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Utah, USA Craters - Is there anywhere that does not have craters? I don't know. I follow the forensic evidence and that includes large area impacts that can blast a signature over multi state or country areas. Take a look at this specimen from Southern Utah. 


Specimen above is from Southern Utah. It was collected by Andera Steffany Johnson. Hypervelocity thin plane offset phenomena. Very thin, very fast. 


Impact minerals - The impact blast refines minerals and can send them at high velocities into the crater walls or in the central uplift. Just because you are finding them inside a mountain (crater wall) it does not mean they came up out of the earth's interior. Also strata is not what it seems. Impact greatly changes strata. For that matter the earth being formed by impact accretion means a large earth forming impact could make a mountain looking strata as a projection of part of it's crater. 


Now, a new study reveals that the moqui marbles are no more than 25 million years old — a sharp contrast to the 190-million-year-old Navajo Sandstone. Marbles scattered on sandstone slopes in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument are only 2 million to 5 million years old. And on Arizona's Paria Plateau, the marbles' iron oxide rind is as young as 300,000 years old, researchers report in the September 2014 issue of the Geological Society of America Bulletin. This means they were produced by different impacts. 

Moqui (pronounced "Mo-Key") Marbles consist of a sandstone center covered by a shell of hematite, an iron ore. They can be as small as an toy marble, or as large as eight inches in diameter. The majority of Moqui Marbles come from Utah’s Navajo Sandstone Formation (now part of Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument), and in Zion National Park.


Shock resonant harmonic separation - The impact meteor bolide contained iron. It hit sand. This sent a shock particle storm into the blast area where the plasma like matter condensed like hailstones. The shock wave contains frequencies which harmonically separate by resonance the matter by density. 

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The Trinity Atomic Weapon Test also made these spheres. They are called Impact Spheroids. Is even small Impact Spheroids in the ash layer around the world form the Chicxulub Impact. 


Impact Blast Chaos - The meteor contained iron which is blasted out in a melt state and often not a uniform sphere. 

You can see my encyclopedia of Impact Spheroids at:


Meteor blast minerals do not have to be round. The can be ribbon like as imbedded in a wall like other minerals blasted out into crater walls or surrounding hills or mountains. You can even have crater mineral overlap from side by side impacts. 


Aerial photo of Paria Wilderness in Utah, USA.

Some 190 million years ago, at the turn of the Triassic and Jurassic periods, the Paria Wilderness was a sandy desert devoid of vegetation, very similar to the Sahara today. Vast dunes accumulated and turned into stone over the course of the earth’s history. The weathering today has laid open their inner structure and crossbedding.

The above is the kind of stuff you read in geology. So first let me introduce "energy stratigraphy." The lowest level of energy strata is gravity accumulation and compounding. Well that is clearly not what we have here. We have a frozen moment i.e. shock made instant rock. 

Fractal Coning not crossbedding. The idea that somehow a tectonic force pushes up a pressure made strata with crush features is the idea of crossbedding. Fractals are a fast formed energy signature as is coning structures. This shifting harmonic is striated a particular level of energy like striated shattercones. The cross hatching is another harmonic caught in a freeze frame, it came after the fractal coning a progressive event that would not have a tectonic squeeze explanation. As impact is a shock chaos explosion and landscapes and bolides are not usually uniform you have a progressive shock event. This location has a pulverized mineral content indicating that the bolide was blast reduced and mixed into the surface crater build. The carbon living material was pressure reduced into oil which was found in the crater wall. Also an instant process. (From USGS Mineral Resources of the Paria-Hackberry Wilderness Study Area, Kane County, Utah By HENRY BELL III, ALFRED L BUSH, ROBERT L TURNER, and JOHN W. CADY U.S. Geological Survey S. DON BROWN, BRIAN J. HANNIGAN, and JOHN R. THOMPSON U.S. Bureau of Mines) 


Up splash fractal coning - This is a large earth impact shatter cone structure. The fractal forms build to a coning as the two harmonics are related like music notes making a cord. 

Whatawonderfulworld - Photography

Sept. 14, 2022

" Factory Butte in Central Utah / U.S. "


Factory Butte in Utah is an alien formation in the middle of the remote desert that looks like another planet. The eerie and desolate landscape creates an otherworldly vibe, and it isn't hard to imagine you landed there on a spaceship.

(by Artist Matt Galland)


Rare type impactite from the Central Utah "Big Blast" Crater. This specimen could pass for a meteorite if not for the resonant inclusion which can only come from a big impact. Fractal tube melt flow and rivulet melt into crevasses. Also on top you can see the whiter milky quartz inclusions. This is another type of resonant separation. A silica iron type 2 impactite. 

Hailey Hedger of Spanish Fork, Utah, Dec. 6, 2022.


Westwater canyon Utah and the great unconformities. Is the central Utah impact responsible for removing a billion years of strata as far out as Westwater canyon? A likely suspect, it is an old big crater and this picture looks like an edge effect of a big impact. Photo by Adam Hiscock. 


Of the many unconformities (gaps) observed in geological strata, the term Great Unconformity is frequently applied to either the unconformity observed by James Hutton in 1787 at Siccar Point in Scotland,[1][failed verification] or that observed by John Wesley Powell in the Grand Canyon in 1869.[2] Both instances are exceptional examples of where the contacts between sedimentary strata and either sedimentary or crystalline strata of greatly different ages, origins, and structure represent periods of geologic time sufficiently long to raise great mountains and then erode them away.

Basically those guys were clueless although they should not have been since they could study ballistics and cannon impacts. Local unconformities are smaller impacts but the multi state type are big and of course early. 


So what is going on here? The big impact which caused the lowest unconformity is also a type 2 subduction crater and pushed up the Rocky Mountains. Smaller one would cause a multi state unconformity.  Same thing on the east coast a large New Madrid fault centered very large impact unconformity pushing up the lower Smoky Mt and the smaller Howell, TN unconformity later. 

Magnetic & Gravity map of Utah. You can even see the smaller impacts which I did not circle. 
Eugene Shoemaker considered Upheaval Dome to be the best preserved impact crater on the Earth. 

BiBi Lovely

Moab, Utah

Plasma burn holes. Feb. 18, 2024. 

Plasma hole burns with melt sagging. Feb. 18, 2024

Utah Geological Survey


What are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks and their associated rock types? A rock is a rock, right? Not to geologists. In this Glad You Asked article, we explore these three rock types and where you can find them in Utah.


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Frozen Explosion, Southern Utah. Shane Tapp photo (edited). How much like the Hubble/Webb images of the universe an impactite is. Both are frozen pictures of an explosion. Feb. 18, 2024. 

Impactite expansion and bubble tube flow. Corey Lindner photo. Feb. 18, 2024. 

Crater wall feature, SE Utah Crater. June 4, 2024. 
Mike Girsback

Aerial View of Porcupine Rim, Castle Valley and La Sal Mountains, Utah

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The Canyonlands Crater of SE Utah. While you can see some of my earlier attempts at crater mapping Utah, this is a more mature effort after many years of this work and experience. I started dating the updates a year or so ago. Here you can see the upheaval of the Cambrian strata shown in red making the crater outline. It indicates that the impacting meteor/bolide came from the NW. June 4, 2024. 

Living in TN and Alabama, I have green craters. I often will come up over a rize to see a curved wall in the distance i.e. a crater wall but it will be green. In Utah you have the Moon/Mars look to craters. If the wall is curing towards  you it means yo are inside the crater. The arcs provide some idea of crater size. You can see a circular feature in the foreground. Is this the crater center? June 4, 2024. 

Utah's Canyon Country

April 26  · 

Looking for solitude? Check out Needles Overlook in the Canyon Rims Recreation Area for a unique, crowd-free view of Canyonlands National Park. Visit our website for more information.

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