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 Thin Plane Insertion & Layered Effects

As explained on P. 79 of Traces of Catastrophe melt material at the immediate impact area can be > 5,000 degrees and be ejected at speeds greater than the meteor. 

"photoacoustic effect," which points to a process where materials absorb light energy and create sound waves.

Fireballs of meteor that break through the atmosphere sometimes pulse with light that is a hundred times brighter than any full moon, researchers said.

These fireballs briefly heat the surfaces of objects even from miles away. The sudden change in temperature can actually produce sound.

Spalding and his colleagues refer to the objects as natural "dielectric transducers," which are materials that can easily absorb light, heat up rapidly, and have low conductivity.

Scientists have previously suggested that meteors called "electrophonic meteors" emit levels of low frequency radio waves that produce instantaneous sounds.

Meanwhile, Spalding and his colleagues said that their explanation is more plausible compared to this, because it suggests that anyone can hear the sound of a meteor as long as it is bright enough and the sky-watchers are situated in a quiet area.

Light Creates Sounds

Dielectric transducers often include everyday objects such as leaves, dark paint, dark clothing, and grass. Meteor onlookers who are positioned near these objects are more likely hear the crackling sound of meteors.

Hair is another great example of a dielectric transducer. Past research has shown that people with fine or frizzy hair have higher chances of hearing meteors.

Spalding said this makes sense. "Hair near the ears will create localized sound pressure," he said.

What's more, hair holds enough surface-to-volume ratio that maximizes the creation of sound.

In 1880, Alexander Graham Bell observed the photoacoustic effect and applied the principle in his invention -- the photophone, a device that transmitted speech through light.   

You can read another article at:


Table 1. Calculated arrival times and effects at Gunflint Lake--480 miles (768 km) from Sudbury Impact.(6) ARRIVAL TIME EFFECT MODERN ANALOG 1. ~13 seconds Fireball 3rd degree burns, trees ignite 2. ~2-3 minutes Earthquakes Richter scale 10.2 at Sudbury, buildings collapse at Gunflint Lake 3. ~5-10 minutes Airborne ejecta a layer 1-3 meters thick, with arrives fragments <1 cm in size 4. ~40 minutes Air Blast Maximum wind speeds ~1,400 mph 5. ~1-2 hours Tsunami None of this magnitude

This is from an article you can read at:

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Shown above is a pebble from Lake Logan, TN. It has an iron thin plane insert at 1/1000 inch. 

I like this specimen. It was collected by Mohamed Bouzelfen of Nador, Morocco. It appears to be layered with a change of direction in the stripe. Perhaps it was in rotation. 

Impact and the physics of all effects - If you calculate the energy instant of a large dense impact it is beyond the trillions of mega tons of TNT. Light, radioactive, pressure environments that are unknown. Anti matter and radio burst are possible. Collision itself is the mechanism so often used to produce atomic particle test. While the initial speed of impact is sub light the resulting explosion produces light and pressure compressions that are beyond experiment. Matter changed into states that can only exist in the local phenomena of impact. 

1,000 m (3,300 ft)47000 Mt46300 Mt13.6 km (8.5 mi)440,000

Based on ρ = 2600 kg/m3; v = 17 km/s; and an angle of 45°

An accidentally-poignant study suggests that some planets may emit a scream-like blast of cosmic radio waves as they crumble out of existence.

In a new interview with Science News, Nanjing University astronomer Yong-Feng Huang discussed his and his colleagues' recent study, published in the Astrophysics Journal, which posits that crumbling planets may account for some of the newly-discovered and little-understood fast radio bursts (FRBs) that scientists have detected coming from deep in the cosmos.

Astronomers didn't know about FRBs, which are millisecond-long bursts of radio waves that have yet to be definitively explained, until 2007 when the first of their kind was detected in archival observatory data.

Since then, scientists have been puzzled as they try to figure out what causes these mysterious radio bursts as they continue to pile up — and this new theory offers an intriguing new possibility.

The difficulties of specifying meteor color arise because meteor light is dominated by an emission, rather than a continuous, spectrum. The majority of light from a fireball radiates from a compact cloud of material immediately surrounding the meteoroid or closely trailing it. 95% of this cloud consists of atoms from the surrounding atmosphere; the balance consists of atoms of vaporized elements from the meteoroid itself. These excited particles will emit light at wavelengths characteristic for each element. The most common emission lines observed in the visual portion of the spectrum from ablated material in the fireball head originate from iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), and sodium (Na). Silicon (Si) may be under-represented due to incomplete dissociation of SiO2 molecules. Manganese (Mn), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu) have been observed in fireball spectra, along with rarer elements. The refractory elements Aluminum (Al), Calcium (Ca), and Titanium (Ti) tend to be incompletely vaporized and thus also under-represented in fireball spectra.

When it comes to Kinetic Energy Weapons, "Collide Clyde" the Howell/Petersburg Bolide Impactor is your ultimate. First of all it is coming in so low on horizon at "Cosmic Speed" 30 + miles per second that you cannot detect or react. 


These specimens exhibit a phenomena like a tornado inserting a straw into a tree. Somehow ejected shock melted material has sliced through with a slight drag shift in the dissected end. The top smaller specimen is in highly shocked material and was near NE crater. The mega clast is SW crater. Keep in mind the crater is oval and the hit started at the eastern end. Veins in rocks are an expression of energy that is too strong to energize the entire matrix. It can imprint only in a thin line fractal tree branching like lightning. As it weakens it can expand more and even make the ball lightning effect a sphere or bubble. You can see examples of this at:


The specimen below is from the impact point just a few miles north of Petersburg, TN. It therefore washed back into that spot. While it is only moderately shocked it received a thin quartz insertion that crossed across the limestone and then the attached chalcedony, cracking it. (Usually this strata is the Silurian Brassfield much discussed by Woodruff in his 1968 thesis on the Howell Impact)


The above specimen disproves the theory that these quartz veins are from a slow deposit filling of a crack. This crack runs across two dissimilar strata and is found on the top layer of a hill. apart from impact that is an unexplainable  provenance.

 all the chert attached to limestone is the Silurian strata which is considered very very old and should not be on the top of a hill! to cross both rocks a quartz string would have to be going at hyper velocity and or be in a shock plasma state!  

Shock chaos and quartz streaking. The impact of giant boulders into the earth causes many different explosions that collide at different energy levels. I discuss this effect at

The specimen below was found here at Lake Logan, TN in the SW crater floor. It is  just riddled with these quartz streamers. I call it the spider web effect.  


Sadly you can expect maximum over kill. A layered series of scientific effects that have no countermeasures. So let's get started. The impact light as well as a set of other light speed particle effects will be so strong as to instantly kill within a range of 5 + miles but this is a moving low angle impact and that drags the light kill zone over a continued period making a 15 mile swath. This is an explosion effect. Large bodies this fast are unaffected by the atmosphere. The earth is rotating toward the impactor reducing the time. Astronaut re-entry has shown that ablative effects occur higher up and ablation is just a very low ratio for a very large iron based bolide. 

Next is the beyond supersonic shock wave travelling in the hard strata which caused the transfer of all that potential energy into a burst kinetic. This is going so fast your not going to know it except for all the material instant change from the more upward shock blast wave. This dome will vaporize it's center but effects will vary as you go out five miles from the center. 

That was the clean kill part. Now comes the Shock Chaos Storm (SCS) This is cascading chain reaction of rocks hitting rocks untill they have pulverized some things down to a nano or even atomic scale. Good news for you here because an impact in Africa was from a meteor high in uranium and caused a chain reaction on impact. Collide Clyde is only lightly enriched and Middle, TN will be safe in a half billion years or so as the radon finally all decays.  

But separate from the SCS is a Shock Furnace Effect (SFE). This is a melt and vaporized group of materials emitted at super velocities as seen in the specimens on this page. 

Specimens show layering effects. You can even tell the sequence. They however are survivors remember and were not vaporized in the above described process. The reader is cautioned to not pollute your mind with the disinformation produced by "qualified" experts. Their modeling is lazy and based on already studied chemical and nuclear explosions which are not kinetic based. Sorry. Anyway one thing strange pops when you have a kinetic or nuke is strange sounds and EMP's. 

The sound of fireballs (the meteors that blow up in the atmosphere)  

There are two reported types of sounds generated by very bright fireballs, both of which are quite rare. These are sonic booms, and electrophonic sounds.

If a very bright fireball, usually greater than magnitude -8, penetrates to the stratosphere, below an altitude of about 50 km (30 miles), and explodes as a bolide, there is a chance that sonic booms may be heard on the ground below. This is more likely if the bolide occurs at an altitude angle of about 45 degrees or so for the observer, and is less likely if the bolide occurs overhead (although still possible) or near the horizon. Because sound travels quite slowly, at only about 20 km per minute, it will generally be 1.5 to 4 minutes after the visual explosion before any sonic boom can be heard. Observers who witness such spectacular events are encouraged to listen for a full 5 minutes after the fireball for potential sonic booms.

Another form of sound frequently reported with bright fireballs is “electrophonic” sound, which occurs coincidentally with the visible fireball. The reported sounds range from hissing static, to sizzling, to popping sounds. Often, the witness of such sounds is located near some metal object when the fireball occurs. Additionally, those with a large amount of hair seem to have a better chance of hearing these sounds. Electrophonic sounds have never been validated scientifically, and their origin is unknown. Currently, the most popular theory is the potential emission of VLF radio waves by the fireball, although this has yet to be verified.

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The lateral kinetic explosion. There is a reason they detonated the first atomic bombs in the atmosphere. They are not kinetic weapons. Whereas a large meteor can dig down before exploding. In the case of Collide Clyde it is even hitting in the lower crater ring of a previous even larger bolide. Also the explosion is recorded in the fault rings and crater rims but an impactor like this only explodes when it's stress exceeds it's strength and Clyde has high iron content. Let's figure there was a section of eastern middle, TN that was spared but speared.  
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The Sound Layered Effect - Following behind the cosmic speed bolide is a Mach 150 shock wave which would have a rather constant boom for a while and also a large shock wind. This arrives as the explosion is in it's expanding state and helps to shape the resulting debris umbrella. 


Blending sequence metamorphic impactite - Good specimen. If you magnify the picture and look at it close you can see the granular particles that construct it. Is interesting how they blend and even show directionality. Collected by: Karen Hause-Inocencio

You will see Septarian shapes with the hyper velocity quartz streams however. Examples shown below. 

The one on right is from southern Utah a Barringer Crater relic perhaps. Even though it has the spider web and larger quartz insertions, the other side is an energy pattern hackle. And of course it is a round impactite. So it is the first specimen to demonstrate for show and tell three phenomena in one rock. Notice the other side has deep red inside the quartz, indicating a force organized it into a conductor like a wire with a quartz insulator. 

And just so you know how this demonstrates the combination of chaos and organized energies take a look at the next picture which I call Jackson Pollocktite. 


I really like the specimen below, found in Romania in creek bed. Creek beds are where geologist look because rocks will end up there and in variety. The specimen is rounded by tumbling in the creek and has been a long time doing so. I believe it was launched from one of the surrounding European Impacts and because it is highly shocked. The thin quartz particle stream is indicative of the particular impact event and the location in the chaotic explosion matrix. You can read about the shock cloud at my physics analysis of impact events in the tech notes section:

Down at 1/1000 inch or .01 mm I find fiber crystals on the impactites and possibly even in them. I think these are the same phenomena as thin plane insertion just less mass. You can see more examples of fiber crystals at:
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<<<<< Fiber Crystal

The round bolder below was found in west Texas. It is very heavy. It has revolved around in a shock chaos cloud building up material. The source material would appear to be iron from the meteor and sand from impact site perhaps from the Barringer crater but is a lot of impact relics in TX of unknown source. 

Very thin quartz insertion near crater impact point shown below. Strange appearance with ridges as well all related to the shock metamorphism. 
Shown below is another quartz insertion and structure change. Both found in crater around five miles from impact point. 
Bolder below at Lake Logan SW crater has a lightning quartz(?) insert that wraps around the bolder. Same raised effect shown on "moon rock" to the right >
Shown below is a different type of high speed insertion I call the Frisbee. It clearly shows the problem with the slow concretion theory. The Frisbee would have had to be hanging still while the crystal matrix formed around it suspended by ?  
Specimen below has thin plane insertion and larger fussion of would be inclusions. These are high speed effects. It also has Constellationing on the facing impactor. So you have a one two  sequence. First the thin plane iron oxide insertion, then the hyper velocity would be inclusion. Is hard to tell when the shock particle storm hit but the lower disk of the facing impactor has a lot of it.

Not basalt, it is an impactite. Age would have been defined as when impact remade it, a relative assignment. Center section has iron oxide concentration, so where did the oxygen come from? 

Multiple events are shown in the thin plane inclusion shown to the right. It bisects other sequence and is intact in the middle of this specimen. 
Other high speed effects The Midlothan, TX bullet is shown below. The bolder is shocked to a fine flour and after a hot iron projectile goes through it! It leaves a fractal pattern around the hole indicating it was in a plasma state and perhaps going at a hyper speed. The entry and exit holes are shown below right side. 
Shown above is a rare cusp of events. It has an aligned constellationing particle stream which makes an evident cleavage plane. The rock is crypto crystal high shock quartz/flint like impact sand but the constellationing shock chaos storm has left a fine particle signature with a unique thin plane insertions so close to the formation event is hardly evident except for the line and cleavage plane. You can read more about constellationing at  and the shock chaos storm at
This specimen has an interesting convergence. 
Specimen below is from the Sudbury Impact in Canada. Besides demonstrating that the "O's" won this tic tack toe game by default it shows a layering in 90 degree opposition. You can see the layering of the lines and the Spackle of quartz and iron on the shocked  matrix. This is an example of the nozzle spray break up pattern. As distance increases the plasma stream breaks up. 
Also we have Constellationing crystal habit form above here. 

Progressive Metamorphic with shock particle matrix, resonate banding and thin plane insertion with offset. 

Here it is again in a meta construction from Point Reyes, CA. It should be of volcanic origin but the shock particle storm indicates impact. Tubular bits are thrown as Fiber Crystals in impact storms.

A multiple off plane hyper velocity thin plane quartz plasma insertion with cobalt core. From Quebec, (pronounced Q beck for my fellow hillbillies out there)

Baffin Island Canada - This is thought to be an igneous sequence. It has chevron triangle wave forms and a quartz thin plane insert crossing that harmonic. Never mind it forms a basin as any wall section of a crater close up will appear to be a crater form as happened to the geologist working the Howell, TN Impact Structure.

Cloud Insertion - Perhaps a Sodalite variant as it has iron sections too. This shock harmonic has both crisp and cloud phases, like smoky quartz but less dispersed. Is a high metamorphic but still retains visible "Constellationing."





As the Lord would have these things, it is not a state load of geologist who are finding impact phenomena but curious rock hunter/collectors. This one from Midlothian, TX is the model for planets in miniature. This impactite has been put together by successive impact accretion. 

Before iron removal and after. This specimen was found in a creek in Alabama. The last stage iron mist which was removed makes me thing it was from the Frankewing, TN impact as it sent out an iron mist into Alabama. Also cobalt mist. 

Now here it is with the iron removed. You can see it's construction of a quartz plasma stream with the particles still retained on the surface so as to let you know this was not formed by any concretion process. 

Thin plane hyper velocity insert >
Derek Whitehead of LaGrange, TX USA found this specimen. Besides being Pablo Pollock's long lost self portrait it has a hyper velocity thin plane insert among other interesting phenomena. 
Specimen above is from Southern Utah. It was collected by Andera Steffany Johnson. Hypervelocity thin plane offset phenomena. Very thin, very fast. 
Here is a good one from Robert Ragen the meteorite collector. It has a lateral wrapping insert that is interrupted by a thin plane and a harmonic triangle, but continues. Strange. 

Another great specimen collected by Ali Karadeniz of Thrace, Turkey. Thin quartz plasma jets presenting as shock particle storm but this specimen is one with the  plasma thin line insertion congruent with formation. 


From California, Fracture but not thin plane insertion. Resonate banding and impact breccia forms have this high particle signature. The little particles are formed in the impact pulverization but band by wave resonance. As impact is a progressive kinetic explosion material can be both plastic and fractured by sequence metamorphism. Notice it has a very fine line white particle form on the lower side of fracture.

You have to figure the crossing vein structure is a sequence event. But positioned as it is it would have to be what I call the impactite type "thin plane insertion." This is the largest scale I have ever seen of that phenomena but this is the same as what is encountered in mining, a vein. I of course have many examples of small scale collected but since large veins are usually found underground this is the only large full expression I have seen.
Fold - Algarve - Portugal
Ok, it get's more interesting. It has of course the change of material to iron as a banding phenomena but it has a crossing vein structure (1) and fractal harmonic perpendicular branches (2). Great find. Is it impact caused? Yes, it has to be to have a harmonic signature. Earth tectonics do not have the shock waves of this type. Wave frequencies are so specific. Earthquakes are more in the lower bands. This was a higher frequency.




This is a very interesting specimen I found near Prospect, TN. It is just far enough out from the crater center to introduce some new effects. The Thin insertion makes a fractal when it hits an obstruction coming from the bottom. It stops at the cement section. The top one is crossing the cement section. The both are making the curious square figures. Over on the left is a hexagon! 


Notice how you have thin vein crossing conglomerate in the top specimen. That is only possible with hypervelocity plasma insertion. These are impactites. Collected by Cynthia L Buckler


Sodalite with thin plane insertion of iron and quartz and high shock constellationing particle structure. This one was charged like Septarians sometimes are. See how it has separated the iron and quartz simi-conductor like. Also the radial flange of quartz around it is very much like you see with a charged electro magnetic effect considering the conductance is not uniform. 


The offset. That is a sequence formed while it was still able to stay together. This is a fast formed impact crystal. Josie Marie specimen. 


But this one is of a different type. The fracture is internal and filled, a shifting while still forming with a transition with the iron to quartz in the same fissure filling offset expansion crack. Carnelian to quartz. This was all high energy and this surviving impactite was near. The iron that formed the carnelian is of nano type and the particles you see are very small.  The blue could be nano cobalt. 


Shredding and planar features - Besides the geometric linear inserts you will see particles i.e. points and planes. This serial impactite has a landing plasma plane. Cutting and slicing harmonic beams must be sometimes present in the kinetic shock explosion. Also you find many shredded fragment threads called "fiber crystals" in the impactites and on their surfaces.  I study these and they occur in variations.


Fractal dendrites are another planar expression but unlike shredding this is electrical or charged. The crystal happens so fast it cannot make a third dimension. In this specimen were two planes with dendrites. It breaks apart at these planes due to the energy making a surface. This specimen was found in SE Wayne County, TN  and is made by the ash and nano iron cloud friction lightning, a low charge fulgurite with distributed grounding. 

The iron blast wave from the Frankewing, TN Impact. It shows up in the Western Highland Rim as a steady deposit that gradually gets deeper as you go north along the rim. It shows up in the counties south of the Tennessee River Plain. Thus it is stopped by existing land features or drops as it loses velocity.  The circle below is an average of the fall. Mitigating blast barriers are evidence of what was there at the time. Was there iron blasted over these barriers?  

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By proportion to the record of the iron wave and the supersonic shock wave it is sure that the initial light wave of explosion would have been visible out into space. The plasma mist cloud from the most energized section of the bolide landed as far as the iron but in a splotchy manner, skipping some areas and landing into others but overall the iron mist was pushed laterally west and south.  This was likely due to the lateral Mach 150 tail wave of air catching up from the bolide path through the atmosphere.  The radiation material is spread as if the back wave of water moved it around. Probably a reflection of the size and mass of the material. 


Ali Karadeniz - Shock wave surface specimen. Beautiful example of an ending type wind that appears to have contained nano pulverized manganese (magenta color). Notice the wind is in a slight turbulent state.


Could be a meteorite, is definitely an impactite. Cross striated breccia and a splatterform or fusion crust. The particle figures are high shock. Could have some iron and olivine as trace amounts. Could be a high shock modified limestone. 


Very unusual striation. 


Brushy Creek Impact Structure. This is a rare impactite. That is thin plane insertion as an off harmonic resonance form. Specimen collected by: Ashley B. Vercher 


Impactite progressive metamorphic. Sequence is 1) Blue matrix, with impactites blue usually means cobalt 2) Rubble, a fine rubble blast filled the crevasses. 3) Plasma quartz veins. These stripes are liquified sand usually where a large earth impacting bolide shock melts the impacting surface. The kinetic explosion makes phenomena unique to these very high pressures. For example the Trinity Atomic Bomb test made a high pressure of 13 Giga Pascals (GPa). Large impacting bolides make pressures beyond 120 GPa at which point phenomena occur that is hard to tell since vaporization is also occurring.


Rare "Carrying Fractal." This is a phenomena of energy you see only with shock based expressions. Lightning will not carry. The white quartz is being carried and isolated as the energy does it's dissipation transfer. This rock is a local quarry specimen from Pulaski or Fayetteville, TN. It is from an impact below the Frankewing, TN surface impact. It could be from the Silurian Impact. It is hard to be more specific since I was not privy to the strata column when quarried. You can see it's shock granular particle structure below with the geometric forms only produced by shock as a crystal habit. 

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This is a view at 1/1000 inch or .02 mm. Look carefully and you can see the geometric patterns of circles and line constructs. 

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Chart of energy shape effects, while lightning is the more typical shock vein effect we recognize, ball lightning, edge fading, circles and break up into septarians are also seen in specimens. 


The best photo I’ve ever seen of volcanic lightning. The “dirty thunderstorm” shot at Calbuco volcano in April 2015, southern Chile.

photography by @francisconegroni_fotografia


Moon rock 60025 brought back from Appolo Mission. See the shock made veins and subsequent septarian patterns. Now the sad failed geology theory is that veins are formed by minerals deposited into cracks from earth pressure or sea liquids. This is an impactite with parts of it dating almost back to the moons formation i.e. a large meteor hit the moon and parts of the moon are in this rock. 


Now this is important, the macro structure is a shatter cone. You can see the two point chevrons down and a nested up thinner cone chevron and then a vague one in the top. It is a harmonic with bounce reflection. Lunar sample 60025. 


Gun calibers are specific along with battle locations, in this case Greece.  This is an impactite by the way. A metamorphic hard rock allowing the impalement to occur due to velocity like straws in trees after tornado. 

Panayotis Bardouniotis

February 25 at 6:11 AM  · 

Picked up this rock last summer in the bottom of sea with a german slug in it!


Coning flow overlap side by side. Narrow shock energy coning wave signatures. This harmonic was special a narrow side by side in development with coning fractals building the overall cone structure. It is meta coning with octave harmonics. The wave is powerful as you can see it is making this pattern in difficult material with multi mineral content. A beautiful specimen  collected by John Jones of Kimball Nebraska. 


The problem of thin plane insertion theory. Above is a bullet supersonic shock wave. High speeds will distort the media it travels through. Shockwave Shadows in Ultra Slow Motion (Bullet Schlieren) - Smarter Every Day 203 - YouTube


The higher the speed the more it flattens out the disturbance effect in the material.  As you can see an impact producing 200 + MPa will have a flat effect through media. 

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Cosmic rays at the speed of light just conform around an obstructing force.  A relative linear in the system of energies.  This is similar to gravity warping. 


Shock agate - You are seeing two almost simultaneous formation events. First it was forming typically with the high shock resonance making a circular construct based on the concentration of resonance in the center of mass. Circle harmonics degrade into fractal tree harmonics then it concentrated into the circle again along the edge. The color banding is a phenomena of high energy mineral separation. Next a point energy hit it making the offset and causing a banding shock imprint in the lower section. These type energies are from the electrical generation effect from the impact particle storm but in explosion chaos this could also be a focused shock. Beautiful specimen.

Agate Collectors Worldwide  · 

Josh Grigg  · July 16 at 5:27 PM 


Thin plane blast insertion impactite - Welded together while very hot like above fused. The white stripe is another thin plane insertion. Large earth impact explosions are progressive events and can have hypervelocity ejecta besides making a plasma environment due to the shock pressure in hundreds of Giga Pascals (GPa). Why not a welded lander? The material is the same. Why is it not of uniform shape? A lost material irregular. This specimen is part of the impact chaos, not a melt sphere or nodule. A mixture of the impacted strata and the shock melt along with the nano iron from the impacting bolide. 


Stan Flack  · Aug. 7, 2022

Friend of mine found this in Alaska? Any idea what it might be? A fossil FB site im on thought maybe Coprolite (Dino poop) or is it some kind of rock formation. TIA.

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Here we have a rhythmic insert pattern indicating the wavelength of the shock insert. The dark matrix is likely Fe3O4 black iron oxide with Silica. Why did it split? A laser thin cut with no insert. When it happened it was still plasma as it healed and you can also see continued crossing of this break. All this happened in micro seconds. 


Fossil raiders of Alabama

Brian McCormick  · 9h  · 

My daughter and I found this interesting rock today while out exploring a creek. Anybody have any idea what would cause this? Second photo shows a few more from our trip today!

Earth impact specimens (Impactites). The large specimen is a high energy cross shock form. It is a high metamorphic the surface shows the energy as the core is a crypto crystalline melted construction as energy this high tends to concentrate in the center of mass. Cross striation is a close in phenomena of the shock chaos as the explosion is not uniform.


Rock Collectors

Ross Hendricks  · Aug. 14, 2022

Northern MN.

Old earth impact, you can tell by how weathered the surfaces are. Highly pulverized iron and cobalt which are common to the big earth impact period (Ordovician through Devonian). The crossing lines are a type of spray created by so high an energy. They cross because this was close enough to record the shock explosion chaos.


Impact sphere with offset thin plane insertion, very rare. I need to add your specimen to my encyclopedia of phenomena as it is the only example of its type. I do have mega clast with this phenomena excavated next door as I live in a large crater.

Missouri’s Rocks, Minerals, fossils, & Artifact Finds

Jonathan Fry  Oct. 8, 2022

Found today in Chariton county. Could you please help me identify what this could be?


Iron thin plane insertion high charge fractal mosaic shock made mega clast , oblate nodule. Large earth impacts shoot these former limestone strata nodules outward as ejecta blobs. The impact also has pulverized the iron from the bolide which is turbulent in a shock chaos storm. These particles become energized electrically like a volcano plume causing lighting. Iron particles as lightning will imprint as deposition.

Scot Mattox  · Oct. 13, 2022  · 

Feels very heavy for size, over 100lbs, unique cracks, looks almost egg like. What is it? Found near Buffalo River in Arkansas.


Supersonic, fluidized liquid/liquid impact projectile. Randy Fullbright 45x magnification. An impactite can be projected at speeds up to Mach 150. Large earth impact is an altered physical reality of materials made liquid by the massive energy passing through. You get to see a picture of that because this energy can dissipate quickly and cool rapidly as in this Coyamito agate. 


Now here is another supersonic insert impalement. The shock particles are very small indicating a high energy impact that produced them. They do crystallize in the more geometric forms. Escape tube in a Baker agate from New Mexico, the actual size of the structure is a bit over 3mm.

Impact nodule type 2 with spin thin plane insertions. A mixture of the iron and silica in the blast crater ejected outward while receiving hypervelocity thin plasma blast insertions while spinning. The coating blast are not thin plane type just melted material hitting it at fractional second intervals. The geology of Western New York State is impact excavated down to the Ordovician a large crater that is partially covered by Lake Ontario. At magnification you can see the particles in a "rejection pattern" state. This is a contrast to the environment when formed, a high pressure.  This specimen was formed by the Rochester Crater of Western New York state that is an earthquake hub where the impact crustal stress is still resolving. 

Bryon Ullman  · 

  · Dec. 5, 2022

Found in western ny. Any ideas?


Lee Isham

Ptygmatic fold versus Von Karman Vortices - The snake form is characteristic of the Ptygmatic however a Von Karman form will make wave type progressions. You can see in this specimen a Yen/Yang stop form. The magnification of the matrix shows a shock particle storm structure, and the specimen is highly metamorphic. The whole specimen was liquid at orogeny. It is an impact nodule. The figure and the matrix share common minerals, not a total isolation of the figure, which is also a property of a shock particle storm. Katie Kahill specimen. Dec. 7, 2022


An irregular lobate Ptygmatic fold also an impactite but without any vortices. 


The Von Karman wave fractal progression. 


Lee Isham

Dec. 10, 2022

Impactite, Splatterform, Thin Plane Insertion, Shock Lines, Bricking, Iron/Silica. So let's start the forensics. First you want to save the pictures you are examining and magnify them on a big screen 4k monitor. In this detail you can see the fractal breakup of the thin lines. This is an energy effect. Is similar to lightning but a high energy material flow found in impactites. It is not a creeping deposit into cracks as is taught. These inserts are conductors, contrary to the creeping into cracks they can crack the matrix with their energy which you will see in specimens from time to time. Next the same conductive material connects as a splatter with these energy inserts. Cross inserts is a phenomenon of high energy. It will brick making a parallel energy insertion at right angles. It is too high to be contained in a single dimension. This impactite is from a large earth impact as a small one could not produce this much energy.

Omar Obaid


Can you help me Identifying this rock type.. heavy like 2 kg handful size , fair magnetic effect , that golden colour is brown in reality I think its Iron oxide.

Impact cinder. The veins are thin plane insertions. Impact is a progressive event so in the initial form it received the thin jets of quartz, likely at hypervelocity. Rare.

Arkansas Rocks and Minerals

Scott Joslin  ·   April 17, 2023· 

Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone can tell me about this? Seems to have a vein of quartz sandwiched between, and Its not magnetic.

Thin Plane Insertion, shredded matter ejected at hypervelocity  from the impact. April 29, 2023

Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area, Kane County

Photographer: Trevor Schlossnagle

Sparta, TN Impact Crater, Part 7: Banded Thin Plane Deposition/Coating. While I have found this phenomena on impactite specimens here in the Howell Crater, the banding is new. Micro thin and so well applied it does not chip off separately. The matrix is impact compressed formerly limestone impact ash a calcium bentonite. HW 84 south Putnam County, TN quarry, Dug Hill area. These thin plane coatings will be the cleavage plane as they are a dissimilar bonding and separate orogeny event construction. The banding is a wave form harmonic present at high energy depositing. June 19, 2023. 
May I use this picture? High velocity viscous merger, thin plane insertion from impact. The rubble was in a high heat state and mosaic cracking. The impact progression blows these jets of melted matter streams out at hypersonic speeds. Aug. 6, 2023. 
This was a very large impact.  The physics of crack conformity. Notice how the banding is falling into the cracks or melting into them. A smaller crack a smaller conformity. As any slow sedimentary process you have to explain the crack that the insert layer went into which is not evident as there are many cracks which do not have the insert band. Then you have to explain how the sedimentary banding was overturned yet all still in a line as these are broken boulders. The odd of that are nil. Less than winning the billion dollars in the lottery. Without a viable mechanism you have no theory. Impact explains this with one uniform mechanism. This has never been observed in thousands of years of volcanic activity. How would tectonics do this?


Philip Mansfield  ·   · 

Does anyone know how these rock formations were formed and what they are called?

Photo taken at Tueneset, Álesund in Norway

This is called thin plane insertion, notice how it offset the sphere. It is from an earth impact. Dec. 30, 2023. 
Vladimir Volkov  ·   · 

Agate. Mulina Mountain. Transbaikalia. Russia

"knight in armor"

Thin plane insertion cutting wave of impact sphere. Jan. 21, 2024. Ten Sleep, WY. Bill Fuchs photo. 
Expansion shift physics - Notice the lower sphere has expanded outward on both sides. To line up the upper sphere it would have to become smaller. This specimen was plastic when formed and the lateral thin plane insertion ripped right through it but made the lower half widden. A rare physical specimen. Feb. 17, 2024. 

Deborah Hoy

Another stone I found on the beach. Interesting this one, must of been some shifting in the rock at some point. Reminds me of a mismatched puzzle  Both sides pictured.

Thin plane insertion. Impactite. Jets of particles or plasma jets are emitted from the impact blast explosion. You do not often see a termination of multiple jets. Is rare.  March 24, 2024. 
Mark Ingle  ·   · 

These marks are strange. Any Ideas? Oklahoma

It actually is a lightning type. Thin plane insertion from an impact only highly charged insert and matrix. The iron in the host rock is charged and the silica a simi conductor is also. March 30, 2024. 
Don Howard  ·   · 

While my brother was out kayaking at Glacier Bay in Alaska he found this rock on a beach. The two Zs on opposite sides of the rock are interesting.

Thin plane up splash. April 23, 2024. 

Geo Facts Hub  ·   · 

Parallel fins: Edmaiers Secret, Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area, Utah Discover the mesmerizing rock formations of this desert wonderland! #UtahAdventures #PariaCanyon #DesertLandscapes

Impact geometric axis with iron flow in 3 quadrants. While the crossing grid is impact wavelength iron thin plane insertion the unoccupied quadrant is force directional with a higher resolving force pushing which is a local summation force. May 20, 2024. Cullman, AL strata along the 8 mile creek sandstone and iron. Cullman AL Crater. 
Besides the major shock made lines this stratum has sub linear much finer lines. This level of detail gives a look into the major and minor levels that make up what we see with these lines in stratum. May 20, 2024. Cullman, AL 8 mile creek stratum along creek. 
Impactite, mineral jet feature likely interrupted. Surface is the iron mist plasma big earth impacts make. The matrix is called "Constellationing." It is the pulverized particles pressed back together by the extreme pressures. Just above the square left side section and to the left you can see Constellationing feature, the collection of round in round. That is called an impact geometric. In the matrix you can also see little black dots. These are tiny impact sphere particles likely iron from the meteor/bolide. The color aqua is often an aluminum compound. Very rare specimen. May 29, 2024. 
Jason-Whitney Long

Can anyone explain the marks and color found in this sandstone/limestone rock

Impact strata. First of all the ledge is a false strata made by the shock wave imprinting horizontal. This also produces the impact bricking you see a type 2 with excess energy making the vertical joints. The most interesting feature is the thin plane insertion shift done while in a simi liquid state, also lateral. Just for statistical inference you can count the number of triangular features in this strata and they are many. The triangle is also a shock made feature as they are just too many for random statistics. June 27, 2024. 

Zulfiqar Ali

I have come across at my hometown mountain to see various rocks , ist one to identify for me please .

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