Not a fossil, is a shock metamorph, these are Septarian crystal types formed by the high shock pressure and heat. It is such a beautiful specimen I would like to add it to my phenomena study web site. I think the green is shock olivine. Fossils can hold a consistent pattern while energy forms cannot as they are in dissipation.
7E Shock Septarian - The Septarian Form is universal and one of the many "Rejection Sequences." The Rejection Sequences are discussed in chapter 5P "Constellationing."
There are so many pretty rocks and mysterious effects to be found in rock collecting. As hobbies go, I recommend it. I call streams "the geologist highway." Take for example this Romanian Rock Collector and his stream finds like this one shown below. These are a varied form usually called Thunder Eggs which Romania is known to have.
Article from
Septarian nodules mystery: minerals in partitions
November 11, 2014 electrobleme
Septarian nodules (Septarian concretions) are amazing looking marbles, rocks and up to the size of boulders that have crazy patterns. Perhaps the most famous examples are the Moeraki Boulders in New Zealand.
A number of Septarian nodules can be found on the Norfolk/Suffolk border. The one photographed here (about 20 cms wide) has the strange pattern but also has minerals that appear to have been formed in the partition pockets.
Minerals in partition mystery
It is both a Septerian Nodule and EMP hackle. It is shock made by a very unique earth impact. Of specific importance is the iron migration to the edges of the shapes. This is in keeping with my theory that these are an electromagnetic effect. The impact shock cloud has so much particle mass in motion it makes both a static and electromagnetic charge due to the moving magnetic mass of the bolides metal content. He took it and had it sliced and polished which is what rock collectors like to do with these.
Now notice the same hexagonal crystal form in the Columnar jointing shown above. It is also coning. It also has an iron mist surface suspicious of impact. The hexagon crystal structures are a resonate type and so is coning. While many tectonic structures are the result of earth breaking impacts, called Crustus Confractus, I am studying the limited ability of tectonics to make resonate forms too. The surface also has constellationing. It is of a type of forming the column partially and is not complete. As many volcanoes have erupted in historic times and no columnar jointing was formed I can only conclude in light of the evidence that the association is with impact making the crack in the crust, thus volcano and the shock harmonic. I believe the type of forming harmonic to be of a wide more stable band than the higher frequency type.
If you make circular bubbles and compress many of them they will also form the hexagon. It is a stress solution to economize surface area. If you pop the bubbles you will have fractals. You also see fractals in the surface of these individual structures as a final stress solution. The columns likely start as circular similar bubble structures. A pushing harmonic. You also see lateral banding harmonics in these structures sometimes. In quantum physics this is called basal facet growth. It is similar to the snowflake six-sided core.
One surprise is that the minerals appear to stop at the boundaries of the septaria (crack or cavities), looking like they have formed in that partition only.
Septarian Circle Harmonic - This presentation is at White River below the Lake Sequoia spillway, Arkansas. Notice the iron resonate banding rims. It is similar to columnar jointing.
Shock harmonic septarian, Siccar Point, Scotland. Also iron particle blossoms and particle matrix. This matrix is expressing squares and hexagon just like columnar basalt.
ما خفي أعضم collected this specimen in Teddas, Morocco. Cinder Septarian with resonance. The Septarian pattern here is holding too steady to not be a harmonic. It is even trying to transfer to the iron as a Septarian but looks like the resonance is too different.
NW Iran. This is an exposure of a large earth impact resonate form only circular unlike the vertical columnar basalt. It has Zircon which is also identified with the recent craters like the Barringer Crater in Arizona. It also has an unconformity which is the wiping event record laterally. Is this the world's largest shattercone? Is it the world's largest impact spheroid? Look how it resembles the starburst pattern in Mars Crater shown below. Radial and circle harmonic duality.
Impact spheres with the circular radial starburst pattern.
More about the Giant's Causeway in Ireland. Fenian Cycle of Gaelic mythology, was challenged to a fight by the Scottish giant Benandonner. Fionn accepted the challenge and built the causeway across the North Channel so that the two giants could meet.
Now notice the center circle not formed quite into a hexagon. These unequal tube harmonics are caused by a squeeze of the tubes into hexagons by contraction theory. Of special not is the constellationing and fractal constellationing a sure indicator of shock. This is a Crustus Confractus a meteor that broke the earth's crust. PealePhotography
This tourist snapshot at Giants Causeway shows the linear compositions of particles in the individual forms. Also you can see the circle to fractal step down. A circle resonate will degrade to a fractal. Also resonate energy will concentrate around the center of mass.
Crowley Lake CA USA columns are a tube wave. You sometimes see the round tube wave in association with the hexagon wave columns. This one is all tube. Cross striation is a common phenomena of high shock as this is a shock chaos explosion dynamic.
Can interlacing heat transfer mosaic be a Septarian?
Notice the breccia inclusions. It is a highly metamorphic matrix but has left aspects of the breccia and even made a design around a piece of breccia in the upper left side. That indicates the Septerian shapes are a secondary form from some specific cause.
Now on the SW crater floor I came across a large boulder in place with relatively high survivor shock. With such a powerful explosion you rarely find even boulders that you can be sure have not been thrown there. This is very important due to orientation relative to the blast effect study. Shock formed agates are related to shock circles: and impact harmonics:
The boulder below is also related to marbling.
Blast Wave Septarian
The blast came from left to right. This is an internal view from a section I was able to knock off with my hammer. The forms are a process of making shapes consistent with both the exterior hackle and Septerian forms. What is even more interesting is the shapes appear on a smaller level when you enlarge the picture.
Also the black material is iron from the meteor it's self. It is making a wave through the rock. Meteor impact shock is the highest energy form you can ever study with artifacts. It is an energy release orders of magnitude higher than volcano's or nuclear bombs. This impact could be as high as a quarter billion atomic bombs. This boulder was made plasma by the shock wave harmonics passing through and reorganized with these patterns while only a portion of the metal passed into it. It acted as a filter. Had the duration or intensity of this process continued more patterning is likely. The patterns on the inside of the bolder are a more mixed form of the meteor material. Just north of Howell I came across a boulder that only filtered the shock wave material stream without making patterns. I can only conclude in the hackle and Septerian case the presence of a charge which repels and attracts differently charged material. You can see the filtered rock at
There is one part on this particular nodule where slightly different mineral is formed either side of a septaria. Has the crack gone through the same material or has it formed a variation of the same mineral?
Minerals and crystals are often found in vugs (pockets) in the host rock. They also can be formed along viens, these often resemble Lichtenberg patterns or lightning discharge patterns.
Septarian nodules formation mystery
No one knows how Septarian nodules and Septarian concretions are formed and why they are that shape and pattern.
Minerals are meant to be formed deep in the ground under high pressure and high heat. But why are precious stones found on the surface or very close to it?
Could they be formed where they are found? Could powerful electromagnetic forces produce the high energy, heat, pressure needed to transmute the host material into other minerals? As well as the pattern. How are minerals formed in pockets (vugs)? In Septarian nodules could they be transformed instantly in the very localised areas?
So lets consider that "septarian" From Latin sēptum, alternative form of saeptum (“enclosure, hedge, fence”), from saeptus, perfect passive participle of saepiō (“hedge in, enclose”).is a Latin root word for separation and used in electronics to form capacitors. Shown below is a diagram of capacitor theory as presented on Wiki. But the charge itself can make these gaps that separate as with lightning. You see a more consistent linear electrical conductive deposit i.e. iron within the higher energy as shown by their melted metamorphic crypto crystalline septarian forms like "dragon's eggs."
Charge separation in a parallel-plate capacitor causes an internal electric field. A dielectric (orange) reduces the field and increases the capacitance. From:
This is a nice page demonstrating lighting as a capacitor.
So here is what you have that makes the fractal lighting shapes in a EMP form captured in rock. The impact causes a "shock particle storm" which causes the charge ionization, which discharges also in a chaos storm. See impact theory page:
Below you can see a close up of a "chip off the old block." It is marbling! A shock marble.
Marbling Septarian
The other side of the chip. This effect is the rock fizzing away from it gassing vapor. The next step is vaporization!
Specimen below found at Lake Logan, TN SW crater area has iron in formation of these honey comb shapes. Also seems to be having a change in form density/compression of material.
The Electromagnetic Septarian.
Specimen below was found in Washington state and has shock gassing holes and cooling crackle but most intriguing is the faint Septarian pattern on bottom and fading upward. Must have not been enough iron in that meteor blast to fully form the effect.
Ghost Septaritan
Shown below is Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter image as "Dragon Scales of Mars."
The scaly pattern doesn't come from a mythical creature, but rather through ancient landscape processes involving erosion. "The nature of the water responsible for the alteration, and how it interacted with the rock to form the clay, remains poorly understood," NASA said when it released the evocative image in July 2017.
This is the shock Septarian effect an impact metamorphic structural change.
The Mars Septarian
The above specimen is from west desert of Utah, at the Dugway geode beds. It has a large septarian pattern with weak iron oxide chert inclusions.
Onomastics or onomatology is the study of the etymology, history, and use of proper names. An orthonym is the proper name of the object in question, the object of onomastic study. Onomastics can be helpful in data mining, with applications such as named-entity recognition, or recognition of the origin of names.
The many phenomena encountered here require naming and grouping. While this is a start to communication, often when using a term people are thinking of different things.
Energy dissipation - You often see figures in rocks I explain as "energy dissipation." Shock as a wave form like electricity does not instantly stop. In WW1 The Germans were tapping the British trench telegraphs by picking up the grounding currents. They would even turn theirs off every other hour to get clear signals.
Tesla even knew you could transmit electricity through the air and ground, and made it his great work to attempt it.
Same as column basalt? No, this is resonated reflection, same as you see in shock agates.
Tubular flow from an earth crust breaking impact. It is part of a wave phenomena which has a period selecting the tube size. Shaina Kinn is in Mammoth Lakes, California.
A concretionary nodular (septarian) limestone at Jinshitan Coastal National Geopark, Dalian, China is shown below. This is a rejection pattern. The chemistry has too much difference for mixing. Notice the background strata's high iron content. The rejection pattern is a liquid or slurry mixing rejection. So was it in a liquid state due to shock or as a dilute concretion process? Unlike the background iron this is a micro scale iron and other metals; a nano vaporized impact produced metal fallout.
Rejection Septarian
The Many Colors of Iron
Unofficial Geology Law #3
If there's a color, iron can make it.
Iron, in all its wonderous forms, can cause most of the common colors found on Earth.
ColorIron PhaseExample MineralPhoto
RedFe(III)Hematite (Fe2O3)
PinkFe(II) + Mn(II)Rhodonite (Mn2+,Fe2+,Mg,Ca)- SiO3
Orange (Sienna)Fe(III)O HydroxideLimonite (FeO(OH)*H2O)
Yellow(1) Fe(III) Hydrated
(2) Fe(III) Sulfate(1) Ferrihydrite (2Fe2O3*H2O)
(2) Coquimbite (Fe2(SO4)3*9H2O)
GreenFe(II) HydroxideFougerite ("green rust")
Green, Dark (rare)Fe(III) ChlorideMolysite (FeCl3)
Greenish- BlueFe(II) SulfateMelanterite (FeSO4 * 7H2O)
Blue- GrayFe(III) CubicMaghemite (Fe2O3)
Blue (rare)Fe(II) Phosphate + WaterVivianite (Fe3(PO4)2*8H2O)
PurpleFe(III)"Purple Ochre" (Fe2O3)
Purple (Violet)Fe(III) + Fe(II) Sulfate"Caput Mortuum" Hematite
Black(1) Fe(II)
(2) Fe(II,III)(1) Wustite (FeO)
(2) Magnetite (Fe3O4)
But, Why?
Electron transitions cause most of the colors that our eyes can see (i.e., colors in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum). Metal-bearing molecules undergo a wider variety of transitions than non-metal-bearing molecules, and so can have a wider range of colors.
Is the shock septarian effect a two dimensional crystal form? yes, and caused by the speed of formation which did not allow time for a third dimension. you can read about this process at:
The Expanding Crystal Septarian
This specimen a shock formed Popcorn Agate from Lake Logan, TN in SE Giles County and in the SW crater shows it's crystal structure which is specific to the formation energy in GPa 50 + Notice the nano iron coating condensate residue from the meteor shock explosion cloud.
Encasing Septarian - looks like cobalt from the meteor is encased by a septarian crystal structure. Got hit by the shock particle storm too, with nano iron mist condensate.
Micro Shock Septarian electromagnetic effect. Shock particle wave coming from left and strange structures forming below only a few thousandth of an inch.
Micro Iron Thread Septarian
Resonance collects around the center of mass. Charge will separate a simi conductive material into fractal pathways. Both processes have organized symmetrically in this specimen, not unusual for that to happen as it is a physics based phenomena.
Specimen below from La Grange, TX is unique. It was first shock formed as a Septarian then the almost instant splitting fissure. You can see the beautiful out branching forces as the fissure ends. This would seem to be a flaw to a collector but is not. It illustrates the multiple formation of just barely off micro second pressures in the range of atomic bombs but micro seconds apart. The form of a Septarian itself is a crystal that is formed so fast it is unable to make a more complex shape than these borders.
You can still see the shock particle storm little white specks but what is just so amazing is the starburst around the ending of the fissure above. It is the expression of energy like an EMP!
Shock Particle Storm shown to the right. >>>>>>>>
You can read about the shock particle storm at: and constellationing a Septarian process at:
Electromagnetic energy dissipation Septarian, meteor cause impactite
Lightning Septarian -
Recent and does not have the
particles running in the strike
fractal lines as above, although it is an impactite.
Now look at the morning spring dawn sky as the clouds are
breaking up shown below. Septarian is the shape of the
breaking up of a vapor. The Reverse Septarian.
Shown below is a surface exposed by clearing with a bulldozer. It is interesting there are iron inclusions and the joints contain iron. Although the slate could make this effect by just drying like mud after a wet to dry period it would not cause iron into the joints. A meteor impact would make elemental separation. The basic applied physics of the mechanism is the shock blast strips the iron from the meteor itself and it becomes part of the blast wave. An instant metamorphic surface over this area could have even been accomplished by an air burst meteor. Don't let the height of the location fool you though. Many geological surfaces are rearranged from later events.
The Plaza Septarian
Here is another Plaza Septarian, this time from a mountain top in Pakistan. Also has iron both in a vapor condensate and inclusion. It also appears more concentrated in the borderlines.
Stolbchaty Russian ( north of Japan) Septarian Plaza, shown to the left is volcanic. Is without the iron inclusions. It is also more uniform. It illustrates that a volcano can have a particle storm construction.
Columnar Basalt Harmonic Progression -
Super Amazing Aquamarine Cluster from Nagar Valley Northern area of Pakistan.
Photo Copyright
South Taiwan mud volcano shown below. Is a surface drying mosaic septarian.
The Mosaic Septarian.
Columnar Basalt Ireland
Found in Central Kansas who would not like this rock. It is a fast formed round impactite with a Septarian mosaic surface and the signature impactite constellationing surface from a shock particle storm. While Central Kansas is not a known impact site Western Kansas is:
The Big Basin Impact Craters of Western Kansas
CANNON, P. JAN, Planetary Data, Tecumseh, OK
A sharply defined basin, 1,300 m in diameter, 35 m deep, and with internal drainage, is located 45 km south of Dodge City, Kansas. This feature is named Big Basin on topographic maps of the region. It has been considered to be of solution origin.
Remote sensing investigations of the area revealed that the feature had two small satellite pits approximately 300 m in diameter. This cluster of holes is an isolated phenomenon in this area. However, the cluster of one large crater and two nearby smaller ones is similar to numerous primary impact crater clusters found on other planets. This type of clustering is not found in areas of karst. The remote sensing data further indicated prominent radial fracture sets and a polygonal shape that reflects the regional fractures.
Subsequent field work revealed that the strata on the rim of the larger hole dip radially away from the center of the feature. The rim and wall materials are intensely fractured. These observations are indicative of impact features and not solution features.
When, the Big Basin Crater is physically compared with Meteor Crater, Adzona, and Upheaval Dome, Utah, it shows a close similarity to Meteor Crater, Arizona. This similarity is indicated by polygonal shape, size and radial features. Big Basin appears to be partially filled with wall and rim materials. It is more eroded than Meteor Crater, Arizona. The walls of the Big Basin Crater contain cherts that appear to have been partially extracted by early man for tools. Tektites and magnetic material have been found beyond the rim area.
While doing a sub millimeter study of the shocked, splattered fossil I noticed that the cold rolled steel millimeter rule has the shock Septarian effect. It was rolled at around 1 GPa over and over to make it this thin, about .2mm. So the shock waves not in contact are able to produce this effect from distance as a traveling force. While the etched matte finish of the rule is producing a prism rainbow effect the specimen has imparted nano color. The average size of the chromatic nanoparticles can be controlled from 230 to 310 nm That is millionth of millimeters. An atom is a million times smaller than the thickest human hair. The diameter of an atom ranges from about 0.1 to 0.5 nanometers (1 × 10−10 m to 5 × 10−10 m). I keep finding smaller and smaller shock effects which is supporting even an atomic effect to impact events.
The Tempering Septarian.
Picture below is a micro photo of tempered steel. Notice the interiors of the white Septarian borders include organizing Septarian crystals. Shock is a tempering effect that produces Septarian crystals as it is self quenching since it is so fast in action upon a solid.
The Meta Septarian.
Specimen below was found in central Iowa from the Manson Iowa impact. It is a "meta septarian" impactite with septarian forms inside others.
Now here is a cool picture from Jon Larsen of Project Stardust the micro meteorite guy. It is branching, flow and the two dimensional Septarian crystal form. A state of matter between fractal and Septaritan. Septarian is a closed fractal, it's derivative.
And so here it is on a cosmic scale the Horse head nebula. Look to the right of neck and see the stream of fractal almost Septarian. Does the second derivative collapse to a ring?
Ultramarine, Lapis lazuli with nebula cloud fractal septarian effect.
The intense blue color is due to the presence of the trisulfur radical anion (S
3−) in the crystal.[11] An electronic excitation of one electron from the highest doubly filled molecular orbital (No. 24) into the lowest singly occupied orbital (No. 25)[12] results in a very intense absorption line at λmax ~617 nm
So what kind of energy would make such an impact to knock electrons around, I wonder.
High Heat Septarian, the sun.
Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica, is a stratovolcano.Photo by
Matthew G. Landry, 2006 The fractal septarian pattern.
Volcanic Septarian
The Universe Septarian
The BOSS Great Wall is a supercluster complex that was identified, using the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), in early 2016. It was discovered by a research team from several institutions, consisting of: Hiedi Lietzen, Elmo Tempel, Lauri Juhan Liivamägi, Antonio Montero-Dorta, Maret Einasto, Alina Streblyanska, Claudia Maraston, Jose Alberto Rubiño-Martín and Enn Saar.[1] The BOSS Great Wall is one of the largest superstructures in the observable universe.[2]
Mushrooms are a fruiting body with a root colony called mycelium. It is a spider web kinda fragile structure.
Root Septarian
Suction Septarian - The common plaster ceiling effect is made using a suction roller producing the fractal septarian form.
Shadow Septarian - Comes from the "Fractal Dome."
Another fractal septarian dome shown above.
The Fractal Dome cast an associated Shadow Septarian pattern. Derivative patterns.
Bio Septarian - Both the leaves and flower are making fractal to septarian forms. The wildflower sequence is quite unusual.
High Shock Flow Septarian
Notice the white borders in this moss agate. It has separated the materials and bordered them. Was in a high shock melt state. >80 GPa
Specimen from Camp Crook, SD USA. This is an Overlay Meta Septarian. The pattern is layed in different materials over another pattern. It appears to be de laminating. It could be very old.
Specimen above from Lake Logan, TN. Kinda heavy specimen with this flash simi-conductive fractal based expanding progression. Is like it was working out the electrical conductivity issues around that iron. Is just a feature on a larger rock about 10x scale. A Meta Septarian.
The Settling Septarian - Found at Lake Logan, TN. This is the final resolving in the crater where the back wash makes what is found as the "Chattanooga Shale." The iron however is attempting to make a Septarian pattern or even a Turing Pattern. It does not have enough energy to do either but almost.
Information Thermodynamics of Turing Patterns
Gianmaria Falasco, Riccardo Rao, and Massimiliano Esposito
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 108301 – Published 4 September 2018
We set up a rigorous thermodynamic description of reaction-diffusion systems driven out of equilibrium by time-dependent space-distributed chemostats. Building on the assumption of local equilibrium, nonequilibrium thermodynamic potentials are constructed exploiting the symmetries of the chemical network topology. It is shown that the canonical (resp. semigrand canonical) nonequilibrium free energy works as a Lyapunov function in the relaxation to equilibrium of a closed (resp. open) system, and its variation provides the minimum amount of work needed to manipulate the species concentrations. The theory is used to study analytically the Turing pattern formation in a prototypical reaction-diffusion system, the one-dimensional Brusselator model, and to classify it as a genuine thermodynamic nonequilibrium phase transition.
Man made Septarian - Building product from the 1970's with iron from the clay splatter near the ground it has made Septarian Patterns.
Multiple Expansion Septarian - The shock energy was very high the materials expanded at differing ratios to produce this specimen. It also appears to have twisted and contorted as it was acted upon. The impact furnace effect separated the elements and the shock chaos does the random propelling.
Note: Shock geodes are a non uniform expansion faster than surface tension can produce a sphere.
The Lost Septarian - Shown above is a type of geode impactite. A fast expanding sphere with debris inclusion which is striated with linear crystal habit called Constellationing from the shock particle storm. Notice the small size of the crystals inside i. e. fast formed. Also the trace iron on left side border. Of course the strange inclusion is a Shock Septarian form. You can see more examples of linear constellationing at:
Crater Septarian
Shown above is a Mars Crater Septarian. 1.5 km-diameter (less than a mile) impact crater in Meridiani Planum. Expanding off that is the radial crystal habit in macro. The surrounding terrain has a cloud Septarian effect. Notice how the Septarian moves to fractal then radial in harominc resonant waves changing elemental materials.
Melt border septarian
Almost a Mosaic Septarian this specimen with high iron content and high melt temperature has been shocked so high it is in a melt state but has Septarian border crevasses. It is in a transition to just melt without patterns. It does still retain the granular crystal habbit Constellationing but that too is in transition to just melt. This rock makes more since as a meteorite. The shiny glaze is quartz melt. The quartz would melt in atmosphere entry but not iron at this size.
The Lace Septarian
This is a type of conductive Fiber Crystal shredded mater vector physics. See how it is melting away along the edge like putty. Also has fractal edge as it was giving up energy. This had a high electrical charge from the impact chaos storm similar to volcano ash lightning. The density of these overlapping shredded matter lines is a function of closeness to the impact explosion, and the fiber crystals traveling as a group but they will tend to separate unless connected. It is likely these traveled welded together. These iron type fibers from the bolide are chopped into these ribbons by the wavelength of the shockwave.
Mega Clast at Bankhead Forest, Alabama. Photo by: Christy Lyle.
Specimen above from Wisconsin is what I would usually call "Lace Constellationing." This however is forming a new crystal structure with the borders in a Septarian form. A rare transition example. It is a type of splatterform.
Imilac meteorite, this extraterrestrial piece is part of an ancient pallasite meteorite. It is a slice from one of the world's largest specimens of its kind. It's thought to have been part of a much larger meteor that weighed up to 1,000 kilogrammes and exploded over the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Not only is the meteorite beautiful, but it also contains information about our own planet's early history, from the very beginning of the solar system and at over 4.5 billion years old.
I like this specimen because it is forming Circle Septarian structure.
Borderless Septarian - Specimen from canyon at San Clemente, CA. USA. This is a type of cooling mosaic in three dimensions. Is from off shore impacts connecting to mainland between Catalina Island and San Clemente. You can read about it at:
Stone Mason Septarian - The Septarian pattern is the natural result of making stone walls or patios.
Chaos Septarian - Meteorite in a shock chaos explosion in space formed this. Generally speaking there are zones in an impact explosion that are resolved and many that are chaos. Over a distance multi shock energies tend to resolve.
Specimen above is rare as in the only Dark Matrix Shock Septarian. It is from the Central, MO series impacts.
The Streambed Septarian - It is where the water erodes along the septarian borders. I found these examples in the crater along Bugtussle Rd.
The Wisconsin Elf's Ear Impactite. Dug up from a construction site. It is like a geofact, a rock that resembles something else. Iron melts at 5,000 degrees F. It obviously contains melted iron. That is why it warped so. What is really nice is the way it was forming a Septaritan pattern and below that level Turing Patterns.
Cook County, Minnesota, USA - This is an intermediate forming Septarian. It is resonating the shock particles into lines forming the Septarian borders. It is an early stage. It has iron inclusions from the meteor. Another view shown below.
Fractal septarian travertine - This is a lateral shock wave in a cusp between borders and fractal lighting bolt forms. The right side has green shock olivine. the left side has some harmonic chaos. The Mid to Lower section is the most formed.
Tiny Septarian form section >>>>>>>
From Arizona. Here we have a top section septarian but the specimen is mostly a lot of fractal type particle streaming in quartz. The particles seem to end in a mist tunnel, an energy dissipation.
Progressive Wave Septarian - While some corals and biological forms make this structure it came from my yard here in the crater and is so iron impacted, a splatter form. Is such fine detail for a harmonic effect however.
Off Center Harmonic Resonance Septarian - Shock resonance wants to collect around the center of mass. But what if you have a dense inclusion off center? It tries to distribute it more toward a resolved center. But it does this in a Septarian Wave.
Circle Fractal Septarian - It also has constellationing, which is the basis for constructind the later forms. The top half is less formed and you can see the constellationing construction going on. These Michigan Impact Relics are a fossil named chain coral. Instant shock made fossils.
Botryoidal Septarian Arizona - The energy dissipation of a very large earth impact bubbles out in these forms as it cools. The surface is a cooling mosaic.
Dispersion Septarian - This is as rare as it gets. NO this is not a steak or bone. This is a radial melt. Iron in impact sand. Shock so high it is melting the iron inclusions in this impactite the impact produced. Specimen is from the collection of Mohamed Bouzelfen of Nador, Morocco.
Shock Septarian Cinder from the Springfield Impact Structure - Large vesicles are from the extreme heat as well as the botryoidal bubbles. The particle patterns not usually present on a cinder as this is a cusp form are from the shock particle storm blasted outward from the impact explosion. The druzy nature of the quartz is another heat effect, fast formed crystals. The iron is an evaporative mist from the meteor bolide it's self when it exploded, which comes back down and makes a coating on specimens. Specimen collected by Josh Constant.
Step Sequence Septarian - Another great specimen from the Mohamed Bouzelfen collection of Morocco. It is a complex harmonic and mineral impartation.
Concave Cavitation Septarian Meteorite
Very hard and non magnetic. The surface is concave septarian. It is a silica iron Fe3O4 oxide meteorite. This composition is often found in impactites but they will not have a concave septarian surface. The crowd says it could be a tektite but a tektite to get the air pocket surface would have to travel a great distance through the atmosphere so what's the difference if you go up and come back down?
Particle Border Septarian - What is so strange here is that with a metamorphic melt the white particles usually fuse together and are no longer distinct. This must be in between that state of melt. Specimen collected by Steven Jackson. Below you can see this is a multi level metamorphic with conglomerate inclusions that have also been made conglomerate. The first level of melt was high.
Cell Cone Septarian
Cone Septarian - this is a 20 x magnification of a feature found on a specimen collected at Appleton, TN. It appears to be iterative. A cone tube repeating septarian fractal. A liquid plasma drop process where the drop stops and a new one connects as cell drops. On the right you can see some tiny hanging stalagmite type expressions but above it is fractal striations. So I cannot rule out a harmonic energy.
Jigsaw Puzzle Septarian - Collected by Teri Swaggerty. Flow forms with black iron oxide boundaries.
McDaniel lake Naches/Clifdale Wa. Double Harmonic Septarian - First it striated the column basalt then branched the shatter cone harmonic. This was an earth crust breaking impact called a Crustus Confractus.
Putorana, Siberia type unjointed cubic columnar basalt. A square septarian. The harmonic energy is ending toward the top where it cones and comes to points. Another earth crust breaking impact.
Ablative Septarian - This is a meteorite that faded into a septarian pattern on its trailing ablative edge.
M Fahri Setiawan Collection Dealer. West Java Specimen. It has septarian inclusions i.e. a meta septarian and the squares and pentagon shifts you see in pillow basalt. A really good example of impact as associated with the pillow basalt forms. It is also making a conductive separation i.e. iron and quartz silica. Electric copastor. Look how it is even reconfiguring the pentagon shape at the joints.
Here we have the Thunder Egg type points shown in the top of the page example but this is more unique. Found just below Lawrenceburg, TN this is an expression of a laterally moving nano iron and ash cloud producing friction and organizing an iron grounding fractal. Also because this is a material transfer not a burn it is like the Septarian Thunder Egg form impactite not like the fulgurite burn form. Unique. More like a tattoo using ink than branding using burn on skin.
Step harmonic septarian fractal type - Impact shock harmonic wave form progression. Shown below is the large mega clast type found here in the crater at Lake Logan, TN.
I'm going to name that unnamed crater the Pall Nut Crater.
Oscillating Crater Septarian - This pattern also occurs on this 1 Kilometer crater on Mars. NASA colorizes these photos to show better detail. Notice how it oscillates the patterns geometrically larger even to make the crater rim shape. The bounded polyhedral shapes are circle expansions. But the crater inner rim polyhedral shape is singular. This would be more indicative of an iterative harmonic. So why is it making a polyhedral inner crater shape? That is an iterative harmonic. The impact was at an angle, looks like about 35 degrees off perpendicular. The resonance bounced back inward from the outer crater circle making a concave inner crater wall on two levels. I also believe this to be a function of speed. If it had been cosmic speed the entry would have been too fast to resonate this much. Captured objects in our solar system tend to be about 15 miles per second which this was. Bullet entry crater right side at 2 miles per second.
James Webb Space Telescope & Astronomical Discoveries
Adnan Abrar · · Oct. 12, 2022
To give you an idea of just how large Saturn’s “hexagon” storm is. Credit: NASA/ESA
Resonated Reflection.
Scientists Found Never-Before-Seen Crystals in Dust From The Chelyabinsk Meteorite
5 JULY 2022
Researchers have discovered never-before-seen types of crystal hidden in tiny grains of perfectly preserved meteorite dust. The dust was left behind by a massive space rock that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, nine years ago.
Every impact is unique. It is why you find the patchwork of soils over the planet. What differentiates the tiny spheres found from this snowflake type? A second pressure, the compressive harmonic shock. Few explosions are point explosions. They are an unequal progressive event causing back compressions of previous exploded areas. A sphere is a type of rejection pattern. This is a second harmonic transformation. It is a micro type of the Pall Nut Crater on Mars.
Surface of Mars. Notice how it has the classic Septarian Pattern. But the cracks are filled with iron. They also have the little impact spheroids. Looks like a welding shop floor.
Here we have a satellite image of a cloud formation called Von Karman Vortices. Notice here that we are seeing the same harmonic progressions as we do in impactites and meteorites. Cavitation type septarian forms and the familiar constellationing shock Turing patterns with circles and high linearity.
Turtle shell septarian variations.
< This is a harmonic shift line where the shock frequency is changing to a octave shift in it's frequency and power. It resolves that at the top. This remaining energy then goes out into space. These waves become space shock frequencies which combine as a type of dark energy.
Congo River Column Basalt - This is a large earth impact signature. This impact broke the earth's crust "Crustus Confractus." Besides the convection nature of the earth's crust movement the crust of the Congo is resolving this impact breakage. You can have other impact in association with an earth crust breaking impact and these make a more complex resolving physics. It is similar to body dent repair on a car. A single dent is easy to fix but the more complex the folded metal the worse it is to repair.
Wave ripples on Mars, a meta septarian. A field of sand dunes occupies this frosty 5-kilometer diameter crater in the high-latitudes of the northern plains of Mars.
Gullies on Mars form during the winter, made liquid by carbon dioxide frost. NASA photo. Never mind this may or may not be what NASA says it to be; this is a cone in cone structure. It is also striated. It has ladder septarian surfaces too. It has cross fractals. As NASA or earth geologist do not understand impact physics phenomena I seriously doubt their conclusion.
“Seaweed-Like” Fossils
Age: about 1.56 billion years
Location: near Beijing, China
Species: Eukaryotes
Maybe a fossil, maybe not. Notice it is clustered in center which is a harmonic resonate signature.
Wilkon Robert specimen. This is a high shock iron harmonic and is old and has been weathered losing some of its features. As you can see if you look closely it is not coral. The back side and the patterns do not support that conclusion. This is a type of cell based expansion which pushes against the neighbor cell. The center appears to have a central resonance concentration. A close in relic.
Tasmania Dolerite = Not geometric. This is a crust separation type. Earth impact type makes a wave harmonic which forms these into the famous expansion geometry columns.
Septarian Laddering - As a constellationing phenomena you will see laddering of the particles in shock specimens. It is geometrically a more perpendicular form. This specimen is an impact sphere and a Septarian but the charged effect may also be harmonic to iterate the perpendicular branching. It has the separations in the lines as well indicating a charge effect. This specimen is a rare transition effect frozen in time. The particle patterns shown in the lower section were grouping to form the lines.
FITTING IN: A single layer or “raft” of bubbles contains mostly hexagonal bubbles, albeit not all of them perfect hexagons. There are some “defects”—bubbles with perhaps five or seven sides. Nonetheless, all the junctions of bubble walls are threefold, intersecting at angles that are close to 120 degrees.
Here we have irregular bubble between clear plates. They make the classic septarian we see so often in rocks. Not uniform. The regularity of liquified expansion is due to a uniform harmonic wave.
Impact sphere from the Wetumpka Alabama Crater. It has heat mosaic cracking. Specimen collected by Jennifer Collier Simpson
The septarian mosaic solution to heat exchange as an energy signature may represent the most efficient heat exchange solution.
Reverse Casting Septarian
Bronze or copper casting made this clay pottery shard. The art of it is almost Chinese. Early Mesopotamian, Persian, could be as old as 4000 BC. Specimen collected by Asad Khan More likely theory: Resonance hieroglyphs. Impact made specimen with high surface resonance. Cell resonate partitioning. Within cells are excess energy making fractals and figures. It is one of the more complex of impact effect physics.
Chaining Feature
Non specific jumble as the impression peeled off. A rolled impression. >>>>>
Ok, this is a transition phenomena as you are aware. It is from the Deccan Traps Impact which broke the earth's crust. Pillow Basalt is a harmonic signature from the resonate shock. This is the less formed state of low harmonic signature as is the surrounding mountains which are crater walls. As the earth is self healing the plate is repairing as a resolving of stress. Elbrus Anda Hajar mountains of Oman
Odd Radio Circles are really Septarian - The ORCs were detected in late 2019 after astronomer Anna Kapinska studied a Pilot Survey of the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU), based on the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope array.[9] Every detected ORC, about 1 arcminute in diameter, are some distance from the galactic plane, at high galactic latitudes. The possibility of a spherical shock wave, associated with fast radio bursts, gamma-ray bursts, or neutron star mergers, was considered, but, if related, would have to have taken place in the distant past due to the large angular size of the ORCs, according to the researchers.[5] Also according to the astronomers, "Circular features are well-known in radio astronomical images, and usually represent a spherical object such as a supernova remnant, a planetary nebula, a circumstellar shell, or a face-on disc such as a protoplanetary disc or a star-forming galaxy, ... They may also arise from imaging artefact around bright sources caused by calibration errors or inadequate deconvolution. Here we report the discovery of a class of circular feature in radio images that do not seem to correspond to any of these known types of object or artefact, but rather appear to be a new class of astronomical object."
Hubble Space Telescope Picture - Circles and Septarians are a universal phenomena. You will see them in rocks. While you can have a slow concretion form this it is a signature of explosion and energy expansion.
Pall Nut Effect >>>>
Hieroglyph Septerian - This was found by
Brian Benjamin · ·Found at Whitefish Point in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It is non magnetic and very hard. It is a collection of wave form energy not in tune. Multiple harmonics imprinting in shock iron plasma which has also distorted it's magnetic structure. Other side shown below. This is similar to the High Diversity Pattern specimen shown above.
Harmonic progressioin flow - Fractal tree to triangle wave to hexagon wave. Multiple waves of various power presented. Specimen of
Aftab Minerals of Pakistan. Notice this is the same thing we see with columnar basalt which is really an impact expression.
Surface stretching and compression - Never mind what theory you were taught, the reason everything is called a theory and not a law anymore is it was so embarrassing to retract laws. First is was taught that the moon craters were volcanic. Then tectonics came into vogue for earth although you do not see that on other planets. The power of a theory is it's ability to explain, that is it's test. In this picture you see compression and stretching. Stretching on the left and compression on the right. Stretch marks left and hexagon crater compression on the right. This is due to a large accretion impact on the left side which was massive and added to the moon's circumference. Impact accretion theory is generally accepted but it's effects are poorly understood. Photo by: Jim Gardepe of the Von Braun Astronomical Society.
Meta structure geometric - Kuril Island, Russia. Conformal geometry, notice how they can have different number sides to conform. While this is called columnar basalt, the phenomena has never been observed with any historical volcanic eruptions. Large earth crust breaking impact would also provide the mechanics for such a construct as it has vibration, shock waves, and resonate conformance as this vibration blast settles.
Michael Stanley Austin Septarian contraction impactite. It was very hot then cooled making the patterns. The iron Fe2O3 red and the olivine green are from the impacting meteor bolide large earth impact. You have a micro example of column basalt. Specimen collected by: Michael Stanley Austin of St. Lewis Missouri
Simulation, a Gedanken Cosmological Experiment Algorithmically Peryformed
The results of simulation, which can be considered as an algorithmic performance of the final stage of the cosmological gedanken experiment [11], are particularly spectacular. Figure 1 can be interpreted as showing the complex topology of the spacetime of the dark universe: a web of dark filaments that are tensionless dark strings freely moving in a void space (the white regions in the figure) with negative curvature related to the cosmological constant, whereas the spacetime inside the filaments has a positive curvature.
Notice the fractal branching tree nature of the web. It is an energy signature like lightning. But this is a universal lightning. This vein/septarian construct can also be seen in impactites as multi source energy dispersion.
You can read this full article at: Universe | Free Full-Text | Cold Dark Matter: A Gluonic Bose–Einstein Condensate in Anti-de Sitter Space Time | HTML (
Spider Web Septarian - Another rhythmic pattern, a bio pattern, but not unlike some of the impact harmonics.
Rapid cooling septarian crater of Pluto. You are seeing the shock liquid impact state frozen. But in this case it is ice. It did manage to conform to the overall sphere surface of the planet or near planet whichever you prefer. This was an angled impact sloshing over toward the front. The impact heats the ice and it conforms to the crater before freezing except for the chunks on the edge. Of interest here is the lack of more impacts to make smaller sub crater holes in the ice. Ice is hiding previous small craters that might be inside the larger crater. This is like earth also a water planet the impacts into the sea are complex and obscure.
Now here is a road puddle freeze septarian doing the same thing as Pluto around the inclusions. It is conformance to the inclusions causing the septarian divisions.
Snowflake, a fast forming crystal. A resonate energy solution. Is a snowflake a resonate energy solution? The molecule attachment structure builds an energy dissipation form. So where would the resonate energy come from? Everything and everywhere. Existence is prescribed in this universe for matter by the fact that it is moving. And in this case also needs to move between states i.e. an energy dispersion taking place.
The central start to a snowflake is the molecules bonding to an uneven surface until it resolves the simplest solution of a hexagon. As a fast form crystal it then distributes this energy as a tree fractal laterally along the prism facet. With a constrained shock in particle buildup the close proximity forces a basal facet rise as we see in impactites and column basalt. The Formation of Snow Crystals | American Scientist
Small impactite, not a coral fossil. Melt wrap along edges. Backside of specimen shown right with shock tube. The variation in sides of the basal facets above is due to the system constraints of overall stress. It is also how you know it is not a coral fossil. Specimen collected by:
Lives in Springfield, Illinois
And here is a Circle Septarian. The circle is a sudden mass crystal effect where a step function freeze takes place.
The mass effect varies.
Water Webbing Septarian - Photo by David Liles
Shock Dough Septarian - Plasma from impact projected outward in the shock chaos explosion.
Lives in Zanzibar, Tanzania
Unlike the Giant's Causeway and the many compressed geometric figures this one is free standing so to speak. A cubic with circle enclosed. Iron/silica resonate structure but of what nature? Cross harmonic will make square/rectangle etc as would a cubic crystal habit. The enclosed circle is the pure reaction of central harmonic around mass. The voids are I believe a response to density as the harmonic gathers and sorts by density where the less dense is compressed. Jim Kingdon specimen.
<<< Evaporative Septarian
High heat surface melt impactite evaporative mosaic shown on top left. I think it was once part of a lower strata blasted from the Chesapeake Bay Impact. It has various mineral pressure heat combinations from the powerful explosion which imparts some of the meteor's own minerals. Found in Central Pennsylvania by Cory Lucas.
This phenomena is called "Constellationing." It can occur this large as a Septarian Pattern. The red and blue are relics of the impacting bolide as iron and cobalt. Iron and cobalt are common to the universe and contained in the large earth impacts.
You can buy a high resolution of this image at: - Sunset at Elgol beach isle of Skye Scotland | Royalty Free Image (
Conditional Existence - The universe exist as a construct of many conditions. Conditions have subset conditions. Time for example is dependent on motion. The environment of a large kinetic impact makes new physics and materials in this short lived condition. Some fundamental particle states are the same conditional existence. Clumping behavior as described by Bosons is also what we see with the impact particle storm which will collect as a granular crystal structure, (constellationing).
Constellationing is a rejection pattern. At its most fundamental level a rejection pattern is the Boson in an opposing environment which can be anything non Boson. While a sphere is a rejection pattern and Constellationing includes spheres the frozen in time figures presented by impact are reflections of the state of rejection and energy present at the time. Adding enough energy tends to overcome many rejection properties but will not eliminate the fundamental that Bosons clump and other quasi particles do not.
The Isle of Skye, Scottland and the interrupted vertical columnar flow. This large earth impact in the ocean west and having a basalt floor produced this geologic structure as part of the upward blast. While it is a somewhat igneous type since this impact broke the earth's crust the simple action of a volcanic eruption will never produce this harmonic. It is complex with a strata between showing horizontal shock wave length impression. It has coning on left side but most of all it was vertical column making on right lower side then progressed into the lateral striation. This is a pulsing behavior and a wave withing a wave.
Vortex tube with Septarina, fractal, circle relationship. A series connection of energy shapes.
Through and through iron and sandstone Septarian. The Septarian can be an isolation rejection pattern where it will spread but stretch out like a bubble as it is in rejection with the sandstone. This was very hot when formed. It is not stable as a form due to the high sandstone content. Typically an edge form but it is in resonance and making banding patterns on top. The impact splatter appears to be coming from the right.
Rayce Reed · 10h ·
Some rocks I have found in Muskogee, Ok. I have been curious as to how they formed. I thought volcano. I like them because of their unusual appearance.
Micro meteorite in crystalizing fast form structure. Both a crystal and a rejection pattern.
Aug. 12, 2022
Brent Pod on Facebook Micrometeorites.
Splatterform geometric mosaic - You are seeing a freeze frame in time of an impactite sequence effect. The core nodule was splashed with the melted sand/silica involved in the impact site. It was so hot that it wrapped the core nodule and cooled pulling it into the wrapped net mosaic. It is a very nice specimen and also a type of Septarian.
Minnesota Rocks Minerals And Fossils
Lori Haedtke-Finlay · Aug. 19,2022
Not found in MN but thought I'd share as it was a cool fossil. Delete if not ok...found in Indiana river rock.
Quantum Septarian- The energy forms a shell particle shape, it is a similar phenomena to crystallization.
Scientists take the first ever photograph of light as both a wave and a particle
Mar 2, 2015, 12:59 PM
Fabrizio Carbone/EPFL
For the first time ever, scientist have snapped a photo of light behaving as both a wave and a particle at the same time.
The research was published on Monday in the journal Nature Communications.
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Scientists know that light is a wave. That's why light can bend around buildings and squeeze through tiny pinholes. Different wavelengths of light are why we can see different colors, and why everyone freaked out about that black and blue dress.
But all the characteristics and behaviors of a wave aren't enough to explain everything that light does.
When light hits metal for example, it ejects a stream of electrons. Einstein explained this back in 1905 by suggesting that light is also made of particles and that those particles of light smack into the metal electrons like billiard balls and send them flying. The insight eventually won him the Nobel Prize, but scientists were not happy about being forced to conclude that light can behave as both a wave and particle.
It's been over 100 years and every experiment with light that any scientist has ever performed proves that light either behaves as a wave or that light behaves as a particle, but never both at the same time. No one has glimpsed both states simultaneously until now.
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But you need a source of light to take a photo, so how do you take a photo of light itself? Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne in Switzerland captured the weird split personality of light by using a new photo technique.
First they fired laser light at a tiny metal wire. This trapped waves of light on the wire:
Then they fired a stream of electrons alongside the wire. The light waves on the wire are made of light particles called photons, so the electrons ricocheted off the photons, causing some electrons to speed up and some to slow down. The changes in speed show up as energy blips that can be visualized.
The researchers put the wire under a huge microscope that can see electrons, and snapped a photo of it. The bottom layer of the image shows where the particles of light are and the top layer shows what the light looks like as a wave:
Fabrizio Carbone/EPFL
"This experiment demonstrates that, for the first time ever, we can film quantum mechanics — and its paradoxical nature — directly," Fabrizio Carbone, one of the researchers who worked on the study, said in a press release.
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Carbone said the imaging technique could help advance the development of quantum computers — ultrafast computers that take advantage of other strange properties of light particles.
You can watch a video description of the experiment below, from École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) on YouTube:
Now here is another Quantum Septarian Crystal Shell energy
The ‘Weirdest’ Matter, Made of Partial Particles, Defies Description
Theorists are in a frenzy over “fractons,” bizarre, but potentially useful, hypothetical particles that can only move in combination with one another.
This simulation shows how a fracton-filled material would be expected to scatter a beam of neutrons.
H. Yan et al., Physical Review Letters
Thomas Lewton
July 26, 2021
Abstractions blogcondensed matter physicsexplainersphysicsquantum physicsquasiparticlestheoretical physicsAll topics
Your desk is made up of individual, distinct atoms, but from far away its surface appears smooth. This simple idea is at the core of all our models of the physical world. We can describe what’s happening overall without getting bogged down in the complicated interactions between every atom and electron.
So when a new theoretical state of matter was discovered whose microscopic features stubbornly persist at all scales, many physicists refused to believe in its existence.
“When I first heard about fractons, I said there’s no way this could be true, because it completely defies my prejudice of how systems behave,” said Nathan Seiberg, a theoretical physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. “But I was wrong. I realized I had been living in denial.”
The theoretical possibility of fractons surprised physicists in 2011. Recently, these strange states of matter have been leading physicists toward new theoretical frameworks that could help them tackle some of the grittiest problems in fundamental physics.
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Fractons are quasiparticles — particle-like entities that emerge out of complicated interactions between many elementary particles inside a material. But fractons are bizarre even compared to other exotic quasiparticles, because they are totally immobile or able to move only in a limited way. There’s nothing in their environment that stops fractons from moving; rather it’s an inherent property of theirs. It means fractons’ microscopic structure influences their behavior over long distances.
“That’s totally shocking. For me it is the weirdest phase of matter,” said Xie Chen, a condensed matter theorist at the California Institute of Technology.
Partial Particles
In 2011, Jeongwan Haah, then a graduate student at Caltech, was searching for unusual phases of matter that were so stable they could be used to secure quantum memory, even at room temperature. Using a computer algorithm, he turned up a new theoretical phase that came to be called the Haah code. The phase quickly caught the attention of other physicists because of the strangely immovable quasiparticles that make it up.
They seemed, individually, like mere fractions of particles, only able to move in combination. Soon, more theoretical phases were found with similar characteristics, and so in 2015 Haah — along with Sagar Vijay and Liang Fu — coined the term “fractons” for the strange partial quasiparticles. (An earlier but overlooked paper by Claudio Chamon is now credited with the original discovery of fracton behavior.)
To see what’s so exceptional about fracton phases, consider a more typical particle, such as an electron, moving freely through a material. The odd but customary way certain physicists understand this movement is that the electron moves because space is filled with electron-positron pairs momentarily popping into and out of existence. One such pair appears so that the positron (the electron’s oppositely charged antiparticle) is on top of the original electron, and they annihilate. This leaves behind the electron from the pair, displaced from the original electron. As there’s no way of distinguishing between the two electrons, all we perceive is a single electron moving.
For me it is the weirdest phase of matter.
Xie Chen
Now instead imagine that pairs of particles and antiparticles can’t arise out of the vacuum but only squares of them. In this case, a square might arise so that one antiparticle lies on top of the original particle, annihilating that corner. A second square then pops out of the vacuum so that one of its sides annihilates with a side from the first square. This leaves behind the second square’s opposite side, also consisting of a particle and an antiparticle. The resultant movement is that of a particle-antiparticle pair moving sideways in a straight line. In this world — an example of a fracton phase — a single particle’s movement is restricted, but a pair can move easily.
The Haah code takes the phenomenon to the extreme: Particles can only move when new particles are summoned in never-ending repeating patterns called fractals. Say you have four particles arranged in a square, but when you zoom in to each corner you find another square of four particles that are close together. Zoom in on a corner again and you find another square, and so on. For such a structure to materialize in the vacuum requires so much energy that it’s impossible to move this type of fracton. This allows very stable qubits — the bits of quantum computing — to be stored in the system, as the environment can’t disrupt the qubits’ delicate state.
The immovability of fractons makes it very challenging to describe them as a smooth continuum from far away. Because particles can usually move freely, if you wait long enough they’ll jostle into a state of equilibrium, defined by bulk properties such as temperature or pressure. Particles’ initial locations cease to matter. But fractons are stuck at specific points or can only move in combination along certain lines or planes. Describing this motion requires keeping track of fractons’ distinct locations, and so the phases cannot shake off their microscopic character or submit to the usual continuum description.
Their resolute microscopic behavior makes it “a challenge to imagine examples of fractons and to think deeply about what is possible,” said Vijay, a theorist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. “Without a continuous description, how do we define these states of matter?”
“We’re missing a big chunk of things,” said Chen. “We have no idea how to describe them and what they mean.”
A New Fracton Framework
Fractons have yet to be made in the lab, but that will probably change. Certain crystals with immovable defects have been shown to be mathematically similar to fractons. And the theoretical fracton landscape has unfurled beyond what anyone anticipated, with new models popping up every month.
“Probably in the near future someone will take one of these proposals and say, ‘OK, let’s do some heroic experiment with cold atoms and exactly realize one of these fracton models,’” said Brian Skinner, a condensed matter physicist at Ohio State University who has devised fracton models.
Fractons do not fit into [the quantum field theory] framework. So my take is that the framework is incomplete.
Nathan Seiberg
Even without their experimental realization, the mere theoretical possibility of fractons rang alarm bells for Seiberg, a leading expert in quantum field theory, the theoretical framework in which almost all physical phenomena are currently described.
Quantum field theory depicts discrete particles as excitations in continuous fields that stretch across space and time. It’s the most successful physical theory ever discovered, and it encompasses the Standard Model of particle physics — the impressively accurate equation governing all known elementary particles.
“Fractons do not fit into this framework. So my take is that the framework is incomplete,” said Seiberg.
There are other good reasons for thinking that quantum field theory is incomplete — for one thing, it so far fails to account for the force of gravity. If they can figure out how to describe fractons in the quantum field theory framework, Seiberg and other theorists foresee new clues toward a viable quantum gravity theory.
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Now, consider the entangled quanta state, it is an energy crystal in formation, not having seated into a form. This would be an energy crystal polymorph.
Researchers achieve record quantum entanglement with 14 photons at once
This will be very useful in progressing the field of quantum computers and communication.
Created: Aug 29, 2022 7:00 AM
Erupting cell septarian compression channels, oblate impactite. This was so hot that it had an oxidation shell that flaked off. This is the same phenomena that makes column basalt a bubble being formed in a moving flow, like when you run with a soap bubble wand. Also like soap bubbles it has multiple bubble compression causing the geometric shapes. This oblate impact sphere was blasted from a large earth impact that would also provide shock resonance with frequency attenuation. That is why you never see volcanoes today make column basalt as that was formed by large earth accretion impacts.
Identification of rocks,minerals,and geological features
Tom Skor · September 4 at 2:30 PM ·
What is it???
Priceless! You have found the most phenomena demonstrating piece of shock floor I have ever seen. Unlike what is taught Hot Springs is the location of an earth penetrating impact. While not large by planet impact standards the Hot Springs Impact was very fast and relatively late. I live in another fast impact crater at Howell, TN Crater. Fast impacts are in excess of 30 miles per second. This is called a non captured speed as it is an object coming in from outside the solar system. The forms shown in your specimen are a developmental energy high shock. The energy makes fractal columns and shatter cones. The ending Septarian surface is a similar phenomena the same as column basalt which is also misunderstood as a volcanic form. Column basalt is a shock form and never observed in the history of volcanic eruptions.
Sylver Grace · Oct. 21, 2022 ·
Multiple pics with flash and without. Very heavy, found in hot springs. What is this?? I have a couple smaller ones too
Impactite, Septarian fade sequence mosaic. It is cooling by mass, therefore the mosaic pattern is changing.
Meta Septarian in layers, Southern Minnesota. Impact chert nodule with cavitation Septarian in layers is formed like a meteorite, crypto crystalline high shock chert. The color is a nano light shift effect from the iron at different nano sizes which makes it a type 2 impactite of sand from impacted surface and iron from the bolide.
Over Shock Impact Nodule with fractal Septarinan, high shock particle matrix and directional change in formation mix. You can see the energy made lightning like fractal Septarian insertion quartz in a breakdown crystal mode. The right side is the facing direction of the impact with a mix change to more iron which is from the impacting bolide. This is also a type of impact breccia as the Septarinan divides the specimen into cleavage planes but you see the pieces fused together inside these partitions. It has also sustained some small minor round sphere impalements. This specimen is from a large earth impact. I use Chicxulub as a scale of 1. So this much energy would be from a .8 or greater. Dec. 11, 2022
Quartz can be an electrical conductor and that is the essence of the fractal to Septarian form. Earth impacts this large pulverize large amounts of material which becomes a turbulent chaos generating electricity and discharging it. In the specimen above the current was so high it has broken, an electrical over shock.
Trailing Cavitation Impactite Septarian, quite rare and an excellent specimen.
Jennifer Haugan Ceynar
· March 2, 2023
Any ideas as to what this is? When I put it in citric acid to soak, it was a smooth rock that looked like sandstone or something similar. This is what came out after it was scrubbed a bit and rinsed. The cracks in it all have a "crystal" look. Found in Silver Lake Minnesota.
Lee Isham
Impact geometric "rejection patterns." High iron/metal content high heat cooling mosaic. A rejection pattern is a state of energy produced mixing sequence or not mixing. The surface will show this rejection of unlike materials as refined from an energy event. You can see this physics in meteorites, slag, impactites etc. While the most famous rejection pattern is the Turing Pattern, (Alan Turing, 1952) the patterns are many. These specimens are type 3 impactites. A type 3 impactite is the meteor itself material. This is the most rare type as the impact favors the impacted surface and mixed material. It is only during the mid period of the impact event that the type 3 is produced as the explosion bell curve will return to mixed and then deep earth material. The physics of rejection patterns is covered in my on line phenomenom encyclopedia under the heading "constellationing" where I first discovered this as an impact particle connecting structure, grainular crystal habit.
So why the corners you ask? This is also an impact polymorph, the Salvatore Dali version of a pyrite crystal. It was formed in a hyper velocity ejecta, super heated and hyper pressure environment.
Rarefaction low pressure wave expansion. The shockwave outward would create a very low vacuum pressure inside the impact which could stretch a forming cubic into this distortion.
So why not a meteorite? Is no surface flow patterns. While the location is typical for meteorites the earth is also covered by many more impactites. You could also ask if this is a relic of the French Atomic bomb testing near this location but that also does not match the specimen.
Specimen collected by: Fossils Mostafa Ouakki of Erfoud, Morocco. Eastern Sahari Desert.
Column basalt on Mars shown left. Impact volcanic event. A type one impact will penetrate the crust of the impacted body and the up bubble event will make these compressed bubble flows which can even swirl. A simple volcano does not have this level of energy and has never been observed to make column flow. Only impact can have a harmonic component to make same size bubbles in a high energy fast flow.
Impact sphere - An impact sphere can occur in any material. They are formed as liquid drops ejected from a large exploding earth impact (type 3). Some have the star burst pattern and some do not. The starburst pattern is a similar physics to column basalt a harmonic striation. Some shatter cones will be striated and some not depending on the material and the energy involved. April 10, 2023
Matthew Benfield · ·
Don’t know anything about it my son says someone gave it to him.
Compression squeeze triangle caught between three bubbles expanding.
Heather Backman · ·
This was found in Southern Washington Elochoman river.
Cell Septarian/Terrace Mosaic - very hot surface pattern. A conformal evaporative with some implied directional content. Jim Kingdon specimen.
Crypto Crystalline Wave Edge Banding - This phenomenon is wave energy sheet flow edges. While you can see some speckles of the shock chaos storm; the sheet shock wave has isolated the red iron Fe3O4 along the wave edges. Waves are energy in motion according to the type of energy and the media it is traveling through.
Chad Myers
·May 9, 2023
An eastern Colorado Clovis point, made of Alibates Dolomite. A little ear ding, but still a nice Clovis example.
As you can see on the right this energy is a type of Septarian. It will appear as on the left as the material runs out as a fractal edge. This roadside physics expression is made with sheet rain flow on an inclined surface using the flotsam debris.
Sheet Flow Wave Energy Septarian - And here it is again.
May 11, 2023.
Robyn Brandon
Is this a fossil or just a rock with interesting shapes on it. Found on Camano Island WA
Murfreesboro, TN Crater shock mega clast with surface and included sheet wave Septarian. June 1, 2023.
Impact Septarian. That surface is called "shock white." While geometric mosaic cracking is a heat effect, the separation of quartz as a conductor and the Septarian patterns shown are a charged effect generated by the impact chaos turbulence. June 7, 2023.
Cindy Hayden specimen.
An impact electromagnetic geometric caused by uniform isolation of the charge across the surface. The matrix has a black iron oxide nano pulverized content from the impacting bolide. The surface has isolated the quartz to conduct the surface charge. The parallel lines are also balance for the charge equilibrium. The charge is produced in the impact chaos storm from the high particle turbulence. This charge is imparted to the still viscous ejecta establishing this phenomenon effect. Is not a square pulse wave. June 7, 2023. Daniel Perez specimen.
Conductivity and high heat. This is a surface charge, although you can see in the Left Upper Section mosaic separation and the charge following through, this energy physics is not reproducible at room temperature. The charge is also a static type and very high but not as high as lightning.
Not mudstone. Like making pots using mud, to form it into a rock requires a great amount of heat energy, like a couple of thousand degrees F. Mud will crack to make fractal Septarian forms. Geometric banding forms are made by impact energy. The quartz will isolate and make a circuit to expend the charged energy. Shock resonance is also in play as a harmonic will also separate the materials. As these bubble type harmonics expand the forms will make geometric shapes. The bulb figure in the lower left is a branching energy to fill the overall body balance. This is more of a balance effect. While a charged energy is also looking to dissipate to ground, it is less likely to form an overall balance. This is a shock resonance/charged surface dynamic of forces. It was also very hot which allows for easier mineral separation. June 19, 2023.
Wayne Nutt · ·
Just curious - any ideas on what this is? We dug it up from a hill in East Texas behind my mother-in-law's house about 25 years ago. We found numerous arrowheads in the same area, though most weren't complete. Weighs about 4 1/2 lbs.
The column basalt tube of rising bubble type high sphere concentrations does not have to be basalt. It is just any and all material liquified to bubble sphere in the impact and ejected in the up splash. The geometric sphere differs from the fractal Septarian in that it is formed from the compression of bubbles and not the fractal overlapping commonly know as a Septarian. Sept. 4, 2023.
The column basalt tube of rising bubble type high sphere concentrations does not have to be basalt. It is just any and all material liquified to bubble sphere in the impact and ejected in the up splash. The geometric sphere differs from the fractal Septarian in that it is formed from the compression of bubbles and not the fractal overlapping commonly know as a Septarian. Sept. 4, 2023.
Hassan Yamani · 9h ·
Basaltic columns, central plateau Morocco
So here it is again in a small agate. Bubbles compressing to form the geometric type Septarian. Sept. 4, 2023.
Collecting Lake Superior Agates
Impact bricking. This is a grid wave phenomenon. Sept. 28, 2023.
Tessellated pavement. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania.
Shock made grid impressions a bricking type Septarian. Sept. 28, 2023.
Colin Dagnall · ·
Can anyone tell me about this rock? Are those leaf veins running through it? They are embedded in the deeper layers too.
Encircling Septarian, a shock made nodule. If the resonance would have been stronger it would have made circles. Nov. 6, 2023.
Jason Stoven · ·
Can someone please tell what this is? Found in mn
Impact boxwork, an energy partitioning form. Fractal to Septarian Fe3O4 divides. Energy resonate cells forming circle inclusions. From the Michigan Impact Crater which covers most of the state. Nov. 14, 2023.
Mark Marshall Jr. · ·
Anyone know what this rock might be found in Falmouth Michigan in a backyard
Not volcanic. Rivulet flow into crevasses is something meteorites and impactites do. This is a refining of different materials/minerals by heat in excess of volcanic heat. The Septarian form on this specimen in a heat mosaic. Some Septarian forms are electrical energy or shock resonate forms. You can tell that by the absence of circle forms inside the partitions as you often see with boxwork. So is it a meteorite or impactite? Impactites are more common but a single find of a specimen type is a provenance indicator of meteorite. But they can also fall in groups too. So, I really cannot say. Ablative crust or weathering? If weathering why does it not have complete weathering into the mosaic cracks? If a meteorite why does it not show surface flow? Nov. 18, 2023.
Rob Hovenden
Any idea what this rock is? Seems to have a crystalline structure inside, and a high density (heavy for size). Found underwater in Sepik River, Papua New Guinea.
Common misconception "The Liesegang Function." First let me point out that there are two different articles in Wiki for this. One is the chemical process and another is the geology process and they do not agree so are listed separately. As you can see with the posted examples the color is changing in the same rings. This would be impossible with the chemical process. So what could cause this? Energy partitioning. Like compressed soap bubbles an expanding circle will compress to other geometric forms, squares, hexagons etc. Also an energy figure will duplicate itself like the waves you see when dropping a pebble in a lake with concentric circles. This process is not chemical. Dec.4, 2023.
Ivan Dove · ·
These are two photos of rock formations I came across during a driving trip to the tip of Cape York, Queensland, Australia a few years ago. The formations were located along the Coral Sea coast not far from Cape Melville. I believe I've correctly labelled them(?).
Septarian Chevron Arc - This has a formation from right to left with the left getting a destructive heat. As this is a whole body process it is not a meteorite. It also has a plasma hole and is from Western NY which is dominated by the huge Rochester Crater that made Lake Ontario. Jan. 18, 2024.
Jay Doucette · ·
Hi. I joined this group to ask what this rock may be. It was found in western ny and I call it a brain rock. If u might have info or knowledge as to what this may be please feel free to comment. Thank you
North Pole Melt Mosaic Septarian. Jan. 21, 2024.
Boxwork central expansion Septarian - This may be a pancake type impact sphere. The agate like central nature of the impact geometrics indicates a resonate boundary expansion. These several expansions push against each other causing the geometrics to form. Feb. 17, 2024.
Jean C Kennell · ·
Anyone know what this is? Can’t seem to find anything similar
Resonance hieroglyphs. Impact made specimen with high surface resonance. Cell resonate partitioning. Within cells are excess energy making fractals and figures. It is one of the more complex of impact effect physics. March 27, 2024.
Morgan Lighthall
I need help identifying the this it was given to me by a dear person and we know nothing about it
Heat expansion Septarian mosaic, no resonance involved. Notice how the sections do not cross, not a splatter. It does branch as an energy signature, type of energy unknown. Heat alone would more typically make "shock broccoli." You can see a different matrix under the holes as this is different surface. April 20, 2024. From the Big MO crater.
Heat mosaic cast fill theory (Gabriel Jacobs) - I agree with this theory except to point out that the presentation is upside down. Also as usual the sudden sediment compaction would not yield this pristine a cast. You need a temperature of around 2,000 F to fire this as a ceramic. Sudden fill and sudden firing as a ceramic process.
Vernon Moore
Not mine, but I saw this in southern Missouri, near the Arkansas border. I'm curious as to what it is.
Group expert in Paleontology
Top Contributor
Not septarian concretions, but mudcracks probably. (Septarians are basically mudcracks but forming inside a lump of mud instead of at the surface.)
A river floods over its banks. The wet mud of the riverbank slowly dries, and as it does so the mud shrinks down; water evaporating away leaves tiny films of water between grains of sand/mud, and the surface tension of those films pulls the grains close together. (This is the same process responsible for clothes shrinking in the wash.) The tension caused by this shrinking causes the surface to pull apart and crack into polygons.
Then a few days later another storm passes through, so the river floods again and dumps a bunch of coarser sand/silt over the banks. This sediment buries the mudcracks and fills them in. Then much later everything is buried more deeply and compacted into solid rock.
What you are seeing is the sand that was dumped into the mudcracks, forming a natural cast of them.
(There are some variations in how this can go, but I've outlined the general process.)
Mud cracks close up. Landscape & Nature Photographer — Lightroom Tutor & Expert More Intimate – Alexander S. Kunz Photography (
Impact mega clast, shock white, small peppering, stippling black dots and non-fractal Septarian surface flow patterning. This is a less energy Septarian type. The surface is isolating the mineral (iron) as a rejection pattern. Septarian Puzzling surface. April 30, 2024.
Ray DeRusse specimen.
Bubble compression Septarian, Haiti Volcano Foam. May 15, 2024.
Jean-benoit Denarié
epidote var. “volcano slime” (also called reticulite) from the Haitian volcano Mauna Loa
42 mn
Coll. JB Denarié, photo Fred Labaune
Perpendicular shift Septarian, Impact Glass, Tektite. Perhaps it was pulled by very low pressure after the high pressure. May 15, 2024. Funny computer translation below.
GLASSY WONDERS – Volcanic & Impact Glass
The ball season is over and so the butterfly can be saved again into the cassette.
Don't change - 36 grams. Year of finding 1989
Impact nodule, raised Septarian surface, shock lines, fractals, impact high iron splatter. Energy made surface. Where does the energy come from? All those swirling particles pulverized in earth impact generate a high charge which grounds on the flying debris. As the debris is in a melt plastic from it can imprint this. The very high heat generated by the impact explosion produces pyroelectric charge and conductivity. Notice even the cleavage surface has fractals indicative of its forming. Rare example. May 19, 2024.
Ashley Haney specimen.
Volcanic heat expansion Septarian, cindering a bubbling process as material is going from liquid to gas. May 20, 2024.
Gemstone Gurus
Kailua-Kona Coast, Hawaii, USA
Impact made Dragonstone Septarian. You can see the different colors in the cells. Magnetism is altered by high heat and pressures of earth impacts. Could this be arc furnace slag? Yes, but with iron content this high it would not be slag, and wasteful as any industrial process. May 25, 2024.
Tammy Harrison · ·
I found this, as is, in SE Michigan yesterday. It is heavy for its size and NOT magnetic. Can anyone identify? Thanks!
Shingle Septarian Overlay Pattern. Part of the Medicin Bow 3 crater complex. May 24, 2024.
Wyoming Geological Survey
Wall Creek Sandstone near Casper.
Crater 1 which gets deformed by Crater 2
Hell Creek Septarian Type
Impact iron/manganese ore from Hell Creek Impact Crater. A pure type 3 impactite made of only the impacting bolide material. The surface Septarian effect is from the dense ore attempting to bubble. In the top right you can even see a half bubble with collapse wrinkle. See arrow above. May 25, 2024.
Eugene Priebe · ·
Can anyone help identify this for me?
I know it was originally found near Terry, Montana and is roughly the size of a football.
Hell Creek Septarian Type with Blast Directional Flow coming from top to bottom. May 25, 2024. Specimen from
Hell Creek Formation Crater. Impact from the NW. The formation in Montana could be blowback scatter or other impacts or it broke apart, or it was an object that was of multiple shape and density. The likely local dinosaur killer. May 25, 2024
Map of the Hell Creek and Lance Formations in western North America
Lamanna MC, Sues H-D, Schachner ER, Lyson TR - Lamanna MC, Sues H-D, Schachner ER, Lyson TR (2014) A New Large-Bodied Oviraptorosaurian Theropod Dinosaur from the Latest Cretaceous of Western North America. PLoS ONE 9(3): e92022. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092022
Exposures of the Upper Cretaceous Hell Creek and Lance formations in western North America. Scale bar = 100 km
Honeycomb Coral Septarian, a really beautiful example. June 19, 2024.
Found this in my yard today, what type of petisky is it? I am in Huron County.
Triangle Wave Septarian -
111.70 mm
FINE+++/GEM - Grading
Zoom available
(place your mouse over the shell image to view)
Trawling 150-180 m | Has Operc.
Our Price: $ 120.00
Cave Septarian - Mineral separation in a liquid as it principates out as you can see it is coming from the right and pooling. A circle is the strongest physics form and the geometric cells are connecting to the strong circle cells. While the flow is fractal in origin as it pools it forms the circles with connecting walls which are compressed between the circles forming the geometrics. While this is a slow made form the physics are the same as column basalt where compression caused by original circles compresses to form geometric shapes. July 3, 2024.
Archaeology and Ancient World ·
Julia H · ·
The Lake Castrovalva area of Lechuguilla Cave in Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico
That is a round impactite spheroid. It has also been hit by other debris in the impact explosion. It has a very unusual feature of some melt coming out of one of the smaller impact holes. See attached magnification. July 13, 2024.
Rebecca Morse · ·
I would love to know something about this I thought it was a crystal when I found it in 2009 at about a mile if that from the bear River in evenston WY. Anybody know what this could be
Calcite evaporative melt Septarian. The calcite was once limestone but got blasted into its elemental form in the impact explosion. July 13, 2024.
Iron shock Septarian found in strip mine. They were mining impact iron. July 18, 2024.
Don Hoot · ·
Another strip mine find; I call it the beehive.
Impact made disk. While impact spheres sometimes do this a flatten or made flat disk is rare. Shock resonance will focus on the center of mass but these figures are energy made. Also note the iron dust on right side, that is from the impacting meteor/bolide. So why and how does energy do this? As you can see by the small iron particles an impact explosion storm has a large cloud of swirling particles which makes a generator. Another source of charge is the plasma storm associated with high power explosions. This shift to plasma ionizes minerals and when cooling a charge balance occurs with fractal lightning type forms. Staghorn points are present when you have a charged figure. Mud impression theory: Why would that be round? I have never seen a drying mud make disk. Why would it have iron surface particles? Why would it be in a coal deposit? Impact can toss a disk anywhere. What does the probable crater look like? As you found this underground it is pre overburden deposits however there appears to be a surface record of this impact event in the soils. Clay btw is a nano particle that takes a lot of energy to make i.e. impact pulverization or impact ash. See attached map. Aug. 10, 2024.
Kansas Rockhounds and Fossil Hunters
Lindsay Evans · August 6 at 6:29 PM ·
Can someone please identify? Found in old coal mining pit in Linn County.
Impactite, expansion Septarian with thin veins which means it was very hot and viscous. Aug. 24, 2024.
Debbie Cudd · ·
I found this is South West Wisconsin. Would love to know what it is ! Thanks!
Nebula Septarian, notice the explosion is not a point source but the structure made a multiple explosion. Aug. 26, 2024.
Everything Astronomy and the Universe
Jimmy Hendricks · ·
This tangled planetary nebula is the final stage of a medium-sized star like our Sun—billions and billions of years from now. While consuming the last of the fuel in its core, the dying star pushes out a large part of its outer layer, creating the twisted filaments you see here.
Don't let their name get you mixed up: planetary nebulae don't actually have anything to do with planets. When early astronomers first looked at them through telescopes, they appeared large and indistinct, like some planets did—and the name stuck.
This crisp image was taken through a much more powerful observatory: NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. Get the full-sized image:
Shock Septarian Splatterform coating with Mosaic Cracks at the Barringer Crater (Meteor Crater, AZ). Sept. 10, 2024.
Deborah Smolenske photo.
Overcooked impactite. Impact nodule, the top simi sphere contains some smaller nodules/spheres that hit it while forming. The chert like mineral or yellow clay was from the area the impacting meteor/bolide hit and the trace iron is from the impacting meteor/bolide. Why over cooked? Impactites are like welding, under powered and overpowered weld do not make good melt. Round. Round is the shape a drop takes on as it is a physics form that equalizes the pressure. The sub sphere is caused by shock resonance which gathers around the center of mass and cooks from the inside out like your microwave oven. Particle construction. The impact pulverizes itself and the earth's surface to common particles which are sorted by distance. The common particles bind with each other as a high pressure and heat type of crystal habit on a granular scale. These constructions are called "Constellationing." Circle type granular constructions are common to impactites. The central core has constructed a series of these circle constructions to form a Septarian effect. Attached is a magnification of your center core showing the circle to Septarian forms. Oct. 5, 2024.
Samuel Capehart
Could this be a Fossilized Nut???