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Impact Thesis - Why I don't support non-impact origin of middle, TN minerals (or anywhere else). 

The specimens do not support any volcanic or semi-volcanic origin. That is a bottom up source and no such volcanic pipe exist anywhere near middle, TN. The minerals occur top down in middle, TN. 

Burning crispy look not drops formed in solution. 

Contrary to deposit by solution geology principles the specimens have many deposits occurring simultaneously. This is consistent with an explosion but not with slow deposit by condensation. 

How could a metal salt solution inject or form thin veins and blotches on the same specimen? Nor does the specimen indicate it is a sedimentary rock. Furthermore, take a good look at these injected iron veins. It is a micro illustration of the large mineral deposit process which did not come from a mineral salt solution either.  


 Specimens even show high speed wind indentations called thumb prints associated with meteorites and meteor crater debris. 

Below is the Gibeon (IVA) iron meteorite,
showing well-developed regmaglypts
(thumbprints) on the surface of the meteorite.

You can read a great account of the scientific struggles of impact origin in Coon Mountain Controversies by William Graves Hoyt. My personal journey is much the same. When I encountered these specimens I searched for a cause. I found my inquiries much unappreciated by geologist. By personal research I came to a 19th century explanation of "Spring mineral release through a reducing environment." i.e. simi volcanic. Later on a geology discussion group a geologist identified the later and currently accepted view of "Mississippi Valley Type" (MVT) deposits. This is a modified concept using metal salts as the carrying agent with vague cause for the presence of metals and energy. The MVT concept is widely accepted and the term is used all over the world as a type. I find this to be no different than the volcanic explanation for impact craters, popular and wrong. 

The same is true for the "banded iron theory." It postulates that the banded iron found is from the release of oxygen from stromatolites reacting with an iron rich sea. Why was the sea iron rich? Why do you only find banded iron in some areas? A study of the associated strata does not show typical high iron content. While the earth is believed to be an impact addition build somehow this thinking departs to a mysterious toxic sea like the MVT concept. Iron is localized and at different layers and in different forms as would be found in impact model with an estimated 16,000 impacts hitting earth. 

The highly shocked mega clast shown above was found one mile north of Howell, TN. It has been shocked white burning all the impurities out of it and is metamorphic dense of a fine flour type construction. The iron came down as a hot mist and coated it. It is not reasonable to conclude that limestone would be on the surface metamorphic and misted with iron next to a know suspected crater site and propose it's source some mysterious volcanic heated mineral salt sea is it's cause. And how would you ever have any life or fossils in these type of proposed seas? 
A highly meteor shock blended Ft. Payne chert specimen. Ft. Payne chert of the Mississippian period is not a toxic waste dump as a sedimentary process producing this would indicate. It is simply an impact blending of the meteor and the earth strata where hit. 
The rock below is from a facebook group rock collector and shows another improbable concretion. 
<<< High speed "Frisbee" insertion. 
Take a look at this recent article that makes a better case for a strata iron formation. 
Now let's look at the common competitor to impact causality, volcanic which while considerable in energy, impact can be so large as to cause volcanic events. And here is another simple example, Wiki Lapilli One picture volcanic and one impact. Let's take a look using "energy stratigraphy." 
Shown above is volcanic Lapilli. It has less metamorphic melt i.e. less energy and less particle storm tiny spheres.
Now the above specimen thought to impact in origin is more highly melted. It also has the characteristic "shock particle storm" inclusions.
The above specimen found NE crater bottom Marshall County, TN is an "over shocked" conglomerate. I broke it apart with my hands. Explaining this much energy is beyond any volcanic process. It has evaporated much of it's mass but happened so fast as to retain it's appearance. A shock wave 80 + GPa. 
I mean really do specimens look like condensates that fell out of solution like this to you? Or how does a volcano make this? What shift in the earth's crust does this? You can believe that if you want; it is much easier to see this as impact splatter. It has all the right stuff, energy and the minerals. 
<<< Particle Constellationiing

Banff Aberdeenshire Devonian high energy fluvial conglomerates and breccias... some of the class were in excess of 1/2 metre. Now this is considered to be a high energy shift in sediments. Why? This is the same vein type I see on a smaller scale in the specimens I pick up here as impactites. It is taught that the iron came from a mineral making organism i. e. "banded iron theory." So now you have to have a bunch of these creatures with no fossils to support and an energy event in a questionable sedimentary strata. By the way it has particle Constellationing at the top.


<< round impactite
round impactite >>>>>
But wait that is not all. In the supposed glacial till we have round impactites. These are forms that fall like hail in a meteor impact blast umbrella. The common misconception is they are concretions formed slowly out of a mineral salt sea. So you would have a toxic sea with a bio organism both making iron. And where did the iron come from? You can read about round impactites at:
Flatirons in the Serranía de Hornocal , Argentina
<<<Coning within coning a sub harmonic sequence
Now you can read a long convoluted discussion on how this formation occurred if you want. This is what I think. Since the prevailing theory is that the earth formed by combined impacts sticking together like play dough or chewing gum some of that record pops up to the surface in the mountain building tectonics. These are wave forms from a large shock harmonic, very large. One of the big impacts that built up the planet. That explains the shapes and the minerals, which are present in a nano type form i. e. highly pulverized. Of particular note is the coning within coning a sub harmonic sequence, a wave within a wave both of same type but amplitude different. You can read more about shock and wave forms at:
Historical Great Experimenters - Thomas Edison was highly respected by Albert Einstein. Both were master experimenters in their own ways. Edison lost much of his fortune paying for the next interesting challenge himself. Another great of world changing experimentation was Oswald Avery who relentlessly isolated DNA as the agent of heredity. And the same is true of Gregor Mendel. 
Now you cannot make earth crater experiments; you are a cold case detective. However the wrong principle of tectonic made accordion structures is an easy experiment. It is wrongly believed that pushing on these structures laterally compressed them into accordion shapes. So try this at home. Take a wire and compress it. You will never get triangle repeating patterns. The best you could hope for is a sine wave smooth rounded form. Put a rock in a vice and squeeze it. It will crumble but not make a series of triangles. So pressure is postulated to make these forms. It would make the rock soft and plasma like. Jello is like that. Push on it. Will it ever make a series of triangle waves? No. You will only see this pattern demonstrated on an oscilloscope.  An now we are back to an object hitting the earth so hard it rings it like a bell, which is a sound wave but shock is a pressure wave form. And just like the oscilloscope some waves observed will be the triangle wave. 

A triangular wave or triangle wave is a non-sinusoidal waveform named for its triangular shape. It is a periodicpiecewise linearcontinuous real function.

Like a square wave, the triangle wave contains only odd harmonics.

Nodule concretion theory - It is taught that these nodules precipitate out of some again unknown solution. They vary widely. They are found on the moon. This one has shock olivine and linear Constellationing in two different sizes in the binary spheres. And of course it has iron. It has a change on it's surface losing it's iron which is harmonic banding. Specimen has been cut and polished by Toby Erickson of New Mexico.  

Moon rock breccia is impact made not tectonic. 


Earth impact breccia. The minerals are from the bolide, liquified in the explosion. Earth forming accretion craters are sub surface. Also surface cratering is nominal for many impacts as the real effect is below and often shifted as most impacts are not perpendicular. Caylloma silver mine near Arequipa in Peru. Now take a look at the close up melt detail. 


So which came first the earth accretion impact or the tectonic plate collision? Is the mountain just a crater wall the the tectonic plate collision a stress resolving earth healing effect along with the convection plate movement? The size of the two Pacific craters are the biggest on earth that we have a vestige record of. You can see them on this page:


Here we are with the breccia which contains the mineral. It is a high metamorphic which means they were welded in place. So you have some energy cause that broke these pieces and another to weld them in place. Impact is a multi stage event highly shock metamorphic and contains minerals from the bolide. Tectonic theory says that these minerals were present in the rock, the rock got broke by crushing rubbing together slowly and pushed by pressure into the  matrix. Why would the minerals be distributed? A slow pressure heat would tend to pool them. The clast shown above appears to have a fractal flare as in impact. 


Fractal type flaring around this inclusion. >>


Shock/earthquake alteration strata - Note the upper sections are breccia, the nano iron, when magnified you will see a granular particle structure with Turing Patterns and tree fractals (lower right). I suspect the layers are ash lime a nano product of energy.

Sherry Wolf  ·   · May 5 2022

Found near California and Nevada border. Any ideas on what kind of rock we found.


Breccia (broken) section

Fractals >>>>

Notice how the impact glass in figure D looks just like slag glass. May 7, 2024. 

Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Volume 636, 15 June 2024, 118714


Zircon microstructures record high temperature and pressure conditions during impact melt evolution at the West Clearwater Lake impact structure, Canada

Author links open overlay panelNeeraja S. Chinchalkar a, Gordon R. Osinski a, Timmons M. Erickson b, Cyril Cayron 


Unknown glacier moraine. The slow forming circle, crater. The pass between the mountains acts as a forming die or fixture. After compression between the peaks it expands in an alluvial fan. While its surface topography imitates an impact crater there is no disturbance in the underlying strata. Aug. 3, 2024. 


James Webb Telescope Cosmic Explorations  · 

Anne Brunette  ·

Mars on the left, Earth on the right.

False Strata - Mars does not have sedimentary geology. These are shock imprinted wave lines from impact. The dust/soil is nano pulverized impact material. Foreground impact mega clast on Mars picture. Nov. 20, 2024. 


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