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As quickly as you can Grasshopper, snatch the dark matrix pebble from my hand. 


The Dark Matrix Prequel - Knock, knock Neo, the dark matrix has you. God is Light and everything's source.  


Fe3O4 - Nano particles of iron from the impact make this dark oxide of iron. You can read about it at:,III)_oxide

Specimen above was found by Bridgette Shaner of Memphis, TN. It is a high shock silica sand colored with black iron oxide with the shock particle storm inclusions which are highly shock altered. 
The above specimen is from the Matanuska River in Central Alaska. It exhibits Anhedral (not well formed) crystals or is it a breccia (collection of broken fragments) and a grey matrix with the black melt. This would indicate a progression of events. 

Found throughout the center area of the crater is the dark matrix with inclusions.  You can read about the red and orange oxides of iron at:

The specimen below found in Nova Scotia is not a meteorite. In any event the nano iron quartz blobs are a very high shock pressure. Iron melts at 5,000 degrees F and meteorites seldom get over 1,700. Quartz melts at 2,000. 

These inclusion forms are called "Cloud Constellationing."

Also the lower section here has "shock Septerian effect. You can read about that at: The chocolate oatmeal drop cookie is shown below. Found Midlothian, TX (NW of Dallas). The temperatures experienced by these two specimens is very high however the one below still retains unmelted inclusions. It would be a conglomerate. I suppose you could even call the one above that but with shock melted inclusions.  

This one shown above is a special case of dark matrix. It is the linear flow of a shock storm making Constellationing. The inclusions are larger bits from the meteor. The dark matrix is an oxide of iron. The blue is likely cobalt. 
Another specimen from central crater area. This is a new phenomena in search of a name. I think I will call it Shock Smoke a "terminating dispersion" effect. The black particles imply they go down to the hundred micron size. Frankewing, TN area. 
I think this is a directional particle storm like the circle swirl shown below from Coldwater, TN
Dissipating plasma coming form right causing circle swirl and angel fish pattern just to the left. 
Particle plasma storm coming from the right and stopping. 
I usually would call this Lace Constellationing in a dark matrix however this is forming a new crystal structure with the Septarian borders. It is a very high shock transition form. Specimen is from Wisconsin. 

From South East Wisconsin - Shock obsidian overshock - This specimen is light not heavy indicating overshock. Is from the same impact as the specimen above it. The other side shown below. 

Now that we know there is an interesting crater in SE Wisconsin this is the Aeromag magnetic map of the state. It shows that crater and several more too. 
Crater >>>
Crater >>>
Crater >>>
Crater >>>
Crater >>>
The south east Wisconsin break apart hit. Coming through the atmosphere this big meteor with high metal content but not well collected broke apart. That could explain all the hits in the area. For that matter their could be more in Illinois. 
This is rare. It is a simi dark matrix in the fossil coral. I saw many coral specimens but only two with the dark matrix. You are looking at the edge of the impact event effect! I think this is the crater bottom. It was found in a creek near Pearl City, TN. The bentonite layer was exposed nearby which I believe to be from the previous impact that formed the Middle TN Basin. I checked it for radioactivity and it was not. The Frankewing, TN impact was radioactive  and created the radon effect in Middle, TN. 
Pictures of specimen above and below are from San Clemente Crater. This is a phenomena I see in the large crater I live in called "bricking." It is the result of shock harmonic wave forms. Additionally the specimen has some "shock Septarian" forms. The iron from the meteor is in two oxides, red and black. You can read about the San Clemente Crater at:

Impactites. Is called iron oxide "Dark Matrix" type. If you magnify these specimens you will see the white particle inclusions which are typical of an explosion metamorphic as you will see in all Trinitite specimens from the atomic bomb test. These specimens are from a serial impact in central Missouri you can read about at:


Specimen above is also from the central Mo series impacts. It is however unique, a Dark Matrix Septarian. 


Check this out, a dark matrix with an inclusion within an inclusion. It is from the Philippines. A good find. Notice the weathering change in color from black to grey. A dark matrix conglomerate.  


Shock made conglomerate with black Fe3O4 silica/obsidian matrix. It has geometric forms which is rare, so rare it is the only one I have seen. The round was made as a drop in the free flight from the large meteor explosion to collection in the conglomerate. The cubic was also able to form.


This was a good find. It is from the east side of Wayne County, TN. A clean slice break of conglomerate. You are looking at the depth of the iron landing on a stream or beach of  pebbles along the Highland rim as the impact melt shock blast hit from the Frankewing, TN Impact. High pebble content so the iron must have been very viscous.  These chert pebbles are considered Tuscaloosa and of course were there before the Frankewing Impact. Therefore the Cambrian to Ordovician age estimates are early for these pebbles. The sad thing about doing geology here is the last article that appears for this was written in 1962.  As the Highland Rim is the crossover point for Ft. Payne to Tuscaloosa Chert you can tell it was there when before these were deposited. My best estimate is the Highland Rim is the crater wall from a large Ordovician Impact so that makes the Tuscaloosa Chert a mid to later deposit but before the end of the Devonian as that was when the Frankewing Impact took place. 


Very rare, yellow matrix breccia with a circle harmonic. 


North of Ethridge, TN. The dark matrix Fe3O4 from the Frankewing, TN Impact blast. Most of the fossils are solid indicating they were alive. Also they are of a diverse age/size indicating this was not a die off grave yard. Shock with micro silica instant transition. 


Mat Buster  · July 14 at 1:09 PM  · 

Found in the UP on Lake Superior today! What do you think!?

This specimen illustrates a different sphere phenomena. This impact made so many spheres they were captured in the meteor  bolides iron spray Fe3O4 Si. Not a true conglomerate as the inclusion pebbles are melted. 


Impact conglomerate/breccia - As opposed to impact breccia this is an impact edge effect usually found beyond a first crater wall. The molten iron spray arrives and welds the local material together although this material is impact modified. It split while cooling and also caused a mosaic crack on one of the conglomerate pieces. The lactescent (becoming milky) wedge is a refining glaze whereby the constituent quartz is being rejected. While old the Western NY crater is still evident in the earthquake circle it makes from the high crumble disturbance these big impacts make below.

Bailey Kennedy

  · September 9. 2022

Ok, so I’ve asked a couple different groups and have had no clear answer. I found this in the bed of a dried up creek on some property I own in western NY. No other rocks nearby that looked even similar. it appears to be some type of igneous rock surrounding a piece of iron? (It’s definitely metal, a magnet reacts strongly and tapping it, it feels and sounds different), along with 1 or two other weirdly shaped rocks into one baseball sized confusion. So anyone have any ideas on what this could be? When wet down the black/grey lines in the black stone come out more and seem to trace around the other pieces of stone

ETA: when a bright light is shown on certain sections of the black stone, certain ones appear to be some type of brown colored crystal


Even with features meteorite like this is an impactite with edge effect molten iron spray. Fe3O4 is not a space product. Now cavitation and other meteorite effects can occur on impactites as they can be thrown far and fast in a somewhat plastic condition. Note how we have a tube effect in both quartz and iron in the upper right quadrant. This is a simi conductor electrical effect as the environment was highly charged from the turbulent particle storm accompanying the impact. Specimen collected by: Ù†ÙŠØ§Ø²Ùƒ مولاي عمر  ·Sept. 9, 2022

Fossil Coral? or just melt blobs at a separating point in dark matrix.  March 29, 2024. 

Mariah Armstrong Conner  ·   · 

Some recent beach finds in San Diego- I’m curious if anyone knows what the black and grey one is? It was found in an area of La Jolla where I’ve seen clam fossils in a sedimentary material that looks similar to the grey part. I believe the heart shaped one is petrified wood.

Large earth impacts imbed the black iron oxide into the matrix material. The pebbles are blasted from a river or beach area. Some pebbles appear to be partially melted. The black iron oxide is from the meteor/bolide itself. Suspect impact is the Hudson Bay Large Crater. It would have impacted into a lot of rivers and or shore. See attached. May 7, 2024. 
Hydra Meadow  ·   · 

Need help identifying this cause I have no idea what this is lol

Found in Manitoba, Canada

Notice how the impact glass in figure D looks just like slag glass. May 7, 2024. 

Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Volume 636, 15 June 2024, 118714


Zircon microstructures record high temperature and pressure conditions during impact melt evolution at the West Clearwater Lake impact structure, Canada

Author links open overlay panelNeeraja S. Chinchalkar a, Gordon R. Osinski a, Timmons M. Erickson b, Cyril Cayron 

Picture 1 is the iron matrix conglomerate as usually found in red it also comes in black as they are both iron oxides. Picture 2 is this stratum in situ along a ditch at The Dismals Canyon. It is from a large meteor/bolide that hit earth which released all that iron as a molten mass spray contacting the pebbles present. However, this upheaval leaves these conglomerates in a new location as the cratering process reforms the land topography. Like on hills where this was no longer in a low-lying stream. May 14, 2024. 
Impact breccia with orange shift. Above the arrow is typical dark matrix, below is the orange interuption causing fade of the dark binder. You can even see it separate the previous construction shifting the figure with top to the left and bottom to the right. Juen 19, 2024. 
Kimberly Weihl specimen, Michigan. 
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