Ground Truth - The volume of minerals as impact debris is too large for all know impact effect calculators to be correct! The bolides themselves are larger.
Ground Truth - John von Neumann calculated the air burst height to produce the joining shock wave harmonic to travel along the ground to do the maximum destruction with atomic detonations.

Famous picture of atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. This was an above ground detonation to produce the maximum shock wave effect. Note the common debris sizes. This is a kinetic effect that is similar to a celestial impact. It has to do with material strengths. Since meteor impacts are so many orders of magnitude higher you can even have melted drop type particle sizing with them. This is true on a cosmic origin typology as well. Impact debris sorting, melting, sphere shaping. Alas an air burst meteor is the more relational to the Hiroshima bomb, as happened at Chelyabinsk in 2013. Impacting bolides can penetrate the earth's core.

During WW2 a shortage of chemical warhead caused the guided missile genius Wienher von Braun to switch to a concrete warhead cone. These were more destructive on London targets than chemical explosives! The ballistic shape retained kinetic energy. What if they were spent uranium and launched with accelerates? These were the only man made comparable craters for study of meteor impacts however the scale is much too small because they will not cause a shock chaotic chain reaction. This was a classified secret for forty years.

Notice the above non kinetic crater even has a lateral blast wave many times the crater diameter. A combined blast and electromagnetic lateral dissipation following the recessed contour.
You can read the popular but wrong physical understanding at:
Another thing wrong with the Chixulub analysis is they model a nuclear
explosion, which it is not. A shock xplosion has a different explosion energy with shock as it's matrix not atom splitting. Is much less heat than they model and more hyper sonic collisions.

Shock plasma bubble is created quickly, is much smaller than atomeic weapons and is being distributed out as ejecta rain over a large area. You can see examples of these dispersion condensates at: https://www.hillbillyu.com/round-impactite-spheroid
6H The General Theory of Impact - Impact is a circular phenomena, (like all the rest of the phenomena) it leads back to accretion and impact. While the forces of all the processes cannot be reproduced in a lab, it is forensically possible to consider the evidence Impact Forensic Physics.
Shock Propagation & Multi Shock Chaos - What is wrong with conventional crater shock theory? States of matter carry shock differently. There are four vertical levels to this energy event. The lowest level is the adiabatic wave. (shown in Figure 1. to the right.) This is the shock energy being absorbed in the least compressible lower strata. The faults are created by wave pattern resolution. It is too fast and too powerful for conventional friction. It does however have atomic friction. This wave can rip atoms apart. Fiuza, Grassi 2014 Nature Physics The next lowest energy event is a molten rolling wave of liquid iron and quartz stretching past Lawrenceburg roughly two times the outer fault ring. You can see a video of how wide this wave had become at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIoAYsljBxA
Just up from that is a metamorphic mud wave that stretches out a big circle of the lower one third of Middle, TN. The surface event is a crater, but in this case oval, which is rare. It only takes a few degrees above the horizon to clear the Application Mountains. Their height at this time could have been lower anyway. The Howell TN impact is centered at Frankewing, TN and is multi matter transfer shock. In the shatter cone section https://www.hillbillyu.com/shatter-cones-impact-crater I discussed the multi wave and unknown wave findings in the Howell area. This was a higher force transfer making pure wave forms into boulder's by high shock conversion to plasma. Unlike Well's Creek which propagated a strong much smaller harmonic into land at a perpendicular angle at likely a slower speed and less density, the Frankewing, TN Impact is about as different as that can get.
The Well's Creek impact was a more typical vertical vector. (Figure 2 right) Also the material of the bolide was more typical. It is likely the most recent. Frankewing, TN is very oblique, larger, more dense and landing in a multi material surface.
Note: I discuss air shock below not because it is that highly significant in relation to the energy especially of the first level event but because it has never been considered in any previous analysis. Because earth atmosphere is so shallow compared to large bolides it is only powerful with an oblique impact.
So shock propagation while stronger due to density and speed is distributed more. Besides the air shock Mach 150 at Frankewing, TN Mach 75 at Well's Creek, the Frankewing, TN Impact combined air, water, sand, mud, and rock all obliquely. While the sea was perhaps only a hundred feet the angle would make the travel distance larger, same with the air, sand and mud and finally solid. This is illustrated in several ways. First the three harmonic crust breaks in arcs southwest. Second is the wave of transformed material's type and distance distribution. Some 50 plus miles away the video boulder illustrates the changed shocked material and it's flow in the downstream shock push wave not to be confused with shock wave this is a slower pressure flow. Finally the crater making moving hemisphere explosion traveling now some 15 miles from touch down point. Shatter coning at Howell does not point in the direction of impact as is believed to occur. Coning points in two directions some 15 to 25 degrees apart, as would be propagated below an impact like Chelyabinsk with multiple explosions. Also the reason it is called Howell is the shock breccia lens visible at Howell which is not the touch down point but a point laterally SW where a shock explosion was taking place commensurate with shock rubble making. The energy effect relics are much higher melting and vaporizing near Petersburg. However on the crater floor across the crater there are extremely high shock relics.
Shock Zone Ground Truth - The examination of the area shows a shock zone many times the crater diameter.
Notice how wide the dispersion wave has become west of Lawrenceburg compared to Pulaski as shown below.

Burst containment and the traveling harmonic shock - Shown right is the Well's Creek typical impact crater which is contained by it's fault rings as it was a vertical hit. The Frankewing, TN impact was a lateral impact with the shock waves focused and even catching each other in the maximum destruction "perfect wave" form as calculated by John von Neumann.

The chaotic explosion resolves closer and beyond that a blast wave deposits melted sand as quartz and iron from the meteor itself in the dispersion wave. So the shock liquid wave made it beyond 60 miles. You can read a recent article explaining lateral iron deposits from impact at https://www.mngs.umn.edu/meteoriteimpact.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2hh8XygSlu8ZWUgcc5bT-TPDPE_JcRkF5_PUsDOXmQP4C77INLK-6kZCE
Formation of maxima and minima at various angles of the vertical plane antenna pattern by the reflection of energy from the surface surrounding the radar antenna; these reflections reinforce the main beam at some angles and detract from it at other angles, producing fingers of energy. Keep this concept in mind as shock waves do the same thing. You could call it chaos shock wave lobing. In the electromagnetic example they use one transmitter however in chaos lobing you have multi transmitters and moving changing surfaces.

Recent pass through at 20 miles per second. What do we really know about impacts at that speed? https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/12/191212142716.htm
Scale and experiment modeling - While they have a gun in Japan that can send small projectiles many miles per second it will not cause impact explosion shock chaos. Not enough material and not enough variance in the material. The meteor explosion over Chelyabinsk is the only earth examined model. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelyabinsk_meteor

<Wells Creek Impact.
<Howell/Petersburg Impact
Figure 1 - Shock wave fault signature, the only one on the planet like it. Usually they hit more direct and make a more compressed circular fault ring struture like at Well's Creek.
Physics and materials - A dry land hit is different. The layers of earth impact material affect the energy dispersion. Same for the meteor itself, all different. Howell/Petersburg is the case of a multi layer surface hit by a dense material tangentially causing the extreme of layering energy dispersion. The oval shape of the Howell/Petersburg crater is the sum of energies. Craters are a nominal effect as most of the energy is not used in crater making.

Howell/Petersburg hits and spread across other strata. 350mya
Exposed strata from
the Basin Buster Impact
Chart by Bob Beavers Engineering Inc. based on Wilson 1990.

the compressive energy release impact fault form
Figure 2 - The Wells Creek shock propagation event. Smaller more contained energy event. The harmonic distance of lower shock wave is more compressed because the bolide was less dense and exploded but not as instantanious as at Frankewing, TN

Supernova remnant Simeis 147 (Spaghetti nebula). What you see is the result of a supernova explosion that occurred an estimated 40,000 years ago.
Source: APOD Notice the many arcs of multiple explosion events. Some are even facing back into the explosion. Shock Chaotic Chain Reaction. Also note the particle cloud encompassing the explosion. That is the shock particle storm.

Smaller impacts like the Barringer Crater in Arizona may not make an explosion cloud. It is a scale related occurance.
Chicxulub Impact - So what is wrong with the analysis of the famous Dinosaur killer. While they acknowledge the lateral wave , then they forget it when accounting for the gypsum sea floor and assume it was made airborne. It could be laterally deposited in wave ending pileups like at the big gypsum deposit in west TX including a very large deposit at Sweetwater, TX.

You can find these fossil oyster shells all over the Permian basin formation which covers most of the western Texas and Oklahoma and into some of Arkansas
While I regard this as a great article http://www.impact-structures.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Impact-Final-2.pdf?fbclid=IwAR30F_gmtETnMZn06AI3FGFCHXVnCI0Cr6A1hys8VQlZQ3PHJ4RVkNjB9Xw
These type of articles are limited by scale and cannot demonstrate the evidence of explosion shown in the analysis of impacts like at Frankewing, TN.

Each collision causing more, a Shock Chaotic Chain Reaction! But it's making everything smaller, how small? Nano is the last level you can see but elemental change is evident in the specimens.
All the while at this high porous impact a high damping ratio exist causing great heat due to friction. The explosion was a traveling one and the entire crater floor has very high energy artifacts. In alchemy and philosophy, prima materia, materia prima or first matter (for a philosophical exposition refer to: Prime Matter), is the ubiquitous starting material required for the alchemical magnum opus and the creation of the philosopher's stone. It is the primitive formless base of all matter similar to chaos, the quintessence or aether. Esoteric alchemists describe the prima materia using simile, and compare it to concepts like the anima mundi.
Relative Shock Physics - This impact illustrates that the shock force translated to the earth was unabated making equal waves until explosion. Must have been very dense.

When is a cone not a cone? When you bisect it. This great force was expended above in the water, sand and mud because of it's extreme oblique angle, less than 10 degrees. Could not glance off because of mushy surface. A bisected shock cone wave that exploded before scrunching up a jumble of compressed faults. The plasma explosion relic zone is about five miles around Petersburg. That would make the impact bolide easily three miles due to the surface plasma zone indicating an above earth sphere of three to ten times that diameter. (Melosh et al. 1993)
The instant release of impact energy fault sequence form
Scientists discover that most of the asteroid that formed Meteor Crater was shock melted
Lori Stiles
July 1, 1999
Elisabetta Pierazzo
TUCSON, ARIZ. ? Most of the asteroid that blasted Meteor Crater out of
the Colorado Plateau melted, according to new evidence released today by
an international team of scientists. This new finding contradicts a
previously held theory that the Canyon Diablo meteor vaporized and gives
a glimpse of what happens when similar-sized meteors slam into Earth
every 6,000 years or so.
Meteor Crater, near Winslow, Ariz., the best-preserved impact crater in
the world, was formed 50,000 years ago -- just yesterday on the
geological time scale. Although modest by geological standards -- the
equivalent of a 20-to-40 megaton bomb -- it grabs our attention because
of its close proximity to our own time and for the story it tells about
what could happen again.
The bowl-shaped depression measures 1.2 kilometers (four-fifths of a
mile) wide and 180 meters (570 feet) deep and scientists say events like
this occur every 1,600 years, with a Canyon-Diablo-sized meteor slamming
into a land mass every 6,000 years.
In research published today (July 2) in Science, scientists conclude
that more than four-fifths of the Earth-crossing asteroid completely
melted and spread over the Four Corners Region where Colorado, Arizona,
New Mexico and Utah meet. Most of the iron asteroid, which was 30 meters
(100 feet) or more in diameter, spread as an enormous expansion plume
produced by gases released from Colorado Plateau limestone. A fraction
of the melted material survived to form sand-grain-sized particles
called "spheroids."
By using complex measurements of radioactive nickel 59 and computer
modeling, the researchers determined the probable depth within the
asteroid at which these spheroids were formed. Their experimental
measurements and modeling results indicate that Canyon Diablo was
travelling faster on impact that previously believed.
The scientists include faculty members from Rutgers University, The
University of Arizona in Tucson, Australian National University,
University of Rhode Island and University of California-Berkeley.
Keith Fifield of the Australian National University, led the team in
systematically measuring long-lived radioisotope nickel 59 in Canyon
Diablo meteorites and spheroids. Nickel 59 is a "cosmogenic nuclide"
produced in space when cosmic rays penetrate objects containing nickel
58. Nickel 58 changes to nickel 59 by absorbing an extra neutron from
cosmic radiation. Fifield used accelerator mass spectrometry to make the
Canyon Diablo meteorites contain seven times more nickel 59 than do
recovered spheroids, meaning they had come from the surface or outer
shell of the asteroid, where exposure to cosmic radiation is greatest,
said Greg Herzog of Rutgers University.
Scientists find nickel 59 to be a far more useful cosmogenic nuclide for
such analysis than some more commonly used ones. That's because of the
mechanism by which it forms, its long half-life (76,000 years), its low
volatility and its resistance to weathering, team members add.
Elisabetta Pierazzo, a post-doctoral researcher at the UA Lunar and
Planetary Laboratory, used numerical models to simulate the impact. The
simulation, based on models developed at Sandia National Laboratories,
factored in the size and composition of Canyon Diablo and its target.
Pierazzo determined which parts of the Earth-smashing asteroid remained
solid and which melted and became spheroids. This was done by using
experimentally measured shock pressure values for melting iron/nickel
alloys. The composition of these alloys is close to that of meteorites.
The team concludes that the precursor material of the spheroids probably
came from depths of 1.3 to 1.6 meters (four to five feet) beneath the
surface of the meteor before it entered Earth's atmosphere.
Pierazzo says that only about 15 percent of the rear, outer part of the
asteroid remained solid after impact and that the other 85 percent of
the projectile melted. She bases this conclusion on combined
observational, experimental and theoretical evidence.
Impact velocities by Earth-crossing asteroids average around 15 to 20
kilometers per second. The 20 km/s velocity -- or 45,000 mph -- would
produce a melting profile that agrees with the experimental
measurements, she said. At lower velocities, a much larger fraction of
the projectile would have remained solid, leaving behind far more
"The model really makes sense when you match it with the hard evidence,"
Pierazzo said. "The modeling confirms the experimental results that say
the Canyon Diablo meteorites came from the outer part of the projectile,
and the spheroids from a depth of 1.5 to 2 meters below the surface.
"I feel confident that this impact was at higher velocity than many
people have believed it to be," she added. "This work gives no evidence
for vaporization. From what we know about shock pressure, melting and
vaporization of iron, the model indicates little or no vaporization of
the impact."
Meteor exploding over Beijing China Jan 30, 2020 with triple shock wave. A traveling explosion as with this impact.
A physics degree is the result of turning a person into a sphere.
Frequency Harmonic Converter - Impact materials are acting as resonance shift mechanisms. Today this is important to get more data transmission . You can read an article about using gold for this purpose at: https://phys.org/news/2020-12-team-material-terahertz.html?fbclid=IwAR2du4r7aAwIbpVmzMDWbQAFOEGq6SjjplmNC5ZEsvwwonZOqg4MGV0nN1A
Cosmology implications: First the chain reaction would serve to reduce size as expanding therefore smaller bits are what escapes the explosion cloud.
On a more basic cosmology the assumption of a single energy of the big bang does not support the following expansion required for the theory to conform to the universe as it exist. A stack of dissimilar energies however would result in a conflicting chaotic expansion like the crater explosion cloud at which point it would have only kinetic matter collision. Why the universe would expand at an acceleration rate? Every impact energy is a broadcast cascade that builds. The universe is surfing an ever increasing wave energy. Particle will ride a harmonic wave larger than it's self. https://phys.org/news/2018-01-world-powerful-acoustic-tractor-pave.html
So in a vast universe you just so often see asteroids, the moon, Mars with impact craters. Busy movement for so much to hit each other in so vast a space. Busy movement is the great speed, galaxies moving at 60 miles per second and non orbiting debris at 30. So a collision could have a combined impact speed of 60 or more miles per second.
Overcoming mass with impact energy. Suppose you had an ineffective nuclear explosion. The fuel would make what we call a "dirty bomb" scattering itself propelled by the explosion umbrella. The same is true for impacts and the chaos cloud. Smaller impacts like the Barringer crater in Arizona (Meteor Crater, AZ) are not sufficient to envelope the impactor and fragments of the meteor are spread over a shock chaos explosion launching umbrella field as well as the shock changed material.
<< Shock explosion cloud
Shock cloud eclipse
The shock cloud eclipse can be eliminated with increased speed.
This equation seems to turn as you find craters over a mile in diameter. The impact debris field has only altered meteor elements. Also the vaporization inner plasma cloud grows larger. This ratio appears to be an order of magnitude of inner vaporized to crater diameter. It is also relative to the impactor diameter, speed and density. The equation is also dependent on surface impacted. (or not impacted in the case of Chelyabinsk) For the Frankewing, TN impact the ratios are in this range.
EMP magnetic materials in motion, acts as generator.
Shock chaos cloud 30 miles
Plasma vaporization cloud 3 miles
Impactor 3 miles
How much of a meteor blows up?
Scientists discover that most of the asteroid that formed Meteor Crater was shock melted
Lori Stiles
July 1, 1999
Elisabetta Pierazzo
TUCSON, ARIZ. ? Most of the asteroid that blasted Meteor Crater out of
the Colorado Plateau melted, according to new evidence released today by
an international team of scientists. This new finding contradicts a
previously held theory that the Canyon Diablo meteor vaporized and gives
a glimpse of what happens when similar-sized meteors slam into Earth
every 6,000 years or so.
Meteor Crater, near Winslow, Ariz., the best-preserved impact crater in
the world, was formed 50,000 years ago -- just yesterday on the
geological time scale. Although modest by geological standards -- the
equivalent of a 20-to-40 megaton bomb -- it grabs our attention because
of its close proximity to our own time and for the story it tells about
what could happen again.
The bowl-shaped depression measures 1.2 kilometers (four-fifths of a
mile) wide and 180 meters (570 feet) deep and scientists say events like
this occur every 1,600 years, with a Canyon-Diablo-sized meteor slamming
into a land mass every 6,000 years.
In research published today (July 2) in Science, scientists conclude
that more than four-fifths of the Earth-crossing asteroid completely
melted and spread over the Four Corners Region where Colorado, Arizona,
New Mexico and Utah meet. Most of the iron asteroid, which was 30 meters
(100 feet) or more in diameter, spread as an enormous expansion plume
produced by gases released from Colorado Plateau limestone. A fraction
of the melted material survived to form sand-grain-sized particles
called "spheroids."
By using complex measurements of radioactive nickel 59 and computer
modeling, the researchers determined the probable depth within the
asteroid at which these spheroids were formed. Their experimental
measurements and modeling results indicate that Canyon Diablo was
travelling faster on impact that previously believed.
The scientists include faculty members from Rutgers University, The
University of Arizona in Tucson, Australian National University,
University of Rhode Island and University of California-Berkeley.
Keith Fifield of the Australian National University, led the team in
systematically measuring long-lived radioisotope nickel 59 in Canyon
Diablo meteorites and spheroids. Nickel 59 is a "cosmogenic nuclide"
produced in space when cosmic rays penetrate objects containing nickel
58. Nickel 58 changes to nickel 59 by absorbing an extra neutron from
cosmic radiation. Fifield used accelerator mass spectrometry to make the
Canyon Diablo meteorites contain seven times more nickel 59 than do
recovered spheroids, meaning they had come from the surface or outer
shell of the asteroid, where exposure to cosmic radiation is greatest,
said Greg Herzog of Rutgers University.
Scientists find nickel 59 to be a far more useful cosmogenic nuclide for
such analysis than some more commonly used ones. That's because of the
mechanism by which it forms, its long half-life (76,000 years), its low
volatility and its resistance to weathering, team members add.
Elisabetta Pierazzo, a post-doctoral researcher at the UA Lunar and
Planetary Laboratory, used numerical models to simulate the impact. The
simulation, based on models developed at Sandia National Laboratories,
factored in the size and composition of Canyon Diablo and its target.
Pierazzo determined which parts of the Earth-smashing asteroid remained
solid and which melted and became spheroids. This was done by using
experimentally measured shock pressure values for melting iron/nickel
alloys. The composition of these alloys is close to that of meteorites.
The team concludes that the precursor material of the spheroids probably
came from depths of 1.3 to 1.6 meters (four to five feet) beneath the
surface of the meteor before it entered Earth's atmosphere.
Pierazzo says that only about 15 percent of the rear, outer part of the
asteroid remained solid after impact and that the other 85 percent of
the projectile melted. She bases this conclusion on combined
observational, experimental and theoretical evidence.
Impact velocities by Earth-crossing asteroids average around 15 to 20
kilometers per second. The 20 km/s velocity -- or 45,000 mph -- would
produce a melting profile that agrees with the experimental
measurements, she said. At lower velocities, a much larger fraction of
the projectile would have remained solid, leaving behind far more
"The model really makes sense when you match it with the hard evidence,"
Pierazzo said. "The modeling confirms the experimental results that say
the Canyon Diablo meteorites came from the outer part of the projectile,
and the spheroids from a depth of 1.5 to 2 meters below the surface.
"I feel confident that this impact was at higher velocity than many
people have believed it to be," she added. "This work gives no evidence
for vaporization. From what we know about shock pressure, melting and
vaporization of iron, the model indicates little or no vaporization of
the impact."
Out running a materials ability to transmit energy the "sonic boom" faults occur. There is of course a bowl like effect underneath even if it is only connecting the three arcs and not shaped to the crater edge. The drill cores under Howell do indicate a brecciated zone perhaps not a "sonic boom" fault however. The very strange thing here is you just never see this anywhere else on the planet. To make equal distant sonic booms you have to be able to accelerate at a constant rate through those three envelopes, and then it ends abruptly, either detached from the planet i.e. sideswipe or blew up completely at once. In any event is a lens effect like pointing your flashlight sideways on a surface. The larger part of that wave energy was transferred to space where it combines with all the other kinetic transferred waves to build an ever increasing energy wave the universe is surfing on outward at increasing speed. The shockwave is lost without media to transfer in.
Cosmic microwave background (CMB) — while a signature of creation, is it really? For the universe to exist so exact as it does requires Mind Time which is beyond event time and does not clock but makes it's own. It is not linear. Nor is universe expansion. It is kinetic however as that is the one constant of physics that applies even to the origin point of singularity, it moves.
You can watch your favorite Astro Physics Geologist, Hill Bill Lee explain the Celestial Sideswipe Theory at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m1-ldvR4cI
Alternative theory of the Frankewing, TN Impact. The Celestial Sideswipe. Since the crater is oval 25 miles long and 20 miles wide and the high energy effects are found at the point of impact with faults only in radial arcs not circular, this impact could be a sideswipe. So how large was the impactor body? With a crater drag width of 20 miles the diameter would have to be at least 40 miles or a half of a percent of the earth's 8,000 mile diameter. But is could be an irregular dragging of something as big as a planet and kept going out of the solar system or was captured as one of the orbiting bodies.
Celestial Sideswipe impact

These models are "ballistic" models i. e. wrong. An impact of a large meteor hitting earth makes shock waves so large it turns everything surrounding it into a hydro kinetic model. But unlike dropping a pebble into a pond the meteor is also liquid. But is more like all a bunch of lumpy gravy since these materials are not uniform. The residual crater model shown below beggars the fact that a small by comparison explosion like the Trinity Test (20 kilo tons of TNT) of the atomic bomb made a shock wave that went 100 miles. An impact like here at Frankewing, TN could make a blast of a quarter billion megatons of TNT. The shock plasma wave laterally would have been 100's of miles and the blast wave a thousand, ring the earth like a bell.
Shown above is the model of initial impact as presented in Traces of Catastrophe. While in concept it tracks well with modeling it does not track well with ground truth. The model has started to misrepresent reality already at it's initial compression on impact. You can see that it maintains integrity of solids by allowing a 100 GPa force to exist as an edge without transition. And that is how the rest of the model will fail.
What really happens is in this dynamic system the two objects are now one fluid object and lateral reformation is now launched as a wave flow, first is hyper sonic and declines as the energy is dissipating to produce various lateral push waves. This is very noticeable with splashdown impacts.
So they end up with a crater that looks like the one on the left with no outside crater form lateral affect, which is clearly wrong since the physical crater form is a much slower final process. This system only allows for outside crater spray a surface affect.

Photo micro picture of planar deformation from multi shock directional impact chaos chain reaction. These Planar Deformation Features (PDF) are considered an impact only (or lightning) produced phenomena. They show multi axis shock direction. Additionally photo micro pictures will show shock melt, the shock particle storm, and sudden changes in shock effect on materials. The radical diversity of impacts is seen in every level. Is kinda sad given a phenomena identified by diversity the tool kit for identifying crates only has two items, shatter cones and PDF's.

Grable nuclear artillery missile at Nevada proving grounds on May 25, 1953
Note the following:
There are different levels to this explosions
The explosion has a sequence
Atomic explosions reflect upward from the earth
On the earth surface the lateral shock wave is employed to do damage
Fallout umbrella is many times the crater size.
Shock wave is many time the crater size.

Magnum Chaos, wood-inlay by Giovan Francesco Capoferri at the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo, based on a design by Lorenzo Lotto.
Ramon Llull (1232–1315) wrote a Liber Chaos, in which he identifies Chaos as the primal form or matter created by God.

The Black Hole launching catapult is 20% the speed of light or 37,000 miles per second. So the Frankewing, TN impacting bolide hit at about 34 miles per second due to all the collisions of the impact shock chaos cascade. The energy is transferred into a resolving shock wave pushing the universe outward at over 60 miles per second. You can read an article about the Black Hole launching catapult at: https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy8w7j/scientists-found-a-raging-galactic-core-from-near-the-beginning-of-time

Cosmic microwave background (CMB) — the radioactive remnant of our universe's violent birth.
This theory will win you a Nobel Prize. It does not have any functional connection to why the universe is expanding at an ever increasing speed, except that as a sphere expands it makes objects distance increase.
The picture shows the cosmic microwave background of the universe. This is consistent with "Shock Chaotic Chain Reaction" which with each successive impact sends frequency waves on multi spectrums omni directional. The combined effect is to push the universe outward with the building cascade wave which increases.
does kinetic energy cause sub n (N) phenomena?
The final part ignored in crater modeling is the flood back into the crater from a splashdown impact into a sea as happened here. The giant mega clast shown below was deposited inside the SW crater with the rushing flood of sediment and sea inside the crater. It is likely the crater wash is violently turbulent and the crater wall structure is washed inward in places.

The Crater Concept, a long wrong going on.
The word "crater" is of Greek origin, a mixing bowl. In the 1600's was used to describe volcano's. So there you have it; people use a term they know to apply to something else encountered. So it is with impact craters. Bullets and bombs are what people know and nobody has seen a celestial impact.

The example taught and thought is as presented in the book shown to the left which is a pretty good book but wrong on craters. It uses the bullet, bomb, bowl approach. Is what people can and have seen. A bullet is kinetic but slow and light as compared to any cosmic impact. The bomb is not a primary kinetic event. The bowl is not a true expression of impact physics. Geologic missing strata are found wiped away hundreds of miles beyond the crater bowl. That is a lateral blast wave not shown in any books or models. It is what is forensically found. It is now understood that the impact blast can place material up to the stratosphere. But that is atomic bomb based and does not model a kinetic particle storm.
The more advanced student might read the classic Traces of Catastrophe shown left. First let me point out that to Middle, TN as with other impact areas mining all these top layer minerals the impact event is a blessing not a catastrophe. Nor can you really correlate 16,000 estimated earth impacts and extinction or species multiplication besides Chicxulub. But you have to admit even with Chicxulub China should show degrees of differentiation as told by the ash thinning.
Next let me state the sad truth as presented in traditional text the moon and mars craters are more studied than earth. This is important since you can actually examine earth. Claims are made that earth no longer has craters. I have found that to be not true and the system of cataloging craters meritless.

Shown left is a good example of why impact craters would not resemble the ballistic models taught in books. It does however resemble the ground truth of exploring impact areas. Also it is consistent with the surface mineral deposits as they are distributed.

I am not alone in this realization. Shown to the left is the official crater count. Sad or just bad. It is maintained by the Canadians who are suspect since you can see how well they have approved craters all over Canada.
The Germans gave up on them and make their own world crater map as shown left. This does not do justice to 16,000 earth craters either so they claim craters go away after 30 million years usually. With some very old earth impacts represented that is a tough stance to claim true. Manson Iowa was discovered by water well drillers, not geologist.

My experience with the German crater system is it is just as flawed. It does not rely on what impacts present. They rely on previous approved presentments. The flawed Google search or Wiki system. An inbreeding of thought. And face it clearly when you look at their map the meteors have to strike land to make their "hit parade."
K, Kinetic motion or energy, t, time, CQ all universal constants.
In the energy to mass equation t is carried in the movement. Movement is the primary cause. E=mc2 Speed of light is a universal constant CQ. But all constants are just other quanta and movement starts all the relations of forces (N) They are all zero until movement K
K begins the orchestra by striking. Impact is a (N)
Ironically this is the unified field theory Einstein was searching for. He just did not understand that: 1. All energies are dependent on K 2. All universal constants are quanta. 3. The universe was input from the outside and kick started. (kick starting is the old push crank lever you had to jump on to start my 750 Norton Atlas motorcycle but I did not weigh enough, only God can kick start the Universe)
time while a dependent variable does point to what is the driving essence of the universe. Kinetic motion. Without it what exist? Not time, death. The pinprick of energy that God inserted to create is kinetic. The fabric of "space time" is kinetic direction and speed. Chaos is really not undirected or goalless, it is motion functioning it's purpose. The reality beyond this life and universe is not kinetic. God's Spirit directly energizes it all. Also permeates through this universe as God is Omni ....
of special note is reports you can read in the Bible of those who have been near God's presence took on a glow. That is an imparted energy.
M, Mind, exist but can't be explained in a materialistic metaphysics structure. MK Mind connected to motion. So in the picture below David would have to know of planetary motion after a fashion, M. Then he came up with the plan KM. Then K

Have you ever imagined that sound waves can carry stuff? Of course, we’ve seen this happen in science fiction, but never have we witnessed it happen in the real world.
Researchers have recently demonstrated how particles of sound have the ability to carry mass.
Furthermore, this means that these particles can create their gravitational fields.
In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, Angelo Esposito, Rafael Krichevsky, and Alberto Nicolis used effective field theory techniques to confirm a discovery made by researchers last year, attempting to measure mass carried using sound waves.
Correlation of Slag Expulsion with Ballistic Anomalies in Shuttle Solid Rocket MotorsDuring the Shuttle launches, the solid rocket motors (SRM) occasionally experience pressure perturbations (8-13 psi) between 65-75 s into the motor burn time. The magnitudes of these perturbations are very small in comparison with the operating motor chamber pressure, which is over 600 psi during this time frame. These SRM pressure perturbations are believed to he caused primarily by the expulsion of slag (aluminum oxide). Two SRM static tests, TEM-11 and FSM-4, were instrumented extensively for the study of the phenomena associated with pressure perturbations. The test instrumentation used included nonintrusive optical and infrared diagnostics of the plume, such as high-speed photography, radiometers, and thermal image cameras. Results from all of these nonintrusive observations provide substantial circumstantial evidence to support the scenario that the pressure perturbation event in the Shuttle SRM is caused primarily by the expulsion of molten slag. In the static motor tests, the slag was also expelled preferentially near the bottom of the nozzle because of slag accumulation at the bottom of the aft end of the horizontally oriented motor.
Document ID
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Sambamurthi, Jay K.(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL United States)
Alvarado, Alexis(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL United States)
Mathias, Edward C.(Thiokol Chemical Corp. Brigham City, UT United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
August 1, 1996
Publication Information
Publication: Journal of Propulsion and Power
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Subject Category
Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.26:204624AIAA Paper 95-2723NASA-CR-204624
Meeting Information
Joint Propulsion(San Diego, CA)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

Research Article
Free Access
The interaction between infrasonic waves and gravity wave perturbations: Application to observations using UTTR Rocket Motor Fuel Elimination Events
Jean-Marie Lalande,Roger Waxler
First published: 11 May 2016
Matter surfs through the universe. It interacts with other energies. A system of harmonics forms.
Scalability and impact - In this article the Barringer Crater impact has 15% + unexploded and you find canyon diablo meteorite fragments all over the desert. Now this was a small, slow impact. Double the speed as with the cosmic speed impacts and it all blows up. You do not find meteorites around the early fast large impacts.

Scientists create mini-supernova shock waves on Earth
Chelsea Gohd
Scientists create mini-supernova shock waves on Earth
Researchers have created a miniature version of supernova shock waves in a lab here on Earth to solve a long-standing cosmic mystery.
© Provided by Live Science In this image, computer simulations show the turbulent structure of the magnetic field in two shock waves moving away from each other. (Image credit: Frederico Fiuza/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
When stars die and explode in supernovas, they create shock waves that emanate across the surrounding plasma. These powerful shock waves blast out cosmic rays, or highly energetic particles, out into the universe. The waves act almost like particle accelerators, pushing these particles out so fast that they approach the speed of light. However, scientists have yet to fully understand exactly how and why the shock waves accelerate these particles.
"These are fascinating systems, but because they are so far away it's hard to study them," Frederico Fiuza, a senior staff scientist at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, who led the new study, said in a statement.
So, to better study these cosmic shock waves, scientists brought them to Earth. Well, not literally, but researchers have created a scaled-down version of supernova remnants. "We are not trying to make supernova remnants in the lab, but we can learn more about the physics of astrophysical shocks there and validate models," Fiuza said in the statement.
Fiuza and his colleagues worked to create a fast, diffuse shock wave that could mimic the shocks that follow a supernova. The scientists worked at the National Ignition Facility, a Department of Energy facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. At this facility, the researchers shot powerful lasers at carbon sheets to create two plasma flows, targeted at each other. When the plasma flows collided, they created a shock wave "in conditions similar to a supernova remnant shock," according to the statement. The scientists observed the experiment using both optical and X-ray technology.
© Provided by Live Science Chandra's newly released image of Tycho supernova remnant reveals the dynamics of the stellar explosion that produced this deep-sky object in vivid detail. Image released July 22, 2014. (Image credit: NASA/CXC/SAO)
By studying a miniature analog of the cosmic phenomenon here on Earth, the researchers verified that the shock was capable of accelerating electrons to nearly the speed of light. However, the mystery of exactly how these electrons reached such speeds remains, which prompted the scientists to turn to computer modeling.
"We can't see the details of how particles get their energy even in the experiments, let alone in astrophysical observations, and this is where the simulations really come into play," Anna Grassi, a co-author on the new research also at SLAC, said in the same statement.
Now, while the cosmic mystery of the shock wave accelerated particles remains, computer models created by Grassi revealed one possible solution. According to these models, Grassi developed, turbulent electromagnetic fields within the shock wave could accelerate electrons to the speeds observed.
Fiuza, Grassi and their colleagues will continue to investigate the X-rays emitted by the accelerated electrons and hone their computer simulations, according to the statement. Other future research will study positively charged protons, in addition to the electrons studied in this work, blasted by the shock wave.
This work was published June 8 in the journal Nature Physics.
The Ellipse as a constrained resonance product. The Mars Sunflower Crater

Turbulent fields within shock waves! That is what I am saying. This is an explosion of very high energy without uniform structure.
Shown above is a Mars Crater 1.5 km-diameter (less than a mile) impact crater in Meridiani Planum. While it is assumed an oval crater is from a very oblique impact, a crater this size could also be from a constrained resonance environment. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/sv/2019/6326510/

Captured objects inside a system travel at 15 miles per second. Previously collided but not captured objects travel at 30 miles per second. Galactic mass which is not collided travels at 60 + miles per second and is accelerating. Outside the Hubble Universe motion may be unbounded. Reality is reference based but unbounded. There is no reason to believe that the universe is a closed system reaching equilibrium i.e. therefore not defined. The physics during the impact event of celestial objects is unbounded by our reality. For example most forms of zeolite cannot be made in our reality as 30 types are known and 245 projected to be possible. Is believed to be an ash transition process.

A combination specimen of four zeolite species. The radiating natrolite crystals are protected in a pocket with associated stilbite. The matrix around and above the pocket is lined with small, pink-colored laumontite crystals. Heulandite is also present as a crystal cluster on the backside. Notice the base rock matrix is like a meteorite chondrite. Surrounding that and with veins is a type of lace Constellationing. While you can make many types of pure zeolite in laboratories, you cannot make presentations like this. They are a record of an impact event. A different reality.

Specimen above is from the Thrace Crater west of Istanbul. It shows multiple striation direction and melt. That is a high energy as striation melts too. This is a transition form just below losing the shock chaos shown in the striations. Cobalt and iron also present.
The shock wind and the traveling explosion - Most impacts are not lateral and therefore the shock wind behind contributes to the cone effect matching the explosion to help form the ejecta umbrella. With the Frankewing, TN impact the bolide traveled through the atmosphere obliquely and has a Mach 150 wind following to hit the ejecta umbrella laterally, pushing the explosion west. While the kinetic explosion is much stronger than the shock wind it is nevertheless unloading while moving too and as the kinetic explosion storm reduces energy the lateral shock wind is in a turbulent lateral pattern. As far away as Iron City (a long wise oval crater diameter) there is a westward debris of the explosion, not east (see photo at left).
While the bolide crashed into the east side of the crater oval and held together long enough to produce three strata carried overtaking shock waves of equal distance apart the progression of impact events for a lateral impact is off center to the crater. This is because it is a progressive event with the lower section carrying the instant kinetic unloading shock. This shock made an unconformity that pushed out over a hundred miles.
50 miles from crater center at Frankewing is the Iron City Bentonite Ash layer. Very thick indicating the lateral westbound push of the Shock Wind Mach 150 air stream catching up with the Bolide earth skimming eastern approach.
Relative crash bodies - A tangent impact like this one is also moving into a moving object. The earth was moving around 18 miles per second toward the impactor bolide, Clyde. 30 - 18 = 12 miles which is roughly what we see as a skid mark oval impact off center crater.

above water off center explosion core
The only crater like it. Oval craters are rare. Large oval craters are rarer. Is only a few degrees between an oval crater and skipping off. We may be talking about less than 5 degrees of range. The impact point is clearly identifiable as the locus of the arc angles. The center can be seen from space as a basin defined by inside crater rivers.

<<< the shock wind
Even though the kinetic unloading is almost instantaneous, the almost is all lateral movement west. The shock wind coming behind at Mach 150 does the rest of the movement. So how big a vacuum would a large bolide going Mach 150 laterally through the atmosphere pull? Enormous.

Does lightning make a wind? Sure it does.
Lightning is only one inch wide. It can heat the air hotter than the sun. Depending on air conditions, the typical lightning bolt moves at 224,000 mph -- or about 3,700 miles per second. However, the light you see from the lightning obviously travels at the speed of light, which is roughly 670 million mph, or 186,000 miles per second.
Jet Airplanes are slower than lighting or a meteor, they have an aerodynamic shape but make air vortex's swirling behind them.
A hard metal based meteor coming in laterally to the earth would be in the lower atmosphere for over 2,ooo miles at a speed of 30 miles per second and a volume of several miles. This would make a large swirling vortex following at Mach 120 or more. This slams into the impact explosion cloud and debris umbrella.
Now after seeing all my low budget doodles click on this article and watch a super computer animation of large body impacts.

The tangent impact makes a strange complex crater. As it hit in the Chattanooga Shale that is a more fluid blasted dynamic spreading hundreds of miles and complicated by the fact a larger crater encompasses it. The lower strata crater bottom is uneven, unlike a more common straight on impact bowl effect. The Lake Logan, TN area is a good example. It has been blasted in an uneven manner all the way down to the Ordovician.

Anomaly offset phenomena. As I have found in my study of the crater here where I live, the cratering process is wrong in the literature. Consider the anomaly offset phenomena. The physical crater and the magnetic and gravity maps do not match up. This is due to the surface and below surface effects being a separate process. You can see some cool pictures of this effect in this article about Brazilian Impact Structures. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alvaro_Crosta/publication/285260888_Geophysical_characteristics_of_four_possible_impact_structures_in_the_Parnaiba_Basin_Brazil_Comparison_and_implications/links/5665797d08ae418a786ef350.pdf

So this simple example is showing the phenomena of surface crater versus the gravity and magnetic crater. Reliance on a surface crater has doomed geologist. First they assumed they were volcanic. Then they assumed cratering matched chemical and atomic structures.
Impact is a kinetic process. These structures are unique to that process and each impact is also unique to it's self. And that is the third way geologist fail. They seek to establish uniformity to define a crater. This just will never happen because that is not the way craters happen.
A failed assumption of these more advanced geologist is that craters are all magnetic highs. Consider a stony impact bolide that is also of low density. It's impact could result in a magnetic low crater.
Major Accretion

The European space agency sent a probe up to measure earth gravity. this is an amplified picture. it shows the major impacts. these are absorbed like a catching a ball with a glove and recoiling to absorb the impact. not a surface explosion like the smaller ones. now some are absorbed completely into the planet core and leave a low gravity crater signature. some are more stuck to the surface. impacts of this physics type are liquid so the residual energy is the heat of earth's core.
Circular features the core absorbed vestigial crater.
Double crater rings are shock waves in shock solids. >>>
Stretch Marks - With people is because of gaining weight. But with geology somehow earth just makes a shifting stretch mark. Why is it shifting from the circular feature stretch marks?

Impact absorbing the encratering process. Many bodies in the impact accretion process will break the crust. As you can see in the above picture the surface crater does not represent the full cratering process. Think of a bullet wound. It is not the surface cut that kills people. Any doctor who just examined that would be incompetent.
Nested particle friction explosion
First the kinetic explosion. Then a quanta decrease in size sorting. As the moving kinetic friction builds a secondary lighting or pulse or explosion depending on the combustibility of the dust like materials. But light can interact and turn into dust particles.
MAY 18, 2014
Scientists discover how to turn light into matter after 80-year quest

All impact theory except what you read here are wrong. Most fundamentally kinetic impacts have a lateral push wave far outside the craters which is verified in the many "unconformities" encountered by geologist. Additionally since their models are based on chemical and nuclear explosions the moving matter explosion is missed. This picture is a good representation of a large earth impact.

Kant and the school of accretion - Immanuel Kant, familiar with Swedenborg's work, developed the theory further in 1755, publishing his own Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens, wherein he argued that gaseous clouds (nebulae) slowly rotate, gradually collapse and flatten due to gravity, eventually forming stars and planets. Now notice the cores from the Flynn Creek Impact Crater. The first 30 feet show what we would call chondrules in meteorites. You know those melt inclusions. Impact accretion is a separate type of accretion than the Kantian accretion. As a teleological approach it would disperse the most varity of matter.

Quantum phases driven by strong correlations
Nature Reviews Physics volume 3, pages9–26(2021)Cite this article
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It has long been thought that strongly correlated systems are adiabatically connected to their non-interacting counterpart. Recent developments have highlighted the fallacy of this traditional notion in a variety of settings. In this Review, we use a class of strongly correlated electron systems to illustrate the type of quantum phases and fluctuations that are created by strong correlations. Examples include quantum critical states that violate the Fermi liquid paradigm, unconventional superconductivity that goes beyond the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer framework, and topological semimetals induced by the Kondo interaction.

Atomic Impacts and Cosmic Rays - The universe has areas of cosmic ray increase. This is consistent with the universe impact cascade. https://www.space.com/32644-cosmic-rays.html
Real beach sand atop the Western Highland Rim in Lawrence County, TN. The Frankewing, TN lateral impact hit into a shallow sea with great force making a west bound wall of impact material including the meteor material. This hits the Highland Rim where the iron has been mined during the 19th century. Shown below is the gradient pressure as this wave of blast material loses energy and also encounters the Highland Rim as a wall.

The very large cosmic impact. Ancient impact, the very large type. Notice the cloud is not coalescing but still expanding without any gravitation around the stars.
The heart of the Lagoon Nebula. A spectacular Hubble image reveals the heart of the Lagoon Nebula, seen as a massive cloud of glowing dust and gas, bombarded by the energetic radiation of new stars, this placid name hides the dramatic interplay between gas and dust sculpted by intense radiation from hot young stars deep in the heart of the nebula.
Credit: NASA/ESA - HST and

Upshot Knothole and the million dollar cannon. The cannon was first used in warfare by Genghis Khan. Low level detonation about 500 ft. The early atomic test showed that small pieces of the bomb and towers would be propelled and not incinerated. Also at low height burst was more destructive. The high burst made reflected shock waves which later combined. Kinetic earth impacts from large bolides explode after contact from back loading pressures and have shock waves traveling in the earth's crust. While they can destroy matter down to the atomic level the chain reactions are all kinetic cascades of impacts. Some large bolides do contain radioactive material and it is not impossible to have an impact chain reaction and may have happened in Africa.

So here we have the nuclear bomb test craters. As every impact crater is unique this gives some clues to penetration issues. As a kinetic based explosion the angle of impact greatly affects the surface crater and sub crater mechanics. The density of the impacting bolide, speed, surface etc. are all going to be relevant. The before and after events are also going to tell a forensic story as well.
It is thought that physics does not exist in the early big bang and certainly the pre big bang. Well that is just mistaken. The overarching phenomena of physics is kinetic i.e. motion. All other physics are subordinate. Kinetic physics even proceeds the big bang as thought has movement. Mind exist kinetically and is outside and inside the universe. Time is event dependent and is not bound by the universe. The reports of those who visit Heaven indicate time dilation.

Gravity is a resonance wave. Everything resonates. Waves bring shells into the shore over time and space dust arrives on our planet every day by the ton. Resonance is a collector. The universe is kinetic based. Gravity is not one phenomena. It should be differentiated as resonate and non resonate. The resonate makes the waves on earth water and compacts soil, lithification and crystallization considered to be a gravity effect. Also all bodies are harmonic so even a galaxy can harmonize compaction. The action of gravity as a space time effect is another phenomena.

So time is an event sequence and the sinc up of Mind time and physical events is a quantum problem. Mind is not constrained to the physical universe. Therefore not in sinc. Events are also not in sinc i.e. relative. Geology is a good example of why I avoid even using the term time. Events are what is important. That is why I so often expand the geology to areas of interest to other people, like yourself. Events that don't happen to others are like non time.

Aurora Borealis Striations. This phenomena illustrates the filtering of packets of energy waves. The earth is a filter and prism. The atmosphere is also. Finally the energy is diffused. In an impact event the extreme energy power variation and filtering variation makes a diversity of phenomena effects. Over distance these powers like packets go from level to level. You will see an initial power so high as to vaporize, then melt, then settle into high harmonic frequencies, to low and striations is one of the lower of the frequency harmonics.

Resonate compaction cycle - What we know as gravity is more than is understood. A system will entangle a resonance of all it's resonance to complete a minimal. After this is done it starts a degrading system resonance that wears the system down to release from an ever smaller minimum which makes matter that is free of the former resonate residence.
dark matter & energy

A gyroscope weighs the same spinning or still. That is the problem with the unbalanced energy equation of the universe. Resonate energy is not accounted for. Matter or mass has electrons that are spinning. The kinetic energy of the equation is missing a large amount of it's component energy. The system energy is being measured but not it's components. Newtonian mechanics works just fine without it as it deals only with the system.

Magnetic field pattern. Clumping of iron filings in the presence of a magnetic field from a ring magnet. The magnetised iron filings align due to the interactions between them, even though the magnetic field itself is continuous. Magnetism is a property of ferromagnetic metals (such as iron, nickel and cobalt) caused by the alignment of the spins of the electrons in the metal.
Now, notice the fractal starburst and the resonate circle. This particle pattern would be shock constellationing. It is banded. So does this also resemble what telescopes see? Is this energy accounted for in the energy of the universe equations? Notice how the field is striated. It is not continuous but banded. Another packet/quantum phenomena. But like shatter cones you lose striation as the energy goes up.
Lower harmonics are like wide banding light with a prism. A unity otherwise.
The universe has an unbalanced matter and energy equation. It is called dark matter and energy. 4 energies are not being accounted for. Magnetic, atomic motion, shock kinetics, and resonance.
Quantum reality - The Copenhagen Explanation is backwards. Reality is kinetic, measuring a stopped particle is not reality. So is existence. Mind reality is even moving.
So are particles entangled or mind reality which does not have to move through space?

Cosmic speeds - Earth impacts can occur at cosmic speeds or captured speeds. Big craters like I have here in Middle, TN happened at cosmic speeds. The small popular craters like Wells Creek and the Barringer Crater in Arizona are captured speed. Captured speed is about 15 miles per second. Cosmic speed I start at 30 miles per second but can be much higher.
Light travels at 15 million miles per hour or 186,000 miles per second. This supernova expansion is going on at 11 million miles per hour.

Surfing accretion - pulsing magnetic field is generated by planets far out into space. This makes planets pull in space dust and rocks. Not a gravity effect, a resonate accretion. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/40-year-mystery-solved-source-of-jupiter-s-x-ray-flares-uncovered

Resonate Transfer Crater- Resonate energy a type of shock wave harmonic is like other energies, electrical for example. It is seeking a grounding state. The grounding state is ultimately the total system as it can define it. Not the above impact crater is the state of too much differential to transfer. The opposite would be two objects meeting in the same harmonic state of resonance. Could that produce a physical merger. It is the fastest way to produce synthetic diamonds, a high vibrating pressure to slide the crystals into place.
The droplets you see are a disparity explosion.
Dark energy, matter and the accretion cycle
Was there heat or kinetic energy at the moment of big bang, well is the same since movement constructs the heat but heat only goes one way so it becomes an attribute of movement. This is more fine tuning of the universe to preform a mission of duration. But anyway the kinetic colliding of objects is observable only at scale. So like Brownian motion this is known by perceived energy. But here is what you don't want to not count. 1. small objects moving in the universe. They are from collisions but are also accreting into bigger size. 2. They are still colliding and this is a kinetic transfer. 3. All the collisions of the universe did not all transfer to that event. Some of that energy was sent outward into the cosmic background. These are the missing components of dark matter and energy.
Now ultimately the background has pulsing resonance of the system, including all forms of expression, but alas at the base of all physics is motion (K).
Connect by quantum gravity? Yes, is pulsing by system resonance. K is the one true foundation of physics, everything moves, beyond that it resonates as movement connects with other movement and resolves into a summation movement resonance. Galaxies oscillate, and so does the universe.
What constitutes a system? Clearly the Big Bang required outside universe construction. Thermodynamics works as a bounded construction. Like most physics it is qualified. Kinetic motion (K) transcends. Gravity and anti-matter widen the bounded problem and the fine tuning where even if the mechanism is not understood the universe always turns out in favor of life on earth. Teleology governs it. Mind constructed and thought has motion (KM).
A collision cycle of impact and accretion with matter and anti-matter is only possible with unbalance. The presence of any anti-matter makes a reaction inhibitor blasting out energy pushing the evolving universe outward. That would be the early rapid expansion. Then you would have a modified collision accretion fine tuned system. Specific.

Fabric weave forensic system resonance - A multitude of forces extend through the universe as a progression. Light, gravity, shock, ..., these forces combine as a multiple sum resonance as if you strike a drum head with many objects.

The system has no one event source but contains the crossing of event source energies entangled. While having a single point source, a slice of the universe in progression is not a single event picture and is a summation and not time referenceable.

Close Collisions of the 4th kind. - Imagine an impacting object contacting at low angle and the shock making it and the surface into a plasma. The back side of the contacting object could propel laterally without surface mixing.
Colliding water drops Wim van Bezouw Photography
Making these photos requires a lot of preparation. The water in the valves must have a viscosity such that the droplet rises up out of the water in a beautiful shape. To get this viscosity I use Nutilis Clear. I prefer this because it is easy to use. Just mix it in hot water and cool it down in the fridge. That's it! You're good to go! I also tried Xanthan gum but that is a bit of a hassle. You have to mix it through the water. Mix and mix a bit more, heat in the microwave, mix and then…

Impact as a crust breaking event, Crusta Confractus. This picture illustrates the particle accretion cycle. The impacting objects were part of larger objects that collided and broke into smaller pieces. Now they are absorbed into a larger mass.
Caption Craters on Mercury, MESSENGER image. Northern volcanic plains on Mercury, part of the first global digital elevation model (DEM) of the planet. The colours have been enhanced to emphasize different types of rocks. At lower right is the 291-kilometre-wide impact basin Mendelssohn. At lower left are large wrinkle ridges, formed during lava cooling, with buried impact craters also visible. Near top, a bright orange region is the location of a volcanic vent. The MESSENGER (Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging) spacecraft orbited Mercury from March 2011 to April 2015. This image was released in May 2016.
Tides are the summation of the gravity forces but waves are not a primary wind dynamic. They are also the summation of gravity waves as a harmonic.

Space station crossing in front of sun.

Turing Patterns, they confirm fusion mechanics. An engine that runs on four mechanisms: Gravity, Convection, Sphere surface pressure, and chemical rejection separation.
Notice the surface of the sun as the space station crosses. These designs are called Turing Patterns (Alan Turing 1952). You must have a surface to surface rejection to produce these i.e. Hydrogen & Helium. That confirms that the reaction is in the center and the convection circulates the reaction. Gravity is the central convection driver. Also you must have a containment and that is the sphere surface pressure which is another type of rejection pattern.

Meteorite found in the Sahara Desert is older than earth. This composition is common to impactites from large earth impacts. These objects, protoplanets come from outside the solar system and are part of the cosmic accretion system of making planet composition diversity. https://bigthink.com/hard-science/ancient-meteorite-ec-002/#Echobox=1634877982

the explanation of phenomena in terms of the purpose they serve rather than of the cause by which they arise.
Epidemic curve and the impact mixing function - The Big Bang Blast building a mass of objects would be a uniform type construction. These objects collide and mix elements. Smaller bits break off and collide as a shock chaos storm chain reaction. This is repeated by accretion back to larger objects which will be more diverse. This is the same replicating diversity you find in viral explosions. As the universe expands the mix is highly diverse with decreasing collisions. These type physical facts of the universe being set up for life on earth are called "The fine tuning of the universe."

Surface stretching and compression - Never mind what theory you were taught, the reason everything is called a theory and not a law anymore is it was so embarrassing to retract laws. First is was taught that the moon craters were volcanic. Then tectonics came into vogue for earth although you do not see that on other planets. The power of a theory is it's ability to explain, that is it's test. In this picture you see compression and stretching. Stretching on the left and compression on the right. Stretch marks left and hexagon crater compression on the right. This is due to a large accretion impact on the left side which was massive and added to the moon's circumference. Impact accretion theory is generally accepted but it's effects are poorly understood. Photo by: Jim Gardepe of the Von Braun Astronomical Society.
Vela Pulsar with resonate bounce back from the Pulsar Wind Nebula Sphere Envelope. You can see impactite shock made agates with this effect like this one from the Amazon Basin Impact shown below.

Accretion harmony and the spinning Milky Way Galaxy. This is not spinning off material it is spinning up material collecting as a resonate system. It started small as a spinning multi vibrating moving object interacting with also resonating objects. This will entangle them to collect and resolve to a system resonance.

Jon Larsen the micro meteorite guy posted this specimen. It is a micro crater but what is even more interesting is the shock wind which blew the impact splatter sideways. So why did the impaling object come from one direction and the shock wind another? Well these are high energies. You can have the circle crater from an off angle not 90 degrees the impacted object can spin and the force that sent the small projectile blow the liquid/plasma ejecta sideways to the impacted object. Or you could have shock chaos with multiple directions of chain reaction impacts and forces.

Notice the hatch pattern. This is the harmonic resonance field surrounding the sun. Both the sun and the combined system resonance of the solar system, galaxy and universe interact.
Foreword cavitation and high speed collision. Was plastic at time and retained some pieces. Shock chaos storm impactite. Not a meteorite, a tektite. Meteorite Times Magazine Articles - Meteorites & Tektites, Meteorite Dealers, Links & Classifieds (meteorite-times.com)

Group expert
Square waves. A deadly phenomenon in Europe ...
They may look nice, but they are very dangerous. We are talking about square waves, which can happen both in the open sea and near the shore. Square waves are created when the wind meets water. .the unusual phenomenon creates a checkerboard effect at sea. The water then looks like a grid made of squares.
From a bird's eye view or from a distance, the view can be enchanted. The water appears to be gentle and mild. In fact, square waves are similar to the tides, which is very dangerous. .have already caused many ship sinkings. It is virtually impossible to escape from the water when these types of waves occur, and there is one area in Europe where this phenomenon occurs very frequently. I am talking about the island of Re on the west coast of France. .it is connected with the mainland by a three-kilometer bridge.
A harmonic propagation, these feedback loops also plagued the Saturn 5 rocket engine by the way.

One instability in rocket thrust causes the next, then it sets up an oscillation frequency. This causes a fear of using them at full power.

You might recall that the V1 operated on this principle. The solution is to regain control of the harmonic by setting up a gain to ever higher frequencies until it appears to be smooth. It did not matter if one pulse differed as the harmonic was the same only amplitude would change.
Does the universe favor quanta and waves? Yes. Take for example the sonic boom. The wave energy exceeds the carrying capacity of the conductive material which causes an explosion as it is now releases at once. Yet, the next step is the energy reorganizes itself into a new wave and repropagates until the same sequence happens again. Note the sonic boom is an explosion cone, also a harmonic which will repeat.
And that brings us back to the Howell Crater the most unique in the world. A tangent impact setting up a lateral shock wave which made three sonic booms in the carrying bedrock. Howell is just an exposed breccia pipe along the crater wall. The cone mapping of the sonic boom progression is also a cone, meta form. And this is another phenomena circle.
The nature of shock faults is not like electrical circuit breaker and spark gap calculations. This is an energy making its own circuit. The conductive media is being remade to carry its greatest capacity as the shock flows through it. That greatest capacity is a liquid and then the wave break happens an explosion releasing the energy from the media. This is picked back up again at a lower level.

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Nov 2018
This paper proposes a novel method for efficient prediction of joint distributions of heights and periods of nonlinear ocean waves. The proposed novel method utilizes a transformed linear simulation which is based on a Hermite transformation model where the transformation is chosen to be a monotonic cubic polynomial, calibrated such that the first...

Mercury appears to be younger than the earth's moon. This impact profile has a higher percentage of small impact crater density than the moon. As the shock chaos explosion would produce a gradient of large to small Mercury seems to have appeared sometime after earth and our moon. It is likely the product of a large body collision. The global population of large craters on Mercury and comparison with the Moon - Fassett - 2011 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

Magnetic turbulence.
A beautiful green spiral shaped Northern Lights seen over the Thingvallavatn lake in Iceland. This body of water fills one of the many faults found in the Thingvellir park, within which there is the rift that separates the European continent from the North American one.
Credit: Juan Carlos Casado (TWAN, StarryEarth)

Chain craters very fascinating and not as uncommon as you might think. Shown above chain craters on the moon. They are found on Mercury, Mars and Jupiter. They were even witnessed being formed on Jupiter when comet Shoemaker Levy broke off pieces when passing by.
Cavitation lines and craters on shock mega clast Johnson Top SE Lincoln County, TN from the Howell Impact. This phenomena makes a spray line through Flintville to Johnson Top and a little beyond.

Impact accretion cycle and chain craters. Images of the Ryugu Asteroid show it has been hit and is collecting fragments. Comets less together shed pieces on pass by of large gravity pulling objects releasing material causing chain craters as seen on Jupiter. Then they recollect material like the asteroids. This cycle indicates a population of space fragments from impacts and accretion. Besides gravity "Impact Vector Spray" could cause this effect. A line of traveling objects from a space collision. As shown in the above picture I can find a vector spray of phenomena effects from an impact. The energy required to make a crater is great. It requires a kinetic explosion or some high energy. Linear cavitation will be close and when it combines makes a trough.

Linear cavitation shock mega clast Johnson Top, TN SE Lincoln County, TN from Howell Impact. This one has turned in flight and made crossing cavitation. Rare phenomena rare turning type. Trenching is a moving fast cavitation.

The Orbiting Organizing and Alignment Theory
Researchers Solve Mystery of Anomalous Grooves on Phobos
Sep 2, 2016 by News Staff / Source
Anomalous grooves on Phobos, the larger of the two Martian moons, are the result of debris ejected by impacts eventually falling back onto the surface to form linear chains of craters, according to a study published in the journal Nature Communications.
In this image of Phobos, red arrows indicate a chain of small craters whose origin researchers were able to trace back to a primary impact at a large crater known as Grildrig. Image credit: M. Nayak & E. Asphaug / ESA / Mars Express.
Phobos, the larger and inner of the two natural satellites of Mars, is an unusual satellite, orbiting closer to its planet than any other moon in the Solar System.
It orbits the Red Planet about 3,700 miles (6,000 km) from the surface and completes an orbit in just 7 hours and 39 minutes.
Phobos is approximately 16.2 x 13.7 x 11.2 miles (26 x 22 x 18 km) and has a very lumpy appearance. It also has craters and grooves on its surface.
One set of grooves are thought to be stress fractures resulting from the tidal pull of Mars. The new study addresses another set of grooves that do not fit that explanation.
“These grooves cut across the tidal fields, so they require another mechanism,” said lead author Michael Nayak, of the University of California at Santa Cruz and Red Sky Research, LLC.
“If we put the two together, we can explain most if not all of the grooves on Phobos.”
Nayak and his colleague, Dr. Erik Asphaug of Arizona State University and the University of California at Santa Cruz, developed computer simulations showing how these anomalous grooves could result from impacts.
Material ejected from the surface by an impact easily escapes the weak gravity of Phobos. But the debris remains in orbit around Mars, most of it moving either just slower or just faster than the orbital velocity of Phobos, and within a few orbits it gets recaptured and falls back onto the surface of the moon.
The simulations enabled the team to track in precise detail the fate of the ejected debris.
They found that recaptured debris creates distinctive linear impact patterns that match the characteristics of the anomalous grooves and chains of craters that cut across the tidal stress fractures on Phobos.
“A lot of stuff gets kicked up, floats for a couple of orbits, and then gets recollected and falls back in a linear chain before it has a chance to be pulled apart and disassociated by Mars’ gravity,” Nayak said.
“The controlling factor is where the impact occurs, and that determines where the debris falls back.”
The researchers used their model to match a linear chain of small craters on Phobos to its primary source crater.
They simulated an impact at the 1.6-mile (2.6 km) crater called Grildrig, near the moon’s north pole, and found that the pattern resulting from ejected debris falling back onto the surface in the model was a very close match to the actual crater chain observed on Phobos.
“With its low mass and close orbit around Mars, Phobos is so unusual that it may be the only place in the Solar System where this phenomenon occurs,” Nayak said.
M. Nayak & E. Asphaug. 2016. Sesquinary catenae on the Martian satellite Phobos from reaccretion of escaping ejecta. Nature Communications 7, article number: 12591; doi: 10.1038/ncomms12591
Impact and secondary cavitation phenomena - Phobos is one of the more photographed objects in our solar system. As you can see in this image we have the ridge trough signature identical to the impactites from the Howell Impact bolder spray. One of the main problems with the other theories is a circular crater requires a kinetic explosion which is not really accounted for in their models as well as the alignment of a random spray of ejecta.

Now here we have a transition specimen from just east of Johnson Top on the edge of Franklin County, TN and Jackson County, AL. It has molten bubbling iron in the cavitation holes. It has both random and linear cavitation.

Leaking iron melt with direction to left similar to the cavitation direction flow. A gaseous grooving of surface from the evaporative iron. It is unlikely in a kinetic explosion this large there would be air to make cavitation like is part of the mechanism for meteorite cavitation. I think this is a more energetic physics of gasses produced in the impact plasma and simi plasma bubble.
While this is a transition specimen, I do not believe this to be the only type mechanism i.e. inclusion melting bubbles in a high pressure moving object environment.
In a hundreds of Giga Pascal (GPa) environment with multiple dense material bubbles like iron the blasted earth strata moving through this in pieces would be cavitated in the various ways found in the examples at or near Johnson Top. Why do you not see this more often in specimens from around the world? First, I will repeat that every impact is unique. Second, the understanding of earth rocks is not very good. It is a simi tectonic flash card process that fails to incorporate new thesis. So geologist would not recognize this and explain it as erosion which is also pre plate tectonic theory.

Gradient hot plasma bubble chain crater theory and the water drop bounce with low surface adhesion. Source: Water droplets make an impact – Physics World

Astronomers Found a Crater From The Mystery Rocket That Smashed Into The Moon
27 JUNE 2022
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) – NASA's eye-in-the-sky in orbit around the Moon – has found the crash site of the mystery rocket booster that slammed into the far side of the Moon back on 4 March 2022.
The LRO images, taken May 25th, revealed not just a single crater, but a double crater formed by the rocket's impact, posing a new mystery for astronomers to unravel.
Why a double crater? While somewhat unusual – none of the Apollo S-IVBs that hit the Moon created double craters – they're not impossible to create, especially if an object hits at a low angle. But that doesn't seem to be the case here.
Astronomer Bill Gray, who first discovered the object and predicted its lunar demise back in January, explains that the booster "came in at about 15 degrees from vertical. So that's not the explanation for this one."
The impact site consists of an 18-meter-wide eastern crater superimposed on a 16-meter-wide western crater. Mark Robinson, Principal Investigator of the LRO Camera team, proposes that this double crater formation might result from an object with distinct, large masses at each end.
Before (2022-02-28) and after image (2022-05-21) of the Moon. (NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University)
"Typically a spent rocket has mass concentrated at the motor end; the rest of the rocket stage mainly consists of an empty fuel tank. Since the origin of the rocket body remains uncertain, the double nature of the crater may help to indicate its identity," he said.
So what is it?
It's a long story. The unidentified rocket first came to astronomers' attention earlier this year when it was identified as a SpaceX upper stage, which had launched NASA's Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) to the Sun-Earth L1 Lagrange Point in 2015.
Gray, who designs software that tracks space debris, was alerted to the object when his software pinged an error. He told The Washington Post on January 26 that "my software complained because it couldn't project the orbit past March 4, and it couldn't do it because the rocket had hit the Moon."
Gray spread the word, and the story made the rounds in late January – but a few weeks later, he received an email from Jon Giorgini at the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL).
Giorgini pointed out that DSCOVR's trajectory shouldn't have taken the booster anywhere near the Moon. In an effort to reconcile the conflicting trajectories, Gray began to dig back into his data, where he discovered that he had misidentified the DSCOVR booster way back in 2015.
SpaceX wasn't the culprit after all. But there was definitely still an object hurtling towards the Moon. So what was it?
A bit of detective work led Gray to determine it was actually the upper stage of China's Chang'e 5-T1 mission, a 2014 technology demonstration mission that lay the groundwork for Chang'e 5, which successfully returned a lunar sample to Earth in 2020 (incidentally, China recently announced it would follow up this sample return mission with a more ambitious Mars sample return project later this decade).
Jonathan McDowell offered some corroborating evidence that seemed to bolster this new theory for the object's identity.
The mystery was solved.
Except, days later, China's Foreign Minister claimed it was not their booster: it had deorbited and crashed into the ocean shortly after launch.
As it stands now, Gray remains convinced it was the Change 5-T1 booster that hit the Moon, proposing that the Foreign Minister made an honest mistake, confusing Chang'e 5-T1 with the similarly named Chang'e 5 (whose booster did indeed sink into the ocean).
As for the new double crater on the Moon, the fact that the LRO team was able to find the impact site so quickly is an impressive feat in itself. It was discovered mere months after impact, with a little help from Gray and JPL, who each independently narrowed the search area down to a few dozen kilometers.
For comparison, The Apollo 16 S-IVB impact site took more than six years of careful searching to find.
Bill Gray's account of the booster identification saga is here, as well as his take on the double crater impact. The LRO images can be found here.
This article was originally published by Universe Today.

The low angle crater effect is a poorly studied phenomena. You can have a moving explosion. But simpler that that if you spill something on the floor you will see a separating crater effect if it hits at an angle.

Slide left above has a central evaporation the highest energy, followed by chaos, then a radial forming harmonic (a crater form) then an isolated wavelength (system harmonic) they tree fractal as the energy dissipates.
Note how small an impact sphere can be.
Light is both energy and matter/particle. When it interacts with matter it is translated into energy.
Impulsive electric fields driven by high-intensity laser matter interactions
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2007
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The interaction of high-intensity laser pulses with matter releases instantaneously ultra-large currents of highly energetic electrons, leading to the generation of highly-transient, large-amplitude electric and magnetic fields. We report results of recent experiments in which such charge dynamics have been studied by using proton probing techniques able to provide maps of the electrostatic fields with high spatial and temporal resolution. The dynamics of ponderomotive channeling in underdense plasmas have been studied in this way, as also the processes of Debye sheath formation and MeV ion front expansion at the rear of laser-irradiated thin metallic foils. Laser-driven impulsive fields at the surface of solid targets can be applied for energy-selective ion beam focusing.
When it interacts with light it is combinatory.
The Interaction of Light with Light
Intense beams of laser light interact with crystals to yield novel optical effects. For example, when two beams meet in a crystal they can add or subtract to produce beams of two new wavelengths
By J. A. Giordmaine on April 1, 1964
Lightning/energy will make light. Light when it contacts matter will make energy. Light is a transitory state.

The Universal Plaid Theory - This theory is soon to be adopted by the Scottish Scientific Union states that a crossing wave plaid is propagated throughout the universe. As you can see on the micro crater made by laser a banding occurs and then a larger cross banding. It grows about one to five on the cross banding wave. Both are making fractals as the energy moves away from the center crater. Shock must exist as a wave so the record of an experiment like this will show this wavelength phenomena. The vertical wave length is from the original crater making shock. The cross return is from the block of metal as a second order polarized reflection.

Reverse Constellationing - The granular particle crystal habit to clump into rejection patterns like the Turning Patterns is going on in reverse here. The shock wave is imprinting this melted flow of tubes and beads outward leaving string connections as it is pulled apart.

Milky quartz and carnelian with "Scottish Plaid" cross hatch. This interesting phenomena is caused by the shock wave which you see vertically imprinting its wavelength through this as a liquid plasma and getting a return polarized return. The crystal structure makes a wave gate. Nice specimen. Real world example of phenomena vague but this is not a pure harmonic like the laser lab experiment above. Specimen collected by: Danzel Danzel

Phenomena circle and the scale transition - this little carnelian shock made nodule has a central energy perhaps impalement during the shock explosion storm. It presents a fractal central crater with a complex ridge and wave banding expansion. Specimen collected by:
Warm regards to all. What type of Agate is this? Found on a farmland. Location Pune outskirts, India.

Blast wave polarization with fractal branching energy dispersal.

Not only is the lens or material transformed by shock but the shock wave itself is transformed.
A new lens allows researchers to watch shock waves travel through silicon
Researchers used a unique approach to learn more about what happens to silicon under intense pressure.
Elasticity, the ability of an object to bounce back to its original shape, is a universal property in solid materials. But when pushed too far, materials change in unrecoverable ways: Rubber bands snap in half, metal frames bend or melt and phone screens shatter.
For instance, when silicon, an element abundant in the Earth’s crust, is subjected to extreme heat and pressure, an initial “elastic” shock wave travels through the material, leaving it unchanged, followed by an “inelastic” shock wave that irreversibly transforms the structure of the material.
>Read more on the LCLS website
Image: After blasting silicon with intense laser pulses at SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source, researchers saw an unexpected shock wave appear in the material before its structure was irreversibly changed.
Credit: Gregory Stewart/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

And that brings us all the way back to Johnny Von Neuman who anticipated the shock wave lens of allowing the waves to converge. But you can cross waves making a new wave of different character. Earth impact is not uniform the bolide has parts and the shock waves will be consecutive and of different character. The first waves establish a new physics environment of pressure and altered materials and each consecutive impact shock does more reconstructive physics making a many lens effect. Image above is from: Mikhail Basko

Experiments on Shocks and Dust Structures in Dusty Plasmas
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39 th EPS Conference & 16 th Int. Congress on Plasma Physics Stockholm, Sweden, July 2-7, 2012. Experiments on Shocks and Dust Structures in Dusty Plasmas. Robert L. Merlino , Jonathon R. Heinrich, Su-Hyun Kim and John K. Meyer

Consider the cylinder the initial shock pressure explosion and the wave field the second or vice versa. Be all that as it may the system is seeking a system resonance combination of energy in balance with mass and motion. It is a transfer dynamic. A circular resolution. The engine driving the universe.
This is an expansion of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which only illustrates a part of this dynamic transfer. The universe as a system is not "running down." What seems to be that is just a local transfer of motion, energy or mass.
Figure from: Hyunchul Jang

Ray Forage
Group expert in Geology
· 12h ·
A prime meridian for Mars. This dune-filled crater, called Airy-0 (zero), defines 0° longitude for the Red Planet, much like the location of the Royal Observatory Greenwich in England does on Earth. The crater is about 43 km (~27 miles) in diameter. This enhanced-colour look at the crater comes from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech and Planetary Landscapes
Thank you Ray Forage for posting this really interesting crater. Not dunes. Section 1 Botryoidal bubbling (which is a type of rejection pattern since making a sphere is how one substance opposes another). 2. Fractal climbing, this is a breakup pattern of energy dissipation. While it loses the white it is still somewhat evident climbing up the wall. Of course dunes are incapable of vertical climbing. 3. Tiger stripe tube fractals. this is a second order (iterative) energy phenomena. The tubes are fractals but the power was so great it shifted energy octave like if you blow on a pipe flute harder it will shift up octaves.
Why are these type craters different? All craters are unique. Usually I regard a crater as a "nominal effect." Since most of the event is not established by the crater. This is a non nominal. The energy was dissipated at the crater therefore higher making phenomena not seen in most craters. Some surfaces are harder which causes an instant unloading of kinetic energy. While popular theory teaches that craters are an instant unlaoding that is not so. Some objects are uniform. That also causes instant unloading. Some impacts are more vertical causing instant unloading. Next is speed. Slow impacts do not produce a kinetic explosion crater. Bullets for example usually do not. You need to get up to miles per second. An object moving too fast will not make a kinetic surface explosion. Fast enough it would drill a liquid hole through the object which would tend to melt back together making nothing more than a surface dimple.
This post is approved by the Mad Scientist, Genius, Polymath, Idiot Savant, Society (MSGPISS).

Very unusual stratified structure in a 1-km Martian crater. This is located in the Noachis Terra region, in surfaces ~3-4 billion years old. This image was acquired by the CTX camera in January 2008, and the scale is about 5.2 meters/pixel. Probably either a poorly camouflaged spaceship or a giant space moth taking a rest before flying into the sun.... From Above Top Secret dot com.

A slower angled impact. It broke apart and/or split on the trailing side. The banding you see is a harmonic back wave.
Mars Landslides Spawned By Weird Double-Layered Craters
Sep 2, 2013, 11:36 AM EDT
Scientists are a step closer to solving a 40-year-old mystery about some unusual looking craters on Mars.
These features are called double-layered ejecta (DLE) craters, and attracted research attention because their debris patterns do not match the typical understanding of how craters are formed.
I count five waves. Splash wave are from the kinetic energy being so high it turns the surface and the impactor to liquid. Waves are a quanta phenomena. Rather than a continuous wave the liquid grouped into separate waves. Notice the striation appears on the final waves. Striation is a lower power phenomena. Next you see triangle wave patterns i.e. coning. Striated coning or shattercones are a lower powered say 2 to 20 GPa (Giga Pascals) type.

Saturn's moon Enceladus and the angled accretion subduction cratering expansion. Expansion wrinkles, the push up of an angled accretion subduction impact and all that overlapping of events through the planet building process until you finally see the small surface exploding impacts. This picture is a model of planet formation.. Enceladus (Saturn's Moon) seen in eerie detail. Captured by the Cassini Spacecraft.

Conditional Existence - The universe exist as a construct of many conditions. Conditions have subset conditions. Time for example is dependent on motion. The environment of a large kinetic impact makes new physics and materials in this short lived condition. Some fundamental particle states are the same conditional existence. Clumping behavior as described by Bosons is also what we see with the impact particle storm which will collect as a granular crystal structure, (constellationing).
Physicists prove the existence of two-dimensional particles called 'anyons'
Physicists prove the existence of two-dimensional particles called 'anyons'
This year, physicists gave us an early view of a third kingdom of quasiparticles that only arise in two dimensions.
By Stephen Ornes | Published: Tuesday, December 22, 2020
After decades of exploration in nature’s smallest domains, physicists have finally found evidence that anyons exist. First predicted by theorists in the early 1980s, these particle-like objects only arise in realms confined to two dimensions, and then only under certain circumstances — like at temperatures near absolute zero and in the presence of a strong magnetic field.
Physicists are excited about anyons not only because their discovery confirms decades of theoretical work, but also for practical reasons. For example: Anyons are at the heart of an effort by Microsoft to build a working quantum computer.
This year brought two solid confirmations of the quasiparticles. The first arrived in April, in a paper featured on the cover of Science, from a group of researchers at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. Using an approach proposed four years ago, physicists sent an electron gas through a teeny-tiny particle collider to tease out weird behaviors — especially fractional electric charges — that only arise if anyons are around. The second confirmation came in July, when a group at Purdue University in Indiana used an experimental setup on an etched chip that screened out interactions that might obscure the anyon behavior.
MIT physicist Frank Wilczek, who predicted and named anyons in the early 1980s, credits the first paper as the discovery but says the second lets the quasiparticles shine. “It’s gorgeous work that makes the field blossom,” he says. Anyons aren’t like ordinary elementary particles; scientists will never be able to isolate one from the system where it forms. They’re quasiparticles, which means they have measurable properties like a particle — such as a location, maybe even a mass — but they’re only observable as a result of the collective behavior of other, conventional particles. (Think of the intricate geometric shapes made by group behavior in nature, such as flocks of birds flying in formation or schools of fish swimming as one.)
The known universe contains only two varieties of elementary particles. One is the family of fermions, which includes electrons, as well as protons, neutrons, and the quarks that form them. Fermions keep to themselves: No two can exist in the same quantum state at the same time. If these particles didn’t have this property, all matter could simply collapse to a single point. It’s because of fermions that solid matter exists.
The rest of the particles in the universe are bosons, a group that includes particles like photons (the messengers of light and radiation) and gluons (which “glue” quarks together). Unlike fermions, two or more bosons can exist in the same state at the same time.
They tend to clump together. It’s because of this clumping that we have lasers, which are streams of photons all occupying the same quantum state.
Anyons don’t fit into either group. What makes anyons especially exciting for physicists is they exhibit something analogous to particle memory. If a fermion orbits another fermion, its quantum state remains unchanged. Same goes for a boson.
Anyons are different. If one moves around another, their collective quantum state shifts. It might require three or even five or more revolutions before the anyons return to their original state. This slight shift in the wave acts like a kind of memory of the trip. This property makes them appealing objects for quantum computers, which depend on quantum states that are notoriously fragile and prone to errors. Anyons suggest a more robust way to store data.
Wilczek points out that anyons represent a whole “kingdom” containing many varieties with exotic behaviors that can be explored and harnessed in the future. He began thinking about them about 40 years ago in graduate school, when he became frustrated with proofs that only established the existence of two kinds of particles.
He envisioned something else, and when asked about their other properties or where to find these strange in-betweeners, half-jokingly said, “anything goes” — giving rise to the name.
Now, he says, the new studies are just the beginning. Looking forward, he sees anyons as a tool for finding exotic states of matter that, for now, remain wild ideas in physicists’ theories.

Here is another conditional state a harmonic organization pure property. Dirty power is noisy, which produces a jagged sine wave but prevents maximum power output. Dirty power also requires your devices to work harder to function, which may shorten their usable life. In contrast, clean power produces a smooth sine wave and allows for maximum power output.
Physicists Are Startled by This Magnetic Material That 'Freezes' When Heated
4 JULY 2022
When disordered magnetic materials are cooled to just the right temperature, something interesting happens. The spins of their atoms 'freeze' and lock into place in a static pattern, exhibiting cooperative behavior not usually displayed.
Now for the first time, physicists have seen the opposite. When fractionally heated, the naturally occurring magnetic element neodymium freezes, turning all our expectations topsy turvy.
"The magnetic behavior in neodymium that we observed is actually the opposite of what 'normally' happens," said physicist Alexander Khajetoorians of Radboud University in the Netherlands.
"It's quite counterintuitive, like water that becomes an ice cube when it's heated up."
In a conventional ferromagnetic material, such as iron, the magnetic spins of the atoms all align in the same direction; that is, their north and south magnetic poles are oriented the same way in three-dimensional space.
But in some materials, such as some alloys of copper and iron, the spins are instead quite random. This state is what is known as a spin glass.
You might be thinking "but neodymium is well known for making excellent magnets" and you'd be right… but it has to be mixed with iron in order for the spins to align. Pure neodymium doesn't behave like other magnets; it was only two years ago that physicists determined this material is, in fact, best described as a self-induced spin glass.
Now, it seems, neodymium is even stranger than we thought.
When you heat a material, the rise in temperature increases the energy in that material. In the case of magnets, this increases the motion of the spins. But the opposite also occurs: When you cool down a magnet, the spins slow.
For spin glasses, freezing temperature is the point at which the spin glass behaves more like a conventional ferromagnet.
Led by physicist Benjamin Verlhac of Radboud University, a team of scientists wanted to probe how neodymium behaves under changing temperatures. Interestingly, they found that raising the temperature of neodymium from -268 degrees Celsius to -265 degrees Celsius (-450.4 to -445 Fahrenheit) induced the freeze state usually seen when cooling a spin glass.
When the scientists cooled the neodymium back down, the spins once again fell into disarray.
It's unclear why this occurs, since it's very rare that a natural material behaves in the 'wrong' way, contrary to how all the other materials of its kind behave. However, the scientists believe that it may have to do with a phenomenon called frustration.
This is when a material is unable to attain an ordered state, resulting in a disordered ground state, such as we see in spin glasses.
It's possible, the researchers said, that neodymium has certain correlations in its spin glass state that are dependent on temperature. Raising the temperature weakens these, and also therefore the frustration, allowing the spins to settle into an alignment.
Further investigation could reveal the mechanism behind this odd behavior in which order emerges from disorder with the addition of energy; the researchers note this has implications ranging far beyond physics.
"This 'freezing' of the pattern does not normally occur in magnetic material," Khajetoorians explained.
"If we ultimately can model how these materials behave, this could also be extrapolated to the behavior of a wide range of other materials."
The research has been published in Nature Physics.

The reduction of the triangle of the universe. Matter, energy, and movement. The condition of existence in our universe is movement. As a hierarchy of conditions movement is first. Quantum physics shows this as an osculation.
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What are time crystals? And why are they so weird?
Tom Metcalfe - Yesterday 11:09 AM
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Physicists in Finland are the latest scientists to create “time crystals,” a newly discovered phase of matter that exists only at tiny atomic scales and extremely low temperatures but also seems to challenge a fundamental law of nature: the prohibition against perpetual motion.
© Provided by NBC NewsWhat are time crystals? And why are they so weird?
The effect is only seen under quantum mechanical conditions (which is how atoms and their particles interact) and any attempt to extract work from such a system will destroy it. But the research reveals more of the counterintuitive nature of the quantum realm — the very smallest scale of the universe that ultimately influences everything else.
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Time crystals have no practical use, and they don’t look anything like natural crystals. In fact, they don’t look like much at all. Instead, the name “time crystal” — one any marketing executive would be proud of — describes their regular changes in quantum states over a period of time, rather than their regular shapes in physical space, like ice, quartz or diamond.
Some scientists suggest time crystals might one day make memory for quantum computers. But the more immediate goal of such work is to learn more about quantum mechanics, said physicist Samuli Autti, a lecturer and research fellow at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom.
And just as the modern world relies on quantum mechanical effects inside transistors, there’s a possibility that these new quantum artifacts could one day prove useful.
“Maybe time crystals will eventually power some quantum features in your smartphone,” Autti said.
Autti is the lead author of a study published in Nature Communications last month that described the creation of two individual time crystals inside a sample of helium and their magnetic interactions as they changed shape.
molecule which we know and love in our coffee. There are a lot of
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He and his colleagues at the Low Temperature Laboratory of Helsinki’s Aalto University started with helium gas inside a glass tube, and then cooled it with lasers and other laboratory equipment to just one-ten-thousandth of a degree above absolute zero (around minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit).
The researchers then used a scientific equivalent of “looking sideways” at their helium sample with radio waves, so as not to disturb its fragile quantum states, and observed some of the helium nuclei oscillating between two low-energy levels — indicating they’d formed a “crystal” in time.
At such extremely low temperatures matter doesn’t have enough energy to behave normally, so it’s dominated by quantum mechanical effects. For example, helium — a liquid at below minus 452.2 Fahrenheit — has no viscosity or “thickness” in this state, so it flows upward out of containers as what’s called a “superfluid.”
The study of time crystals is part of research into quantum physics, which can quickly become perplexing. At the quantum level, a particle can be in more than one place at once, or it might form a “qubit” — the quantum analog of a single bit of digital information, but which can be two different values at the same time. Quantum particles can also entangle and teleport. Physicists are still figuring it all out.
Time crystals are among the many strange features of quantum physics. In normal crystals like ice, quartz or diamond, atoms are aligned in a particular physical position — a tiny effect that leads to their distinctive regular shapes at larger scales.
But the particles in a time crystal exist in one of two different low-energy states depending on just when you look at them — that is, their position in time. That results in a regular oscillation that continues forever, a true type of perpetual motion.
However, such perpetual motion only truly exists forever in ideal time crystals that haven’t been fixed into one state or the other, and since the time crystals in the Aalto University experiments were not ideal, they lasted only a few minutes before they “melted” and started behaving normally, Autti said.
The same limitation means there’s no way to exploit the perpetual motion: A time crystal would just stop — “melt” — if an attempt were made to extract physical work from it, he said.
Time crystals were first proposed in 2012 by the American theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 2004 for his work on the subatomic “strong” force that holds quarks inside the protons and neutrons of atomic nuclei — one of the fundamental forces of the universe. They were first detected in 2016 in experiments with ions of the rare-earth metal ytterbium at the University of Maryland.
Time crystals have only been made a handful of times since then, as just creating them is extremely difficult. But the Aalto University experiments hint at a way for making them more easily, and for longer. This was also the first time that two time crystals have been used to form any kind of system.
Physicist Achilleas Lazarides, a lecturer at Loughborough University in the U.K., did theoretical research on time crystals that helped in the creation of a working quantum simulation of them in a specialized quantum computer operated by the tech giant Google.
Lazarides, who wasn’t involved in the latest study, explained that the perpetual motion in time crystals takes place at the margins of the laws of thermodynamics, which were developed in the 19th century from earlier ideas about the conservation of energy.
It’s usually stated that the total working energy of a system can only decrease, which means perpetual motion is impossible — something borne out over centuries of experiments.
But the quantum changes in the low-energy states of the nuclei in time crystals neither create nor use energy, so the total energy of such a system never increases — a special case that’s allowed under the laws of thermodynamics, he said.
Lazarides acknowledged that the current experiments with time crystals are far from any practical applications, whatever they might be, but the chance to learn more about quantum mechanics is invaluable.
Time crystals are “something that doesn’t actually exist in nature,” he said. “As far as we know, we created this phase of matter. Whether something will come out of that, it’s difficult to say.”

There is no dark matter, gravity is non linear.
Dark matter: Our review suggests it's time to ditch it in favor of a new theory of gravity
By Indranil Banik published 4 days ago
The reason the standard cosmological model is so popular could be down to computational mistakes or limited knowledge about its failures.
The barred spiral galaxy UGC 12158. (Image credit: Wikimedia , CC BY-SA)
This article was originally published at The Conversation.(opens in new tab) The publication contributed the article to Space.com's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.
Indranil Banik(opens in new tab), Postdoctoral Research Fellow of Astrophysics, University of St Andrews
We can model the motions of planets in the solar system quite accurately using Newton's laws of physics. But in the early 1970s, scientists noticed that this didn't work for disk galaxies — stars at their outer edges, far from the gravitational force of all the matter at their center — were moving much faster than Newton's theory predicted.
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This made physicists propose that an invisible substance called "dark matter" was providing extra gravitational pull, causing the stars to speed up(opens in new tab) — a theory that's become hugely popular.
However, in a recent review(opens in new tab) my colleagues and I suggest that observations across a vast range of scales are much better explained in an alternative theory of gravity proposed by Israeli physicist Mordehai Milgrom in 1982 called Milgromian dynamics or Mond(opens in new tab) — requiring no invisible matter.
Related: What is dark matter?
Mond's main postulate is that when gravity becomes very weak, as occurs at the edge of galaxies, it starts behaving differently from Newtonian physics. In this way, it is possible to explain(opens in new tab) why stars, planets and gas in the outskirts of over 150 galaxies rotate faster than expected based on just their visible mass. But Mond doesn't merely explain such rotation curves, in many cases, it predicts them.
Philosophers of science have argued(opens in new tab) that this power of prediction makes Mond superior to the standard cosmological model, which proposes there is more dark matter in the universe than visible matter. This is because, according to this model, galaxies have a highly uncertain amount of dark matter that depends on details of how the galaxy formed — which we don't always know. This makes it impossible to predict how quickly galaxies should rotate. But such predictions are routinely made with Mond, and so far these have been confirmed.
Imagine that we know the distribution of visible mass in a galaxy but do not yet know its rotation speed. In the standard cosmological model, it would only be possible to say with some confidence that the rotation speed will come out between 100km/s and 300km/s on the outskirts. Mond makes a more definite prediction that the rotation speed must be in the range 180-190km/s.
The galaxy cluster Abell 520, with suspected dark matter highlighted in blue. (Image credit: NASA)
If observations later reveal a rotation speed of 188km/s, then this is consistent with both theories — but clearly, Mond is preferred. This is a modern version of Occam's razor(opens in new tab) — that the simplest solution is preferable to more complex ones, in this case that we should explain observations with as few "free parameters" as possible. Free parameters are constants — certain numbers that we must plug into equations to make them work. But they are not given by the theory itself — there's no reason they should have any particular value — so we have to measure them observationally. An example is the gravitation constant, G, in Newton's gravity theory or the amount of dark matter in galaxies within the standard cosmological model.
We introduced a concept known as "theoretical flexibility" to capture the underlying idea of Occam's razor that a theory with more free parameters is consistent with a wider range of data — making it more complex. In our review, we used this concept when testing the standard cosmological model and Mond against various astronomical observations, such as the rotation of galaxies and the motions within galaxy clusters.
Each time, we gave a theoretical flexibility score between –2 and +2. A score of –2 indicates that a model makes a clear, precise prediction without peeking at the data. Conversely, +2 implies "anything goes" — theorists would have been able to fit almost any plausible observational result (because there are so many free parameters). We also rated how well each model matches the observations, with +2 indicating excellent agreement and –2 reserved for observations that clearly show the theory is wrong. We then subtract the theoretical flexibility score from that for the agreement with observations, since matching the data well is good – but being able to fit anything is bad.
A good theory would make clear predictions which are later confirmed, ideally getting a combined score of +4 in many different tests (+2 -(-2) = +4). A bad theory would get a score between 0 and -4 (-2 -(+2)= -4). Precise predictions would fail in this case — these are unlikely to work with the wrong physics.
We found an average score for the standard cosmological model of –0.25 across 32 tests, while Mond achieved an average of +1.69 across 29 tests. The scores for each theory in many different tests are shown in figures 1 and 2 below for the standard cosmological model and Mond, respectively.
Comparison of the standard cosmological model with observations based on how well the data matches the theory (improving bottom to top) and how much flexibility it had in the fit (rising left to right). The hollow circle is not counted in our assessment, as that data was used to set free parameters. Reproduced from table 3 of our review. (Image credit: Arxiv)
Similar to Figure 1, but for Mond with hypothetical particles that only interact via gravity called sterile neutrinos. Notice the lack of clear falsifications. Reproduced from Table 4 of our review. (Image credit: Arxiv)
It is immediately apparent that no major problems were identified for Mond, which at least plausibly agrees with all the data (notice that the bottom two rows denoting falsifications are blank in figure 2).
The problems with dark matter
One of the most striking failures of the standard cosmological model relates to "galaxy bars" — rod-shaped bright regions made of stars — that spiral galaxies often have in their central regions (see lead image). The bars rotate over time. If galaxies were embedded in massive halos of dark matter, their bars would slow down. However, most, if not all, observed galaxy bars are fast. This falsifies(opens in new tab) the standard cosmological model with very high confidence.
Another problem is that the original models(opens in new tab) that suggested galaxies have dark matter halos made a big mistake — they assumed that the dark matter particles provided gravity to the matter around it, but were not affected by the gravitational pull of the normal matter. This simplified the calculations, but it doesn't reflect reality. When this was taken into account in subsequent simulations(opens in new tab) it was clear that dark matter halos around galaxies do not reliably explain their properties.
There are many other failures of the standard cosmological model that we investigated in our review, with Mond often able to naturally explain(opens in new tab) the observations. The reason the standard cosmological model is nevertheless so popular could be down to computational mistakes or limited knowledge about its failures, some of which were discovered quite recently. It could also be due to people's reluctance to tweak a gravity theory that has been so successful in many other areas of physics.
The huge lead of Mond over the standard cosmological model in our study led us to conclude that Mond is strongly favored by the available observations. While we do not claim that Mond is perfect, we still think it gets the big picture correct — galaxies really do lack dark matter.
This article is republished from The Conversation(opens in new tab) under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article

The James Webb Space Telescope Has Its First Image of The Most Distant Known Star
6 AUGUST 2022
A little under 13 billion years ago, a large blue star lit up the early cosmos.
Across countless light years of expanding space that light has shone, reduced to shadow wherever it met dust and rock.
Expansion relative impact chain reaction - In the initial explosion the particles collide more often and reduce over a gradient with distance. This principle is foundational for the universe and is seen in the universe's explosion matter as a large to small impact accretion process which is cyclic decay.

Ray Forage shared a post.
Group expert in Geology Aug. 10, 2022
An interesting galaxy is NGC 2442 . It is a distorted spiral galaxy about 50. 000.000 light years away from us. It has a yellowish nucleus and two very uneven arms . It is believed that the reason for this shape may have been a previous encounter with another galaxy. The nucleus is formed from an older population of stars. Surrounding it are red star-forming regions, blue clusters of young stars and dust bands, all surrounded by a reddish glow of hydrogen clouds stimulated to intense radiation by young stars. The sharp image data also reveals more distant background galaxies.
The image was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope , data collected from the European Southern Observatory.
Image source and copyright : Robert Gendler. Credit Glenda Nowak via Scienca & Astronomy group
I think this could be the beginning of the turning motion. See how unformed the center is. If it were a collision product it would be chaos. This looks more like a collecting accretion. Also tip trailing is part of the new theory of gravity as being non linear i.e. a gradient decay. All the constants of physics are suspect. The blue flash of a sudden critical nuclear event is particle going faster than light. Light is a secondary product of the atomic excitement. Isn't physics sexy?
Off center developing galaxy. The center is in the upper half slightly. Gravity not being a constant trails off greatly at distance therefore the outer arm is remaining stationary as the body starts its spin only being attracted to the collected mass total. The spin connected is more strongly held together as a unit. The gradient nature of gravity is contributing to causing spin and with an uneven galaxy development it would try to even itself out with continued spin. It is the mechanism for galaxy balance. Why would the galaxy have a linear type development? The universe is not empty. It is full of left over shock waves from the many earlier collisions. Shockwaves overtake it is a property of waveforms. When they collect they harmonize into a vast harmonic which organizes material mass as if surfing or being pushed depending on the amount of mass and energy wave.

Astronomy & Science is at Chicago,IL.
July 24 at 8:25 AM · Chicago, IL ·
A Supernova's Shockwaves
This 2007 composite from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory shows the remnant of such an explosion, known as N132D, and the environment it is expanding into. In this image, infrared light at 4.5 microns is mapped to blue, 8.0 microns to green, and 24 microns to red. Meanwhile, broadband X-ray light is mapped purple. The remnant itself is seen as a wispy pink shell of gas at the center of this image. The pinkish color reveals an interaction between the explosion's high-energy shockwaves (originally purple) and surrounding dust grains.
This is similar to an acoustic shadow first discovered by Fighting Joe Hooker as he was being flanked by Stonewall Jacksons angry Confederates. It is not a symmetrical explosion. Why is that? A symmetrical explosion takes uniformity.
The dust cloud is part of the explosion not a passing phenomena. If it were passing the center would be blown out whereas this center is part of the explosion a connected look at the early explosion process.

This is the state of energy/matter transition. The photon is another; it is both wave and particle.
Aug. 12, 2022
Quanta magazine
The ‘Weirdest’ Matter, Made of Partial Particles, Defies Description
The ‘Weirdest’ Matter, Made of Partial Particles, Defies Description
Theorists are in a frenzy over “fractons,” bizarre, but potentially useful, hypothetical particles that can only move in combination with one another.
Thomas Lewton
July 26, 2021
Abstractions blogcondensed matter physicsexplainersphysicsquantum physicsquasiparticlestheoretical physicsAll topics
Your desk is made up of individual, distinct atoms, but from far away its surface appears smooth. This simple idea is at the core of all our models of the physical world. We can describe what’s happening overall without getting bogged down in the complicated interactions between every atom and electron.
So when a new theoretical state of matter was discovered whose microscopic features stubbornly persist at all scales, many physicists refused to believe in its existence.
“When I first heard about fractons, I said there’s no way this could be true, because it completely defies my prejudice of how systems behave,” said Nathan Seiberg, a theoretical physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. “But I was wrong. I realized I had been living in denial.”
The theoretical possibility of fractons surprised physicists in 2011. Recently, these strange states of matter have been leading physicists toward new theoretical frameworks that could help them tackle some of the grittiest problems in fundamental physics.
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Fractons are quasiparticles — particle-like entities that emerge out of complicated interactions between many elementary particles inside a material. But fractons are bizarre even compared to other exotic quasiparticles, because they are totally immobile or able to move only in a limited way. There’s nothing in their environment that stops fractons from moving; rather it’s an inherent property of theirs. It means fractons’ microscopic structure influences their behavior over long distances.
“That’s totally shocking. For me it is the weirdest phase of matter,” said Xie Chen, a condensed matter theorist at the California Institute of Technology.
Partial Particles
In 2011, Jeongwan Haah, then a graduate student at Caltech, was searching for unusual phases of matter that were so stable they could be used to secure quantum memory, even at room temperature. Using a computer algorithm, he turned up a new theoretical phase that came to be called the Haah code. The phase quickly caught the attention of other physicists because of the strangely immovable quasiparticles that make it up.
They seemed, individually, like mere fractions of particles, only able to move in combination. Soon, more theoretical phases were found with similar characteristics, and so in 2015 Haah — along with Sagar Vijay and Liang Fu — coined the term “fractons” for the strange partial quasiparticles. (An earlier but overlooked paper by Claudio Chamon is now credited with the original discovery of fracton behavior.)
To see what’s so exceptional about fracton phases, consider a more typical particle, such as an electron, moving freely through a material. The odd but customary way certain physicists understand this movement is that the electron moves because space is filled with electron-positron pairs momentarily popping into and out of existence. One such pair appears so that the positron (the electron’s oppositely charged antiparticle) is on top of the original electron, and they annihilate. This leaves behind the electron from the pair, displaced from the original electron. As there’s no way of distinguishing between the two electrons, all we perceive is a single electron moving.
For me it is the weirdest phase of matter.
Xie Chen
Now instead imagine that pairs of particles and antiparticles can’t arise out of the vacuum but only squares of them. In this case, a square might arise so that one antiparticle lies on top of the original particle, annihilating that corner. A second square then pops out of the vacuum so that one of its sides annihilates with a side from the first square. This leaves behind the second square’s opposite side, also consisting of a particle and an antiparticle. The resultant movement is that of a particle-antiparticle pair moving sideways in a straight line. In this world — an example of a fracton phase — a single particle’s movement is restricted, but a pair can move easily.
The Haah code takes the phenomenon to the extreme: Particles can only move when new particles are summoned in never-ending repeating patterns called fractals. Say you have four particles arranged in a square, but when you zoom in to each corner you find another square of four particles that are close together. Zoom in on a corner again and you find another square, and so on. For such a structure to materialize in the vacuum requires so much energy that it’s impossible to move this type of fracton. This allows very stable qubits — the bits of quantum computing — to be stored in the system, as the environment can’t disrupt the qubits’ delicate state.
The immovability of fractons makes it very challenging to describe them as a smooth continuum from far away. Because particles can usually move freely, if you wait long enough they’ll jostle into a state of equilibrium, defined by bulk properties such as temperature or pressure. Particles’ initial locations cease to matter. But fractons are stuck at specific points or can only move in combination along certain lines or planes. Describing this motion requires keeping track of fractons’ distinct locations, and so the phases cannot shake off their microscopic character or submit to the usual continuum description.
Their resolute microscopic behavior makes it “a challenge to imagine examples of fractons and to think deeply about what is possible,” said Vijay, a theorist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. “Without a continuous description, how do we define these states of matter?”
“We’re missing a big chunk of things,” said Chen. “We have no idea how to describe them and what they mean.”
A New Fracton Framework
Fractons have yet to be made in the lab, but that will probably change. Certain crystals with immovable defects have been shown to be mathematically similar to fractons. And the theoretical fracton landscape has unfurled beyond what anyone anticipated, with new models popping up every month.
“Probably in the near future someone will take one of these proposals and say, ‘OK, let’s do some heroic experiment with cold atoms and exactly realize one of these fracton models,’” said Brian Skinner, a condensed matter physicist at Ohio State University who has devised fracton models.
Fractons do not fit into [the quantum field theory] framework. So my take is that the framework is incomplete.
Nathan Seiberg
Even without their experimental realization, the mere theoretical possibility of fractons rang alarm bells for Seiberg, a leading expert in quantum field theory, the theoretical framework in which almost all physical phenomena are currently described.
Quantum field theory depicts discrete particles as excitations in continuous fields that stretch across space and time. It’s the most successful physical theory ever discovered, and it encompasses the Standard Model of particle physics — the impressively accurate equation governing all known elementary particles.
“Fractons do not fit into this framework. So my take is that the framework is incomplete,” said Seiberg.
There are other good reasons for thinking that quantum field theory is incomplete — for one thing, it so far fails to account for the force of gravity. If they can figure out how to describe fractons in the quantum field theory framework, Seiberg and other theorists foresee new clues toward a viable quantum gravity theory.
The Near-Magical Mystery of Quasiparticles
Physicists Aim to Classify All Possible Phases of Matter
Nathan Seiberg on How Math Might Complete the Ultimate Physics Theory
“Fractons’ discreteness is potentially dangerous, as it can ruin the whole structure that we already have,” said Seiberg. “But either you say it’s a problem, or you say it’s an opportunity.”
He and his colleagues are developing novel quantum field theories that try to encompass the weirdness of fractons by allowing some discrete behavior on top of a bedrock of continuous space-time.
“Quantum field theory is a very delicate structure, so we would like to change the rules as little as possible,” he said. “We are walking on very thin ice, hoping to get to the other side.”

Harmonic dust pulse around a star.
System harmonic - Any perturbation can and often does cause a feedback loop harmonic pulsing. Like the famous problem the Appolo moon mission rocket motor have. One change in flow caused a studder which shook the whole system causing another fuel flow studder and so on. Of course this star will continue its ending cycling making an ever more heavy element mix causing more feedback loop harmonics until it explodes, which by the way is what happened to the Appolo engines if this happened and you did not shut them off quickly enough.
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) & Astronomical Discoveries
Sean Mumford · August 29, 2022 at 2:02 PM ·
This is the star WR 140 - one of the brightest Wolf-Rayet type stars in the Northern Hemisphere. Wolf-Rayet stars are an unusually hot type of star that have started fusing heavier elements like Nitrogen and Oxygen.

Event cone, in this case called an arc. If it happened faster it would be thinner like cone or pointy. Energy can reach a shift point and cause this like sonic booms, then return as it reorganizes itself.
‘Giant arc’ stretching 3.3 billion light-years across the cosmos shouldn’t exist
A newly discovered crescent of galaxies spanning 3.3 billion light-years is one of the world’s largest known structures, challenging some of astronomers’ most fundamental assumptions about the universe.
The epic arrangement known as the Giant Arc is made up of galaxies, galaxy clusters, and a lot of gas and dust. It is located 9.2 billion light-years away and stretches across roughly a 15th of the observable universe.
Its discovery was “serendipitous,” according to Alexia Lopez, a doctoral candidate in cosmology at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in the United Kingdom. Lopez was creating maps of things in the night sky using light from approximately 120,000 quasars, which are distant brilliant cores of galaxies where supermassive black holes consume material and produce energy.
As this light passes through matter between us and the quasars, it is absorbed by various components, leaving telltale traces that can provide important information to researchers. In particular, Lopez used marks left by magnesium to determine the distance to the intervening gas and dust, as well as the material’s position in the night sky.
The Giant Arc. Grey regions show areas that absorb magnesium, which reveals the distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters. The blue dots are background quasars, sometimes known as spotlights. (Image credit: Alexia Lopez/UCLan)
In this way, the quasars act “like spotlights in a dark room, illuminating this intervening matter,” Lopez said. A structure began to develop in the midst of the cosmic maps. “It was sort of a hint of a big arc,” Lopez said. “I remember going to Roger [Clowes] and saying ‘Oh, look at this.'”
Clowes, her doctoral adviser at UCLan, suggested further investigation to guarantee it wasn’t an accident or a data trick. After doing two different statistical tests, the researchers determined that there was less than a 0.0003% probability that the Giant Arc wasn’t real. They presented their findings at the American Astronomical Society’s 238th virtual meeting.
The structure of the Giant Arc is shown in grey, with nearby quasars superimposed in blue. There is a tentative relationship between these two datasets. (Image credit: Alexia Lopez/UCLan)
But the finding, which will take its place in the list of the biggest things in the cosmos, undermines a bedrock expectation about the universe. Astronomers have long held to the cosmological principle, which holds that matter is more or less evenly distributed throughout space at the largest scales.
The Giant Arc is greater than other large buildings like the Sloan Great Wall and the South Pole Wall, both of which are dwarfed by even larger cosmic features. “There have been a number of large-scale structures discovered over the years,” Clowes told Live Science. “They’re so large, you wonder if they’re compatible with the cosmological principle.”
The fact that such massive entities have gathered in particular places of the universe suggests that matter may not have been distributed evenly throughout the universe. However, Lopez added, the current standard model of the cosmos is based on the cosmological principle.
“If we’re finding it not to be true, maybe we need to start looking at a different set of theories or rules.”
Lopez doesn’t know what those theories would look like, though she mentioned the idea of modifying how gravity works on the largest scales, a possibility that has been popular with a small but loud contingent of scientists in recent years.
The South Pole Wall’s founder, Daniel Pomarède, a cosmographer at Paris-Saclay University in France, agreed that the cosmological principle should put a theoretical limit on the size of cosmic things.
Some research has suggested that structures should reach a certain size and then be unable to get larger, Pomarède told Live Science. “Instead, we keep finding these bigger and bigger structures.”
Yet he isn’t quite ready to toss out the cosmological principle, which has been used in models of the universe for about a century.

Particle accretion theory - James Webb Telescope image,
"Cosmic Cliffs" in the Carina Nebula is one of the images captured by the Webb telescope.
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI
So it is theorized that the Big Bang was an explosion of a simple primary element Hydrogen which accreted into a dense sun by gravity, but there are many more accretion principles down to the quantum level. Next the star cycle created the rest of the elements and blasted them into space surrounds which collect again through accretion making a black hole cluster galaxy which will again explode and recollect as the accretion cycle. But the expansion of the universe is problematic as less accretion will occur with less density of an accretable mass. So are we seeing a collecting accretion in this picture or an explosion expansion? Does it matter (pun).
The Accretion Cycle and expansion of the universe reducing impact chaos with the correct size reductions is demonstrated in the cratering we can see in our solar system. The largest come first and on down.

I like studying collisions - We still have turning motion in the one galaxy but the linear galaxy was going very fast relative to the still turning galaxy. This is the largest cone in the universe. Coning provides directionality with the point making its travel direction. The long linear is the power of the coning energy becoming no longer a cone more of a beam.
James Webb Space Telescope & Cosmology
Michael Morton · September 9, 2022
𝐍𝐆𝐂 𝟒𝟔𝟕𝟔: 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐞
These two mighty galaxies are pulling each other apart. Known as the "Mice" because they have such long tails, each spiral galaxy has likely already passed through the other. The long tails are created by the relative difference between gravitational pulls on the near and far parts of each galaxy. Because the distances are so large, the cosmic interaction takes place in slow motion -- over hundreds of millions of years.
NGC 4676 lies about 300 million light-years away toward the constellation of Bernice's Hair (Coma Berenices) and are likely members of the Coma Cluster of Galaxies. The featured picture was taken with the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys in 2002. These galactic mice will probably collide again and again over the next billion years so that, instead of continuing to pull each other apart, they coalesce to form a single galaxy.
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble; Processing & Copyright: William Ostling (The Astronomy Enthusiast)

Are Black Holes Stable?
Supermassive black hole causes biggest explosion ever spotted in the universe
FEBRUARY 28, 2020 / 2:10 PM / CBS NEWS
The biggest known explosion in the universe has been spotted by astronomers — and it was so intense it punched a crater the size of 15 Milky Way galaxies into a part of space hundreds of millions of light-years away. Scientists say they've never seen anything like it.
According to a study published Thursday in The Astrophysical Journal, astronomers discovered the record-breaking eruption using X-ray data from several sources, including NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA's XMM-Newton, and radio data from the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) in Australia and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in India. It was so massive, they have little to compare it to.
"In some ways, this blast is similar to how the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 ripped off the top of the mountain," lead author Simona Giacintucci of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC said in a press release Thursday. "A key difference is that you could fit fifteen Milky Way galaxies in a row into the crater this eruption punched into the cluster's hot gas."
Evidence for the biggest explosion seen in the Universe comes from a combination of X-ray data from Chandra and XMM-Newton, and the Murchison Widefield Array and Giant Metrewave Telescope, as shown here.CHANDRA: NASA/CXC/NRL/S. GIACINTUCCI, ET AL., XMM-NEWTON: ESA/XMM-NEWTON; RADIO: NCRA/TIFR/GMRT; INFRARED: 2MASS/UMASS/IPAC-CALTECH/NASA/NSF
The energy that created the explosion was about five times greater than that of MS 0735+74, which previously held the record for the largest explosion in the universe.
Scientists sourced the burst to the distant Ophiuchus galaxy cluster, which is about 390 million light-years from Earth. According to NASA, galaxy clusters are the largest structures in the universe, held together by gravity and containing thousands of galaxies, dark matter and hot gas.
Researchers believe the origin of the explosion is a supermassive black hole in a large galaxy at the center of the Ophiuchus cluster. While black holes are known for dragging material inwards, they can also blast material and energy outwards.
In this case, the black hole blasted out jets that created a huge cavity in surrounding hot gas a few hundred million years ago.
Astronomers first found evidence of the gargantuan explosion back in 2016, but they detected a cavity so large they thought it was impossible. With the help of new MWA radio data and archival GMRT data, researchers confirmed the cavity and found the explosion that created it.
"I was really happy when I saw these results," astronomer Norbert Werner, who made the observations in 2016, said in a blog post. "In our paper, we considered the possibility that the feature is a result of a record-breaking black hole outburst, but we discounted it as unlikely."
"This is one of the nearest galaxy clusters and it appeared to be too much of a coincidence to see such an outburst in our cosmic backyard," he continued. "Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence and the observation reported in this paper provides the evidence that we lacked."
Both observations spotted an unusual curved edge in the cluster that turned out to be part of a massive cavity created by the explosion.
"The radio data fit inside the X-rays like a hand in a glove," said co-author Maxim Markevitch of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "This is the clincher that tells us an eruption of unprecedented size occurred here."
A Quick Look at the Biggest Explosion Ever Seen in the Universe by Chandra X-ray Observatory on YouTube
Scientists said the explosion is no longer happening, since new data doesn't show any current jet activity. The gas that once provided the black hole fuel for its growth and jets has likely moved on to another galaxy.
"This has been like discovering a dinosaur, with just a little piece (the unusual X-ray edge) sticking out at first and then suddenly a new kind of creature coming out from the ground," Giacintucci and Markevitch said in a blog post. "It is possible that comparing radio and X-ray cluster images will soon unearth many more such dinosaurs."
There is still one mystery that scientists have yet to piece together. Typically, jets blast out from both sides of a black hole, but radio emissions are missing from the other side.
"As is often the case in astrophysics we really need multiwavelength observations to truly understand the physical processes at work," said Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, a co-author from International Centre for Radio Astronomy in Australia. "Having the combined information from X-ray and radio telescopes has revealed this extraordinary source, but more data will be needed to answer the many remaining questions this object poses."

The universe of effects - I have stated for years that the universe has energy, mass and motion translation going on. Besides that I also have stated for even more years that space is not empty. It is full of fields, dust, etc. The universe is built primarily on motion. Oct. 6, 2022
Scientists Convert Pure Energy Into Matter And Antimatter, Creating New Physics
Recent research published in Physical Review Letters proves that matter and antimatter can be created from energy, specifically light particles (photons). Thus, it provides a magnificently physical illustration of the world’s most famous equation: E=mc2.
Einstein’s equation describes how energy (E) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light (c) squared. The study demonstrated that physicists at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a facility operated by the Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, were able to convert light particles, which are made up of energy, into pairs of electrons and positrons, which are made up of matter (matter being that which has mass). To be exact, positrons are antimatter; yet, antimatter has the same energy-mass equivalency.
The researchers created the matter-antimatter couples using gold ion beams. They took gold atoms, stripped away all their electrons to create positively charged ions, and then blasted the ions at ultrarelativistic speeds past one another (99.995 percent the speed of light, or roughly 186,000 miles per second).
While a comparable finding was accomplished in 1997 at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the technique was more sophisticated and entailed additional stages at the time. This finding stands out as “clear evidence of direct, one-step creation of matter-antimatter pairs from collisions of light as originally predicted by [20th-century physicists Gregory] Breit and [John A.] Wheeler,” according to Daniel Brandenburg, a Goldhaber Fellow at the Brookhaven Lab.
Additionally, the work establishes a previously theoretical prediction about the interaction of polarised photons with empty space vacuums. In the twentieth century, physicists (particularly Werner Heisenberg, Hans Heinrich Euler, and John Toll) predicted that a vacuum of empty space would deflect specific polarised photons if the vacuum was polarised as well.
This phenomenon, known as vacuum birefringence, has not before been detected in any Earth-based experiment.
Similar to how polarised sunglasses filter and absorb certain wavelengths of light, the vacuum plus magnetic field also blocks and absorbs certain wavelengths of light. This light is converted to electron-positron couples.
The researchers were able to determine this connection because “…the angular distribution of the [electron-positron pairs] depends on the angle of the polarisation of the light. This indicates that the absorption (or passing) of light depends on its polarisation…” as Chi Yang, a STAR colleague from Shandong University, puts it.
Reference(s): Peer-Reviewed Study, INVERSE

Single digit miles per second ballistic crater coming oblique from left to right. It has bounce back secondary cavitation cratering. A crater is a type of cavitation. This is what Barringer hoped to find at his namesake crater in Arizona, a ballistic impact, a type 4 which does not explode.

Bipolar Opposition Explosions - The assumption of a sphere explosion is limited. A point source of a unitary reaction. Or is it unitary or just limited in scale? Something reacting by pushing its self apart is a common universe construction. The cone crater has the earth to push against. Two similar objects colliding in space would make a binary opposition explosion. A star which has lost scale to keep the reaction going becomes a bipolar rejection trying to reform in a new like particle configuration. Dec. 15, 2022
Rejection pattern physics. A sphere is a rejection pattern. When it can no longer hold its outward pressure it can pop as we see with soap bubbles, but with an energy sphere it can collapse to a multi sphere form to accommodate for its reduced energy state. But with a dying star this is still unstable as energy reduces more to a loss of critical mass. Dec. 18, 2022.

The opposition coning secondary - Soviet first thermonuclear bomb experiment "RDS-6s

The up splash mushroom. They vary with each type 3 impact. The surface crater is a nominal expression of the energy involved. March 5, 2023.

Pulse harmonic - An iterative resonate form, it has isolated the minerals by resonate attenuation which are conforming to this pulse wave a noisy sine wave with its inversion. Alex Stoneberger specimen. May 8, 2023.

Forming sphere, a proto sphere shock made concretion. You can see the collapse towards the center. You are looking at the initial process of a black hole. The high energy is cooking the center into a sphere. Resonate energy will collect around the center of mass. As the energy continues this will form into a sphere, but as it continues the matter will transform into energy also in the center as a sink. Matter made a collecting point for the energy to collect. The turning motions is a stage of this collection as the energy is falling into a vortex. Specimen collected in Jackson County, AL in Paint Rock Valley from crater yet to be mapped. July 21, 2023.

The Barringer Crater, AZ, USA a type 3 exploding square crater, very strange. Sept. 6, 2023.

Impact explosion rebound. Notice in this article the speed of the outflow. Back splash can be two times the impact speed. The star explodes when consumed by the black hole. Material escapes the massive gravity of the black hole. So a star is a fusion reactor. The black hole compressed this reactor to produce this super critical event. Feb. 21, 2024.
The Harvard Gazette.
Artist’s illustration of tidal disruption where a supermassive black hole spaghettifies and gobbles down a star. Some of the material is not consumed by the black hole and is flung back out into space.
Credit: DESY, Science Communication Lab
Nadia Whitehead
CfA Communications
October 11, 2022
For first time astronomers see black hole spewing stellar remains years after consuming star
In October 2018, a small star was ripped to shreds when it wandered too close to a black hole in a galaxy located 665 million light years away from Earth.

The Big Bang is a unified event singularity. The early galaxies are explosion related particular events. The chain reaction of forces would be the triggering events. How do you unlock ultimate gravity? Is ultimate gravity, ultimately unstable? The origin requires more than gravity. Whatever mix of forces was unstable. If all the types of energy were compressed below their stable forms, they would explode to move to those levels. Movement defines this birth but the construct was unstable therefore in potential state. Feb. 26, 2024.

Universe speeds -
Capture speed, objects orbiting like Earth 10 to 20 miles per second.
Cosmic speed, objects coming in from outside solar system 20 to 40.
Universe expansion speed, 60 miles per second.
Swirling galaxy, up to 350 miles per second.
Spin around a black hole, 149,000 miles per second. Feb. 28, 2024.

black holes are spinning at more than 90% the speed of light1. Astronomers have measured the rate of spin of a supermassive black hole nearly 60 million light-years away and found that it's spinning at 84% of the speed of light, which is the maximum allowed by the laws of physics. (National Geographics)
And there is the rub. The universe is a web of gravitional waves and space is not empty. No matter what the theory of quantum gravity turns out to be space is not empty therefore friction around a black hole. Also notice that material being sucked into this vortex is not uniform therefore angular instability. A large mass being sucked in would cause a wobble. Picture from:
Astronomers close in on first direct view of a supermassive black hole
Ivan Semeniuk
The Globe and Mail

But if a black hole is able to eat another, they must be resilient. Feb. 28, 2024.
An Astrophysicist Just Calculated The Insanely Complex Waveform of Two Colliding Black Holes
SPACE06 May 2019
Thanks to recent groundbreaking observations, we now know that two colliding black holes produce gravitational waves - ripples in the fabric of space-time. It was thought that the waveform (or shape) of the signal produced by these events was too complex to be calculated, but now a theoretical astrophysicist has done just that.
In a new paper, Sean McWilliams from West Virginia University has detailed an exact mathematical formula for the waveforms produced by black holes of varying mass and spin.
It's a result that will help produce more accurate waveforms for post-merger analysis, as well as shed light on the dynamics of black hole collisions.
As we know from studying multiple black hole collisions, since that first Universe-shaking gravitational wave discovery in September 2015, the event occurs in several stages.
First, as two black holes in a binary system start orbiting inward towards each other, closer and closer on an inexorable collision course, they start producing faster and faster gravitational waves, spiralling out through the Universe.
When the two black holes collide, the waves hit a crescendo. Then they gradually subside as the black hole jiggles into its new mass. These three stages are called the inspiral, the merger, and the ringdown.
Black holes, as we all know, are the most gravitationally intense objects in the Universe. They twist and warp and drag the space-time in their immediate vicinity, which makes the mathematical analysis of these events rather complex, to say the least.

The Big Bang and explosion simplification - Shown above is
The water column from the 21-kiloton Crossroads Baker test, involving a nuclear underwater explosion, showing a prominent, spherical Wilson cloud.
U.S. Army Photographic Signal Corps - http://www.dtra.mil/press_resources/photo_library/CS/CS-1.cfm
A 21 kiloton underwater nuclear weapons effects test, known as Operation CROSSROADS (Event Baker), conducted at Bikini Atoll (1946).
Above ground kiloton and megaton explosions make the mushroom cloud. The underwater explosion makes a bubble. These shapes are environment adaptation forms. The universe Big Bang is a theoretical explosion dependent without external constraint. Feb. 28, 2024.

The Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall (HCB)[1][5] or simply the Great Wall[6] is a galaxy filament that is the largest known structure in the observable universe, measuring approximately 10 billion light-years in length (the observable universe is about 93 billion light-years in diameter).
While this is contested as a true pattern it is nevertheless possible. It would be a pulse or peak in the Big Bang. Feb. 28, 2024.

Robert Millikan, Lemaître and Albert Einstein after Lemaître's lecture at the California Institute of Technology in January 1933.
The Big Bang is a physical theory that describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature.[1] The Big Bang theory was inspired by the discovery of the expanding Universe by Edwin Hubble. It was first proposed in 1927 by Roman Catholic priest and physicist Georges Lemaître. Lemaître reasoned that if we go back in time, there must be fewer and fewer matter, until all the energy of the universe is packed in a unique quantum.[2] Various cosmological models of the Big Bang explain the evolution of the observable universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale form.[3][4][5] These models offer a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena, including the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, and large-scale structure. The overall uniformity of the universe, known as the flatness problem, is explained through cosmic inflation: a sudden and very rapid expansion of space during the earliest moments. However, physics currently lacks a widely accepted theory of quantum gravity that can successfully model the earliest conditions of the Big Bang.
Crucially, these models are compatible with the Hubble–Lemaître law—the observation that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from Earth. Extrapolating this cosmic expansion backwards in time using the known laws of physics, the models describe an increasingly concentrated cosmos preceded by a singularity in which space and time lose meaning (typically named "the Big Bang singularity").[6] In 1964 the CMB was discovered, which convinced many cosmologists that the competing steady-state model of cosmic evolution was falsified,[7] since the Big Bang models predict a uniform background radiation caused by high temperatures and densities in the distant past. A wide range of empirical evidence strongly favors the Big Bang event, which is now essentially universally accepted.[8] Detailed measurements of the expansion rate of the universe place the Big Bang singularity at an estimated 13.787±0.020 billion years ago, which is considered the age of the universe.

Galaxy collision shock ring theory - The Cartwheel Galaxy is said to contain two concentric rings. While galaxy mergers tend to be gradual and they move at hundreds of miles per second, this is supposed to be that collision. Impact theory would suggest this is not so. Two similar size galaxies collision would be a chaotic mess. This is more like a pulse from the galaxy. A contained explosion at or near the center. March 2, 2024.
Deseret News
Webb telescope captures images of stunning Cartwheel Galaxy
Spiral galaxy is the result of an ancient collision
Published: Aug 4, 2022, 2:14 p.m. MDT

Notice the spokes in this explosion not attributed to collision. Feb. 2, 2024. MS 0735+74 was the previous record-holder for the most powerful eruption discovered in the universe. This Chandra image shows two vast cavities — each 600,000 light years in diameter — in the hot, X-ray emitting gas that pervades the galaxy cluster MS 0735.6+7421 (MS 0735 for short). Although the cavities contain very little hot gas, they are filled with a two-sided, elongated, magnetized bubble of extremely high-energy electrons that emit radio waves. Credit: NASA/CXC/Ohio U./B.McNamara

The Tadpole Galaxy, an out of plane collision event with the impacting galaxy coming apart at the outer spiral. A comparative small spinning object ripped apart by much larger but not on the same plane. The lower projection is a measure of the out of plane as well as the top. This smaller galaxy came apart at a distance and is not being absorbed. The outer dotted line would indicate the plane of origin based on mass presented not consumed. It would also indicate where the disintegration started near end of yellow line. This appears to be a motion merger of two out of plane galaxies overtaking one another. Feb. 2, 2024.
The Tadpole Galaxy, a disrupted spiral galaxy, shows streams of gas stripped by gravitational interaction with another galaxy. Molecular gas is the required ingredient to form stars in early universe galaxies.
Photo: Hubble Legacy Archive, European Space Agency, NASA, Bill Snyder

An Eight-Wing Chaotic Attractor Generated from a Qi Four-Wing Chaotic System
Full-text available
Oct 2011

Galaxy mergers by harmonic entanglement and attraction. - Gravity waves and all the wave energies of a galaxy are made unstable by another galaxy too close. Wave intermingling causes a fundamental off harmonic which will seek to become stable in a combined harmonic. Harmonics will concentrate around center of masses. This is the fundamental that creates the pull and concentration. So why doesn't the universe come together? Waves are limited by the speed of light and power by distance. Is this attraction the same as gravity? No, gravity is the force making the wave. Waves are just the way energy moves. Is this attraction linear? No, It is a curve that flattens greatly with distance. See the EMP chart below. Should I be nominated for a Nobel Prize in Physics? Yes. Will I? No. It is a political award, Obama has one for peace, figure that out. Feb. 3, 2024.

Impactite, surface high heat Septarian mosaic with resonate shock circles and mineral separation. RARE. Valuable like a gemstone. the matrix shifted to higher black iron oxide during forming. Very how and cracked while cooling the surface mosaic. The shock impact that made it separated minerals by resonance which also makes circles. March 5, 2024.
Specimen courtesy of
Amon Montgomery

Advanced earth accretion theory - The joke in physics is to assume a sphere. That would be a good assumption given sufficient size as you can see on the attached image. Why is that? Proto planets have been assembled by significant enough impacts to round them by shock liquification. Dust/small particle accretion theory. As you can also see in the attached image that would not make a round object. Natural pearls are never completely round. Density and magnetics maps illustrate the large accretion theory. Space dust does fall on earth in the form of micro meteorites to the tune of one per sq yd per year. If you do the math that will also make earth if you average a 1 mm size grain and earth is 1.19599E-06 smaller. But today's space particles is smaller and less dense as it was geometrically more numerous in the early forming solar system. So some significant mass is particle accretion of various sizes. Just not enough to make Earth, and that assumptions leads you back to large objects colliding. Second image NASA earth gravity map does not validate the dust/grain accretion theory. And that brings us back to image 1 of the asteroids and protoplanets. They all have impact cratering. March 8, 2024.

The strange linear feature was first identified in this archival photo captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Follow-up observations have shown the feature is actually a chain of young blue stars some 200,000 light-years long. NASA, ESA, Pieter van Dokkum (Yale); Image Processing: Joseph DePasquale (STScI)
Large cosmic collision or spinning sling shot? A black hole explosion? The tail leads back to the source of whatever happened. March 10, 2024.

Pulsing tail - A buildup of energy in necessary to make the pulses. March 11, 2024.
A Celestial Brushstroke: Patrick Dufour captures the ethereal elegance of Comet Leonard, its tail painting whispers of light across the cosmic canvas.

James Webb telescope image of the Helix Nebula in infrared spectrum. Note the many circular features that developed in the outward explosion expansion. Arrows below point to circular grouping arrangements in the less dense infrared. This is alos shown in the less dense outer edges. March 18, 2023.

Energy form shift - Lightning will switch from a tree branching fractal to a ball form as energy gets too low to form the tree fractal. As this explosion loses energy the outward strands are forming circular configuration holes. You also see this particle function in the granular construction of impactites (Constellationing) as an impact geometric.
Explosion void theory - Perfect point source explosions are just not the nature of explosions. Chaos is its nature. March 19, 2024.

Accretion - While stars are thought to have formed from gas compaction, that is not all. Like the planets many collisions have occurred. So why not the sun? March 25, 2024. https://www.universetoday.com/166243/one-in-twelve-stars-ate-a-planet/#more-166243

Solar Plasma Bubble Compression - See the geometric shapes, that is plasma bubble compression. This is the same mechanism that makes column basalt as the up splash of bubbles are compressed as a tube. Left pointing arrow.
Filament effect is the tube running out of plasma, you can see it tapering. Right pointing arrow. March 26, 2024.
Physics-Astronomy Ultra-high-resolution image of the solar chromosphere (18 km per pixel).

Explosion theory - Pre partialized blob with shock motion illustrated in the early universe. Later this will come apart but you can see that happening already in the tail and head sections. March 30, 2024.
Ryan Cornell
Atmospheric surge pressures surrounding the Galaxy in reflection
Astronomers believe the first galaxies formed around giant halos of dark matter. But a newly discovered galaxy dating to roughly 13 billion years ago mysteriously appeared long before that process should have occurred.
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found a galaxy in the early universe that's so massive, it shouldn't exist, posing a "significant challenge" to the standard model of cosmology, according to the study authors.
James Webb telescope finds ancient galaxy larger than our Milky Way, and it's threatening to upend cosmology.
Story by Ben Turner ( livescience.com ) published February 25, 2024
Astronomers believe the first galaxies formed around giant halos of dark matter. But a newly discovered galaxy dating to roughly 13 billion years ago mysteriously appeared long before that process should have occurred.
JWST-7329: a rare massive galaxy that formed very early in the Universe. (Image credit: JWST NIRCAM)
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found a galaxy in the early universe that's so massive, it shouldn't exist, posing a "significant challenge" to the standard model of cosmology, according to the study authors.
The galaxy, called ZF-UDS-7329, contains more stars than the Milky Way, despite having formed only 800 million years into the universe's 13.8 billion-year life span. This means they were somehow born without dark matter seeding their formation, contrary to what the standard model of galaxy formation suggests.
How this could have happened is unclear, but much like previous JWST discoveries of other inexplicably massive galaxies in the early universe, it threatens to upend our understanding of how the first matter in the universe formed, or possibly even the standard model of cosmology itself. The researchers published their findings Feb. 14 in the journal Nature.
"Having these extremely massive galaxies so early in the universe is posing significant challenges to our standard model of cosmology," study co-author Claudia Lagos, an associate professor of astronomy at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, said in a statement. This is because massive dark matter structures, which are thought to be necessary components for holding early galaxies together, did not yet have time to form this early in the universe, Lagos added.
Light travels at a fixed speed through the vacuum of space, so the deeper we look into the universe, the more remote light we intercept and the further back in time we see. This is what enabled the researchers to use JWST to spot ZF-UDS-7329 roughly 11.5 billion years in the past.
By studying the spectra of light coming from the stars of this extremely distant galaxy, the researchers found that the stars were born 1.5 billion years prior to that observation, or roughly 13 billion years ago.
Astronomers aren't certain when the very first globules of stars began to clump into the galaxies we see today, but cosmologists previously estimated that the process began slowly within the first few hundred million years after the Big Bang.
Current theories suggest that halos of dark matter (a mysterious and invisible substance believed to make up 25% of the present universe) combined with gas to form the first seedlings of galaxies. After 1 billion to 2 billion years of the universe's life, the early protogalaxies then reached adolescence, forming into dwarf galaxies that began devouring one another to grow into ones like our own.
But the new discovery has confounded this view: Not only did the galaxy crystallize without enough built up dark matter to seed it, but not long after a sudden burst of star formation, the galaxy abruptly became quiescent — meaning its star formation ceased.
"This pushes the boundaries of our current understanding of how galaxies form and evolve," study co-author Themiya Nanayakkara, an astronomer at the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, said in the statement. "The key question now is how they form so fast very early in the universe, and what mysterious mechanisms lead to stopping them forming stars abruptly when the rest of the universe is doing so."
The researchers' next steps will be to search for more galaxies like this. If they find any, it could seriously contradict prior ideas of how galaxies formed, they said.
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3D: Ryan Cornell

It's not a coincidence that gravitational waves travel at the speed of light (c). There's a deeper connection between the two. Here's why:?
It's not a coincidence that gravitational waves travel at the speed of light (c). There's a deeper connection between the two. Here's why:
1. The Fabric of Spacetime:
Both light and gravity are not traveling "through" space, but rather propagating ripples or distortions in the fabric of spacetime itself. Imagine spacetime as a flexible sheet. A massive object like a star would cause a dip in this sheet, representing its gravity.
2. The Speed Limit of Spacetime:
According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, there's a fundamental speed limit associated with spacetime itself. This speed limit, denoted by c (the speed of light), is the maximum speed at which any disturbance or information can travel.
3. Gravitational Waves as Ripples:
Gravitational waves are like ripples in this spacetime fabric. When a massive object accelerates rapidly, like during a black hole merger, it creates these ripples that travel outward at the speed limit of spacetime - the speed of light (c).
4. Light as a Special Case:
Light itself is another kind of disturbance in the spacetime fabric - an electromagnetic wave. Since all disturbances in spacetime are limited by the speed limit (c), light also travels at this speed.
Here's an analogy: Imagine dropping two pebbles in a pond at the same time. One pebble creates ripples that represent gravity, and the other creates ripples that represent light. Both sets of ripples will travel outward at the same speed because they are both disturbances in the water (which has a limited wave speed).
So, it's not a coincidence. The fact that both light and gravity travel at the same speed is a consequence of the nature of spacetime itself and the existence of a universal speed limit. April 4, 2024.

Do comets sweep the solar system clean of debris? May 7, 2024.
Astrophotography ·
Suggested for you · Gerald Rhemann · ·
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks on May 5 2024
Image was taken on Farm Tivoli/Namibia with a 12" f 3.6 ASA Astrograph

Huge Hole Found in the Universe
published August 23, 2007
The nature of explosion dynamic storms is a sorting dynamic. If for example a very large sub collision explosion or non kinetic energy based event occurs you will make a void pushing away the previous dynamic. In the diagram shown above you can see a continuation of voids as it resorts to a more homogeneous dynamic. It is just a matter of scale as the explosion dynamic is not uniform and as you can see it was not a solid mass before or after. When investigating impactites they will show various stages of the impact storm. Some will be type 2 a mixture of the impacting bolide and the surface. As the impact excavates deeper the impactites will switch to bedrock types. The pulverized swirling material will generate electrical charges that ground against passing impactites in parts of the impact storm. The more central areas will have plasma cavitation however I have seen large boulders thrown 60 miles from the impact point with large cavitation holes as they were central when formed. May 10, 2024.

Impact made shock white and shock agate. The banding progression from right to left is the direction of the shock wave. It was very powerful and imprinted as well as making the shock agate. This is a high-grade ornamental stone it looks like it has been quarried. Magnified detail of the shock agate section attached. July 5, 2024.
Helena Wilcox · ·
The whitest rocks I've ever seen.


The universe as a cone. This is a very high velocity particle impactite impalement. There is no particle just it's trace making the smooth cone with ripples and melt grid (Type 1 Bricking). July 6, 2024.

Oblique impacts. This WW2 German Panther Tank has been hit by 3 round of 76 mm HE which killed the crew. Of course you can see the push up type cratering but beyond that you can see it broke the crust just like earth impact does causing the raft tectonics and rings of earthquakes and volcanos. Raft/Plate tectonics is a shadow theory like Plato's cave, a partial understanding. While this real world example shows what impact does it does not illustrate the mile per second impact energy common to objects from space. More energy equals more damage. These rounds was traveling at .6 miles per second. There are two basic speed profiles for earth impact. The first is capture speeds of around 15 miles per second. Cosmic speeds are around 30 miles per second. Capture speeds are slower because they are in orbit in our solar system. The Howell, TN Impact was likely at cosmic speed based on the debris field and it is also a low angle impact making a fan shape crater which is very rare. July 10, 2024.

Crossing perpendicular planes shallow collision. July 26, 2024.
NGC 4676 aka The Mice.
Credit: NASA, H. Ford (JHU), G. Illingworth (UCSC/LO), M.Clampin (STScI), G. Hartig (STScI), the ACS Science Team, and ESA

Star explosion forming a black hole. Notice the explosion is a progressive event not a single point event. Also you can see the outer most ring is to one side so it's start was not uniform. Banding is shown as a much quicker and more powerful part of the explosion. Between bands is the sinusoidal rebuilding of the next explosion wave pulse. Fusion reactors have trouble maintaining stability and sudden harmonic shifts cause them to collapse plasma.
The Sun does exhibit a pulse
The Sun does exhibit a pulse or heartbeat, which is a complex, multi-rhythmic affair. This heartbeat generates energy that leads to solar flares and sunspots. The solar atmosphere also erupts with energy, heating plasmas and accelerating particles to near light-speed, resulting in regular and periodic intensity pulsations. (Space.com)
So you must have a steady acceptable for fusion period to any successful fusion. Aug. 3, 2024.

Picture 1 is a new post by Ray Forage, Mars square crater in crater. This is a low angle explosion much like the Howell, TN Impact structure which made a fan crater. Picture 2 bullet hole more of a hexagon, another impact geometric. Even bullets while made to be uniform do not always explode that way. And many bullets are structured to fragment. Picture 3, the famous Barringer Crater in Arizona a squarish crater. Picture 4 a squarish crater on the Moon. Picture 5 a Mars square crater. Picture 5, Bullet exits geometrics which shows the characteristics of various rounds after they fragment. While we think of an explosion ball, i.e. a chemical explosion, these are kinetic explosions. Fragmentation is a ripping apart of the projectile which was not in an original liquid state but solid matter. As the kinetic explosions progresses it does become a liquid which makes a different physics.

Aug. 10, 2024. Sh2-101 Tulip Nebula a shaped charge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaped_charge
📸 Francesco

278 miles per second. This kind of speed is now proved. While not a relic of the big bang it is a relaunch of matter from a cosmic explosion. Impacts from such would be more energetic than that typically seen with cratering. This kind of ballistics could atomize an impacted object. Aug. 19, 2024.
NASA Citizen Scientists Spot Object Moving 1 Million Miles Per Hour
NASA Science Editorial Team
Aug 15, 2024
This artist's concept shows a hypothetical white dwarf, left, that has exploded as a supernova. The object at right is CWISE J1249, a star or brown dwarf ejected from this system as a result of the explosion. This scenario is one explanation for where CWISE J1249 came from.
W.M. Keck Observatory/Adam Makarenko
Most familiar stars peacefully orbit the center of the Milky Way. But citizen scientists working on NASA’s Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 project have helped discover an object moving so fast that it will escape the Milky Way’s gravity and shoot into intergalactic space. This hypervelocity object is the first such object found with the mass similar to or less than that of a small star.
Backyard Worlds uses images from NASA’s WISE, or Wide-field Infrared Explorer, mission, which mapped the sky in infrared light from 2009 to 2011. It was re-activated as NEOWISE (Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) in 2013 and retired on Aug. 8, 2024.
A few years ago, longtime Backyard Worlds citizen scientists Martin Kabatnik, Thomas P. Bickle, and Dan Caselden spotted a faint, fast-moving object called CWISE J124909.08+362116.0, marching across their screens in the WISE images. Follow-up observations with several ground-based telescopes helped scientists confirm the discovery and characterize the object. These citizen scientists are now co-authors on the team’s study about this discovery published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters

Yet another example of the missing energy driving the search for dark energy in the universe. Super massive black hole is converting mass to energy. Sept. 2, 2024.
Everything Astronomy and the Universe
Ray Forage · ·
Good night all. A supermassive black hole at the centre of the Centaurus A galaxy.
A supermassive black hole at the centre of the Centaurus A galaxy shoots an enormous jet of particles into space. Chandra resolved both the jets and the faint blue bubble surrounding the galaxy. (X-ray (Chandra) NASA/CXC/SAO, (IXPE) NASA/MSFC. #goodnight #SupermassiveBlackHoleInCentaurusA

Space Collision. Note the overall direction striation in the gasses. Sept. 8, 2024.
Seagull Nebula taken by VST OmegaCAM.[8]
ESO/VPHAS+ team/N.J. Wright (Keele University) - https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1913a/
Colourful and wispy Sharpless 2-296 forms the “wings” of an area of sky known as the Seagull Nebula — named for its resemblance to a gull in flight. This celestial bird contains a fascinating mix of intriguing astronomical objects. Glowing clouds weave amid dark dust lanes and bright stars. The Seagull Nebula — made up of dust, hydrogen, helium and traces of heavier elements — is the hot and energetic birthplace of new stars.

This is only a partial remnant of the explosion, a directional fragment. Sept. 20, 2024.
James Webb Space Telescope & Cosmological Discoveries
Michael Morton · ·
Astronomy Picture of the Day from NASA
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐍𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭
New stars are born from the remnants of dead stars. The gaseous remnant of the gravitational collapse and subsequent death of a very massive star in our Milky Way created the G296.5+10.0 supernova remnant, of which the featured Mermaid Nebula is part.
Also known as the Betta Fish Nebula, the Mermaid Nebula makes up part of an unusual subclass of supernova remnants that are two-sided and nearly circular.
Originally discovered in X-rays, the filamentary nebula is a frequently studied source also in radio and gamma-ray light. The blue color visible here originates from doubly ionized oxygen (OIII), while the deep red is emitted by hydrogen gas. The nebula's mermaid-like shape has proven to be useful for measurements of the interstellar magnetic field.
Image Credit & Copyright: Neil Corke; Text: Natalia Lewandowska (SUNY Oswego)

The Valley of Fire Impact crater. A vortex hole which was liquid but froze as it cooled. I found the same thing in the Howell, TN Impact Structure (picture 2). You can see the crater on the Chegg Products & Services geology anomaly map (picture 3). It hit in the wall of an old NW Arizona impact which you can also see circled on picture 3. (picture 4) It also hit in the edge wall of the Western 4 States Crater Biggie. It went right into the earth a true type 1 impact. That makes a heat negative in the center but the walls are broken rubble. The center made the earth and the impacting bolide liquid as that is a physics of solids under so much energy, they melt. This phenomena makes a strong prediction for cosmic impacts being the source cause of black holes. Nov. 5, 2024.

While round means melt, it does not mean it is all uniformly mixed together. These two large masses identified are ancient type 0 or 1 earth impacts.
Type 0 the original accretions that made up the earth. If you press about 5 balls of playdough together into a ball you will see cracks like the earth's crustal plates. Type 1 big accretions later like the Siberian Traps crater which oozed out lava which you also see on the moon. Type 3 exploding surface craters typical surface circular. Type 2 subduction craters push up a side which are the mountains. Type 4 terminal velocity meteorites and the tons of space dust. Type 5 man made objects that fall back to earth. That pretty well covers everything but an alien invasion. Since I am so far ahead I ordered myself a Nobel Prize on Amazon, you pin it on, LOL. Feb. 5, 2025.
Scientists find two huge 'islands' hidden beneath Earth's surface
Deep within Earth’s mantle, more than 2,000 kilometers below the surface, lie two massive, continent-sized structures. These enigmatic formations are not only significantly hotter than their surroundings but also far older than previously thought—dating back at least 500 million years, if not more.
New research from Utrecht University challenges the long-standing belief that Earth's mantle is well-mixed and rapidly flowing. Instead, the study suggests these ancient "islands" have remained largely undisturbed for eons. Published in the journal Nature, the findings reveal that these regions are thermally distinct from the cooler, subducted tectonic plates nearby. This breakthrough reshapes our understanding of mantle dynamics, indicating that Earth's interior is far less mixed and mobile than previously assumed.

COSMOLOGY MILESTONE: Evidence confirms Nassim Haramein's prediction of our ROTATING universe!
In this fascinating 2020 study, researchers observed hundreds of galaxies spinning in synchronized patterns across 20 million light years—a phenomenon deemed "impossible" under standard cosmological models.
While conventional physics still struggles with this discovery, Haramein's unified physics theory had already predicted it by demonstrating that mass-energy creates both curvature and torque in spacetime. Because of the ubiquitous nature of spin, which Haramein saw emerging within the mathematics, it led him to predict that we will observe spin across scale, including the universe itself!
Galaxies experiencing a uniform field of torque within a rotating universe will have non-random alignments, just as was observed.
The International Space Federation continues advancing research that challenges traditional cosmological principles to develop a more complete understanding of our dynamic universe.
Check out the full report at- https://spacefed.com/.../physicist-nassim-harameins.../
So is the universe spinning? Yes it likely is. Spinning torque is another of the quanta type shape changes as energy goes beyond or below a shapes ability to carry the energy. It is a high energy effect. The same is observed in reverse when a bullet starts to tumble after losing energy. This tumbling effect should also be observed in the universe from older moving bodies or systems. March 21, 2025.

Impact crater tectonics is what you see below the "Great Unconformity." Which is no surprise as all unconformities are record of earth impacts. You would also find these on other planets unlike the failed raft/plate tectonic theory.

The Great Unconformity is just a big crater. What passes for all that volcanology is just impact basalt. March 22, 2025.