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This is a view from the top of the crater wall five miles south of Howell looking at the crater plain across Howell to Petersburg crater wall in Marshall County TN. 

Geologist is driving on I-24 and notices the Howell/Petersburg strata wiping event "unconformity."


Middle, TN "Basin Buster" unconformity line with the classic central uplift seen in large craters. 

I have had to name so many new geology phenomena I have lost count. The fundamental reason is conceptual. Geology is not what it thinks it is. Impact physics in a settling process in search of equilibrium. Equilibrium is unobtainable by the way. There is no equilibrium. Metrology - There are over 200 constants for the physics of our reality to exist (that we currently know of). Teleology is.


New Findings - The Frankewing, TN impact was not like any other. It presents a new geomorphology (the study of the characteristics, origin, and development of landforms) as well as new phenomena.  The impact starts at Petersburg and makes the only large stretching oblique crater on the planet! The crater then stretches southwest across Lincoln County into the next county, Giles to Pulaski. 

Easy to recognize craters like Meteor Crater Arizona (Barringer Crater) and Wolf Creek in Australia were small, slow and recent. They don't even explode enough to consume themselves completely. This also happened at Chelyabinsk in 2013. 

Well's Creek the most recent hit to Middle, TN is a classic type which is easier to analyse. The earlier impacts were at cosmic speeds not captured by our solar system perhaps twice as fast as orbiting impactors. 

Large objects like this one at 4 miles or more diameter and 30 miles per second are called Bolides (In geology, bolides are a very large impactor). It was largely made of iron but contained significant amounts of other elements and was radioactive. The impact was from slightly north of east and hit a late Devonian early Carboniferous (Mississippian) period sea 15 miles north of Howell, TN above Petersburg, TN. It hit at such a low angle (10 degrees or less) the crater is not centered around the impact point. The only large crater on the planet of that type. The crater covers six counties: Giles, Lincoln, Marshall, Bedford, and Moore in Tennessee and Limestone in Alabama. 


Detailed discussion appears under the Technical Notes section of the drop down menu.

The Middle TN basin is likely the result of an extremely large Ordovician Meteor Event. It was first believed to be the result of sediment removal. It is now thought to be tectonic. Tectonic faults tend to be earthquake producing in the present time as their structure is all the way down to the mantle. This has not been the case for earthquakes reports in Middle TN. The faults as more recent investigations by Middle TN State University (MTSU) prove are Ordovician. Shown to the right is a table of Chattanooga Formation organic edge starting after the likely basin forming impact until wiped by the subsequent Frankewing, TN impact, then restarting. So what happens when you give MTSU geology students a grant? They go out and find faults along the Middle, TN basin edge. These faults also line up with the "unconformities" wiping of strata events. Sulfur springs are in the area. (Sulfur is common to almost all meteorites and is the first test, just smell them) Also they will discuss the bentonite ash layer found between the wiping events as being volcanic of no know origin. Then they will discuss how the basin and dome are from some tectonic event which is counter to all evidence of any lower faults or earthquake confirmations. They will get published because they added information but did not construct any more logical but new conclusion.

 Murfreesboro is east of a central crater inside ring part of a complex very large crater structure. Like on the moon very large craters will have a center ring as well as the outside crater wall. Thus Middle TN represents craters within craters like the surface of the moon. 

The Howell/Petersburg Impact as seen in cores taken 120 miles away in Celina, TN. 


Blasting the Chattanooga strata into a mix with other strata levels. As you can see "impact accretion" is an overlapping construct. 


Howell/Petersburg >>>>>>

Chart made by Bob Beavers Engineering Inc. based on Wilson (1990)
Crater Topo.jpg
Lewis County Crater >>>>>>>

Miopic craterology of TN - Only two smaller craters are certified. I count 3 large craters as you might view from space. The big basin maker, Frankewing, Lewis County. 

Position by lateral thrust. Both tectonics and impact cratering are making lateral deposits and forces in Middle, TN. TN sits on a thicker crust line between Memphis and Charleston, SC which are high tectonic disturbance points.  The position of strata and ages described in geologic theory claimed to be law does not account well for sudden lateral deposits/removal. The Middle, TN Basin was formed in an instant. Check out the three Ordovician "Unconformity's" in the table below.
A lateral wiping event. The latest research suggest the earth has sustained 1.6 times the impacts of the moon.  Notice the bottom of the three unconforities i.e. calamity events sits on a bed of bentonite. Bentonite can be made by a volcanic or meteor ash. Since volcano's are not wiping events causing "unconforities" these are middle, TN impacts and the bottom one caused a lot of incineration! These events show up in East, TN (see below) 

Basin Buster >>>>>>>

This table circa 1947 is now more resolved with the two big impacts unconformities, however Lewis county has a significant crater structure. Close in to Lewis county this would present as an unconformity in it's specific time. Therefore the specific time unconformities shown right were likely refering to local impacts not big enough to make a state size wiping impact, like Flynn Creek and Well's Creek impacts. 

What defines a body formed by impact accretion? Depending on location these impact will be crossing making a blended disturbed strata. Some wiping events show up on a state wide geology but not in my location. 
So what does it look like? Hiking along a stream crevasse I see this boundary layer of soft clay and mixed clay/shale. Almost to Alabama in SE Giles County, TN the big earth shaking Middle, TN Basin Forming Impact ash deposit is now well seated but still very established not having washed away by any ground water action. Additionally at nearby Blanch, TN is a grey clay layer about 14 feet down like this.  This ash layer could also be the Frankewing, TN ash falling back into the crater.
Mining lead and zinc along the spray edge of the Basin Buster from state of TN bulletin 51 Page 17 "Only the northeast faults appear to be mineralized. The displacement along these faults has been largely in a horizontal directon of within a few degrees of the horizontal. Though the throw is reaatively small, appreciable movement has taken place along these horizontal shear faults This is clearly indicated by well polished walls and bubble breccias or badly cracked zones up to 20 feet in width. The breccias are rarely more that 4 to 5 feet wide. Most of the veins in Middle Tennessee occur along these northeast shear faults." These deposits were made during a catastrophic event. P. 19 The replacement that has taken place seems to be almost entirely confined to the included breccia fragments. 
< Wells Creek
< Crater small
< Lewis County Crater
Frankewing, TN  >
The blue shale is mixed with crater impact ash      >>>>>>>>

Silurian exposed strata. 

hill bill Lee's law of impacts and orogeny. First set the stage then put the characters on it. 

the contours will be the environment. The contours are created by the tectonic forces and impacts. you must first understand that to understand the life or lack thereof present. 

If you have ever seen the Bentonite Ash clay shown from the round the world Chicxulub deposit it is never this large but gets larger as you get closer. This position is close to the Basin Buster and blasted to exposure by the subsequent impact at Frankewing, TN. 

TennGeoMap - Large.jpg
15 Craters.jpg
Crater 8 old 
crater size of 
Wells Creek. River/lake flows through now. 
Crater signs and indicators in middle, TN. 

If the Middle, TN basin was produced by tectonic action it would show as earthquake and faults. No such evidence. Same for Kentucky basin. As a matter of fact the state of TN has a thicker crust between two weak points of Charleston, SC and Memphis, TN.  North America is a deposit of a large impact that is defined by the great unconformity. 


Losing roundness in old crater distortions shown here on the moon. Impact mass accretion


As viewed at the Pulaski, TN quarry above is unconformity and another in a short geological time.

Core sample densities at Oak Ridge, TN. The thrust fault and reduced core sample density is the Basin Buster Impact. 
Why I don't think the other two wiping events were flood caused. After the first giant impact the middle, TN basin was formed and was a sea between the pushed up Highland Rims surrounding. The sea floor would be less disturbed by a flood but impacts however are high energy local events. You can read an excellent book showing effects of a worldwide flood called Impact Geology published in 1985. This book is good because he is not in the "flood club." The flood club wants to attribute all catastrophic events to a single worldwide flood. Follow the evidence do not force the evidence into a model. Besides impacts into seas cause a flood wave. Melting glaciers pool and release causing a flood wave. I believe there was a global flood and many local catastrophes around the globe.

Energy Stratigraphy - What does a regional strata show as energy imprints: impacts, tectonic stress, flood or flowing water deposits, still water gravity based deposits, life based deposits. 


Unconform and ununiform - Little wonder geology is so bad, it holds the opposite of truth as it's foundation. Assume geology is not linear. Every today is different form every yesterday. The Frankewing, TN impact is not like any other. 

If there was a tectonic cause of the Middle, TN basin it would show up as an outline below. Is no evidence whatsoever. 

TN earthquakes.jpg

Overlapping Impact fault pattern. Howell/Petersburg Impact is over the Middle, TN forming impact lower edge. 

Chart showing both impact shifts in the strata in Middle, TN. 

BULLETIN 58, PART II Geologic Map of East Tennessee With Explanatory Text Compiled by JOHN RODGERS Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey 1953 Page 122 and following. 
As set forth above in the chapters on the Middle and Upper Ordovician rocks and as illustrated by figure 4, the compiler believes that the facies shrifts in those rocks in East Tennessee furnish evidence of two orogenic phases: first the Blountian phase in Middle Ordovician time, centered in the Southern Appalachians probably somewhere southeast of the Valley of East Tennessee, and second the main Taconian phase in Late Ordovician and possibly earliest Silurian time, centered in the southern part of the Northern Appalachians and perhaps extending into the Central Appalachians as well. Indeed, disturbances of this general period are known as far northeast as Newfoundland; they may all appropriately be grouped as phases of the Taconian orogeny. Radioactive age determinations indicate a period of granitic intrusion in the western Carolinas about 350 million years ago probably at the time of this orogeny (Rodgers, 1952). The possible disconformity at the base of the upper part of the Chickamauga limestone and the Martinsburg shale may record some pulse of the Blountian phase, but the main Taconian phase does not appear to be represented in East Tennessee by any disconformity in or at the top of the Upper Ordovician rocks, though as far southwest as eastern Pennsylvania it is recorded by angular nonconformity beneath the Silurian system. In Middle Tennessee, however, Wilson (1948) has shown the existence of a disconformity with more than 100 feet of relief (and of a very local nonconformity over a cryptovolcanic structure) beneath rocks of Richmond age, and possibly some such disconformity extends into East Tennessee, at least into the southwestern part. The shift of facies in the Silurian rocks of East Tennessee records the waning phase of Ordovician diastrophism. There may be a disconformity between the middle Silurian shale and sandstone and the overlying upper Silurian and Lower Devonian limestone, and there may be others within the limestone sequence, but these need confirmation by more careful work on the rocks in question. Even if present, they are overshadowed by the disconformity beneath the Devonian and basal Mississippian black shale. So far as known there is little relief on this disconformity in East Tennes- 125 see, but in Middle Tennessee there is more, reaching 300 feet at one point over a cryptovolcanic structure (Wilson and Born, 1936, p. 822). On the other hand, the black shale bevels across older rocks from the Lower Devonian part of the Hancock limestone in Claiborne and Hancock Counties to the Middle Ordovician Bays formation in Blount and Monroe Counties, and at places along the southeastern side of the Appalachian Valley in Georgia and Alabama Mississippian rocks come to rest on Lower Ordovician rocks belonging to the Knox group. Moreover, the disconformity is of regional extent to the westward, reaching, to the Ozark region of Missouri and the Llano-Burnet region of Texas. So how far is the geology disturbed in an impact event? Read this recent article:

Iron flow from Howell/Petersburg Impact 120 miles NE but is ending. 

The shear volume of material claimed to be removed by erosion is untenable and uphill. Is no earthquake or tectonic cause and Middle, TN has the classic big crater and rims, in this case called the Eastern and Western Highland Rims. 

Michigan Crater - 

Some scientist think this is an indication that meteorites bombard all bodies in the solar system, including the earth. Dr. Frank Dachille, associate professor of Geochemistry at the Pennsylvania State University, thinks that there are many such craters on earth. The outlines of most of them has been softened by erosion, or covered by vegetation or water, according to Dachille.

He is co-author of a highly controversial book on the evolution of Earth, called "Target Earth." In that book he lists more than 70 huge depressions on earth which he thinks probably were caused by meteorite impacts. The list includes the entire Michigan Basin

Crater meets tectonics, faults  make fractals

Crater  >>


Wells Creek >

Crater >>

Hot Springs Crater >>

Lewis County >>

Frankewing, TN >>>


Why Hot Springs a crater? First it is not all that tectonic fault related and not very active as an earthquake source. Second with 16,000 impacts the earth would likely have some that make a volcanic pipe, as Chicxulub almost did. Recent finding indicate a meteor hit in South Laos and was subsequently volcanic.  

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Notice above the three shock fault arcs from the Howell/Petersburg impact. Shown below is a meteor explosion over Beijing, China on Jan. 30, 2020 with four. A traveling explosion in both cases. 
Karst, glades, and craters. - Relationship. Impacts crack strata and pile up pours strata. They also cause bogs with crater rims and such blocking drainage flow.  

The Big Basin Impact Craters of Western Kansas


CANNON, P. JAN, Planetary Data, Tecumseh, OK


A sharply defined basin, 1,300 m in diameter, 35 m deep, and with internal drainage, is located 45 km south of Dodge City, Kansas. This feature is named Big Basin on topographic maps of the region. It has been considered to be of solution origin.

Remote sensing investigations of the area revealed that the feature had two small satellite pits approximately 300 m in diameter. This cluster of holes is an isolated phenomenon in this area. However, the cluster of one large crater and two nearby smaller ones is similar to numerous primary impact crater clusters found on other planets. This type of clustering is not found in areas of karst. The remote sensing data further indicated prominent radial fracture sets and a polygonal shape that reflects the regional fractures.

Subsequent field work revealed that the strata on the rim of the larger hole dip radially away from the center of the feature. The rim and wall materials are intensely fractured. These observations are indicative of impact features and not solution features.

When, the Big Basin Crater is physically compared with Meteor Crater, Adzona, and Upheaval Dome, Utah, it shows a close similarity to Meteor Crater, Arizona. This similarity is indicated by polygonal shape, size and radial features. Big Basin appears to be partially filled with wall and rim materials. It is more eroded than Meteor Crater, Arizona. The walls of the Big Basin Crater contain cherts that appear to have been partially extracted by early man for tools. Tektites and magnetic material have been found beyond the rim area.

Specimen above from Magnet Cove, Arkansas. Multi directional breakage but most important is the small particle storm inclusions associated with impact. Volcanoes make large particle storm. 

Beck et all 1996 Karst map of TN. Notice the big simi circle arc of the Middle, TN basin forming impact, the Lewis County Crater and the high karst zone in the confluence of the basin forming impact, Howell and Lewis County. 

Crater >>>>>
<< Crater
<<< Crater
The Nevada Crater and Mt. Whitney the world's largest shatter cones. 

Impact breccia from the Nevada basin crater.

Finding craters using Karst Ring Shadows. Look at the karst ring shadow shown to the right. The one above is bigger. 
WV Crater.jpg
Webster Springs, WV Crater
Early Ordovician
The map below is an alternate database of global impact craters. With an estimated 16,000 earth hits the one maintained by the Canadians is just piss poor only recording less than 200.
West of Istanbul, Turkey Thrace Basin Crater. 
Thrace Basin Crater and the angled impact from the NE same as here at the Frankewing, TN crater. 
Shown above is a map of the Chattanooga shale going around the Lewis County Crater which means it was a post Chattanooga shale, Mississippi event not a raised island as was ironically supposed in this old report. The outer ring is from the Frankewing, TN impact. 

Karst ring shadow craters. notice how much alike the michigan karst ring crater shadow is with the chicxulub one. 

What are the odds? - With an estimated 25,000 earth surface impacts (Planetological Approach) and a third as many significant explosive volcanic eruptions you are 3 times as likely to be seeing a shock deformed metamorphic rock. 


VEI vs. eruption frequency: This chart shows how small, less explosive eruptions are much more frequent than large eruptions. The data used to prepare the chart is from the Global Volcanism Program database of the Smithsonian Institution. This database includes recorded and historic eruptions that occurred between about 10,000 years ago and 1994. Hobart M. King, Ph.D.
Planetological approach, allowing the estimation of the impact frequency of large asteroids (d > 300–400 m), whose final collision speed is practically unaffected by the Earth’s atmosphere. The data on the age and size of meteorite craters on the terrestrial planets and the Moon are used, and the difference in acceleration due to gravity on the surface of planets as compared to the Earth is taken into account
& Craters
OIP (6).jpg
<< Webster Springs Crater
<<< Have these faults been deformed by impact? 
<<< Crater
<<< Crater
<<< Crater
OIP (3).jpg
The Texas Size Crater >>>>>>
     The Llano Uplift is the                    central crater rebound. 

magnetic anomaly maps

<< Frankewing, TN Crater
Splatterform from Thrace Crater just west of Istanbul, Turkey. Notice how delicate the quartz and iron splatter can be. 

So how many earth surface craters are there really? 19,000 moon craters over 5 miles across. So let's figure is about  25,000 based on this new update on counting moon craters.

<<< Crater
Shatterconing from large earth accretion impact, Type 1
Thrace crater and the underlying shock lateral unconformity wave. This is the same effect as happened here at the Frankewing, TN crater. 
The rock cycle as taught still today. It is the lack of impact of impact model. While it shows "extraterrestrial materials and impact it does not show any effects. Makes no since. With an estimated 16,000 large impacts on earth (the moon has 10,000) the crustal dynamic would be greatly altered. Impacts can even cause the volcanic cycle by hitting near a fault or just breaking the crust. The metamorphic nature of shock alters material over great distances. Earth even has craters within craters as seen on the moon. I live in one. Also the current model of planetary development is by impact accretion. That means that all earth material would have an impact origin. And notice the diagram does not show karst and glades. They are often a consequence of impacts by the way. 
Impact Blast Level >>>>
Unconformities are wiping events i.e. floods, impacts.

A River Runs Through It - Besides faults, topology, finding, karst shadows, impactites the water flow patterns will outline craters. So these tools make suspect craters. 


Suspect Crater >>>

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

<<< Suspect Crater

Suspect Crater >>>

Suspect Crater >>>

Suspect Crater >>>

Suspect Crater >>>

Suspect Crater >>>

Suspect Crater >>>

Suspect Crater >>>

Suspect Crater >>>

<<< Suspect Crater

Suspect Crater >>>

Suspect Crater >>>

Suspect Crater >>>

Heading 5
Snake River Idaho Crater as shown on the geology anomaly map below. 
<<<< Crater
<<<< Crater
Notice how the river follows the crater circle. The same is true here where I live in the Frankewing, TN crater. 
Data Mining this old report: Regional Geologic Implications of the Gravity and Magnetic Fields of a Part of Eastern Tennessee and Southern Kentucky By JOEL S. WATKINS GEOPHYSICAL FIELD INVESTIGATIONS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 516-A Interpretation of aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies in terms of fault tectonics, basement rock units, and regional geology ' UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON 1964
Jacksboro Crater.jpg
The Jacksboro to Rockwood, TN Crater
<<< Really big west China Crater
Big one. I found this by investigating the round impactite agates from the Gobi Desert region. An impact like this would splatter a region many times it's crater diameter. 
If a crater has a tectonic cause it will show earthquakes along it's borders. As you can see it does not. This is also true for Hot Springs, Arkansas. It however broke the earth's crust near an active fault, making a permanent pipe.
Anomaly map, notice how it makes a surface like the moon. 

Really Big Crater! type 1 earth accretion. 

Texas Crater

Frankewing,TN Crater >>>>
A slider.
Chesapeake Bay Crater - Big one has two rings
The Michigan Crater
Wisconsin Crater

The Midwest Crater

Principle - Big Bang sorting

Don't be confused by the location of topical crater and the subduction crater. These large impacts can come in at an angle.

Is the Gulf of America a big crater? 
Picture below is of Venus taken by a probe in the 1990's. It shows crater deformation like on earth. You see arcs and wall shifting as well as non crater features. The crater may no longer be recognizable at all. You can assume that Earth and Venus have the same amount of  crater density as the moon. On earth you can still find craters by drilling or finding the impactites.
Notice the fan shape stretching. Not tectonics, it is a gain in accretion mass. See how the crater on the bottom left has been stretched to a line and overlapped. It is old and part of the early planet gain in volume and mass. 
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Crater >>>>>
The Washington State Park, Missouri, USA Impact Structure. The park is believed to have Indian Petroglyphs but these forms may be impact signature effects like the Eagle figure shown below. 
Those little blue dots are cobalt pellets protruding which would have come out if you chiseled that. Cobalt is however a common meteor impact splatter material. Additionally the feature contains shock particle constellationing including fractals. 
The Eye of Africa Crater as seen from space. This meteor hit when the mountain was there. The shock wave impact explosion verifies it. Notice how the concentric rings elongate away from the mountain. This is a harmonic effect you can demonstrate by study of acoustic waves next to a solid mass. 

The Bankhead Alabama Impact Structure - Earth impact shock waves will collect around a harmonic mass. Like sound supersonic shock you often see delineation of this overcoming of the media's ability to carry this energy wave. When magnified you can see the iron misting which is caused by extreme pulverization kinetic shock which makes nano particles. Common to impact specimens is the various size circles and particles shown in white. Also from the kinetic pulverization. The particles have organized on the edge of the structure into granular crystal habits first identified by Turing in 1952. You can find this structure on the anomaly map. It is also evident on the karst map.

NC Craters.jpg

Since I play the "what's my rock" game when I come across an impactite I try to locate the crater that produced it. Today was North Carolina so I made this map. 


In this Troy, NC specimen it has Fe3O4 black iron oxide inclusions but resonates around the green inclusion. Appears to be high cobalt with iron and the silica shock particle impact storm matrix. 


<< Crater


<< Crater


Serbian Crater >>>>>

The Serbian Crater- Impactite Identified. Resonate forms are only produced by impact. The specimen shown from Serbia has three.

Oslow 1.gif
Shown to the right is a second iteration fractal coning sequence from the crater circled in purple above Oslo, Norway. It is part of a serial impact where the incoming bolide broke apart. These craters have been misidentified as volcanic pipes. 
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The North American Craton is a couple of very large earth accretion impacts that are not absorbed into the earth. A type 1 accretion is absorbed. A type 2 is crust thickening. A type 3 explodes on the surface. A type 4 hits but does not explode. This area is defined by the "Great Unconformity" which blasted away and disturbed what was there before. 

Sept. 17, 2023. 


Gravity shows record of large earth accretion impacts. The best place to launch a space rocket is the tip of India or Ceylon. The best place to find meteorites is Australia.  What you are seeing is the depth of accretion penetration. Earth Gravity Phrenology. 

<<< Crater
<<< Crater
<<< Crater
<<< Crater
<<< Crater
<<< Crater

North America Gravity Map with circles and circle remnants.  Big subduction craters build up the craton and make a large ridge in this case the Appalachian Mountains as several subductions. 


Gravity map moon. See the high gravity faded stretched out belt. 


Angled accretion impact. These earth building early impacts make up the earth. While not one of the biggest that make up the sphere they nevertheless build up the crust and cause the surface features. As later smaller impacts occur some excavation does partial exposures. While tectonic plate theory has some similar aspects it does not fit with the whole issues of where do surface minerals come form or why deep faults occur in non tectonic boundaries. The idea that a crater must be round is just not true. I live in an oval crater and the crater is a "nominal" effect with the major activity being non crater constructing. For impacts that are absorbed the explosion is much different with some of the energy being absorbed in planet recoil and plasticity. This is a ration of the mass, speed and impact object mass and construction at impact side.  Tectonic theory will never be able to unravel the complex forensic density of  explaining earth as it is a multiple impact construction with tectonic effects. As there are around 40,000 surface visible impact on Mars, it is likely the same is true for earth. But this does not even count these type accretion impacts which construct the majority of planets.  This image is from a recent article still stuck in the tectonic geology age.  New Insights into North America's Midcontinent Rift - Eos


Another illustration from article. Forensic time and exposure. This crater bowl under surface is complicated by its proximity to mantle and thus it broke through as the bowl is just an expression of excavation and not the energies involved.  While geology makes the mistake of thinking sedimentary based age dating the magnitude of structures like this make their own strata in an instant. It is a jumble of previous crust and new crust and you have to make a forensic time. What is undisturbed? 


Tectonic theory will not explain these later and smaller impact structures. Tectonic theory is a grasping desperate affair as an explanatory tool. These circular structures are obviously later craters of various times, sizes and composition. All impacts are unique. 


This ocean trench is a geologically complex site. The Caribbean and North American tectonic plates are scraping by each other, making a huge transform fault that extends from the Puerto Rico Trench to the coast of Central America. The Caribbean plate is shifting east, while the North American plate is shifting west.

In addition to the fault, the Puerto Rico Trench is also associated with a subduction zone. To the trench's east, the heavy North American plate, which carries the northern Atlantic Ocean as well as the continent of North America, is being subducted beneath the smaller Caribbean plate.

According to NOAA:

  • The deepest part of the Puerto Rico Trench is just over 8,600 metres (5.3 miles).

  • The Puerto Rico Trench is a very flat depression, 280 kilometres (175 miles) long.

  • The southern side of the trench, north of Puerto Rico, is covered with a smooth layer of limestone.

  • A large fault system, the Bunce Fault, was discovered in very deep water near the trench. The Bunce Fault is similar to the San Andreas Fault in California. The Bunce Fault was named after Dr. Elizabeth (Betty) Bunce, a marine geophysicist who investigated the Puerto Rico Trench in the 1950s.

  • A mud volcano was discovered at a depth of 7,900 metres (25,919 feet). The volcano spewed mud as far as 10 kilometres (6.2 miles).


USGS: Sound Waves—Mapping of the Puerto Rico Trench, the Deepest Part of the Atlantic, is Nearing Completion

— with Jane Mccants and George Masters.

Tectonics versus Impact Tectonics Theory - First note the many assumptions necessary for tectonics to explain this. Why are these features here? That requires a long train of assumptions with increasing tenuous threads connecting. Impact Tectonics would simply say that the earth being made by large to small impact accretions had forming large accretions which are absorbed and swell the earth causing these break expansions along big accretion impact seams. And that is what it looks like without any long train of assumptions of plate shifts on an accretion body that was always the same size which is not possible.

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Older craters shown on this new gravity map are distorted and faded depends on type. 

New High-Res Gravity Maps Reveal Surprising Variations in Earth's Pull [VIDEO]

By Tamarra Kemsley Sep 06, 2013 10:07 AM EDT


Researchers have created the highest-resolution maps of the Earth's gravity field yet, revealing in the process gravitational variations up to 40 percent larger than previously assumed.

Conducted by a joint Australian-German research team, the study used detailed topographic information obtained by the US Space Shuttle in order to improve the resolution of previous global gravity field maps by a factor of 40. In doing so, they discovered far larger variations in free-fall gravity over Earth than previous estimates proposed.

According to the maps, the Earth's gravitational pull is smallest on the top of the Huascaran mountain in the South American Andes. The largest pull, meanwhile, is found near the North Pole.

"This is a world-first effort to portray the gravity field for all countries of our planet with unseen detail," study lead Christian Hirt of Curtin University said in a statement, adding that just a few years ago, the study would have been impossible.

"The creation of the maps would have required about 80 years of office PC computation time but advanced supercomputing provided by the Western Australian iVEC facility helped us to complete the maps within a few months," he explained.


Gravity maps serve a variety of purposes. They are required, for example by civil engineers looking to build anything from canals to bridges and tunnels. Furthermore, the mining industry stands to gain from knowing just how strong gravity's pull is in a given area compared to other locations.

"The maps can be used by surveyors and other spatial science professionals to precisely measure topographic heights with satellite systems such as the Global Positioning System (GPS)," Hirt said.

Other researchers included Michael Kuhn, Sten Claessens and Motiz Rexer from Curtin's Western Australian Center for Geodesy as well as Roland Pail and Thomas Fecher from Technical University Munich. The findings are published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.


Exposures are not a map of how the world looked at the time. Earth impact is the big excavator and earth builder/enricher.  This map from the Paleontology Portal shows the Pre and Cambrian exposures where you might collect fossils. The actual Pre Cambrian (Cryptozoic) and Cambrian period is characterized by large earth accretion impact that build up the present size of earth. From a study of the major earth plates it appears to have been around five large impacts that made the major body of the planet with subsequent less large land building impacts. Later large impacts excavated through these continents. As shock chaotic chain reaction theory posits that impacts go from large to small over universe construction time the big continent excavators could be early Ordovician.  Or is one of these big excavators the "Silurian Extinction Event?" I think so.  Keep in mind low angle large impacts can be "diggers" with only a partial crater wall. A lot of overlap happens as well. Also wrinkle craters can be only partially absorbed up lifts that did not fully explode due to relative size of impactor and impacted objects, some recoil prevents the full unloading of the kinetic energy. 

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Coal is another key to understanding the fossil process. Coal often shows fossils in it. A heat and pressure organic compression we are told. But why do you find it where you do i.e. provenance. Why would there be so many circular structures? Circles within circles can be the same crater event. And note the big central crater that formed the lower Appalachian Mountain Chain. It is the Silurian Extinction Event and still makes earthquakes along the New Madrid fault it created. Coal is another event not a strata. Geologic time is false. Take a look at this map.

Map before added circles is from this article: Chemtrails Exposed: Coal Fly Ash And The New Manhattan Project – Governmental Services Corporation Watch (

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Earth forensic diagnostics - Like a doctor look at many views to understand fully what the case presents. Gravity map left and coal map right. A crater will make coal if a large amount of organic material was present which will be a type of diagnostic tool. Whereas gravity will present differently however they do confirm each other. 


Texel Mountains (Lodner, Hohe Weisse) South Tyrol (Italy). Bright marble, dark mica schist and gneiss which form the Texel Mountains today, endured a harsh treatment. Under enormous heat, and extreme pressure they were pressed into the earth’s interior twice – before and over again during the Alpine orogeny. At last they were “cooked” 50 km deep in the earth crust at 650 degrees Centigrade. Finally they were pushed upwards within only 20 million years, which is quite fast by geology standards. Standard theory.

 Compression will not make cone in cone structures and liquid swirling marbling. Also while tectonics posits a push up from plates, mountains are found where there is no such plate boundaries. Moving plate theory presumes that crust plates would be broken and move around. Impact tectonics does not need to presume. They were broken and formed by large earth accretions. You can preform this experiment yourself. Take five balls of playdough and combine them together into a new ball and the cracks will look like the earth's plates.

Aubrey Isham

Sometimes when I was pounding concrete nails into concrete in the days before nail guns the concrete with fracture from the nail or when I miss the nail and hit the concrete it resulted in comical sharp edge fractures around the impact sites of my concrete Resembles these sharp points of these mountains. Is the earths crust brittle in part or in Whole. You guys probably know. I think the Mountains formed from large meteor impacts being pushed up at a distance from the impact. In my concrete fractures sometimes the pointed ends of my broken concrete would break free and tilt up around the nail and that’s another theory of have an impact could cause pointy mountains. In the mountains at a distant theory a solid plate would fracture at the impact and also break at a distance and the distant edges would be angular.

My replay. 

The chipping flakes (like arrowheads are made) will produce the standard cone wave generally a wide wave as you often see surrounding a sonic boom. The energy stress patterns shown in the post are coning narrow and then make a liquid flow as the wave dissipates into turbulence. While earth plates grinding against each other will certainly produce strong shock waves large earth impact turns the curst into a liquid and makes a strong upward force from the retraction wave like the up drop from water hitting a table. Mountains along a shore resemble a crater wall and the shore of course is a crater. The liquid model also means a roll along the crater wall edge bringing up deeper strata now in a liquid shock form.


Image source: Water droplets make an impact – Physics World

Retraction has to do with surface adhesion. Impact craters a high energy event make a liquid out of matter from the high shock. 


Impact Tectonics Theory - Earth crust cracking impact(s). This would explain volcanoes as well and has a specific cause rather than an assumption that earth crust cracks just exist. Actually, the cracks are trying to resolve the impact cracks stress as a system.  Geology and the standard model of Plate Tectonics is a case of "cognitive dissonance." Any new theory requires the ability to consider new ideas. 

Often geologist will be affected with Aphasia, no longer able to carry on an intelligent dialogue. Some even effect Teret's Syndrome as a response to new ideas. 


Impact craters are a liquid event. The high energy liquifies itself and the impacted area. This happens very fast. The cooling can happen somewhat fast also as many earth impacts occurred into a sea and therefore will not make a smooth bowl but look more like this picture. In this picture you have two crater rings a small uplift bubble and fractals running outward. The angle of impact was not perpendicular so you have a recoil arc toward the viewer.  The splash is going several crater distances. This event as a non perpendicular impact is not symmetrical. 


Tectonic Pangia Theory - While coast fitting works if you do enough strange rearranging it completely ignores earth as an impact accretion body. The crust and continents are a product of impact accretion which would get larger and cause stress cracks and growth separation. Subsequent impacts are recorded as shaping the contents which alters their margins. So the whole process of refitting current continental borders is unprogressive. 

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See how this big old crater wall has been stretched out linear. This is from the early mass/volume accretions. Not plate tectonics. 
Plate tectonics is the miasma of geology. An observation with the wrong conclusion. Miasma, one of the four body humors said bad smells caused disease. Plate tectonics observes crust impacts and assumes that's causal. The complex crustal collisions and earthquakes do not validate this theory. Many earthquakes and crustal collisions occur where their is not plate like connections. The earth expanded double as an accretion build will separate continents just the same as the floating plate theory. Accretion cratering will build up and depress the crust depending on type of accretion impact. The earth resolving under crater zones of breccia will cause earthquakes which is what is seen. The large Pacific ring of fire is the largest of the earth accretion impacts that went into the planet and left the major depressions. You can see the moon with stretched old craters not tectonics.
Take a look at Mars. It has a stretched crustal break. Does not look like tectonics as that theory supposes there would have to be a subduction somewhere else for this pull away to occur. No evidence of that. Accretion expansion explains with no missing evidence.

Saturn stretching by accretion not tectonics. 


Impact Volcanic - The Type 1 protoplanet accretion can "rock your world." Take for example Mare Imbrium on the Moon. Home to Mons Huygens is the Moon's tallest mountain (but not its highest point,[1] which is Selenean Summit). It is about 5,500 m (18,000 ft) high and is located in the Montes Apenninus.[1] Adjacent to the west is Mons Ampère. The Montes Apenninus were formed by the impact that created Mare Imbrium. The mountain was named after the Dutch astronomer, mathematician and physician Christiaan Huygens.

At the region of the Moon's surface exactly opposite Imbrium Basin, there is a region of chaotic terrain (the crater Van de Graaff) which is thought to have been formed when the seismic waves of the impact were focused there after travelling through the Moon's interior. Mare Imbrium is about 750 miles (1,210 km) wide.


This funny is just a question of scale. 

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Planet Mercury has no plate tectonics. On the surface mountains are large early accretion impacts. These type 1 go into the planet and since the average impact angle is 45 degrees only one side will leave a simi crater. Same thing with type 2 subduction craters. 
Planet Mercury, here you get to see a large type 1 making splash mountains as well as type 3 exploding impacts making a squeeze mountain all in convergence. This is the same thing that happened on the earth. Plate tectonics is simply the earth resolving these large impacts. 
No plate tectonics here either. Overlapping circle resonate harmonic and banding harmonic constructions. This is an impactite. It is refining the minerals from the bolide by harmonic/heat energy. As you can see the edge effect would appear to be mountains on a larger scale. 
David Calvert

  · August 30, 2022

Double Orbed Blue Mountain Jasper


Saturn's moon Lapetus and the central compression ridge. As a relative size phenomena an accretion impact can make this uniform ridge. Not plate tectonics but you have a mountain chain. Quakes and volcanoes as impact caused as well. Don't look surprised, it would be better if you did not have to discard misinformation and you can make a compression sphere like this with a ball. 


Impactite sequence - When a large earth impact hits earth the first impactites will be the surface material, then mixed then bolide (the large meteor) then back to mixed and finally the lowest earth crust it penetrates.


No crater is typical; all are unique. Take for example the Howell, TN Impact Structure. It was a tangent impact into a shallow sea. It made an oval crater. The earthquake edge is ten miles deep and outside the surface crater bowl. 100 ton blocks of sandstone were ejected 60 miles for a 25 mile crater. This diagram is from book shown below. 

Bad science. Plate tectonics is gas physics developed by a meteorologist. Take the top example. As a solid body physics a large enough relative body will subduct into another body with a tangent impact pushing up a "mountain section." Many of these are arcs which is impossible for flat fold plates. 

Second example is an accretion body expansion break. A big type 1 accretion has entered the accretion sphere causing a tear along a weak crust boundary. The Pacific depression is the entry and the Atlantic spreading tear is the result. 

The third example can occur from a type 1 through 3 impact. It is simply the broken crust resolving the stress at edges.  April 30, 2023. 

Earth tilt and Antartica. Fossils in Antartica show a once warm place. Ancient maps before the so called age of discovery show a not ice bound coast! Einstein believed there to be centrifugal force changes affecting the earth's crust.
So called plate tectonics is not a response to inner planet convection currents as envisioned by weatherman Alfred Weiger but crust breaks from large Earth impacts being stress resolved influenced by centrifugal force and extra planet gravitational forces.  May 6, 2023. 
While the Atlantic riff is the Earth stretching from the large type 1 accretion impacts largely in the Pacific, you can see modifications from plate moving impacts. May 23, 2023. 
Wave grain outlines. Periodic motion with rejection thread patterning (like Turing Patterns). June 27, 2023. 
Antonio Prado  ·   · 

Mighty Kilauea June 10 2023. I had the pleasure of witnessing this magnificent spectacle!

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As shown on the US magnetic anomaly map. Two big craters - The older New Madrid Impact event and the younger Chesapeake Bay Impact. The crater walls form the Appalachian Mountain Chain. Subduction craters (type 2) bury into the crust making it thicker which is true of the crust east of the Mississippi and also causes the slope toward the Mississippi River. Aug. 1, 2023. 
Is the Earth's crust floating? With a radius of 3,959 miles (6,371 kilometers), Earth is the biggest of the terrestrial planets and the fifth largest planet overall. Just a small distance down from the surface the crust heats up dramatically. Earth impacts therefore could cause volcanoes and plate shifting. Aug. 18, 2023. 
The plate tectonic fallacy. The Atlantic riff is better explained by the Pacific basin which in the early great bombardment period expanded the earth's size greatly. As the size of the great bombardment impacts decreased it altered the surface. Remember the earth's surface water is just a reflection of depressions. The crust is not floating but the water does. Impact is the great excavator and these Archean exposures are the result of the later great bombardments. These impacts are shown on the attachment.
Plate tectonic theory and the crinkle surface experiment. The up and down surface change as constructed on a globe/sphere will make a necessary complex up and down fold. While not origami you can construct a type of arc and crater but will show the outlying folds to support this form. Chevrons and fractals will also be present. Please note that the relative size of the sheet is comparable to the globe/sphere used to shape it as a bending die. A smaller sheet relative to the shaping sphere would have much less to no tendency to form arcs or circles. Oct. 7, 2023. 
The assumption of the moving crust is required for plate tectonic theory. Show below is this experiment the quenching of a red hot iron sphere. It will make an earth crust appearance but the surface plates will not be moving or floating. Oct. 7, 2023. (1) Red Hot Cannonball in Water/Ice - YouTube
Quenching liquid metals is likely to produce voids. Oct. 7, 2023.  (1) What happens when you pour MAGMA in LIQUID NITROGEN? - YouTube
Wrinkling stress - Planetary surface crust layer is resolving the system of stresses produced from old and new impacts. This mechanical function favors going dot to dot with smaller systems of craters as a weak point. Oct. 13, 2023. 
Lunar and Planetary Institute


LROC: This LROC image shows a sinuous landform thought to be a collapsed lava tube located near Gruithuisen K crater.


Meteor Crater & Barringer Space Museum


Here’s an intriguing theory to contemplate – There is compelling evidence suggesting that Earth's continents may have formed due to Asteroid Impacts!

Many scientists believe that over 3 billion years ago, meteor impacts could have shattered tectonic plates across our planet's surface, leading to the formation of granite and the division of land.

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Carboniferous period craters. The coal was made by heat and pressure from the impact turning the organic matter into it. Arkansas it was made to diamond as well. A diamond has also been found in SE Alabama. Jan. 20, 2024.
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The Halo Craters.   Jan. 21, 2024

Impact accretion tectonics - Based on Mars the Earth has over a million surface craters of a mile diameter or greater. But what about the accretion type that become a part of the Earth's mass and volume? They cause expansion. The Atlantic riff is an expansion split seam from the large accretion impacts of the Pacific. Feb. 8, 2024. 
James Maxlow
Madigascar Rebound Separation.png
Madagascar Earth Expansion and Rebound Separation. The large accretions impacts in the Pacific made expansion seams in the Atlantic but also the Indian Ocean. But you can see a remnant smaller accretion vestige in the Indian Ocean as well as smaller accretions/craters in the ocean. Madagascar separation is estimated to have been about 150 million years ago. Does this mean the Pacific accretions occurred then? No. The Earth is a spinning centrifugal force with an equator bulge. Modern earthquakes are just the crust resolving impact stresses from millions of years ago. The large vestigial crater happed before the separation. Could have been a half a billion years ago.  Feb. 8, 2024. 
Image NOAA crustal age of the ocean floor. 

So how does knowledge of the true developmental theory of the earth by impact gain us an advantage for resource extraction? Ore deposits will often be found in fractal veins even sometimes accompanied by the impact breccia rubble. As a kinetic explosion of a non uniform body this will be an arc and not a universal circular distribution. Coal, graphite, oil and gas, diamonds are also pressure pushed outward not uniform radially and minerals and carbon products subject to the complexity of previous craters. A good example is the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico. This deposit was made earlier and compressed by the later Chicxulub Impact. While a diamond can be made by a single impact it can also be a compression of a later impact. A good method for speculative exploration would be to plot the craters based on geology anomaly mapping against known mineral deposits and project arc widths and overlapping areas. Ores like lead will identify themselves to a particular crater by age assay profile.

Take Alaska for example shown in the attached maps. The gold profile is along the arc crater wall of an ancient large crater. Raft/Plate tectonics will never make an arc like this as you can demonstrate with aluminum foil push ups at your kitchen table. It is a shadow theory of the impact tectonics like Plato's cave. Feb. 25, 2024. 

Crater Overlapping and or a binary kinetic explosion. 
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Impact Tectonics - Why a land basin? Why raised landforms? Why ocean basins? Let's start with there is no moon or planet with Raft/Plate tectonics in the solar system but earth. Strange for a theory as any good theory would be applicable to more than one case. If you try to duplicate earth surface forms with two sheets of paper or aluminum foil pushed together you will not get circular forms. Really that is called theory failure. Picture the moon with oceans. Those big crater basins would be seas. Why is Middle TN a deep strata exposure with the Highland Rims? It is a crater(s). Each impact relative to the earth's sea level at the time means a push up or down. Middle TN once a shallow sea but relative to which impact level. March 7, 2024. 
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Advanced earth accretion theory - The joke in physics is to assume a sphere. That would be a good assumption given sufficient size as you can see on the attached image. Why is that? Proto planets have been assembled by significant enough impacts to round them by shock liquification. Dust/small particle accretion theory. As you can also see in the attached image that would not make a round object. Natural pearls are never completely round. Density and magnetics maps illustrate the large accretion theory. Space dust does fall on earth in the form of micro meteorites to the tune of one per sq yd per year. If you do the math that will also make earth if you average a 1 mm size grain and earth is 1.19599E-06 smaller. But today's space particles are smaller and less dense as it was geometrically more numerous in the early forming solar system. So some significant mass is particle accretion of various sizes. Just not enough to make Earth and that assumption leads you back to large objects colliding. Second image NASA earth gravity map does not validate the dust/grain accretion theory. And that brings us back to image 1 of the asteroids and protoplanets. They all have impact cratering. March 8, 2024. 
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May 10, 2024. Large earth impacts, blast iron - Most people do not realize that earth entry for large objects is not a significant alteration. While estimated as only a hundred feet larger than the break apart Chelyabinsk meteor, this would be incorrect as most earth impacts are underestimated. The ratio of meteor to crater size is from 8 to 16 (The approximate ratios between the diameters of terrestrial impact craters and the causative incident asteroids
David W. Hughes
First published: 28 January 2003
Citations: 2
Read the full text
When a large asteroid of diameter d hits the surface of the Earth, it produces a crater of diameter D. This paper uses the near-Earth asteroid (NEA) size and miss-distance statistics to calculate the rate at which asteroids hit the Earth. Comparison of this with the known rate at which craters have been produced on the Earth's surface indicates that E= 9.1 × 1024D2.59 erg, where E is the kinetic energy of the incident NEA, and D is the diameter of the resulting crater, in km. So the ratio D/d varies from about 8 for the small 0.88-km ‘Wolfe Creek type’ craters, up to about 16 for craters like Chicxulub, which has a diameter of about 200 km.)
Additionally you will note that the disturbed area in the Shoemaker map is just over a mile. Your specimen has directional impact splatter, plasma cavitation and high heat mosaic cracking.

Meteor Crater History


I have been to Meteor Crater many times. But my first time was a surprise trip with my parents. It was back in the mid 1960s. I think 1965. They still allowed visitors to hike around the crater or down to the bottom in those days. I chose to hike around the crater slope. Being the rock hound then that I still ma today. I picked up a few specimens. I thought for over fifty years that I had only found bits of iron shale. It is a weathered product that forms on the outside surface of iron meteorites and exfoliates off over time as chunks of black material often with layers. A few years ago I was going through that box of small rocks from the day trip to the Crater. My older self realized that I had found two real meteorite pieces along with the iron shale. They were both small and I have included a picture of the largest which is only 11.5 grams.


Instant Eons Clastic Lithology - Notice the lack of compression and absence of sorting. This is an impact made bedding construction with banding telling the story of the impact progression. While the bands represent time it was seconds in the impact explosion. Sept. 16, 2024. 

Geo Lens


Stunning example of sedimentary layering. Each band tells a story of Earth's past.


What would Earth Craters look like? This is what you see in TN or AL on a macro scale when looking across the terrain. Notice how much over lapping and crater distortion is present with this somewhat uniform but concentrated cratering. With Earth you have large craters which then are hit with smaller impacts until the size of the meteor fall is destroyed in the atmosphere of Earth. Sept. 17, 2024. 

Scars of World War I: The Battlefield of Verdun

by Hasan 


This is hilarious, NASA has identified an earth crater, but they don't recognize it is in the rim of a larger crater. Sept. 17, 2024.


Oblique Landsat image of Ouarkziz crater draped over digital elevation model (x2 vertical exaggeration); screen capture from NASA World Wind


The logic that iridium validates the Chicxulub Dinosaur Extinction theory reviewed. Just a cursory look at global iridium concentrations will show that Chicxulub is not distinctive. Based on Mars the Earth has about 1.2 million surface craters of a mile diameter or greater. While you can claim that meteorites have a high proportion of iridium, it is very unlikely that this is true. It is a statistical sampling error. It is easier to hunt meteorites with a metal detector thus the sample base is corrupted.  The extinction record is numerous as well as sudden appearances. Nov. 22, 2024. 

Big crater over 20 times Chicxulub. Impact Crater Tectonics. There is no plate tectonics only impact tectonics. That is why no other planet has this Raft/Plate tectonics theory which is just a shadow theory like Plato's cave for those who refuse to look directly. In the above picture you can also see that the so called scientific articles are not very good at drawing circles. Dec. 12, 2024. 
Crater on Moon as illustrate in the south pole Aitken basin. Recent studies suggested that plate subduction may be initiated by large impacts (O'Neill et al., 2017). NASA picture.
Shown above is the angle of impact. That is why the mountains/crater wall are present on only that side. This is a type 0/1 accretion impact that makes up a significant portion of the moons mass. The back flow of core material is the volcanic type basin material like is seen in Siberia and India the so called traps. This crater disproves the theory that the moon came from earth. Round is a cumulative absorption of several melting impact allowing a planet/moon to be made liquid pliable to various extents. The crustal crack running down the central Atlantic ocean is an absorption crack from a large type impact in the Pacific similar to the one shown above here on the moon.  This is due to the liquid absorption of a large mase in the core or near core and the seam splitting this causes in the non liquid counter crust. Dec. 12, 2024. 

The ultra low velocity zones, large ones under Africa and the Pacific. These large impacts the type 0 and 1 are still present as blobs under the crust. The pacific one is the cause of the Atlantic stretch break trench. The physics match, a ring break around the Pacific and a stretch break in the Atlantic which separated the continents. The Africa plate rift is from this big impact that is still stress unresolved. Unlike the bigger Pacific impact it added to the crust i.e. Africa. The little blobs are the various smaller type 0 and 1 impacts, mostly type 1. Feb. 12, 2025. 

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