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God exist outside of time. God made time. It is a variable construct. Only God who is omnipresent can observe it. Only God is it's witness. While I am blessed to get out and look at rocks I defer to God regarding truth. I am only a cold case investigator of something only God has made and observed. 


So what do you really know about the picture above? How old is the pencil sharpener, the lighter, the ruler, the hole puncher, the rock? That is what any faith in geology has to conjecture. The lighter is a novelty and made long after the normal period for it. It is also too  big. Kinda remind you of fossil interpretation? While the hole puncher is often associated with the pencil sharpener period it is a late version. And frankly you could make the same pencil sharpener today. It would not have to be old at all. 

Implications are how you suppose it is. So for example the earth's crustal layer is: 
* static, as once was widely believed. 
* floating
* a convection flow
* a cycle of renewal like the water cycle
* a purposeful structure, peppered with useful meteor delivered materials
And suppose you know you can't prove any of the above as an observable or repeatable demonstration. To look at a highway road cut you need to reference when the road cut was made as that has been going on since road building. Freshly broken rock looks different than weathered. The exposure itself implies: 
* an undulating earth frozen at some point
* a piled up wave pulse from some long ago celestial crash
* a sediment pile from some long ago ocean
* a sediment pile from a lateral push or sediment depositing fan
* tectonic ridging 
* the hard remainder from an erosion wash
and when we encounter anything new you can imagine prequelism

The quanta of time

The idea of constants, time being just one of them. There are more than you know. There is only One Creator of constants and He is alive. So created constants are not constants at all. A living Creator of constants would be able to vary any constant at will: gravity, time, density, light, space, atomic structure. Why would God create without purpose? So since he did create and has purpose, He would manage creation for His purpose, which would include constants like time. You see constants and management are in opposition but constant management is not. 

Have you ever contemplated the sequence of creation as recorded in Genesis? Here is a video with a prequel type view.

What is your concept of God? 

Is your concept of God infinite? If so, God can create time in any form, it does not have to be anything you can conceive. Take for example the evening and morning being a day. Well, from analyzing the earth impact I study here it is easy to see that it changed the day to longer by slowing the earth's rotation. See how easy time varies. 

So let's take a look at you as eternal i.e. also an infinite property. You need an infinite sacrifice for non conforming to infinite goodness by sin. It is not a grading on the bell curve comparing to other failures. All are failures not conforming to infinite goodness. Jesus is your transformation to infinite goodness. Accept His Divine Grace and quit owning your finite works as if that could ever reach infinity. 


Hello again it's fossil time. The show that shows how much we know. Today we have a specimen shown to the right from a collector who states "The striations are too close for a fish. The impression does not resemble any known leaf. The matrix is metamorphic with metal patina. Some striations break in off center shifts. It is too consistent for any know impact shock form I have ever seen. 

An international panel of experts makes the following answers: 

    • Feathers?

    • Maybe a big ginko leaf?

    • It looks like leaves of the Pennsylvanian seed fern Neuropteris.

    • Turtle shell

    • Thats got to be a man made carving. Very nice!

So I hope all that was a lot of help. So what time was this fossils, that is if it is a fossil? 

OIP (2).jpg

It is thought that physics does not exist in the early big bang and certainly the pre big bang. Well that is just mistaken. The overarching phenomena of physics is kinetic i.e. motion. All other physics are subordinate. Kinetic physics even proceeds the big bang as thought has movement. Mind exist kinetically and is outside and inside the universe. Time is event dependent and is not bound by the universe. The reports of those who visit Heaven indicate time dilation. 

Since the universe has a spin the preceding event must have had rotation when the big bang occurred. It would be a big spinning bang like a rifled bullet. Another constraint present in the universe as we know it. 

Time as an event driven metric does not have to sinc up in the world of thought outside the universe. Does it truly sinc inside the universe? Thought is independent and does not have to tie to any action evident in the material universe. 


JUST IN: NASA reveals Breathtaking NEW image of a Monstrous Galaxy captured by the James Webb ST

byMirza Newton•July 19, 2022

Looking more like a horrifying psychedelic swirl from a Marvel movie than the spiral galaxy shape familiar from visual telescopes, the new James Webb Space Telescope image shows the dusty skeleton of the distant galaxy NGC 628.

“This is a galaxy that probably looks a lot like what we think our own Milky Way looks like,” Gabriel Brammer, an astronomer at the Cosmic Dawn Center in the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, who shared the image on Twitter Monday, told The Independent in an interview. “You can see all these knots of individual stars forming, individual supernovae have gone off and really study that in detail.”

A mid-infrared image of the galaxy NGC 628 taken by the James Webb Space Telescope on 17 July. (Color composite, Gabriel Brammer (Cosmic Dawn Center, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen); raw data, Janice Lee et al. and the PHANGS-JWST collaboration.)

The spiral arms of NGC 628 have been imaged before, but the images of the galaxy taken in visible light by the Hubble Space Telescope don’t look anything like the purple spiral structure seen in Webb’s mid-infrared image.


See glowing dust in visible light with Hubble Space Telescope and the infrared with James Webb Telescope. The backbone spiral is gathering into the patterns of a particle crystal structure (constellationing) albeit rotating. So how much time are we looking at from the original central event? Is there a central event or a collecting from previous events? Is this a cyclic process? Why does the new image have a rectangle center? Is that an artifact of the imaging process or an actual phenomena? 


Linear pull - See the vertical stream? Is this the absorbing of a former spiral? Why are we able to see the black hole when it should have blocking material between us if it were pulling from all directions. The top of the vertical stream is narrow and the remaining unabsorbed below widens out.  Why spin? Why counterclockwise? Density evaporation? 

Science Nature Page

July 17 at 12:00 PM  · 

A black hole located 230 million light-years away from Earth, at the center of a galaxy named J0437+2456 and approximately three million times larger that our Sun - was found to be moving at a speed of 110,000 miles per hour.

planet_rotates_clockwise htht.jpg

Spin time - Not only does the universe, black holes and atomic particles spin but so do celestial orbiting objects. They usually have a same spin and even tilt. This would indicate a phenomena organization not random but also not overwhelming in power. Does gravity impact spin? Is gravity a vortex? Yes but what is a vortex really? Can a vortex be a type of moving rejecting pattern? Would a black hole produce a generator effect and what would it generate? 

Why does a powerful enough energy rotate? It has an order of magnitude quanta jump from fractal to cone to spiral as an expression of power forms. The spiral is a third order shape dimension shift. 


Order of magnitude complex changes in gas flow exhaust of supersonic and hypersonic engines. The next jump is rotation in this complex progression. 


Jump harmonics - The thrust cone and Twister Theory. A dynamic shape evolves to a new form.




A fractal/circle in overlap condition, time as relational to event is in two times as represented by this specimen belonging to Jim Kingdon. 

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