Research - Rock collectors find rocks. I collect pictures of their finds to help with my research. This is a good article on chert.
This is the closes occurance to what these specimens may represent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisolite
4R-Shock Circles - What happened here? That was my original question when I encountered the strange rocks around me. By widening my circle of investigation to the Frankewing, TN Impact Structure it answered some but not all of my questions. By examination of rocks, world wide, it has answered more. including this strange occurance, Shock Circles.

Now look at these agate inclusions side by side. Notice the striation density is greater on the side with the inclusions. How fast does a concretion become metamorphic?

Found 2 miles SW of Howell, TN this specimen was sitting on top of a bolder that had been harmonic wave coned and I have not seen anything like the circle inclusion in the upper left. Impacts and shape forms imply back to the phenomena that makes them.

Besides being pretty the above specimen has an oval inside edge you can see on the right side. Trace iron center highly metamorphic and that black/gold edge interior. The black could be iron oxide which melts at a higher temperature than the silica based agate structure. This rock shows an interesting forming energy with outer striations none interior. Such an energy transition indicates a fast shock formed process. Also we have the forming of the Septarian shape with the higher metal elements. So how could this be a slow concretion process with a high metamorphic separated structure? How could this be a volcanic pipe process with such centrality? Shock as a mechanism has fast formed centrality around the center of mass as a mechanism. It also can contain an EMP pulse of charge due to metal friction in a chaotic kinetic explosion which would help to delineate the iron. Septarian shapes also could combine a wave of reflection back from the surface edge toward the center forming arcs.

In context with the impact event I found this boulder near the south crater floor with circles shown above and below.

The strange circles in the boulder remind me of bubbles.

Same location this is the only round and hollow circle in limestone I have ever seen. The shock pressure flow is coming from right to left and is a rolling hoop and then it all quenched showing us a picture in time of the impact floor.

The strange boulder from Oregon shown above has circles and nano iron and a totally crystal structure. I have no idea what the cone striations are but the crystal structure, nano iron and strange circles relate to an impact event. Perhaps a very old one.

Too circular inner circle. A harmonic mechanism causing a circular trace of iron from this liquidized vibration around the center of mass. Although a concretion precipitant overall except for the iron, the center circle is just too geometric in relation to the overall body formation more metamorphic geometric harmonic wave. The fact that the iron only is formed into a circle is key here. Why is a circle of iron collected? There is other iron particles present. For such a poor consolidation with a void in it, the center is so consolidated i. e. a change happened of some sort and an iron halo marks it.
Harmonic wave or EMP pulse - What goes on inside a crater during the explosion sequences of this magnitude is only known by the surviving relics. At Chelyabinsk in 2013 no EMP was noted. What goes on in the instant collision impact is not known. Of the three EMP types only type 3 would have potentially been noticeable at Chelyabinsk anyway. A shock chaos magnetic storm in a shock plasma debris cloud could pull on magnetic material. You can read about the shock chaos cloud at: https://www.hillbillyu.com/kinetic-impact-explosion-crater
Historical footnote: The first person to give the scientific world a clear understanding of the significance of shock wave metamorphism was Robert S. Dietz, then with the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Rockville, Maryland. (from Impact Geology by Allan O. Kelly P. 25)

New shock circle I found here is vaguer than the previous one.
The shock circle shown below is from the worlds biggest impact and were found in South Africa in the North West province, near the Vredefort impact crater in an abandoned diamond mine. It is in a stage of making an agate banding but is only circles at this step. Twin circles, a twin harmonic?

The specimen below is also from the diamond mine and in the process of making circles leading to agate formation.

The specimen below from China is clearly showing waveform bounce from the exterior. The waves grow larger and are less dense as they approach the center of mass, however it is crystals and shows a pipe to the exterior. A fluidizing shock harmonic formation or an already fluid drop being reformed? The fine striations do not resemble any volcanic pipe slow formation mechanism. Also notice the creation of new circular structures in the lower right quadrant. That would be a result of wave form collection. Good video on agate type circle resonate formation. https://www.facebook.com/groups/261113798157320/permalink/710897243178971/?notif_id=1605966430971125¬if_t=group_post_mention&ref=notif

The specimen above was found in Iceland which is the center of a large earth accretion crater, wall is at Scottland. The circles are just too round and harmonic like. Notice the red inclusion on bottom right. A small trace of iron.

Are we looking at the principle of Universal Spheres in the pebble shown above? This pebble typical of so called concretions but found inside the crater here where I live has a compressed center of mass. The center is more metamorphic and conforms to the outer shape. Whatever it was has changed. Shock going through it compressed it on a gradient logarithmic scale. It could have been a shock wave carrying material harmonically leaving the denser center of mass.
If the "Big Bang" was waves of shock harmonic energy carrying matter in different density waves, each object encountered would compress about a center of mass with a radial density considerate of material encountered, it would be a universe of spheres. So the physicist were right all along to assume a sphere.

The water color principle. Both rocks above have a small center iron particle which the corona surrounds like water color painting. So not a wave energy compaction of mass but a slurry mineral painted. Of course the iron bit came from the meteor and the slurry was fried shock metamorphic so where does that leave either explanation? More than one shock forming wave and multiple density.

This is a shock corona. Won't need to wash your hands however if you handle it. The mechanism is shock pressure wave the size of a hydrogen bomb but from meteor impact turns the sand cryptocrystaline or like jelly. It is a very fast process and the circles are what you get if you were making jelly in the kitchen and did not stir it, a material of different composition with a surface tension bubble like structure.

Specimen above from Geraldton in Western Australia has shock circle with starburst!

Among so many other things Tesla studied Resonance. He proved everything has one. The earth has one. He hooked up his adjustable vibrator to a building and the whole block started to collapse in New York City before he turned it off.

The harmonic wants to resonate around the center of mass but the mass is off center with the iron inclusion so it is deconstructing it.

Septarian Circle Harmonic - This presentation is at White River below the Lake Sequoia spillway, Arkansas. Notice the iron resonate banding rims.
Shown below is large shock circle at el dorado national forest, Ca

Shown above is a specimen from Lake Logan, TN with multiple shock circles but it also has "Resonance Creatures" as shown below magnified to .01mm. Fibonacci type figure? (right side) Fractal figure (left side.)

Meteorite shown above was collected by ما خفي أعضم "Radwan" Multiple circle harmonics. Iron and nickel. Circle harmonic degrades into fractal a lower frequency.
Bounce back harmonic banding. There just is not any mechanism for these bounce back off the edge back toward the center to be any slow forming process. This was a highly viscous process.

That is a negative sphere effect. The surface was so hot it is losing material to gassing and forms the circles as an equalization of pressure. Jeremy Rogers Post Falls Idaho.
Yes, I like combination and transition forms, you learn so much from them. Shown below is a Gobi Desert Agate. It clearly is forming shock circles as well as making Turing Pattern Constellationing. Note some of the dots are not connecting. The harmonic shock resonance was strong however with this one. Is a conflict going on between the forming of Turing Patterns and the high shock resonance. You also notice shock causing linear constellationing in some specimens. Alan Turing's model is binary and single source, whereas an impact event is a shock chaos phenomena with so many forces acting. Like Johnny Von Neumann said shock would be a difficult to model phenomena in the real world.


Fractals and mixing make ever smaller repetitions and so do harmonic circles. Is a multi circle harmonic resonance going on with this specimen.

At first I thought this may have been a crinoid stem hole, but then I saw the second circle below it.

Specimen above was collected by Jeremy Rogers of Post Falls, Idaho. Consistent with resonance the circle is gathered around the center of mass. The fractal/septarian energy dispersal emanates outward.

Shock agate with circle step resonance.

Specimen above is from a meteorite collector. It is an impactite with overshock particle surface. In this kind of harmonic however it is organizing into shock circles.

Shock circles, a fractal circle surface harmonic. Colorado.
If you encounter arc and circle inclusion features in highly shocked limestone, you are probably looking at fossils that are almost shock melt removed. This specimen is a bolder near Pearl City, TN which is an Elk River area, hence the crater bottom because the river is a low point topo location.

Shock resonate agate - This was made by a large meteor impact which produced shock waves which gather around the center of mass. The resonance separated the silica and probably cobalt as the harmonic isolated their unique vibration. Specimen collected by Lauren Killian
Poppy seed jasper - Shock metamorphic. Notice the white and black sections and the one circle that is also a depression. Some pitting from evaporation. Since impact physics reforms matter into elements and forces you see geometric shapes on them. For that matter most craters are circles. The white and black sections when magnified show the shock particle storm.

The strange impact circles of Wilcox County. Alabama USA
The "invention" of the wheel is likely just an adaptation of using shock made forms then duplicating them.

Impactite doughnut. Was it impaled? Appears to be the case. Found by Mickey Brown in North Alabama.

Resonate mass and off center Septarian rays with mass resonate mixing. Now this one is new. Resonance wants to concentrate around the center of mass. But it had an iron inclusion off center. So what does it do? It makes blast rays toward the center and disperses it in particles toward the center mass. Specimen from Lake Logan, TN.

Resonating circles around inclusions - Fe3O4 black iron oxide collecting around the green inclusion and starting the radial "Eyelash Effect." Is also white circle resonance in lower left around iron inclusion.

Specimen left was collected by Mike N Dena Castell of Huntsville, TX. It is a really good example of the "eyelash effect fractal." Resonate attenuation banding.

Specimen shown left is a rare arc fractal. A moving circle harmonic. It was collected by Ukin Ajidin

Shown below is fish scale jasper collected by Chille Maulidhaa of Indonesia. It has two competing moving circle form harmonics that become in conflict, also fractal dispersing resonance on surface.
The smallest shock circles I have ever seen. This specimen was collected by Christopher Joseph in SE Pennsylvania. It has been magnified. See the black FE3O4 rings around the white inclusions? Resonance. Shown below is the same in green. Copper?

tube harmonic Polygenesis - some tubes are made by one cause some another. I am currently tracking causal theories. Shock particle alignment, longitudinal wave , shredding by shock under plasma conformity, the fiber crystal.

I really like this specimen. It is from Arizona. It shows the circle resonate form but is breaking up as it moves out from the center. But it is hollow. Shock geodes are also hollow, a bubble expansion. A Nagumo type reaction-diffusion system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaction%E2%80%93diffusion_system
So now you have to ask yourself, are these physical forces acting in exclusion. Is it a shock harmonic circle or a Nagumo type reaction-diffusion system?

<< Hollow Tube Wave
This specimen was collected by Vanessa Reichel in a field in Eastern Montana. A hollow tube harmonic.

Gobi desert tube agate

Tube patterns as a replacement fossil type. Mohamed Bouzelfen collection Morocco.

Compounding effects - In the center you can see "linear constellationing" and fiber crystal. The matrix is crystal metamorphic and of course banded the iron by resonance.

Shown below is an Impactite Resonate Body from North of the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA. Besides all the bean sprouts which are banding or a tubular wave form, it has the resonate circles.
OK, here is where it get's difficult. Switzerland specimen collected by Silvan Anunnaki Project Enlil with many strange forms. I believe this to be a fossil.

Specimen above was found near Lake Huron and is an round impactite from the Michigan Crater as shown on the new findings page: https://www.hillbillyu.com/new-findings The specimen demonstrates it's passing through plasma cloud zones the outer zone being rose quartz i.e. shock melted sand with nano iron mist from the meteor vaporization. The specimen has many Turing Particle Constellation structures in it's build. The central tube like fractal structures are a shock phenomena I study as fiber crystals and shatter cone formation tube energies perhaps like an astrophysical maser. I have not seen any just like these before but as I often say all impacts are unique.

Specimen above is from Lake Logan, TN. It is a single tube wave with stop. This chert called the Ft. Payne chert is the small fast formed concretions of impact. This one has a harmonic tube wave however. Fast formed with a resonate wave too. The rough surface is a particle wave.

Splatterform tube harmonic impactite - Large meteor hit earth and exploded. The pretty quartz is a fast formed crystal which has expanded from the botryoidal to tubes as it had continuing energy. The banding lines are a step harmonic resonate wave. Specimen collected by Kyra Shannon in eastern Oregon.
Impact explosion accretion - Sometimes you can see the direction form which the explosion came. These are sequence metamorphic structures. Section 3 above is the first formed a multiple tube wave. This is an elongation of the circle/sphere wave. Section 2 is a transition and has a particle wave with harmonic resonance. Section 1 is the spheres as the harmonic has settled down into blasting out drops.

Front side, shallow tube wave

Rear side projecting wave expression
Specimen above was found in bottom of a small creek in the middle of the Cohutta mountains/ Ocoee River Tn/GA

Pronounced Projecting Wave Expression. This can also be caused by dissolving, but then you have to ask why the form shape remains and it did not dissolve as a uniform surface.

Shown above is a specimen from indonesia. it has a folding wave which can complete as a tube wave.

Tube wave structure and encasing shock olivine.
Circle harmonic on surface.

See the circles elongate as a flow.

the pipe organ
straight-shelled cephalopod

Bakersfield, CA Impact Crater - Icicle tube wave with shock olivine in quartz. Specimen collected by Josie Marie.

Just when you thought the phenomena could not get any stranger. Tube wave? It does have a shock particle storm exterior and a banding harmonic to quartz. Specimen collected by: Kerstin Allen

A tubular shape wave? Is no usual agate type banding, just the tubular shape, including holes. Is almost sine wave like.

Here it is again from Morocco collected by Mohamed Bouzelfen. Hollow sine wave tubes. High shock melt surface. But I actually think this could be a fossil with that organic surface like you see today on shells.

Fractal Iterations
Fractal Tube Waves
specimen Hemimorphite Fractal fractal branching an iterative harmonic. The tube wave is a type of fractal. This is because basically all the wave are in a distributive dissipation branching to resolve energy to "equilibrium." Of course there is no equilibrium as what appears to be a "steady state" is an active energy field environment.

Shock Septarian Cinder from the Springfield, Illinois Impact Structure - Not a harmonic effect the large vesicles are from the extreme heat as well as the botryoidal bubbles. The particle patterns not usually present on a cinder as this is a cusp form are from the shock particle storm blasted outward from the impact explosion. The druzy nature of the quartz is another heat effect, fast formed crystals. The iron is an evaporative mist from the meteor bolide it's self when it exploded, which comes back down and makes a coating on specimens. Specimen collected by Josh Constant.

linear constellationing into tubes - specimen collected by Taşların Peşinde Bülent Sancar at location north of ankara turkey.

Calcedoine géode from RS, Brazil. 9 x 6 cm - Tube Wave Agate
From Morocco collected by Mohamed Bouzelfen. Tube wave coil? Notice how many mineral fragments it has. A fuze or bullet, very old, perhaps encased in cement.

New South Wales, Australia, a crater tube structure with shock hardened patina. Let's figure this was a big blast. You can see start shaped blast streamers from the Trinity nuclear bomb test site and recent moon impacts.

Shown above is tube wave harmonic with fractal dendrites a sure impactite signature as they are fast formed crystals only able to make two dimensions they are formed so fast. The center of mass collects more resonance and tubes and the other geometric forms are a higher energy state which is last resolved by fractals.

Coning Tube Harmonic in very clear Indonesian Agate.

This is very interesting. Calcite circles? This is a cliff side near Minor Hill, TN showing connecting circles in the cracks. Strange, is it like a cave formation? Did it occur at the time of formation? Closer look below. Circles at energy intersections is the same thing they have found about black holes forming at energy intersections.

Here it is again on a specimen collected by Sami Safi I am naming this the Shock Intersection Roundabout.

Radial spider web metamorphic. As a rule a physics form will not have as many levels of physics or hold a consistent pattern as it is trying to dissipate. That would tend to identify this specimen as a likely fossil coral.
Indonesia fossil wood with melt tubes. This certainly indicates that this wood was turned to fossil as an impact wave blast. This being the likely back side.

System resonance - Nicola Tesla identified resonance as a universal phenomena. He once put a thumper on a building support and went to lunch. He had to return quickly as the whole building was starting to come apart. In this experiment the metronomes will all align as a system. Each one conforming will make a "banding layer." These are the banding rings you see in resonate impactites. It is a harmonic edge which is coming into a system resonance. In the experiment shown, it is linear, the earth as a system is many energies in summation as a system harmonic not linear but will make a combination as energy travels as waves and waves combine.

Onyx - Agate from Minas Gerals, Brasil. Isolation agate - This specimen broke contact at the outer ring. It was resonating a rather perfect circle harmonic. The banding is due to the different resonations of materials but the circle is due to the type of wave energy. The center has a fuzzy edge. The resonate energy was too strong to fix on edge. It has to settle down for resonance to get in tune.

Robert Regen specimen. This is thought to be an ooid. Is no delineating membrane. I think these are unfocused shock expression, an off harmonic resonance. And notice the amount of mineral diversity. That is an impact signature.

Concentric or multi circle harmonic? It is mathematical. Now look hard at the specimen below and you can see blossoming circles as shown in the diagram above.

Now notice how this just discovered radio wave signature is the same form as above. The Odd Radio Circles ORCs were detected in late 2019

Very rare yellow matrix breccia with a circle harmonic. Eddie White collection.

Kim Pervis Exposure of the Silurian Impact Extinction Event which broke the earth's crust at the New Madrid Fault. This was the biggest extinction in earth time. It has a characteristic chert which is a fast form of earth to shock made rock. Most impacts are not perpendicular the average being 45 degrees. This was clearly NW at 45 or more likely less. 25 degrees would be my guess. As the earth becomes a shock plasma in such an event you are looking at drop type surface circles. North Central Arkansas, USA.

Folds are tubes.

Slag tubes - South Lewis County, TN from 19th century iron works. This is the departing material from the refining process. It is making tubes with branching nested tubes a directional flow. You can see some material is turning back into chert which is what it was. The sphere is a natural bubble to equalize surface pressure. While this form illustrates some principles of impact phenomena I believe the cooling process is slower with slag. The delta heat of impact is much higher and these larger earth impacts occur into seas with a back wash quenching.

Creek west of Collinwood, TN a conglomerate shock circle wheel. Millstone from Johnson Mill. See the crafted center section.

Hubble Space Telescope Picture - Circles and Septarians are a universal phenomena. You will see them in rocks. While you can have a slow concretion form this it is a signature of explosion and energy expansion.

Oklahoma Rose Rock Specimen collected by Cathy Wilkins-Carlton. It is a tube wave with perpendicular branching iteration you can see in the crevasse of the left tube.

Fossil, hot shock melt inclusion? Charged fractal running through rock which caused a cleavage. Dog Creek, Wayne County, TN.

Volcanic tube wrinkles called pahoehoe shown above in Iceland can be made in a vacuum with mud. This is a harmonic phenomena like wave ripples which will occur with any flow on a resonate body. All bodies resonate. https://www.plutorules.com/page-83-pahoehoe.html
Epi Cycles in the Vela Pulsar as observed by the Fermi Gamma Ray Telescope - Besides looking like you spirograph drawing you made when you were a kid, this is a resonate reflection with bounce back from the Pulsar Wind Nebula Sphere Envelope. I see this a lot with gemstone agates which are shock made by large earth impacts like this one from the Brazilian Basin Impact.

Impactite, tube wave expansion of same type as shown left. High lateral force orogeny. June 22, 2023.
Char Randolph
A coworker came across these and was curious about them. No idea where they came from. But they're all hollow.

This is a shock made impactite. The matrix is a small particle composition which is blast pulverized material in the large bolide impact. It was a plasma when hit by a projectile causing a bubble bulge. This type of example is rare and I would consider valuable. Specimen collected in North Central Ohio River by: Ty Woody Johnson

Impactite, iterative branching tube wave harmonic - The trace cobalt and iron mist are what give it away. Cobalt and iron as a nano mist are common to the large earth impact period. A remarkable specimen collected by: 허명재 ·

Great rock! This is a type of impactite, high silica, trace iron. It is a tube phenomenon. I am sure about it because it has a splatterform on the surface and fractal tree energy dispersal. Likely a fulgurite. Gil Inclan specimen, Stockdale, TX.

Prattsville, NY Impact venting tubes.

Up blast tubes on Mars.

Volcanic plasma tube wave. Notice it has sameness of material content like slag often does.

Carol Hughes of Dickson, TN specimen. Multiple shock circles high shock metamorphic with an overlapping composition signature and flange fractals emitting from circle. That is the circle harmonic degrading into a tree fractal as the energy dissipated. Wow, another nice specimen she has found from the Wells Creek Impact.
Impact tube with pelting collected by
Lives in Rubyvale, Queensland
They probably make tubes for the same reason that lightning strike fulgurites do, a carrying of energy in this case shock. It has inclusion still showing which are also why it has some of the depressions. Other depression are gassing from really high shock. The center shows extreme shock which is where shock resonance collects.
This is a very rare circle in a circle bubble. The broken sticks are important as an indicator of double harmonic type formation. Specimen collected by: حقاني حقاني

Impact sphere. This is a liquified drop from a large earth impact. It has chemically altered the more dense core which is a complex mineral form made by the extreme physics. If you magnify it and look at the colors closely you will see, magenta and blue which makes me think the core is a compound of Fe3O4, iron 2 oxide, cobalt and manganese. These elements are common to the universe and the period of large earth impacts. Specimen collected in Tate County, Mississippi USA by: Jacqueline Baker

Ray Forage · 11h ·
Thor's Helmet: It's not located in Asgard, and Chris Hemsworth didn’t wear this one in the movies but...
NGC 2359 is an iconic emission nebula in Canis. It is often referred to as Thor’s Helmet given the clouds shape with wing like appendages.
This is the same energy pattern I study in impactites, the circle will digress into a fractal distribution of energy.

The concentric ice stage forming phenomena. This is another quanta, a forming wave that builds in stages.

Now here in this roadside puddle near my house at Lake Logan, TN is this same concentric step function forming from a void as its locus.

Shock fractal tubes on Mars.

Shock Circles and the back fractal - Here you see the disipation of energy from the shock wave but with both the shock circle and the tree fractal shown.

Now here we have the more complex shock agate type form. High-speed Imaging of Shock Waves, Explosions and Gunshots | American Scientist

Here is a new type. A polymorph transition to spheres! Tube to sphere. It is a geode fast form type as well. Specimen collected by Lisa Smart of Colorado.

Geometric tube wave, nested chevron type. This is a type of column basalt phenomena. It is from the Middle TN Basin Buster and is a quarry rock sold as gravel. Found SW Franklin County, TN.

Plasmatubic Trumphead Phenomena. "I found this in the Texas panhandle 20 or so years ago in the middle of nowhere . I think it's really old not sure if it's a rock or something petrified. Mabe someone can tell me what it is ?? Oh and it just has some mud on it just didn't wash it off. " Donald Hersom.

This is the same principle as a resonance circular separation. Here we have Jan Larsen collecting micro meteorites from a roof in Norway. He uses a magnet. The magnet has a wave based propagation. This influences the media. Shock resonance does the same.

Jordan Norvell post - Impactite resonate theory. Impact makes shock waves these have a frequency(s). Two frequencies make a cord or off harmonic. Shock harmonic energy will collect around the center of mass. This specimen is two notes in vibration captured in time as it quickly cooled from a plasma.

Not an artifact, this is an iron silica cubic enclosed circular resonate form. The cubic is a crystal habit for iron but also the cross hatch form of shock waves in a reflection iteration feedback. Jim Kingdon specimen.

Besides the granular particle matrix patterns which can also occur with volcanic mafic made rocks it has a rare breakdown energy signature of circle harmonic to fractal lightning/tree energy dispersal. Only high energy does this, like lightning making ball lightning. Top section. -Garrett Pierce specimen from Fentress County, TN the crater I call Rockwood to Jacksboro but is much bigger.

I found it in Morgan County several years ago and it has baffled me ever since. FYI. The entire stone is about the size of a quarter. Dan McDaniel
Geology Theory & Analysis - The power of any theory is its ability to explain. That is why theories fail, a new theory explains more or better. So, let's take a journey through geology theory and this specimen.
Devine Creation - Can explain anything but the physics mechanism is left out. The standard model of "big bang" astro physics does validate this theory.
At the turn of the century, geosynclinal theory led the field of tectophysics. Once it was well rooted, grown, and supported; it took over 50 years to steadily chip through the tree that was geosynclinal theory
This theory is still popular by the way. You will often find familiar terms like erosion and sedimentation in this context as explaining without consideration for tectonic or catastrophism impact when they would work better.
3. Catastrophism, Impact Tectonics - Earth plates and features are largely the result of the earth being an accretion body of a great many accumulations of space body collisions and resultant effects.
So in examining this specimen I use a Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis System invented by Hegel (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, (born Aug. 27, 1770, Stuttgart, Württemberg—died Nov. 14, 1831, Berlin), German philosopher)
The first thesis is Meteorite because of the features. While this science proports to be an advanced determinist I have found it to be otherwise. For example, this specimen could be a meteorite that is so old it has lost scoring burn ablation to weathering. The surface features are cavitation like.
Sedimentary nodule thesis - This sort of works but does not explain the features, just leaves that to happenstance.
Impact nodule (Impact Tectonics Theory) - Iron silica sand chert nodule with shock particle granular crystal habit matrix and shock resonate central circle with melt channels crevasses, a spinning plasma when formed by large earth impact.
See what I mean, a theory needs to explain fully. Accepting this theory also means that shock made nodules would be strewn across the planet from tens of thousands of impacts like Mars and the Moon, but having said that a specific impact would be an even better explanation. Since every impact is unique this can be done but requires years of study of a particular impact. My first crater source for this specimen would be the Rockwood to Jacksboro Impact. A big powerful impact that could have thrown this specimen up and out to make the spinning features.
Now here is the confirming synthesis, while I have not seen a rock like this before it can be explained using Impact Tectonics Theory. That is explanatory power. Also note it does not require the assumption that weathering took away its meteorite ablative crust.

Tubes in shock wave made impactites the lateral component of a cresting wave function.

Fulgurite tube channels. Erdal Karakehya specimen.

chain crater phenomena. There are several theories about these.
A chain of craters on the Moon
Meet Catena Davy.
Nov 12, 2018
Seen here are 23 small, similarly sized craters formed in a line. What caused this crater chain?
The crater chain called Catena Davy, as seen by Apollo 12. Credit: NASA
The most plausible scenario for the formation of the crater chain is impact by a comet or an asteroid. Comets and asteroid are weakly held together by their minuscule gravity, and can be ripped apart by the tidal forces of a larger body i.e. the Roche limit. So, a comet or an asteroid on its way to impact the Moon got fragmented by the Moon's tidal forces. Each of those fragmented pieces hit the surface at a slightly different time, due to the rotation of the Moon.
The Moon is known to have many crater chains, called Catenas. Although, not all catenas are formed by the same mechanism as above. Some are formed due to volcanic activity and some due to secondary cratering.
A Catena Davy like crater chain has also been found by NASA's Galileo spacecraft on Jupiter's moon Ganymede. In fact, Jupiter was key to understanding how these types of crater chains form. When the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 got fragmented under the massive tidal forces of massive Jupiter and impacted it, we realized how crater chains on surface bodies must form. It’s amazing how something that happens on Jupiter can teach us about what caused a feature on the Moon.
The problem with the tidal force theory is it is similar to the chain volcanoes on earth and would produce a volcanic rise not a crater.
Another theory postulates these are clectro depostion scars from a giant Galaxy electrical storm. And another theory is linear cavitation. But that would also produce a connecting ridge as it travels linear along the surface.
And another theory is a spray line as liquids will tend to make a spray line. You can see an example of this in impactite on the shock lines page. 4R: Shock Lines | mysite (hillbillyu.com)

Impact sphere with crust and interior tube wave. This is a melt type phenomena you see with slag etc. High silica content indicates this was an impact into sand. The exterior also shows a tube construction.

Unique impact concretion with tubular harmonic carnelian splatterform. I hope you don't mind but I am a sucker for any unique phenomena and want to add this one to my encyclopedia. While sedimentary theory would say this built up over time that theory has limitations like the bonding of a later arriving carnelian on the surface with tubes in it. Impact a a fast forming nodule concretions supports a shock chaos storm with late arriving progressive build sequence. Why is it constructed with connecting iron dots into tube structure forms? Shock is a resonance producing phenomena. It will absorb a higher energy around centers of mass and produce banding. The dots are in a state of being aligned by harmonic influence. Its basic matrix composition is silica (sand) and iron from the impacting bolide. Impact theory would suggest that this specimen was a closer in survivor as shock will imprint more clearly with distance. The tubular wave harmonic is a wave period form expressing wavelength. Larry Gill specimen.

Antartica volcanic tubing - Column basalt tubing is compressed a fast rising tube. This example is the slow type.
The pipe organ column basalt of Armenia. This is from a large earth impact the earth accretion type that is centered near the Black Sea. This example also has cross striation imprinting of the shock wavelength. It is also shock metamorphic.

Ray Forage
Group expert in Geology
· 13h ·
A prime meridian for Mars. This dune-filled crater, called Airy-0 (zero), defines 0° longitude for the Red Planet, much like the location of the Royal Observatory Greenwich in England does on Earth. The crater is about 43 km (~27 miles) in diameter. This enhanced-colour look at the crater comes from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech and Planetary Landscapes
Thank you Ray Forage for posting this really interesting crater. Not dunes. Section 1 Botryoidal bubbling (which is a type of rejection pattern since making a sphere is how one substance opposes another). 2. Fractal climbing, this is a breakup pattern of energy dissipation. While it loses the white it is still somewhat evident climbing up the wall. Of course dunes are incapable of vertical climbing. 3. Tiger stripe tube fractals. this is a second order (iterative) energy phenomena. The tubes are fractals but the power was so great it shifted energy octave like if you blow on a pipe flute harder it will shift up octaves.
Why are these type craters different? All craters are unique. Usually I regard a crater as a "nominal effect." Since most of the event is not established by the crater. This is a non nominal. The energy was dissipated at the crater therefore higher making phenomena not seen in most craters. Some surfaces are harder which causes an instant unloading of kinetic energy. While popular theory teaches that craters are an instant unlaoding that is not so. Some objects are uniform. That also causes instant unloading. Some impacts are more vertical causing instant unloading. Next is speed. Slow impacts do not produce a kinetic explosion crater. Bullets for example usually do not. You need to get up to miles per second. An object moving too fast will not make a kinetic surface explosion. Fast enough it would drill a liquid hole through the object which would tend to melt back together making nothing more than a surface dimple.
This post is approved by the Mad Scientist, Genius, Polymath, Idiot Savant, Society (MSGPISS).

Heart Rock, San Bernardino National forest - This is a branching fractal tube wave phenomena. See on the left rock face the three tube wave pattern. Next it jumps to the two and then one. It is a harmonic decay. Fractal tree branching that requires a quanta packet decay. This is shock made plasma mega clast with cobalt. Surface patterns illustrate granular particle constellationing.
Discrete tube waves are unlikely. As seen above with the crater tube wave bifurcation tube waves are more likely to split. While this is certainly a shock made strata, holes are common to many areas of the impact relics the action of water here cannot be ignored. Alas cavitation can also occur with plasma projectiles even this large.

Fan coning and a bifurcation cone tube on left side. This is the same feature shown in the Mars Crater above but with a twist (pun). The spiral upward is significant. Rotational force is present in this upward energy.
The Höfats in the Allgäu Alps, Germany. The 4 peaks of Höfats mountain (highest altitude 2259 m) are the most prominent in the Allgäu Alps. Here hard limestone and soft marl aggregate, and due to the latter’s moistness, the very steep ridges are overgrown with a thick layer of grass. That makes the Allgäuer Grasberge (Allgäu grass mountains) unique within the Alps.

Up force joining. This energy is collecting stronger therefore goes from two branches to one. Additionally this energy went out into space upward, therefore dark energy and therefore dark matter. Uncountable collision have occurred in the universe. This energy would be in a wave form and could be very very long wavelengths.
The twisting motion (Ekman Spiral) is a fluid maintaining a core adhesion to the vertical magnetic field. A reverse cyclone in this case as it is ending material plasma as it launches into space. Notice this is in the Northern Hemisphere and is twisting anti clockwise.

Supersonic combustion gas flow coning. This phenomena will manifest as balls and rings as well. It is the same fundamental property. A frequent pattern group in shock made specimens.
HOMEMILITARY AVIATIONWatch Shock Diamonds and Mach Disks Form In The Exhaust Plume Of An F-15E’s Engine
Watch Shock Diamonds and Mach Disks Form In The Exhaust Plume Of An F-15E’s Engine
The ring pattern.

The ball pattern as seen in the Pratt & Whittney which powered the hypersonic SR-71 Blackbird.

Crater ballistics - Glass being a liquid is a good illustrator of the impact cratering process. This antique glass table top circa 1920 to 1940's has been shot perhaps with a bb or small caliber bullet. It appears to have been shot from an angle towards the right. Note the three lateral arcs. These are shockwave sonic boom effects. The ability of the media was overcome with the transfer wave power. It is all illustrative of the fractal to circle energy shift phenomena.
This lid doesn't strike me as being too terribly old possibly 40s or so but I really have no idea. I brought it home only because it intrigued me w it's rough edges and what appears to be some sort bullet holes. Now I've had some experience w BB guns growing up and I know a single pump BB gun from that era does not have the power to create the holes that where left in this glass. Considering I dug this up I can also out rule that it was done by a more modern air rifle. Could these holes have been left from a small caliber gun such as a 22? I am astonished that this lid did not totally shatter. It's obviously worthless but I think I will keep it just the same as a conversation piece in my shop.

Tubular flow, not a harmonic, with melt divots or impalements. Quartz with iron, impact nodule, suspect Manson Impact.
Cruze Will · 13h ·
I found this on a job site where we tore out some real old concrete. In Des Moines Iowa close to the river. Can anyone please help me identify what it is? Feels like glass

Erupting cell septarian compression channels, oblate impactite. This was so hot that it had an oxidation shell that flaked off. This is the same phenomena that makes column basalt a bubble being formed in a moving flow, like when you run with a soap bubble wand. Also like soap bubbles it has multiple bubble compression causing the geometric shapes. This oblate impact sphere was blasted from a large earth impact that would also provide shock resonance with frequency attenuation. That is why you never see volcanoes today make column basalt as that was formed by large earth accretion impacts.
Identification of rocks,minerals,and geological features
Tom Skor · September 7, 2022 ·
What is it???

The delicate shell of SNR B0509-67.5
NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA). Acknowledgement: J. Hughes (Rutgers University) - http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1018a/
This delicate shell, photographed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, appears to float serenely in the depths of space, but this apparent calm hides an inner turmoil. The gaseous envelope formed as the expanding blast wave and ejected material from a supernova tore through the nearby interstellar medium. Called SNR B0509-67.5 (or SNR 0509 for short), the bubble is the visible remnant of a powerful stellar explosion in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a small galaxy about 160 000 light-years from Earth. Ripples in the shell’s surface may be caused either by subtle variations in the density of the ambient interstellar gas, or possibly be driven from the interior by fragments from the initial explosion. The bubble-shaped shroud of gas is 23 light-years across and is expanding at more than 18 million km/h (5,000 km/s). Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys observed the supernova remnant on 28 October 2006 with a filter that isolates light from the glowing hydrogen seen in the expanding shell. These observations were then combined with visible-light images of the surrounding star field that were imaged with Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 on 4 November 2010.

I found a bunch of these shiny orange crystals at St. Leon. Is this pyrite that has infilled worm tubes? Sorry, the picture doesn't do them justice. They are very reflective in the sun, with bright orange blaze.

Botryoidal tube wave fractal - Tube structure is a pulling of a bubble however there is a confecting dynamic of the bubbles separating. The pulling dynamic is energy directional and making a dispersion fractal tree form.
My Earth
Sept. 22, 2022·
The impressive Mammatus clouds. The most unusual clouds in the world.
Saskatchewan, province of Canada
Michael Johnston

That is a rare type of impactite. High shock with some resonate features including a circle harmonic. This is a developing shock agate type. It is also trying to make quartz crystal polymorph. That is the square corners you see. Probably a type two impactite with some of the impacting bolide material and some of the surface material mixed.
Joshua Ellison Lone Tree, Colorado, USA · ·
Anyone know what this is? It has a vein of seemingly knappable rock through the middle.

That is a second order impact sphere, an iterative harmonic. It is the only one I have ever seen as a sphere harmonic. No make that a third order. Impactite, with shock resonance making a sphere but with high circle harmonic. The harmonic is like a musical note but in this case is shifting to three scales. Is too symmetrical for random.
Mary Brune
Central Missouri Sept. 28, 2022
Any idea what this could be?

A type of impact sphere and welded to landing surface. Since the two would have to be a plasma for this weld to work they are part of the same impact event. Basically in a large earth impact ejecta flies out as drops, however this one is an expansion like what you see glass blowers do. Both rocks have the characteristic granular pattern structure of impacts.
Missouri’s Rocks, Minerals, fossils, & Artifact Finds
Tim Adams · Oct. 3, 2022
It's got to be just a chunk of aluminum BUT...
I found a "rock" that has the weight and metallic ring of aluminum when struck. It has no defined shape of a casting, tool or implement BUT does have a suspicious hole and shape of a casting BUT has no machined sides. It's not my first day around tools and metal. I've had countless tools, fabricated and welded metal my whole life. So I'm not convinced this is metal posing as a rock or vise versa, but I don't want to damage it either to find out. What do you guys think? Found in a dry river bed in Dade county Missouri.

Largest shock circle, reflecting harmonic, like you might see in a shock agate. There is a Pal Nut crater on Mars. The reflections will go concave with more bounce back energy. Oct. 12, 2022

Hungary/Romania are part of a large crater. These are "shock circles." The granular particle structure even has chain circles, a shock made matrix composition. This is the same mechanism that makes circles in shock agates. The horizontal lines bottom left are a crossing harmonic shock wave imprinting.
David Arpad · ·
It can be very special. A bioturbation structure, I guess. Late-Oligocene, (Egerian), Eger Formation, Hungary. Could you help, please?

Crater effect shock circle with high energy fractal striation, imprinted wave circle, and shock granular crystal habit geometrics in center of circle. This big plasma blob was ejecta and landed here. Energy strata, instant made. As it is located in the confluence of several large earth impacts I am unable to specify which. Major candidates are: Big MO the state size Missouri crater and Hot Springs. As this is formerly bedrock now shock melt metamorphic I favor Big MO as Hot Springs broke into the earth's crust deeper and thrown bedrock craters did not. Hot Springs is an earth accretion type 1 or 2 a penetrating fast ballistic (30+mps).
Kim Pervis · · Oct. 14, 2022
Someone posted this in the Arkansas Fossil Collectors group.
It was found near Big Flat, Arkansas USA. It is most likely from the Pitkin Limestone Formation, which is Mississippian.
He said it was about 8 feet (2.5 m) across.
I’m wondering if it could be some form of MISS. Or could it be a stromatolite? I’ve never seen a stromatolites this big.
Any thoughts?

Tobias Fousek · Oct. 20, 2022
Small chip about 1inch long that I found just laying in the pine needles in Teepee Canyon, SD. It is small but finding float and not having to mine or break rocks is great. This is the first I ever found and I love the pattern and the bots.
Shock Agate, Quanta Circles, energy form shifting. As an isolation form the resonate shock energy is making the dots, then a second surrounding energy circle, then it jumps into a third dimension making the bubbling spheres.

This specimen is one in a billion or more rare. It is an impact sphere with the impact catcher. The surrounding ring is caused by the shock resonating energy. Why did it not complete the circle? It was part of a larger energy flow with direction. The inclusion was there when the resonate banding formed.
Author Nov. 15, 2022
Lee Isham Perhaps you can help with this as well. I have found two now on my property. This middle comes out and it is a softer material than the rock itself. I assumed it was a concretion and the middle possibly being a shell.

The rebounding harmonic pulse - Note the triangle wave form (coning) in the outer ring. The fractal tree forms are branching towards the center therefore it is a rebounding pulse form as the outward pulse form was over written by the rebound. Thank you for posting this impact crater like volcanic.
Nov. 28, 2022 ·
The incredible mud volcano that has the uncanny resemblance to a gigantic human EYE.
The natural phenomenon is the Pugachevskiy mud volcano located on Sakhalin Island in East Russia
Photographer Mikhail Mikhailov, 40, captured the unique landscape as it was being created by an eruption
Following a build-up of pressure, mud is released out of the volcano through fractures in the structure.
2You and 1 other

Impactite tube form. Elongated form from shock blast as a directional plasma spheroid elongated. Thin plane insertions are present along with plasma thin plane deposits. Some tiny impact spheres including iron. Matrix is from shock particle storm in high compression and crystalized into high shock forms the geometrics circles and lines. It also has some cavitation. You usually do not see a tube impactite this complex.
Korrina Bastion · ·
· Nov. 29, 2022
Hello and thank you for the add. I was shown this the other day and asked if I could identify it. I had clue answer as to what it could be. It was found in Western Australia around the gold fields. Has anyone seen anything like this before. I’ve had some funny answers on a different group but no ID’s

A tube wave forming mechanism.
Beauty of Planet Earth
· Dec. 3, 2022
Snow Rolls formed by the Wind.
Credit: Reddit|thewrongun

Column Basalt Iceland Starbursts. These tubes are compressed bubble forms in movement radiating from a point expansion as a release of great power. Dec. 12, 2022
Karen Wilburn I have a mind to ask Lee Isham about this as I feel it is unusual and also reminds me of a radiating columnar basalt formation in Iceland which I posted here in 2021

Multiple circle harmonics demonstrating the column basalt principle of compression corners. Lake Superior Agate Jeff Abbas. Dec. 16, 2022.

Thank you Ray Forage for posting the article and noticing the Turing patterns. The Turing Patterns were rejecting air on the surface as a liquid. Non dynamic even as they enter the vortex. The picture in upper right is more interesting. Here we have a liquid liquid form only rejecting as a dynamic vs non dynamic energy motion non motion duality. And alas we have cavitation chain cratering! Now that is interesting. This show the action of energy forms explaining the aligned craters we so often see in impactite and planet surfaces. Yet another illustration of fractal to circle to cone, to rotating cone energy shift form. Dec. 20,2022.
Ray Forage
The photo at bottom right looks like a Turing Pattern. This is a laboratory experiment partly described in the link in this article in Quanta Magazine.

Circular banding while expanding - This is rare, the banding motion is less than the expanding motion. Chris Wagner specimen. Feb. 11, 2023.

Impact electro deposition geometric. Quanta shift form. The fractal lightning tree type is more common. Circles a type of ball lightning phenomenon are a quanta shift in this form. This was made as the impactite passed through the impact chaos cloud which is highly charged from all the particle turbulence. The charge grounds to the flying debris. The circle form is more valuable as a specimen, especially one like this. The black is Fe3O4 black iron oxide which was a particle in the impact cloud. The red is same but welded by high heat plasma by just passing through the cloud. May 22, 2023.
Jen Wilkinson Shepherd ·
My son bought me somebody's old rock collection at a thrift store.... this was in it! Any idea what this might be?

Highly oblate impact sphere with "tube wave." A chert type of concretion bubble with high lateral movement while forming. Is just like running with a bubble wand. This is a rare specimen. June 30, 2023.
Kem Juracek
I found this c1970 and always wondered what the heck it is. I thought it was a Native American artifact, but it was rejected by their forum.

Big impacts can make small and large forms whereas a small impact can only make smaller forms. So how does column basalt form? First let me point out that in the history of volcanic eruptions no column basalt has ever been observed. Why is that? Volcanos are the earth resolving crust stress and impact volcanics are the cause of the broken crust (crusta confractus). Next consider shock resonance and crater up splash. The up splash can have velocities double the down velocity. So, you have a tremendous energy up from the broken earth crust. Shock resonance will encompass a proportional drop area with the up splash. These drops are constricted by the large drops beside it and form "impact geometrics." Bubbles or drops when constrained by another beside it will compress to geometric forms. You can see this with bubble wands. Running with a bubble wand would be the stretched geometric form you see with column basalt. The picture shows this energy collapse as turbulence the ending stream like with jet exhaust. Attached picture is moving bubbles at the Frenchman's Coolie. Aug. 3, 2023.

Tube on Mars. Sept. 3, 2023.

Called clastic pipes this is the same tube wave bubble expression only singular uncompressed from crater shown below. Sept. 3, 2023.

Clastic pipes are found centered around the core of the proposed four state crater. What are the odds of that? Sept. 3, 2023. Picture is from:
Sedimentary Geology
Volume 344, October 2016, Pages 20-33
Clastic pipe characteristics and distributions throughout the Colorado Plateau: Implications for paleoenvironment and paleoseismic controls
Author links open overlay panelD.F. Wheatley a, M.A. Chan a, D.A. Sprinkel b

Column basalt at Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. Photograph by Anna Kim (Flickr; Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license).
Notice the still circular tube, this is the uncompressed form as this is a tube wave up splash from the Chesapeake Bay Impact. It broke the earth's crust (Crusta Confractus). Sept. 5, 2023.

Impact blast tubes. You can even see the blast burnt surface in left side of picture 1. Blast tubes are the third iteration of 1. shock circles, 2, round impactite spheroids, 3, blast tubes. Is one of the many impact geometrics. Blast tubes are a type of column basalt form. You sometimes see column basalt in round tubes when not compressed by adjoining tubes. The directional tilt is away from the impact center. Sept. 6, 2023.
Hassan Yamani · ·
Mullion structure ? High Atlas, Morocco

Tube splash drops. The tapering is pointing towards the center of the impact. Sept. 6, 2023.
Ancient knowledge
Hin Sam Wan, also known as Three Whale Rock, is a stunning rock formation that is approximately 75 million years old and rises dramatically from the mountains in Thailand. Its name originates from its resemblance, when viewed from the right angle, to a family of whales, making it a unique and remarkable sight.

Impact expansion tubes, gassing holes and high heat mosaic cracking, South Sudan. Sept. 11, 2023. Photograph by: Ladislav Varadzin, 2015

Confirming consistency. Here we have resonate made shock circles and an impact particle surface. Oct. 7, 2023.
Rhonda Trail ·
Found in saskatchewan Canada. I'm curious about the circles.

Impact meteor marbling. The iron is in a shock circle configuration. Any number of minerals can be blasted out and infused from the impacting bolide and often are hard because of the high energy and silica present. Likely from the big Michigan Impact. It is a shock metamorphic fast form. Oct. 29,2023.
John Karsen
Any ideas? One guy said breccia...found in michigan port huron. Ignore the rust spot

Impactite, shock made the same as a shock agate. The shock resonance concentrates in the center of mass and separates the iron by resonate density conforming to the shape of the mass.
Chris Tian Fo
Hi! Found this on a beach in Laksefjorden, Finnmark Norway. Anyone knows what it is and how the circles/pattern was made?
no, it’s a common diagenetischem process called liesegang rings.
Yes, I know that is what is taught however it does not fit the often-seen specimens and especially not boxwork as it is even attributed to that phenomenon also. Let's take a look at what Liesegang rings really are. As you can see in the laboratory figure attached Liesegang separation will make a progressive wider banding, it has to. It is a "rejection pattern" of salts falling out of a mixture, think of it like a crystal process. Rocks are not salts carefully prepared in a laboratory. The specimen shows conformal mass banding to the shape of the rock. Liesegang phenomena would be indifferent to the rock shape. Mass harmonics would have to adapt to the rock mass as it is absorbing energy in its mass entirety. Also, it is wrongly taught that impacts are uncommon. This is also a thesis in failure. Based on Mars an average US state would have around 2,000 craters of a mile diameter or greater. Impact made rocks are very common. I hope this discussion is enlightening. Oct. 30, 2023.

So what would be the suspect impact that made the shock resonance to produce this effect? The attached figure shows a good prospect impact for this specimen. From article: http://www.mantleplumes.org/Scandes.html

Interim shock circle, the material and the resonate signal are less compatible. Nov. 1, 2023.
Danny Frost
Top contributor
Found this just off the Old Spanish Trail in Utah Arizona border in the United States, put my foot in there for a reference

Lichens make a continuous colony, chain coral stays connected in a chain. I think this is impact oolites. Nov. 12, 2023.
Jennifer Smith Sicard · ·
Took the dog along a small river, what is this on all the rocks? Virus or fungus?

Impactite. Silica quartz and cobalt. The crust has some iron in it. Would appear to be a type 3 impactite made up of material from the meteor/bolide. The void is evaporation. The form is an energy signature. Shock as wave can resonate material and like a microwave cook it from the inside out. You can see the central small sphere which is the center of this energy. The cones between rings is energy leakage. This energy is too powerful to just make rings. Squaring off is the boxwork phenomena. Nov. 14, 2023.
Endang J Gemstone · ·
Does anyone know what type this is found in Indonesian forests 20 kg from sea level
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Impact made rejection pattern with simi resonate partitioning. Ever wonder why a bubble forms the size it does? It is a variable. In this specimen you also have pseudo morphic crystal habit a fast form. Those are the white squiggles. The puzzle shape circle extensions are the break up of the outward resonance which also has refined a banded material now gone probably iron. Nov. 18, 2023.
Levi Koning picture.

Tubular heat bubbling from longer wavelength high heat. The larger tube formed first and the smaller are a secondary but from the same source high heat. It also has a high heat patina the purple. Jan. 20, 2024.
Margaret Vanderplas · ·
I found this “rock” on Lake Michigan a couple of weeks ago near Pier Cove. Does anyone have an idea of what it might be? It looks like a seed pod but is hard and heavy like a rock.

Exit hole of plasma bubble with outward flange. HW 67 Jackson County, AL just north of Trenton in Paint Rock Valley. This is a high shock mega clast with plasma hole burn through. Jan, 22, 2024.

Ballistic impalement, not a resonate shock circle. A crater. Likely happened in the impact blast chaos. Jan. 16, 2024.
Iain Hudgens
Parker colorado

Boxwork as a single tile - Uncommon. Notice how it cut at the third ring on the right. A shear plane. This is a resonate banding with equal spacing from the central resonate concentration. Why did it make a rectangle impact geometric rather than a circle? It is a dual harmonic from crossing waves that make a grid pattern a type 1 boxwork. Jan. 29, 2024.
Sherri Clement
I found this in my driveway. Any ideas. I live in SE Oklahoma

Shock circle - Impact made. This rock was fluidized when formed. The circle center is an impalement of also simi liquid. The little black dots may be manganese. Crossing cracks/fractals are an effect of cooling stresses. Rare. This is not your typical resonate effect. This is more like the ripples on a pond surface when a pebble is tossed in. Feb. 12, 2024.
Marc Whitehead · 48m ·
Has anyone ever seen anything like this? Maybe some kind of fossil. Found in West Texas near Andrews.

Impact made electro deposition. Notice the chain crater moving plasma line in lower part of picture. Rare find. Feb. 17, 2024.
Jim Kingdon
What’s my rock? Attracts magnet

Up splash oscillation forms. The central stalk would be a narrow cone. You see this with shatter cones. Pitch frequency. Now look at the circular wave disk oscillations, the concave to convex shift and they are also coning. Is a tree fractal pattern in the disk. The drop spheres are a reduced energy. March 1, 2024.
Incredible world
Water droplets captured with an ultrafast camera by the norwegian photographer Ronny Tertnes

Volcanic lightning ball shift - Trunk lightning is stable until it no longer is. Trunk forms will branch when the charge is too small or too large to contain the present trunk form. In the case shown in the picture we have ball flash lightning then a shift to a smaller lead trunk. The ball flash was an unstable form switch event. March 1, 2024.
Volcanic Lightning: The Science Behind This Spectacular Phenomenon

Galaxy collision shock ring theory - The Cartwheel Galaxy is said to contain two concentric rings. While galaxy mergers tend to be gradual and they move at hundreds of miles per second, this is supposed to be that collision. Impact theory would suggest this is not so. Two similar size galaxies collision would be a chaotic mess. This is more like a pulse from the galaxy. A point contained explosion at or near the center. Wave theory suggest that the material was collected into a ring or wave front as the wave established a single harmonic. This is what you see surfers waiting for the combined wave. As you can see the spokes have a tree fractal quality also indicative of the central explosion mechanism. March 2, 2024.
Deseret News
Webb telescope captures images of stunning Cartwheel Galaxy
Spiral galaxy is the result of an ancient collision
Published: Aug 4, 2022, 2:14 p.m. MDT

Notice the spokes in this explosion not attributed to collision. Feb. 2, 2024.
MS 0735+74 was the previous record-holder for the most powerful eruption discovered in the universe. This Chandra image shows two vast cavities — each 600,000 light years in diameter — in the hot, X-ray emitting gas that pervades the galaxy cluster MS 0735.6+7421 (MS 0735 for short). Although the cavities contain very little hot gas, they are filled with a two-sided, elongated, magnetized bubble of extremely high-energy electrons that emit radio waves. Credit: NASA/CXC/Ohio U./B.McNamara

The Tadpole Galaxy, an out of plane collision event with the impacting galaxy coming apart at the outer spiral. A comparative small spinning object ripped apart by much larger but not on the same plane. The lower projection is a measure of the out of plane as well as the top. This smaller galaxy came apart at a distance and is not being absorbed. The outer dotted line would indicate the plane of origin based on mass presented not consumed. It would also indicate where the disintegration started near end of yellow line. This appears to be a motion merger of two out of plane galaxies overtaking one another. Feb. 2, 2024.
The Tadpole Galaxy, a disrupted spiral galaxy, shows streams of gas stripped by gravitational interaction with another galaxy. Molecular gas is the required ingredient to form stars in early universe galaxies.
Photo: Hubble Legacy Archive, European Space Agency, NASA, Bill Snyder

Impact impalements. Yes one side looks like it could have been an Indian Grindstone, but the other side defeats that theory as it has raised tiny impalements as well as tiny impact depressions. Obviously this rock was involved in an impact storm receiving impact sphere impalements. March 8, 2024.
Arkansas Rocks and Minerals
This is double sided. My first time seeing one in real life, belongs to a friend. It’s about 10”x12”and 4” or so thick. Any idea as to age and worth. Thanks in advance.

I love it. While it could be a fossil conglomerate it has features that are not fossil. The grain structure is shock made. The black is Fe3O4 iron oxide. It has shock circles with wet slippage crown. This is an impactite. Rare. March 6, 2024.
Justin Park · ·
What did I find?

Barrel Impactite was shaped by iron plasma while in liquid plastic state. Basically, the plasma bubble passed through this shock made liquid limestone. The wave flow surface lines are a sign of it's liquid state. March 16, 2024.
Michigan Rockhounds
James W. Burgett · ·
Any ideas? Found while digging a footing for my pole barn!”

Plasma crater with rim and eyelash ridges. Natural Bridge, AL. March 25, 2024.

Impact made tube, shock dolomite with iron from the meteor/bolide, high heat mosaic. This is from the Mammoth Crater the one that made the cave. This crater takes up all of north middle KY So why and how does a tube form? While impact spheres are much more common as they are liquid drops the tube is an elongated sphere but more the two- dimensional circle version so flat on the ends. Rare. When magnified you can see the impact particle grain structure which is not a bone matrix. So what is an impact particle grain structure? Impact pulverizes the impact surface strata, burns the impurities out of it and pressure metamorphic reassembles it. The study of this phenomenon is call "Constellationing" as it is a particle combination like drawing star map constellations. April 9, 2024.
Kelly Coogle-Stovall · ·
I found this on a bank in Floyd's Fork Creek at Broadrun Park on the outskirts of Louisville Ky. I was shelling when it caught my eye. What in the world is it? Picture of creek bed (where it was found) included. Also sorry about the banana, today is grocery day

The Mammoth Crater, KY. Similar in size to Chicxulub Crater about 100 million mega ton blast.

Impact nodule, an impact geometric. Hard, heavy, made of nano particles and pressure formed in very high pressures and heat. Unlike a nuclear explosion, impact makes a kinetic explosion of a thousand or more times the biggest nuclear explosion. It is based on shock a wave form hence the geometric shapes common to impact made rocks and strata. The core circles are resonance gathering around the center of mass. The body has been shaped by cross wave pressures. April 16, 2024.
Angela Casteel · ·
any info on my cool new find?

Shock circles moving making tube wave. A type of earth impact made rock. It was fluid at the time. The figure is nano fluidized iron from the impacting bolide/meteor. April 27, 2024.
Sandy Budd · ·
Anyone know what this is found in central Ohio along a river

Iron and sandstone, picture event picture - This is from an earth impact. The iron is from the impacting meteor/bolide. Crossing iron veins are the impact chaos, which lacks true directionality close to the impact center. Circles like this are a lower energy form, made without resonance. Eight-mile creek, Cullman, AL. along the cliff ledge, looking up. Rocks take a picture of formation event. The circles are a lower energy form with the lightning type fractals being higher. May 15, 2024.

If you magnify it you can see tiny impact spheres. It indicates this is an impactite. It was formed when a large meteor/bolide hit earth and exploded. The tubes are like spheres only with an elongated dimension. Fractal branching tubes is rare. The green color is most likely copper. June 9, 2024.
Marcho Prepper · ·
Keep finding these as well, sorry for so many questions I'm no expert or even novice level. Just curious

There are a number of impact craters in NE Kansas. I have encountered posted impactite from that region before. This is a silica, black iron oxide Fe3O5 impact spheroid (O5, a gaseous iron physics that stabilized at O4). It has the "eyelash" effect on one side and the other shows coning architecture. Harmonic construction. Shock waves produce coning as well as shock circles. That is why the circle can appear as a raised feature. The eyelashes are a cusp phenomenon whereby the energy of the circle is more than the circle can contain. Shock made: Shock is a high resonance that like your microwave oven cooks from the inside out, the surface circle is a rare remainder energy, eyelashes are rarer still. You will never find another. June 27, 2024.
NE Kansas. But this came from landscaping gravel area. I first thought crinoid section, then maybe a vertebrae. And then I wondered if it was an old button! Any ideas, or is it just a cool rock?
Smaller than a US dime.

Joseph David Hiatt
No air pockets, is magnetic and weighs like 10lbs.... I think it's a meteorite can anyone help? I ran it through Google Ai and it said meteorite as well

Classic "shock circle." The proto shock agate process is a shock high resonance effect physics caused by the energy gathering around the center of mass. You microwave oven does this also cooking from the inside out unlike your convection long wave oven which cooks from the outside in. Note the coning cleavage, that is an energy signature. Imbedded iron in top left of center is from the impacting bolide/meteor. It is making a different harmonic expansion outward fractal because it resonates at a different frequency (attenuation.) June 29, 2024.
#pleaseidentify found in South Branch Michigan in my back yard...more pics in comments...

Impact clast with blast oolites (impact spheres) also iron impact sphere tube. The elongation of spheres makes a tube also the jet production of many spheres makes a tube. July 3, 2024.
Clemente Murillo · ·
I found this in the North of Mexico. Asking for help to identify. Looks like seeds or leaves but they are in a really 3D great shape that you can detached a seed (or whatever it is) as individual piece

Shock circle - Shock circles are a resonate physics where the earth impact shock sets up a resonance in these simi plastic impact nodules which separates the minerals by frequency (attenuation). Resonate shock energy gathers around the center of mass and cooks from the inside out like your microwave oven. While there certainly are iron reducing microbes, they would not have a mechanism to make a central repeating circles. LISEGANG THEORY. THIS PHYSICS REQUIRES A GEL OF SALTS AND TENDS TO MAKE MANY REPEATING RINGS IN A SOMEWHAT GRADIENT GEOMENTRIC. THE IRON AND SAND IN THE SPECIMEN ARE NOT SALT GELS AND EVEN WIKI WILL NOT INCLUDE THIS THEORY AS PART OF THE CEMICAL ENTRY BUT INSTEAD MAKES A SEPERATE ENTRY FOR LISEGANG GEOLOGY THEORY. Resonate beam theory. Like your microwave a series of these circles can be set up in rock layers exposed to multiple powerful shockwaves as beams. Impact explosions are not uniform, and the impacting bolide/meteor and the impacted material vary in structure thereby making many sources of high-power shockwaves. July 8, 2024.
Chad Waters · ·
Don't know jack about fossils but the creek bed next to put house is many of these in the creek bed and banks. Central OK.

The fortunate fall and why cleave on that plane? That plane has the feature as well as a fractal type inclusion. Another feature of that plane is a bubble type sphere. The two circular features on that plane indicate high resonance from impact shockwaves which favor centers of mass. High resonance separates minerals by attenuation. A circle or sphere is the most economical physics form for equalizing pressure. The iron would be from an impact bolide. July 14, 2024.
Rita Builder · ·
I found this rock in Birdsville QLD at the camping ground . I tripped over the rock & it split in two & this is what was inside. Have shown the head geologist at Adelaide Uni but no explanation given.

Impact shock made strata with multiple wave vortex spinning. The blue is cobalt from the impacting bolide. This strata was liquified from shockwaves. USGS magnetic anomaly map attached with crater outline. July 15, 2024.
Walter Chamberlin
Found this while building stone wall ...
this is in gray shale layers from
stone picking off field in Columbus NY.

The Big Rochester crater that made Lake Ontario or another is still under investigation. July 15, 2024.

Multiple spinning vortexes using light.
Jul 2011
When multiple light beams overlap in three-dimensional space, their interference produces tangled lines of complete darkness. These lines are called optical vortices and may be infinitely long, or form closed loops which can be linked or knotted. The vortex lines can be obtained from combining random waves (such as optical speckle).
Knotted and tangled threads of darkness in light beams
July 2011
Contemporary Physics 52:265-279
July 2011

But taking cobalt as our clue it really would not take such a massive impact to produce this phenomena. It is likely the cobalt crater shown above made the strata. USGS cobalt map. July 15, 2024.
Multiple spinning vortex type turbulence making fractals. July 15, 2024.
Bill Howard specimen from upper KY.

USGS magnetic anomaly map showing central KY. Another massive crater complex. July 15, 2024.

I have seen this phenomenon in the Howell, TN impact structure which is a 50 mile crater. Attached is a swirling crater wall sequence in Chattanooga Shale in the SW crater wall. July 15, 2024.

These spinning vortices are all part of Brownian Motion, including the fractal type. July 15, 2024.
Demonstrating vortices as Brownian particles in turbulent flows
by Thamarasee Jeewandara , Phys.org

Volcanic tube type melt splatter. A sphere would be a drop. tubes are continuous spheres. July 17, 2024.
Portal to Hell, located in Kamokuna, Hawaii.
This picture of cooled lava resembles bodies entering the pits of Hell

Impactite, resonate partitioning. The high shock resonance is separating minerals but not as a whole unit body but as partitions. The outside may or may not be isolated mineral from resonance but could be coating in the later stage of impact explosion process. July 18, 2024.
Steven Cole
I found this a couple years ago still don't know what it is I ended up donating it to the Natural History Museum never heard anything back but it's one of my first finds out here in the desert by the Salton Sea

Tubular flow around sunspot. Then it merges with the mosaic Septarian. July 19, 2024.

Impact expansion, tektites do this also. The minerals are banded due to the high heat and resonance of earth impact. July 30, 2024.
Donna Klemme · ·
Type of rock, please. I found this in a small stream in south central Missouri.

Shock rings, impact expansion nodule. I first encountered shock rings in the Howell, TN Impact Structure, and have a whole section on them in my encyclopedia of impact phenomenon. Here is the physics. Impact shock is a powerful wave and can set up resonance in nodules. In this specimen it even expanded the center as an expansion. This type of wave energy is similar to your microwave oven and cooks from the inside out and will concentrate on the center of mass. In your specimen this energy was reduced and then was an outward fractal expansion. This shift in energy form is a type of quanta energy form phenomena. The surface is slightly coated with iron. This is from the iron plasma which falls on impactites as a mist and bonds to them. Attached is this extra large in mid-state WY at Thermopolis. Aug. 11, 2024.
Carol Akers · ·
Found this on the border of Wyoming and Colorado does anyone know what it is.

Shock circle expansion with tube wave. Aug. 11, 2024.

Impact geometrics. First of all this is an impact made nodule. Resonance makes the geometrics. Boxwork of this type is a resonate partitioning. The circle when expanding is pushing against the same in other quadrants forcing the box/square. The resonance starts as a circle. So why resonance on the surface? Unlike a shock agate this resonant energy was not able to resonate the whole body as it is a high iron content which came from the meteor itself. Attached is a chart showing the high shock pressures required for various metals. Aug. 14, 2024.
Identification of rocks & minerals.
Jo Smith · ·
Found on Lake Superior in Michigan. Triangles, circles, squares, lines, and circles inside of squares... 🤔 No idea what this is

Impact made up blast groves. Like a drop of water the up splash is greater in velocity than the down. This is a physics like shaped charge as the down is contained. Aug. 29, 2024.
Emyr Jones · ·
It's hard to see on these pictures but I believe that this boulder and several of the pieces around it were part of a glacial erratic. The pieces I have attempted to photograph are a series of polished lines, ground into the rock. There are traces of the same lines on the surfaces of several other rocks close by..
On the edge of the Preseli common between Crosswell and Brynberian.

Melt flow tubes. Sept. 10, 2024.
Ginny Ann
9h ·
Any thoughts? I found this in miri, sarawak, borneo. mid miocene rocks

Shock circle variant. Off center shock wave resonance coming from an angle but it was somewhat strong. The reason I say somewhat is a shock agate would imprint the whole body of the specimen. Sept. 12, 2024.
Found on Lake Superior. Any ideas on this basalt?

Resonance circle from thermal absorption. Picture from ISS File:Circles in Thin Ice, Lake Baikal, Russia.jpg
Created: 20 April 2009
Uploaded: 12 April 2010

Impactite nodule, eyelash effect where energy is radiating from the resonate circle. Sept. 25, 2024.
Artifacts: A Look at Story Stones, Effigies, and Megalithic Wonders
Darren Adams · ·
Im not sure what this is. If anyone can shead some lite please feel free

Shock made columnar basalt analog. In an earth impact that significantly breaks the earth's crust the up splash makes bubble columns which get compressed against each other to form the geometric shapes. Here we see methane bubbles rising but not dense enough to compress or quite form columns. Oct. 3, 2024.
Scintillating Beauty added a new photo. ·
𝐋𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐥, 𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐚
The picture shown here is of bubbles of rising methane froze during winter into the exceptionally clear ice covering the lake.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐳𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐥?
Lake Baikal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Russia, is the world's largest (by volume), oldest, and deepest lake, containing over 20% of the world's fresh water. The lake is also a vast storehouse of methane, a greenhouse gas that, if released, could potentially increase the amount of infrared light absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, and so increase the average temperature of the entire planet. Fortunately, the amount of methane currently bubbling out is not climatologically important. It is not clear what would happen, though, were temperatures to significantly increase in the region, or if the water level in Lake Baikal were to drop.
:© Kristina Makeeva

Microscopic simultaneous impalements. Tiny blast bits at hypersonic speed are part of an impact explosion. It appears these small bits exploded outward upon impact into the matrix. What is so great about this example is the simultaneous nature of these hits. This is the column basalt/boxwork compression cells. While only some boxwork examples exhibit this as they are usually from a type 1 grid bricking, you sometimes see this with them too, also with resonate partitioning. Oct. 23, 2024.
Image for sale at: micROCKScopica

Shock circle with fractals in the second example. This is a transition type cusp of energy forms. Energy shapes will make a quanta type jump in forms with power. A good example of this is the shift lightning makes from fractal to ball at lower energy. The lower jet is breaking the sound barrier at a slower speed therefore the evident cusp. Oct. 23, 2024.
Picture provided by: Nadeesha Sonali Fonseka

The shock circle and eyelash effect in its purest form. This impactite is charged and the circle is radiating a perpendicular surge based on the right hand rule. Mineral separation is due to the different current carrying capacity that resonantly separates them by current load attenuation. Oct. 26, 2024. Photo credit: Michelle Lutke

Tube Agate. Notice how the central area is melted together. That is a high shock resonance effect as shock is like your microwave oven and cooks from the inside out. Tube agate theory. Geology teaches these are made by hydrothermal vents for which they can never pinpoint a source location. This is same old poor forensic speculation as Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) origin theory for surface ores. No such locations are ever found after 150 years of this theory originally called Spring Release. Geology if far behind relative to impact phenomena. Oct. 27, 2024.
Darren Johnson · ·
I found this beast in Central Idaho a few days ago.

Impact made pancake nodules. Left specimen has expansion voids. Top specimen has fractal bifurcation. Bottom specimen has botryoidal bubbling, they were very hot. Andrew Barnes specimens from Australia. Oct. 28, 2024.

Type 1 crossing grid impact bricking with melt phase material being captured by the cross-bricking squares. While this boxwork typology appears in many forms I like this specimen because it is also showing a third-dimension step function as well as disorganized melt. This is from a large old impact who's edge crosses Tuscaloosa County. I will have to add it to my impact phenomena encyclopedia because of the grid made tubular expansion. See magnification attached. Oct. 28, 2024.
Any idea? Tuscaloosa County near Hurricane Creek.

Pseudofossil. Same with the fossilized wood. Both are types of impactites. Never mind they are often misidentified. You can see that from the living examples pictured on Wiki which also has lots of mis identified pseudofossil impactites. Let's start with the wood. Banding is a harmonic physics caused by the high shock which separates minerals by attenuation and is a wave hence the bands. Bubbling is what is going on with this specimen however it is made in a high shock wave environment which makes bubble layering similar to a phased array which pulses. Isn't all that neat? The colors indicate the minerals from the impacting bolide/meteor. Attached is the remaining surface topology of the crater basin. Nov. 8, 2024.
Found this rock along with others and a bunch of petrified wood at a property we bought this week. House belonged to an older couple . Not sure how long it was there or where it was found but assuming not to far from Cody, Wy. It's quite heavy needing two good men to lift and a little bigger than a basketball. Any ideas appreciated.

Energy involved in this impact. This impact at 150 mile diameter is close to the size of the Chicxulub, Mexico Crater at 100 million megatons.

Like shatter cones and the other impact geometrics the progressive repetitive bubble build is a wave function, in this case similar to the phased array beam. Lamination is often found with impact strata (called false strata). Attached is a diagram of the physics of the bubble laminate a phased array beam. Oct. 8, 2024.

Another pseudofossil feature, fractals. With impactites the fractal is a charged energy form, like lightning. Of course it is also common in nature as both are excellent distributive shapes. See attached magnification. Nov. 8, 2024.

Another pseudofossil feature, the shift to cell structure. This kind of high energy that melts rocks to bubbles and is shock based makes a battery type cell effect. Notice how it is not consistent with all the bubble forms just localized to an area of bubble progression. Nov. 8, 2024. magnification below.

Rope and tubes - Notice you still have the rope structures. Also has a faint tint of cobalt. While you see this rarely, I collect these images and study it. I do not believe this to be worm traces and worm fossils. Worms as you know would be the least likely fossil. While a volcano could spirt out tube structures this does not look mafic. That leaves just impact to produce plasma rope like impact material. Dec. 14, 2024.
This is a big rock I have around my fire pit. Would these be big earth worms or small snakes that were embedded in it?

Impact nodule with resonate banding and fractal cleavage. Chert/flint crypto crystalline. This is a good specimen it is in the cusp of circles and fractals. So is this jasper or an agate? With circles from center I consider it an agate. How was it formed? A large meteor/bolide hit earth and the explosion melted the meteor and the surface casting out these type nodules. As impact is a shock based physics these shock waves are so powerful they can melt everything. Shock makes a resonance which bands the minerals by their resonance/attenuation. Why both fractal cleavage and banding? Physics energy forms will vary by a step type function switching from fractal to circles and even back again. Dec. 16, 2024.
Juan Morale
What is this stone

Point ball lightning, energy circles and string lightning. This illustrates several related shifts in energy forms. It is emerging as ball lightning which is not as energetic as what we commonly see. Then it is making the circle and strings to dissipate the energy. The change of form is due to the lower power as the dissipation shift which has additional energy developed to discharge. The strings do not fractal because they are stable as a trunk. That allows a string discharge. Dec. 20, 2024.
The Space Academy
No, this is not a painting or photoshop, this is real and extremely rare atmospheric phenomenon that appears under very rare conditions. Its known has Sprites or Red Sprites.

Now here we have a different power level and direction, also branching. It studders as the ball form before changing to the traditional sprite. This is dispersion grounding using the atmosphere as a media. Dec. 20, 2024.
Paul M Smith Photography ·
Red Sprites and Andromeda over Missouri lining up perfectly with a lone tree.

Stronger point emergence with branching. Positive energy dissipation does not travel as far as it is able to ground quicker. Dec. 20, 2024.
These are sprites, probably the most disturbing meteorological phenomenon.
Los sprites or red sprites are large-scale electrical discharges that are produced in the mesosphere, much more than storm clouds or cumulonimbus, giving place to a variety of visual forms that flicker in the night sky.
Generally, they are triggered by discharges of positive rays between a storm cloud and the ground.
Photography by Nicolás Escurat

Great iterative tube wave bubbles specimen. This is how column basalt is made and continuous smooth tubes. Dec. 27, 2024.
One of my oddest oddballs. I think so anyhow.

Halo banding needs a central source. Perfect circles are a rarer physics than any sedimentary process can deliver. Shock circle. Jan. 2, 2025. Whit Andrews, Turner Falls, Mass.

Impact tube. These are variants of impact spheres. The high velocity makes them. You see these as tektites a sub set of impact spheres. The agate type interior is a shock separation which attenuates the minerals to form banding, a type of shock agate. Surface oxidation. Jan. 2, 2025.
Stephen Kaye ·TX

Nature's fiery artwork! This mesmerizing lava flow was captured in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Jan. 2, 2025. The hot physics of impact and volcanoes overlap in some structure forms.

Impact nodule, proto/altered quartz, shock broccoli, fiber crystals, milky quartz may establish this was an impact into water. So why not the traditional crystal polygon construction? Was formed too fast. It is a cusp of botryoidal bubbling and crystal alignment. Jan. 23, 2025.
Darla Moore Robey
Husband found in central Wisconsin, help with identification please

Shock Broccoli, a high heat mosaic phenomenon. Jan. 23, 2025.

Snowflake fractal crystals perhaps calcite. Jan. 23, 2025.

Impact nodule in tube/sphere variation. Impact is a shock chaos explosion so perfect sphere and tubes need a more singular phase; this is a multi force phase of the impact explosion. Jan. 23, 2025.
Lorraine Cline ·
Found this in WI, not sure what it is

Now here is the more settled harmonics in Wisconsin, a shock circle and thin plane insertion. Is interesting it has the dark spot in the center which provided the harmonic halo. Jan. 23, 2025.
Robert Beaudin
Found all these south east wi

Although not a harmonic a fiber crystal is a tube. As you can see above this crystal mimics the host composition and is multi mineral a rare type. Jan. 23, 2025. Rain Hays specimen Wisconsin.

Shock circles, oolitic banding. So why do we have many circles rather than just resonate the entire rock and make an agate? Resonate partitioning. Like blowing bubbles the process will favor a particular size. Jan. 28, 2025. Carolyn Hays specimen.

So, here we are back to the tube agate phenomenon. I like this one because it shows more energy producing columns. That is right bubbling/botryoidal series makes columns. This is a miniature of column basalt. This is lacking close compaction which makes the geometric figures. Jan. 28, 2025.
Check out this Gorgeous Specimen Botryoidal Chalcedony From Indonesia.
Photo Copyright @Bah Anom

Impactite, layered impact tube. The impact tube is a type of impact sphere which gains elongation. Chert. The biggest impact in Southern Middle TN is the Howell Impact Structure. So why not a slow sedimentary concretion? One side has wave ripples like you see at the sea shore, not really a slow type of form. Feb. 1, 2025.
fossil information & identification
I know it's supposedly not possible for a petrified big toe to exist... But I found this by the river bed in southern middle Tennessee, and it damn sure looks like a petrified big toe to me... bone, toe nail, and all... What have I got here???

Botryoidal impact tube. The surface is smooth because it was so hot as a melt and bubbling. It is a rare find. Impact tubes are less common than spheres. Bubbling impact tubes are rare. 1 Feb, 2025.
Amanda Jaeger
Help ID please found in Southwest  North Dakota, USA

Twisting impact made tube. Torque is an iterative extension to the blast propelling impactites outward. 2 Feb. 2025.
Jolene Deubel Lujan
Found this cool rock near the petroglyphs in La Cieneguilla. It is very heavy.

Of Bubbles, Spheres & Tubes. Geometrically a tube is a moving bubble series or sphere series. You can see that with the top specimen. Feb. 6, 2025.
Tobias Fousek
Some of the interesting rocks we found near Glendo.

Glendo is in Platt County, WY.

Wow, that county almost looks like a chain impact crater. Chain craters are caused by a moving plasma bubble or aligned spray. Feb. 6, 2025.

Fast formed tubes do not have to be perfect cylinders. Feb. 6, 2025. Specimen found in Arkansas.
Jennifer Long
Anyone have any idea what type of rock this might be??

Impact nodule, shock circle and thin plane insertion. This is atypical as they usually make the circle more toward the center but it is a surface dominate effect but you can see the circle effect under the white structure actually shaping the rock. Good specimen. Feb. 8, 2025.
Kelly Austin
Found this one in Lake superior this summer.

Pattern resonance multiple harmonics. This is called pattern resonance or shock circles. Shock circle impactites are made with much higher energy than striated shatter cones. Partitioned resonance is different from central core type resonance. The higher power central core resonance makes shock agates. A lower power breakup wave resonances is expending its energy on the surface but you also have a half circle in the lower body which is a more powerful imprint actually shaping the specimen. It was in a simi plasma state at the time of formation. Source Crater? In Idaho you don't have to work to reference a crater as the whole state is essentially a crater called "Big Idaho." Feb. 16, 2025.
Joe Blume
I’m very curious about the process that created these concentric patterns in the stone. Any ideas? From the Owyhee’s.

Big Idaho, that is a billion-megaton blast. Came in from the east and dominates the causality/orogeny of the NW Rocky Mountains. Feb. 16, 2025.

This is an excellent grouping of same area found specimens. It shows the transition to tube wave phenomenon with the top and left specimen. The round spheroids are common but the transition sphere is not. Tubes like that are also rare. Feb. 21, 2025.
Brandon Richins
I got these around Lander Wyoming. I'm guessing moqui marbles. Most were about the size of a quarter except the giant one and I’m not sure what else?