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Ray Ben Craterwalker encounters the crater fossil forces.

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May the forces be with you

The strata matrix has you. 

While out looking for Clydeber Crystals in Crater Clyde, Ray Ben Craterwalker comes across the Crater Fossil Strata Forces.  Let's meet them. 

Theory of Disaster 5, Syncopation & Location - Time & Place, what difference does that make? Everything. Failure can just be time and place. It is a context that fits or does not. As a forensic physics understanding the Howell, TN Impact Structure is an example of context. Historically the location is wrong. It is a moving explosion, which is rare but happens. It is a fundamental different syncopation with the model of impacts. Craters are named for the center town but it struck at Petersburg and slid to Frankewing while exploding and the nominal crater is centered there. It defines both the Chattanooga Shale and the Ft. Payne Chert. Well that is considered a long time period but was just a few hours in the making. So without getting the  time and place right it is not going to be understood. 
Music is syncopation driven and can only be appreciated in context. 
A good meal is good in its time and place. 
Good management is a composers art. There is no harmony with the "haters." 

Rene Descartes, In his theology, he insists on the absolute freedom of God's act of creation. Refusing to accept the authority of previous philosophers, Descartes frequently set his views apart from the philosophers who preceded him. In the opening section of the Passions of the Soul, an early modern treatise on emotions, Descartes goes so far as to assert that he will write on this topic "as if no one had written on these matters before." His best known philosophical statement is "cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am"; French: Je pense, donc je suis), found in Discourse on the Method (1637; in French and Latin) and Principles of Philosophy (1644, in Latin).[note 4]

Is not I thought, therefore I was as the clock winder theories of God propose. 


Theophrastus - c. 371 – c. 287 BC  Geology got off to an auspicious start with this guy. He studied stones and wrote a book about it. He did not study nature in a mechanistic structure as is done today in the so called post enlightenment myopic age in which we live. He studied everything he could including grammar and philosophy.  


Ernst Chladni

Born 30 November 1756

(now WittenbergSaxony-Anhalt, Germany)

Died 3 April  German physicist and musician. His most important work, for which he is sometimes labeled the father of acoustics, included research on vibrating plates and the calculation of the speed of sound for different gases. He also undertook pioneering work in the study of meteorites and is regarded by some as the father of meteoritics


Daniel Barringer (May 25, 1860 – November 30, 1929) was a geologist best known as the first person to prove the existence of an impact crater on the Earth, Meteor Crater in Arizona. The site, owned privately by Barringer and now by his family, has been renamed the Barringer Crater in his honor, although this name is mainly used in the scientific community.

"The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis" is an article that the English mathematician Alan Turing wrote in 1952. It describes how patterns in nature, such as stripes and spirals, can arise naturally from a homogeneous, uniform state. The theory, which can be called a reaction–diffusion theory of morphogenesis, has become a basic model in theoretical biology. Such patterns have come to be known as Turing patterns. These patterns are possible by the impact cycle. Rocks hit make particles then sort to a common particle size, collect via the Turing Pattern, accrete, collide and start all over. You can read about this at:

Eugene Merle (Gene) Shoemaker (April 28, 1928 – July 18, 1997) was an American geologist and one of the founders of the field of planetary science.  He was also the first director of the United States Geological Survey's Astrogeology Research Program. Three dimensional geology thinking gets going with this guy. 


Dave Roddy was a world-renowned scientist at the forefront of investigators studying impact and explosion craters. His field mapping of Flynn Creek was the first mapping detailed enough to demonstrate the impact origin of an ancient structure in North America


In case you wondered, geology was a point based concept with this theory. A one dimensional reasoning system. 

James Hutton 3 June 1726 – 26 March 1797  Now here is something they will not teach you today about J. H.  the idea of a ‘system of the habitable Earth’ viewed as a deistic mechanism designed to keep the world eternally suitable for humans.

Nikola Tesla - Unique among scientist among so many studies he measured the earth's charge and ability to change. These frequency studies are part of what is still not understood as the impact event is a shock harmonic in major ways.  

Alfred Lothar Wegener (/ˈveɪɡənər/;[1] German: [ˈʔalfʁeːt ˈveːɡənɐ];[2][3] 1 November 1880 – November 1930) was a German polar researcher, geophysicist and meteorologistPlate Tectonics is when Geology moved to a two dimensional thought process. 

Plate Tectonics is wrong!

He constructed an earth crust system 
resembling the weather based atmosphere system. 

This is a type of comparative substitution fit or non fit thesis. The earth's crust is resolving the many impact breaks which formed it by accretion. The Pacific is a basin because of the multiple really big type 1 impacts that hit increasing the size of the earth and splitting apart the other side. Hence you have the ring of fire around the Pacific edge and the Atlantic trench seam.


Meet Mike: He is a geology professor.

Mike believes that all Middle, TN metals were deposited by a vague process called Mississippi Valley Type. It is the geology equivalent of the four body humors theory in medicine. To be a geology professor you have to take a secret pledge to reject all new ideas for a geologic period of time. It is called, late tectonic learning. 

Evidence found


breccia (n.)

"conglomerate rock of angular pieces," 1774, from Italian breccia, "marble of angular pieces," from a Germanic source akin to Old High German brecha "a breaking," from Proto-Germanic *brekan, from PIE root *bhreg- "to break." The same Germanic root is the source of Spanish brecha, French brèche "a breach."

Saying you found "industrial slag" is like saying you live on a toxic waste dump. It is not a casual determination. It would be determined by an industrial archaeologist
What is a rock? 
Is it just something you want a name for? Are you a scientist or a librarian? 
Chapter Won - The decay of authority. 
Ray Ben found the rock shown left and ask all the Mikes what is it? They said, common breccia or industry slag. Huh? If you look up the term breccia it is an Italian noun as in broken. 



brec·​cia | \ ˈbre-ch(ē-)ə  \

Definition of breccia

: a rock composed of sharp fragments embedded in a fine-grained matrix (such as sand or clay)

Examples of breccia in a Sentence

Recent Examples on the WebThe rock 14321 is a breccia, or a conglomeration of rocks and minerals all cemented together in a mosaic-like pattern.— Jay Bennett, Smithsonian, "Earth’s Oldest Known Rock May Have Been Found on the Moon," 28 Jan. 2019The astronauts found two main types of rocks at their landing: basalts and breccias, according to the Universities Space Research Association.

Current and former mining operations are recorded on the United States Geological Survey (USGS) maps by a cross picks symbol as well as identified in an attached pamphlet discussing same. ?There are no such indicators on the map of this area. Shown below.  
As you can tell from the above reference since the moon does not have any plate tectonics and in covered in craters it has only two types of rocks, clobbered i.e. breccia and un clobbered i. e. basalts. So breccia really is common, on the moon, which is covered in craters. 
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Late 1800's map of the area as found at the library. There is no industrial operation or even anybody who lives there. 
Found Here >>>>>
Where's the lake >>
So Ray Ben's rock is either common but most common on the moon or an indication he is living on a toxic waste dump. In any event having made those pronouncements the Mikes were all done. Except one Mike wanted to know where Ray Ben found the "common" breccia because "he has never found any before." 
And when you think about it. Why would you only have slag and no evidence of habitation like buildings and roads? And why would you find the slag on top of a hill? And didn't the Southern states like Tennessee fight a war to continue a Jeffersonian agricultural economy? Why would they have done that if you found industrial slag even in the rural South. 

So Ray Ben contacted the State Geology Dept/USGS. When they got out their map of Ray Ben's area (shown above) which is a lake side location there is no lake on their maps even though the lake has been there for 50+ years. So that means the State Agency that is in charge of dam safety and the state and Federal geology agencies don't interact; do you see any problem there? I mean dams are built on top of some kind of geology which would make a big difference regarding safety. Time to call Ray Ben's Friends, The Library Justice League. 

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Library Justice League

The Library Justice League makes the following determination: 

You have a decay of credibility and if these guys were books they would be on the discard rack for a dollar. 

Just to check a theory Ray Ben contacted an out of state private college geology professor and guess what? His name is Mike also. That's a bad sign. So Ray has found a new rock and ask out of state private collage Mike what it is. He says it came from a cave and is a feature of surface forms inside caves.  Just like the other Mikes when Ray says it came from near the top of a remote hillside with no cave Mike does not respond. You know you could probably get a computer program to give you answers like the Mike's. Maybe better. 


And now it's time for this important announcement from our sponsor: Collide Clyde's Clydeber Crystals. 

Tired of your light saber cutting off when you are battling that android or phantom menace? Well sure you are. You need to buy the real Clydeber Crystals which are only available from our representative, Ray Ben Craterwalker. 

Botyryoidal Metals Surfacing. Botyryoidal is a French term for grapes so this clustering is called that. You can see it to the left with gassing holes and below with some cindering and splatter. Both specimens from the same location. 

Chapter Duo - The  Parallelism Prequel  

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Einstein said "creativity is greater than knowledge." 

So what happened to the western post Greek civilization? The same thing that happens to children, institutionalization. A flash card type of learning which ever repeats it'self. That is the systematic machine type responses of all the "Mikes." 

Civilization comes from a term that means "city." The backstory provides context and meaning. 

The most creative people are under the age of five. Some more precocious than others. Let's call them the "Why, then what? " The Western World is based on this same period in civilization of Greek Culture as noted above with the founder of geology being Theophrastus. 

Take for example NASA. A half century ago they took this famous picture of stepping on the moon's surface, you know "that's one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind." 


So at the time 1969 and still today. NASA contends that the moon only has two kinds of rocks breccia and basalt. 

Now they have counted all 10,000 craters and still don't know that the breccia is an impact product and the current theory of planets is accretion from impacts so the basalt would also therefore be an impact product. Besides all that they are currently spending millions to figure out what all the round rocks are on Mars. 

So after a half century where is the giant leap or even small step in geology? 

The round rocks on the Moon and Mars are "round impactities." They are found all over earth and you can read about them on this study page:


Chapter 3 - A Dyad in the Forces. 

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As an organizing harmonic wave in duality with another the dyad crystal is a transition energy. The uncommon agate after form is as powerful as two black holes from parallel universes. When harnessed in Ray Ben's "right saber" it's power to understand is trans-formative. When shown what Ray Ben found all the Mikes said "It's a common agate." But they had never seen one like it before that is if they had taken the time to really look at it. But who really looks or listens?  

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Chapter 4: The chaos organizer 

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According to Plato, the four elements are derived from a common source or prima materia (first matter), associated with chaos.


The BOSS Great Wall is a supercluster complex that was identified, using the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), in early 2016. It was discovered by a research team from several institutions, consisting of: Hiedi Lietzen, Elmo TempelLauri Juhan Liivamägi, Antonio Montero-Dorta, Maret Einasto, Alina Streblyanska, Claudia Maraston, Jose Alberto Rubiño-Martín and Enn Saar.[1] The BOSS Great Wall is one of the largest superstructures in the observable universe.[2]

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While searching the closed crater Ray Ben finds the Prima Materia the Philosopher's Stone. It is organized from a shock chaos storm in a triangle wave harmonic. And why is Nick Flamel's name scratched in it? 

The Mike's say this is a common pool room chalk for pool stick tips. 

Chapter five, the infinity storm Stones - Part 1 the Interpunct STone. 

Shown below is pure energy and the ball lighting ladder. 


Infinity storm stone, The Interpunct stone. Found in the Moroccan Desert after a fireball in 2012. It is the un-ladder. It's power is to break apart connecting. Dark matter from the dark universe.  

So never mind power stones, the Interpunct disrupts that. That is new as a fundamental in the action comic sequence, a universal freeze frame ability. I wonder what a nerd character like Ray Ben Craterwalker will do with this if he can acquire it? Or perhaps just tap it's power or anti power remotely. 

Part 1.5 The mind prison people - While our hero Ray Ben Craterwalker now has the capability to freeze any connecting force, turns out he does not need it. It is obvious the brain synapse process is frozen already by the zombie drones of a system of missed education and misinformation.    

Intervallo -  The Control stone


So you thought we were about to find the five infinity storm stones or were there six? Oh well, it does not matter lets just take a break and buy the control stone off of this dealer /collector, let's see I think it is called "my precious." 

One stone to find them

One stone to bind them

and rhyme with them. 

It was found at, Lake Isabella, Kernville, Cove District, Kern County, California. It is for sale from Mineralogical Research Co. 


The Encircular gemstone - Ray Ben Craterwalker poses as "geology friend" on face book to answer all those "what is my rock" inquiries. One day the rumored Encircular gemstone turns up by a first time poster from UAE. This stone was reported to exist by Philby back in the 1920's but never found. It's power to bring together other power and ideas is legend. Ray Ben acquired it for $200. 

About this time in our story you are supposed to meet the bad guy that the good guy struggles against. Ray Ben Craterwalker is alone. Everybody is the struggle against. But is he, are you? With Jesus you can never be lost or alone. By joining with the infinite all knowing all powerful God you don't need power stones either. 

Chapter Z - Bilbad and the land of the Crystal Hobbits. - Ray Ben Craterwalker likes music and listens to a rock, get it? You put your ear to it and hear them play metal music is called Zep Leadlin. 

Picnic soul stone - When Ray Ben was young there was a hit song called "Stone Soul Picnic." When Ray Ben was old there was a movie with the "Soul Stone." The Picnic soul stone was found by Grandad and Grandson posted it for identification. Well it has none; it is unique. It is a phase transition in multi states. As a system collecting it's image is also a phase transition of  multi time and place. 

The Shock infinity stones - collect them all


Zlagmon was once a vP & Big Pharma Lobbyist. In a failed experiment to make a sweet potatoe pie that made black voters Repo publicans again he was turned into this. Now he is only able to confuse geologist into believing the no globe warming. 

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The Hero's Journey - Sadly free public school is all too often what you see to the right. That is a highly shocked bolder from the crater bottom that once contained fossils. All you can see of them is their outlines. They have been transformed into a plasma matrix of The Borg assimilation and no longer can be identified. 

On the left is a complete harmonic transformation. A pure triangle wave completion. A gem stone. Rare. 


New franchise bought out Ray Ben Commie comics and replaced Ray with Connie Nundrum. 

She will investigate the ....Phenomena Circle ......

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Connie Nundrum says "The circle of chaos is contained in the sphere of order." What we found at a Thrift Store is someone's collection of impactites. Perhaps a lifetime of collecting. From? Well does that really matter? Here is a white hole from the Frankewing, TN impact. 


Sponsored: A brief history of geology

Lines in nature - A foundation of geology.

Blessed Bishop of the church Nicolas Steno a pioneer in medicine and geology originated the strata line concept among so many other scientific advancements like crystal theory and glands that produce fluids.


Tonight on Tele 3 - The Turing Disystemic dilemma. 

Professor Nigel St.Brutus explains the two competing systems of Turing. 

Program explores the idea of the universal programable engine approach he formulated and it's success. 

Next week's program discusses how his famous Artificial Intelligence Idea also requires a constant programmer to make it a workable idea. 

In both examples absent a programmer to change it's format it is not what we define as universal or intelligent.  

The area of present-day Morocco has been inhabited since Paleolithic times, sometime between 190,000 and 90,000 BC.[26] A recent publication may demonstrate an even earlier habitation period, as Homo sapiens fossils discovered in the late 2000s near the Atlantic coast in Jebel Irhoud were recently dated to roughly 315,000 years before present.[27] During the Upper Paleolithic, the Maghreb was more fertile than it is today, resembling a savanna more than today's arid landscape.[28] Twenty-two thousand years ago, the Aterian was succeeded by the Iberomaurusian culture, which shared similarities with Iberian cultures. Skeletal similarities have been suggested between the Iberomaurusian "Mechta-Afalou" burials and European Cro-Magnon remains. The Iberomaurusian was succeeded by the Beaker culture in Morocco.

Mitochondrial DNA studies have discovered a close link between Berbers and the Saami of Scandinavia. This supports theories that the Franco-Cantabrian refuge area of southwestern Europe was the source of late-glacial expansions of hunter-gatherers who repopulated northern Europe after the last ice age

This Program Canceled


Tonight on AstroNova PBC - The Bug Fossil from Space.     

Science Investigators examine the evidence of the meteorite fossil. Professor Mohamed Bouzelfen found this strange unearthly fossil in the Moroccan desert while on a meteorite hunting expedition. It is like none ever encountered. It fits no known taxonomy. The meteor appears to be it's crash vehicle from the stars. Cliffs nearby contain small excavations and what looks like micro cave habitats. These aliens would have appeared to be insects to early man. Some of the earliest known human habitations exist near this area. Did these alien bug creatures coexist with man to develop early civilization?  

Next week's program discusses how this program was banned from being shown. The fossil is now missing and all records erased.   



there is no pure nothing; therefore everything is translucent opaque.  


Artisit representation of what these ancient aliens probably looked like. The antenna allow them to read minds. 

The ootheca protects the eggs from microorganismsparasitoidspredators, and weather; the ootheca maintains a stable water balance through variation in its surface, as it is porous in dry climates to protect against desiccation, and smooth in wet climates to protect against oversaturation. Its composition and appearance vary depending on species and environment.

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Why not a cubic universe? Is it a Cherry Crystal Mondrian galaxy somewhere? 


Children of Thermos, can you guess which container contains the Shock infinity stones? 
Thermos life & accident insurance company. 

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