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5P-Really Strange Inclusions! - They make rock collecting very interesting. 

Quartz Breccia Inclusions - This strange specimen has a somewhat singular inclusion. Is the only one of it's type I have found. The shocked quartz may be diapletic. 

The specimen was found two miles southwest of Howell, TN. While less metamorphic than specimens on the north side of Howell, it is a story in rock something like the exposed breccia at Howell. It was found atop the shatter cone boulder sequence. Shock explosion forces produce strange effects. 
What do we know about the proportional effects on materials and shock energy? While the top specimen formed a quartz bubble this specimen is in a process of quartz crystal forming. The strange inclusion has become fine grained and has two weathering signatures? Sausage type inclusions are called "Boudin" but usually present with a surrounding banding flow grain surrounding. This is a fluidized construction, you can see bits of the flow of this material in the matrix. 
The above specimen was found outside the SW crater wall at the TN/AL state line. It is Ft. Payne chert but has been totally remade by the meteor blast. Some bits you keep and some bits you lose. And are the inclusions the ones you kept or ones you got? 
The shock circles have iron and some unknown shinny halo and a strange passing ion micro meteor with direction. Shock energy as provided by meteor impacts does a gradient compaction on an exponential scale while passing through bits of matter at a time while still in a plasma state. 
Boulder above near Coldwater, TN south crater floor has strange inclusions and an iron line. Close up shown below. What is a tadpole doing in this rock? 
Same location a nearby boulder has a lateral flow from right to left going around the strange circle inclusion also of limestone. Just left and up is an angelfish aerodynamic shape from the same lateral flow over a denser material. 
<<<<<<Angel fish
A progressive moment in impact is shown below. A high shock glass encasing a previous shock made tubular crystal structure. Also has the shock particle stream. A good find, and a good specimen. 
The crossing line inclusion is in the middle of this specimen, with it's form intact and crossing other previously made sections. This must have happened very fast. 
Good catch! This can only happen if it was shock plasma when occurred. Also notice the iron halo is a nano coloring effect from seams. And see the cross vein stripes, was a high speed event. 
The Silurian flint inclusion in the crater here at Lake Logan, TN. Look how it made a ring around it as if the tide was going out or it fell into it. 
Found on the coast of Oregon. The fan of stripes have defied figuring out. This is my strangest inclusion odyssey. I think I will call it "Alien Footprint." 
Shown below is 

Cylindrite is a sulfosalt mineral containing tinleadantimony and iron with formula: Pb3Sn4FeSb2S14. It forms triclinic pinacoidal crystals which often occur as tubes or cylinders which are in fact rolled sheets. It has a black to lead grey metallic colour with a Mohs hardness of 2 to 3 and a specific gravity of 5.4.

It was first discovered in the Santa Cruz mine, Oruro Department, Bolivia in 1893. The name arises from its curious cylindrical crystal which it forms almost uniquely among minerals.

So what if the strange Alien Footprint shown above is really a fossil in a stronger mineral form than Cylindrite which would also be a fossil? Also is a good candidate for the nautiloid Orthoceras. 
So this one from Clinch Mountain, TN has colors. It also shows the paper type cylinder roll. But what is going on with all that tangle? 
These shock twisted shapes are called The Picasso Effect. 
Specimen above is from Lake Logan, TN and appears to be a unique set of circumstances. This shock melt silicon based mass has formed around an inclusion and crystal formed perhaps with the quenching of the onrushing crater back fill sea. But unique finds are the hardest to figure out. 

New Type Breccia - This was found in a creek bed on Slate Rock Mill Road in Lincoln County, TN. What is so interesting is it looks like slate rock inclusions that have been shocked so hard they are a new metamorphic form. This would imply that the oil slate was present when the meteor hit. Keep in mind that would be pre Mississippian, which would be before what is thought to be the oil forming period. 


Squares? So I found this specimen SW Lake logan, TN. it is the ubiquitous ft. payne chert. this material is really fast formed silica crypto crystalline impact nodules. it contains little bits of blast trash. but it will also contain physics phenomena which i am a sucka for. so with the help of a $2,000 + canon rebel eos camera with 100mm macro lens you can see the small strange phenomena.  


implied togetherness - but the saw tooth edges do not match. it is a metaphor for the struggle of brother kings.  


Chert Appleton, TN unknown structure. 20 magnification. 


Above surface strata exposure is from Lake Meade, Nevada. Now normally in that area you would expect a volcanic based explanition but a depression in the earth or basin like Lake Meade is also suspect as an impact crater. The vertical inclusion strings are indicative of a high pressure serial event. The circles around the inclusions are indicative of vibration while in a plasma  state. But also as a serial or sequence with the inclusions being more solid. Here it is again below from another unknown location. 


Brush Strokes - When you magnify this specimen it shows linear constellationing which is a shock state of particle granular crystal formation. The physics of hieroglyph looking figures is not understood but does make forms that mimic writing or pictures.


Petrified still trying to start my 750 Norton Atlas. 


Shock made flint, Lake Logan, TN. What I find interesting is the line patterns. It is like a stress or energy signature. 


Now you can see the thin iron in these lines. This is a charged energy transfer from the iron shown on the right. 


Energy Signature Inclusion, from the Middle TN Basin Buster Impact, a hundred mile wide crater! This is quarried stone that has been rounded in a creek. The inclusion is part of the energy signature that is running through it top and bottom. 


Scott Mahar of Milltown, Maine.  That is an energy signature, a fractal tree fan. It is a second order energy breakdown from the cross vein. As for the composition inclusion, it was a better conductor therefor is the central dispersal agent. 

Cherrika Brigman This is not a slow made concretion. That is a classic wind tunnel type form. This was instant made in an impact as that is the only fast metamorphic capable of this. I like it, am going to add it to my encyclopedia too and also. A rock with a single inclusion is a Cyclops.

Bonnie Ciancio Parent of Edgartown, Massachusetts  Thank you for posting this specimen. There are two competing theories for this type of concretion. Layered sediment and impact resonance. In the layered approach you have problems. Why would it so delineate the white and leave a touching boundary? Same problem with resonate theory however resonate is density related where the center inclusion acted as an antenna for wave absorbing.  Also keep in mind this is more of a metamorphic than a sedimentary rock which would favor impact origin. 

Could it be like a pearl sedimentary effect with uneven coating? 


Lava from Hawaii with iron inclusion and dispersed iron through the matrix. Interesting.  Garret Cole specimen. 


rock identification group

Mahnee Mahoney  · July 31, 2022

One of my favourite quartz finds to date!!!! I suspect this is a specular hematite inclusion but I could be wrong. its harder than steel when i tried to scratch it.

Quartz with nano metal. It is attempting to make crystal, a psudo morph. The presence of nano metal would indicate it is an impactite of instant construction. The nano metals are pulverized material from the large meteor bolide that exploded. Opaque, luster, color are peculiar properties. A translucent quartz has other materials in it. Pearl paints are made by nano mica being added to them with specific sizes to produce specific colors. This is the same process. You can see a nice video of this rock on youtube at: Quartz with specular inclusions - YouTube



Milky opal pearl inclusion. A gemstone. Do not separate. It is much more interesting in situ.

Minnesota Rocks Minerals And Fossils

Kelly Bania  · Aug. 23, 2022

People, is this a spider egg sac or something? This is the second silver one I’ve seen. The other ones I’ve seen are a shiny copper color. TIA!


Resonate darker binary around inclusion. This is a constellationing phenomena of the granular crystal structure. 

Yoshi Kobayaski

Sept. 21, 2022· 



Through and through crossing impalement. 


Very high shock, you can see "Cloud Constellationing" as well as the crossing harmonics of shock lines. It has isolated the smoky quartz due to a difference of resonant attenuation.  This kind of energy very high pressure form would be at the top of the surviving relic scale around 70 Giga Pascals (GPa). You have two types of rejection patterns here. The first at the lower level is what you can see of the Constellationing which is in the high energy mixing state and just barely visible before mixing. The higher level  is the banding of the smoky quartz which is rejecting by resonant attenuation. 

Leon Herold

Dec. 11, 2022

1 inch mosaic. The black in a mosaic is almost always smoky quartz


Impact nodule expansion, these are part of the general classification "impact sphere." This specimen is also in a high heat separation making the brown doughnut glaze which is also the edge of mosaic cracking. It appears to have an impalement which happens as other impact debris hits it in flight.

Kathy Doyal  ·   · April 25, 2023

I found this along the Arkansas river in North Central Oklahoma. I saw a post earlier today regarding this type rock but cannot find the posts about it again. What is this?

Fossil with iron inclusion. Note how it is only partially transformed to iron and the iron continues beyond the fossil. The fossil was transformed with impact iron splatter also flew out to be an inclusion. Aug. 16, 2023. 

Michel Pelletier  ·   · 

I took these photos (and more) where I live, north-east New-Brunswick, Canada. This area is filed with fossiles, some are plants but some look like some kind of sea creature I don't know. What can you tell me about this?

The four last ones are of a special rock also found there, is it a meteorite?

This is an impactite - Shock made dolomite, you can see a little trace iron in it from the impacting bolide. It is a shock clast. Intrusion hit it as part of the kinetic explosion. The intrusion is from the bolide while the  clast is from the impacted strata. Banding on intrusion - This is a ripple effect of hitting the clast. Rare typology. Why clastic? Broken off the impacted strata however shock melted as well. These are crater indicators and for larger craters will be large and in people's yards or as landscaping feature. Shock white - in and around craters you will see the dolomite shock white a lot. It comes from the early stage and late stage impact while the between stage mixes with the bolide. Color patina - Tempering effect in the presence of blast gasses including minerals from the bolide. While you do not think of limestone as temper material it is and will make bell sounds when struck like metals do. Jan. 10, 2024. 
Chip Frazier  ·   ·   · 

Is this a purely sedimentary formation? Found while digging on the property. My local geology is dolomitic limestone. One side “resembles” an intrusion. I assume the other side reveals that a layer was eroded from overtop this junction. Is this purely sedimentary? Thanks!

Impactite - shock hardened dolomite limestone, calcite or quartz shot in at hypervelocity along with the iron from the impacting bolide/meteor. Good specimen. Jan. 13, 2024. 
Billy Brewer  ·   · 

Thats not a iron nail

Sandstone after shock dolomite.jpg
Sandstone after shock dolomite - How do I know that? The particle grain structure. While I have not found one like it in the Howell, TN Impact Structure I studied for five years, I did find shock dolomite. How did this happen? This is a blast shard in two stages. The limestone was shocked so hard as to turn it into proto marble. While flying it was coated with the blasted sand under pressure making the coating. So what is the particle grain structure? High resolution pictures like are common today can be magnified to see the composition down to 1/1000 inch. A shock made particle grain structure that has impact geometrics in this case circles is shock made. This is due to resonance. Shock is a wave form and the shard is resonating which attenuates this circle alignment. Had it been shocked harder it would have melted the particles to become marble. The study of this particle process is called "Constellationing." Attached is a blow up of your specimen. If you study it you can see the circles. Feb. 10, 2024. 
Ryan Sanborn 

Discovered this today in north central Massachusetts: a sold rock with a crack that I broke open, expecting to find a fossil. Instead, I found something else entirely.

Shock circle - Impact made. This rock was fluidized when formed. The circle center is an impalement of also simi liquid. The little black dots may be manganese. Crossing cracks/fractals are an effect of cooling stresses. Rare. This is not your typical resonate effect. This is more like the ripples on a pond surface when a pebble is tossed in. Feb. 12, 2024. 
Marc Whitehead  · 48m  · 

Has anyone ever seen anything like this? Maybe some kind of fossil. Found in West Texas near Andrews.


Sarah Kristen  ·   · 

Check out this rock I found. Looks like a buffalo
Feb. 22, 2024. 


New England Rock Hounds

Mike Sim  ·   · 

Super interesting pattern on this

Feb. 24, 2024. 

Impactite nodule with impalements. First lets note the little white dots shown in the close up. Those are a signature of an impact storm called "Constellationing." An impact will pulverize matter into the "common particle." The common particle is sorted with distance. The impact nodule was plastic at the time of impalement. Cubic shard may or may not be pyrite as impact also melts the area to a glass like consistency which cools and breaks into shards. A higher meta content indicates the shard is metal from the impacting meteor/bolide. The white lines on the shard are also "Constellationing." You can see the big 3 impacts of Maine on the attached map. March 11, 2024. 
New England Rock Hounds

Brian Allen  ·   · 

State of Maine rock with a secret! Found in Belgrade Lakes area.

Impact conglomerate, very high heat, matrix from the impacting meteor/bolide. The matrix is rejecting the foreign local pebbles as they are not mixable and much cooler. May 21, 2024. 
Justin Davis  ·   · 

We found this in the rock garden when we bought our house 5 years ago. We're in West Virginia but no idea where it came from. The previous owners had ties to the Dakotas and Wyoming.

Very rare, shatter cone effect. This is a cone in cone type separated by another material not easily imprintable and blasted into another rock as an inclusion. Notice how similar it is to planar deformation figures. June 10, 2024. 

Aussie fossickers

Natalie McQueen  ·   · 

Hello, I hoping someone can help me identify what or how this vertebrae/tooth type pattern has occurred in this rock found near Jarvis Bay NSW? My son wants to know why there are X type markings or V markings so precise on each quarter of the lighter bits. He's not letting it go until we find out why. I've googled all I can! Nothing has come up Please help???

Impact inclusions. You can see the top one is melted into the host rock as both were very hot. The front one is making a heat cracking Septarian. June 29, 2024. 

Rock Collecting 101

Mike Eley  ·   · 


Here are a couple of Michigan greens tones the one on top is a loose stone the bottom has three green stones in the host rock

fluidized inclusions.JPG

Fluidized inclusions, specimen is from Moundville, AL Has a crinoid stem lower right corner. Nov. 20, 2024. 


oh, that is a good one. Impact made, appears to have once been limestone making it a type 1 impactite. Honeycomb plasma cavitation. It also has melt material coating the cavitation. Thin sections and possible fiber crystals. This is a rare example as you just never see this kind of delicate cavitation as a shard or nodule. Boxwork theory. Erosion reduced voids does not explain why the cell structure just how it may have excavated voids. Impact theory would explain that the plasma bubbles pushed against others to make the impact geometric cells. Not a meteorite, other impactites have been found in this area. Dec. 22, 2024. 
Kansas Rockhounds and Fossil Hunters

Renae Taylor 

Does anyone know what this is? found out at Clinton Lake near Lawrence Kansas.

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