bricking Splatterform, The Splatter Ladder?  - Notice the constellationing patterns in the splatter, they are of shock type more linear and making geometric forms like laddering. And the matrix is same. The splatter appears to be a fractal energy expression. Now is the core a fossil? Bricking offset is uncommon in fossils. 


I usually classify rocks like this as close in effects. It has too much diversity to be tectonic although highly metamorphic, granite like. While I have not discussed it before, I believe the connecting of the dots i.e. constellationing to require some greater distance which produces a high dot density and particle size sorting. As an art lover the Pollock is a good point. True explosion randomness looks like this rock. The Pollock paintings balance and while appearing random the mind sees that they have a fractal balance with the splatter consistent in size and across the canvas.


Impact splatterform, you can even see little protrusions sticking out on the right side. Bay of Fundy Nova Scotia, collected by Chelsea McIntosh


Blast breccia, see how the breccia stops at the top, it is only a layer. Something like a splatterform. Southern California, collected by Alberto Martinez

Splatter strata


Beach at New South Wales, Australia. 


Beach at New South Wales, Australia. 


Impact made Splatter Strata forms collected at Stella, TN. 

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Energy Chaos Crystallization - Specimen collected by Tarik Ham in Morocco. This charged energy metamorphic is conductors and non conductors resolving energy grounding consolidation which makes chaos crystals. You of course see the lightning tree fractals but the bits are not breccia. They are fast formed crystals that cannot establish compacted alignment. One side has an energy disintegrating splatterform. A secondary arrival. Impact is a sequence event.


Lateral landing splatterform - Carol Mikelsen

Found in southeast Arizona on the east side of the San Pedro River about 1 mile northeast of Cerro San Jose. Notice the landing surface has a direction grain difference. This could have been produced while in motion turning. 


This one off specimen was collected by Ali Kardenez on a mountain top in Turkey. Look how the energy fractals go under and over the splatter. This was a quick event sequence. 


Splatterform tube harmonic impactite - Large meteor hit earth and exploded. The pretty quartz is a fast formed crystal which has expanded from the botryoidal to tubes as it had continuing energy. The banding lines are a step harmonic resonate wave.


This is new. A glassover splatterform. A melt side obsidian like. It is similar to a meteorite in that. Carol Hughes specimen Dickson, TN. 

Now here is an overlap problem. Igneous, impact, and man made processes can have overlap rocks. Since the impact blasted the iron from the meteor bolide into its crater walls you had iron mining of the crater walls in the 1800's. So you could have slag among impactites.  Take a look at the map below. 


Splatterform impactite with black iron oxide charged surface imprinting. Looks very old. The rough surface texture is related to the matrix forming process of a shock particle impact storm which also produces the charged deposit as the swirling mass of particles makes a type of lightning similar to volcanic ash lightning. The white appears to be calcium refined in the impact process out of shells/limestone which arrive at a late stage in the explosion and was so hot it has boiled off on the surface.  Specimen collected by: Kelly Felber swmn is exactly sw Minnesota


Splatterform/blended integral cusp. Rare. Lower section of Johnson Top SW Franklin County, TN. From Howell Impact. 


Falsum Lichenas or false lichen a splatter form type. It only has color on the surface and you can break it like a coral. 


It comes in yellow too. NW Jackson County, AL Johnson Top. 


Layerform impactite meteorite - Made in space with harmonic sequence layers, high metal content. Notice how the layers differ. And of course the beautiful patina from earth entry. A really nice specimen.  Elinor Abrenica 


Mars Splatterform - An enhanced-color image of the Chocolate Hills rock on Mars shows a strange coating that one researcher has called a "blueberry sandwich." The coating appears blue in this picture due to the false-color effect, but the naked eye would see this scene in shades of rusty red. Chocolate Hills is about the size of a loaf of bread. Click on the picture for a larger version.NASA / JPL-Caltech / Cornell

NASA's Mars rover Opportunity has found a Martian rock covered in weird material as its odometer hit a major milestone this week, with the long-lived robot completing equivalent to a half–marathon on the Red Planet.

Opportunity, now in its seventh year on Mars, found the odd Mars rock during the past six weeks studying investigating a crater called "Concepción."

The crater is about 33 feet (10 meters) in diameter, with dark rays extending from it, as seen from orbit, which made it a target of interest for rover inspection because they suggest the crater is young.

The rover made the pit stop to investigate the crater on its long journey to the large crater Endeavour, which is still about 7 miles (12 kilometers) away. It was while Opportunity was at Concepción that the rover surpassed 12.43 miles (20 kilometers) of total driving, about the length of a half-marathon.

Opportunity has driven farther than any other wheeled robot to land on Mars. Its robotic twin Spirit, which landed in January 2004 just weeks ahead of Opportunity, has driven about 4.8 miles (7.7 kilometers), while NASA's Sojourner rover, a small robot that landed in 1997, could drive only about a third of a mile (about half a kilometer) from the Pathfinder base it landed with.

Mars rock oddity
With new software that allows Opportunity to photograph rocks and other aspects of the Martian terrain and decide for itself what is worth closer inspection, the rover took an up-close look at a few rocks ejected by the impact that created Concepción.

What Opportunity has seen are chunks of the same type of bedrock it has seen at hundreds of locations since landing in January 2004: soft, sulfate-rich sandstone holding harder peppercorn-size dark spheres like berries in a muffin. The little spheres, rich in iron, gained the nickname "blueberries." But these rocks have some unusual twists as well.


A false-color image from the Opportunity rover's microscopic imager shows details of the

"It was clear from the images that Opportunity took on the approach to Concepción that there was strange stuff on lots of the rocks near the crater," said Steve Squyres of Cornell University, principal investigator for Opportunity and Spirit. "There's dark, grayish material coating faces of the rocks and filling fractures in them. At least part of it is composed of blueberries jammed together as close as you could pack them. We've never seen anything like this before."

Opportunity used tools on its robotic arm to examine this unusual material on a rock called "Chocolate Hills." In some places, the layer of closely packed spheres lies between thinner, smoother layers.


Unique impact concretion with tubular harmonic carnelian splatterform. I hope you don't mind but I am a sucker for any unique phenomena and want to add this one to my encyclopedia. While sedimentary theory would say this built up over time that theory has limitations like the bonding of a later arriving carnelian on the surface with tubes in it. Impact a a fast forming nodule concretions supports a shock chaos storm with late arriving progressive build sequence. Why is it constructed with connecting iron dots into tube structure forms? Shock is a resonance producing phenomena. It will absorb a higher energy around centers of mass and produce banding. The dots are in a state of being aligned by harmonic influence. Its basic matrix composition is silica (sand) and iron from the impacting bolide. Impact theory would suggest that this specimen was a closer in survivor as shock will imprint more clearly with distance. The tubular wave harmonic is a wave period form expressing wavelength. Larry Gill specimen. 


Has an iron cubic crystal as well as linear needle iron. This is a rare type of iron splatterform. Specimen pictures provided by: 

Ganga Gurung


Splatterform Buffalo - Who would not pick up and collect this rock? Iron nickel splatter it looks like that even penetrated the matrix. I suspect it came in at great velocity. The matrix is almost a shock broccoli heat mosaic crystal structure. Specimen collected by: Sarah McClintock  


Botryoidal surface bubbling or impact sphere splatterform? Both it looks like the white sphere is the give a way. Picture by: Brian Curl. 


Rare type Splatterform impactite. This was so hot the splatter has come apart and is spread like thin paint on a surface or in this case very hot surface making it thin. 

Minnesota Rocks Minerals And Fossils

Ross Winberg  


Lee Isham

I like this specimen for the same challenge it presents. While the crust appears to be ablative it is too uniform. It is uniform but does not resemble weathering. As an impactite splatterform it is also unusual but that would be my opinion. How did it form? Some meteorites will roll during entry making a more uniform ablation. I believe this was spinning in an impact explosion and coated with an ejecta liquid high in Fe3O4 which would be consistent with an impact explosion sequence as the bolide itself would often contain iron and be a later ejecta. I also believe it to be very old and to have lost surface. My best crater id would be the Cherokee Platform Crater but old usually means large so it could be from the really big impact, accretion type often Ordovician.

Rock Collectors

Kirk Freeman  · 10h  · 

I found this rock at Perry Lake. Perry KS.


The weird sphere (really a circle but that does not rhyme) and luster. High shock metamorphic with fractal mosaic surface from cooling. Big shock made rocks are often called mega clast but this one also qualifies as an impact sphere. Why would it present this circle with point facing? The geometric shock forms like shattercones (points) and circles, spheres are related shock harmonic transition forms depending on the energy levels.

The surface luster drip is a late arriving splatterform in the impact explosion sequence.

Justin Ellingson


Looking for help/ input. Have this but would love for it to go with someone who will appreciate it. I was told its rose quarts. Picture is with water poured on it. Like to know value you can not move on your own so atleast 200lbs.


Impactite Splatterform Boxwork - Directionality from right to left. This impact iron splatter made both wave separation lines and drip lateral stretching lines on impact. To melt iron like this would be more heat than a volcano. Surface iron is more easily explained as impact.

Rock Collectors

Rayce Reed  

Some rocks I have found in Muskogee, Ok. I have been curious as to how they formed. I thought volcano. I like them because of their unusual appearance.


Lee Isham

Directional splatterform - Splatterforms are a late arriving molten material from a large earth impact. The direction of this splash is from top to bottom hence the end hole.

Michael Reina

Went to Sussex County Technical School

From Hopatcong, New Jersey


Impactite Splatterform with matrix cavitation. This is rare. So rare I need to add it to my encyclopedia if you don't mind. Cavitation on impactites is rare, few have seen it. Your specimen even has "trailing cavitation." Trailing cavitation is the indenting back side which makes points and hollows. I don't doubt that this specimen was turning so the trailing cavitation is a little distributed. The splatter iron from the exploding meteor came after and attached as a hot plasma and picked up some pebbles as it hit and rolled the specimen. That being the third and final construction sequence.


Lee Isham

Geometric splatterform - Impact nodule that was spinning while ejected and a subsequent linear iron Fe3O4 (black iron oxide) hit it. Lynn Audet  specimen Maine, USA Aug. 15, 2022


Lee Isham

Splatterform geometric mosaic - You are seeing a freeze frame in time of an impactite sequence effect. The core nodule was splashed with the melted sand/silica involved in the impact site. It was so hot that it wrapped the core nodule and cooled pulling it into the wrapped net mosaic. It is a very nice specimen.

Minnesota Rocks Minerals And Fossils

Lori Haedtke-Finlay  · Aug. 19,2022

Not found in MN but thought I'd share as it was a cool fossil. Delete if not ok...found in Indiana river rock.


Late arriving splatterform. Was already cooling when this impact splatter hit this shock made mega clast. 

Trần Hiếu Bá»­u  ·   · Sept. 24, 2022


Thank you addmin

Thank you so much my friends.


Rare Splatterform Type, Solid core, mixed splatter - It also has directionality like a meterorite as it was splatted and moving as ejecta. While many splatterforms appear to have stopped moving and then receive splatter this one passed through the ejecta explosion. A rare example. 

Jim Kingdon

 Oct. 4, 2022 · 

What’s my rock , looks like fusion crust ? 3.45g/cm3 total mass of this piece is 435 grams.


This was a liquid surface. See that quartz point in upper right, that is a rare non crystal quartz quick hardening. Specimen collected by: 

نيازك مولاي عمر Oct. 4, 2022

Not a Splatterform, this is a rare meteorite type a high shock conglomerate, melt surface. 

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Rare meteorite or possible impactite type. Opalesce, flow dendritic, flow botryoidal. While limited banding is present, it appears to be a fast made not well defined type, also indicating meteorite. Earth entry 4,500 F will do all of this but this one is different.

Thomas M Johns


What's this ? Oct. 4, 2022

Lee Isham

I need to add this to my on-line encyclopedia of phenomena if you don't mind. Shock made mega clast with iron splatterform expansion constrained bubble from. Late arriving iron from the impacting bolide with very high heat making this two dimensional geometric form. You can see this with a bubble wand as the bubble surfaces will press against each other making geometric forms. Note the lower section as a less iron fractal inclusion which arrived before the higher iron splatterform. 


Chica Morgan  · Oct. 13, 2022  · 

My buddy picked this up at a rock yard in GA, it was mined locally. They used it to hold down a huge tarp, but let him buy it.

I was told this is called "iron boxwork formation".

Never seen anything like it...


Directional Carnelian Splatterform. 

Jeremy Moore  · Oct. 14, 2022  · 

Just pulled this Carnelian from the Rogue River near Grant’s Pass!! Took about 2 hours to carefully dislodge from the hard-packed bank.

*Edit- This is in Oregon*


Impactite, with high heat splatter mosaic and directionality. The rough particle surface is the granular shock chaos particle storm. Is a rare fast sequence type of splatterform; an almost instant two stage construction.

rock identification group

Siera Olson  · Oct. 26, 2022

Not a mineral but wanted to share this pretty wonderful find. I kinda see a bird of some sort, what do y’all think?


Impactite Splatterform with contraction voids.

Augusta Pacheco

Lives in Wiley, Colorado Oct. 26, 2022


Beauty and the Beast, a two stage splatterform. The darker carnelian is the first splatter to arrive then the prettier lighter color overcoating. It was very hot and contracted while cooling therefore making the pull apart forms.

Front and back, carnelian surface find, Bellata,

New South Wales, Australia.Jamie McCormick Oct. 27, 2022

Tiny cubic proto crystal forming. 

Constellationing Coning and tubular iron bits splatterform. Rare. 

What's my rock?

Lisa Brashear  · Oct. 29, 2022

New rocks showing up at the end of my stick tank I have never seen here any idea what they might be other than melted. Midlothian, TX. 

Notice the cones are all pointing the same direction. 

This specimen is a dissertation of rejection patterning. A high shock type 2 impactite containing both impact material and impacting bolide material. It is a meta form and Splatterform with rejection patterns at two levels.  The inclusions arrived from closer to the center of the impact as there rejection patterning is higher shock. The specimen while containing linear Constellationing as a rejection pattern also has some larger "false strata" or strata larger linear striation in the top left bits. This could be a larger shock wave imprinting (false strata) or sediment lines. The extreme indention of the inclusions indicate it was very hot and has isolated around these inclusions as a cooling differentiation mosaic. While it does have a small section in upper top right side that appears to be a shallow ablation surface the overall presentation is not a meteorite. As for specific impact orogeny only a very large earth impact could have made this specimen. Primary suspect crater would be the Navada Basin Crater. Large Ordovician Crater.

Rocks and Minerals - identification and information

Vivian Wagner  · Dec. 9, 2022

I think this might be some sort of collection of fossils embedded in sandstone? Found outside of Pahrump, Nevada.

Lee Isham

Dec. 10, 2022

Impactite, Splatterform, Thin Plane Insertion, Shock Lines, Bricking, Iron/Silica. So let's start the forensics. First you want to save the pictures you are examining and magnify them on a big screen 4k monitor. In this detail you can see the fractal breakup of the thin lines. This is an energy effect. Is similar to lightning but a high energy material flow found in impactites. It is not a creeping deposit into cracks as is taught. These inserts are conductors, contrary to the creeping into cracks they can crack the matrix with their energy which you will see in specimens from time to time. Next the same conductive material connects as a splatter with these energy inserts. Cross inserts is a phenomenon of high energy. It will brick making a parallel energy insertion at right angles. It is too high to be contained in a single dimension. This impactite is from a large earth impact as a small one could not produce this much energy.

Omar Obaid


Can you help me Identifying this rock type.. heavy like 2 kg handful size , fair magnetic effect , that golden colour is brown in reality I think its Iron oxide.

Impactite, Splatterform with round spheroid impalements. These impact relics are from a large earth impact type 3 exploding. The core matrix was ejected as part of the impact surface, the meteor material melt and impact sphere hit it in flight.

Phil Evans  ·Dec. 11, 2022

I found this yesterday exposed on a cow track. Geology of the area is alluvial gravels and clays. This piece is mildly magnetic. It leaves no streak on porcelain. A very inaccurate specific gravity is 2.9 (I need a better set of scales.) There appear to be some inclusions that are slightly redder in colour. Vague suggestions of a thin surface crust inside some of the depressions. Found in South East Australia. Any thoughts?

Fentress County, TN Impact iron splatter as seen at Pickett State Park. This detail is shaping the arc form you sometimes see as a resonate energy effect although most detail is not. This impact splatter is from the bolide itself. Usually observed as an insert in sandstone as an edge effect. David Liles photographer Feb. 12, 2023. 


Lee Isham

Impact Geometric Splatterform - Although your location is at the confluence of two craters as this is an edge effect it is from the Big MO Impact which covers all of Southern Missouri. Impact will produce a shredded matter effect ejecting threads of material which will land and bond as the whole of the area is still very hot and in a very high pressure. Threads like bubbles can expand in this process to make a geometric physics form. Unlike a fossil or even a fossil trace these physics forms tend to not hold a consistent pattern long. 

Organization by combining wave currents. First let's specify that these are exceptional examples i.e. uncommon. The usual find of surface welded strings is a jumble. This is found as an edge impact effect due to the organizing physics of wave combinations. Like at the beach one wave overtakes another and combines. This is a physics common to all wave motion (waves are energy in motion like a photon moving is a wave, stopped it would seem to be a particle). These shredded strings are broadcast outward from the impact but gather in flight by riding the shock waves which will organize with distance. Impact is a many shockwave event therefore the cross hatching phenomenon. The impacted landing matrix is also resonating with this wave harmonic making the surface a seating conforming adaptation. Sonic welding.

rock identification group

RJ Davis  · Feb. 20, 2023

I live in southern Missouri, in the Ozarks, and found this thing on a hillside in the woods. I at first thought it to be man-made, as it has an appearance of concrete squeezed out of a piping bag. I've shown it to several locals and many insist it is natural. There are many rocks with raised "patterns" around here, likely once part of a cave roof or wall. But this is extreme, with the "lines" being some 2 inches wide and over an inch deep, and strangely symmetrical in a small area.

I'm hoping some of you rockhounds can give me a definitive answer. Thanks!

Impactites from the Rockwood to Jacksboro Crater. The spheres contain ash. They were so hot the cores burned up. The Impact Geometric is the only free standing one I have ever seen! They usually land on something and weld to it. Very rare! Oneida, TN Scott County. 
May 17, 2023. 

Aaron Morrow  ·   · 

Not sure what this is or used to be. Found in East Tn where some dirt was recently removed. It was in with some other rock, a few were hollow inside but only contained rock debris. Crumbles like slate rock. Looks like slate but I'm no expert so please help with identification.

Edit: it is NOT magnetic. None of them are.

Edit 2: video and pics added of the other rocks found with it that I opened.

Slag or impact splatterform? If it is slag it will have some provenance of dumping or an industrial site near. I rather think it is a splatterform, quartz olivine melt. It also has a round bead present as in more melt type attachment. The crackle glaze mosaic septarian is also seen in ceramics. 
rock identification group

Zach Marnell  · April 21, 2023

Found these 2.stones today any ideas ?.. northern Ohio border area

The heart rock is rare. You have found a crater. The surface designs on it are impact splatter in simi melt state chained together by the blast. Very rare. May 25, 2023. 

Matthew Hayes

  ·   · 

I'm glad I found this group ,Came from the Hillbillyu site ,And been reading for days on particle storm

signature. And

shock made agates ,thundereggs and geodes.Ive found all these and a ton more in the same area. Could Someone explain this (Heart), WHAT IS IT , and the others .like we're some of these at inpact zone ? OHIO Thanks

Murfreesboro, TN Impact Crater Part 8: Impact Stippling Splatterform. Particle debris imprinting surface of impactite. What a great example. The matrix was still a liquid as these impalements made circles and ridges. The matrix itself is in a common particle constellationing rejection pattern surface as it cooled. Pull Tight Hill Rd. Highest point in Williamson County, TN on the west crater wall. May 28, 2023. 
Iron impact splatter expansion with directionality. First let me point out that this is not a slow form iron concretions like those rust stains on commodes. This iron is dense and was molten at the time of impact burn into this host rock matrix. It came at a low angle and made the classic oval. It also made a shift in its form making it a double layer. The "Mercedes Benz badge" is actually a fractal branching as it pulled into the oval form, like spokes on a wheel. Also note that sedimentary theory would have you believe this dense iron placed itself into a previous crack system and the inside dissolved away. Notice how the cracks nearby have no iron in them. Have you ever seen Mercedes Benz badge deep cracks before? Cracking does not favor circles with spokes. Impact made boxwork type. July 10, 2023. 
Hilda Thatcher DeSha

Can anyone explain how this happened. Found in a river bed in East Tennessee.

th (1).jpg
th (2).jpg

Free form boxwork, Oneida, TN. Dissolution theory does not explain the form itself. Liesegang theory only explains uniform gradient banding which boxwork is not. (see pictures 2, & 3)

This is an example of a rare impact made fast form that unlike most boxwork did not splatter onto something. What it looks like in free flight. While the examples of boxwork are endless in type the mechanism is the same, melt splatter from impact. (see picture 5) Now organized wave mechanics will make squares, diamonds etc. That would be from the impact shock waves. (see picture 4).

Aaron Morrow · ·

Not sure what this is or used to be. Found in East Tn where some dirt was recently removed. It was in with some other rock, a few were hollow inside but only contained rock debris. Crumbles like slate rock. Looks like slate but I'm no expert so please help with identification.

Edit: it is NOT magnetic. (magnetism is altered by shock physics which was first proved by NASA back in the 1960's.)

Liesegang mechanics is one of the many "rejection patterns." Rejection patterns are a state of not mixing as most famously introduced by Turing in 1952. These patterns are altered by energy all the way to mixed, thereby removing the pattern.

Geology is a very under rated science, fieldwork and organizing collecting posted specimens is also very under rated as this posted specimen demonstrates. July 10, 2023. 

A splatter form from impact. See how the surface splatter is not well bonded. If it was a meteorite or melt of the whole body it would be bonded. See how you have a curl at the edge. It was cooling when it struck the sphere. The sphere may have also been cooling and have a suck in feature of contraction. This is a subsequent splatter from impact. July 19, 2023. 
Specimen from Abdoulabass Sall
High heat mosaic with directional splatterform. It is the largest splatterform I have ever seen and would be from a large earth impact. The boulder and splatterform arrived as a unit. The boulder was plastic at the time and sagged when it landed. Melt coning, not the harmonic type we call shatter cones. This melt coning is a landing direction as you can see it is counter to gravity. Aug. 5, 2023. 

Charlie Plisinsky  · 10h  · 

Any ideas what is it? Smallest and closest picture I could take, round like a tree.

Diameter ca 2,5m

Northern Norway Bodø, near Mjelle beach

Impactite, Los Angelas basin crater. A progressive. The stitching is a late arriving spalatterform. In the top stitch it goes off in a dot pattern showing directionality i.e. we are facing the direction of the energy/impact. Aug. 15, 2023. 
Kaitlin Davidson  ·   · 

**EDIT** I have done a nail and chemical abrasion test and the “stitching” remained there.

Can anyone help with this strange, alien, mineral type rock that looks like it was stitched up?! Found on a Southern California beach and nobody seems to know what it is and now people are suggesting an artifact. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!

Impact splatterform on a plasma cavitation surface with impact inclusions. These are sometimes identified as Turbellarians. Oct. 8, 2023. 
Impact splash liquified quartz and nano iron from the Chesapeake Bay Impact. Notice how it is directional, a splatterform. Oct. 15, 2023. 
Nicole Selhorst  ·  

Found at Betterton Beach, Upper Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA.

Orange stains from iron and tanins typical of the Upper Bay. Hard veins surrounding softer, gritty rock. Any thoughts?

That is a rare type of impact splatterform. Notice how the heat crack goes through the matrix and splatter. It was very hot. The circles and voids are evaporating. Banding splatter is more rare. Feb. 24, 2024. 
Brandi Mason  · 4h  · 

Can anyone tell me what this is? Found in SW Virginia.

Flow patterns and impalements.jpg
Layered impact nodule. The diversity of minerals in such a small area is actually one of the indicators of impact. Laying is indicative of the impact progression. Flow surface is from the impact storm and/or it velocity. The indentations are from the flying debris in the impact explosion storm. A rare example. Attached is a mark up showing the flying collisions circled and the arrow show flow pattern. March 6, 2024. 
John Foster  ·   · 

Meteorite or ???

5” Diameter and very heavy for its size 5.8lbs.


Splatter agate likely from the Thrace Crater. March 15, 2024. 


Mustafa Kemal Öztürk · ·

Sunflower  agate from Black Sea, Turkey

Impact made pebble. The banding is part of the nature of impact shock which is a wave form. The green may be olivine. The surface has high heat mosaic cracking. Left side is an interesting color of red spatter. Right side is a very small impact sphere. Collected NW Alabama. April, 26, 2024. 
Honeycomb Rock, Mineral County, West Virginia. There are two types of boxwork, resonate and overlapping grid. This is an overlapping grid. You can see the grid density change from bottom to top as the overlapping shockwave pattern is closer at the bottom. The rock was angled with the bottom facing the sources of the impact wave splatters. It is a type of splatterform. It was pliable at the time of application and these grids will modify some.
This was made by the Chesapeake Bay Impact, a 1,000 mile diameter crater, 500 million mega tons of explosion energy. May 12, 2024.
Impactite splatter form with cross wave bricking, shale impact ash compressed with blast minerals, over layered silica impact nodule a multi stage build, also rare. Not from a small impact the likely candidates are Chesapeake bay, Rochester, and the NE NY State crater. Layered cross bricking - Impact makes shock waves but since it is a kinetic explosion this is not a single point which makes crossing shock waves. Depending on distance it will be a square Cartesian grid pattern. The calcium you picked off was also impact splatter a high heat refinement of the impacted limestone or shells present at the time of impact.  May 16, 2024. 

Kelly Edgar  ·   · 

I unburied this weird giant rock in my back yard. It was under a rock pile that was covered in brush. I don’t know what it is, just figured I’d share! Even the flaky looking parts are super solid. Split my finger picking at the white part Saratoga County, NY.

Edit: I went out to measure it. It’s 17”x30”. I haven’t reached the bottom yet, but it’s at least 10”.

Quite unusual impact splatter. Sandstone and iron. If not for the obvious splatter between the two hanging points It would be confusing. Making these icicles suggest a gradual flow. Cullman, AL crater at 8 mile creek. This surface was exposed at the time of impact. May 18, 2024. 
Agate Splatterform, rare. May 19, 2024

WYOMING Rockhounder

Tim Schulze  ·   · 

2 sides to every story. Tepee Canyon SD

Chert (black) Chalcedony (white) Red Iron (Fe3O4) Impactite with splatterform fractals, rare. See attached magnification. June 16, 2024. 

What's my rock?

Adrian Regalado  · 1h  · 

What's my rock?experts opinion needed thank you...

Impactite, an impact shard with impact splatter (spallerform). The iron is from the impacting meteor/bolide. It is in several phases which is not uncommon for these. You can see the red and black iron oxides. The tiny spheres are impact spheroids that cover the surface. Impact spheroids are melt drops as the energy of an earth impact is millions of megatons. While it may or may not be magnetic that is not important as shock alters magnetism as NASA proved back in the 1960's.

Bobbi Jo Winneberger  ·   · 

I was hounding today and found this guy! The Internet said it could be lots of things which is what brings me here. Any ideas ?

Impact made splatterform. High velocity splash of liquid material from earth impact. The Prescott, AZ crater is quite large. While geology maps show basalt ringing Prescott they do not show any volcano or reason for it. A large earth impact splashed all that basalt outward over 300 million years ago. July 12, 2024. 

Julia Arcure  ·   · 


First post. I've posted in other groups but no answers. Found this in Prescott Arizona.

Prescott AZ Crater Bedrock.png
Type 1 accretion crater that broke the earth's crust (Crusta Confractus). While seeming to be a large crater the period of large earth mass accretion had already passed when this impact occurred. Similar crater in Arkansas resulting in the hot springs. July 12, 2024. 
Prescott AZ Crater.png
Craters like this appear somewhat sealed over today, topographically. July 12, 2024. 

Splatter cone, calcite and iron over shock dolomite. Whereas a typical shatter cone is made by resonate shock wave energy, this is kinetic and organized, a cusp of both, a divergent mineral separation shatter cone. July 23, 2024. 

Aubrey Whymark

July 16 at 3:02 AM  · 

A shattercone found in Ries Crater limestones. Very rare.


Concave turning. Notice how the directional gathering is wide and turns the grain. July 23, 2024. 
Adrian Richard Läderach

Sunny with a chance of meatballs. This is both impact spheres and splatter also a cusp of materials in the impact explosion. Aug. 1, 2024. 
Linda Bergan
Hi, This was found near Lusk, Wyoming. It is about 6 or 7 inches across. I was told it is marcasite. Is there a way to protect from further decay or is it too far gone?

Layered splatter on boulder which looks like it cracked on landing as it was tossed about in the impact explosion. 1 Aug. 2024. 

Impact sphere with heat expansion mosaic. The matrix core is from the impacted surface and the coating with iron is from the meteor/bolide itself. The coating went on very hot and liquid and has separated as it cooled or was a splatter. Aug. 17, 2024. 

Sarah Charlotte  ·  


Found in the Rocky Mountains, either Glacier National Park Montana or Golden BC. I can't remember which hike I found it and not sure what it is?


Impact splatter, the matrix is directional because that was the direction of the blast. The iron bits are from the meteor/bolide. They are a crystal variant, a fast form in high pressure and heat. Aug. 24, 2024. 

Savvy Nichole

August 17 at 5:04 PM  · 

Any idead what this is? Colville WA.

Meta example.jpg

Magnification. 1 shows some cracking, this could be from high heat at formation or weathering. 2 shows a section of splatter fade with matrix material covering indicating this splatter was concurrent with a plasticity of the matrix. 3. the iron bits shredded from the meteor/bolide. They are similar to but larger than fiber crystals. Aug. 25, 2024.  

The Coleville Crater.png
< Colville, WA. 

Impactite splatterform impalement, rare. Oct. 3, 2024. 
Adrian Regalado specimen, Philippines. 


Ok, this one is very rare. As you can see along the bottom it is a splatterform. It has a fractal/sheet wave pattern as well as crossing blast. The edges tend to fractal out. The top goes into one of those familiar not organized blast surfaces. Thompson Creek, Bankhead National Forest. Nov. 13, 2024. 

Pseudo fossil, Asterosoma - All that worm tube stuff breaks down in the lower section which when magnified has some really good fiber crystals which are impact made. It would be a type of splatterform. Interesting layer splatter near bottom of magnification below. Nov 22, 2024. 

Stacy Barnes Watts


Found by or on a river bank in Arkansas...what could it possibly be? I'm leaning towards a plant. About as big as a bigger coffee can...and the creature is raised on this rock.

Milky quartz and cobalt splatterform glaze, Norway. Torbjörn Larsson Dec. 9, 2024. 

Impact made splatterform. The all over type were coated in flight while turning. Dec. 22, 2024. Kenneth Aronsen specimen. 

Splatterform type from west Java Indonesia, Gendon Prakarsa  Jan. 8, 2025. This is a crystal fast form, notice the chevrons, and chevron gaps. 

Two more specimens Richard Larocque has found. The right specimen is another rose quartzite impact nodule this time with the red iron oxide splatter. The left specimen has an end impalement with impact striations or possibly an impacted fossil. Jan. 18, 2025. 

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