Minnesota, usa impact craters

Type 2 subduction cratering. These early impacts bury themselves in the earth only leaving an arc.
Why is this not an igneous structure? I mean there are so many clearly volcanic surrounds to study. Have you ever seen one that looked like this? First of all there are too many minerals and they are imparted in too fine a matrix. This is composed of nano level mineral particles which is more energy than a volcano has. The heat was also too high. Volcano's top out around 2,000 F. This mineral mixing slurry was significantly higher. And alas the blue and red are signatures of the big earth impact period of cobalt and iron which are two common universe minerals.

Splatterform impactite with black iron oxide charged surface imprinting. Looks very old. The rough surface texture is related to the matrix forming process of a shock particle impact storm which also produces the charged deposit as the swirling mass of particles makes a type of lightning similar to volcanic ash lightning. The white appears to be calcium refined in the impact process out of shells/limestone which arrive at a late stage in the explosion and was so hot it has boiled off on the surface. Specimen collected by: Kelly Felber swmn is exactly sw Minnesota

Fast formed breccia high shock impactite, nodule, rare - A close up of the surface shows breccia. High shock a wave resonance will concentrate around the center of mass therefore leaving surface the least altered.
SPC at Minnesota National Guard
Lives in Brownton, Minnesota

The weird sphere (really a circle but that does not rhyme) and luster. High shock metamorphic with fractal mosaic surface from cooling. Big shock made rocks are often called mega clast but this one also qualifies as an impact sphere. Why would it present this circle with point facing? The geometric shock forms like shattercones (points) and circles, spheres are related shock harmonic transition forms depending on the energy levels.
The surface luster drip is a late arriving splatterform in the impact explosion sequence.
Justin Ellingson
Looking for help/ input. Have this but would love for it to go with someone who will appreciate it. I was told its rose quarts. Picture is with water poured on it. Like to know value you can not move on your own so atleast 200lbs.

Minnesota Rocks Minerals And Fossils
Mike Zeien Aug. 10, 2022
That is a good find. Impact cinder with crystal fast forms a pseudomorph/polymorph random. The surface has a heat effect called patina. Why are the green crystals in the middle? The energy event was too high as this is an edge survivor of the large earth impact. What is the green mineral? Hard to say, olivine is my first guess as a pseudomorph fast form attempting to form the orthorhombic. All the Minnesota cratering is very large thus very high energy.
I like soil maps. Although it is conjectured that glaciers made these soils it is impact that makes soils. That is why soils are so distinctive and concur with impact areas.

While the Michigan crater makes an easy to see circle there was earlier craters this distorted.
Big crater wall karst shadow. This is primarily associated with type 3 surface exploding craters, although as you can see there is a rare type 2 subduction crater karst arc centered over Nebraska. You can see this at the Chicxulub crater as well. A circle of caves. As you can see there is a big crater called Michigan, LOL. The great lakes are a crater low plain with Michigan being the central uplift. As big as this crater is, it is just a smaller crater in a much bigger Canadian crater system, very large. While the Canadians are supposed to be some kind of crater experts they have no idea how large craters are or the many effects. Also with Mars having over a half million craters and the earth being twice as big how is it the Canadians can only find a hundred or so craters on earth? Like Trump I fired them a long time ago as did any serious crater investigator.

Bubble logic/Harmonic logic - This is a Lake Superior Agate from Minnesota. It is also an expansion compression form but from the shockwave resonance. You can see it is resonating around the impalements but the expansion waves will meet other expansion and make compression forms.

Meta Septarian in layers, Southern Minnesota. Impact chert nodule with cavitation Septarian in layers is formed like a meteorite, crypto crystalline high shock chert. The color is a nano light shift effect from the iron at different nano sizes which makes it a type 2 impactite of sand from impacted surface and iron from the bolide.

Very rare, impactite from the central Minnesota crater. Core is a cavitation sphere. It was coated in flight with another blast material. May 17, 2023.
Gabriel Dante Moreno · ·
Location central Minnesota
Am I looking at two different rocks I’ve never came across a lake superior agate with such an unusual break well, the inner core seems to be one consistent color